The Huron Expositor, 1971-03-25, Page 16Priced way down there
The newest of the new cars and a wild addition to
the great Dodge compact line. It has. room for
five and a trunk that will .take all their luggage.
Torsion-bar suspenSion, for the best ride anyWhere,
Engines? Pick from a 198 Six or a potent 3.18 V8.
Or power up to the Demon 340. Don't settle for a
mini when you can get the new Dodge Demon.
Canada's biggest compactvalue
Dart is better than ever for '71. Take the Swinger
two-door Hardtop, now there's style you'll have 'a
hard time matching. You can choose from Sixes
and V8's that all do their thing on regular gas.
Swing a little or swing a lot with Canada's lowest
priced Hardtops.
Dodge Truck.
Light duty pickups and service vehicles --passenger
paying compact vans -- sports vehicles for the
Outdoor enthusiast -- rugged medium-heavy duty
models to the mighty diesel-powered tractors all
add up to make the 1971 model Dodge-Fargo -truck lineup the widest ever.
Ohallenges .them allso beautifully
This is the one the car critics called the sports
compact of the year. This year sees the Challenger
Coupe. It was designed for those who want sports
car looks and performance at a budget price. Four
models to choose from including a convertible.
Money saving specials
right now at
Seaforth and Area Dodge, Chrysler Dealer
- .....
• Model C650 - Clean contern=
porary lines distinguish this
fashionable 25" console color
television. Corner post con-
struction testifies to the high
quality concept behind all
Rogers Majestic color televi-
sion. Cabinet is of solid wood
veneers, finished InNatural
Walnut and Soft Lustre Walnut,
FactprY Lid 799.00
Model R870 — 1 nspiTed by Med-
iterra.nocin tradition, the model
8870 offons a distinct difference
' in its credenri styling. If your
mood and, room decor dictiothe a
bold appro•ch ho funniture fa-
'aMonti you should examine the
well-executed detail, of this cab-
inet. The.cabinot features aped,
cabal . base and is" finished in
Mediterranean Walnut,
Factory List 389,95
Automatic Color Television
Model R910 - This is styling
that will appeal to the most
discriminating taste. It-is tract).-'
tional in design and carries with
it those subtle touches that,
characterize Its place in this
type of furniture . .such as
the :formal -frames and the
elaborate mouldings. The depth
of beauty of this outstanding piece
can be measured. -by the' detail
of the deeply carved patterns and
the multi-tiered framing.
Casters.. Because it is truly a "
classic style, it has been pro-
'duced only in Classic Oak.
Factory List 549.95
Phone 527-1420
Also taking pait were Mrs.
Lloyd Jaques, Mrs. Margaret
Baker, Mrs. Oscar Brine, MrS.
Gerald Brintnea, Mrs. Jolvi
Rodd, Lloyd Jaqiies, Reg
McCurdy, David Wheeler, Leo'n-
ard Thacker, Jim Mcliaughton,
Don Brine, Bill Spence, Glenn
Copeland, Marvin Hartwic,
Murray Insley, Danny Jaques,
Carl Langford, paid. Parkinson
and -David Strahan. Mrs. Nelson
Baker accompanied do the piano
and' Mrs. Oliver Baker as
prompter. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Black-
ler and Maureen of Kirkton, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Bern of Zion
West and Mr. and Mrs. Norris
Webb were Sunday evening visit-
ors with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Copeland and girls.
Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb
visited Saturday afternoon with
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wareham,
4-el'frey and Suzanne of Blyth
and op Sunday afternoon with Mr.
and Mrs. pougla5 Welts and Steven
of London.
Misies Myrtle and Pearl
Brine and Mr. Lloyd 'Brine of
Baseline were Siinday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brine.
Miss Rose Ball of St. Marys
was a weekend visitor with Miss
Linda Tomlinson.
Mr,! and Mrs. Clare Elston,
Janis, Laurie and Cheryl of Lon-
don were Sunday supper guests
with Mr.'? and Mrs. William
Spence, Susan, David and Steven.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thom-
son and family entertained on
Sunday in honour of the formers
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Thomson of Exeter to celebrate
their 50th wedding anniversary.
Present for the occasion were
Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde,
Douglas, Glenn and Calvin, Mr.
Added Calcium
Aids Eggshells
A lot more of everything for your money
The '71 Big Dodge quietly says you've arrived.
Quiet luxury in looks, Torsion-Quiet Ride, sump-
tuous interiors, yet this tine car is priced right
clomp with the others in the full-sized field. 17
models to choose from starting at PoFara Special
all the way up to the magnificent, Monaco Brougham.
Family-sized room in a sporty hardtop! Atid-',get'
this. Charpr is priced right down with the inter-
mediates. From the straight Charger right up to
the roaring Charger R/T - one look at Charger
and you'll agree it's a lot of car for a family man's
Now at a family man's price and all new for '71.
The just right size at the right price
This .1.s. the _four.cioar..Sedan with. a- plan. -For '71
mid size Dodge Coronet is all new, a little richer . . ,
touches like woodgrain on the instrument panel and
''door trim and lush colour-keyed carpeting. But
ddn't worry. Coronet's low-price was part of the
plan too.
by D. G. Luckham, P. Ag.
Ridgetown College of Agriculture
Poor quality eggshells cost
Ontario poultrymen thousands of
dollars each year with unsalable
cracked or broken eggs. They
are also an inconvenience and
cause for consumer' complaint.
The problem occurs, usually,
after today!s commercial egg
laying hens have completed six
or eight months of production.
Many-- eggs - produce-re--have_
increased the- calcium level in
the feed for hens which have
laid eight months' or longer by
adding finely ground limestone.
Several factors such as age •
of bird and high environmental
temperature affect eggshell qual-
ity. Recent r'eports indicate that
the time of day that calcium is
available in the intestine of the
bird may be critical for strong
When all of the calcium in the
feed is supplied by finely ground
limestone, there is a period of
six to eight hours duringthe night
when very little calcium,is avail-
able to the bird because of the.
speed at which it is dissolved
into the bloodstream. The -great-
est requirement for calcium is
during shell formation which oc-
curs during the 20-hour period
before an. egg is laid. Consequen-.
tly, It may not be a lack 'of
total calcium which causes weak
eggshells, but a shortage at the
critical time of day.
Research at Cornell Univer-
sity indicated that hen-size oys-
tershell in the feed produced
stronger eggshells than when the
oystershell was 'ground to the
same particle size as ground
limeStone. Hen-size oystershell
dissolves more slowly and, thus,
is available for shell formation
at, a time when no food is being ,
consumed. .Particie size of the
calcium source appears to be
important, also. '
Sprinkling free choice oyster-
shell on the feed at night could
be one way of providing the right
kind of calcium at the right time
of day. Supplying about two-thirds
of the calcium requirement in
the feed with, hen-size oyster-
shell and the balance from ground
limestone would be more con-
venient, biit"'ould cause wear
.on mixing and feeding equipment.
Summer heat also contributes
to poor eggShell quality. Feed
consumption decreases in warm
weather, thus decreasing the
amount of total calcium consumed
. by the hen.` Rations "should con-
tain ,slightly more calcium in
summer than the rest of the year
in order to maintain an adequate
level. of calciUm for eggshell for-
News of WOodhank
Sponsor Variety Night
Correspondent ,
Miss Jean Copeland
A large crowd attended the
annual variety night' sponsored
by the United Church Women
in the Orange Hall on Friday
evening. Misses Patricia Bender
and Susan Greig of 'Dashwood
favoured with numbers on their
accordians. Bob and Danny Hey-
wood of Exeter gave guitar num-
bers and Miss •Arden Bryan of
Granton accompanied by her
mother, Mrs. Gerald Bryan on
the piano gave several violin
The remainder of the pro-
gramme took the form of a
minstrel show. A number of chor-
uses were sung by the whole group
as well as numbers by Burns
Blackler on the piano and Bob
Robinson on the violin, dance
by Susan Spence and Marion Levy,
solo by Mrs. Glenn Copeland,
siMilir duets by Mesdames Lloyd Cow-
dreg and Ted Insley, Mrs. Wil-
liam Spence and Miss Jean Cope-
and Mrs. Glen Jeffrey, Allan and,
Connie of Thames Road and 0
Misses Marilyn Baker -and Judy
Ferguson of Exeter. Mr. and yiss.,
Thomson, Si'. are former-read-
dents of this community and ws
extend our congratulations to
them on this happy occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Beverly West-
man and Janet of drantOn were •
Sunday dinner guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Copeland, Cyn-
thia, Ellen and Deanna..
The South Huron Rabbit 0
Breeders Association met 'in
Elimville Hall.
In an election of officeris,
president, David Stanley, vice-
president Pat Dickey and secre-
tary-treasurer Angus Murray
were returned to office. George
Carpenter was elected as Com-
mercial ,Representative to re-
place Bill Dickey who has been
elected as a Director of the Can-
adian Commercial Rabbit Grow-
ers Association. Mr. Dickey
remains in charge of Meat Mark-
eting for the club and also
assumes the duties of Club
Librarian.• Mrs. Joyce Dickey
was elected Press Secretary.
Guest speaker was Leonard
MacGregor from Clinton, rep-
resentative of the Department
of Agriculture, 4-4•11Division. He
informed the club'of the steps
required in starting a 4-II Rab-
bit Club ilLtil$argit, stating this
would be the first 4-11 Rabid
Club in Ontario. 'The club ac-
cepted the challenge unanimous-
ly. The club will be open to all
interested youth between the ages
of 12 and 20 and anyone inter-
ested can contact any member of
the club. An advisory commit-
tee to the 4-H was formed con-
sisting of George Carpenter,
Angus Murray, Jim Donaldson;
David Stanley and Bill Dickey.
Auctioneer for the Du tch auc-
tion was Bill Dickey and winner
of the prize was Kay Murray.
Whether it needs roafing or
'fe wiring 'Or
plumbing or maybe a new
addition, let Victoria and
Grey help you get it done
now when labour costs are
less and money rates are
lower. Victoria and Grey
has the experience to help
you get the kind of loan
best suited too your needs.
Don't delay .. see
Victoria and Grey