HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-03-18, Page 7OF Paul Kramers M CATTLE, FARM MACHINERY, ETC 527-0326, RR 4, SEAFORTH 19-744" Lawn Mower and Small Engine Service 'Beat the Spring rush — have your lawn mower and tiller ser- iced NOW at Sharp's Maintenance Service Phone 527-1746 Your TORO LAWNBOY Array Dealer. 19-74-3 „At Lot 28, Concession 6, Logan, " Township, 3 3/4 miles North and 3 miles West of Mitchell at 12:30 p.m. Saturday, March 20th for GORDON WOLFE CATTLE — 5 Holstein cows, due Sale time; 3 Holstein -cows, fresh; 1 Reg. Holstein heifer, fresh; 1 Holstein cow, due May; 1 Holstein cow, milking and re- bred; 1 Holstein• cow, due April' 2 .Ayrshire cows, fresh; 1 Red cow,' due May; 1 Black cow, due May; 1 Shorthorn breeder bull; 26. Personals leen Jean. Blackwood, to. Mr. David Louis Nigh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nigh of Seaforth. The wedding will take place in St. James Roman Catholic Church, Seaforth, 'April 17th., 1971, at 7 o'clock. 26-75x1 ' MR. and Mrs. Thomas Young of Seaforth, announce the engage-. rent• of-their -daughter; -Kath,--- , • MA. MOCO LITTLE SPORT rfillE 1111111LES OTIS FOUS5: L ..)U57 PROPPEO IN 70... sres,, 110: P414fij !ANgt,., r r F • • I.Vg1•1013614 .0•XF!,0.5.1T0..g TH MAW( I Caution-a.-Read y :You Sa 444. e4, , 1. Coming Eyents HAM SupPeri -Cavan Church, Winthrop, Wed-nesday', Alma 21- 05-1 RESERVE May 22, 1971, for our annual Chicken Barbecue to be held at Egmondville United Church. 1-75-1 4. Help Wanted SCHOOL bus drivers wanted. will help to obtain licence. Hab- kirk Transit Service, 527-1222. 4-74-2 RELIABLE Hugh Sehgei student to work on farm Saturdays and for the summer months in the Seafeyoth area. Apply Box 1986, The Huron Expositor. 4-75-1 SECRETARY fer Hullett ,Cent- =I School, Landesboro, 4 days --per week, 'beginning April let. Letters of application to be sub- mitted by March 26th to Ron McKay, Principal. 4-75-1 Yfr FULL-time secretary for gener- al 'business office work starting April 1st. Must have transpor- tation. Reply in writing to Box 1987, The Huron Expositor, stat- ing qualifications. 4-75-2 CARETAKER required linunediately for Egmondville United Church Apply to Allister Broadfoot PHONE 527-0127 4-75-2 Full-Time Arena' Manager Part Supervisor and Ice Maker Pleas-state wages-expected-and expenieince.Send entries to Hen- sall Recreation 'Committee o Karen Alexander, Hensall, Ont. All entries to be in by 6 o'clock, April 7th, 1971; , 4-75-2 Township of Hullett - APPLICATIONS FOR A Grader Operator Work to commence around April 12, 1971. Applications must he received by the Road Superintendent in person not later than 6 p.m. • March 22, 1971 GEORGE HOGGART Read 'Superintendent RR 1, Londesboro, Ont. 4-74-2 5. BUs. Opportunities AVON CALLING YOU or a wonderful earning oppor- tunity in STAFFA, OROMARTY, BRUCEFIELD areas, during your own hours. Call or write: MRS. M. MILLSON 17 Hawksbury 'Ave., London, 32 — 451-0541 5-73-1 8. Farm Stock for Sale mom —started pigs: Oliver Wright,' 527-1727. 8-75-1 SIXgood Holstein cows and hell: ens, due right away. Lorne Tyn- dall, 2 Clinton, 8-73-t/ THREE Holstein• heifers, due 19th. or 20th of March, 262-5307. 8-75-1 `EIGHT Holstein cows, clue in March and, April. One 8 can Star Milk Cooler. Bev. TaylOr, 345- 2846. 8-75x2 ENTIRE.Beef herd, consisting of 59 cows, 2 bulls, 18 calves. Most tows .due April and May. Phone 482.7775 or 527-1187. 8-75-1 TWO pure-bred Holstein cows, one due soon, one due the sec- 11 and week of April. John, Car- vallo, Walton. Phone 887-9014. 8-75-3 THREE. Holstein bull calves. C. DeCorte, Phone 527-1628. 8-75x1 HOLSTEIN herd and group 2 Industrial quota.; Market share quota, inquire. Lorne Chapman, 262-6100. 8-75-1 TWO Hereford heifer calves, approximately 400-lbs.; also 9 young sows due soon and 28 chunks; will trade on spray type' call cooler. Donald Kelly, Lot 11, Concession 4, MeKillop Towns 10 ship. Phone 345-2969. 8.75-1 THIRTY pigs for sale. Martin Guichelaar,, 527-1776. 8-75-1 9. Poultry for Sale KIMBER, LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pallets SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 169 9-73-ti 10. Used Cars for Sale 1968' Obey. %-ton truck, excel- lent condition. Phone after 5 p.m., 345-2814. 10-75-1 1067 Mercury 700 — chassis and cab, 176 in. wheel base, 5 speed transmission., 2 speed axel. Ex- cellefit condition, 346-2529. 10-75-1 11. Articles for Sale COPIES Copies of your important pa- pers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25c each. The Huron Expositor 11-734f A Case 600 Bean. special cent- bine and a John, Deere 494 ^ corn, planter with rubber preSs ,,,.wheels. John Thompson, 527- 0238, 11-75-1 11 Articles For Sale GESTETNER ink available al The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-73-tf 'WIDE and complete selection of garden 'and specialty seeds now in stock. pat or packet, take your choice. Pet food, toys and supplies. Clinton Farm and Gar- den Centre, 22 Isaac Street, Clin- ton', phone 482-9333. 1173-6 GOOD used wringer-washing machine for sale. Phone 527- 1794.11-73-3 ELECTRIC 30-inch-stove, good condition-. Phone 527-0308. 11-75-2 FOUR formals worn: once, rang- ing in size from 9 to 13,527-0503. 11-74.3 CHAIN saws, new and used; Bars chains and sprockets avail- able for most chain saws. Pion- eer anerSkil saws our specialty. Robert Glen Saws, phone 482- 9292, Clinton. 11.74x4 END :of - season clearance of used snowmobiles. Give us a call. Vhicent Farm Equipment 527-0120, Seaforth. 11-74.2 APPROX. 150 sap buckets. A sap pan. and 'heater, 262-5261. 11-75-1 DRY shelled corn, 345-2197. 11.75-3 FOUR formals, sizes 9 to 13. Call 345-2039 for details, 11-75x1 BALES of Straiv. John Carvalho, Walton. Phone 887-9014. 11-75-3 QUANTITY of baled 'hay for sale. Floyd Cooper, Kippen. 11-75-1 ,DRIB, in good condition, 527- 0079. 11-75-1 POOL table 4' x 8', 2 sets of balls and rack, 345-2576. 11-75-1 EAVESTROUGHING and light ning rods. New installations and repairs- Estimates without ob- ligation. Contact , R. E. Ruttan, Wingham, phone 357.1077. 11-73-ti ADDING machine tapes for most standard adding machines available at The Huron Exposi- tor, 527-0240, Seaforth. ' 11-734f tYPEWRITER ribbons, adding machine ribbons for most styles: The• Huron Expositor, 527-0240, , 11-7341 12. Wanted to Buy OLD bOoks; library or those us- ually stored in. attics, 482-9193. 12-734f 13. Wanted CROCKERY, brass or fancy it on beds, pictures. rockers, old jew- ellery, old bottles, or sealers, old light fixtures, etc. Check with us before you dump. 482- 7358. 13-73-tf 14. Property for Sale BUILDING lot with half share in, well in Harpurhey. Apply to Box 1985, The Huron' Expositor. 14-75x1 FOR sale — Cement brick house in the Village of Dublin. 4 bed- rooms ,and bath on second floor; 3 rooms and 1/2 -bath on ground floor. Gas furnace, drilled well water available. Cement and frame barn on rear of lot which would 'accommodate small car. For particulars, phone 345-2072.. Estate of Michael Nagle. 14-75-2 CHEAP COMFORTABLE HOME Would suit a couple 'with or without a family. . Iritnecliate possession. . WILLIAM M. HART SALESMAN - SEAFORTH Daytime 527-0870 Evenings 527-1972 GEO. R. JOHNSTON • - REAL ESTATE LTD. BROKER WEST LORNE, 14-75-1 16. For Sale 'or Rent , FIFTY acres, ,plowed, near Dub- lin. Frank Miller, phone 345- 2477. 16-75-1 19. Notices ' YOUR Fuller Representative in Seaforth is Mrs. Ellie von. Euw, Egmondville. .Phone 527-1798. 19-744f BICK'S CUCUMBER CONTRACTS NOW AVAIL-ABLE at Mrs. G. Kramers 845-2643, DUBLIN 19. Notices Thinking about building .a. MILK HOUSE or DRIVING-SHED? For free estimates call: RAY LAMBERS Clinton 482.3305 19-74-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar- antee all work. Write or call Harvey Dale. Seaforth. Phone Clinton 482.3320. 19-7341 Attention Housewives Are you happy with your pre- sent kitchen cupboard? If not, contact us for complete kitchen remodelling. Ball - Macaulay Ltd. Clinton - Seaforth Hensall 19-73-tf WANTED Dead and Disabled Cattle and Horses, Highest Prevailing Prices Paid. 24 Hours, 7 Days Weekly. Fast efficient service, CALL COLLECT BRUSSELS 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies 1 1/2 miles south of Brussels. Lic. No. 273-C-70 19-73-tf WE SELL AND SERVICE ACCUTRON BULOVA- CARAVELLE ' WATCHES ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD.' Seaforth 527-1720 19-73-ti 24. HOUR APPROVALS 2nd and 3rd Mortgages Arranged' in the Convenience Of Your Home Low cost. You can call to 11 p.m. today for helpful courteous ser- vice. Prompt Investment Corp. Ltd., 330 Bay Street Toronto, Call collect. 366-9586, Evgs. 231.8146 ' 19-74-16 NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co-Operatives of Ontario. Ta arrange for pick- up at your farm phone by Sat- urday night. • WILLIAM J. DALE Phone: Clinton' 482-9892 19-734/ Tri2Town Bookkeeping Service Income Tax Returns — Record Preparation. Lawrence Beane Brticefield, Ontario Telephone 482-9260 19-7341 HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON Due to the decroase in meat prices, we are unable to pay for any farm stock. We offer fast efficient,' courteous same day service. 24-Hour Service-7 Days a Week Call Collect 482-9811 • License #237-C-70 19-7341 WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 527-1720 — Seaforth. 19-734i ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, "authorized dealer. Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St., Goderich, phone 524- 6514. 19-734f 20. Auction Sales CLEARING' AUCtION SALE . — 20. Auction Sales 4 Holstein heifers, ready to breed; 3 Black heifers, 950 lbs.; Ic Holstein steer, 1,000 lbs,; 1 Holstein steer„ 800 lbs.; 3 Hol- stein heifers. 4 -inonths old; 1 Oliarlois steer, 400 lbs.; 6 Cross- bred calves, 300 to 40 lbs.; 6 small crossbred 'calves. NOTE — There is a subsidy quota available with these cows. MACHINERY — IIIC--B275 Diesel tractor with loader: MC —W4 tractor; New Holland 66 baler; M-H 60 self-propelled combine; Cockshutt SP, 10-ft. swather; 40-ft. Mayrath hale el- evator: Speed King 6-in. grain auger, 34-ft long; 3-furrow Massey mounted plow; M-H 15 run fertilizer grain drill; 3 fur- row; Oliver trail plow; J, Deere manure spreader; Case 9-ft. pull type swather; John Deere side rake; one-way disc; 2 wagons with flat rack; George White No. 6 thresher; endless belt; 6 section harrows with pole; 12x 28 tractor no t 1961 ranch wagon. not road worthy; two- wheel trailer; quantity scrap iron; cream separator; Univer- sal milker, motor, pump pipe and 3 units; Stewart cattle clip- , pers and many other articles found on, a farm, too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH. No Reserve as farm is sold. 5'4 sales tax in effect. Nat Responible for Accidents GORDON WOLFE,'Prop. R. G. Gethke. Auctioneer .20-74-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE of groceries, canned goods, small household •appliances at the SHELLALAUGH DUBLIN on , Saturday, March 20th at 1:30 'p.m: 20454 21. Tenders Wanted Town of Seaforth' TENDERS FOR SEAFORTH DRAINAGE WORKS NO.1 SEALED TENDERS On the forms supplied will be received by the Town Clerk, Mr. E. Wil- liams, Seaforth~ Ontario, until 5:00 pm. Monday, ,April 12, 1971 for the cdnstruction of the above drain. The work includes the supply and installation of 340 feet of 54 inch concrete pipe; 1,136 feet of 36 ,inch concrete pipe; approximately 1,400 feet of 12 inch, 15 inch, and' 18 inch concrete pipe; approximately 3,100 feet of 8 inch, 10 inch, arid- 12 inch concrete drainage tile, as well as manholes, catch bas- ins, and other work incidental thereto. . Township of Hullett TENDERS for -GRAVEL For the 'hauling and crushing of approximately 10,000 cu. yds. of % gravel and must be shovel, fed. Work--is to be_done to the' satisfaction of the Road Sum% inendent The contract is to be completed by June 15th, 1971. Apply to •the Road Superinten- dent for contract forms. The tende'rs closing 6 p.m. ... March 22, 1971 They must be accompanied by a certified cheque for $1,000.00. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. The accepted tender must be approved by the Department of Highways. GEORGE HOGGART Road Su p erinte derii RR 1, Londesboro, Ont. 21-74-2 23. Business Directory SEAFORTH . VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W.R.'Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. J. P. McNally, D.V,M., V.S. M. P. Haynes, D,V,M., BAT.Sc. Phone ,52711760 Seaforth 23-734i 23. Business Directory JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OMMETRIST By Appointment Seaforth Office Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. Thursday Evenings Mon., Wed. — Clinton Office For Appointment Phone 527-1240 — or 482-7010 23-73-tf Auctioneer - 'FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED • R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465. Monkton 23-73-tf HURON FARM ACCOUNTING GODERICH PHONE 524+6842 Specializing tii-Parm Taxation T-1 Short — $3.00 up T-1 General --- $20.00 up 23-71x10 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. ELM\ EltS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1a90 Seaforth 23-73-tf W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night and Day Calls — 527-0510 23-73-tf R. S. BOX FUNERAL HOME. Prompt and Careful' Attention Phones: Day 527-0680 — Night 527-0885 23-73-tf Bruce Rathwell LICENSED AUCTIONEER • Farm and Household Sales Church and Charity • Auctions Sold Free. Phone Clinton 482-3120 RR 1, Brucefield 23-724f DENTIST . DR. CYRIL J. LACKO 40 Franklin, Street, Seaforth PHONE 527-1370 OFFICE HOURS: Monday — Friday, 9:00-5:00 Evenings and Saturday By Appointment. 23-73-3 24. Cards of Thanks I 'would like to express my sin- core appreciation to all who vis- ited me, sent cards, flowers, treats, etc. while a patient in both South Huron, Hospital, Ex- eter and St. Joseph's Hospital, ' MY -WHAT PRETTY FL OWERS/ 24. Cards of Thanks there. Special thane r)r., lifoyo and the nursing staff an d abg"tio Ate neighbors who OffiP, ed end teak my wife to the hasp-ital. to visit time. A sincere' thank you. — Russel P. Pleating, 24-75x1 I wish-to thank my -relatives, friends, and neighbors for their kindness while a patient in St. - Joseph's Hospital, Londkin..Spee- ial thanks: to Fr. Durand, Fr. Oostveen and also to my neigh- bors who have,helped out since my returning home. — Mrs. Ferg Kelly Jr. -24-75-1 tilt-family of the late Fiik Maloney wish to express their sincere thanks to their relatives, friends and neighbors for the many Mass cards 'and acts of kindness during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Fr, Oostveen, Msgr. White, Fr. Durand and Fr. Laragh and the St. Columban CWL. We also wish to thank the doctors, nurses and staff of Seaforth Commun- ity Hospital and those who vis- ited him, sent cards and ,gifts during his stay in hospital. All was greatly appreciated, 24.75x1 _ - 2;-). In memoriam CAMERON — In loving memory of a dear father and grandfath- er, Alex J. Cameron, who passed away thirteen years ago. March , 16,' 1958. We think of him in silence, His name we oft recall. There is nothing left to answer, But his picture on the wall. — Sadly missed by his son, Lloyd, daughter-in-law, Rhea and 25-75x1 27. Births CLARK — To Mr. and Mrs, Rob- ert W. Clark (nee Marian Hembe,rger), Seaforth, -at Sea- forth Community Hospital, an 'March 10, 1971, a son, Derek Robert. MILLER — To Mn and Mrs. Leonard Miller, 47 Hugo St., Kitchener, at St. Mary's Hosp- ital, Kitchener, on March 15, 1971, a 'daughter. PARSONS — To. Mr. and Mrs. William Parser's, Staffs, Ont., at Seaforth Community Hesp- ital, on March 12, 1971, a sob. DE JONG — To. Mr. end Mrs. Robert De Song, RR 2, Monk- . ton, at Seaforth OormnunitY Hospital, on March 12, 1971, ,a daughter. 24. Cards of Thanks London. &pedal thanks to all the doctors and nurses, Rev. Morrison And Westlake Ambu- lance. WO:thought:fullness will always be remembered. — Mrs. Harvey Coleman. 24.754 I would like to thank all my friends, neighbors and relatives far the cards, letters and gifts I received' while a patient in Sea- forth Community Hospital. Spec- ial thanks- to Drs. Mellitus and Brady, the nurses'and my room- mate. — Ellen Vivian. 24-75x1 I would like to say thank you to the Optimist, Legion, Police Dept. and friends who Visited me, sent treats, cardS and flow- ers while I was a patient in St, Joseph's Hosptal and since re- turning home. — Gordon Hui- ley. 24-75x1 I would like to sincerely thank all my friends and relatives for their cards, gifts and visits while I was a patient in Seaforth Hosp- ital and since returning home, Special thanks to the doctors and nursing staff, All was great- ly appreciated. — Ken MacDon- ald'_24-75x1 THE family ' t•he late John Skinn expresses sincere thanks to all relatives, friends and neighbors for acts of kindness, messages of sympathy, Mass cards. letters and floral trib- butes. Thanks to Reverend Fath- er Laragh, Dr-Whitman, Mr. R. S Box and. Pallbearers.' Special thanks to all the men who as- sisted' in anyway in taking Mr. Skinn to the Seaforth hospital and also to the nurses, especially Mrs. Eisler. Special thanks to the Legion and CWL ladies for serving lunch. — Mrs. Mildred Skinn and Family., 24-75x1 THEfamily of the late"-Leona J. Clifton wish to, express their thanks and appreciation to friends, neighbors' and relatives for• floral tributes, donations to' the Cancer Society and messages of sympathy during our , recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. D. Stuart, Dr. Brady and nurses of :1st-floor of Seaforth Community Hospital and . also ladies who helped at the home afterwards. — "The Clifton Fam- ily": 24-75x1 I would like to thank my rela- tives, friends and neighbors who visited me and sent flowers, cards and treats while I was a patient in Seaforth Community HoSpital, Special thanks to Dr. Malkus and the nursing staff and Rev. Britton, for his visits. It was greatly appreciated. — Jack Bruce. 24-75x1 I wish to express my thanks to my neighbors, friends and rel- atives for their lovely cards, gifts and visits while I :was a patient irt_Sealclith_Coreinunity Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Brady, and Whitman, nurses and — staff. Mrs, Eva Cox. 24-75-1 I wish to thank my friend's and neighbors for cards, treats, filo*, ers and visits; both at home and hospital, While I was a patient Plans, specifications; and tend- er forms may be obtained at the Ar.•1,office of the undersigned upon payment of $15.00. This fee will be refundable only-to bona fide bidders. Each tender must -be accomp- anied by a certified cheque in the amount of $2,000.00, . Lowest or any, tender not nec- essarily .accepted. B. M. Ross and - Associates Limited Consulting Engineers 41 West Street. Goderich, Ontario- 21-75-1 28. Peat's _ xerisAN:-, Johoi-Rooti py kialn Conrad MaoI nut: of;:this life into the arme of Our bard on Satitrilair, Feb. ruAry 1,Z7,1.074.,acthe Pr eel,: liff*** Ho** 'Johns be- loved 'iufanf- son. of Mr. a itr .... Mrs. Ronald.. J'Ornee MacLean (nee Julia Fkkert) of 30 WeOlie. St., Stldbl#YI Alear brother callprim Peter, Stephen and Victoria; dear .".gPandeen. of. Mrs.'*kert Charters end Mrs. Isobel. MacLean, -aged =iron}- ths. The fuller:Mr was atelq- Sit. Tuesday 8:30. g-1:0- ,PY- Brigid's Church for Mass of the Angels it 9 4.10. *ewe* was made in IVfount. " ffoPe cemetery. ' g.0,75701 BOLT Jean leibelle, et the Oakville-Trafalgar MOMPP114 Hospital on Mondays March 8, 1971, Jean Isabelle slop of 2481 Glamworth Cresent; lgis4.•• issa_uga, ()Atari°, beloved wife of eLotiis Bolt; dear mother of Thn, Greg, Edythe and Laurie., Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Swan of Seaforthi, Ontario. Mrs. Bolt was resting at /gar- den Funeral 0401, 109' Rey- nolds St., Oakville, Ontario. Service was held on ThursOay. March 11, 1971, at 2:00 p.m. Interment at Spring-Creek Cemetery, Clarkson; Ontario. Memorial donations to the Canadian Cancer Society. would be appreciated. 28-75-1 News of Egmondville Correspondent Mrs. C. Geddes , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoepfner returned home Saturday after • spending two snow-free months of January and February vacat- ioning in California and surrounding states: • ----- •-- Visitors at• the home of Mr. Ernie Toll on the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Bedford Dungey, Brenda, and Bennie of Sarnia, Ontario. They also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Geddes and- family for an afternoon of Shown-whiling. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kennedy and• family of Centralia, Ontario spent Sunday visiting at the home of MK. and ' Mrs. Merle Glanville. Mrs. Ken Ritchie is a patient in a London Hospital where she underwent surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kruse of Stratford visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Kruse this week end. OM Mil= NISI NMI IIIII% - I GOOD 'THINGS I HAPPEN ,, I WHEN YOU HELP I I RED CROSS I