HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-05-20, Page 166.....1110 HURON gXPOSttIOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., MAY 20, 1.971 BAA GAA Carnival Is Huge Success Field Day Winners 0 20 STOCKERS FOR SALE - 5; Tom Devereaux, 3; Hank Groothuis, 3; Ron palrymple,3; Neil Murray, 1. _Junior Boys: Doug McKay, 20, (Record - 220 yd. - 25.2); (Record - High Jump - 5'3 1/4"); Brad Fin- layson, 16, (Record - Mile - 5 min. 22.5 sec.); (Record - 2 Mile - 11 min.45.6 sec.); Ke- vin Broome, 13; Randy Wood,8; Neil Murray, 8; Jim Thompson; 7; Gary Eisler,- 6; Larr) Kale, 6; Brian Drummond, 3; Tim Hoff, 3; Bruce Knight, 3; Ken Janmaat, 3; Doug. Hoover, 1; David. Watson, 1; John Elligsen, 1; Toni Murray, 1. Midget Boys: Gary Buchanan, 15; Marvin Kale, 13; Rich McDonald, 7; John Kinsman, 6; Kevin Jewitt, 5; Ray Harrison, 5; Dan Maloney, 5; Bob Henderson,, 5; Brian Lane, 4; Bill Reinink, 3; Ross Mitchell, '3; Alan Carnochan, 3; Clayton Fraser, 2. Results of the recent Field Day held at S.D.H.S. have been released. The first named in each division is the Champion., Those participating, along with points scored and new records were: Senior Girls: Gail Doig, 20; Karen Glan- ville, 14; Beverly McCall, 9; Jane Sills, 6; Cheryl Dale, 6; .Ruth. Ann Dunlop, 5. Junior Girls: Joan Hopper, 16, (Record - 220 yd. (29.8 sec.); Kathy Ba- chert, 9; Sandra Coleman, 8; (Record - Discus_ (92' 2 1/2"); Maureen Connolly, 8; Helen Ryan, 6; Rae Butson, 5; Betty McGregor, 5; Brenda Dietz", 2; Liz Ball, 2; Marie Nolan, 5, (Record - Softball Throw I77'); Dorothy Heynesbergen, 4; Marie McClure, 3; Jean McKaig, 3. Midget Girls: Joanne Kunz, 20; Susan Hilde- brand, 11, (Record -- High Jump SDHS • On Friday 14th the Girls' and Boys' Athletic Associations held a carnival from 2:30 to 10:00 p.m. Various games and activities were held throughout the day, such as pie eating con- tests, balloon breaking, zodiac games, - milk can game, shoe shine, door prizes, arts and crafts and a bake sale. The main attraction was the water dunking, the first victim being teacher, Ed. Pelss who casually read the newspaper ! while awaiting .the —bath. The 82nd ball thrown- by Brian Laverty dunked Mr. Pelss who rose with a grin and wrung out his newspaper. The next big attraction was- the pie eating contest in which' each contestant ate a whole pie while being timed. The well- filled members included teachers Miss Harris, Mr. Morton, Mr. Plumsteel, Miss Weller, Mr. Ball and Mr. Murdie as well as students Dorothy Heynesber- gen, Joanne Kunz, Dave Brady and. Bessie WynJa. The first one to complete the task was Dave Brady in 2 min. 45 sec., who was presented with 3 pies as his prize and second Bessie Wynja 'who got two pies. A sec- ond contest was held in the even- jog. , The bake sale and arts and crafts were contributed to by the students who worked at the booths. On -sale were bread, pigs, cakes, candy and cookies as well as flowers, stuffed animals and leather goods. At the balloon breaking con- test one could throw 3 darts for 14 or' throw three balls in a milk can at that game. The shoe shine sign read 8 shoes for two bits. The zodiac game was of interest to those followers of the' stars. The winner of the first door prize was Mr. Plurtisteel. The Celebrity Auction with Jason Roberts, a CFPL "Lively Guy" was held at 7:00 p.m. Articles of interest were from Bob Hope, Premier Wm. Davis, Chicago Black Hawks, Karen Magnusen, Ryan O'Neal, Tommy Douglas, Kathryn Crosby, Bobby Orr, Andy Williams, Miss Can- ada, Les Binkley, Gordie Howe, Pierre Trudeau, Elaine Tanner, Jack K. Cooke, Gordie Tapp, 'Pierre Berton, 13111 Brady and Johnny Cash. . Congratulations on a fine job to the B.A.A. and G.A,A, and all those who helped! by Barb Iszacovics and Steve Smith Approximately 600450,1bs. Phone 345-295-0 0 BILL BEIJERMAPIT REVIEW •P‘ 0 END OF SEASON SPECIAL BIRDSIFOOT TREFOIL PRICED TO CLEAR Ontario Grown ' Certified Empire Certified Leo Prepared by students of Seafurth District High School who are solely responsible for the editorial contents of this page. Sylvia Smith, Editor. Staff Advisor: Mr, A. Dobson. Editorial 4' 1 /2 "); Joan Hildebrand, 8; Mary Vandyke, 6; Judy Staffen, 6; Sylvia Smith, 6; Darlene Mc-' Kay, 5; Brenda Haney, 3; Judy Gower, 3; Brenda Finlaysan,3; Beth Broome, 2; Debbie McClure, 1; Debbie Elliott, 1; Karen Regier, 1;. Cathy Mfirray, 1. Senior Boys: Rick McKenzie, 15; Stewart McLean, 10; Murray Pepper, 9; Doug. Hildebrand, 8; Gordon Dick, 8; Mister Young, 7; Glen Dolthage, 6; Glen Nicholson, 5; Brad Finlayson, 5; Dori Jewitt, Is Busy Month May Use Expositor Want Ads Phone 527-0240 Ask about corn, both early and late maturing., A new happening this year was a carnival sponsored by the Girls and Boys Athletic Asso,., clations of the School. This carn- ival was a real success in more ways than one. Not only ditrit - raise money for the associations letes, it also raised school spirits and The annual bl* trip Is also better public relationships. I held in May, usua'ly the Holiday would like to extend congratu- weekend. For a sum of $,40.00 latlons 'to Mr. Johnson and Miss some of the 'students will leave • Weiler., the associations, and for Washington to- spend the-----anyone else who made thts-event"----' weeken I. Here 'they_ will visit .su•;11 places as the White House and the National Archives. We hope that theSe students have a g.00d time. and safe, -happy on May 6 and participation was fairly good. Students who win a 1st 'or 2nd in any event are eligible to go to Huron-Perth track meets where they will compete .against other schools. Best of luck to our young 'ath- April showers bring May flowers, and school,. events too! May Is the time of year when the whole school body tries to catch up on things that have been put off until the last min- ute. Teachers begin piling on tests and projects so that they will have enough material to baSe a final term mark on. Students who are unfortunate enough to have to write the --June e.,,am abcyr-totrsil• bet in . cramming the year's work into • Their-=brains, • • • May also brings annual • ents. Field Day, for example, Field Day this year was held Opinion Remeinber! It takes.,but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in-pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527 R. N. ALEXANDER Londesboro, Ont. S a success. There are still approximately 2 more weeks in May that hOPe- fully will bring more' fun and excitement. ,f7 - SylvlaSmith First Week's Winner Mrs. Lena St. Denis 3156 Donnelly Street,' Windsor, Ont. ' Girl Wants to Take Shop 'I TO BE GIVEN AWAY EACH WEEK FOR 4 WEEKS A beautiful 1971 Plymouth Dush cr will be won by some lucky IGA shopper each week lot lour con• secutive weeks , Everyone who elite's is eligible to win. Tout friendly IGA cashier will glee yo;,, an entry form each lane you pur• .chose one of the popular Bonus Brand products listed. or any reasonable Facsimile. Deposit your entry torn, as any IGA stare in Seuth•Western Ontario. No putenase is nec• cyst:ley. Winners must answer a skillocsr ma question. No sAslilule5 • pates must be token as shown. C,nres' ends May 22, 1971 • enter as often as you wish , nine you have ele'ven obligatory subjects and two so-called options. Options are c.holcesTright?So you choose: if you choose shop as your optional subject you get looked down upon as If you were • They say you can't 'take shop because it's not done. It's the same answer anywhere you go.. I'd like to hear othei- opin- ions on this subject but if all opinions are the same then there Isn't much arse for girls in shop • work or lor Women's hY Joanne ro-•n. an,i the girls 'mostly stayed tl.e hall. Why? Becau se Ind- ustrial Arts is for boys, Rome for girls. This is the feeling felt by most people hut, maybe I'm dif- ferent . hut I feel' if a:girl wants to take a subject, that is one of the options. then wh y can't she take it? Because nobody takes that. That's for boys, not girls. Our guidance teacher, last year replied to our question of girls in the shop "It's just not (done and I don't think any of you would want to. take Industrial Arts any way." So, when you. start into grade There is one question. : have thought about ever an'- : began to thini: about h:.77.7.. This question; Can a take shop.' and',C-an a boy take Home Economics: Ever since I was small and my brother, wouldi. come home from school with cupboards. ' tables. bowls and book ends, I always thought that, I 'would like' to -make •some of those. When I 'was younger I 'did more "shop work" than "housework". One night I saw on television that a boy was taking Horne Econ- omics and I wondered If it was possible. • AS I go by the shop room I see 'all their safety equipment and • the things they made. and I think why can't I take shop. Girls are supposed. to be so fragile that shop work might hurt us, but, with ,their safety equipment' and a little teaching maybe we could do just as well,,, as the average boy, With Women's Liberation•they have proven that women can do equal work with men only if they could be able to get the train- ing the boys get. I have never discussed this question with anyone, so I don't know the opinions of others. I'm a grade nine student and last year on grade eight night, we had a tour of the school. As the boys went into, the, shop CIEAKER SPRAY anima ooTM 1 39 FARTlY SKINNED AND DEEATTED, READY TO ,Eat SMOKED - HAM • , SHANK BUTF PORTION PORTION 49 : 57. GOvERNE,ENT iNPECIED GRADE .'A FRYING CHICKENS • . c 5 Ili 8.9 Eits14 ROUND ROHE . SHOULDERS CUT SWISS .' STEAKS ,. t Ili: , • .,.., , ,,..,v.) •1„,,,_ ''''°:i& FROZEN PORK Tenderloin .. . c 99.. READY70 EAT WHOLE or HALF FOOTBALL STYLE COLEMAN -HAMS, - • C ..r., VALU HOT DOG WIENERS . I Le VAC PAC. . • CUT THICK FOR YOUR BARBECUE BLADE STEAKS. . . lk. PRIMROSE BEEF a' VEAL Steakettes .., • Stoll YOU- COULD WIN ONE OFNOW 73 I TELESTAR KETTLE BAR-B -QUES Exam Timetable Sets June Tests .,..course will be tested on ail three terms. The exam schedule , has lust recently been posted although most students tend to avoid it until it is inevitable that they make their copies. Students are informed 'whether they write the exams, shortly before the starting date, although most have a pretty good idea of the work cut out for them. Barbara Iszacovins Assistant Editor • ASSORTED VARIETIES BICK RELISHES —Again the time draws near_ for another set of examinations. These will 'be held in June after school is dismissed -for the season. To be exempt from one of these exams a student must achieve a mark of 600•• at Easter as well as a passing mark at Christmas and 60O throughout the spring term in that subject. • ' The 'work covered in the four year courses for this term will be tested and Work In the five year .WHITE SWAN (ASSORTED COLOURS) FACIAk,..TISSU ES pkg. , ONE DAR'S.ODE TO at GIVEN AWAY AT EACH IGA STORE IN SOUTH WESTERN ONTARIO, THIS SATURDAY HERE.'S ALL YOU HAVE TO DO: FILL IN AN ENTRY FORM AVAILAIVE AT YOUR IGA STORE WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY TOP VALU MEAT PRODUCT OR FROM YOUR IGA CASHIER, AND DEPOSIT IN THE ENTRY sox WINNETTS.-KKU-ST--*N5mita • A SKILL 'TESTING OUES11014 -•- V.0.1 CAMP (IN TOMATO SAUCE 13t OFF - LIQUID WILKINSON'S IGA JAVEX BLEACH BeanswithPork 59c BACK BACON 4t, 59 c vat ear 57 c SWEET PICKL EC. COTTAGE ROLL SAVERS SLICED SIDE BACON BURNS WEINERS CANADIAN ' BY THE PIECE 69 TOP VALU SLICE() 07 63c SIDE BACON I 'In 15 0 z..var Uai 59c lb, 59c 160e. pkg.. 89c.„, 128 et, plashc itte • HOLIDAY FARM 14 0.. nh S159 irICIEDuBOLOGNA SLICED BEEF LIVER iAOTILCARTIONS BEEF PATTIES ,2 n.1101, FRESH LOCAL BAYFIELD ASPARAGUS Available This Week mosin Healthy, Dependable C I lb. Pkg. 59 c SWIFT'S LAZY MAPLE SAUSAGE 01 TOP VALU MINCEDH AM OR TOP VALID BY 1141 p,E c f. 6 VARIETY LOAF .• oz "c'PE c „BOLOGNA PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 19,-, 22 PRODUCT OR SOUTH APRicA APPLES 5 FOR CANADA NOI HOT HOUSE TOMATOES 49 50c CALIFORNIA LUSCIOUS RED GRANNY .S,MITH STRAWBERRIES SiElESS CUCUMBERS 49,t.C. TOP VALU FROZEN WHITE OR PINK 0 APPLE PIE LEMONADE SHRUBS PRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRICA US NOt PASCAL CELERY EACH ' 29d L. 59 4 BARLINJ(A GRAPES 24 oz. p.e % 6o.. tin 9; 59' and, PROOUCTOF SOUTH AFRICA PACKHAM PEARS 6 F DR 59t US NO 1 GREEN ONIONS 2..Nc.,;25 4 ROSES CALIFORNIA SIZE 113. . n SUNKIST ORANGES IL " OU" U S NO I NEW CARROTS 3 I. 49t FAIR SELECTION EXCELLENT CHOICE OF CANADA, NO 1 PE I TABLE POTATOES .0 L. BAG 694 PEAT MOSS ..cu „ S WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES STOCK UP FOR THE LONG WEEKEND WITH THESE VICTORIA DAY SAVINGS I users HAL VI Tr.v CE FANCY PEACHES 12 0 t BOX PLANTS I,n GRILL TIME . BRIQUETS OR MAPI! LEAF CHARCOAL TRp 5 117. 490 CARLTON CLUB RAID 7 FLAVOURS HOUSE B GARDEN RICK'S YUM YIP . OR SWEET ASSORTED SHIRRIFF RED. TWIN PACK 0 TOP VALU RO:3N1T•TUTED GRAPEFRUIT BI (N010 041 ORANGE 41.y• JUICE PURITAN MEAT STEW SOFT DRINKS BUG KILLER c MIXED PICKLES POTATO CHPS 1102.10.1 bap 59c 24 10 of. tons II '02. aerosol Irn 32 oz. ial Sec spa 119 49 C Petunias, Onions, Tomatoes,' Cabbage Etc. mmommar lorm GOV. CERTIFIED SEED _ POTATOES PAPER ,of. 55c 1 1¢. WHITE SWAN ASSORTED TOWELS 0 TOP VALU , CHOICE TOMATOES GEROF.R'S1TRAINED BABY • FOOD CRISP WALKER 4,!ALTINES ALCAN 12" KsEcT Ream aie,ars,129 NEW0,p r,ORANGEced4 69,, FL AVOURiCRYSTALS A KRAFT rtAlt, ALUMINUM FOIL ',g l;`'6Vc BARBECUE SAUCE '1 2lef 63 OFF 4 3J,;',i9C 1111 SUN UP GROIN bap COME ..1 C HOSTESS ALL PURPOSE SSO OAKISCUr" ftik tIDIITER FLUID • 3 u1',5Y H P RAID PREPARED MUSTARII "19c 8,40,31c, ti ARD lTDOOR FOOGER 1 / TOP VALU STEAK SAUCE EtaNDPIARE HOT OR COLD DRINK riot TOP VALU BLACK FLAG REFRESHING 10 02. ANT TRAPS .11' 59c ptpsi au 6 59c 'plus dep,. HOT DOG or HAMBURGER ROLLS MORTON FROZEN BEEF, TURKEY CHICKEN and SALISBURY STEAK MEA D '147: DINIER • 111 C PAPS CUPS '51°,1 194 I lb. ..tn, NO ON PES eachSTRR'S each VAP " WH avITEulisSWAN AS50111E0,1)21 69c PKG. Of 9 290 4 IRISH COBBLERS SEBAGO, KENNEBEC and KATAHDIN ismumummummemmim Wilkinson's IGA '"FHE TRUE VALUE SIORe" REBELLION DISCOUNT PRICES ,COVER YOUR FOOD COSTS WITHOUT SACRIFICING QUALITY OR SERVICE Perhaps the most pepulai feature of the B. A. A. - 0. A. A.' Carnival at S.b.lt.S. Friday was the dunking tank. Teachers, student leaders, Mayor Sills and representatives pi local service dubs took turns beir.g dunked by marksmen during the ' event. Above, mathematics teacher Fred Allen grimaces as tie gees &Atm for Ciis first dunking. I . (Start Photo) NOW OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY ALL DAY 0' •