HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-01-28, Page 6gspeemelme ilIMIPPmaillW An Expositor Classified will pay you dividenciS. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. , 7 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY, January 31st Service at 11, a.m. ,Special Music Mrs. Betty Overholt will sing "Come Ye Blessed" Rev. Thomas Mulholland, Minister Mrs.Car.ol Carter,ARCT,AMus. Organist. • THE SEPARATE SHOPPE Main Corner — Clinton BLOUSES and SKIRTS ALL' 6N SALE Open 24—Closed Weds. SATURDAY J 30 DANCING 9:00 • 12:00 'AT ,THE Seaforth Community Centre- DRESS CASUAL ADMISSION $1.00 FOOD SPECIALS FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT 'ENTERTAINMENT — SATURDAY NIGHT The -Top Three Hold your banquet anniversary or birthday party at the Huron Hotel, Phone 345-2820 for arrangements. • ENTERTAINMENT EVERY SATURDAY THE HURON HOTEL DUBLIN • • Open 'Till I tun; SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY PRESENTS w. — The HOgiter Family In the Red Knight Room Elgin Fisher Trio • BEVERAGE ROOM FRIDAY and SATURDAY MIKE HODGERT and TRI TONES • Ample FREE Customer Parking Visit our Beverage Room for Tasty Chicketi Win", also Colored TV COMMERCIAL HOTEL SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Isonalnakaramma BEtHEL BIBLE CHURCH An Associated Gospel Church Eginondville, Ontario SUNDAY, JANUARY 31 10:00 a.m. — Family Bible School 11400 a.m: — Family Worship Hour 7:30 pm. — SENIOR CITIZENS' NIGHT DAVE PAUL and THE SILVERDOLLARS CAN.DLELITE RESTAURANT and TAVERN LAYFIELD ROAD IN GODERICH PHONE 5247111 CANDLIATE -RESTAURANT S and TAVERN " — FORMERLY PIZZA PATIO TAVERN — FRIDAY and Saturday PhilWarte "ChiSlUn? pANAvisioN. TtcHNicoioatt moo:limner bits. AltirvieycceltanY • Wed. 6 Thurs.' 8 p.m. Only Fri. and Set. at.7.30 and 0.15 p.m. • GODERICH THURS., FRI., SAT._ THE: SQUARE - 'PHONE 524-7811 AIRCONDITIONED JANUARY 28,1b, 30 SATURDAY-MATINEE•— JANUARY 313 • JACK And. The BEAN STALK. '•PLUS: cASEpfu ,THE MALTESE CHICKEN DEEP 'FREEZE SQUEEZE 'SADDLE SORE WOODY . JAN 31, FEB.-1 -,2 COLOR by DE LUXE Produce'd by, Crested by RUDDY:ADLER .10511.11A-1:0GAN' A PM1!IIILM(Podron. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents A Katzka Loeb Production Kel Hewes Panavision "and Metroeolor REGIME Nif111v, — _ 0 Mr a 44 To the Town of Seaforth, the Seaforth Police Department, Seaforth Agricultural Society, Sea- forth Snowmobile Club, Seaforth Lions Club, Seaforth Teen twenty, the individuals and companies who provided machinery' and equipment at the track, all those merchants, businessmen and organizations who contributed prize money and merchandise, as well as the many spectators and competitors who faithful. ly supported our Winter Carnival. Special thanks to Catradian Tire, Gingerich's, Ladies who helped in,tie booths, the London Free R. S. Box for providing the ambulance and men, Dr, ' Press for the use of their trailer and Marlen Vincent R. Whitman, the Seaforth P.U.C. for the excellent for all his help: sound system, the Ontario Provincial Police, all the I THE OPTIMIST CLUB OF SEAFORTH EXTENDS A SINCERE 1, SEE YOU AGAIN NEXT YEAR, JANUARY 21, 22, 23;1972 THE SEAFORTH ornmisy CLUB HARRY JOHNEION • Prooldont KEN CARDNU • Co.ltairman KEN COLEMAN . 1971 Winter Carnival Chairman • By: John D. Baker, Public Relations Officer, Branch 156, Royal Canadian Legion. All veterans will well remember their service In the Forces. Whether it was in the Navy, Army or Air Force, the one thing we all had in common was the need for one another and it was this combined effort that produced a successfuLconclusien to the war. There was not a man who did not try to do his share as he knew that others depended upon him and he on others. This dependence on others still ex- ists now in any community but more especially in an organizat- ion such as the Royal Canadian Legion. Branch 156 has well over 200 members and of this we are proud. We have many functions throughout the year at which the attendance is excellent. We also have a general meeting the 2nd. Thursday in every month with exception of_ July and August. At these meetings we have a fair attendance and we would like every member to make a special effort this year to attend as there are many issues to-be discussed and voted upon which affect us as veterans. If only half of the, membership shows.' up for these meetings , it could well be that something is passed with which YOu are not in agreement . We need your ideas and opinions; so Comrades do try to get to these general meetings. Not everyone, thinks alike in• any organization and for those who do not, agree with the way things are planned, these meetings are the place to voice your • opinions. In the vernacular of the young, "this • is where the action is." All Veterans who are not already 'members of the Legion are cordially invited to join; also, all Veterans who have been mem- bers but who for various reasons have not kept their membership "up, we extend an, invitation to reinstate. • PAST EVENTS Last Friday evening the weekly Bingo was held at the Legion Hall. Comrade Bert McClure reports that' there were 80 players. At the Saturday morning hockey there was a noticeable absence of parents. The feW who were supervising the yoUng hockey players were kept very busy. F4 ' In the game two weeks ago between the Seaforth Mites and the. Adastral Park' Mites at the Canadian Forces Base Arena the final score was Adastral Park 5, Seaforth Mites 9, last week in a return • game team •managers Major Frank Golding and Jim Watson report that the final score in the Seaforth Arena was Sea- forth 6,, Adastral Park 2. The Ladies Auxiliary won the Seaforth Optimist Winter Car- nival trophy for the Ladies Tug of War. On Saturday evening, 23rd. January at Branch 126 Royal Canadian Legion, Preston, Corn-' rade Vic Lowry, District Sports Officer was awarded the Merit- orious Medal for outstanding EUCHR E' FRI., JAN. 29 1971 ST_, JAMES' SCHOOL AUDITQRLIIM 0:30 p.m. Admission 50c Sponsored by thee gin noommegeneemnigleviengueemons Entertaining this week at the ROYAL HOTEL MITCHELL . Friday r Sati!rday THE PARISSIANES also entertaining in our Mom JOE RYAN Our dining' room" It own ati SUNDAY 'runt 12 noon to 2 P.M. Ind front S p.m. to 0 p.m. aiostio...oionninano...onnowon , FF kqr VIP Clear Contract At' Huronview Huron County Council" Wednesday ratified the union con- tract which covOrs the majority of employees at Huronview, About 9Q persons working at the county,home for the agedwill receive an average' increase of 18.5 percent over twg years, from January 1, 1971 to Deo- , ember 31, 1972. Council learned that the in- crease was ,not as large as_it would appear. Salaries had to be adjusted to take into considerat- ion the government new minimum wage act as well as regular wage increases. Clerk -John Berry said the contract effects a widely-diver- sified group of employees and he could not elaborate on the- salaries paid to groups of indi- viduals working in certain ca— pacities at Huronview. •111E, *MON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH;, .QP/T4 JAI* 1, 1971 FUNERAL , • ,,M.11,$,ONILLIA.111 MORPHY Mrs. William Morphy, ‘O, died in Segforth. Commuhlty Hos- pital Saturday after, a short ill- The former Margaret Mc- Naughton, she was born in TuokersInith Township. She married the late William Morphy in 1915. He predeceased her in 1962, After their marriage they moved to Tedmore, Sask. Mrs. Morphy returned to Seaforth in 1965 where she bas since resided. The body was at the R. S. Box funeral home. Funeral ser- vices planned for Tuesday were postponed until Friday at 2 p.m. because of the storm. Temporary entombment will be in Pioneer Mausoleum, Seaforth with burial, later in imeniammmmumm, _Kirkton Cemetery. . . • ew service. This award was made by the District Commander, Comrade Allan Nicholson. Two life--time memberships were also awarded to members of Branch 126 by the Provincial President, Comrade Doug. gcD'ohald. Com- rade Allan Nicholson also award- ed a number of 25-year pins. Attending from Branch 156 was Comrade Jack Eisler, Past Sports Officer, and also holder ,of the Meritdrious Medal. Feb. 6 - A reminder that you • are invited to the Brussels Legion for the installation. of their officers. Feb. 13 - Remember the Skat- ing Party at the Seaforth Arena and the social after- wards at the Legion Hall. A fun night so ,come as you are from the skating party. Looks to '72 Contest There is already one candidate for the wg.rdenship of Huron County in 1972. He is Elmer Hayter, reeve of Stanley Township who was defeated Tues- day by 1971 Warden Jack Alex- ander, Wingham, in a tie vote broken by the reeve of Goderich, Paul Carroll. While Reeve Hayter indicated his disappointment at losing the race, he pledged his support to the new warden and said he would continue to work to the best of his ability ',without fear or favor". The Stanley reeve did say his "running, shoes" were still in fine shape. • "I will be a candidate when that chair becomes vacant next year," said Reeve Hayter. He received a round of ap- plause from all his associates in the council chamber. CASH BING O' Legion Hall, Seaforth FRIDAY, JAN,. 29 8:15 p.m. 15 RegUlar •Games fee $10 THREE $25 GAMES $75.00 Jackpot To Go TWO DOOR PRIZES ADMISSION $1..00 Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00' (CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT IshatMITI'ED) —Proceeds for Welfare Work— Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian' Legion - Local ft Owls , Mr. J. J,, Coyne aiid Mr. ,Joseph Keliy of Port Dover in Seaforth 95 Tuesday 011 a heal-B- ess trip wire storrastayel over-' nipt•4 the Queens Hotel, Mr. arid:140- David Selkirk- arid Kim of Spy Hill, Sask. visited last week, with Mrs. 0. Taylor,' Stratford.' ,Mrs. Frank Cudmoreof Wal- laceburg, was a guest of her sister, Miss Hazel Reid last week end. Mrs. W. C. ,Bennett left on Sunday to 'spend a holiday in ,Nassau. -- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Osborne Kitchener, Mr. Pat Stock and Miss Dale Dutoe of Leamington, Mrs. Vincent Morrison, Berna- dette and Tony of Waterlob visi- ted with Mrs. Jack Meagher Over the weekend. Mrs. Jack Meagher spent Fri- day in London with Mrs. Frank Stock. 21' -HOUR APPROVALS 2nd & 3rd Mortgages Arranged in the con- venience of your home Low 'oast. You east call to 11 p.m. today for helpful, courteous service. Prompt Investment Corp. Ltd. 330 Bay :St., Taranto. CALL COLLECT 36.9586, Evgs. 231.8146 HABKIRK TRANSIT TOURS 3 day, Nashville, 69.00, two persons Easter week-end, leave April 8th, returning April 11th. • Easter School break, 9 days, New Orleans, $149.00, includes Grand Old Opry, Nashville. 9 days, Florida, $135.00 • Write Pox 709, Seaforth Phone 527.1222 for Brochure LINTON ARN1VAL Snowmobile Races at Clinton Kinsman RACEWAY intiday; Feb. ,14 at 1 p.m. Up to $300 CASH Prizes per race TAKE NOTICE ! that the Annual Meeting of the -producer members of the Huron County4 Hog Producers' Association will be convened at the hour of 1 o'clock p.m.,,E.S.T., on 'FEBRUARY' 9, 1971 at the • Legion Hall in the Town of Clinton for the purpose of the proper business of the annual, meet, ,Ing, the consideration. of amendments to the constitution, the election of the' County Board of Directors.. Between the 'hours of 2:00 o'clock and 3:00 o'clock 'in the afternoon of • the 'above mentioned date, NOMINATIONS and ELECTIONS • for councilmen under the Ontario Hog Producers' Market- • lug Plan will be held. " JAMES IMcGREGOR LLOYD STEWART"' President ' SicretarY,4 Clinton Community Credit Union FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE . . OUR OFFICE IS OPEN 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon. - Thursday 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Fridays 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Saturdays PLENTY OF FREE PARKING This Is YOUR Credit A Uhlonal 1' CURRENT INTEREST 6% on Current or Chequing Accounts 8% on Two-Year Term` Deposits 8 1 /2% on 'Five-Year Term Deposits • 1.1