The Huron Expositor, 1971-04-01, Page 15Walton HURON. Em,osag.R.sEamprrH, otitr,
MX'S. Allan McCall
• The Annual Cub Banquet was
held In the basement of the Wal-
ton United Church on Monday
evening with thirty-four present.
Rev. D. Docken opened the
banquet with Grace. James Smith,
the acting chairman for the even-
in g asked for a toast to the
Those seated at the head table
were Ontario Provincial police
Constable Memnon from the
O.P.F. Detachment at Goderich;
James Smith, Chuirm.;
J Leemine, Mrs. Ron Bennett,
S ecretary; Mrs: Stewart Hum-
phries, Treasurer; Rev. D Dock-
en and Laverne Godkin.
O Following the dinner, Mr:
Smith called on Mr. Docken who
welcomed everyone present for
the father and son banquet.
Paul Humphries proposed a
toast to the fathers. Emmerson
Mitchell. replied to the cubs on
behalf di' the fathers.
Laverfie Godkin thanked the
ladies of the Walton Unit for the
supper to which Mrs. Fred Dunk
of the Supper Committee replied.
Mr. Docken entertained, with
the guitar as accompaniment and
everyone joined in and sang,
"I've been working on the rail-
road", "Clementine"-, "When the
ice worm nests again" and
"This land of Ours".
Mr. Leeming introduced con-
stable Mau'a.on, who spoke on
general safety and presented a
film pertaining to safety. Fel-
lowitig this, the Constable held'".
a question ported on his topic.
Mr. Smith presented the guest
Speaker, with a - small ggt, in
appreciation, ter taking time to
attend the gathering.
The Walton Scout Committee
sponsored a' crokinofe and card
party on Friday evening with a
large attendance. There were
g tables of crolcinole and 8 tables
of euchre in play. Prizes went
to Ross Mitchell, high, and Cheryl
Fraser, low, in crokinole. For
euchre, high, Wilfred Shortreed,
low, David Dunk; high for ladies,
Mrs. Doug Fraser, low, Tharon
The Scout Committee, Mrs.
Ron Bennett, Mrs. Stewart Hum-
phries,__ Laverne Godkin, Jire
Smith ana' Wm. Leeming helped
serve lunch,
The Topic on Mexico was
given by Mrs. Merton llackwell.
Mrs. J. Bur':h closed with prayer.
Mrs. Neil McGavin conducted-
the business opening with a poem
entitled, ' This' is today". The
secretary, Mrs. Wm. Leeming •
read the minutes. Lunch was
served by Mrs. Norman Schade,
Mrs. Charles McGavin and Mrs.
Ste*art McCall. Male dog $2.00, eath ac '*.o
dog $2.00. Female clog TOO* eadi
additional $4.00. Spayed- feint% the
game as a male. ',rags are DOW avail-
able at the. Town Clerk's Office.
The IVIcleillop Unit of the
U.C.W. held their March meet-
ing in the basement of the church.
Mrs. John--Burch and Mrs.
Mervin Smith were in charge
of devotions, taking as their
theme, We acknowledge our
Sins". Mrs. Burbh opened with
a poem. Mrs. Neil McGavin was
pianist. The scripture from
Psalm 51: verses 1-13 was read
by Mrs. M. Smith, followed with
meditation by Mrs. Burch. The
offering was taken by Mrs. Norm-
an Schade and dedicated by Mrs.
Mrs. Gerald Watson
Heads Walton W. I.
Dogs are not all9wed to run at
large in the Town of Seaforth at any-
time. Any dog found running at large
• may be impounded and the owner
may be charged with violation of
By-Law No. 682.
Fred Dunk.
Mr. Jack Wen/1 et 04e1P11
spent- the weekend with his par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Stewart MC-
pall and Murray.
Miss Nanci Bennett, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bennett was
in the Clinton Public Hospital
last week, but are glad to report
her stay was Only a few days.
Recent visitors with Mr. and
. Mrs. Allan Searle and family
were Mrs. Ruth Huether of Brus-
sels .and Mr. and Mrs., ,Ray Hue-
titer and family.
The W.I. • are planning for
another euchre this Friday even-
ing, April 2. Plan to attend, this
—.may be the last one of the season.
Miss Glenna Houston of Wind-
sor spent the weekend at the horn
of her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Rae Houston.
We are glad to report that
Murray Sholdice, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Mac Sholdice is mulch
Improved after having his ton-
ails removed in Clinton Public
HoSpital last week.
Miss Rosemary Ryan spent
the weekend visiting in London.
Mr. and Mrs. James Keys
of Seaforth spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and. Mrs. Mac
Mrs. W. IL Humphries attended
a District meeting of the Women's
Institute in Bluevde an Monday,
Miss Judithamer spetitla4t
week, in London, with her sister,
Mrs. Volker 'Hertlein and Mr.
Hertlein and baby son. '
br. and Mrs. Brian. Traviss
and daughter of Hamilton visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Herb Traviss.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bennett
and Rion visited with Mr. and
Mrs. William Merkley of Bel-
Miss Jean }Mien of Hickson
visited at thesbome of Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Hillen.
Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson
of Seaforth visited with Mrs.
Walter Broadfoot.
Mrs. Arthur Heard has been a
patient in Clinton Public Hospital
for the past week.
Misses Susan Humphries and
Kim Humphries were holidaying
last week in London with Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Humphries and Mr. and
Mrs. H, Rutledge and their fam-
Darlene and Allan Dunk,
children of Mr. and Mrs. David.
Dunk of Corunna spent a few days
of the holidays last week with
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Sunday, April 4 at the 'us al
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin MOO-
aid and Lynn visited with Mts.
Jean mcGale' and Mrs. John"
McDonald in Toronto. Lynn; re-
rained for a few days of the
Noliday week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walters
and family of Hanover visited
with Mr., and Mrs. Ron Bennett.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen McNichol
and Mr. and Mrs.. Don .Dennis
are on a motor trip to Ftorida
for a few weeks. -
Mrs. Waller Broadfootspent
the weekend in Toronto with her
sister, Miss Amy Love.
Mrs. Thelma Mills, Chatham
visited recently with Mr. and
Mrs. William Mott and family
at Family Paradise.
Misses Margaret Shortreed
and Ahn Watson spent a few
days of the holidays with Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Shortreed of
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rut-
ledge and family, visited this
-past weekend with relatives in
Walton, also Mrs. Margaret ,
Humphries, who has been a pat-
ient in Seaforth Community Hos-
pital for the past few weeks.
Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Jr. and
At the Sunday morning service
at Duff's United Church, a panel
on "What is the Drug Problem"
was presented by Debbie Wey
.and Carolyn,, Fraser. Rev, and
Mrs. Docken spoke. on.the sub-
jects, Why people take Drugs,
the Drug Problems and Some
Solutions". Misses Debbie Wey
and Carolyn Fraser had attended
the Toe Alpha Conference at
Niagara Falls last December.
,„ Miss Carolyn Fraser, student
at Western University, London
was a weekend visitor at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Doug Fraser. _ "
Mission Band members are
reminded of Mission Band this
You're milesA ahead at
veleinfellieseereemaimmenesimmijimmominw 'Preston.
District meeting she attended
in Bluevale. The District annual
is to be held on May 11 at Cran-
brook.. Members decided to have
a bus trip.
Mrs. Stewart Humphries
brought in the slate of officers
for the new year which are:
Past president - Mrs. Alvin
McDonald; President - Mrs.
Gerald Watson; First Vice-pres-
ident - Mrs. Allan McCall; Sec-
retary - Mrs. Wm, Humphries,
District Director , - Mrs. Alvin
McDonald; Alternate - Mrs.
Gerald Watson; P.R.O. - Mrs. ,
Nelson Marks; Branch Directors,
Mrs. Don Achilles, Mrs. Ray
Huether, Mrs. Jim Fritz, Mrs.
J. Van Vliet Jr.; Curators -
Mrs. ' Nelson Reid, Mrs. Jim
McDonald; 'Press Reporter -Mrs.
Allan McCall, Mrs. Jim Clark;
Auditors - Mrs, Wilbur Turn-
bull, Mrs. Nelson Reid.
Standing Committees-- Agri-
culture and Canadian Industries-
Mrs. Neil McGavin and Mrs.
Laverne Godkin; Citizenship and
Edupation - Mrs. Herb Trayiss
and Mrs. HerbWilliamson; Home
Economics and Health - Mrs.
Harold Bolger and AIDS. John
Bos; Historical Research and
Current Events - Mrs. Murray
Smith and Mrs. Jim Axtmanrew,
Resolutions - Mrs. Jim Nolan
and Mrs, K. McDonald; Sunshine
Convenor - Mrs. S. Humphries.
All Types of Repairs
Phone 527-0270
The March meeting of the
Walton -Women's Institute was
held on Wednesday evening in
the community hall with a large
crowd in attendance.
The 'president chaired• the"
meeting, and the secretary, Mrs.
Wm. Humphries read minutes .
and 84 members answered the
roll call.
Guests were welcomed froth
nine branches in East Huron,
including Bluevale, Cranbrook,
Ethel, Fordwich, Lakelet, Moles-
worth, Moncrief, Brussels and
Wroxeter. There were 92 ladies
present for the social evening
that followed.
Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Jr. and . ,
Mrs. Neil McGavin conducted
a sing-song with Mrs. J. Free-
man, Fordwich at the piano.
Mrs. Neil McGavin introduced
the guest speaker, Mrs. Clar-
ence Dennis of Moncrief, who
had a display of articles she had
made from animals horns. She
also exhibits at Hobby Fairs and
in addition, writes poetry. Mrs.
J. Van Vliet thanked Mrs. Dennis
and preseneed her "with a gift,
Lunch was served by the com-
mittee in charge: Mrs. Allan
McCall, Mrs. Gerald Watson,
Mrs. Ray Huether, Mrs. Mervin
Smith, Mrs. Torrence Dundas,
Mrs. Nelsoh Reid and Mrs. Dave
Watson. •
• The business portion of the
meeting followed lunch. It was
decided to have a Dessert Euchre
on- April 21 with the following
committee in charge: Mrs. Jim
Mrs. Jir,n Nolan, Mrs.
Alvin McDOnald, Mrs. E. Stev-
ens and Mrs. J. Gordon. The
anneal banquet will be held in
the United Church on April 28
with the McKillop Unit cater-
Short courses were discussed
and the Food Forum Never a
.Dull Meal" was announced for
April 22 at C.H.S.S.. Mrs. J..
Van Vliet Jr. reported on the
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