HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-03-11, Page 5•
.ti.Toitost Expostyoft Form, aNT,, Port Elgin
Capt. I.A.Wiebe (left) Base Physical Education and Recreation Officer, CFB Clinton
Adastral Park, is shown presenting the Winners i"rophy to the Coach of the Seaforth team,
Jim Watson, at the finish of the recent Miles Hockey Tourn,ament at. CFB Clinton.
(CHF Clinton Photo)
At eighty-three years of age, Ned Boswell of Seaforth, was
the oldest curler to participate in the Toronto-Dominion
Bonspiel on Saturday: Still good enough to make lots of
younger curlers envious he delivers his rocks with an accurate
eye, A team from Toronto including a Seaforth native, Dick
Kirk, won the event. (Staff Photo)
George Reeves
The action this week didn't
start till Saturday when two Sea-
forth rinks took in a Spiel at
Ayr. This was for the business
• girls and the rinks were Betty
Canino, , Claire Brugger, Mar-
lene Robertson, Marg Sallows
and Leone Rowatt. Joyce Doig,
Gwen Patterson and Vi Peter-
son, the latter coming home with
third prize and the Memories
of an enjoyable day.
•InSeaforth It was the Tor-
onto-DOminion 11th Annual Spiel
which has to be the most Ontario
represented spiel anywhere, with
two full draws for one eight and
two six end games in each draw.
The early draw had four London
teams, and tearn.s from Wyoming,
le Burford, Chatham and Wingham.
Winner of the first event was
the Ctratham - team with three
wins plus 39 1/2, second prize
Market Braikh
with two wins plus 28 '1/2 and
consolation prize was won by
London Main with two wins.
The second event had two
teams from Toronto,and Sarnia,
with other teams from LOndon,
Thornbury, Coldwater and Sim-
coe. Winner of the second draw
was a Toronto team, skipped by
Seaforth's Dick Kirk with three
wins and a plus of 42 1/2. Sec-
, and prize went to Sarnia with
two wins plus 26 and consolation
was won by a London team.
The Toronto team with a plus
of 42 I./2 won the Toronto-Domin-
ion Head Office Trophy With the
highest points for the day.
"'-; Not only was it a good day
of Marling but for many it was
a day of visiting with former
I associateS. They included Fred
Snow, Harry Cuming, Dick Kirk
and several more former mem-
bers of the Seaforth Branch.
But most amazing- of all was a
gentleman by the naine of Ned
Boswell, who at the age of 83,
still throws . a pretty mean rock.
More power to you and may ,we
all be out there as long as you.
On Sunday the intermediate
team had their third'playdown.
It was against Guelph in Clinton
Base rink. They lost their first
game, coming back to win their
second; only to lose out in the
final. The players 'were J. pat-
tersen; Sr., L. Rowatt, F. Case
and Bill Lobb. Needless to say,
you had the good wishes of all
the Club. Better luck next year
The •players on the Silver
Tankard play-off ,which was also
called • for • Sunday were, unable
to get to paisley on account of
road conditions. .A decision has.
not been handed down 'yet as to
whether it is a default or not. I
will keep you posted on this.
Over the weekend Dave and
Grace Cornish took in a Spiel
at Kitchener with friends from
that city, coming home with first
On Wednesday afternoon the
mefi held their second'Spiel with
a lovely roast beef supper and
another game after supper. This
of course, is a tradition that
dates back a long, long time to
when as a boy in the old palace
rink, I remember seeing some of
the past members of the Club
cooking a pot of beans. What
else they enjoyed I don't know
for I was never allowed in their
room and not on their ice either
if Peck Johnston caught you.
Times change but the spirit re-
In the second game of the
best of seven semi-finals the
Port Elgin Sunocos whipped the
Seaforth Beavers '7 - 1. The'
game played last Tuesday even-
ing In Port Elgin saw the Sunocos
completely dominate the game as
they reversed the first game and
coasted to an easy victory. The
series will resume tonight with
the Beavers hosting the Sunocos
with game time at 8:30 P.M.
The fourth game of die series
is also scheduled for Seaforth. on
Sundt' with game time at
2:00 P.M.
Last Friday evening saw, the
opening game of the OHA Inter-
mediate'-C" semi-final end in a
4-4 draw. Playing in Port
Elgin the Seaforth squad
outplayed and outhussled 'the
Sunoco's but couldn't beat the
Port Elgin goaltender. Seaforth
, had plenty of opportunities but
just couldn't capitalize. Jack Mc-
- Liwain had s'everal break-a-
ways but couldn't find the handle.
Bill McLaughlin led the
Beavers scoring punch with two'
markers while Bob Beuttenmiller
and Bill Weber added singles.
After three periods the teams
were tied and even an overtime.
period failed to produce a winner.
Seaforth seemed to have all the.,
bad breaks as Port Elgin scored
once on a converted penalty shot
By Gary E. Gray
The Stars and Flyers will
meet this Sunday night in the
first game of the Seafoith In-
dustrial Hockey League finals.
The Stars edged the Blues
5-4 to take their best of three
series in two straight games,
while the Flyers did likewise in
handing the Kings a 4-1 setback.
The Stars led the Blues 3-2
after the first period , and 4-3
after the second, both teams
scored once in the third period.
Five players shared the
scoring for the Stars: Larry
Scott, Don Muir, Bill Price,
Larry Broome and Bill Boshart.
Boshart's goal early in the
third period proved to be the
winner. Ray Powell, Gary Gray,
Dave Broome and Mac McLean
sdored for the Blues who turned
in their best game of the season.
Both goaltenders, Osborne of the
awarded by the referee and then
capitalized when the Beavers
were playing two men short.
The second game of the series
was to have been playerthere Sun-
day.but was postponed because of
adverse weather conditions. It
will be rescheduled for a,
a later date.
George is one of the new
members of the, Beavers
as he is competing in his
first season as a member
Blues and Huard of the Stars, of the team,, 'playing right
played brilliantly in turning aside wing. What George lacks
several tough shots. There were in experience he makes up
fifteen penalties called in the in enthusiasm.An excellent
game by referees Muir and checker, George is a real
Craig (all minors). bonus for the Beavers and
got top-notch goaltending from
Dave. Brady and had little trouble
in their ,victory over the Kings.
.There was no scoring .in the
In the late game the Flyers
Seaforth. „..
gives the team some of the
championship. George is
depth necessary to win the
married and ,resides In
first period and the Flyers led
2-1 after the second, and out-
scored the Kings 2-0 in the
Ken Wright, Dale Kenne'cly,
Don Jefferson and Dave Watson
scored for 'the Flyers while, Ken
McLlwain , was the lone marks-'
man for the Kings.
. The...final Play-offs will be
a 3 -out of 5 series and will
begin this Sunday night at 8
o'clock (Instead , of '7 o'clock).
crone s
The Friendly Store in Seaforth --"the friendly (own"
Ph. 527-0240: EipOsitor Action Ads
Prices so LOW that we are
allowed to advertise the •
Stars, Flyers
Now In Finals
Your ,ast Chance To Save! smess SATURDAY
by Ding
The Seaforth Beavers tied the strong Port Elgin
team in the opening game of their semi-finals in the
OHA Intermediate' C" league. '
Area fans following the Junior ,B" team-s—ahould
be in for some real' good hockey as the Stratford
Warriors continue 'to advance in their bid for a
Provincial title.
Exeter of the Junior • D")ranks also continue
their climb . for Provincial honors. The Junior
A" followers are disappointed in London's efforts
this season and the Knights are struggling just to
make the final playoff spot in the OHA league'.
In the southern Junior "A" g'iou'p Guelph -has
surprized the league champions , Chatham Maroons
and are presently leading their semi-final series
2 games to 1.
In Curling fans following the Canadian
Championships saw Manitoba's Don DUguid win
his second straight title after a three way playoff.
Don will now try to capture his second straight
world title later this week in the World Champion-
held this year in France. At least in this
qne sport Canadians are proving to be the best. ,
In Baseball the exhibition schedules are under-
way in Florida and Canada's only major league '
team so far hasn't fared too well as they have
dropped their first two games. Perhaps a poor
exhibition schedule will mean a good regular season
for the Expos.
With hockey entering. its final'Month of regular
play and the playoff 'positions still in doubt, the
•importance of every game is amplified. While
almost everyone continues to watch the amazing
Bruins and Phil Esposito and Bobby Orr break
record after record we tend tb forget the goal
tending race for the Vezina trophy and the amaz-
ing performance of rookie Gilbert Perreault who
has tied the mark for a rookie set back in 1925-26
and tied by Danny Grant in 68-69. Not only has
Perreault tied the record , but he has 13 games
left in which to break this Mall( and .1s playing for
a new tech') with little or no playoff hopes. The
New York duo of Gilles Villein ure and Ed. Giacom in
Continue to lead the goalies in the Vezina trophy
race and are only threatened by Chicago's duo of
'Esposito and young Gary Desjardirts.
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Phone 527-1140 Seaforth