HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-05-22, Page 6faint i.Wra reflvottA thele. s (abasedsmoke into thein,%nd litlaittin x numberd of pcoplis, and will, at its
1 1 tlu loin a of a Dair of bellona, Proselit We of illoreaso, ill time do-
n.oyed ►6� Some SUM 0 ITAW" . owl I n 4 11 the nostrils, all telld stray the o'Oulitry itself. -- Judge
h1wakilled Ilia fs,--et, stotuig t4youg, or.)WO,
14, house and, to arouse the tespiratory not, Evr-my FitwAy awnNiNa,
e t1tell wout into tI The bi ;he foal is I Olin keop 110 terins with A vice
hito the rooll, wtiore Sat -4 Upon which I
till kv , that tills our goals 'Ond di-stroys the
rhe dripped silo, ud clean. anti TIMES OFFCC, JosEPHINC S'rm
lita by thu eveuitia lamp, wa be dry it odniforta of homes and the Treace of
, lle� wits iutntly rpeteliti., ilia papers the mother 041quld lift outiourgod to
r d bratalizoe
at wing. Neither. i-.Qk.t)JK tho sticky tu-Jist ulaterial. f Von) i fauli.ieq, and debase -i al
bright day 141 the mother ititently So the people of these is!4lldS._0hhsf 0 Ire A
you re- tile aldn' of tier offspring, alld themby
1l)Oked tip lit leis entrance, P 0 VLRTISING RA'416;
044 f Allou, Run, I i antics 0olericigo,
I r spoke l.. 10 wo. I If a,
The atoU0 tile 01,011lati'll'. ExIl""re to To which we lint lit a(14 tho rcoent 1 1-1 .. . -_11 . ... ...
cold air at this period is dangerous, as Ono 00! 39 9% 1 *40, �Q —Iii-, 00— vio,
I a 60 to
v%uh4h with tile., troy drew A. lung, quavering sigh. and 14
it ificreases weakiless,is ligillo to exciti. decision Of Mord Yooll" at the Gifts, lialf 40 80 00 2". Oo 00
P garle, 14 XV oil .11: 00 7 00 4 V)
Ieine°ptilely fade t sit. down Ott the reulate 041, no I
Z I liza Short Boo, I X 00 1 11V
IV circuit, in the case of E
OLD for a internal ingaillinatiou, or cause ex, saw - 6 0
Cu sloop I chair, Alt Wits atilt in the roan (Whose (Irtillkil
'fintise and neglect, had I, oil[ and otherculgial dvortisoluento, so. ler lbw
and lot the pmt be Ir'lig. tinie-very still; but fiverytiang hausting diarrhoea, It the, foal is too (iyr5)rsv, I luourtion, and 0ii. per line forottell sublik'406of
Eld old- slow in gaining strongtlk to got up resulted ill tile death of -tier child), re Insorki'l I-
Loold licticils, In nonpareil type, wo, for first lit
Us will. sloop to sovilled 0.1 kind aud restful a tit of fusing to i.-oia liar cri,ninaily respoll- liorilou, and Ou. per Line for ouch subLeclutlit laboaltl.
t No local notice will Ill. 0141`91A to" that' iIic
Manley and kill to Win I find seek 4110 teat, & t bles'llool t Advortisametits of Lost, Found, Htra�`Cd, SIt"AtI911%,
i To elo'blol- Only it somebody would say L-Ome- whiskey inixod With somp of the sable because there could ijol,`be inferred and Bushilies Ulluilosis Wonted, not uX(:uodlU;; 8 1111vi,
tion to commit the 'crime, i4ild uollpAralt, 41 until
ad box him tilkyllow mother's milk, millcred into a warin i0tell Houses and Fiume for Sale, not exceeding 9 llawc,
thin --or come 4 rcondition,thou-sh iiil. for itiat inooth, Duo, per subsequent Invoth
daig C. Orr. refusing t hold her
no-, wh7, Lord bless 'ems, bottle,shou Id be poured into the yt)xlnmThese tt rius, will be strictly adliated to
elfry might is go annual. If the bowels do trot inove ill caused by tier own Hot, sufficient to Special rates for looger ailvertiscruinits, or it
rd duty'a. rat went oil. wpsolt hes there, ready t9 uttistefully longer porlonis,
&Whkot I BUG it couple of hours after birth, it pint of Illake her criminally reopouBible for the In
Ailrortiqiyuionts Without spucifle directiono, will bit
accept anyLiliu- from theili't sorted bill forbid alkil charged accortlingir. Trails
I ?I Witter illjoctod into tile death of the child.-EdinburghJour. itory advortiounioutainust he Brad In a4vulica,
thy aMictiona are. I lukewarin s Changeu for ulustbo In
is light that oomell!what siletwel It O)o 0104 would ) flat of Jnris' rud(moe. the n1hue by WolluillotaX jitivu, ilk ordOrtO APIWAX
bo wew'wi 11 usually arouse theta. to. This p
OkIly stripe and drown tile wh speriug, that Week
J . eating at intervals of Owing to the unpr for R. rLI.IOTT
I Awake t i• sifting sound of tile katyaida otliside inay require re I ecocietited demand Paoriii)VIUR AND PUluilhUSIL
art,, yield not to Her-"! irs half ani hour if they remain tartly in PIatQ,g1a`cl it half advanced considerably in
Ill the dewy grass I From offer 0 price. Kiyears rde(lausland Se Sou,Turunto,
.dream ea4awhou God: down sonle alien street, lie heard the their action. The plait usually dtlopt. fortunately made a contract before the It, MACDONALD,
ed is to give laxative medicines p rable quantity,
,not, advance for a very coullide
wake t
at their ilight. and are thub onablect to offer their patrons JOSEPHINE 4TnEET,
Awake t (faint balloo, of the boys .night-'
ly game of town fox, with no desire as castor• oil, syrup of itinbarly, etc,. this season a decided advantage in prices
the quality being superior to any ever lire -
but the injection are safer and equally
wl r to be 9, participant iki. their viously imported.
1auiTA,W.ti'7 BOY. Liattive reliable in their action.
sport -no never agnihill, the wqrld! 1, Mrs. Will. Harrison, of 'Ifiltan, NIT B. TOWLER,
my in of nights- If attention is given to keeping the i
101518 RILF.Y. He just wanted to st whose husband was killf-d on the 0. 310lubevc011ogo Physialims and surgeons, Ontario.
tight there, at lionie-always I lie young atkiniial. dry and warm, slid the P R track, and wboss ex,,eutors sued-Gorlynor for county at Ituron-
u- Richard Malcolm bowels kept acting suffieientlyfreely,
coughed -hoarsely, too- slid q1tifted
the C. P. R. for $5,000 dainages, has Office at TU# PHARMACY 00t,
outh6rn authorl to st Ilia positions tint no. vaguest parental many of the fatal cases of bowel been allowed $1,000 and $2,30 costil.
e Ur Riley told this u otice or solicitude in ;e6ppase 110 derangement n),ay be worn off' If DIL A. MPLDRUM,
Honor Graduate of Toronto University, &?)it
scouring bets in, in spite of :all favor- Mr. Thop, Freeborn, of ArInroingtnu, Number of the College of Physicians And burartom; of
wordw,.no look. � Ob, it was Very, still. Ontario.
11ed, unappreciated boy oircuinotances, it is generally of cancer curitio, famil, has boen fille'i - -Corner of Centre and Patrick
He co'Badil't just remember any prier able 011iceand Residence
by I strouts, formerly occupied by Dr, BiethuAlly.
,alike ilia home very that at approached t at silence tied U in to Ili, attributed to the mi it of it 1 1, 460 and costa at Hall. ver 11agis. WIN(HIAM Cis?
his parents no mother not being properly couHti'toted. trate J01111 Procter' The case will he
point of such prufundity, of depth and b Lott. J> VANSTONS
dar4'Qf 'his require
density of hush. AnA he felt that lie. Tlas slioWd then be withheld -•and appealed. DoLoutive Web of L i
I L.
uddisciptillarian. So sil I bAt . ituted, diluted with don, was the complainant. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Ito
On' I., cow's rnflk
Sell! mnst break it' so, stunm 11 at lowest rubes
nly over his. disheart- him -fourth part of Water. It the bowels 113(swGrippo" Private will Company Kinds to loan
every snbtie artifice of seeiving 1)011, one Interost Nocoisimioloncharged. lmovtgag(-.6'soi�u
in ings'and limitations; chalance and old-time ease and nater•
r. -.PPPetlr to become torpid v(ith Is simply epidemic Itythictiza; Willooll's and !arm proportj bovirlit and a6ld.
e, knowing - the -outside Wildi0herry WillLoUre it safely awl quickly. OFFICE-Boaver Block Wl.,,GllAX)0.4T
old alnes a to Ilia aitr, find gazing pensively t Ilia treatments sweeten tile ace,W's tet tliegetyulne,illwhite wrOppOrli Only,
afford Win. ad6valitages at the.cat., cu rl(d in its wouted. corner 'inilk with honey, which has a laxative and Use it as directed for Infitteuza.,
a foand at home, h($ tit out, -on the heard), -Fit last he spoke (lot efleot.' It securing pereists, I)ralldy -in
ruing-' before ! 1, find, J. A. Slouto'i
mill ore breakfas , Idol doses, combined 11
you; got kht� tablespoonful with BARRISTERtc., 0
is, over the back fence, and , airily and said : I see 'Ila]( tabitispoonful of laudanum and
his' fiat wood same old cat. cis, NV1116hum litAl.10
shakin . -at the I I LES, L Ue
e varnished -himself away. down And very glad,,at)d.prond and bon. two or three tables tits of itne.
water mixed kyith a little linseed te&,
rnptke.Dred I feel tosui0it) to present to
Y.61,, he bad at this self- I same buy -now grown I' will usually arrest it, This d6se may The U.idorsigued are Prepare'
4k?ixeLativii, his longirnuttered You
a to Pay
somewhat older ill years, though not Ito repeated, if necessary, at intervals the EyEa ,, I)ICICTI'SoN,
Ienin-s, He had, run away kom so
P in heart not; in his abiding love for Of two hours. It it is not effectual,. Molest 0, a sh ]?rideg H. W. C. M.Yrm Q. c. 1 E. L. DiciatisoH. 13 A,
ll! 0 b , BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc.. Etc., bi#
the homes. of. the humblest of 4i9 rel. toore laudanum may b given,
parents, at the,discovery of his For all kinds of Good Bound litsitoni for Bank 0. lialuiltoll. Commissioners fur
lows-anajhie is my good Joillt-ilt is one of the most seribui; taking nthdavits for hianituba. barna, Town and
•grew (1rst:raGe Hg eciallfriend and HARD ARD SOFT, W00 LOGSI� Village property bought and sold. bioitt!3 (priyuja
3ohii6ton, of troubles to be apprehended.'*' If care fulius) IoLuied oil mortgage securitv ut 61 Por conss.
P ssibly lie had been yours, Richard motioi Sioney4mested for privLaoileisuns, Upon thtbviis
Georgia.-Indianapo4s Journal. ful attention js given 'to the Navel- Delivered at their Mill Y in Wingbam. mortgage securities without wiv exponse to the
L'ablised o himself sometimes bailor. Lauds for siaw in hianitoiia u4u the Axes A.
string many,- the cases -may be warii: Also far West.
Il' -lined L.16 even his wayward 103INSUMPTIOX GURZD. ed off Th"fa disease app --ars, to be a Office—Kent's Block. %I highain.
'ne y
d-iNT"Orting himself ill the I Ali old physician, retired from practice
. .1� 0ast India uilss�iloanaluif blooa-poisoning, the point of infection BaSSWOod Heading Wilt; ENTISTRY.— J S,�ER0312, WiNuIlAA,
Jilts of the swittliming-hole-where, hall placed In his hands by an L r,
the iormul& of a simple regemblo remedy for the D
speedy and permanent core of Consumption Bron. being the navel -string, so that this By the Cord.
is manufacturing Celluloid Plate},
wait, end where be stoi, chitin, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat anA Lung kept in as dry and vulcanite plutee of the beimmaterial
lit I
Affections, also a positive And radical euro for card should be
�rZ,`G!hpie day, 0 as cheap as they call be got Ili bull
a throughout tile Norwousi Debility and all Samoan Complaints, after healthy a condition as possible.. If CUSTOM SAWTNG Dominion. All work Warranted.
d its wonderful curative powers Ili I Painless extraction of tooth by the nod of Electrie.
at fine fdroishing interval in =1.0".'s' cases, he has felt it his duty to make it the fuafis'weak and lies much, this
known to tits suffering,follow Actuated by this . Done at Lowest Paying Prices, and it� or Vegetable Vapor,
4 he Sneaked fur enough away to motive and a desire to rollev:1 bureau suffeRme, I is not so easily d(,ne in 3111 cases but Atm NoTics.—I will extract tooth for 1 25 elfuth
will send free of charge, to all %%'he desire it, this SATISPAOTIOLT GUARAYTED41). oath.
a, � neighboring orchard. Tile recipe, in German, French or Haglisli, with full if tlIr and lean OFFICE: In the Boaver Block, oppoilits tit*
., beading ia he dty c
ir boyg went homeat Winner -time directions for preparing and usinic. Sdntbyniailbv 0 BrunswickIlo,
add reRsinit'Alth utarrip, naminiz th19 paper. IV. 9. and the aniniml moved frequently, and
he, ata.4 I he b ad no ham's I 'At Noryls, $20 Pawers Black. Rochester, N, T. the fullow,ing lotion applied to the re. All kilide of Drii-sed and Undressed Wm. H. 'Macdonald, L. D. S.31
3 B' 1 1
he ti4ed, to., thitik these very ci_UT re of roals. mainstof the cord several times a day, M 1 - DENTIST.
14,u't.d with a very biting irony In Order to give the mother andmatly attuctis may Ile warded off: Tako Constantly on band. OFFI CE -0 MASON'S BLOCK,
P trembled frequently ibut long, foal ever chance the niaro ahout corrosive suillituative . one draLlitil, Also Shingles, Lath, Slaves. Barrels, Cedar Posts,
* I y Otyptiolte the Queens Botel. WiDghatel.
wood, &a. Call and got prices. Mill atlJoIning 0.
is' figwftynk . rnd, there
it, t; tiring kyrtb should, if the weather is carbolic acid half an ounces and Witter T. It., oil Shuter St. Will visit Gorrie Ist and 3rd monovs,
I I I t-1 _6!
in a. kno.tted,"i�qid sort tint comfortably warm, be placed in a one pint. -4W Green8lde l), the (;alift- of each month.
g spot ill big throm,"',,tbat loose box sufficieUly large uo that.alr6 dian Lissa St I Stack and Farm Journal for McLean & Son,
to hurt worsewhen he Ai can turn with ease. One who under- May. Nviligham, Out J OIIN RITCHIE,
U I lima when Ila did. It a0 due
takes tile task of watching a mar
.0ous, self assertive opiniotiat- to foal, ill order to watch liar in Tlie Wise Savants 800T AN . D SHOE op. QRNEUAL IftILISANCS AGENT
the 'tall us that Rheumatism is a blood disease; MoLAticulin(ils HAUGH
pain• act and render ally assistance that that it call be cured nuly by a remedy
e Wrestled with it, anti swal. - which Works Chrougli the blood. And yet Havintr purchased tile Custom Business of Messrs
infly be necessary, is often ubagrivied, At Carmic k & Co, wish to intimate that Cloy have
it you havetliedartitygPillils of Ittiatims. GO th ;I &tills OBERT OUMN th GUAM,
polled out In sh.)p two doors tooth at T
it until alwoAt dark ; then, when he liss-been priding himself on tilith Iiii mnsaleLi or joilitst try a little of Store, Wirighain. 11t, . INSURANCE
O last that his charge lima
Stragglia vigilaace,finds,
ling crown of 13 is IClark's bighbaing Liniment. It Will go Boots and Shoos made to order from the Boot
direct to the seat of the pain and relieve Stock oil short notice. Repairing neatly and FIRE AND MARINE,
promptly clone.
lientr, he moved torpidly in to- luded detection in the act of bringing it ut oucci. There is no waiting weeks, Tile patronageof the pub3a solicited, and all Work GUELPH.
toe, or rather oozed . tint way, forth. We iltive heard nintly vow and months until the disealto call be jtt� guarmltsyd.
rru lssitatil% reluctant' tacked through the blood. Thiisseeins. to IdeLAUCHLIN dz R 1,U Gla DEAN, Jet.. WING11fill,
I till, ins k)LI 8 Pis
y would not wasip any more time be colitr3ry to Itsyleutific claims, t. it i
fF returns. . charactpriwPin. in alleb it way after an Pxperience of true that Clark's Lightning Liniment willta�r LICENSED AUCTIONEER IrOlt T119 CoUXTy
ei littined perhaps, by (lie tilis kill(i, and oure Blieurnatifisill. Sold by all druggists; LU 010 HURUN.
9 stato that watching is price flit idents. Clark Chemical Co., 11 ggg BUD` &SCOTT Salts attended In any putt of this Co. el• ej
ve of rhoppiniz an arrufaluseless liowev0 this way be, if the Toronto and Now York. Moderate.
:B —A-:tT 19Z ID IZ S
A ho wont in by wily of tills Attiludanthappens to bf- -on hued at the 73ritiml. JimUclat.DLets lin Drink. TOEN CURR125, WINtIBAN, ONT.,
Ana be did this ; bul; the rigtlt t1lile, lie ala y have all opportUrs. Alwost every criniA hus its origin LICENSTIT) AVOTIONUMB YOU T112 CotIATr QY
Josephine street - - - - - - Winham, Ont, d
who Was wailhing the stippee ity Of S.i`11111,1 6 f"al'll lifO,by relliorilig more or less in dritiking —Judge i. A. HALsrrm W. bOOTT,
00 no commont of any kind, any obstlielps to br-irbing, as on aw. Gurney. Mount Poren. Liatovrol All ordtfs left tit thaTimas otficepromptly At end
ad to. Terles irtusoumbio.
Virough We pantry` with cumulation of intlens from Lit(- nostrils
Xmi-ty-nine casts out of every hull- Deposits rwceiVOd slid Interest= AMRS HENDERSON,
"llegs- 11"t the cull'' or tile romavoll of.the after birth whiull, dred, are caused by dviuk.—Jadge Allowod. i
Llommohis Atloftosulut. "It COUAT199 1110ROx ANA
looked Ito 'we.1t. cat W mity he elifigifig arourill tile "'Ad 1f Mcftey Advanced to Parmerts and Bmucx
w1mrs lit least tile I)uvllp �,110 V0110'r 01114nal does riot begill to All salts attended to Ill'OulPtlY aid on the Sbwttv
1�1 Notion.
7 slid shook hands witlie hilsill(Ithe zrt An.-ce.whou there is llo'alipaz. If it weft, ijot for drink you (jui%v) 8iftsiness Mon., Chargo0lodorate and Satisfaction ounroutod,
,drMIR-1611jitrid deep t(; aral I would linve nothing to do,— On long or short time, on endorsed Ilote
,8 , All pecimary arranaculunts call be uladi- let $by
'PI)t, (1hq-tic"I to Vli!', u0t, t.110 Illuld tip• or coliateral security. Sale notes botimbb Tiliss' office
'ed 14'f' nide (if the chv'l, 1.11- atil, fair valuation, 9008,yromittedtou,11-
arlgr, Pattisoll.
ru the -settling gl(WINI, 109if
i of this h1w,".11ollf" If a;1 inew could till perwifidod from 1"Atts 'Of Ch"adh tit 0"80"10 Ohm"908- "" 12011tpir !,e IIAI4ICIfie
bot it looked good, &wl Vp!t'.'wTr ti?p itv-art is beating of, the Lipp .•f intoxi.-vililig drinks the I Slidolal. Attontioit Given to Col. P. L, h D. L Suilvmyom Axis Civit 1XGi$P0,ll,
iavrgoagaillattlia kr4P,;.iU,t. #t iti... -ris,(wy -T)n 04 Pul.1 ii.- Offilito of jud.-ti wolli-I Ila it silwoues'., 100ting Ac"olants and 17oteg,
hide with •;i• kind wt' AlJorsan thisTn(MA01 it
� M � do m etfive Jiornpt atteritepn
oveTbid 111 . 1; I of ILI PATK"OXI
Wl. P6
Obkv ntsuor; Iffolm Gni. M. ask in. 11*11iW 00, X100% )PIXASOX COUllf, XvIsCifiC 00, XAk
-i.. tip
Ilan du: 'roved I"'isgs w4m flill
0 Will 0144