HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-01-21, Page 6CAW1RET DANCE mei— alliODHAGEN COMMUNITY CENTRE SATURDAY, JAW 23 MUSIC BY 'The Bluewater Playboys SDHS SOCIETY of FINE ARTS PRESENTS "Oh, Dad Dad, Mama's Hung You in the Closet and I'm FEELIN' SO SAD" — A Farce in Three Scenes BY ARTHUR L. KOMI' Produced by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc TONIGHT and TOMORROW JANUARY 21. and 22, •1971 8 p.m. SDHS AUDITORIUM $1.00 Advance $1.25 at door The regular meeting of the Happy Citizens took place in the Legion on Thursday. .Winners were: Ladies High - CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth FRIDAY, JAN. 22 WS "p.m. 15 •Regular Games for $10 THREE 125 GAMES $75.00 Jackpot To Go TWO DOOR PRIZES ADMISSION $1.00 Extra dards 25c or 7 for $1.00 (CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT PERMITTED) —Proceeds for Wolfer* Wm*— . Auspices Seafoith Branch 15$ Royal Canadian Legion ATTENTION All sufferers of emphysema, chronic bronchitis and asthma and their families. " A bus trip to the peck 'Chest Diseases Unit is planned for you on WEDNESDAY,' FEB. 17th The tout is sponsored by the Huron-Perth T.B.R.D. Association. Persons 'interested are asked to phone or write the AssociatiOn office, 121 Wellington Street, Stratford, 2'71-7500, as soon as possible and no later than February 12, 1971. The bus will leave • the Association office at 12:30 P.M., and arrive at Beck at 2 P.M. Breathing equipment will be dethonstrated and lunch served. You will appreciate this afternoon of "breathing and learning." FORA FUN FILLED WINTER WEEKEND COME TO THE Seaforth Optimist-Club 4th ANNUAL NI NITER AR I~VAL SEAFORTH FAIR GROUNDS JAN. 22, 23, & 24, 1.971 FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY IS RACE DAY 7 MINOR HOCKEY (11 a.M.) FREE SKATING STOCK and MODIFIED SNOWMOBILE RACES, 17 classes including Ladies and Junior (12-16) races. Register for Races 11:30 - 12:30 - Races Begin at 1:00 P.M. SHARP Luneh on Grounds Admission By Ca val Snowman or $1. Sponsored by the Sea or& OptImist Club OJ 4.• • Skating Party • SAT. NIGHT, January 23, 1971 II:00 p.m. Hensall Arena LUNCH and FILM 35 cents Come and bring a friend • Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. HAKIM(• TRANSIT TOURS 3 day, Bashville, $59.50 each, two persons per room. Easter weekend, leave April 9th, returning April 11th. • Easter School brook, 9 days; New Orleans,: $149.50, Includes Grand Old'Opry, NashVille, 9 days,'Florida, $149.50. Write Box 709, Seaforth Phone 527-1222 for Brochure .011111n •••n •n ••0111111mntedllaamul, MEET THE BLUETONES January 29th --- 9-12:30• Seaforth Community Centre Admission $1.50 -- DRESS CASUAL — Sponsored by C.Y.O. O SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY --- PRESENTS B EA u-DRx E SATURDAY, JAN. 23 DANCING 9:00 • 1.2:00 AT THE. Seaforth Community Centre DRESS . CASUAL ADMISSION WW1 NOTICE:— Hibbert 'Township There will be an ANNUAL MEETING of the SOUTH HIBBERT ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION -Township kali, • Staffs ' SAT. AFTERNOON, JAN. 23rd at 2 p.m. _ trirepart the activities of •the Associa0m $Or last year. There will be a discussion on the coming activities of 1971. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Schedule of Events:— Sat., Jan. 30, Public skating at the • Hensall. Arena; Feb. 6th, Hockey for the young ..and old; Feb. 13th, skating —' All e$ents 8-10 p.m. The Seaforth Optimist club. would like to expreAS their sincere appreciation to the• following for their generous donations towards making the fourth annual 'Winter Carnlina a success: 107,1 WINTER CARNIVAL DONATIONS A Seaforth Meat Market Bank of Commerce Stewart Bros. Anonymous Keating's Pharmacy Flannery Cleaners I.G.A.(Wilkinsons) Bob's Gulf Gerald's Supertest Stns. Hardware Ball-Macaulay Miller Motors Whitney Furniture Anstett Jewellers Trapnell's Bakery Q ueen's Hotel Sharp's Maintenance Wang's Grill Habkirk Transit John Cardno Seaforth Motors Gates Rubber Co. McLaughlin Motors McGa.vin Farm Equipment U.D.P.C. Traviss Feeds Elmer Larone's Smith's Superior Seaforth Jewellers McClinChey's Restaurant Coombs Service Station Ideal Supply, Listowel Wm. Bennett THOSE DONATING TIME Frank Kling Ltd. Jack McLlwain McKillop Township Heard Construction Box Furniture CANDLELITE RESTAURANT and TAVERN — FORMERLY PIZZA PATIO TAVERN — FRIDAY and Saturday MARIA DAINER and the PARISIANNE CANDLELITE RESTAURANT and TAVERN BAYFIELO,ROAD IN GODERICH PHONE 524-7711, PARK 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIRCONDITIONED GODERICH THURS., FRI., SAT. JAN. 21, 22, 23 poomamm JAd ., rnetio.rs Wed'. and OWN 0111111SiThurs. at 8 p.M.7 ImigmIMSTMI Fri. and Sat. Nights • 7:30 and 9:10 When they take you they really fake you. for an out-of-towner, SATURDAY - JAN. 23 MATINEE, PHANTOM TOLL BOOTH . 2 CARTOONS ALL SEAR 50C 01111D Mans &SAMANTHA MAR JAN. 24 WHEN-A WOMAN HUNGERS FOR LOVE... IT'S EASY FOR A MAN TO USE HER. MGM PRESENTS • A TERRY tERSINVIN ELLIOTT KASTNER PICTURE Showing et MOO p.m. Only • umnoT PANAVISION*. AND MEI ROCOLOR .MONL, TUES.,- WED.. Come see how .the vampires do it. JAN. 25, 26, 27 Metro. GokiwvnVitAayet• A Dan Cutt,4 PrOduC11011 ilarart used' 1 Metrocolor ONE SHOWING NIGHTLY AT 8.00 P.M. •„ Toronto Dominion Bank Seaforth MachineShop Commercial Hotel Rowcliffe Motors Eaton Insurance Ron McDonald A.J. Wright Transport Bill O'Shea Dave Tremeer Crown Hardware.. Walden & Broadfoot (Texaco) Russ' Recreation Mainstreet Variety Seaforth News The Huron Expositor Red's Fina U. A. P. Topnotch Feeds' ,Seaforth Co-Op. Winthrop Store Boyce Farm Supplies Teen Twenty Seaforth Sports & Marine Supertest Petroleum Don Stewart Seaforth Snowmobile Club Bosch (Canada) Ltd. 'Vincent Farm Equipment MacLean's Flowers • Read's Shoe Store .,Esbeco (Huron) Ltd. Hopper Mech. Services Bob's Barber Shop - AND EQUIPMENT ETC. Seaforth Agricultural Society Seaforth Recreation Committee. Bosch (Canada) Ltd. 4 COMIC& APIA.C.100 THE: 1ill,01*':-EXPOSITOR, SEAFCIRTilf OUT., JAN. 21. 141. Commencing at 7:00 P.M. * 7:00 - 8:30 Free Family Skating • 8:30 'torchlight parade * (9:15 --?) Moccasin Dance on the Ice at the Arena. Music by "The Waysiders". Refreshments * 9:30 Calinival Queen Peiggiant.- Children and Teens (with, student maids) Adults $1.00 ' FREE Win At Euchre . Bessie Davidson; Ladles Lone Hands - Mrs. L. McClure Ladies Low - 74S. M.Wadclell. Men's High - Zack MCSpadden; Men's Lone Hands - jaCk Kerr; Men's Low - John Reid. REGISTRATION : 11:50 - 1:00 A.M. * Free Skating (1 - 3) * 1:00 - SnoWlflobile Novelty Event,q - Snow sculpture High School Playingfield - 2 HR.time * 1:45 - Cutter Races * 2:00 - Ladies' Tug of War. * 2:15 - Snowmobile Novelty Events. * 2:45 - 0'1251 C.C. Stock ten mile endurance race. * 3:15 - 251 - 340 C.C. 'Stock •ten mile • endurance race. • Minor Hockey - Seaforth VS o Marquette (Mich.) - 6:30 * WINTER CARNIVAL 'DANCE •FOOD, SPECIALS FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT — ENTERTAINMENT — SATURDAY NIGHT Doreen DanbroOk Hold. your banquet _anniversary or birthday: party. at, the Buron,Hotel, 1;t.hone ,345-2820 for arrangements. ENTERTAINMENT EVERY SATURDAY THE HURON -HOTEL DUBLIN Open 'Till 1 a.m. GET YOUR ADMISSION TIC_ CANADIAN FARM EQUIPMENT SHOW January 27-30, in Toronto A bus will leave VINCENT. FARM EQUIPMENT at 8 • a.m. on FRIDAY, January-29th. an McGAVIN'S FARM EQUIPMENT, Walton, at 8:15 a.m.. Bus'returns at • 5:30 p.m. RESERVE YOUR SEAT NOW Ili's Tickets $4.00 per• person. • FARM EQUIPMENT Our.,Motto:— "AFTER WE SELL — WE SERVICE" AYR-GALT-SEAFORTH Pitom2 527-0120 411111111111111111111111ML STAG EUCHRE WED.., JAN. 27 At S:I5 p.m. Airspiees of Seaforth Legion in Legion Halt 1111111111111111111111111111P' 4, qtr 4 F is