HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-03-25, Page 20If you received a supplement in 1970... you may qualify for increased payments after April 1st, 1971. At that time, the maximum combined Old Age Security pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement will be raised to $135.00.a month for a single person or a married person whose husband or wife is.not a pensioner, and.to $255.00 a month for a married-couple mho_ are. both pensioners ($127.50 each). If you did not receive a supplement in 1970... you may now qualify for one as of April 1st, 1971, because the amount of income you are allowed has been adjusted upwards. Nearly 300,000 more Canadians will benefit from this change. The new maximum Old Age Security pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement will be $135.00 a month for a single person and $255.00 a month for a married couple who are 'both penSionerS ($127.50 each). You have already received an infor- mation booklet and an application form for the supplement. If you think you. are eligible, and have' not already completed and mailed the application form; you should do so now. The in- creased Guaranteed Income Supple , ment is not sent to you automatically. You must apply for it each year. For further information or assistance in determining whether you are eligible for an increased supplement, write the regional Old Age Security office at the address shown below: 4 Pre- Easter COAT CLEARANCE 11,7e • „evirliVi'144.4. • p' "33‘..54rira• " . • i. or, SAVE - - 'Akt up to on 50% 13•7-k SUEDE and LEATHER Nr.°1 COATS 41'4w epritl --- just arrived for rr EXCITING NEW LINES IN LADIES SPORTSWEAR SWEATERS & SKIRTS GENUINE LEATHER SUITS, LEATHER JUMPERS, SKIRT & VEST SETS_ ALL AT FACTORY _OUTLET SAVINGS GENUINE 1C1 BLYTH ONTARIO OPEN 9:00 A•M - to 5:30 P.M. MONDAY through SATURDAY The otiikte- Att • •-, 1011. .0•71 '71TeAllip character. After examining the milk in el, the tank, the bulk tank driver records the dip-stick reading and starts the agitator. The id- entification label for the, sample vial is attached properly and the milk graded. The milk in the farm bulk tank must be agitated five minutes, or longer if nec- essary, to mix the- milk thor- oughly before the sample is tak- en. Using a sanitary straw, a one-ounce sample of milk is taken and placed in the vial. The vial should be placed in the sample case immediately. As milk samples must be kept between 32 degrees F. and 40 degrees F. until transferred to the official composite sample bottle or until they reach the Regional Health laboratories for quality testing, a special case for carrying milk samples has been introduced. This special • carrying case is well insulated and uses ice and water as the cooling • medium-. The samples are held upright in a floating tray and the ice water surrounds that part of the sample vial con- taining the milk to be tested. The bulk tank driver delivers the samples to the plant to which • he delivers his load of milk. The samples are then transferred to the official composite sample bottles with the cooperation of the plant •milk grader, unlest the sample is to be• used for checking milk quantity. If this is the case, the sample is re- frigerated until picked up and transported to the regional Health Laboratory by Milk Commission personnel. The Commission is res- ponsible for supertftsing the sampling of milk in Ontario. By checking the condition of samples as they arrive at their destina- tion, feiewlhdeterh n arete 4aabraleptteos. hdat in had proper care. Bulk tank haul- ers who have a record of disreg- arding recommended procedures in collecting and transporting samples are. required to appear before the Milk Commission and state reasons why the,,Ir certifi- cate should pot be cancelled. Many improvements have been made in milk sampling pro- cedures and in caring for samples during transportation. The Milk Commission will continue to make improvements as field ob- servations and studies establish them. The sampling of milk requires the serious attention and co- operation of the transporter, pro- ducer and processor, as well as those to whom the responsib- ility for supervision has been delegated. • 0 BY J. C. Palmer, Director Milk Commission of Ontario New problems in milk samp- lings have arisen with the instal- lation 'of bulk tanks for the stor- age of milk on the farm. The economic aspects of the prob- lem 'make it of general concern to the dairy industry and of particular concern to those res- ponsible for supervision of milk sampling. Before the introduction of the bulk tank, milk was delivered in cans to the processing plant where it was dumped. Dumping the milk provided a means, how- ever imperfect, of mixing prior to sampling. The representative. sample of each producer's milk was added to a composite bottle for testing at the end of the period of collection. In bulk tank milk, the iden- tity of the product is lost when the milk is pumped into the transport tank. It is, therefore, necessary to sample the pro- ducer's milk before pipping it 'into the tanker. This sample mist be truly representative of the producer's milk. Samples that are improperly collected.. or transported are of no value for testing. As the producer is paid on the basis of this tested sam- ple, he and the processor have an interest in this sample being representative. ' Sampling of milk is required at, each pickup. The bulk milk hauler is responsible for col- lection of samples and must hold a certificate„ofqualification from the Milk CommiisiOn. This cert- ificate is obtained on successful completion' Of a- course in mirk grading and sampling, and can be cancelled for justifiable reas- ons. Legal standards and proced- ures for the collection of milk samples are set forth inStandard Methods and A.0, A.C. If IS nec- essary to follow established guidelines in sampling to be sure that the sample is representattY9 and that it reaches the labora- tory with no change in its chein- lical, physical, or bacteriological ALWAYS READY HELP fof vls' 01:o oerow. 8 CYL ....$ tYL -$6.95 4 CYL $5.95 PARTS EXTRA • .95 ti EMIURON, EXPOSITOR0, SEAFORTH, QNT,, MAR. 2.0, 1971 65 or over? You may now qual for the increased Guaranteed Income Supplement to your Old Age Security Pension. Apply now! Your regional Old Age Security office is: 789 Don Mills Road, Don Mills, Toronto, Ontario Phone (416) 966-6000 , ISSUED BY THE-DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL HEALTH AND WELFARE THE HONOURABLE' JOHN MUNRO, MINISTER Ph. 527-0240: Expositor Acti-On Ads ••-ft-•". • There was a full audience when a panel considered the future of Hurcin and Perth at Egmondville United Church Thursday evening. Rev. J. Cliff Britton (left), chairman for the evening is speaking while panel members Walter Gowing of MODA, Ross Milton, Conestoga College, Mayor Don Symons of Clinton and Reeve Chas. Thomas of Grey await their turn in the discussion. The meeting was arranged by the Huron Perth Presbytery of the United Church. (Staff Photo) Ensure Sim. ervisioir in Milk Sampling HAVE YOUR CAR., INSPECTED FOR SAFE SPRING & SUMMER DMVINO! INSPECTION INCLUDES;' Windshield Wipers and Defroster, Lighting Equipment Operation, Service Brake Operation, Parking Brake Operation, Front Suspension, Steering Linkage, Tires, Exhaust SysteM, Drive Shaft and. U Joiints and A Service Brakes Performance Test! ALL FOR ONLY 0 vr r. 11 Front End Alignment $ .95 Wheel Balance $ I .50 Per Accurate Headlight Aiming $2 4 wheel 50 both sides THESE SPECIAL PRICES WILL BE IN EFFECT UNTIL APRIL 30, 1971 GERALD'S SUPERTEST DATSUN SALES AND SERVICE DATSUN NW" PRODUCT OF NISSAN V PHONE 527-1010 Corner of Highway No. 8 and Main Strek SEAF9RTH