HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-01-28, Page 11J 23. Business Directory G. :WHITNEY_ FUNERAL HDN g Goderich St. W„ Seaforth'' AMBULANCE mum Adjustable hospital, beds for . . rent,. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1290 Seaforth 23-654 13. Wanted CROCKERY, brasS or fancy iron beds, pictures, rockers, old jew- ellery, old bottles, or sealers; old light • fixtures, etc. Check with us before you dump. 482- 7358. S 13-65-ti 14. Property for Sale TWO bedroom brick home, pos. sible 4 with garage. Huron St. Exeter, 262.2612. 14-68-1 `HOUSE for Sale — Two-storey, 3-bedroom frame house with self-contained apart meat situat- ed ox a large lot in pleasant res- idential area, 527-1492. 14-68-3 1. Coming Events .4 EUCHRE 00,are4tera' Constance, Friday, Janna0 29th. at 8:30 P.M.. Admission 50 cents. Ladles bring .1-60x1 ratiMONDVILLE Twalite Easter Bake Sale, April 10, Place to be announced. Watelt for later x1 Ad. 1-68 SOCIAL evening, No. 9 tOlsc7oi, McgaleP. February 5th. Taardt 8:30. Ladies please bring lunch. Sponsored by McKallop Feder- ation of Agriculture. 1-68-2 The 60th Annual Meeting and Banquet of the Children'S Aid Society of Huron Cotlnty will be held in Contarki Street United Church, Clinton, on WED.,. FEBRUARY 3rd, 1971 Tickets — $2.50, are available from Staff or 'Board Members and must be 'purchased by Jan- uary 29th, 1971. The Public is cordially invited to attend. 1.67-2 THE family of Mr. and Mrs. Arlin ,Forbes, Seaforth, Ontario, wish to invite .their relatives, friends and neighbors to cele- brate with them on the occasion of their parents' 50th Wedding Anniversary, at. a party to be held Saturday evening, January 30th, 1971, in 'the Seaforth Leg- ion Hall. Lunch provided. No gifts "Please". 1.67-2 5. Bus. Opportunities SPECIAL' REPORT FROM AVON: There's Territory open in the Tuekersmith area. We're looking for someone to 'call on the -customers, there. It could be you. Write or call coiled even- ings. MRS. MILLSON 17 Hawksbury Ave., London 451- 0541 5-68-1 R. G. GETHKE • " Phone 347-2465, Monkton 23.654 W. J. -CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night and Day Calls — 527-0510 23-65-ti 'R.'S. BOX 111,-,-.• 24. Cards ,of Thanks MY sincere thanks to all my rel- atives and friends who remem- bered me while I was a patient at Seaforbh Community Hospital. Special• thanks to Dr. Moyo and 'the nursing staff. MrS.. Nich- olas Krauskopf. 24-68x1 THE family of the late Helen Dalrymple wish 1.6 express their sincere thanks and their appreci- ation to their relatives, friends' and neighbors for the many acts of kindness and sympathy shown to them in' the loss of their be- loved mother. 24-68x1 I would like to express my thanks to' my relatives, Iriends• and neighbors for their cards, gifts andavisits-while 3 'was patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Special thanks-to Drs, Brady and Malta's and" the nur- ses who- looked after me. It was greatly apPreeiated.' Ken Scott. 24-68-1 I wish, to thank all my relatives, and neighbors. for the lovely 'bards, gifts and flowers sent to me while I was patient ins St. Joseph's Hospital. Special thanks to all those who helped. at home, also Rev. Stuart, Dr. Jean Camp, bell and nurses and staff on the 6th fibers ' s- Merle McLellan, • 24,68-1 WE Wish to express our grati- tude for the kindness shown us by our neighbors and friends during -Mir recent bereavement:- ,.. . Special thanks to R. S. Box and Father Mohan. — Paul -Morin and Family. 24-68x1 wish• to thank' the Optimist Club for the honor of being their 1971 Snow Queen and for -the, gifts trophy and red roses from MacLean. Florists. Also special thanks to those who vot- ed for me at Teen" , Town and also to Bill and Gail who nom- inated me. It will be a memory I shall never forget. — Barb Muir. ' • 24-68x1 I would like to thank my .n601- bons and friends for cards and treats While I was 4 patient in Clinton Hospital. Also speOial thanks to 'Dr. 'Jarrett and the nurses. — Helga . Dodds. 14-68x1 MY ' sincere thanks to all who remembered me in anyway dur- ing my stay in Seaforth Hospit- al. Special thanks to the nurses Dr. Underwood, Dr. Malkus and Father Mohan. — Lautain Kelly. 24-68-1 25.' In' Memoriam wyrum4 — In loving memory of a, dear father and grandfath- er and great-grandfather, John Hothatn who passed away 8 years ago, "January 25th', 1963. "Today in ourbook of memories, We gently turn a page. Lovinly remembered-and sad. ly missed by his wife, focally,. grandchildren and greatgrand- children. 26-68-1 VAN LOON — In loving mem- otei of as dear 'husband, father and grandfather, Anthony Van Loon, . who passed away three years ago, February 1, 1968. What peaceful hours. we once enjoyed, How sweet his' memory still, s-But he has left an aching void, The world can never fill. He cable and stood' beside you. And whispered, come and rest, He bade no one a last farewell, Nor even said good-bye. He was gone before we 'knew it, And only God .knoVve Why. Lovingly remembered by his wife and family. 25-68-1 raMTOtil ------vhsg memory of our dear mother and grand- Mother Who passed away Jan- uary 24, 1970. 'I,o know her, was to love her, WE SELL AND SERVICE ACCUTRON BULOVA -' CARAVELLE WATCHES ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD, Seaforth 527-1720 19'6541 FUNERAL HOME GUITAR lessons and sales, rens tals for beginners, five free les- Prompt and careful attention sons to all students enrolled by Ambulance Service December 22. H. Pulsifer, 482- Phones: o 7166-.Day 527-0680 ---. Night 527-0885 ELECTROLUX Cana. ' 19-6 daL5t-cl.". 23-654 Sales and Service, authorized dealer. Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St.; Goderich, phone 524- 6514. ' 19-65-tf NOTICE - St. Columban store is now handling Singer parts and notions, also 'accepting service calls. Special on' service - calls. Free estimates given on repairs. Phone 3452750. , 19-65-tf WANTED Dead and Disabled Cattle and Horses, Highest Prevailing' Prices Paid. 24 Hours, 7 Days Weekly. Fast efficient service. CALL COLLECT BRUSSELS • a • s Ca 01,5 /7 °C1E=TeP:)t° 15$ PER 00d ' EP. HOUR.. *•'" ESL- _ i e s, .1k)) - • Egmondville Harpurhey 4/4 Beeehwood Brumfield Chiselhurst Clinton „Conitance Cromarty Dublin Harlock Hensall KinbUrn Kippen • Le'adbury • Manley St. Columban &Jaffa: ' Waltdn Winthrop Zion MCRLItatt THE ItIMIPLIES Stomas:1ft' 80Y5-AaliPtata A"" POKER GAME TONIGHT PNp I'D LIKE To... OF COURSE: HAV E.0 A GOOD TIME, DENg! miGa'S BE A LITTLE LATE WHEN I. OET HOME!.,.? AND IF YotrGET HOME BEFORE I Do LEAVE THE LIGHT VN. IN Tsle HALLWAY! CALL DIRECT TODAY 527-0240 or 527-0241 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED 887-93 Brussels Pet1 Food Supplies LITTLE SPOUT By Rouson -- ,31,06E5 t • MOCO 11/2 miles south of Brussels. Lic. No. 273-C-70 • 19-65-tf WATCH REPAIRS FAST. SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone -5274720 — Seaforth. M65-tf DEEP STEAM CLEANING FREE ESTIMATE Carpets — Upholstery WILLIAM PINDER Seaforth, Phone- 527-1851 19-684 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar- antee all will. Write—or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phone Clinton 482-3320. • 19-654 20. Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, at 1 o'clock , bn the Mitchell Town - Hall,auction' a clearing sale of furniture, appliances, household effects, dishes, glassware etc., including -antiques. TERMS CASH ,— No Reserves MRS. CLARA GOLLNITZ, Proprietress . R. 0.,GETH/CE, Auctioneer 20-68-2 21. Tenders 'Wanted TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP Tender for 8/4-ton Truck Sealed tenders clearly mark- ed will be received by the tm densigned until 6 p.m. -January 29th for supplying the Township,' with a 1971, 3/4 -ton truck, a 1964 Chev. 3/4 -ton to be taken as tradeatn. Specifications 'may be seen at the Road Superintendent's . or the Clerk-Treasurer's Offices at Winthrop. Lowest or any tender tiot necessarily accepted,. Kenneth W. Stewart Road Supt., MOKillop 'tWp., RR 5, Sea forth 21.67-2 Tri-Town Bookkeeping Sefire'.3 Income Tax Returns — Re.cord Preparation. Lawrence Beane "Brucefield, Ontario . • Telephone 482-9260 19-644f 24 HOUR APPROVALS 2nd & 3rd Mortgages - Arranged in the convenience ' Of Your Home LOW cost. You can call to 11 p.m. today for helpful Court, eons service. Prompt Invest- ment Comp. Ltd., 330 Bay St., Toronto. Call collect. 366-9586, EVGS. 231:8146 19-66-8 „.... NOTICE' Township. of Tuckersmith The residents of the Town- ship' of Tuekersmith are reques- ted by-the council: Not To Park :Cars, ..... on Township ' Roads during the winter months in or- der to- facilitate, snow, plowing operations. Council will not be responsi- ble for dainage to ant' vehicles parked on roads or streets. . . Council also requests that the residents of the Township of Tuekensmith: Do Not Irish or Dump Show on Township Roads ALLAN NICHOLSON Road Superintendent Township of Tuckersmith 19•64.3 KI1VIBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets • SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-084"r Box 169 9-65-tf 11 Articles For Sale. GESTETNEIciiik available al • The 'Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth. .11-65xtf HAY for' sale, 527-1349. 11-66-3 SUPER Decongestant ColdTab- lets for relief of colds and ac- companying aches, pains,, fever and sinus congestion. 24 for 99c, 50 for $1.85. Satisfaction. guar- anteed or money refunded at • Keating's Pharmacy Ltd. 11-67-ti HARD naple lengths for fireplace. Paul Mur- ray, 345-2728. . 11.67-1 ADDING machine tapes for most standard adding machines available -at The Huron Expos'. • tor, 527-0240, Seaforth, ONE 3-point -hitch augur' type snowblower with swivel - Priced for quick sale. Robert .Fotheringham, 482-9106. 11-68x3 800 bales of bay,-627-17297- 11-68-1 WEEKEND special — Apples, two bushels far $5.00. Spa, De- Helms, CoUrtland, Bring your own containers on weekends only or phone 482-9136, Ross Middleton's Storage, 1 mile East of BayfielkNorth of river. 11-68-2 PURINA Pat OhoW now in stock. Milton J. Meta Ltd. 11.68x1 Collie puppies, about 8 week's old, good background. Call Dem Murray,nis 345-2468, 11-68-2 TWO black and, white used TV's, Call Seaforth Electronics, phone 527.0703. 11-68-2 or JEWELLERY Re air Seririci iamonds Reset . Ring Sizing ling 'Repairs Shaver, Repair§ Parts Anstett Jeweller's Ltd: 11-664 TYPEWRITER ribliens, adding machine ribbons for Most styles. The. Harem Expositor, 621-66xt824k7-. 1f 11-65xtf TWENTY-TWO gallon glass lin- ed water-heater; two Surge milk- er units; Quebec heater, 345- 2027.11-68x1 NICELY markid—CbIlle pups with trace of Santoisit 52/-10 16. 1-68 x1 . 1 ,uuRota EAPP4iTott; sEAFORTH, owt,..!A:Pl. 214 1011 Sell 5. In Memoriam-- 11-Oth far fains40rillirdi--- ' And the sweetateas ottherAleliw 00Z' Time eau nelblte} dim tar end, — Lovingly remembered by son, William,. daughters, AudrY end June and grandchildren .2568,1 11, Articles for Sale 19, Notices HURON , UAL STOCK REMOVAL .27. Births MacLEAN To.Jane and Murdo „Mae4ean (nee Hamilton) at St. Mary's Hospital.. Kitchener, on January 10, 1974 a son, Rob- ert John Angus, (hobby). GOVIER — To Mr. and Mrs. Govier (nee Hazel' Greer) of Goderich, in Goderich Ales _ andria--and Marine- Hospital, on January 25th, 1971, a son, Kevin. Wayne. McCLURE — To Mr. and Mrs. CLINTON Due to the decrease in meat prites, we are unable to pay for any farm stock. We 'offer fast efficient, courteous same day service. 24-Hour-Service-7 Days a Week Call Collect 482-9811 License #237-C4o 19-65-if SEAFORTH VETERINARY, CLINIC - J. 0, Turnbull, D,V,M., V.S. W.R. Bryans, p.v.m., V.S. J. P. McNally, D.V.M., V.S. M, P. Haynes, D.V.M., B.V.Sc. Phone 527-1760 Seaforth 23-65-tf , • • 'COKES Copies of your important pa- pers or doeumetis whifto you wait. Letteis,size, 25c each: The Huron Expositor 11.65-tf EAWSTROUGHING, and light ;Ong rods. New installations and , repairs. Estimates without ob- ligation. Contact R. E. Rattan, Wingham, Phone 337-1077- 11415-tf TWO saddle • horses for sale7.2 and 3 YeensaAd, 82-9103. 11-661-3 f2. Wanted to Buy TIMBER wanted, bushes, select. ed trees or logs; all species. We pay top each prices. For free estimate, call Craig's Saw Mill, Auburn, 526-7220. - 6 12-67-3 ,111 Attention JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Ball Macaulay Ltd. IF YOU" LIVE IN THESE COMMUNITIES YOU_ CAN CALL IN YOUR HURON EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED 'AD TOLL FREE! -Houseiiirives By Appointment - Wm. McClure, RR 2, Seaforeh, Seaforth Office at Seaforth Community Hosp- Are you happy with Your pre- ital, on January 21, 1971, a Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. daughter. sent kitchen cupboard? If not, Thursday Evenings contact us for complete kitchen BROWN — To Mx. and Mrs. remodelling. Mon., Wed. —Clinton Office For Appointment David Brown, Dublin', at Sea- forth Community Hospital, on Phene 527-1240 — or 482-7010 J 25th 1971,a daught- gmwary er. Auctioneer Clinton • Seaforth - &null FARM and FURNITURE . 19-654 SALES CONDUCTED 15. Property for Rent a AVAILABLE February 1st, self-' contained, 2.- bedroom apart- ment, .gentrally located, 527- 1113 after p.m. 15-664 PASTURE FARM FOR RENT 100 acres, good shade and water; corral. 21/i,' miles north of Sea- forth. Lot 24, Con. 5. McKillop. Call 527-1323 evenings. 15-07-3 FRONT apartment for rent on Main St. Apply-Smith's Grocery. Phone 527-0990. 15-67-tf foitient---‘50 'acres of .pasture and 50 acres plowed, lot 5, con.. 15 Grey Township, phone 887- 6759. 15.68x1 SELF-contained _apantiifent, fur- nished or unfurnashed, in Sea- forth, now available. Full bath, kitehen; gas" heated. Box 1971 Huron Expositor. ' 15-68x2 FOUR-room apartment for rent, furnished or unfurnished. Util- ities paid. Leslie 'McClure,.. N. Main ;527-0664. 15-68x2 8. , Farm 'Stock for "Sale HOLSTEIN heifer for sale. Bred Hereford, due February 7, phone 345-2787. • 8-68-1sa TWO heavy butcher pigs. Her man Hosts, 527-0528. 8-68-1 A number of open Cross bred gilts, Lacombe•Hampshire. Cross. God. Townsend, phone 527-1629. ' 8-68-1 FOURTEEN pigs, 8 weeks 'old. Lewis Coyne, 345-2616. 8-68-1 MORE profit with meat' type 17. Wanted to Rent FIFTY tis 100 acres of good crop land, preferably in McKillop. Apply to Box 1971 Huron Ex- positor. • 17-66-3 hogs forseross breeding- Dune -. and sHainpShiressisreetliitaa-AsSli"" 18:-Property-Wanted all age, Servicable age, boars „,.,,„., . c and bred gilts. Weigh and Probe WANTED 'NSW" Y. Cash for mod- ern two-bedroom. house. Box figures, good indexing, priced to 1972 The Huron Expositor. Phone sell. 395-5276; Jack Mac- 18-68-2 Kenzie, RR 3, Lucknow. ,• 8-67-2 9. Poultry for-Sale • 19. Notices NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co-Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm phone by Sat- urday night. WILLIAM J. DALE Phone: Clinton 482-9892 ,19-65-tf