HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-05-22, Page 7— 'r ` �~~�---------� . / -to ill tile 1`01004 Post so far bac witritoo, it wilt not pay, it, wid. broa W01114 Milk. tile, Or"ll ill culls-ortled, tilt, y. -Will lict, 040'ry, their culnul ('000 J"'siscll- to A441JAM to go. WActiV, W.high We W101 Its Inform the publia 041; 4WJI 1100 thft§M*AR8L livoillell )11110 In upplied at tho WrVit", tin)" of tile year, pueket As they would a watull. 1604. arnot this Westward Ilow of migr4tion in sitell al r ways "YO 14 11"16 041ty"s I)ag it' A r4litIO, Passion;. Willi our race and ORK OL41"K It, rolltcigpecit, Of to,, till ilopropor way. so for 14S tile laoae h4 wbioli notes 4ild ania b0sir, , Ill Wingliam lirts oral"wed All ;be legiblialou in the world vatitkot 1004 P in stock a trally . for tile liberal POO of applicati-ij is concerned, If, on the Wgrit;ljor. frisit girls, oil' the pi.14,ir at 01408 of g�040, 41ACh 4# tile Posit. oths-r Wald, they aseap plio ititelli- lialld, galleraily hilive their luollev Sew I WAY 0180 state that X 4 .t.zeriLly, there can be lout lilitle doubt ed oil tile itiside of their dresses. utif sanything Ili the line of that good results will I be otitained, rvaus vilirry their money in a 461t. Virls is. grate on making believe. Flaunels,' Graritt"es or Stono bit" will MAO believe a doli is A live baby Site Wil, tuake believe 5140 is Stof (s, WINDOW HILL per pound to soils needilig it, and that usually aii, elp.4orat:e atil iivady alfsir, STONBI phoephoric itoid aiiil powult tire also no matter how pool- Ujo otnigraut, ifiq oiful sweet on another girl or a feller Blaiakets, r=40I.No, if they cume to see her,and wheg they worrh it certain pries , is elItIally true, be, , Tile Froodh tuostly early a liulall Sheetiligs, swould,borple"adtols t- tb aro g,me she wilt say, kigrrid old coring say articles In v Lt is n(A lonapt all eNpPrialont, its to briwes tobe in which they cton piace yarns. godo,compare prices ,whether they will ppoduce certain to forty or fifty &A eaty-4two pieces, A"d assasoll. iou call select from a xults, when they are neaded,but it tu If yar-don't do what a -irl tells Ter, ftsip &C.J, obtain the Anest woo kniiinoillp at sty remove thein very readily one at a 0 rlQeL PO4 your '91�ere tire very few Itsidat sbe sayli your horrid, ther be (made from pure W40ol only) ches)i for cash or ex. horrid. t1jau, be soft. If you ou what Win where ' they are needed. Thf-,y should wI)Q do not carry it lurge tin tube ill a girl tel.s you, Toll will do fill ourts Customers from ML distance Can hays their tells Ilot Ito condemned .4ocauRo they fail which ti;ev keep tiieir paper inoney,or f foolish 031110S. house with thss.m the a4ule day. to prodtiao certain rpsalts frotit one ap. silver 001�8, Slid, this tntla is liuug 01 - W I N 0 0. A M TA 0 Girls. east be. good it, school ( very day Ighostmarksst pzicu,la cash for Merchantable plinatilm. - Peutiliaritle's of weather round the neck by A small chain or way powortully influ . evp if they fuel like n, I shud think Lbey INGUS & C07. p the restilts. cord. 5wedes and Norwegians are GLOVE WO; If &I th4 f sets are Utimi, it, U would our to ' book would got tired, ui.scl havo to do Built, Wialham : , have all immense pocket,, Gloves in ourk. cost. Call, Nappa, a turn but th%t in %ouie e'witirous it do#,,; that has gettoraiiy been used tly their tiling wouce In a whiles ; I kuq N it fol- And Far DrIvIng-Oloves ..]ways In lor does. Girls say tellers act orfui, A C H A 110 E made to order. that lit, it a proper pried were put on and which has i*tj it enough leather to but when a girl gets agbing she acts in tot, Also a few tile watture and tile labor of applying make a pair of boots, Tile blavou. it included, 4 would Ito f6tind that tb'p ipns and Hungarians carry their : : "01 YQU a L' itieresibe in the Crop Would not ptty for "lolley in th, together If a girl siants a feller to carry bar 1-31an't buy a Itobe u!"? eir long boots,, the proportion of tho Outlay Clat with it knife, fork, at4d spoon. books home, she ainV satisfied unless should be charged against that y.eur'o` she gits the salve felier the other.girls, CHA.S. 101KOHTEL A twi stock of Rld, French And Do 0 want, �hether she likes �im or not. Kip Harnpas (%ad Sole FiNtivdo For $hss crop. Bat 6ecallde this happens solne- Tito Age of Some Folitittieswi. , Wishes to lothilato to the people of Winghans an,'d )iI*ker#, AIW&VfJ an balld. times, 110 One Sets up tile plea Sa Valid, - Wlli�0 the plirtiCill are tiAlking. of Girls is grate on having sperpts—i. surroundinx ootintry that he has purchased Orders solleltod. tile harnsiog Ins alums lately carried �ftut manure from the farm -yard ''Ill thoir "(1irmid Old Men" it is interest- "'Gan telling secrets. They imake a u4st pay to apply to the , laud —Fonn iTIR to look into 016 ages Of various seeret out of nothiag at all, Slid tell it sou., and will conduct it In the Y'lie Canudiail. Liee ��tvclk aud Farni statopmen. Sir JobliXacdonald, who around to all tile other girls', just as if bujl�jng olue door winth of Ur T A Mills! J;unzal for May. is soventy-six, is a year younger than i 4 %V, , as. something dreadful. ' I bieeve Mmy Ladles chester in* the last Parliament. lie are d9iog souielliing.dreadfq . 1. Have written that Clark's Catarrh Cure hormy or light, made to order, MEW Jilts telieved them,remoring perfectly every is Air, Atowat's aeuior b only five 041,8 always git their joygo�rfry le" iieuse. Through gratitude they have can- years, and I Mr. bit . twat, at odventy-plIO, flone better thap a faller ; but if 01 A full line of tile Clark Cheinicul Co. will not use this is Ili year Older than bir Oliarles Tupper are. going anywhere they don't know Curr3combs, Brushes, etc., meaus to advertise their remedy. They and Sir Donald Smith. These two their way u I bit, and they are su're to alwayson hand. pamphlet of information 404 ab - will not parade the Bufleritiga of atsy one, knights have the ad fret lost. vantage of Mr. a It a st tot the )awe'showLtignowto or iuvade"th*e skered privacy of any home. pairing neatly antz promptly dois 0 Obtain Patents, Cavelitst. Tra4e, ,kuy sufferor froin Ckitarrh will rea6m- Njac�oezie by onq year, and Mr. Mae- If a girl don't feel like doing it 11ing f IThe p4tronate of the public solicited, and vatlsf= M_ Orlin work and material truaranteed, IWOM"U"'11411to-rc, 011r­ raeud Clark'a Catarris Cure, and that good kPozie is a yettr older thart lie. , Mac- Y(lu can't mAke her,u6 inatter wh ther 361 Broadway,� word is worth more 'Vllj�u the published r sh.6'bad orter or not. If she Now Tork. soweholiv,. know solottirti6g to WILM A. G. Jones', and these two gentlemen That is all I People soo'etitnes ask, �t what age are two years oldek thau Sir H"otor girlsithis tillie. Put llifu On Ilia If-gs , how old JIJUA lie four, a year younger than r Reotor, froshindfiti a 0 ' 2�, . answers are Prow. Ile mucit not, be, ft,year older titan Mr. Carling.' - INI, r lat�;' rit. /Purcell, ox�iNf. P. ;;S, I . . . ttta<le to sit till lie has spontaneously Obarlton is tile junior of Mr. Carlilig for, o'll w*all, left $40,000 to religious fiet up in hig bed and line been ableta by, one 'year, dud Air. Millp is sixty. slid cliaritasille institutions. 1kold Ilia seat Tills sociletilnes It&' For tile Spring trade we bave i 4toek froin t�.e P� Sit. 1lichurd Cartwright, Mr. Dewd aey . General Bliotb has eleven children Pena Ill tile sixth or seventh montils, and'� ,�Jr,'Oosliigan are fifty-six, 'while wilo A re engaged in tile Salvation At my % 0 (1 fa even When lle ifty 0 St Tandan od Amefkan Man Ct is not withoat danger; _five, Mr. Cook 'first saw- the takes it hiniself ; hiliosed pretuaturely world during the troubles ofJ-887-,SU& Our -assortment is tile fineist we ba vc s�f t i Ake e leVil 11P011 hint it, tirls tile bacl;-bone and its cOusequeatly 'fifty,fonr. Air. rjkt- we have a stock to suit everybod,)% j itndn,4 ders are really e4cell.ent. ES qljild 6boulci jxe:yp!- be taught to stand 01japleau is fifty one, and i1r. Laurier THE TEST d-OUGH 1E.Z01042 17 or to walk. Tliq� is I is affilir, not is fifty. Mr, Ourrau is forty-tAne, Sir 11acti him on a carpet in it 110AROY Thomp§on forty.%even, Mr. L. H. roon, or in tile open air, slid let him Davios,of Printsm tilward ' Is land,forty- I W play in freedom, roll, try to go hbead six, and Mr. Poster fbirt,34(lur, Mr. THE ODEL on Ili.% hands and feet,or un -back ward, 0. H. Tuppor, tile Minister of U rl -TYP9 .. W R I ER whicli he will do more 11 ne, T A larac stock on hand to seleet, froin an -i will be SOW 'at t1ie low. sn"PRstUlly at id,tlIej(kvGIJilss- Of politics. ne is but -ices. Call awl see our stoel� and et prices. No UouL!e- est, Possible PI first, it ell gradually strengthens al,d thirty-six. Xr. Tupper was it baby soms. atty lit- will in arms when Ili's father $20 w` R1. t0sllk)w t1OOds. bArderiq him. wits first TtR witli 10 qhar&ctere', and $18 for to get upon Ilia leness', another elected to the Nova Soutia Legisla- tile SINGLE CASE ODELL.' warranted to do day to gowforlward upon them, "find I tire. than any other imchine. Ilan no Ink rilshon He thus learns to do all lie botherthooperatnt. It Is neat'substantlij,' nicke, I'Vingbain, April Sells I&R. chairs, Itouble X622 Going wast J,4011 to rais himself lip against t1w Of 611soration, woRris longer without cost bf r1liqlre r Why do our young nibils not stay at pluttil. perfect and adapted to all kinds of type 011 3) 1 all fast Its ht- Clikil, alld no more. But, they say, lie, will be longger in hom4 'How is it that bo inany of them w"Itiott. Like 4pritstinst press, It produccashatp, clean, legible nussulacriptq. Typo or ten copies can learnitia to ivalk it he is left to go oil are constantly going Waist? These tire be inade at one writing, Any Irstoillurcut person can 'A Blensing to Every Household. Ilia kneps or his hands and jol.,t in, que6tiona -which Rre often asked these betoose an operator in two d&3 0 T . here are several reasons for to any opes-ator who cars ctual the work of sho definitely. , Witat differelsiee (lbes it days. DOUBLE CASE ODELL. , 1, . Wpst%vntd movement ofour young Itellaws, Agents and Salesmen vatted. Special Ma -P it, ('xplorivig tile world in tills till, HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND 0 NTMENT s ) Men. Ono reason is that far -away rulucensenth to D4olors. WSJ,,.- be becotnes neqnabited Witl -ids are always green, and fllraaw - Potleamphlot giviolt Indorsoments, &a., address TbCtt r0oltCiCR hVe 1400d the test Of fifty Years lexporlorell and are pr4liouit"di.the, 'a legf; and I)Rck, V . t;L,. birds livive protty feathers. Another 86 and 87 bill Ato MLI Fatuity lite: roasoll is that a yotirsirinall is Willing SAW MILL Whereas ZETLAND whers Ili. I gets to. walkt-ng I Tito iln- to %york itway at anything, rorit) tls�o �Iood,"3 correct all diAordets nt tills t.11VIF11, ST081ACII, 100VIRYS A19M. WYMA Ilk wil tiling i8f 110i whether lit- itt boots aqd Among the people wiler", portant invaluable in nil complainti 111didental to females of all sv4s, 1, Ito is ktio*p )to, would hiv alilialued to ROW THOON, Pr rXI—Imi 011 work at wh ell b hplo, Without exagg( tatiols* that Pd4w Of of-a,soll, sway iti.sorne Wastern land Lumber of all kinia-100 and i4old by all medicine- vandoisthrowhout the world. '04tion of tile Olissifactor ill going or, A& whefe 116 is unknown, otid where lie - 4 iasorfit ilbould look to the Label ob the Boxes saia %lots. 11 the lid&aw tbQ fl:tfUG t11116 with training ill 1000- does 'lot 601"a in c(l"taot With 'I's Oxford Str ' e 11166,111, an(I that -the way one leRrill, provioust babits,trailling Slid surround Md Cedar Posts. fililifl ill (hisi Utestern fairy laud. But tii(- stro-at Yealion of ell is tile great WOOD dmlivOrea to ituy oil, I UU. RE FITS I sa TP -sr t4sit Airlboarnsi hillil a populatiall of tit" viluj4g t"wisple. ()tjr it JA