HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-04-29, Page 5•
Studelits W Fk on
Last Tern" rojects DHS
Prepared by students of Seaforth District High School who are solely reesponsible
fier the editorial contents of this page. Sylvia,Smith, Editor. Staff Advisor: -
Mr-. A. Dobson.
Cominercial Students
To Have Work Week
10 AB projects
Projects are the predOminaut
assignments of the teachers this
term. And who know$'lt better
than grade 10, 5 year arts and
science students.
Upon reading a novel in Eng-
lish, "The Children's Crusade"
our, teacher,• Mrs. Hansen dis-
covered that many of us knew
very little at the Middle Ages.
What' better way to find out infor-
mation than a library research-
and an essay? Topics are wide
-and varied, ranging from "Dis-
ease" and "Castles" to "Sani-
tation" and-"Weapons". The stu-
dents are enjoying their research
periods in the library digging
out information to be compiled
before April 30.
History projects have been
, assigned by Mr. Cosford. The
essay which is to be 3 to 4
pages long deals with the per-
iod just before World War I
the War, and the depression
years. These essays are due
April 26.
Mr. Hook has assigned the
annual Science project. This pro-
ject, to be done in poster form,
is to pertain to some topic in
Science which we have mentioned
but not really discussed. This
will give the scientists of the
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This term, being no different from any other, is
fun of assignments given by the teachers of each
classe-Thismay be in the form of essays, posters
or such things as class discussions. They are used
to help arrive at a final term mark, Softie students
start on their 'assignments as soon as they are
given and have them completed before the due date.
Others,, of course, wait until the last Minute and
beg extensions giving all sorts of reasons. When
one stops and thiriks about it, these assignments ,
...are really a fairly easy way of obtaining extra
marks. Often the projects 'can be done at home '
and on your own time which should 'give-the
student a better opportunity to put forth a good'
effort. • Reniember the next time an assignment
is given, that grinning and mumbling does not get
it finished and I 'am sure that it will not change
the mind of the' teachers in regard to cancelling.
the project': „ S
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Half Sleeve
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the new high colors for
spring. Sizes small to
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For Summer
Round necks, V-
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'Wallace -Berrir-
style or polo col-
.lar types. We
have them all in
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im all, colors.
4.95 to 7.95
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We have a huge choice
of boys' sport ,Shirts lab
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2.95 to 4.95
Perma-Press Fortrel & Cotton ' •
Long Sleeve
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John Munro, agrade 12 , student at SDHS :reads a letter he
received from the office of Hon. John Munro, Federal Minister
of Health and Welfare. John sent an idea for an anti-smoking
T.V. ad which was faVourably received by the department.
(Staff: Photo)
Anti wSmoking Idea
Receives Praise
• The Prienilly Store in Senforth •-"the friendly town r
• •
0 • .1•0••••••••••••••••• ....... •••..••••••• •
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and • • • • • • • • • • • •
Sizes .1 to 3x, 2 to'6x
and 7 to 14
• • • •
• for all your sewing requirements •
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Don't be tempted to plant bedding plants in this area
before approx. May 24, This Warning is based on 2'0
years of local night frost records. This warning is to :
safeguard you against possible lose of plants and time.
In approxithately 3 weeks we will as usual
have ready for you biggest selection of high quality
bedding plants.
A bit of advice that could
save you money and pre-
vent disappointment. BE-
WARE of overly lush look-
ing' evergreens at this time
of year. They could be im-
ports from' southern USA
and unacustomed to the
Canadian winter.
PleaSe feel free to consult
us for expert horticultural
advice . . we are not
just ,,-tree dealers"!
We grow and sell quality
only , . • our motto is "nOt
how cheap, but hbw good".
Nobody -ever regretted -buy-
ing quality. We supply the
Shakespearean Festival
Theatre, where nothing but
the best is good enough..
HOURS: During May we
are, open from. 9 a.m. to 9
p.m, Mondays to Fridays;
Saturdays 9 a.m. to '5 p.m.
Closed all Sundays
Catering Strictly to the Discriminating Gardener
Government Inspected and Licensed.
Sebringville Garden Centre
The only horticultural establishment in Perth County owned and operated
by a ^Horticultural Graduate
Sebringville No. 8 Highway Opp. The School 303-6131'
Give mother a lasting beautiful living gift for
Mother's Day. See our selection .of georg4pus rose-
bushes, evergreens, geraniums, in giant size, tuberous
• begOnias e efc. etc.
is Bazaar Feature
All of the items sold In the
celebrity auction have been auto-
Some of the various booths set
up will house such ,things as:
Water dunking, contest; Candy and
baked goods; Fish Pond, etc.
The proceeds will be used by
• both the.Girls and Boys Athletic
Associations for their banquet
and a new. trophy case,
Again may I stress that thie
event is not just for the Students
but for the children of the sur-
rounding areas and most of all
kir the adults to participate in.
It deserves a good turn-out
so come on people support your
local High School.
By Steve Smith
t -A short while ago, John
Munro, a four-year student, of
"S.D.H.S. took it upon himself
to compose a commercial on
the hazards of smoking. He
sent this on to the Hon. John
Munro, Minister of National
Health and Welfare and has re-
ceived the following letter in
a reply:
The Minister of National
Health and Welfare, Honourable
John C. Munro, has Asked me to
thank you for sending him the
suggestion regarding a television
commercial dealing with the
hazards of smoking.
Mr. Munro, in fact all of us.
inveklved with the Federal
Government's smoking and health
program, are pleased there are
young Canadians, like yoqrself,
concerned about cigarette smok-
The B.A.A. and the GA.A.
have decided to stage a bazaar
the time spent with them by the May 14, 1971 In theynasitim_
- studenta-will-giv e useful-experz—bTlreaforth . biStrict High School
fence and also shows the interest , from 2:30 to 10:00. Various
of the surrounding 'community in booths will be set up for the.
regard to the actions taken by students -and the Public to take
the Seaforth. District High School. advantage of ..the good buys on
the articles for sale. There will
be a door prize.
At three o'clock there will be
a pie eating 'contest. I am sure
that this will be Jane event that
.no one will want, to miss.
At 7:00 a celebrity auction
will be staged. It will feature
genuine articles from such well
known celebrities as Bobby Orr,
Bob Hope, Kathy Crosby, De-
borah Kerr, William Davis and
many more.
known if 'an will be placed. The
students not placed will have
work assigned to them here in
the High School. This work may
involve running off tests, typing
for the office, and general filing
and office procedures wherever
The ,students fortunate enough
to be placed will be busy for the
week learning office procedures
of different businesses. I am
sure that this week will certainly
help the student to prepare
himself or herself for the working
world..whicty is in the very near
Being i his class myself, I
am looking rward to this work-
w'bek as are the other students.
We have been taught bookkeeping
ing and its hazards.
I am an Information Officer
charged with the responsibility
of 'planning radio and televIsion
promotions for the smoking and
health program. In that capacity;
I think your "Three Little Pigs"
proposal is a sound one, and I
am currently discussing the
matter with the head of the smok-
ing and ""health program. Dr.
Harold Colburn,
I will keep you informed as to.,
what is decided in the, coming
months, regarding your sugges-
Again, thank you for writing.
Do'nald M.Rennie
Congratulations John and the
best 'of luck frotri the students and
staff. of Seaforth District High
School, Keep up the good work.
The students of the Grade 13
History and Georgraphy classes
are putting on a car wash Friday,
April 30, from 4:0e to 7:00 and
Saturday May 1, from 9:00 to
6:00 at Cleave's Sunoco Station
on Goderich Street E. Along
with the car wash on Saturday
there will also be a sale of
baked "goods commencing at 2:00
featuring such articles as
cookies, tarts, squares, etc..
The proceeds of the car wash
and the bake sale will be used
to sponsor the students from the
above mentioned classes on a
School Trip to Ottawa. Your
support -Wile be-much•-apprec-
iated, Thes4 students are count-
ing on a- good turn-out so let's
not disappoint them.
Summer Jobs
Seem Scarce
. •
The summer vacation draws
near for the studentea-of Seaforth
District High. Most students,
in recent years, have been able
to obtain summer jobs quite
easily. Is this going to „be so
this year?:
. The pupils are every bit as'
concerned 'about the, unemploy-
ment problem, as are the adults.
Some attemptie-tO secure a full
or part time job by students
already have failed in most
cases; Can you do your part in
trying to help this problem dia-
- appear? We, the-students ask you
to please try.
• hopitlet projent Afri,Ci.
History tether,. hitr. CO 04.0
.i)4A Assigned us tp
let + ite.-up flan Olie hiStOVe
peeing we !we stoo4licibiO:y.e.4t.
Mr. Stephens, Or Science
teadher, 1140 osSigoect us a poster.
on Biology. Misp Weiler, our
Physical Eshinattoll teacher, in
training us for 'gymnastics which
we all find enjoyable and chat, ,
lengiug. Dariehe.Ductiarme and
Susan Purdy
Last Tuesday, Aril 13, the
Grade Nine classes disected a
preserved crayfish. Since we had
been taking about the crayfish
for the last week it only seemed
fitting to take one apart and
see what it looked, like In real
I think we had no difficulty
in finding the big parts but when
it got down to the nitty-gritty of
finding the mouth parts; that was
a different story. Although we -
thought we had lost the mandibles
(hard teeth-like portion in the
mouth) we eventually found them.
As each part- was taken Off
we were to get a piece of card,
board, tape the piece on, then
label it. - - Joanne Stoll 9C
A total of 55 students from
S.D.H.S. have signed up for this
year's driver training course.
Because the number of appli-
cants - is fairly small, it is
expected that most of the stu-
dents will be accepted and be
able to drive this year.
Mr. Fulcher, of Exeter, is
the instruct _of this course.
He heads this same programme
in Clinton and • also in Exeter.
This enebles our students to
learn the safety rules of driv-
ing efficiently and also a small ,
per tentage off the total insur-
,ance coverage cost when the
licence is obtained. This is Mr.
Fulcher's third year here at
S.D.H.S. and we appreciate the
time and effort spent here by
him.• •
hunting -
If you are thinking or
buying a. home and need
Mortgage money, come to
Victoria and Grey where
more than 80 years
e4erience will help guide
you. Mr mortgage
appraisers are thoroughly
trained and our branch
managers are keen to make
sure you get the most ad va nta-
geous loan possible... today
.... at Victoria and Grey.
class a chance to try out their
own experiments and ''perhaps
come up with some amazing re-
sults. SylVia Smith
Do you have your history
project finished? Maybe you still
have to• work on your Science
Our History projects are due
this Friday, April 23. -The
topics vary widely and
range from the Celtic people to.
Henry VIII to Elizabeth I and
right up to Napoleon. We are to
choose one person from any of
our History and gather two or
three pages of information on
Our Science, which was
assigned to us last September is
due the second week in May.
Here we choose any topic of
the animal kingdom which appeals
to us. We are to have pictures
and newspaper clippings and
notes. It must be presented in
an orderly fashion with neatly cut
out pictures.
"Better get busy".
Grades 9D and E of S.D.H.S.
are occupying their time pre-
paring their marks for the last
term in the year , 1971. • Our
Geography teacher, Mr.Morton,
has assigned our grapes to a
By Steve. Smith
The Commercial Director of
Seaforth District High School,
Mr. Scott, has been given per-
mission to stage a student work
week' by the Board of Education
for the grade twelve four-year
graduating Business and Com-
merce Course students. This
week will take place from May
17th to May 21, 1971. Students
will be given a list of various
stores and businesses that have
decided to participate by takipg
.s. student for one week. From
this list students will make a
first and second choice, and
from past experience itliwbeen_ future
found ,that most wishes are obe
lathed. Because of the large
number of class members in the
class this year, it, is not yet
procedures and typing since
grade nine. This, of course,
does not mean that we will be
able to walk into an office and
know exactly what to do but we
will have the oppOrtunity to put
our knowledge to use in co-
ordination with the specific of-
fice procedures of that office.
This - work-week has been in
effect for the past three years
and has proven successful in all
aspects of It's purpose. Special
thanks are given to all who accept
stutient'S for this one week as
Car Wash To
Finance Trip