HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-03-25, Page 8I•r SPRING IS HERE! Out come the bicycles, the skipping ropes, the balls. Drivers are advised to be on the alert for carefree children playing or running out on the roads ... for wobbly youngsters trying out their bikes. And the Ontario Department of Transport has this reminder for parents too: make sure that your children play games in a safe place away from traffic ... that they know and obey the traffic safety rules on foot or on their bicycles . .. that the bicycles they ride are in safe mechanical condition. —AREA FUNERALS— It SEAFORTH n. SLuMeln In Seaforth I op Quality Bedding • fit BUSOR ,. TER TELEPHONE TABLES Low PEICI Correspondent Mrs. Allan McCall. ' A surprise shower was held tt the home of Cynthia and Bea- rice Embling, Brampton for diss Julie Blanchard, RN. A., laughter of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Ilanchard, bride-elect of next nonth. Contests were held and lune opened gifts piled into two :lothes baskets, which were -also lifts. • Julie thanked the women .resent and invited them to her rousseau tea to be held May 3rd .t the home of her parents. Those present at the shower were the staff of Brampton Hospital where Julie is on staff, members of the Embling family and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Blanchard and Mrs. Mur- ray Dalton, Seaforth. The table was decorated with a beautiful bouquet of white dais- ies and white chrysanthemums, and a decorated cake which was served for lunch. WALTON I MET Walton I met-at the church on Tuesday. T,he Roll Call' was an- swered by "One point" to con- sider when buying fabric for sep- arates". This was answered by the club mem'pers. Joan Bennett read the minutes. Roll call for the third meeting was "A pat- tern alteration and how-to` make it". Each member gave the nec- essary alterationl'he next meet- ing is to be held on March 30 at tthe home of Ann Watson. Hand out sheets were distribu- ted and included Using the Pat- tern", ''Figure Types"- and "Materials Cost and Samples". The girls discussed differ- entalterations that can be made. 4-H MEETINGS Walton III "Super Sewers" 4-H homemaking club met in the Walton School. The presi- dent Marion McCallum conduc- ted the business. Kandes Hick- son read th‘minuteS. The neXt,_ meeting will be held 'at the ,home of Mrs. H. McCallum, with ,huiEli by Dianne and Margaret' Nichol. - Walton Seam Rippers" met Saturday at the horn a of Mrs. Don McDonald. The secretaries report was read by June Wil- liamson. The discussion'was tak- en with Mrs. J. Steffier reading and Mrs. McDonald demonstrat- ing the laying of a pattern on material. Cathy McDonald dem- onstrated the proper way to stay stitch. Mrs. Walter Brpaclfoot visit- ed recently with her sister, Mrs. Fern Patterson in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mills, Scott, David and Cathy of Brant- ford spent Sunday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills. Ron Bennett, Howard Hack- well, Herb Traviss.. and Stew- art Humphries, were in Hensall where they participated in a curling bonspiel. Mrs. Merton Hackwell re- ports that Mission Band will be held on the first Sunday in April. McKillop 4-H Club Meets The McKillop No. 1 Stitchettes held their third 4.-H meeting at the home of Mary and Nancy Van Dooren. Mary. Van Dooren was in the chair. Elizabeth Pryce read the minutes of the last meeting and the roll call was given by answering a question, "A pattern alteration and ho.w to make it". They discussed the gathering of the 441 club girls and their mothers on Thursday afternoon at Seaforth High School. It is sponsored by the Women's Institute, Seaforth. The next meeting will be held at 7:30 Thursday night at Mrs. William Littles. The discussion of the meeting was how to lay'tne pat- tern and stay stitching. Lunch was served by the Vandooren sisters. Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Expositor Want Ads. Dial •527- 0240. , MRS, JAMES EDWARDS Mrs. James Edwards, 74,died Saturday in Seaforth Community Hospital after a short illness. Born in England, she came to Seaforth as a young child. Married in Sault Ste. Marie in 1947, she was the former Annie Edgar, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edgar. She was a .rn ember of St. Thomas' Anglican Church. Surviving ,are three daugh- ters, Mrs. Alex (Martha)- Mc- Gregor, RR 2 Kippen, Mrs. Al- vin (Joyce) Riley, Goderich; Mrs. George (Ruth) King of Sault Ste, Marie; two sons, Thomas and. William, both of Seaforth, Two sisters, Mrs. Alex (Car- oline) Muir, Seaforth and Mrs. James" (Elizabeth) Flanigan, of Guerph, 12 granchildren and seven great-granchildren also survive. Her husband died in 1959. The body was at the R.S. Box funeral home wher e the service was held Monday at 3 p.m., conducted by Rev. S. Sharpies of St. Thomas Anglican Church. Temporary entombment was in Pioneer mausoleum with burial later in Maitlandbank cem- etery. Pallbearers were Peter Wir- bee, Bruce Wilbee, Edward Wil- bee, 'Allan Wilbee, John McGreg- or and Douglas McGregor. Flowerbearers were Joan Wil- bee, Anne Wilbee, Diann Riley and Steven King. MICHAEL D. 'KERN The sudden death of Michael D. Kehn, 292 Albert Street, Strat- ford, occurred -in Stratford General Hospital on Tuesday'. He was 24. 'Born in Seaforth, where he attended school, he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Kehn. He is survived by his wife the former Katherine Baxter and a son Franklin Michas]: Chris- topher, aged one year.' He is also survived by'three sisters, Miss Margaret Kehn, Dashwood, Mary, Mrs. Roy Scott, Seaforth and Joyce, Mrs. Doug McKellar, Clinton and by two brothers, Edward, Dashwood and Frank of Sarnia. The remains are resting at the R.S. Box Funeral Home, Sea- forth and funeral services will be held Friday with mass at 10 a.m. in St. James' Roman Catholic Church, Seaforth, con- ducted by Rev. H. J. Laragh. Interment will follow in Park- hill Cemetery. MRS. EDMUND MORTON Mrs. Edmund Morton, 66, died in the Seaforth Community Hos- pital Monday. She was the 'former Alma Tait and was a native of Man- itoba. Predeceased by her husL, band in 1967 she is survived by one daughter, Mrs. William D. (Elizabeth) Groves, of Levitton, New York and by three grand: children. The body was at the R. S. Box funeral home, Seaforth, where the funeral service was conducted by Rev. J. C. Britton. at 2 p.m. Wednesday. Burial, following cremation, will take place in Maitlandbank cemetery. • NEWS OF Winthrop Correspondent Mrs. Robt, Hulley Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Blan- chard and Mrs. Murray Dalton visited with Mr. and Mrs,. Car- son Embling, Brampton. Misses Agnes Dolmage and 'Margaret Sand, Stratford visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dolmage and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGhee and family, London and Mrs. Hugh Currie, Linda and Joa,.nne, Dorchester. They were accompanied by Mrs. Larry Gardiner, Steven and Lisa, Cromarty . Roy McGhee, London returned home with them for holidays. Mr. and Mrs. William Hodge and Brenda visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Ahrens, Tillsonburg. Brenda remained for holidays. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene St/ bouts (former Art McMichel farm) were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Plante of Essex and Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Ure, of Maidstone. The weekend was spent ski-dooing. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley King of Stratford visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Blanchard and Hiram Blanchard. Miss Catherine Hunt, Home Economist of the Department of Agriculture, Clinton will be guest speaker Monday night, March 29 at II Non-Nibblers". "Non- Nibblers" are urged to come and bring their friends. CAVAN U.C.W. Unit 3 of Cavan U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. MervinGod- kin on March 16 at 2 p.m., Mrs. Gilbert Smith presided and opened the meeting with all reading Psalm 723 in the Hymn Book and gave a meditation on Prayer and also one on Lent . She closed the devot- ional exercises with a poem "Resurredtion Hill" and prayer. Hymn 89 "Was sung. Mrs. Jim Axtman had the topic on All this and Christian too", taken from the Rapport. There was a question and answer period. Mrs. Axtmann announced that fil+s. Robert McKercher is to be the speaker for our Easter Thank- offering meeting on April 7 at 8 p.m. Each member 'is 'to bring a friend. Remember! It ta but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in,pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240, 43; f -11"--THE lig$K0.0eosiToR, SEAR:MTH, ONT., MARCH 25. 1971 Why* of Walton Brampton Friends Honor ride elect sELLING OUR CHILDREN'S WEAR DEPARTMENT ouT We Are Once Again Marking Our Prices Down Reg. NOW 2 for Children's', Sweaters $2.98 ONLY 2.49 -. Boys' Pant Sets Reg. $2.98 ONLY 2 for 4,99 " Girl's Pant Suits L New Spring Styles 10 to 20 Percent off Girl's Dresses Reg. $2.98 - $8.95 . LOOK - ONLY ONE DOLLAR Many More Real Big Bargains On Display Girl's . Pcirt Reg. $2.98 to $5.98 I Noie Only 1.00 NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE' Blyth, Ontario a iI • a We're celebrating the Anniversary of Our New Store IMPORTANT DO YOU-HAVE A FAULTY MATTRESS .DO YOU-BETA GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP • DO YOU-GET THE PROPER REQUIRED BODY-REST • REMEMBER... There is a Mattress to suit Everyone's Body Because of height and Weight .' There Are "We Have ZURICH Two Locations Advertised Every h More Sovin s F CHECK THE LUXURIOUS COMFORT, THE GREAT SAVIN ON FAMOUS , MR. SL UM Elj 47. ysto BEDDING,/ 71-/ersv .1,01, • p SURE #;',,46' TORE HERE ,1 , DURING OUR SAVERS-. CHOICE SALE IT'! OIFFIRENT EIS IT AT THIS STORE A bernfoitablo 35. INCH II I D with Hidden Home Space ,Very Convenient M 0 R E V A L E S FOR YOUR :0 N IN 1971 It WU TO WON LOW PRICES IlPORI YOU OUT HOME . /URNS/HINDS STYI.1 NO. 'III SOFA — II", N 14",. DOA II" " CNAIN Z'WTIO. 11" OM , Nirisho 14", Dee h 11" retitiOt LIVING ROOM FuR4truRt ONNIION Al ALLAN BOON, co. LID if 14 geff ro( liff WITH GREAT SAVINGS, VALUES, QUALITY, SATISFACTION THIS SPECIAL SAVERS-CHOICE EVENT OF HOME FURNISHINGS STARTS TODAY AND WILL CONTINUE FOR 10 DAYS ONLY' YOU! WILL -BE THE WINNER ( (.) • ) PRESTIGE UVING ROOM FURNITUR1. k.', 1(.1 x..,„/ R,..7••••- C.—Y my14105 ALLAN BEDDING CO 0 • .4; ' KbA' t VISIT OUR STORE SAVIRS-CHOICS PRICIFTACIS WILL CONVINCE YOU OF VALUU AND MVIHRII • H 0 M E F U R N I S H I DOOR BUSTER KITCHEN_ CHAIRS- LOW PRICE 4" IA, PRESTIGE LIVING ROOM FURNITURE wonNolAw.emmmm PRIS.TIVIGISIEO N LIaVIANG ROOM LLAN FURNITURE, SAVERS CHOICE PRICE SEMI-FIRM... ALL STANDARD • SIZES PRICES FROM SO THERE ARE ALL KINDS OF PRICES OFFERED EVERYWHERE WE OFFER - GREAT SAVINGS r QUALITY-VALUES-SATISFACTION-SERVICE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THAT CAN BE OFFERED P 0:0_cg2/914/0sIO BUSTER COFFER and STEP TASLES LOW PRICE Lett SAVERS CHOICE ''' •••., PRICE, MEDIUM FIRM.. ALL STANDARD SIZES WE HAVE OTHER STYLES, COLOURS. 39 INCA 54 INCH end Q1.1E04 WES SPECIAL PRIM nano 'SAVERS* "CIAOta" SALT C MAT, IAA r.:4P.;11 .10111.!.r-r. :1ArA 4101# NA TRESS II BOX SPRING 'emus MR, SLUMBER QUEEN SIZE ApINR you mete steeple, spec* ,ler better cameo. rc~ 1Yr,-.N \11•41i.. 8930 ITEM 9 Mr. SLUmiSR. • consturimAangi 159,50 HD SLUMS 101- A.1 IMPFTLIALi VISIT... SAVERS CHOICE ,,SALE A IlUallfIed Mattress Consultant *III gladly dial" you In your purchase of a Mattress ar Sleep Sat. OUR STORE DURING THIS SPECIAL 411177tr ir is f(1 • 44 ITEM 10 EACH AND UP Mmtmos lot Spline ELEGANCE TWIN 39" CONTINENTAL BEDS EXTRA-FIRM. . ALL STANDARD SIZES DON'T MISS OUT WE HAVE A FEW SETS OF ONE-OP-A•KIND AT EXTRA SPECIAL SAVINGS HEADBOARD SPECIALS Product , by Canada's Loading Manufacturers Sold at This Store SAVERS CHOICE ,te,ent of ATTRACTIVE LAMP LAMP BETTER QUALITY COSTS TOO LESS omit In and compare prices! " SEEING IS RELIEVING" DOOR BUSTER LOVE SEATS FROM 69•s, --..„ '11--.4...0...--. L., -•,,e... • ,- -4..t,„-- _,...,..-- -4.-0,"•" 1E11 HERE'S VALUE..: I, a ;;T.. lt411,- .... ..---t1,,,i4A • - 7,7 -,-4, 1,,A . I ..1, FULL WASH TWIN BED SIZE EACH UNIT INCLUDES MATTRESS . . • Marching SOX SPRING . a Sat of HARDWOOD LEGS Pleas* Shop Eddy ALL AT ONE Unittad Quantities of Tills REAL SPECIAL! LOW MU? DID rmr GINGERICH'S LTD • STORES: ZURICH AND SEAFORTH ZURICH - PHONE 2384351 SEAFORTH - PHONE II27-92110 QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT THE LOWEST PRICES 0 .50 AND UP H RE'S A PARTIAL LISTING OF THE HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS"! COME SAVE AS NEVER BEFORel •r • .1 nle.11,41WW