HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-05-27, Page 5The students of Seaforth District High School held their annual elections for the executive of the students council last week.' The successful candidates were (left to right) Sharon Shea, secretary,- Betty MacGregor, vice president, Tom Devereaux, president, and Brenda Hodgert, ,secretary. The group takes office in September. (Staff Photo) : Hold-Anpual Electio n5 for Student Council ARNOLD STINNISSEN Life - Health and Accident Registered Retirement Pensions - J• Income Tax Deductible Registered Retirement Annuities ----Representing Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada TELEPHONE 527.0410 I17 GODERICH ST. EAST - SEAFORTII OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED NOW is the • time to FERTILIZE your pasture land • Pick-up BULK at Our Plant or We Will Spread it for 'You at Bagged Price. Pignuts' 527-1910 -' Seaforth CTORY CL OF ME SHORT SLEEVE SPO SHIRTS REGULAR 6.00 to 10.00 These are factory new sbirts.that, we picked asp of their original cost, because of the broken size ges. There are• actually some Shirts up to $16.00 in the grail% • but all are regular $6.00, OA*, $10.00. Sizes 6, M, L, IL EVERY SHIRT PERMA-PRESS. One Low Price .3.9$ Nirora..• NilusisoManarr BUY THESE SHIRTS NOW. FOR S DAY * SUNDAY, JUNE 20 OR LOAD UP YOUR OWN STOCK FOR SUMMER WEAR YOU'LL NEVER GET A BETTER BARGAIN JUST 22 LEFT FROM OUR BIG SUIT SALE REGULAR 75.00 to 110.00 1970 SUITS IN SINGLE AND DOUBLE-BREASTED STYLES THE STORE FOR MEN We've had a whale of a bale on these suits and there's just 22 left in the -following. 3'7 38 40 41 42 43 44 1 563 6 3 3 1 1 'Everyone of these are a real baragain in pure wool wand- .. ed stilts. One of a kind to" clear at Ph. 527-0240: Expositor Action Ads NOW $1.99 CHILDREN'S RUNNING SHOES Sim 4 to 3 $1.00 or $1.99 "WOW" WOMEN'S DRESS HEELS • •. Pry. OR 2 FOR 1.49 WOMEN'S OMPHIES ASSORTED STYLES • Reg, 14.98 NOW $5.99 to $7.99 Women's DRESS SHOES -Reg. to 14,98 Latest Styles REDUCED TO $5.99 Teenage Flats and Klunky Heels -- Latest Styles $3.99 $5,99 • $7.99 Hurfdreds of Top Quality Shoes are on Display and Sale Priced for our Annual Sale OUR POLICY - SHOES '11LUSGAGE SALE . DRESS SHOES AIRSTEI) WHITECIMSS WOMEN'S "Clean House" Once A YEAR", Men's CANADIAN MADE Running Shoes BOOT STYLE Black and Whits' Reg, to 5.98 CHILDREN'S SHOES ASSORTED STYLES COLORS . Rag. is S.98 SAVAGE - BONNIE STUART THERE 'ARE MORE GIANT SAVINGS ON MANY OTHER ITEMS COME IN AND BROWSE -- YOU'RE ALWAYS WELCOME I PHONE 5274)690 SEAFORTK ONT. Open Daily,• 8:30 a.m. to 6 pan.-Fridgys Open 8:30 to 9 p.m.-Open All Day Wed. TERMS CASH NO REFUNDS We Guarantee Customer Satisfaction All Sale Shoes Are Properly Fitted f 0% DISCOUNT ON ALL REGULAR STOCK NOT ADVERTISED Thurs., May 20 to Sat., May 29 ENGLISH DRESS SHOES Assorted Styles and Widths .„ - Regular to 18,98 NOW 10.99 WORKBOOTr N'S and- OXFORDS VARIETY OF SOLES Reg. to 19.98 $8.99 to $11.99 25% ON ALL n PURSES and McBRINE LUGGAGE $2 99 - $5.99 SLIPPERS KAUFMAN WASHABLE Wedges - $1.99 Children's 99c to 2.99 MEN'S - $2.99 FURTHER REIHTEIJ TQ $7.99 pa„ EXTRA HEAVY FISHING -SPECIAL $9.88 gli um••••• MEN'S HIP WADERS MEN'S "CASUALS FOAM SOLES Assorted Styles - $4.99 $7.99 MEN'S WASHABLE CANVAS CASUALS . Rag, to 7.98 NOW $2.99 BOYS' SHOES ASSORTED STYLES R411. to 11.98 $5.99 $6.99 Men's Dress Shoes Reg. to 19.98 • $6.99 to $10.99 Women's Comfort Shoes - TIES and SLIPONS 140.. 'to 15.93 NOW $10.99 CANVAS FOR Whole Family $1.79 to $5.99 pus town axpeirros, su.rojrni., oluirol4AY Seaforth Competes At District Bleat would they hold it? This problem was promptly solved when Cleave Coombs kindly offered the use of his lot. I, am sure that this gesture was deeply appreciated by the girls and that it would be hard to express their true thanks to Mr. Coombs. Then camp the problems ,of,chaperonos but Mr. Onn and Mrs. Andrew Whitesaved the day when they volunteered to .be.the girlS' faithful and lenient guides. Alf Ross also deserves Kunz, Pat Malone, Betty Mc- Gregor. An assembly was held on Wednesday and president, Bill McCurdy introduced the candid- ateg to the student body. Each of the presidential candidates gave their views on the respon- sibilities of the president. The election was carried out a round of applause as it was he who drove the bus to Ottawa. Apparently he enjoyed it as much as the girls and chaperones did and we were quite pleased to hear his compliments on the girls' good behaviour. ,We wauld like to express our sincere thanks on behalf of the girls to everyone who in any way contributed to this trip and made it a success. -Sylvia Sm!.th 10 A. Editor. on Thursday by secret ballots cast in the office from 9:00 to 2:30. Our new student's council ex- ecutive is: President: Tom Devereaux Vice President: Betty McGregor Secretary: Sharon Shea Treasurer: Brenda Hodgert. - Jo-Anne Maloney, 10A, On May 18 some of our track and field enthusiasts went tO Wingham to the annual Huron- Perth Track Meet. These people were the ones who managed to take ribbons at our own track meet on May 8. On the whole I think our school did very well. Walk-A-Thon To Bayfield Is Planned . On May 29, saturday,,.. the Student's Council is holding• a walk-a-thon to Hayfield. Pro- ceeds will go to this group from sponsors of those who will walk or perhaps ride a bicycle.Pledge cards are available for those interested from the. Principal's Office. Mach participation is. worthwhile and badly needed. To those studentS who don't wish to walk, as well as the general public, we urge you to sponsor theSe energetic young people as your support is necessary. - Barb Iszacovics 10A , Assistant Editor Girls taking ribbons were Joanne Kunz, Sandra Coleman and Gall Doig. Boys taking ribbons were Doug. McKay, Glen Dolmage and Rick MacDonald. We would like to Congratulate- these people on the4r efforts and wish our school the'best of luck for next year. - Sylvia Small 10A. Release Math Test Results The results of the Junior Math Contest, which was held in the early part of April, were an-: nounced by Mr. Miirdie at a recent meeting of the Junior Math Club. The top three plac-- ing from Six;IS were Bruce Knight 10B; Bruce .m3donald, 11A; Mary Van Dyke, 10A. Our congratulations go to these fine mathematicians! - Jo-Anne Maloney,10A REVIEW Prepared by students of Seaforth District High School who are solely responsible . fdi the editorial contents 'of this page. Sylvia Smith, Editor. Staff Advisor: Mr. A. Dobson. Grade Thirteen Students 'Take Bus Trip To Ottawa On May 6, some of our Grade 13 girls went on a trip to Ottawa. These girls worked hard for this privilege but they certainly could It have earned enough money to' pay 'for their expenses without som6. special' help from some very thoughtful people. The girls earned their money holdingl bake sale and car wash. It was at this time that their greatest problem arose. Where Nominations for the executive Spositions of next year's Student's Council were held last week. The following persons qualified. Treasurer: Brenda Hodgert, Nanny Traquair Secretary: Brerida Dietz, Karen McEwing, Sharon Shea, Mar- lene Turnbull. 'President: Tom 'Devereaux. Bill News, of Winthrop Area Couple Mark , 30th Anniversary i• it Correspondent Mrs. Robt. HulIey is Mr. and 'Mrs. Roy Dolmage celebrated their 30th Wedding Anniversary Saturday evening. The Londesboro Hall was filled to capacity when friends, neigh- bours and relatives gathered for an evening of dancing to Ken Scott's orchestra, Londesboro. anes and Jean, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dolmage -thanked all for coming and mak- ing the evening a huge success. Roy and Pearl have a family of eight children, Jean of Wartburg, Agnes of Stratford, Earl of Leam- ington and Frank,,, Donald, Doris, Doug and Dennis at home and, three grandchildren. Those coming from a dis- tance were Mr. and MrS. Roy Dill, Rosanne Sharen and Kathy, Wartburg; Miss Agnes Dolmage and Miss Margaret Sand, Strat- ford; Mr. Earl Dolmage, Leam- ington; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ded- rick and family, Simcoe; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hoggarth and Tammy, Stratford; Mt. and Mrs. Stan Waldie, Rostock; Ephriam Clarke, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry Waiper, Delton, Brenda;• Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Des Jardine, Exeter; Ronnie and Pam Walper$- IlExeter. The sympathy of the corn- muhity is extended to the Rit- chie and Learning families in their recent bereavements. Both Sam Pethick and John Leeming have been highly esteemed rest- 4dents of this community. Mr. Leeming will be greatly missed at Huronview where he contribu- ted greatly to the fellowship 6f the Huronview residents with his love for music. Mr. and Mts. Otto Walker, Cromarty and Miss Ruth Anne Siemon visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley, Bobby, David, Sandy and Debby. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Tony. Wolfcamp, Mitchell at- tended the wedding and recep- tien of Miss Christine Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harris and Douglas Spitzig,God- erich at Sanford Hall Friday evening. Miss Agnes Dolmage and Miss Margaret Sand, Mr. Earl Dol-, mage, Leamington visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dolmage. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dolmage visited with Mr. and Mrs. Les Sager, Steven and Sharen, Bruce- field. Mrs. George Boa and Mrs. George Shells, }Coven and Karen, and Jeff clark,- Hensall visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hul- ley and family. '"'"' Dr. Rodger Whitman will be guest Speaker Monday evening to the o!Non-Nibblers" Juniors at 7 o'clock. It is hoped that mothers of the juniors will also attend. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dolmage visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fran- cis Coleman, •Seaforth Tuesday afternoon. A fire which levelled an implement shed on the farm of Harry Johnson caused $25,000 damage. The fire broke out in the wooden building about 11 p.m. Friday night. A near-by barn and the family horne was threatened. A Combine, swather and other implements were lost in the blaze. Seaforth and Blyth fire brigades were at the scene.