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Wingham Times, 1891-06-05, Page 4
' ►, SIR JOHN . MACDONALD days, aucl even hours of lair John A. Maclloit alcl are numbered. Expree. - AND- none of sympathy Ara bead upon �'*�t every band, and those evho have ikon Ru tr«'fii1.,F his political opponents, as well as tho who have been his friends, are sincere in their anxiety for his health. 1 ullctins have been issued :at frequent ST. TIME cp,ti be no doubt that ti e r1, GT. G. H. W. TELEGRAPH GIL intervals daily since his condition has become critical, and these, taken as at towrr in [• poi's Canada ; and after ><e- memory ()f those who Notch puhlio =`« Ctttrotsx• siclul/i here for ul)lviarde of four years events. Thoughaaalli(.ving unify MpE sill Ne cow; -The Cennei1 -` t the family removed to Quintt, Bay, brilliant : ieeesms, once bo found +lis .at th() tiimri hail, Vic( iwatrr, 04 theleaving John AlexundertIuu in his netor, when in 1878 the Legiei(aturE'',;Iet l4Zaareh, 1$91, at than call of tore tonsil year, at school in. Kingston. declared him ;nifty (it eorr'11pt collusion f R nvo. Inwao mowed i)y P Gluon Tho Ind was placed at the Royal with Sir Hugh Allan in a trnc:section I rc'condea by P Kinn; That on are; ane Grammar School under the t.nition or relating, to the r.oustrsotion of the l of the nnaavali(lahlo aleneoco of tho Dr Wilson, la fellow of Oxford lfa)i•' Oantulilau Paciiie Railway ; hut j• ;tt;erve (on T'otveenin imoinc;an that; ' 'amity, and cub)seclnontly lander that whether this most t:uccr, ufnl and Aldo ! the Deputy ]Leave. tido+ the affair and of Mr George e Baxter. (after lie had statesman wan guilty • al£ the uhort e; presided at t ode )ue' that;-•-.t"rtrriecl. entered LIh ei.;tElonth year his father laid at his door or not, t;be people for, # zfo.vc;tt by .1,' t,lta.t•!c, eeeieoleil by j tool: Ilona away from school and amici: gave him, :and in 1878, with loud 4:lsuntz, that as there ie ,a general feel., ed bins in the o11ico of George Mae. acclamation,; tool( hire hitch "again to,ing UO2:ns'aiit3 eatepayera aef dict :Kenzie, Where he applied .himself power. Sir John hoe alivnyri stood in kot,tion of tr(•untry not -rolled - Try the 'diligently to sturdy of the law, \Viicn high regard in the Mother Country, ?'J' (I i3 ]:y in t^la;r, e(:Iu,+.ie:a of ` Alan he began to raet'co law, t , : , t. mesa r,t a ri'lr • eijtt, Brunswick Hansel } %a p [ ar , theta t alit and [n 1670 he was htVGr1J rli 1 1134'ulr• '1t1C1 ]'rl e t, if + n '(poor. whole, aro discataragi ig,ai d indicate he(a)d mutterings of tho atom sooull(ar of Her 111(;jci ty's Privy Connell. +the Dominion tournament for a,rv„ that Canada wilt Goon ruourn . tile loss to break over the country ; :and this /:In 1863, he received the honorary !fund of a part r,'f the ilopuee,3 :;ar,l;te:] ?I]i14m9 * - follows «g year, numbers of defeated I degree of D (l L Trona Oxford Univer- I to tho said a ailw'ec the tete+ 1 ' f of her Prowler. . Cys(*thngm • fit •, -,, 6;1891. , r• �t �.'!7 ry."• �yy��it•,��. tL 'TUNE 3 DITO1UL L•1VOT ln. , \li:ra (3 ,f i;asas, I A, Prof of Chem. astr """ ;stt tho • Ontario Agricultural l%:llo e,� Guelph, has boon. appointed Deputy "insister of Agriculture and Thief' of the Bureau of Statistics for Outorio. 1 o succeeded Mr Archibald Blue, olio is' now chief of the Mining Bnrean. Mr A E Slruttleworth, of Charlottetown, P E 1, bas been apo pointed to the vacant professorship of acbomistry in the Agricultural College, Cate J Jams' Ste, A A DoaLP.N, Mico.lkttis stricken with paralysis of the brain ou Friday last, diets ou Sunday Prins despatches about two weeks ago announced that the old loan's cola.(Willtalu Lyon Mackenzie, ruched ston ; rautI s•Iikewiso a .1) 0 Ti or the i by the Dolnt[lion't.Ictvs,111ritenr' to do Clition was actions, 'and the opinion f blindiy to nrme, A bo), of Bunter, University of '.Privity College, Tonal- ijnetige to eros. linea of rail aly iY v . •,astiro alivntlers,l�'ero on,tie(itinder the �tog'able to tale an consldorable part li) 1 d not sr m to hi 1 tt D t `y t. 1, a.Iaargt t ,i' atl voii:.of the .alsoi pluck that hails characterized his wholearra sendin, cIP1P;atE1s to t ittatyaa• tr/•press Zbeir alarms upon "iglu Cosmic utasexpressedthathewould ao un , I S1though ire is :row ,yell aclvaine•this Province its reached rl + :yl(.1 from comtntr1 of ar Pole named Van Shoultz i eel in voal'[s l E+ does personein lower Canada cinder Papi• city ; flea also received the degree of I Calroes;haviug ;;cant d a Jorge amount; neasu, and in Upper Cauadat under LL I) from Queen's d:lttivor�tlity, Bing;• lalnd goo' eucouran(iu a (; liming given I a Ja- cul„ avers ,. , crossed from the American ?Ude over to Prescott, but Shouitz was captured; and his followers killed and dispersed, ost any of his old vigor, friends toss more closely around lam find the circle of tura admirers 4:eetnaa 1'0 grow• e ailrlitl+rll .kovtimaim' ori, but with the 1 A number of �nunioipalities interested political career, he seemed to reeovol Courts nrar44 wore established at larger every day. Since 1378 he lois Ment be resolved that ! re �, • no resviafat t'i[L3 Aojr�l London. Kingston,and at the latter been iustrltmolital inaccomplishingsend the :[lacus) (at in Elis ir:(E 1,ifity to` ground, and For n time resumed his city Shoutz and his accomplices were , several important, acts of legislation, L o), the Dolmen, .itc;:,r.t t''• del ,� place in Parliament and bravely as -'tried for their crimes, Young Nlaao- notably a tl, as lE.r..,ata lino • tleilald was counsel for the nnfortun4 of iauildin the CaauPdian Pacific Rail, „° . • nt7 rtgl for iti ,t cult pure way. The following are some of rU t wood, seconded by P Clark, that as ?measures of legislation accomplished 1 memorial in union with other• muni. by the right hon gentleman ansae his cipalites interested, wim have. given , be sent ontry into publics life :—The seculari- honuse5 to tlw T (T and .13 •R ilway, nation of the clergy resorvos ; the ere !now being - art _ f -, _... tension of the municipal syetion ; ;,e', mimed tho onerous and important Wrong . lase being the protect from til Tis l tJ h 'gI at nose -0e tied Moved v Wole responsibilitjes that attach to his office. However, a week typo last Saturday be broke down aain, and non of Lord Motetalfe, a dile, la'ir ate Pole, and by the skill and force of his address attracted wide notice. 111 1844, during the most intolerable por• has slice been confined to his bed.l Macdonald was elected for 'Kings On May 28th a physician was called j ston, defeated Mr 'iStanahan,On to his bedside, and on the afternoon first entering the Legislature he l organization of the militia ; the - see of the same slaty a medical consultee, sat unmoved 'at hi`s desk ivliilo the f organization of the civil Service ; the tion was held on the distinguished fray for womb that, period , f parlia< . raatiiieation of ibe 1 aahington ;rear �t' ar Ja d ! meritarp history was remarkable wont f q y l l tl 1said 1 tld Ir t tht. to the Dominion Government alciltiner for a rtthate sin the bonus 1;rantod by this lmnneipillity to aid in this con- , s 'on i,' railway a t It i; con et ('ration B N A; the construction same be eignarl by eiaoJx inne - tht',r rat patient. At 5 o'clock the following I on "Looking," says a ,1,entiotman who Qf''tilo Iutereolonrat Railway ; the ex,1•this Board, end G„, ' o ';. t . bulletin ryas issued by Ars. Powell,. of ! remember" having seen him 'there, nd therp r a..(> seal Ottawa and Grant and Wright, of ; "half wireless and half contemptuous. at his residence in Montreal. The yioutreal : +Sometimes in the thick of the melee "Sir John Macdonald has had e ; he was busy in and errs of the lahrary. Canadian P 't' 1, I nnno tneemerrt of his death created . I,aaaree over r©weiuber learn Z im y at a held return of his attach of phl+sieall ant! t; , Orangeville, December, 1800—Caro widespread regret. The Chien Justice, nervous exhaustion, send we lfave en. when about rho 1louse that ha was'social responsibilities aro gllara l with i ri d• • Moved 91'•..7 °(tltvGod, lace who fico been a widower for inair3' 'coiled' positively fact seaarGhan, up some case either then admirable race' and s 1 a n(' tension and consolidation of the Do- minion ; the.National Policy, and tbo pleasure for the oonstrnotaon of the ana• ian ..vol to Ballow, Sir John resides at �'arnsoiilf'e, Ottawa and his Attached thea�eta, u1d - forlv>irrlc(1 to W {t Walsh, Esq, Mayor of Orangeville,- • - altc] olraairrnan of einm:ittefa appointed •meeting for the Ramose its J p y complete rest for the g ! uecess by Itis Gad by 1' Clark,ti t the 1' p and ell are i('ec oil but oar•rietl 6500,000 insurance on his. Ile busfrlesg, g " P 1 �eGdo aid the life ]Jr Powell was interviewed, ti would wive an expression f opine speech party with the 'Minister al Railweys. non, in °curt age iusr• then ti•,wnehill.n lues in reply t0 the I10ti Robert Bald- and Agriculture, w „ ' yeas, .die([ a compartively poor Tian, resent t t" f • t • from flub= n Daring a summer{{ writs for funnies se€'e.e other r tpeus. et Ise time, too, buied in a study of coasts.- of 1880 be visited England 'in coins 1 es ile. (nay he at in t,11(; l V:?Ile: law saris. rado& history." His first see ! 1 ( impending or to conic up at a later talented and exceeding) Popular wife ' as , ie . �c'th is hear„ ditto. He was for as ren ' art• of his Lady bT exceedingly p , by authorized to utters ea the Trete were ion (d not tgiv an expressed of tile, „ 1 1 ure, here they arranged Carried, Moved byP .illi t Isere woe noticing to eGotnlntin. ttt of on.Iowa- anal lain osseine Railroad. lie vaarate now adjourn A. -..-. :roam 1 , „ . !dation of common sense. During the per t startliu� nature U h d f Il Tan following appointment rt z, 7a(oorrd� wawa gat a recent meeting of the One bulletin, but declared however, that •win, • and though it waa5 daring, the contract far the . Canstruct(orl of ed by 13 Vlrrllrv, od, Haat tfli, Beard do lit was based a ttaaio CLtbinet:-.b'ranois W Field, t wide C d a g t e. ,. m e day f o, ow- Cobuuxf;,ta be rtsgistrar of CCest North ing, Sir John had a paralytic stroke, last days okene a Toryism, Mr Draper,the umberlaral in the room and stead of and it"twos thought that his hours Attorney -General, came one: day to 1, : H Eyre,' deceased ; Charles D were numbered, but he rallied slightly come at'�lastud acdon lda'T'tIle has be - Etter, Lindsay, to hEa: registrar of Vice and was tlttite aoTxlposed during the 1 , , Ise be- ;, ,; came Receiver -General, bat rafted: tt sorsa in the room and stead of H °vetting t5n �,nndul, May 31st, his brief time assutnecl the management of }unsforcl, deceased ; William .Murray, e be physicians assaetl l baltera to the (grown Laands, where, in a short time effect the no marked Laftnration was hejeduceil snitch (i nfusioli to hare' Pembroke, to be sheriff of the`County found ori general symptoms ; that he welly. But in 1849 the Reformers of Renfrew in the room and stead of retained consciousness much ars in the under eaBaldwin end Lafontaine Thomas Murray, resigned ; John A first two` da 3 of fir lJl IsleDougaid, Alexandria, to be deputy clerk of the Crown anti .local registrar ofthe *,lith Court, in the room and stead of A Ia Macdonald, deceased,and Beloit i5L Britton, Q 0`, of the (city of Kingston, to h referee. undflr the Drainage Ace of last: session. cd England again in 1884, and Was fa ra ata p motion of lassos, ra,or-,tl>•1„-•--t.srt'ied. recognized and bonoredeaas t'ho pioneer • . (TATs Biers'( v, Tp (Merit. of imperial unity. He attended the The {'found( !net, at the town hall, conference held. in London, et which Teeswater, May .`311rd,.1t3J1., as a Verbs; •tko Imperial T,eta:gae was formed, and of.I.i:evision and uppn,tl. Tho oath moved she apointnient of a general of oil'ioa was 'duly enhscrileol by cif,• committee to o()ncluot its affeirs. His members of the said Court, when it •eondutt of panne affairs since' 188(3 is u'asirloved by ti McKay; ss,Jlt.aurtea ,iry sufficiently 'well knower to Canadians 1.) Clark, that Mr Moir ,;et; e,s elitair- as riot to require reprotl(idtion at this man of this Courts.--Oaarried, Several y s tress, ere triumphant; and the roar ime. Snfdee it, that ole nave t() the' cases were then taken up aint dre o:3ed Expressions of sympathy, were p during country on all occasions the benefit of, wi:an it was plumed Try :L'' (nark and iineendlaiism;of that year we see' of his long and valuable expei:iencefin eeconded by .1 l '(alwnr,d, that on li •, cabied the siok.manfroni. Her Ma Testy an f4acdonald's figure and hear some 'perfecting the important nseasures for p the Queen, expressing regret at his of his impassioned' utterances. On rvliicli t110 • Government under has” cello, of a 7nfrotirll; ]s.-Ir<rlli in" the illness, and azitiaaating•liar desire to bes g p town hall, that: Ude court adjourn tall the downfall of the Hineks- florin chargels responsible, 5 o'eloo e....-Calrried. 'rho Clonic r e Xaa ntly. t r11C t EV 07en,r,yl, d 'e was twice married ; on the Larst seined ed ;*t. s! u',:looli w31 i • ,C Lard I7(1%rfll also cabled. fi't)nl Rome, OGaaSion to his oousin 77sai1eliaa,cd(attgll•� `�11 j ,i k o ,, E'tl .t, woe i,tn'S1311, ter of all:e late Mr 'Alexander Clara'. of ;sly �`e Co r•.00n(lt, b;? J t�r:Jlvnow Macdanaahl. Special prayers were comity.; unpapular, both in and out of Daalnavert; 1nverne shire' •and on oat t,13 Court of eseesmen be 11oe offered in hie behalf in nearly all tehe resign, revised, and Opt -._carmen. roll ac Dominion on last Sunday... Telegrams Parliamelit, at' was forced to the second to Susan l nt s, the. p: Fs• revised k1( tad(iptod- -t €ia rir•:Ed. A and Mr George :Brown was called up-. ent Lady MeedonalcI, daughter' of they The C:cltncil met after the close o� from all over the country were sent, on to form a'Cabinet. Ho undertook late Mr 'V T k)ornord, a member (,f ' r J` containing expressions of inquiry or the task, scut the Cgolrenor General the Privy Council of Jamaica la sten votirt of 'Revision. x1141 MA in sympat;.ay, The fact t'ilat Sib Jotiu having refused him permission to die, his first rvif<, he y bras woo: prawn. Tho Reeve ifl et 1 chair. The inii(I: es of previon s meet. ing were read. when it way moved by. P Clark, s('c1)i)rle4 ' by .1 Welwo6,1, that Ytrhe tnint;t:0M ass jurat read too adopt., ed•--rlarrk ' . I°oved by J Moir, ec- o dad by 1.'' Korte, that a- ;sent not. exceeding S20 Ise telv('al tel )•t+lrrklr 30th • r,{ sled tUf' '> 11 l) end J�,rh Cons, (ii„cl tllrtt:, Mr tr Jackay lie'.: the ,'same i)y pn'blio co)c 1rst,itisrri---Carrit�,l, Moved ll It .14Ide.t;ay, seconded in. P lucre that a: Glenannau. Following is the tnonthly school re- port for S S No ;, Tnrnberrq. The Ilene; are aa<r.^.r. ;ed in order of merit,: informed of his condition constantly. to conveying his sympathy to Lacly, Cabinet i`ie bees= • At orne' . e.' West, • under the Ioadersbip of Sir Allen MaoNab, but this Ministry be*, sr F'ourttl-W Ctor. bee.,'Todd Scott, had a strobe. of paralysis on the even. solve the House )Elia appeal to the Josh Alexander, bed two children— . who lug of the 2iLh was not. enatxall ,loin in lY4?, who Nettie Moir. .Third-�1ggie Igaindeil, g l y conutry, be after a few dates, resigned, 'died in the following year, anti thigh M r ',.(Lien, en +Mandell, S Bond--• known. tt.(?tpljy51515115l1nv ug aaareftl.ly and the old Ministry was called to John, born in March, 1850, one) wee ( •, alr:c.lt tr, Angie 1) Aitken,eno; Jen, concealed shot from the pubtrcc se that power. After ai, short time, howesier, returned to Parliament :,:t the l Inn _ tale stroke of Friday was ale seeolld last lei E Ia g 11 Sent, Ma v1\SierDl2n� y- generally Sir Allem was relegated. to the ,sial, elcctlon as member for Winnipeg., ,' 1, instead of too first, at was p ' y rocas, and John A. appeared am loader `a' 10 ; the aper Canada �c1lti:li), Lower ilVirigliano. ie'. �, x � ( 1 r A: m .ul a m c na, e 1e., of Pal'atn ii i e t, that am`iaitiotiy and NE•d.,everint; t ,. Rebar[: ascent. ,:ltr, of i etlend, lost speaking of ti,e condition of the spirit, George 1 Cartier, leading Tile fr.uce aroued tile ec,l or,1 1rousi: his fete i,;nnrl-alI the r1R.ijoinin; sheds in e Premier, said that it WAS Isis ttndar- the . I,n:vtar Canada llivieie11 is (tering built ort' lir John Mellen. )girl their ce,,rtr[its by tire on friday after- st:tuding, that Sir J�rrhn wss sonsih1e S;len catr.e silo period of transition, is now almost tiaaielaed..-111rs Elt)rd y r tet !;a) The tO (`VP,n;'S na6b1n•4. arr'ur(t 111ni, aro ill rfa M111 very: law' snfl:ertnig (rime 71 l'•hlrtt gralli, be 177:17.1(7 e w1ts; ?iii Lot 0011 11�Ir21 or , e1:, i.lf� lo�•:ti iia ;y): x n ' d alttrint, which palitleitl etleafs$ seem to ? , a 8 a t, Latt took c/nl.'."idorablO t1011righlaleut, te eve like obi( ate in the stta(dk of inilatnroaLtiallon-00 'W(11rc,>y., 12, t,) repair Jariei?ltlE', it 13�i1)71; til lenet J:al,t,,it►, and no i1►st saner,. it pass bt firs,J Ea Tiv-+lie ly inter � s lis that there is no llie groat sgC luny 11z1 t file '1bq:ar}r'- kaleidoscope.' lucre wen eL w iii� :,,,.dc. day evening, rills Lucy�11 rt and :'41r brad slew, and thin, Peter 1.111 / let dct inx nen, neo Tire` wen the were of its! atoll by the .''Marrs of raze blood now bronco, upper staid e ...oven ,t81,t d a(• eorge l�' e11417r>d were insi 'r):1 iii • thra the 6t1171E' by Itl:ri(t 0• , 1 r a who ,r(.': Liln'r 011 the tri' alil bill; ' , 1 J iwt1ti6lcc» incus diary, ee t.1tl'np fins) 12,A ienu I ti , ti there itT a though fur ra 1(•n,t.11t period seen ..1'., bonds of Holy 111^tl'ilnf)7y, 1)('f(�f'< it (� ti'r1E)[d. lnvl:tl '),,)•' ? 3 'r;' , 011(IH,:ri i ` �' $ 1 rmt}, , net stall:, .:'tont•.)' a day or two previcnN • ieSS dauger' iimn ill a, you•o'er man of Maccl nald in. ids Owli personelto uumber of lnvite•Ci '.,nue lte. \)ilii, !vish 7y ll setons„ trop a neant slot had ul'C.S,? dine i;l)r(9t1t9 to Mr 1'l.rti?i(:t�y':; a,1120ea13 and wall' Gli the brain. If SnattrlA;l L1tN chum. T1tP F(t"tiffs of thein both iltnL'il ley ill t!1(al'r,ll()aY"lif?. to (.�r1('f^(1 >tiGi, he illa:rir� to }l(:1) pat ilea, y wifd o3 ;vh^t ii would dr, in t7tat,n alt :a the criu(3(•(1 blood (vlthrlrew from the discente. t hard borne fruit, told Dl1lliti(! .--Crn 111.1"S(11ay CVt;1:irt:;. tIlo 11111[Ci.' a1119(;I t 1111(1'(1 tf :t a"1' i1 :, } he'' reff:; anal, illi threatened others in the ' bran) t1H71'r7 was FOlne boo, that. 110 'seinen-n:74 W1O hi a fevovinh st;)tm1 sit nieniai tle was :7ettletl. i,eetnee:n erne t8'((, 9('ae w' t end "b F 0, a Lit Alt ( r(,}, +71(1 {.0 ba 8311,.(, wary* arid tec.i nei nborhood is iiijHaight roly', `o treatment rein be. Laureate Than came Sandnind aree,e,m, Aso/eat-1 ettel low and Mr t danvil e, sl:ent'ini W Caslieko euei In neee• is a '[0 et apprebonsion for fear lie t a(lopt d lir otich c a ee, (aid upon the 1.. ane , ala} roow,r' t: of ' hessalon, ;tits onia Die r'iet. They ! beat... ' Moved ,in ,' •tl h ,.'e t � 1 P P i'� p , bat lriai , y 'daltlJ rine! d � �' lra i„rl, • ,i►oVe:'.l 14y' CCC t 'stet, (;:t.; hi,l Owe-o,t 1. Tie':}trlZiltll; rtet}10;slain of going to press, sir otholokytratt101r erninillod .+rut`s' oe if Ina, to -Clay. e! 1'(411yj t,r rrJ1es 111471), 1, J 1'•t'lwuo�e, „ �i!ndt•,:I le, - 11 )(Clir.lrty, ' r G -1 J rr dr:l;l15 Conl11ti0R was t (� shaman where Foley will whose th(>i1' 1i bore non a gate? in endo be ony , :,,t til foe xa- supposed. of ti L' • d ' 1 1t a lenge, stroll.., fellowblit HAM(' it bard been roared on sand. • '111(, of abeet. 0 years of age. An ('ftnhty`td, only he' was gradually not tiro; Talie-i+Ta1^dmiald (John A,'frarlrainistrn Thorne, The, beep weave, end joy are ;)tlikanr; all(tg,'„1'ilil)'n ' 1 ac trine bee P p Should t say he henry to the slimmest thread, and nes !`.iflt'l� ae i rapture, lsts, flop, he rood_ a tvt'ahr•, .and the physicaa iia ;Mid OUT; dell f011OWlrl 11111 itS• t,11? tm• of Iifra tendered shahs by their many hipii is, t11•ven :ith sited t?tl, 1`,em e) . o ia, ,:l• Ltllrorre, te(i ,.ra'rers 5124 ascii nal. S Ino 1tolre trf rt'covory slid to t ,• t --- he he tense, it is tint right that tiro E may die at any ,11Gn:t'tit. • eventually it servi%(11 only by the Grt;y. equal atn10103i:., and that Clark, 1 , 110 following , It C.lxlfh with not ie.:ozone tree' the law rte, noo.,e out to a,. • , eheloh '.if tial? life of mercy of thaso wild were really y (hair .A Wrong ae:-..e(:l: tai ,' e • -e g 't11e7 111.ta10H;i ” 1111•,,^,1+11ILih; 1 ,t hi, ti -. ..... ANA."... AQ"... t:[l,' .C1CJi1E!.3 tfli , . 3 1 O'Ir . Oh1Z 1 led(1:1 si.til ie ta'ki 1 from al P ' y, .� t r (t .i lta n[.1. rjx , J . t. , i1rtN 644 y n x i10n:104. It ltrlas this Of this (lend 111'11., 1114"1ltr • "pS ta'Alii"(1 at. l' idtr,n',t y ii1111JiC C'ti,)tfietiial,aS •-_- t,'ti'1•ied• the tt" r::i�,c thank 11,13. 1131 1(het1'd Si T' �abI'• • arson 17 bed 1iy •)tl.' tx six .l'.a., ,ot O1'silo'tt'itaal batsinC() of 'payrolls,°' that rchn(11 1104 -0 1)11 ' `III•o �tln'10 sty II R1'neler),, ;iG;t / l.()ronto i , • 1. (dray) I,•: th (1Flttt:ti Tay Ir tli+•aC timely >y(a9i t ail1,0 ill a32Gvi11 ( h1 } r. } Carew the impulse for b confederation. Comity t , tlii1,1:r, tel 1)I) tJ Etil'd tri'(? 'g 1�(Ir,S %, i,h,1G it t 0011t:e` of t,ite itli(i[0- hinn.„•.1 from. en: fiernes,___nrecee i, , ' ;1e d.vlr,ll , 11on ale John nieront1P.r A. coalitinra a t1 formed of which Stronghold. lira tilfrr 4 �Vi -y troll of (IIIc: (,i')t111C t. tn tains i •n • y , R+ld 41i• C4f',lryc) W'Tirol! have +;ills t�3 'A l'.IC(]orl(akt, 1K C 4 ti, 1) (i l,,'L re .1:i, George Dr(t(Jryl•►liver tint t'lLt :mad Wil- )•- , , • 11ltt111•.a11, .., liAtla)n :111(1 ,' 1•-. „ lei. (.an • t 1 % 1(alldettt ; foto ,Jnlrtt 1,1(,Wsrt, ui>a>r0.• 1• IA nl• t0 ,min, is tl[Oy AlEpra3 t,t' khe M1t ()et of 'fists `..1l1bou'rs' was iron, in (14(et+gn,V un the/101 day diem Mpedour�ati, on tba hart of the tnr>t. Tine leaden ono rho tit r 0,4 Bt 00 tart (Its, 5 by In,” health.'.Vt30 ritt`7 hO'.ee ,bili], for 5(.,e»:7 of January, ISI re' Ile was iblt sen nd:p.otokmer'1, were 01E101117rt3, C,J)till[(„ 10 .j� t,> t,:,t01?11:;11 ti; h1! r.Ini., .Cf i'lser(,•, onto to.:utl+�er. nuttllani: uo1a1',v' dt"ltd la,t:; '1 . , _ at 1(:7rr, (nl il:l)•trs of Como. V'r t 1 ct'! ct '.i'dl<'rt,)iuii 13)4,a r> tiAll Of err I10 ll '5i;�(',400 (l, IMO jitter tht ii •nr'1 of .Tonal ."1 tixerldolat111 1 tab•Ia11' [nr n hiern. `,1'J (t 'wr1r, 8 and 1., , c1 a li 1,cor:T i': , i1. tlr(° '4;111 'a'-) 'oC r,„, l from ;ennui pie„r, Niles, , i,:c; a lived nriginaliy in ,ase parish of I)„r- et1ands Leone? out, ft ein.K be who leil (inti en doeo Om order o • o ull'rra:,,, t,111 ,,,,, a ,t ' , . • X1"`,;11 7)11 bti'iresft tr•1 :i0014. tii0P. "'•tarn, Siirtll. '1i;nd-,1li/ , ;ij11t elf:¥,r ' And soaped the tae([ meat, ri/1(i n(II- 7 1. F Porno; ir:ti V� r,,E ,e.,:. e:'! (,t' .1i n tyIt)r1t.C(itl •:tt ilir I s . udnElfr3. `Lha t )t,,olZizer wlil 3(;r.,tur<, 1 1('1:1)(.. (c'r c,L'I ; t: t,f:elr. life 11r',iov 4 t!) Oamade, S h'•lt II+i1 &totrd fie etiiltir)nlai0 '111 lrstritillle at'\V5It:0tl04. n!'::t 1:44•In [t, l; 7 LL �' ".alliarQrtl TINntlilf� of til.^. (slab• ettnigrtatra!'t n3U''ecur:F 11C(;.ZTe 1t1 1>12O, .1'r�,Vln('T;aitnit(1 11I i'.0 land er'ti' '• )atlas tl17.,trilry, y►•ll deo l7f �Jttfnl� )' 11.1,. ! tltrs 39tIa a Z R , u 11 l,l;tt. rind apt the iolleiving aeerinno in ', llc zt, •16 1 `;, 10e1: a its,. thy, Refort,ta�1C 1-;litet 1, , .%'rr lits h 4f:I.eden('ci and his family recognitit,n ,)f hie z'•n1 and a:E-rvn:(t Ile, \leti.iilu - : No is , 'j oo:o eo,')tt1 • No i)1 I,u: v,:,,,a ha11, 'i`,,1,1 . i . ill °f`iernT,to nn \l.t 1befog.,•. 11e3 31 oted i1.' :Torn r lexattrder thea in his waits called to fond the first o'dmimetra• '2, \aedore lev,',Mtn : No • .i `Filirts& • •i nfi`'6(' iv, „)n; 1:.1nIt ph in of 'osmate, Iyear 4 back s F f ]J 'C' h ' 11 ' U this said on ticusiderratla.l tJl tt iii),in.,ai give at K ' r:r rt is (,rt. tlO0 asides confederation, owl is7ud n l ltdr at (t,34a i' m. '11'1• will e17(a>il tl:•a tin Ott' Iht•1.tit,rt, ,31 a•Veedansid :t::ttlt•rl near lttlightktod confesses atom him. Ilia following meek :,1 Hay in ntl:+tr6r ir, vorhh,adl;t„�y 1,T,)tl ,ixisfidsst the DAM iaap,dltult canape ilioAee that date is !teeth Ea, RJre ntRs•>+1. apap}n from that taallahlp over the Dominion 1 Arneric a itingsto the [vast ,tr+i►('. neighs.