The Huron Expositor, 1971-05-06, Page 9r Hospital Net Deficit Set\ at $6,792 ASSETS Inventory Accounts Receivable O.H S.C. $33,322 Other 21.323 54,645 1.t ess allowance for bad debts 3,000 Investments Cash on Hand & in the Bank . Grants Receivable • Total Liquid Assets prepaid EXpense Fixed, Assets - Bending, plant, etc. Total Assets LIABILITIES Bank Loan Outstanding Cheques Accounts Payable Mortgage Payment due within one year Total Current Liabilities • Mortgage Payable over one year • • Total Liabilities Net,Worth Surplus t Total Liabilities & Net Worth Property Committee Reviews Activities Reporting 'for the Propery Committee, the chairman J.M. Scott listed Matters that had received attention of the com- mittee: Changes made in the offices in the administration area. The administrators office was moved to what was originally the Chapel. - Trees and shrpbs replaced due to winter kill. • Bookshelves for the confer- ence room, were made and in- ''stalled by tile maintenance staff of the hospital. - profexray with 90 M.M. spot film ,device, installed at a cost of $3,500.00, also a Mobile X-Ray for $6000.00 - Underground oil storage tank cleaned at a cost of $900.00, - Service Contract with Honey- well Co. signed for heating and cooling equipment, in, the amount of $1616.00. - Repairs to dampers control- ling the cooling and heating system carried out at a cost of $960.00, • - Flve standby Pumps purchased at a cost of $2406.00. - As a result of representa- tions by pollution' control people it appear's that the heating system may be changed from Oil to Gas, and, studies are- now "under- way. - A beech installed In the hos:. pitai entrance, so that older people may sit down When tak- ing off rubbers and overshoes. - 'A new coil purchased at a cost of $700.00, as well as other repairs made to the boiler which heats the sterilizer, Autoclaves, etc. $-65007:06rating table purr hased complete with accessories for , 0 01, Turn MOSitOr SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1971 Second Section, Pages 9-14 • Convert To Metric Annual Meeting Community Hospital Service Increases The administrator's report was presented by Administrator ,G. G. McKenzie: During 1970 the Administrat- ion of the Hospital Continued tp seek ways 'and means to improve hospital services through provis- ion of improved facilities and techniques, and acquisition of new equipment and trained staff. • On October 1st, 1970 the! Hospital successfully, converd to the metric system of weighs and measures from the d British system. • During 1970 we converted Room No. 16 which was aprivate room,, to a two bed recovery room. Also during 1970', we had a visit from the Air Pollution Branch of theProvincial Govern- ment-who advised us that because of The height of the chimney, we were polluting the hospital on certain days. Seafoirth and Clinton have been selected as the pilot areas for the Home Care Program that is to be started in Huron Copnty Joseph mcLonnell told the meet- iug of tole committee activities, • The committee had acted throughout the year in giving publicity to improvement in' hospital service. Mrs. McConnell expressed appreciation for the cooperation of the news media. The meeting reelected W. D. Stephenson, Mrs. Shelia Morton and 'John Longstaff .as trustees for a further term of three years. Mrs. Audrey Mcnviain was elected to the foUrth position succeeding Mrs. Mae Hillebrecht who indicated a desire to retire, Reeve, J. F, Flannery, Sea- - forth, Reeve Elgin Thompson, Tuckersmith and Reeve Allan Campbell, McKillop who were present, spoke briefly and commended the hospital on the service being provided the com- munity, Reports presented at the annual meeting of Seaforth Com- munity Hospital on Tuesday night of last week indicated e continued expansion in the service the hospital 'is providing the district. Growth was particularly evi- dent in the X-ray and out-patients departments. Reports indicated that X-ray examinations had increased to 4112 from 3640 and out-patient visits from 4054 to 5140. Reviewing highlights of the Bear president John E. Long- staff said capital expenditure for the year was approximately $72,00,0.00, the major Item being new X-Ray equipment. He empha- sized that the money for capital expenditures is nbt forthcoming from the OHS Commission, but must be raised by the Hospital in the form of donation from the Public, grants from various mun- icipal organization, and bequests ,and depreciation. He urged the • public to assist in supplying -4inpraved-fac tilt c s by generous in their donations and 4 by making bequests to the host pital. Mr. Longstaff said that hos- pitals of Huro n and Peith had instituted' a role study to deter- mine the future needs and Auxiliary_Makes accreditation committee consist- ing of representatives of the Board and medical staff with the objective of obtaining accredita- tion fier Our hospital. A number of meetings of this committee have been held with goad results • and it IS hoped we can become accredited this year" he said. The president expressed appreciation for the help of mem- bers of the Board- and .on behalf of the Board expressed apprecia- tion to the medical. staff and the staff- of the Hospital for assist- ing in fulfilling the responsibility of providing ever improving pat- ient care. He pale tribute to the Women's Auxiliary: for their work and their donation of the Bird res- pirator, bassi•nette,s and pro- jector and screen and citizens : who donated money and to the municipalities for making grants available. Reporting for the medical --staff Eris-Charles' -IVI eye- -t-iald-the- meeting bylaws had been revised. He said the medical staff was happy to learn through the .'role study of Huron-Perth hospitals that patient 'care in Seaforth was excellent. . • Referring to arrangements Major Contribution • In discussing the financial statement the chairman 'of the Finance., • Committee; W.D. Stephenson pointed out that the hospital is in a yer`y good finan- cial position. Inventqry at $22194 shows a decrease of $1394 and accounts receivable of $51,645, after a n allowance of $3000 for bat' debts were down $9,128. Cash on, hand of $3328 was up $1848. The investm nts and grants shown in the 969 statement of $20,790 were :used as part of the purchase price of a new X- Ray machine, the total cost of which was $43;000. The balance :was paid frorri an accumulated depreciation 'received from OHSC on fixtures •"' and- equipment. By spending the- funds on equipment our liquid surplus has been de- creased by $32,136. - " Full depreciation is taken' on all buildings and equipment and at year end shows a worth of $915,444 Mr. Stephenson said. After allowing for total pur- chases of equipment of $72,000 and depreciation of $43,609, fixed assets show a value increase of $19,518. All equipment pur- chased has been'paid for. _ Current liabilities of $57,528 are 'Made up from accounts re- ceivable of $41,2$1 and the 1971 payment on the mortgage of $14,311. Accounts are paid monthly. ' . - Long term debt is .the balance owing on the mortgage $146,992 after allowing for 1971 peyment. Total revenue for the year was $632,572 of which $554,708 0. and furnishings was $20,723. This amount is recoverable froM, Ontario_ Despite" .Serxiceer_Co mission. Deprpiation °rebuild- ings was 422, 86 which is not " recoverable. After- allowing for total de- preciation'of $43,609, the loss on the operation of the hospital for the year '1970 was $6,792 Mr. Stephenson said. • , .• any company or institution in Seaforth. Other expenses were: Spectal service $89,1614 General- service $34,420 and other expenses $76,012. After allowance ot $9,391 for expenses recovered and $170 bad debts recovered, the hos- pital had an operating profit of $16,817. Depreciation on equipment was received from Standard Ward ,$17 ,171. Preferred accom- modation and out patient service $60,693. ' AlthoUgh patient days were down 1156, total revenue was 'up $50,308. Expense ' total far the year was $605,316 and of this amount $405,725 was paid in wages. This we feel would be 'one of the highest .amount of wages paid by Mrs. Gordon efeut tenmiller , Last,fall we had the privilege President of the Women's Hos of adding a Liaison Officer for pital Auxiliary in her report said: volunteer services namely: Mrs. requirements of the hospitals and-. made by ,the medical/ staff to Another very successful and John Turnbull, to our slate of the role each hospital will play provide emergency care he said challenging yeaf has almost come officers. She is. looking after in relation to other hospitals all, persons wilco become ill, . 'to an end for the eeaforth Hos- our 20 candy stripers, keeping within the Huron-Perth area. . regardless of the day or time, 'pital Aukiliary. Nominating corn- track of their working hours and A s a result of the study could be assured of the services mittees are busy preparing a gradually will be learning the several recommendations were of a doctor. . new slate- of officers for our needs for volunteer services in made concerning the hospital In the absence of Mrs. Mae , June' meeting and heads of corn-- the hospital, assigning auxiliary which include:' Additional beds - Hillebrecht the chairman of the mittees are preparing annual re- members where help is required.' approximately 10; Enlarged ped- public relations committee, Mrs. ports. : Of course our tuck•cart and iatric department; Gas Incinera- We have el active member s gift shop were in operation inthe tor; Additional space in emer- hospital regularly each week gency and out-patient depart-from which we derived a sub- ment; Cast room; Mobile X-Ray stahtial revenue.. Due to the room; Physiotherapy depart: increased demands for television ment; Maintenance work shop; sets for rental, the auxiliary Relocation of' recovery room purchased the third T,V. set • in bed' ,coronary.„..--eare unit; Add- In the past, year 'We. have itional administrative space; Re- "' - purchased the following for use In the hospital: A Bird Respirator, a 16m.m. projector and screen and some equipment for the children? ward. I Seaforth Community 'Hospital STATEMENT OF ASSETS & LIABILITIES - DECEMBER' 31, 1970 (with comparative 'figures for 1969) •••••. ' 19?0 , • , $ 22,9,14 sand', 1p associate members for :t970,71, the drop in member- ship being due to the fact we had no membership drive last September. An average -atten- dance at the meetings being 35 Wednesday; closer tO operating theatre; Two December,. May. 12th "Is Hospital 'Day 1969 $ 24,308 60,773 15,000 , 1,483 , 5,790 ' to 40.. 51,645 3,328 _ Our projects for the past year • were a tremendous success, ernem ,er namely: our Fall Fair project; Tupperware Party, the Annual Your Hospital Hospital Dance in February and - our famous penny sale. 77,887 1,070 915,444 107;354 998 895,928 location of pharmacy. Consultants presently are studying the recommendations. • "The Board established an, $994,401 $1,004,278 Nil. • • $ 1,956 41,261 14,311 • STATISTICAL REPORT Nil. 40,159 agoo ql 1965 893 11,948 142 57,528 54,859 146,992 157,766 1966 1,215 13,336 123 ' 1967 1,259 12,e85 126 35 10.7' .79.0% 422 2,286 2,340 142,505 59 $ 8,098 $266,504 1970 1,411 11,993 , 117 33 30 36 $212,625 ' 791,652.- $204,520 , 789,881 1969 1,406 13,149 136 36 8.2 • 88.0% 605 4,054 3,640 .183,026 67 , $994,401 $1,004,2'78 1968 1,380 13,724 133 37 10.5 ' 83.0% 515 3,602' 3,142 161,695 64 - S 8.9 10.3 81.0% 381 1,723 2,005 108,655 58 76.7% 995 5,140 ' • 451'12 77,887 Liquid Assets' Current Liabilities Liquid Surplus or Working Capital 57,528. 107,354 • 54,859 12.8 72.7% 280 1,050 1,851 ,105,374 47 Admissions Patient Days Births Dail Y Average No. of Patients Average Length of Stay (Days) Percentage Occupancy No.ef Operations ss, Out-patient Visits X-Ray Examinations Pounds of Laundry Processed Number of Employees cost of Drugs ,& Medicines cost of Medical & Stirgioal Supplies Salaries'& Wages , Total Cost of Operations $ 20,359 182,830 . 95e. $ 52,495 $ 12,876 '$ 15,246 OPERATING STATEMENT FOR 1970 (With Comparative Figures for 1969) PATIENT DAYS REVENUE IN-PATIENT SERVICE Standard Ward Preferred Accommodation OUT PATIENT SERVICE Grants $-• 5,226 $213,207 $ 5,154 $167,372 $255,903 $ 23,156 $ 13,156 $405,282 $641,785 $ 26,529 " $ 23,810 $ 14,540 $ 14,003 $312,771 $336,291 $527,101 $602,944 1970 '1969 ' 11,993 13,149 $554,708 17,171 60,693 $632,572 $519,498 15,7e6 404 b33 67 $582,264 $350,923 $427,474 *Ineluding 28 part time Total Revenue Ino 1969, I'" 500 300 4 $22,181 7,696 38,740 37,773 24,533 27,388 3011 49 2,835 2,585 66 • EXPENSES • SPECIAL SERVICES Operating Room Radiology . . pharmacy . . , • Laboratory , . Medical Records pertrocardiograple mbulance . . . . GENERAL SERVICES Dietary Laundry . • • Linen Housekeeping . , • WAGES Nurses . Management . Plant Other Wages .. 89,161 75,701 27,426 . 2,238 1,595 3,161 218,540 35,666 31,766 119,751 7,48Q 3,885 ^ 6,91-5 15,665 847 " 1,750 25,-385 7,000 1,745 5,344 34,420 24,115 548 2,9'7,0 3,086 206,098 33,157 22,029 114,186 32,719 405,725 375,470- OTHER EXPENSES I3ank Charges . . . Administration • . . Stationery Print, Office Expense Postage, Phone, etc. Light, Heat & Power inurance & Taxes Workmen's Compensation Emp. Pension & Group Ins, . Repairs & Maint. • Travel Expense Other General Expense 79 6,056 2,844 8,724 17,723 847 1,582 ' 26,650 8,751 1,573 4,224 79,053 $563,033 19,231 8,411 (3,362) 76,012 v_ej $605,316 27,256 9,39,1 170 Operating Profit Expenses Recovered Bad Debts Recovered -s• STAFF DEPRECIATION Equipment & Furnishings Buildings & Land Imp. Other EQUIPMENT POSES WITH NEW 36,817 .24,280 20,723 17,031 22,886 22i882 6,792 15,633 "14~4.#10144444***,44.414044444 are Dr. M,A.Illoomfield and Standing at the new large unit Gordon Wright. Excess of Igiscpenses St. Depreciation, over gevenue X-ray Staff at the Seaforth Community HoSpital pose with the new equipment which was installed in August. Shown (left) with the new mobile unit is .technician,Carol Raeside. • • 14*****"."'","• n