HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-03-11, Page 4SEMORTH WELTERS fo r r DIAMONDS, WATCHES A.WEi,i,ERY, FINE, CHINA C:,FTS for EVERY OCCASION Ali Types of Repairs Phone 527-0270 iiiiimouffiliummommi DANCE Seaforth Legion Hall SAT., March 13th Dancing 9-12 Music by The Blenders Admission: $2.00 per couple HIM111111101111111111H11111111_ TO EJ- this week at the ROYAL HOTEL MITCHELL THURSDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY The Revois In the Crown Room Dining room open on Sundays from 12 noon - 2 p.m. and 5p.m. to 8 p.m. in the evening. • [IA For less than the rice of a bushel of -corn you can insure an. acre of grain coin against the hazards of • weather, insects and disease. • Talk toyour Crop Insurapce Agent THE CROP INSURANCE COMMISSION OF ONTARIO Parliament Buildings, Toronto 5g Ontario Crop Insuranee Agents in this Area GEORGE A. WATT, BLYTH Phone 523-9217 WILLIAM WILSON, ER 1, BRUCEFIELD — Phone 527-1757 LORNE E. HAY, BOX 165, HENSALL — Phone 262-2133 " PETER A. ROY, Gen. Ins., 17 Gibbings .St. Clinton, Ph. 482-9357 PARK G ODERICH 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIRCONDIMNED ADULT ENTERTAINMENT LEE. MARVIN "zzotra. • WALSH" A Real Western A NINA I NA', %%NKr, A NAI,ON,A, ,1"N i PA, P1 h Pr, ASt 'PANAVISION'ond TECHN'i Thurs. a p.m, Only Miley and Soutdoy 0 7:30 and 9:30 pun. so. Thu.11 Fel:1 2 -Set.1 3 );" s...14, m...15 r..16 Be the of the Dolls A Russ Meyer Production ONE SHOW NIGHTLY 8 P.M. • This is'not a sequel- there has never been anything like it 51Mall &tined 13 2:00 P.M. 4 Bland Wilfuillen9th feature of fa„,,i,jr(eitainment.1,,, 01.139LIElicliE WHOM • inasatiatust --ZMAIMA CASS - ALL SEATS 5Q IN COLOR • A FILM FOR --THE ENTIRE FAMILY FOLLOW "WHISKERS," an independent ,and curious young cougar, through two exciting years in a mountain wilderness knOwn as "COUGAR- COUNTRY" • A true witkife adventure story "WHISKERS" in Seaforth ONE 'DAY ONLY LEGION HALL .6:30 — 8:30 p.m. MARCH 15th — MON. r. A PRODUCT OF AMERICAN NAT -prim . ENTERPRISES, INC. W.M.S. MEETS Mrs. J. R. Jefferson presided at the delayed February meet- ing of the Women's Missionary Society which was held at her home. Nine members answered the roll call with a Bible verse containing the word ,,Witness". One visitor, was pfesent. Mrs. Jefferson opened the meeting with a poem. Bible Study, Section 2 was led by Mrs. C. Douglas. Mrs. C. McKalg had charge of a dis- cussion from Mass Media. The business period was con- ducted by Mrs. M. Dow. Reports were given by the secretary, Mrs. T.L. Scott and the treasurer Mrs. M. Lamond. The offering was dedicated . by Mrs. Jefferson. pourty two cards and letters and 7 visits to the sick were reported. A Bible Quiz was conducted by Miss Olive Speare. Mrs. M. Dow and Miss Olive Speare assisted the hostess in serving lunch. Mrs. Eldon Allen is a .pat- lent In Stratford General Hos- pital having undergone surgery. Correspondent Mrs. Ken McKellar -r• RECEPTION ..cAsii BING° And DANCE Legion Hall, Seaforth FRIDAY, MAR., 12 8:15 p.m. • • S David's "2 lb. Carousel Biscuits 7c Supieme Bleach 59c Economy 100. Corn Flakes,_ _ _ -53c Kome. 17 Rice Krispies 53c Cake Mixes 4/55c Kellogg's 24 ox. Robin Hood Pouch Pack 9 oz. McCormicks Candy._ _ 3/$1 Mos. Mother Parker Tea Bugs _ 59c StitHorrt's 19 ot. Apple Pie Fill '39c Weston's Raisin Bread 2/65t lamoneminamon CAUFORN1A NEW CROP 111 SUNKIST VALENCIA ORANGES Dozen 59c P. E. I. POTATOES 25 lb. Bag--87c amoommomommon CANADA NO. I GRADE PARSNIPS 2 lb. Bag 29c FROZEN FOOD SWANSON PRODUCE CANADA NO. 'PICNIC SHOULDERS - lb. 47c COLEMAN'S WIENERS lb. 49c GROUND CHUCK _ _lb. 73c SAUSAGE Beef and Park lb. 39c Pie BOLOGNA _ 3lbs. 39c cil lb Sliced MINUTE STEAKS _ lb. 98c Campfire Mindless '' SIDE BACON _ _ lb. 55c CORNED BEEF lb. 69c. crolcv. 1/2„ DINNER HAMS Rib. 89c Legs or CHICKEN Park Hocks F RESH lb. SSc lb. 25c ilutOtst 041TO.R. -$EAFORTH, ONT.. MARCH IL 1971 THESE CERTIFIED USED CARS MUST GO 1970 Camaro (81 HT. Demo. AT R etc. Lic. K44000 1970 Marquis (8) HT., 6,500 miles, AT PB PS R, Lie. J66931 1970 Chevelle Malibou (8), HT. 1970 Chevelle (61 Sedan, AT R, 9000 miles Lic. J68744 1969 Chev. (8) Station Wagon, AT PB PS R Lic. X28920 1969 OLDS. Custom 4-dr., I-IT. PB PS R Lie. 809615 1968 Chev (8) Belaire Sedan, AT Lie. P68622 1967 Plymouth (8) Sedan, AT R Lic. J70154 1967 Chev. (8) Sedan Lie. K44578 1965 Merc. (8) Sedan, AT PB PS R No Reasonable Offer Will" Be Refused NEW* OF CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mckore of Lindsay visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. . Scott and Mrs. Es- ther Mooite while on their honey- moon. M r. and Mrs. Charles Douglas were guests at the marriage of a niece of Mr. Douglas, Mary Esther Anderson to Norman Wayne Charles at Grace United Church at Caledonia. Mrs. Gordon Laing returned home from Stratford Hospital where she was a patient, having undergoUe surgery. Members of the family of Mrs. Thomas Scott, Sr., visited with her at Kilbarchan on Friday, March 5, celebrating with her, her 90th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Splane and daughter, Beverly, of London, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Scott. Messrs. Carley Finlayson, George Vivian, Robert Gardner and Mervin Shute have returned from a trip through the South- ern States. nomaameamesssom••••••••• EUCHRE Friday, March 12 CONSTANCE HALL Canadian Foresters 8:30 p.m. Admission 50c Ladies Bring Lunch saMMID141144110111111101414IMINIENINNE for Mr. and Mrs. Gary Anderion (nee Patty IVIrLachlan) (Newlyweds)'' Friday, March 19 9-1 Hensall Community Centre Music by The Bluewater Playboys Lunch Served Everyone Welcome 0#1PAte#404"erree'ineiree.044**.nreWehed WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT YOUR COMMUNITY COLLEGE? THE DOON CENTRE of CONESTOGA COLLEGE Invites you to their OPEN HOUSE 15 Regular Games for $10 THREE $25 GAMES $75,00 Jackpot To Go TWO DOOR PRIZES ADIrdl&StION $1.00 Extra (lards 25c or 7 for $1.00 (CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT PERMUTED) —Proceeds for Welfare Work— Auspicei Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion Boutique 2 Roll Pack Delsey Toilet Tissue 3/$1 Kleenex Jumbo Towels 2/88c Sunlight 2/24 or. Deal Pack Liquid Detergent 79c 16 ox,Veal Pack Schneiders Cheese3Nces _ 69c TV DINNERS Beef, Swiss, Chopped Sirloin 2 for $1.25, SALES cAtce/ 'SERVICE 134:27 Ply; 527-1750 • SEAFORTH Lot Open Evenings to 9 p.m. 1111111111111111111111111111111111 Entertainment this WEEK &in THE • TIMI3ERLANE ROOM twuriallMtniceiMINIkamedMINIamen41111111nri TWo Topless Dancers ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL CLINTON 1111111111111111111111111111111111 , Seaforth 3A 4-H Club met on Thursday at the home of Janice Schenck. ,Dianne Patterson showed how to alter a pattern- and Mrs.Pat- terson gave notes on the work. Jean McKaig thanked Mrs. Schenck. The next meeting will be held on March 22 at Jean McKaig's home. for Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bolger In Walton Hall FRI., March 12 Ian Wilbee's Orchestra Ladies please bring lunch Seaforth 3A Has Meeting RECEPTION The Landlords' LOWER PRICES ON PAL& FOODS Schneider's MVO, 014.1 4 Sunday, March 14th, 1971, 12-6 p.m. Located North of Interchange 34 and 401 • CANDLELITE RESTAURANT and TAVERN — FORMERLY PIZZA PATIO TAVERN — FRIDAY and Saturday The Desiarclines CANDLELVM RESTAURANT and TAVERN HAYFIELD ROAD IN GODERICH PHONE 524-7711 ST. COLUMBAN SOCCER CABARET DANCE SATURDAY, MARCH 13 9:3o %I RON JASPER QUARTETTE BRODHAGEN COMMUNITY CENTRE Admission $3.00 per couple BETH EL BIBLE Saturday, March 13 — 8 p.m. — The Healing Witness, Color Film. Sunday, March 14 10 a.m. Bible School 11 a.m. Holy Ambition 7:30 p.m, God's Programme for the Ages. Tht first in a series of prophetic messages. IOOF HALL MARCH 17 2p.m. Admission 50c Sponsored by Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge St. Patrick's' AFTERNOON EUCHRE SCOUTS ARE YOU A — Please bring $2.00 Registration Fee Registration will take place: — TUES. ,MARCH '16th - Seaforth Town Hall — 6:30 -- 8:00 p.m. DRESS CASUAL SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY --- PRESENTS--- YUKON SATURDAY, MARCH 13th NOTE NEW ADMISSION PRICE: $1.25 Per Perion DANCING 9:00 - 12:00 ' AT THE Seaforth Conimunity Centre ADMISSION $1.25 a • 4 dl 4 C I. • • • C