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Wingham Times, 1891-05-08, Page 5
• ���� r�4 io++ 1 t,,. 77 „ y. \ - ,t • ,•�-. .. �7�;n�"�,•„1111l.r.q,ta,1lw,Pc,wgwjPt }�,,.,,,PSwR„@P,gpP., PP 7l9i / ' !.-�.IP,P" snit •.�nwlW nir,ni .• J am►., 00 ; G �a, ,y O'4Q RV'Ifrrd' (�, Jt�1 tllYy�y!w��yaa�,N�\I�naeaP�� ala iE1 WN'�'. t 4' poeeeti tc► Idol LSar x iilad Part2n(l. klarkc. cwbtaivalalti 1ff0-,. tbhis alirnslfor lsi�ktt� where he�. MRIA &laud Nattartisld, IUfI; Benson Will remain until the following, lvlanday lnar fife 7(t two weeks we will xnalteruigkahaak, TOU.; Ct+o Ansley, 1U(1; Morning. it very in eating for all persons who : Johli Futter, 80; kf.artnah Rnf;laud, �,� YID 2Q• 800 lot, Marksobtaivable 101; GRANIpE ROCK, 1;7 ." 1 S. •r.,11 ' require i3uu r [abase of any descrill- JAM118RiTcaxu, Proprietor, Krielxes to iniiwate to the ladies et' 1• :,. ;lit iP rl.,l auric Inaddit to our unusually heavy 100. dK I'aprtl, 100; (�ao Johnson', 1VloxlaaY 1�V'ill leave his: awn stable, tlts4t lit t• 'a+• ,•1. , •: Y Y 100 ; Rdgrrtan' Ws111voad, 100 ; L(44,.0011.111, Hawick, and proceed to !ping Stock, w opted lately Qti ver Varoila llhi en fit; • Wai x118,110 , Otcalf, " , 'urnborx , or SPRING �' �� � �N' � � � �`,"" +� �t ' �r � l pp r i ter i'VHisll, YI'i.11n,10. h y f •15.' ►+ IYI< lY! • * """ +Jt l.re.E..ti, tempting forms, a r ipinent of choice 211. Tile avt�rage attPndatice for the noon ; thence a th to Sala Gan., to Cies. "' t goods sent here by:uitrl ke; therefore, 111011th of April wits 68, korturI of night. TurijDAY---krO000d 'I 44 a,r;jved and i1a jaQw opened' (:ittr, ,1,1x;; �,irc•t; i,, well east to the gravel road, thence vrost on . ooiltaiils all Glt P we are now under the necessity of redue- W I AitTLI+Y, TeRchOt Con. 0 to Peter •CampbAil's, fol• noon; o ftls�l;��tlal�lr�.h:ty'.,�; l,,r rya j �.�-'' 1 ing our stock, and in order to do so. we them:() south to Jas. Stewart'9, for .night. l Aiay 5th, Joel, WaysEyl1AY••-•Proceed south to Robert' ^fit ^";T V " ry r: lire prepared to make extraordinary cuts Far thaTiatrle, Hamilton's, for noon- thence along Con. 4 .H ra ' A. lar�r t �, ;> in prices. While posts sing of "balmy Ma ,,, , , owick to David> duoglt.',for ni ht. ,, stock 011 bland, (onsiat41 of 1.,1t1broirltlt v hilke,4. ` Y paunsnAY---Prooeed sout'i. to: A1Ax. V, I think my mind or theirs astray; P for OT's)i'ilJktu*is, 1�areia,u, r Shirts (] g But lel on this fifthr r� en so r di4or gad Con. 0 to R6bonoon-, t `Walker's,R Co 7, MANTLE Tit il°ais, : • altars, Coifs, Ties For if filo flalda worA even ra , Gloves, SSC., we offer great attractions : for night. FitxnAY---•Procpod b wayof 'i Y,r iG Nothing small about thorn but the ' anyll day ninth Con. to Wm. Brown's, for noon; •1,;( price.With snow tuy're clad, thence north to Jahn Porterfl(+ld's, for �'ka Mantle Department cont,ailis a Varied atL4ort t' Our P1'ints, +�In11lins,]/awns, and Dross I (rain my window OfleEiln�'I goo night, ►iATVRi1AX —Proceed west to Satins Satin Brocades, Flushes, Velvets an 141a'rrtlt3 Blot' It Good's are generally a surprise to ousto- The trunk. of every stalwart tree Robert Ferguson's, near Lakelet, for froth+ � t i, Clothed as white tis white can be, ' noon; thence to his awn stable, where he iners how so much beauty and excellence With Clinging snow ; will remain till the following Monday Mantles made to. order, -_. ?e1�'ect Fittingand in the let While 13OSS stal2ds cowering in the lee, MO.Vlling, fashionable styles, 1 ill restore and design can be sold at our Too stiff to go, -� se',xicos; 9LOTLAND'ta MOTTO, " �----^ While poets follow out their line S mpitg done to corder. at Please remember Mot, Teas afieun- 'They're apt to got ahead of time; 3•�Mlss RITOSIE, PaorRrETOR; Art inspee v. Though April givoiIdaythat's fine{•.- lXQ;iDAV—,A.ppri120, �vxll leavA his own SOLE AC,xFNC17lx FOR r11 ijuatlodin freshness, strength Andilavor. It seems .haphazard;, stable, Elora Roadi near Mildmay, and � �,l �;�'a �r � � V � Clean" ��� ss They Comprise Blacks,,Ja(lans H .sons t As we have at this very time prooeod toMrs. White's,. Flora 11 oad, far " p' '' Y '; A i'i�g'lar blizzard, no thence to Wm. Fraser's for night, prepardtiott for eleanina kid gloved, • It jvil1 alsii reinrlve `unci (luupow(1oxe; from 12t/ippnts up, TUESDAY•• -Proceed east. on Minto town stains from silk ox wuo110n foods, Try ic, t r, It makes lite think of sunny climes, line to, Jas. Cochrane's;, for noon thence, : _ MI Liberal discounts to. cash buyers, Where snowflake nov6r scath the vines, by Alsfoldt, to J'plin Weltz's, nearAyton, . '" Where bovine have the, glorious timaa, for night. WrD1USDn1r--FrOCood toJohn 0111titnbf~r the dace-- 1+' t'ef door north of Ed. •j)insl8y's ak GORDON & McI1`T`�VRE. Amonl� the hills , k'he Big Brown Anchor. And valleys; grate; al far the chimes', Ashloy s, Neustadt, for noon ;, thence', by stol e, way of 12th Con. Carrick, D -r— Rick- # Oh, rippling rills, iasotof for night, 'rrick,SDAY Win, Proceed i But why. should I express my sorrow, to Andrew Smxth's,Elora Road, for noon; Wilighami April 3rd, i$91. LtiViiC1" ftirigh>�m, We may have Balmy May to -morrow; thence, to A. J. Connel's, for night. FRI- - -- lr Foottall as likely to be the amuse. Then at the plough and attheharrow` DAY—proceed o +l as. Fleming'a near Each farmox be; Bolmore for nooft ' thence to Jas.Dr �j (� osr,Prx COWAN, Til a+ni for the Boys this 'suinmet:--As Then[ correspondent of Glenfarrow Ritcbie's,fornight, 6ATvRDAt . Prooeod lt4b \J la lor t►tl' lAst I"rtdny was Arbor Day, t11e _ Have tea with me, along Carrick town line td . Alex. St.GEaAr( 3rir Div. (altar Co.C1Ivtiox, ul,olaril aP this section assenlhled J. G. Mary's, for noon : 'thence north to his p M;.A:-, Li C. P. ti, o,; M. Q. P. 1. nt„ AUGTI()1\EUrR;' sig Party in the uvwiling and begall an all own stablet,where he will remain till the �, = �=1 T ISSURK OF UARRl•1 GE LICEN rut' +daY jub of lixill� tip the school grounds. J,luovple following Monday morning'. TOR2 Coat uselosElt i21 �„ 1:Tc„ After working lil(e Trujaus till about Next Snndttv,Rev.,Tnlut Scrltf J1 A LORD STANLEY OF PRESTON, � �• FV3roaETllt, ik• 4 o'clock, they succeeded in fixing the CNT �chric,lyAru to their liking, which wile Oliairutiln of the .Distr•ic5, Will pregoh JAMES RIT(lIrlx'i, PROV'RIVTOR. Jonathan Bushaxt, Listowel; says:— f to th.e Metlloditit tlliurAl, on the no, . 'MaxDAx Will leave his awn stable "meter spending all my money and prop- 'ti i er, dolls by 0oitiliy about a dozen ever- ' art to ora w SALE _ casitla of the Quarterly Service and Lot 8, Con. 0, .Carrick, and proceed to y purpose on medical wen, for f t green trees and fix; ng up five beauy Sacramento et 10 30 A ti Taoob Schnider's,. Con, 10, Carrick, for what they termed a hopoless case of con A Vern' desirable poaiilenee,'with L 'p Go, tul flower b ds, T uti phice ib certainly �' ' '• noon; thence by way of Neu adt to Jos. sulnptlon, Tjr, Sinclair oared iris," hl bitritly uuitfr: tad; gplundid ilr.'e}rtl ;fila' It much improved ; but by lluvinry a new Lettler's, Lot 2,: Con, 10, Normanby, ,� llirs, Mary IPurlonrx, Woodhouse? says: soft thank:'; YIu acit• R»'4lxilir'y :I Wifen all others failed Dr. Sinclair lvtthin three nifnutas vta;x at the itowit av, t'9enty ox,taza ''Lot, for night. . CcsD.ts-Proceed by way of , fence trruittld ;.t, :tt,d .aaiite oilier little , Randvs'r to Maple Hill, for uo'an; thence olued we of fits." olianrie to se,:ttre aiflie property. .Nye mpco•vemebts n,ctde,we think it wtinl(1 There yet remain two m_)ntits in-wilich along tae 255th siaeroad of Brant to John W. KcDouald, Lakef3eld, says :—"Dr; D.N. ihtl ,e tr►uch batter. It would Slake i0new Aub3o?ibcea niuy •.ar tho green Do. Finerty's, for night. WiDI SDAX—Pro- ,crinalair Cured me of Catarrh." lull cue. of the fittest rural sahooks it, the btx�n.t ILLUSTirirk:D pri�,� competition and teed by ,way of Eimwoot;I, to..Riohard 1Goo. Rowed,Blyth, says:—,,Dr. Sin- 1111 , t,?wuehi;, -On Saturtlily, May 2usi tt'Y +hr ono of the 1tlR prtz3a. n;.:ire ,,utiu 'Dodswvitb s, Lot 4, Con. 12, Bentinck, c air cured me of heart dlseaso and drop- ,tom& �.,,ft +W , ' ` sy when all others failed." e over 3.000 in value wL•iarh file for noon; thence by way of town line p�Glz&L yI,IAIL ST]MAM; 7 wits Alrs,'Juhu (7urriH, of this place,`di, d'; publishers .grant and I+:ldexslio, to Peter Fisher's, �iseasesaY'prfvate nature brought on . 1+flex a tingsriu:; illness of nortrly a. of th t j niroul offer. Tile campvt.ltiun Brant, tOr night. TIivRSDAv--Prace©d by folly Ar. Sinclair certainly cures. v v� 9f, �+� f* " 01 year, 7,Ue can�o of her dzath wtli closel,,•June 30th, but new oompotitors ruay along the 12th Con, to Thos. Robinson's, CONSUVrATION FREE. CHEAP 'a�°� "�• t to of aonsamptiou. She lead been able to enter at anytime provit(ea their answers for noon;. thence to .Eden Grove, for ruet.3i;litty asilink4i iroi ; bier lea lip uu'it about a weelt Mots 11cr. to tile 86 questioua are receivpll, at the night. F'RxDAY Proceed along the Elora DR, SIhTCLAJC will be at the Portland orHaw, a • • >'1 of �te of the Road to Dalikeldi for noon; thence to QUEEN'S ITOTF.:: Wi: gham � Inrtf . deattl, 1vhe13 elle, I}:;GlLlrla Se pxllallsted journal prulr fist ,,the aboveQueen's i , r, , TO • , the Queena F;totel, Walkerton, for night, ON A�,ty'�,�wr�l��•� ; 1.10 t pt strength, that sbe had to remain iti mentioned dn-4. Tito goe:ations are pub, 'SATvnimy—Pxnceed, by way of railway c L u J -•--�,,,tA' ~�^'� `bed - uutilSaturda eveiliu r litilied in moathl himair ioub of �si � each, station, to Louis Vountain's Lot 14, oli.. 1�•�.�r.� y � Qg o CABIN i'A i9, a40,^,�' Eonnd , intflo; . r- T ,; y �,. wht'n y > MINIMA �l� ! N Y `� 7mal. a l , • and ,;.Uo lseturu, accord Lb 10. t lois ":is k•• a „ 3i Brant, for noon; thence, by wily of , ° " a' s sta'orourus. 1 f t'url sa�v fit to awl; {ler xttvrty fioyll this and 1112 aittity(sra t,i, u4 fouutl it), Glre pa, as 41orr] Read, to his, Own stable; where he ivorla of siekue:si. `Slit+ leaves a flus- lof the Dominion Illu+trri fid t,ir the [fix s ri t will remain [111 the; following Mondayaxir;ix to, I,GYtL.. Ori Nit e-•, xxxsrtl:ai,i:tTt, rlii,twrcttl rn;. i'rpal hand and six gtnall children to mourn inpaths eudia„ June 3;ftli. 1 ov, simple morning; br, Taos .:C.lonvst rstte.. ht'r lass. Utl blondrl afternoon . the ca atad fall trticulai i send 12 colts ill ` ` q�1 t eel . ,�,�i,.6, ebl;intet" a cqr•. y copy P' �` •""-"'"-"' .Lir.,.,, Accatiimadatto»eiinattr;'adnc,�,;, •� flit+r' romaiiis were fullowed by a large titampy to the Fttbtlshera, the Sablatpu ,26. �lsali$able til°wll able for Sale AT REAflOaN1'BLE >icA'I'L''�. Apply•toiI-&A.A).GLit, binutrt,aT,nr 11UKtilit?t• of mourning and 3ympatltis- Litho it Pat C•. , ldoiitre I, Money advauced.on biorwairesat aper esI t. with I'i6N RY Dr3 kris, NVIN-a fA;VT, Still r o - (� �j 1Mf'iP' d prtvilu:{o of liaytu•; r,t the and o any year; Notes t• In:; fripuds, to the W,nc„halfi cetnebe. Y . t} and ilage of auileatad. . where they lvor-s ;,aid away to wait (tI], ItRt t1 d:aaglr. , 1 ILOBT. I• e"44 DOG. «. Wily you heed. the warn ill rt'he sf riitl A KARL t1$ANfj.Ca on WORiitNGFNI�31. a> xictt, Iicaver'i3laotc. tl'inrh:un, Ont; " ' t1t+. fill that illustrious morning Come 1! r t3, : perhal,s of the aero ttppi'ortcll of [hitt retire = itt r- When all the suints shall rise, terrible dirism to Cuustr1liption. - Aa# Vour The owner has placedIin my hands for gate 1 � And deckod in falli'mmortial bloom afford + i [,elves if you coil Aff.ir d for -the saltt3 -of 1Q Lots on Cuxling'street, wast; is �' • � � t' 1te 11 Ascend into the eu'.ied" ,iao.,ta run the risk und do nutbi'vg G Lots on Catharine street, oast ��"'•� aavuq • r ,• � �t 9 A d [DOS are lI 11iaT} A oteeting of the Patrons of1u, fol'it. • We -know, frdm eximrience that 8 Lots on Coxnyn street; dustry mill lie, held in tho Lower Shilc,h's Cure trill cure year. euugh, It on Diagoh&l road. _ EOPLE'S 'tit11� never fails, Also Coinfortabl Dwellings fn. varioug arts of y t' 1tila;;hdnl ec{taal on Caeadrty, .,lay 12, . •thatownforeale. a 1 to a p tY1r`+1 > pP S .1 at.whit;h Dire Jlieuueat, orgaitmer iy pf ,i�1r $rznanP>!uu iateofiInruiltanandParis, t Ut {for lluron ()Canty, ,Will a11S{4er tl, wATsov—TntYinsrhnw,o»e3'rd fast, the wife' �*'j�'+°�t Miss tluestian, 'P p � Rev iy IT Watson; ar,un, Real Estate A ent. HOUtM, SiGN AND ORNAMEN. , POPULAO' Doss the farmer a for g ilYleii „ .,, Aits4oaax-inwingham,on-the 4th hietaut, the SVIn•bait riy7th,1x91 TALPAINTER, PAPER HANGEr`l., all. The ladies are especially iuvit` wife of vr.j imelorum a sor,: hits. 1 RESCOER &c. 6�6�E ad.—Mrs Elford 1V11Q was recoverin r itAcn In Itinolutm, on the 4th ;net, the wif0 �`{ OUNTY Or HURON TEACHERS' EXAMIN- PAn, E& it,eas '' of Mrs aracey:ason. Q ATIOMS 1991, tomtit%kethis npportalltyofinloruitngthooitutons . wish from a telapse of 3nflaujination, hoe otnrxe—In tvinKhatn, on rho 5th ins[, rho wtfo of ni +vinitnaol anti surrounding country . that hatlug TO receivt:ti another attack tunob severer Mrwintfolmes- a son. The Primary (III:rlaas)and ' Junior Leavintr and hadI,rgeexporienoehielft work, he is prepared tel. ' ' n Pass. Matriculation IL olasa 010 hlnthtstinhri!, Halsa,r,ininl; and wall Papering in +Q l� than b$Pnre, tilt effects of which it i'8 Cev3rR—At Nonpaivtt;.,lnnIt�ha, on the lstAprif, ( ) Exnminatiahg at the the latest approved styles of plain and decoratiko Brit! Columbia, the wife of Mr Jabot Coutts;; a son. Collo riato Institutoa and Flsgh Schools will be hold work: Churches, ;[Tall. ar other public or private #eared, will be serious• --Mr Arthur gomilts-,in HTyth, eri'the 17th ult, the wife n1 atGoderioh, Clinton and$eaferth, ba�+Fnning 7uee• bulldina.Fruseoedin beaUtttnl Colors And Uoslyur rla,lk IEP[ this week for. Winnipeg tlrw:taouiere;aacn•' dtt,,,IthofJuly, 48.40am. Saniot,Leavinirand atmoderaturates... WASHING�� fnlellt Hdnorblattioulatfon(7 C.)will be Tretd At Clinton, pit bumhjeys and pleasltre Cont • lf4N:;i1�: 4D• boSinninr; Tuesday, 14th July, at 1,8o p rn, Candy Or on-and'1D2t1j f0M1a liar WAtT�-]tnDs_ At the resldenoo of the bride'[ dates, who +chili to *rite at elthsr saaforth or• C,hi• • Graining in Walnut, dick, Bird's Eye Ma - bitted, Bitted, Prior to his departure, menta, un tits 10+h alt; h ' Rev d xi SStnnaan, Jelin ton must notify 1)6vfd Robb Esq., I P Schools; , staff. Watt, fr, Es r S Clinton P r) not Intal than '22nd May, stathiK at ple; &u., a Specialty, j ep�pq�f�r>7t;•,Q,y xl+rldays, he ihased rile handsome property 9, iF inn firm of [haft C Snn, 5t'inirbanr, 1 baL'iI' p p • y to hu". Clary, sacalid tlaakhter of Janie$ Undo, Pall which of the sehool they intend to write; and thomp �� its under: west of the town Trott] Mrs Price, of Clinton. who desirotowrite tit 0oderfohmust notify JahrrL All orders.etititisiedtctuycar.Qdonewithneatness 1891 f >! AY ielth - ' atln� Torn, > q, I P Schools, Qodetteb P O, by the same , which looks, as if he dill not ill- 1DI1v�• date, Iia. name will be forwarded to the Depart• and despatch. ,okletl 911KNINd THa031CH TO VAN00NYliB wit"Out fiend to return alone. We have hot ll Cvnartt InEa.twaivann.h,othsSandinaf.,Elfza• tnentunlessthofersofUi h Se, onlsa the utogictu been both Ourric, ag000 9.5 years, o woittha and 27 days: tion, Iload•maature of illy h 9c oafs and Coiloglatu Orders left at Xi: hose' Bookstore will receive Fier Berthe and. all fnfoxraati 16arned where Mrs Price intetids attRTaoao .ln Tast'tvaivanosh, on 4thinat Sarah Ituirtntes will please send the appiiemdons and fees rly.- ' of their candidates to thaP s Inspector within whose prompt attention. a 1 to nearest C. R A ;pot ;iir, rntstrong, Strad 74 years. uri.dictims their sohaal is sitaated. lfarms of a DD X I3e , rate 0 f UROR.R -In Brussels, on the April s5th, beloved i p• JAS. H. Fit1E1~v ). 'Tilt follOtving, is the sfAl)rlitll; 0 wife of Ms samuol Burs, o axed April plication may be obtained from the Inspector or the - — -- w irrtl qt yoare and 4 undoratA'ned, Wnrgham, A prit .1rd. j ;edhlg ho different pupils in tlipir reapeetrve month.. PETI;RACAV80Ni ^ biasses for Lower town school : b+ dlor --- =-- -- County ark. r � 4th. Marks obtainable 373 —F oofo ibe � t � 7ry cs rrrr1t ALT r (�yy, Aoderioh, April, iafii. l rat 1 1 .POPULAR t',D 1 A l.i t :J.oN1+3.. f ft •' Breen,. 338 ; Amelia Netterli4d, 338; , ye �, •., fioxris' Robert.Onuipbell, 80. Junior 4th. HERE y 4 U 17 T have uiuoh plear:irre iu annnnrir,sr to the. farnrint•- • :tl Ilia Marks obtainable 380 ryRaohel Dey, • t puttifuthat l ani ag, tit lir t1w Cor b.at:,i ettN 803; John 11111, 234 ; Lilutnfl. Netter• jlt�tL L411 uu 6 ttoi,satii otitcr llu urr field, 169, Ben 3rd. Marks obtaln Grp—y�~� y t,t� r �p �t 1 , Y� flli.s IP'" tl i���w �QY Y�"wi 1fl�S1Ki S. r iiule G1U'—•t+lulilr 13ill, -425 ; Jane �. Ell 1P r«I :- firteuci 13urrowy, 39.1 •, JiKy. Liitklater, 383 ; I. s;x it • 7tOfrko. DIcI)otl:tlti 479`; 5ltirilie •Link• 1 S Ie now prepared to do all kinds of rtntztg McDonald, a; Aldi 31i; 11013'St{, SIGN, ANY) 013 NA 'MISSim. t;;,.s ' R I'�� ., Jwilev, 'inter, 35$; �$ , Bell 'liior7 T'YiQfollowingwelknownStallionswill PIC1.11TAL PAINTING PA �kw�A��i:3 ��� iii' , ,4'or -s, Win Campbell, 298-.; travel during the season of 1801, as fol- fans just received lord opened but a large W. � �'� ��� ri C31ili- ser, 210. Jrtn 3rti. i<1ark 'bh. lows: �IA%if I iCx, XALS19MINIOWG, atoclrof vorystylish iainat,l0 5119 rTahn iYurNit+. bit; f •GA.t?�FYELp. (irLA't't[�(1, GrRA[ 1tN(#, The okt Sianti o. ViewdaKtrert Wittatfilb cheese A. Rom, Proprietor. • , SCENIC , + S1G'3n:� c"f,]Oid >�iI1RITi;3eX' Laurel . ile4sia 1'ialiNvitin, 422; l�eIIie Ii'1:0� ., GAN1�St,Aly� .AND S(.LiW%C� � � I3lAl)Q%:Lt•t•'klit:ti 1?t11iY, rill Lc 11Ctr., 400; `vs, lialates'1, 38G; konDAY--Willl'eatve his own stable, PAIN`rINl3,,�rC. t. a i �Machines,, E11die 'Groves, 381; Xorval III ii �us'on's 1Totol, W inghamy tindproceed to iT,a,, Botnota. Ni,%liters. 1•lowera, Ribbons; t tach, � r tJ ++• 13 Secoml. Marks Obtainable 520 Mel arry's ItitslrLudknaw,foY�ltxlYi,an(i A� Workd �i withetc. Also11abyChl;A-uing!Robus. OZ"py�ns •-Robt Currie, 405; Nimble Halste4d, l remain until the following' morning. - Neatnosa 4,nd Despatioli. THV Y;AVTL D p,fj,RTX:MjVT �i ilea .ti 417 ; JenniA Il�y, 414 ;Jas I,oekridge, j Ttyvsn&y--Proceed dbivn tlii 10th con- RS�3+ u Mlles 87$ ;. Eadie Welslt, :358 ; l)livei "4'Vut• , C'ession of Wawanosh, to Bnkor'a Corners, CA Ito I all the I it a.t marc=tat tit eilkrr, yastur, gra•; caths, krfnwoa, Gimps auu tt,tr;tlu Cloth. tiito. +;y ,son, 809 • Annie Pittteison, 207 ; for >yy,lun;, thence dow;i the loth Con- PP61 ,` ES 0D a RATPiyr ;itantic. maddin Ehatnoyt l te►iTonabie styton, �trttt ��� + f rr111rn• oos6,on, to bis own Eatable, for night. atp,iccs to suit the thArm. ..,.W. , Nellie Martin, 270 ; Stanley Watson, ; WSDNra%-,y--PeOoeed to Sault$' lintel of kiwi � ' ..-_w .;,l+i'i rill ii«iti +zed taspeos oaa:ds , 202; ti'ster Adams, hill ; Phoobe' Bluttvalo,for non il; t' Ante through Tura- Slltigfsciio, ' araut(lecl in ev ePg t►avinfi Luuaht atia.l rlase ptic�s z ntn ttetetutlnr, ilodi8t'y,, v tell t,+ still at,.. tNtl , ,;Alice, so ae W omit AU jI ,unit[ of It gland. 10, • Son part 2nd. i;t4LlWks bon? by wilyy of B fare tohisownatnble, }fiatance, chasers. A salt ae1 Il " ''0311€'alrlaPilQ 100W --Jus LPragA 80 ; for night. Tirvtl:s A4'+••Pfth tted by way � �lt:8vps;. of the i3tiundttry 13eirtiore, for neon ;, Owleraleftat.J, ji atepa(Iwill rocei'tu 131cawtaketi' 4'lcaAhvetat Ifo010 rift &lid -_ *y rilJiil old, $0'; Julia i,rk,dttet, tlienop by Way of Concession ofTuru-, prowlita,tuntfun. �%� + 95,of°aYlll(n al itf`l(q owitl` _berry, to hie otriui arra �kt� for n. t'iDY- s y M10 ' 'e�11; (RC1 ,8'S13Ytltt �alw� •,liOttavo l3 t rvrl t ��rin tttr. M. t dif „�• z �'I firimlie ,Agett "lfw ttu U ieln+?.nF li, 3 »i fir, �iPP.''4i.. V:4, �' Y, `, , .�: . �' `/ •.k:} .4s