HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-05-27, Page 7KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION FOR McKILLOP 'AND WALTON TUESDAY, JUNE -IST FROM 1 TO 3:30 P.M. T WALTON PUBLIC SCHOOL MRS. TOLL,PRINCI PAL 1 - 8 5 - 1 mAy ;7, 101 THE-HURON .EXF Imes, Just Results,'. Try No Pro - 1. Coining Events 21. ifenilvrs Wanted DRAIN TENDERS 22, Legpl Noticis 19. -Notices 1. Coining Events 24, Cards of man 11 Articles For Sale CLEARANCE OF TV'S 19. Notices In 144 to thank Dr. Ariall* and Dr, RrsdY, Aqrs9s. and staffi friends and St. C011110an for their kintln90 while alpgreilt in Seaforth paspitg,.special thanks to neighbours a.titi friends for all they did for us. It •was greatly appreciated, - Mr, and Mrs. Mat Claessens. 24e554 WE wish to thank all wh9w6ricoct so hard to save our barn on; Friday evening. Seafortli and Blyth nre Brigade, friends and neighbours, to all the ladies who broughtfood .and helped so mach. Thanks again. - Harry and . Marie Johnston. 24-85-1 CAMPER trailers for rent. Reasonable rates. Contact Hopper Mechanical Services. 5V-1859. 19-85-tf NOTICE' TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH COUNCIL MEETING The ' regular Tilekersmith COUNCIL MEETING for the month of June will be held on JUNE 8, 1971, commencing at 8:00 P.M. in the Huron Centennial School, Brucefield. NOTICE GREY, MCK I LLOP MORR I S' WASTE DISPOSAL SITE AT WALTON Commencing June 2nd, 19'71., the Walton Waste Disposal site will be open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. during the summer months. Edythe M. Cardiff, Clerk,Township of Grey. 19-84-2 WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS'LTD. Phone 527-1720 — Seaforth. 19-774f Zenith black and white TV Only $289,00 Zenith 25" color TV To Clear $639.00 Zenith Stereo. -Special $399.00 , TOWNSHIP. OF EAST- WAWANOSH SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived by the undersigned until 6:00 p.m. 134elock, the 8th day of June, 1971, for the construct- ion of each of the following drains: FARMERS! Are you considering erecting Farm Buildings THIS. YEAR SEAFORTH ELECTRONICS Phone 527-1150 Seaforth. 11-85-2 USED Admiral colored TV special $379. Box Furniture 527-0680 Seaforth. 11-84-2 JAM ?,S I. McINTOSH Clerk - Treasurer 22185-1 "REPAIR AND IMPROVEMENT TO THE CALDWELL BRANCH OF THE HALLAHAN-CALDWELL MUNICIPAL DRAIN" Contact us — We offer coin- Note farm, building service. 23. Business Directory SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J.. 0. Turnbull. D.V.M., V.S. S. J. Alkemade, B.V.Sc., D.V.M., M.R.C., V.S. - J. P. McNally, D.V.M., V.S. M. P. Haynes, D.V.M., B.V.Sc, Phone 527-1760 - Seaforth 23-77-4f Ball - Macaulay Ltd. ME family' of the late Sanuel M. Pethick wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to their relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness and floral tributes and messages of sympathy during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to the pallbearers flpwerbearers, Rev. Britton and R. IS. Box funeral home. It was all deeply appreciated. 24-85x1 10,600 L.F. of Open Drain (Ap- prox. 7600 Cu. Yds.) 12. Wanted to Buy Timber Wanted Immediate Paymeni for good standing timber and ..„bushes. Write Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, giving location and tele- phone number or phone 232- 4450 before 8 a.m, or after 6 p .rn COME one come all to South Hibbert Athletic Association Walk-A-Thon which will be held on Saturday, May 29th from 8:30 a.m., to ? from Cromarty ball park to Staffa to 23 Highway on to Mitchell to Dublin and back to 'Staffa ending at Cromarty. 1-84x2 "HUNTER DRAINAGE WORKS" 11 Articles For Sale Clinton Seaforth - Hensall 19-79-ff ADDING machine tapes for most standard adding machines available at The Huron Exposi- tor, 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-77xtf ONE female Dachshund, three months old, black with tan mark- ings. 527-0097 after 6. 11,,,s85-1 NEW Holland #67 baler , hay conveyor and, Stocker. Allan Searle,Walton 887-6779. 11-85x3 1968 Orbit 17 ft. travel trailer in excellent condition, sleeps six. Elmer Ellacott, Brussels, phone 887-6886. 11-85y1 20 L.F. of 15" C.M.P.; 1,180 L.P. of 14" Field Tile; 1,360 L.P. of 12" Field Tile; 1 Catch Basin. Contractor to supply all material. Township will advance price of tile when delivered. Certified cheque of 10% of bid price ,to accompany each tender. Tenders to state commencement and com- pletion date, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tender forms must be obtained and plans and specifications may be seen at. the Clerk's Office. HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR -Night and Day Calls — 527-0510 23-7741 R. S. BOX FUNERAL HOME' Prompt and Careful' Attention Phones: Day 527-0680 —Night 527.0885 23-774f SHOEING and 'trimming, all types of horses. Contact Ross Elliott, phone 527-0118. ,19-78-tf 12-774f BAKE SALE: Saturday, May 29, at 2:00 p.rsr"in Toronto DorrOnion Bank. Sponsored by Seaforth Junior Farmers. 1-85-1 26. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Cudmore wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Beverly Jean to Mr.,James Broadfoot, son 'of Mr. and Mrs. John Broadfoot, Brucefield. The wedding will take place at St. Church,Clinten on June 26, A971 at 3 P.M. 26-85x1 Mr. and Mrs. Seldon Ross, Brucefield, wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their youngest daughter, Dorothy Irene to James Clyde Boughen, son of Mr. and Mrs—James Boughen, Stirling, Ontario. The wedding, to take place in Kippen United Church on June 26,1971. 26-85x1 WANTED - 9-piece dining room suite in excellent condition. Phone 52'7-0292 after six. 12-84x3 24 HOUR . APPROVALS 2nd and 3rd Mortgages Arnanged in the Ccinvenience • Of Your Home Low cost. You can call toll p.m. today for •helpful, courteous ser- vice. Prompt Investment Corp. Ltd., 330 Bay...Street Taranto. Call collect, 366-9586, Eves. 231-8146 . 19-84-.7 TWO single beds or bunk beds in good-condition, 482-9206. 12-85-1 ONTARIO'S largest Spring Fair; The Clinton Spring Fair, Community Park. FRIDAY evening, June 4, also the Queen of the Fair Contest in arena. PUREBRED Eskimo Spitz dog SATURDAY, „June 5, 1:00 p, rn, and three white Samoya pups. parade with three bands; baby Lyle Haney, 527-0938 Seaforth.' show; fudging of all livestock, 11-85x1 poultry, rabbits, pets. TWO wheeled fold up camper, 12 SATURDAY, '7:00 p,m., big horse foot. John Henderson, 482-7450 show. Special attraction this -Brucefield. 11-85-1 year, Rob Walker of Creemore, Ontario, with his Border Collie "TORO" Garden Tractor with dogs, driving sheep and ducks. 42" mower. $985.00, new. Will Robert M. Gibbings, Sec.-Treas., sell for $575.00 . Used very 1-85-1 little. Will take power hand ___R R. 1, Clinton, mower on trade. 262-5269. 11-85x1 WOOD for sale, hardwood slabs,, $4.00 per cord, soft wood $3.00' per cord, delivered to your yard in six or seven cord loads. Craig's Sawmill, Auburn.phone 526-7220. 11-84-3 TRAVEL-On Sales and Rentals, Agents for Surikamper and.VVoods. HOLSTEIN heifer, dark in colour, • Folding hardtop trailers, truck approximately 500-600 lbs., mounts and accessories. Book strayed from concession 5, lot now for summer rentals. Gordon 24 McKillop.- Phone' 527-1586. Steepe , R.R.#2, Clinton. phone 2-85-3 482-3364. 11-82-8 CLINTON • Due to the decraaserin meat prices, we are unable to pay for any farm stock. We offer fast efficient, courteous- same - day service. 24-Hour Service-7 Days a Week Call Collect 482-9811 License #237-C-70. 19-7741 FURNITURE and household ef- fects, will buy singly or by the house full. 482-3120. 12-78-tf WINONA THOMPSON Township' Clerk, R.R.5, Wingham, Ont. Telephone: 357-3518. 21-84-2 13. Wanted G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W„ Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Plw'rre 5274390- CROCKERY, brass or fancy iion beds, pictures, rockers, old jew- ellery, old bottles, or sealers, old light fixtures, etc. Check with us before' you dump. 482- 7358. , 13-774 Township of H'ay 1971 SAND- CUSH ION I will not be held responsible for any debtecOntracted in my name after ' this .date. Samuel Jamieson.: 19-83x3 LAWRENCE'S Cleaning Service, Clinton, house cleaning and window cleaning. „ 482-7907. 19-84-2 TENDER0 'Seale ten 0/I.—clearly-marked— 14. Property for Sale' MAIN street, 2 storey brick apProx 49 x 52 feet. Immediate possession. Apply, Marian Vincent, chairman, Scout ASSoc- lation, Seaforth. 14-85-3 xth- Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth- 527-0240. 23474 Mr. and Mrs. Wesley H. Roe, 2. Lost, Strayed will be received by the under- signed, until Tuesday, CUSTOM spraying of grain, pa- toran for beans and atrizine. Con- tact Joe Roach or Jack Feeney. Phone 345-2318. 19-84-3 West William Street, Seaforth, JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST By Appointment Seaforth Office ' TueS., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. Thursday Evenings Mon., Wed. — Clinton Office For Appointment Phone 527-1240 — or 482-7010 23-774 Auctioneer FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTeaD R. G. GETHKE Phcne 347-2465, Monkton 23-77:tf announce the engagement of their daughter, Lenora Dianne to John Stanley Clements, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter S.Clements, R.R. No. 7, Chatham, The marriage will take place on June 26 at 3 P.M. at .the Clements' residence. 26-15x1 HEREFORD yearling . Anyone seeing it please phone 262-5273. 2-85-1 JUNE 8TH, 1971 at 12 Noon daylight saving tine for the supply and hauling, of , approximately moo& et.:-.yds of sand cushion and supply and application ,of water needed.• Price for water to be at a rate per thousand gallons. Township specifications 'and tender forms must be used. and may be ob- tained from the undersigned. Tender to state whed contract can be started. 'Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. ,Marked cheque for 5% of, tender to accompany bid.' WAYNE HORNER, Clerk-Treasurer . , Box 99, Zurich,Ortt. 21-85-i DEEP STEAM FOUND on Main Street, Seaforth pair sun glasses.„ Mrs. D. Sills, 527-1047 after 6 ,p.m 2-85-1 20. Auction Sales ANOTHER FIRST! Aluminum-sided three-bedroom house one block from the business section of Seaforth. -It's a real honey and should be 'investigated by anyone wanting a low-cost home with all the modern con- veniences. CLEANING • CLEARING AUCTION SALE FREE ESTIMATE carpets — Upholstery WILLIAM PINDER Seaforth,, Phone 527-1851 19-83-4 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar- antee all ,work. Write or call Harvey Dale. Seaforth. Phone Clinton 482-3320. . 19-77-tf PICTURE framing, 110 samples, cameras, projectors, etc., brand es, below discount, phone r price quote. Up to half p. ice film processing. Jervis Studio, Clinton Phone 482-7006. 19-784f 27. Births Of property and antiques at 358 James Street, Clinton on MALONEY - To Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Maloney, Stratford,' (int., at Stratford General Hospital, on May 20, 1971, a son. 27-85x1 4. Help Wanted 4. Help Wanted SATURDAY, MAY 29th • at 1:00 P.M. Ask about new 'homes, older homes, farM, businesses,- etc. REQUIRED 11. 'PARTS MANAGE.R SOME EXPERIENCE .PREFERRED A T SEA.FORTH 11,0 TORS '4-85-2 • PROPERTY ,- Large lot, two storeLcement block house. Two bedrooms- . and „tall on second floor, three rooms and bath on main floor. Half basement. single car garage and workshop. ANTIQUES - Cherry- oval extension la.bfe;- SoOk and large secretary; Pine primitive chairs;- Corner cupboard and 4 blanket boxes; Writing desk; 3 phonographs; sofa; rocking chairs; arm chairs, fern stands; trunks; •odd tables and Chairs; bar chair; cupboard, 4 beds (one spool bed); 2 dressers and chest of drawers;- Singer sewing machine and cabinet; piano bench; small oval table; Sky Ranger 15" Tv; 2 washing machines; rollaway bed; Crona oil stove; New Haven Bee Hive clock; Seth Thomas clock; 2 mantle and 2 kitchen clocks; 2 fan back chairs;,,6 oil lamps; pictures and frames; art glass; Canadian.glass; Ornaments; Sou- venirs; 3 seta of dishes - Moss , Rose, Clover Leaf and Daisy; wood buckets and barrels; books; scrapbooks; crocks and sealers and many more small antique articles, GARDEN AND HAND 'TOOLS - Lawn mower; Roto tiller; wheel barrow and wood lathe. NOTE - This is an outstanding sale of antiques dating back to the 1800's through many generat- ions of the Diehl family. TERMS --CASH No reserve on household effects. PROPERTY - 10% down day of sale, balance in 30 days. Reserve on property. BERTHA DIEHL Proprietress BRUCE RATHWELL Auctioneer. . 482-3120. 20-85-1 Use Expositor Want - Ads WILLIAM M.. HART Salesman - Seaforth GEORGE R. JOHNSTON REAL 'ESTATE LTD. West Lorne 14-85-1 PERCY WRIGHT Licensed AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ontario Telephone 262-5515, Hensall '23-784f 22. Legal Notices THREE -bedroom cottage on George Street. Apply to Box 2001, Huron Expositor. 14=85x2 TOWNSHIP OF TUC KE FLSM (TH 1971 TAX LEVY The tax bills for 1971 have all been mailed. The first in- stallment is due, on or before JUNE 15. The second instal- lment is due on or, before DECEMBER 15, 1971. • 1 JAMES I. McINTOSH Clerk-Treasurer 22-85-1 STAFFA 15. Property for Rent NEWLY decorated 3 bedroom house, reasonable rent, 15-84-ti Phone 345-2964. Correspondent Mrs. John Templeman Refinish, Your Brick Home by Bruce Rathwell WANTED a high school girl to' help ' in a restaurant for a the summer months. Phone Mary McNairn 527-0428. 4-85-2 11. Articles for Sale Sand Blasting and Silicone finishing if neces- sary. STEELWORK ARNOLD STOTHERS. RR q, Goderieh, Phone 529-7403 19-784! WE SELL 'AND'SERVICE ACCUTRON BULOVA CARAVELLE WATCHES -ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Seaforth 527-1720 19-774f CAR Care! For a "complete wash and wax job, phone 527-9016 or 527-1440 (evenings). 19-764f GESTETNER ink available at The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth. SI-7714f GOLDEN Falcon, Citation,- tiavel trailers; Baron Hardtop and soft top tent trailers; Hitches; Woods tents; Camping needs. Rentals, SALES, Service. Camp- Out, Huron St. W.,Stratford, 393- 5938. 11-82-13 SINGER 'treadle sewing machine in excellent condition $15.00. • Automatic record player. 527- 1587. 11-82-3 COPIES Copies of your important pa- pers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25c° each. - The Huron Expositor • 11-77xtf HIGH moisture corn, treated with ChemsiOr. Apply toRussell Miller, Staffa. Phone 345-4027. 11:82-a ' Mr. and Mrs. Bruce PapPle and children, London visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. John Drake 'and Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Lee TaV.or vis- ited 'qn Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Finlayson and Mike. Mrs. Gilbert Duncan, Exeter and Mr.' and Mrs. Pat Weir, Timmins visited Saturday with Mr. „and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Templeinan and family. ' Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Eaton, Kim, Elizabeth, Richard and And- rew, Orillia and Mrs. Eaton, Sr., Acton spent the holiday week- end at their home, in theN-ratn-,„, munity. Mrs. Glen Elliott and baby daughter returned home from Seaforth Community Hospital. MiSs Bonnie Miller, Hamilton spent t he weekeed with her family, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Miller and Paul. Mr, Ross McNicol, Hensall visited recently, with Mr.and Mrs. . Bob Norris and family. Miss J09.999 Worden ' Ottawa visited over the weekend with her father, Mr. Alvin Worden. Andrew and Janice ViVian visited over the weekend with . their uncle and Mint, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson and Ricki,Goder- ich. Alec' Scott, Rob Templeman, Dick Reaney and Dennis Seebach spent the weekend with Rick Geis- ler, North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCau- ghey and family, Arthur visited bver the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCaughey and fantail% fly. , Mr. and Mrs. Jim Norris and family, Brampton visited Satur- day with Mr. and Mrs.' Bob Norris. and family. Mrs. Sam Norris returned to her home with them 'after spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Ethel Lyall and family, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. ,Robert McCaughey were in Ridgetown Friday attending the graduation of their son Hugh, from the Agricultural Production and Management Course at RidgetOwn College of Agricultural Technol- ogy. • Visiting with Mi. and Mrs. George Vivian and family on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Carter Kerslake and Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Jim ',Thompson and Ricki,Goder- i"ch,'qhe occassion being Craig's birthday. • Mr. Lloyd Cameron , Brian Miller,. Keith BlIt$011 ad Iiavid Templeman attended a scouts Camporee ..at Shakespeare over the weekend. LICENSED AUCTIONEER Farm and Household Sales Church and Charity Auctions Sold Free. Phone. Clinton 482-3120 RR 1, Brucefield • 23-774 FURNISHED apartment in Learn , aparttnents, Main Street, Seaforth. One bedroom, kitchen, livingroom' and bathroom. Avail- . able June 1, Phone 527-0810. 15-85-tf HELP Wanted. Man or high school student for general farm work. Apply to Dennis Ducharrne, 887- 6749 Brussels. , 4-85-1 - NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JESSIE' MARGARET CUTHILL ALL persons having, claims against the Estate of JESSIE MARGARET CUTHILL, late of the • Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Retired House- keeper, deceased, who died on the 28th day of April, 1971, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of June, 1971, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. WANTED 24. Cards of Thanks 19. Notices, SUPERVISOR required for Walton Branch Library. - 6 hours weekly. Commence July 1st. Apply in writing to Miss E. Dewar, Librarian, Huron County Public Library, Court House, Goderich, Ontario, 4-85-1 WE wish to express our sincere thanks to'our friends, neighbours and relatives for the many. ways_ they have helped us since the loss of our home. Your kindness will never be forgotten. - Audrey and .Fred 7M alone and family. • 24-85x1 MANY thanks to Dr. Moyo who put 'me on my feet again when in hospital recently,. also all the nurses and others, who looked after me while there. Thanks to all who visited and sent cards and gifts. Special "Thank Yon" to Mrs. Les Pepper. for the lovely rfpnus. - ,Molty Waddell. 24-85x1 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer. ,Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St., Goderich, phone 524- 6514. " 19-774f ANY trees to cut? William Albert Phone 345-2583. 19-81-tf BICK'S CUCUMBER CONTRACTS NOW AVAILABLE at EXPERIENCED typist required in Seaforth office three hours, -each Tuesday evening. Write Box 1999, Huron Expositor. WANTED 5. Bus. Opportunities GET MORE OUT OF LIFE! .More money, more friends, more- fun. Call now and learn about being an Avon Representative. Mrs. M. Millson, .17 Hawkesbury Ave. LONDON 32, 451-0541 5-84-2 8. "Farm Stock for Sale THIRTY-THREE chunks for sale and one bull Calf-. about 3 weeks old. Donald Kelly, Lot 11, Con 4. 8-85-1 PUREBRED Hereford bulls, serviceable age, George Love,, 'Walton. Phone 527-0637. 8-85x1 NINE grade steers, 670 pounds. Phone 345.02439. 8-85-1 TEN chunks-,, 10 weeks old for• sale. Apply to Don Jewitt, Phone 482-7103. . 8-85-1 FRE SB' Jersey cow registered 482-7287, , 8-85-2 1 APPROXIMATELY 12 cubic foot Leonard refrigerator in good condition. 527-0821. 11-83-3 VISCOUNT portable dishwasher in good condition. 345-2667 after 6 P.M. ' 11-83x3 USED 20 cu ft. Gilson freezer. Box Furniture, 527-0680 Seaforth. 11-84-i 200 AMP Linc..ln portable welder in good shape. Phone 235-1655. 11-84x2 'Dead and Disabled Cattle, and Horses, Highest Prevailing Prices Paid for horses on the hoof. 24 Hours, Seven Days Weekly. Fast efficient service. CALL COLLECT BRUSSELS Dated at Seaforth, this '7th day of May, 1971. Mrs.. G. Kra mere THE arn of the late M rs. Pearl Armstrong wish to thank all the relatives, friends and neighbours for the wonderful thoughts and deeds which helped to lessen the,. burden of our sad loss. Special thanks to Drs. Underwood, Brady and Malkus , nurses and• staff at Seaforth Comm nifty Hospital and Dr. H. Cameron and -nurses of 4th floor, St: Joseph's Hospital, London. Special thanks to Rev. C. Britton for his com'erting messages, to Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Box and staff at the funeral home and Ladies Auxiliary to Branch 156. Your thoughtfullness was deeply appreciated and shall always be remembered. 24-85-1 McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario. • Solicitors for the Executrices 22-83-3 345-2643, DUBLIN '1 887-9334 - Brussels Pet Food Supplies Paul Kramers 527-0926, RR 4, SEAFORTH 19-85-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE USED used wringer washer, Box Furniture 527-0680 Seaforth. 11-84-2 USED, Admiral refrigerator. 527-0680 Seaforth. 11-84-2 Box Furniture. Complete CUSTOM KILLING 11/2 miles south of Brussels, Lic. No. 273-C-70 19-77-tf NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United. Co-Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm phone by Sat- urday night. For Friday fat cattle sale, phone by Wednesday night. , WILLIAM J. DALE Phone: Clinton 482-9892 19-774 OF FURNITURE, DISHE3, GLASSWARE, H JOS EH JL D EFFECTS AND TOOLS, INCLUDING SOW'. ANTIWJES AT 46 JAM ?S STREET IN T,FIE TOWN OF SEAFORTa DEKALB SEED CORN I have a limited amount of seed available in '75; 82 and 90 day maturity for cob corn and several varieties for • ensilage. Also a complete line of stray for grain, corn and beans. Don Buchanan, Londesboro, 482-3201. it-85x2 and processing, cattle, hogs and lambs. Killing every' SATURDAY, MAY 29 AT 1 P . M . WEDNESDAY JIM DARLING I wish to express my sincere appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for cards, flowers, gifts and visits while a patient in Seaforth Hospital. Special thanks to ,Father Laragh, Drs. Malkus, U ndetstood and Whitman and to the 'nurses who were so kird to me. All was much appreciated, - Mrs. Dan Burns. -24'-85-1 Nine piece diningroom suite; chesterfield and chair, walnut arm ,,hair; chair and footstool; three -niece bedroom suite; box spring and mattress; two lion beds, spritiga and mattresses; vanity, dresser and stool, night table; bedding of all kinds, quantity of linens, cedar chest; coffee4able; walnut gate-leg table (A-1) ; Cherry writing desk and chair (A-1); wicker arm chair; reclining chair; drop-leaf table; Boston rocker; cabinet raito; table, four chairs; six chairs; Clare Jewel gas range; Westinghoas four burner stove; General Electric stove; Westinghouse aefrigerator; utility cupboard, 9 x 12 Wilton rug; 6 1/2 x 12 Wilton rug; odd lamps; three hand painted pictures; small electric appliances; gar- den hose; Lawn-Boy rotary mower, lawn chairs; !awl roller; used lumaer, draperies; four shutters; washing machine; copper boiler, chest of antique carpenter tools including a cherry level; wheelbarrow. pots and pans; cutlery; dishes and glassware. including a set of fine' china and many other items toa numerous to Mention. TEPRrMo NOTE: This is a good clean offering of household effects. pliectottrsHor auctioneer not responsible for accidents. a-7 J. ROSS MURDIE , proprietor R, GETFIKT;', Aa ..ticaeer . 20-85-1 235-0420, Exeter 19-84-4 9. Poultry for Sale -KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-084'i Box 169 9.774f KELVINATOR Super twin spin washer. Used once. Still under warranty. 3.45-2006. .11,85-2 FORD harvester; corn head, pick up and knife: Good condition. 262-5504. 11-85x2 TAG-along trailer . Phone 527- 0834. 11-85x1 USED televisions ideal for cottages or homes. 527-1082 after 6 p.m. . 11-85x3 DRY shelled corn. Phone 345-' 2197. 11-85x3 ED. RUNTER-MJVAR Bus. 229-S945 Res. 235-1494 • THE family of Mrs. Antone Stem n wish to extend sincere appreciation and thanks to every- one in the many ways they helped during her illness and the kind e1pressions of sympathy during our recent bereavement. Thanks to Dr. Malkus and staff of Sea- forth Medical Clinic, nursing staff of Seafprth Hospital, Pastors Kappes and Patterson, also Lockhart Funeral Home. These kindnesses will always be remembered. 24-85-1 11. Articles for Sale CRUSHED gravel delivered or at the pit. John Thompson. 527- 0238. • 11-83-tf EAVESTROUGHING and light n.ing rods. New installations and repairs. Estimates without ob- ligation. Contact R. E. Ruttan, Wingham, phone 357-1077. 11.774f HITNTIM1R-MTVAR & SON -Wfir.RE FOLKS TIIRN To VOLKS" R.R. 6. ST. MARYS AT RANNOCH ONE white crib complete with mattress $10.06; one carriage converts to car bed and stroller like new $40.00. 482-3322 after 4 P.M. ' 11-85x1 BODY WORK 'AND PAINTING OUR SPECIALTY VOLKSWAGEN SERVICE AND SALES