HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-05-08, Page 3Ilk attain, and to make the oath more bid I crept into the, parlor in the stilt watches of the U404,14101. 7 .110,10 II the watches t? were in 'mother raom, `d'hn i?I'1t7.,r. tit Medal Contests bate jand, keeeting beside ber collie, 1 ie• prettd til Great l:rjail,,, the wird neweel: oeth with my baud placed eolttei,t fur the }old medal Having beim upon that nl14 1 t1p Meow, 4o1d iu "Atli.lccelitiy 4vNt4 tit t litsguwuttu kicud. 11$ leriki tl►ntt a week I wee drunk ff sotlie.' borne time' afterwerde n'y little tieughter was tabs/ sick. She wets sinking napier/y,atid begged the to give up Drinking, ,I Itaontieed her that 1 would, olid in order to snake illy promise more sacred I took the little waded iiapdin mists, and proirtieed Iter that no denk should touulx cry lips ,mess it came through that stand Sc dear to'i`le. With a sweet' smile she passed over the river, and I thoiielit I was sewed. She Was laid ou,t iii the puler ; the windows were daekened and the door shut. int night the terrible craving for whisk] name over nay soul, Securing a rid*, glass and a flask of whisky, I sou;;ha the death chamber. I pouted the glass full et the whiskey and unlocked the icy fingers, , I closed trims over the glass, and, raising It to my lips, I drained it .to the very dregs, I re - clasped the cold Ganda and silently left the room, .and may God have mercy ell Ixy .soul. ".fuo J'u'nta ufi'.fn,.Way tally allele* noel to take but thlilr ialoe/lel gild to . 14/0o cited; by railway sitgi,►c,.ers and tither railway itnipluyeea. c'speciel=y when tlse;l together, are liable to pro. elites colUl'ebliitdneiie, even UUr;tila+ seiously to tllenieelves and. after they have passed 'aatisfautory test exawina Mons typo (enuring this service as to their ability to distinguish t•;eadily the.. aoior niguals. .An exchange,, interested , in the liquor trallle, quoted Rev Dr Guthrie es OQlievizig, with nest 6ieotehinen). filet whiskey is good in its, place. A e:orrespondent questions . the item. Can it be possible, he says,, that Dr "Guthrie, entbusiatitio temperance. .seeker thathe was,saicl such a thing/ Yea, be said just that, and more, which it evidently , d not suit the liquor advocate rd quote. We cannot Eluate it exact(v, but it was something like tide: Whiskey ie a good thing in its place—its place far p►oserviog urians that are dealt. If you want to preserve it dead nsolikey, pat bite in whiskey ; but if you want to kill a live iult•nrput whiskey tato him. y Clark's Catarrh Caro Kay be had of any enterprising druggist for 50 coats. it affords instant relief, and will .once the worst cases. It is pleasant to both taste and smelt, and may be carried in -the pocket. 'Don't fool away tune land The C.hrtstr ifs Conunonrnafth (/,souk money trying worthless remedies, but don).says: It is generally supposed #iiiat tb-' Bine Ribbon ineileinent bad its origin in America, but sunli is not •the't;aso. It `was, started in North Waleeeand s,n etninret;t clergymen of •tht3 Clutch of England deserves the credit of Ineviug started a. 11aove.nent which has done immense good throughout all Welsh and English . epee king countries. Many years ago the Roe NIT I lo3-d, botter known as .err rstyn,' bad been working her;/ e,mo11g the druokarda of his•parisli,and s •., ;lead Amen the means a: aeelairnin �t. large nutnber of them. In older to prays his sit eerity each convert had to wear a tittle -piece of ' blue • ribbon, and a small army was soon formed. In the course of time a number of these left Wales fur Aiiaeriea, carrying with thorn the tiny bit of ribbon. The idea'was soon taken up ancl` worked out by our American cousins, and the convenient rapidly spread throughout the states. Subsequently it found its way into England and other parts of the .world. write to us direct. If your druggist can- ibot supply you with: Out's C ttarrh Cure, We will. Clark Chemical Co;, Toro,ito sea New ZOr•lt. Lemons and Egges v1$..sestLE SI05 noon 1trausones wrriala IfVI.IYIIODT`S s'I:A0I1. Snipe tillage are often of muck bent;lltt, and lewotosoincicommon. table salt have nluch that is uar.,fu' about them. Lemonjuice and water,• with out sugar, will oftentimes relieve one of a revere headache in a short tithe and a half gill of 'env juice tliree times a day ill a little water is, Said to be good fur rheulxtatisal- Nothing is so acceptable to a feverish person as heniouade,and for a eou ;la that refuses to be quieted, tried the following pre- paration wit's. Success: -Take the white of an Nag, beaten still'-; then add the juice of a lemon in which two or three lumps of sugar have been . die solved, and keeping it near at hand,. take fa tablespoonful of it at a time until relieved, A very good way of preparing lemons when they are plenty is do put them on m cold water, let - The logia of the advocates and sup- ting them boil until they are soft,therl porters of the liquor traffic is full of squeeze the juice from then/, getting quer r.things. Here we leave', for ex- more than in any other way, and add - ample, a large liquor firm in Chicago ing augur to the taste,or to every half refusing to employ clerks who drink. pint of juice plat cine pound of loaf This is evidently a rule that is not sugar and bottle, Another comfort. inteu4leel to wort, all around, for if it able use for !goon, is to bind is thin' did, what would become of the liquor slice upona corp that is troublesome trade'? And this saute firm doubtless at night and repeats once or twice. It Considers it an insttlt to their tirade will greatlyrelieve toe soreness. When it is said that it is ruinous and Then if the hands are stained from demoraliziu„ to body and soul. Then inedleiue or any other rause rubbing egaio,'there ate those who grow '/lot thetas with the lemon after the Jtatce with righteous indignation. when -a isinsistly extracted, will restore theirs saloon keeper proposes tb move hate Table linen or aux such articles that their immediate neighborhood, and have become stained can be restored who speak in terms ':, a the severest dee by the application et lemon juice and enunciation of the runt -trade in Africa, tablesalt, then pruned in the siou, and but teese site poesons are not averse status: may be removed by rubbing dry to signing a liquor license slow and starch in at once ; repeat it.—root/ then for Nome other neighborhood, or ;rioUsakeePitt5. of throwing their vote grid their: :in- tluence in favor of the perpetuation of the liquok traffic in general. It is, indeed, easy to weep over the woes of poor" ruigseursed.Airica,but /low about poor ruts. cursed America 1 Pity as Well as chtiiity should begin et hone. Rev 0 ><.ane,spealting some time ago Atlanta, Georgia. said tt drunkard told him this terrible story. Ile said: i uta ashamed to tell the story, as it rteflt:ete inti /ray manhood, but l want yon tofkaeoW to what depths cf inf atmy, the foIste of; habit dregs one. Ny •tarnily heti b ° ^ ` 'ggiatg me'.: D give • stip clr{'irk/ w �1` 4 pro .laid deaf a; .. br death Mre E`orturdred--What !. Invite the Downtown girls to our p trty f Wiry, my dear, their father is In trade. He keeps a shop. Miss Forundred'.f knout ma, hat be is awfully exclusive. He never advertises, and doesn't have to, servo A customer 01100 lli weely,»-•. New. Xsrk Weekly. �u Men, young. old, or middler aged, who find I MAirEwAwl. iiulvs nevoul, week or , I following syrnptointa ! Mental desires. ell, who are broken nevelt from wools or overwork,: resuithee iu tunny of the -'iiDi siou, premature old age, lobs of vitality, loss of memory, hug dreams, dilnueee of Idghit, palpitation of the heart, =hectors, labia of energy, ;pain in the kidneys, beadlike,, pimples uu the face or body, itching or pecular sor,Setitln About the serotun;, wuistinq of the organs, dizziness, bemire before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, • eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, lose of will power, tenderises of the sealp iui spine,week and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep,. constipation, dullness of /searing, loss of voioe, desire for solitude,excite,. bility of temper, surilren eyes sur. rounded Withy LEAANibi CIRCLE, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debility that/ led to • ieenity and dead useless ono, I'he spring or vital power /saving lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Tllost, who through abuse cctutnitted in ignorance may be ilermenentely c;uted. 'seed your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man, Address 111, T, LUBAN, 40 Front St. Be Toronto, Ont. Books seat free settler/, ff eart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, not flashes, rush of .blood to the head, dull pain in elle heart with beats strong, rapid arid irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the iirst,: pain about the breast bone, etc., osis positively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book, Address M, V.. LIJ I3ON, 60 Front Street East, Toronto; .Ont. O. P. B. T1a1L TABLW. Trains arrive and depart as fellows: t Yiit'iNO A144137116,6 25 a; m .For Toronto : 015 a. in 2:20 p,tu " 2:20 p.m 2:00 . n "' .. For Toeewator... Z 20 V: p•' 10:30 A. G. $'8ATIIDTitl, AOBNT, WINOnAM. Through iokets all West, I uc i/OQottst, ete., via the shortest and ll popular routes. Baggage cheolced 'through to atostinatton. x,owestfreight sates to all points. • Tied= TABLE. 154 V0 WDD011AM. AIUt1VN AT WPNO1TAM, 1130 0 a.ut:Coronto,Guelph,Pallnerston, &o. 3:30,p.m, 0:40 p.m 10:10 " ... Cinrou ", 7:25 Palmerston, Mired- ..:.10:15 G 4o a.1n .........London, &e ` 1761:::460500::7'm. $ l0 pen 11 t0:.. o........ I incatdine, o . _.... 6:30 . 5:40 p.tn 11:10 10'iq " - AIL S IO. I\sTanoTIOPs .ON PIANO AND OIMAN, ALBO OLABB IQ t1AttSIONY. For particulars regarding terms, etc, please call at my home, corner; Of .nets and Patrick et: cuts.. FLURIL•LA SPARLING. n H. DAVIS IS OFJ'E.RING. �4N s A.Tesasir VROP9~2Ean?r AT 'VERY LOW RATES.. 8 I• I-11,„MI` OFricE-DpposirE'ti-tht MARK1rT, WIN01IAM 0070585 4T11, 1838 Pralerty ror gale in Bclrora. The' undersigned otters for sato a desirable pro petty litti.e village of IlMI:nor°, consisting of a good. dwelling house. oitioe, stable and driving shed, %vitt`: one aero and wharf of land is, connuatiou. Splendid. garden, :With all sorts of fruit trots. Will no cold, at a bargrlln. Fur particulars, api Iy to PSEDNICICI{ 0008,. Jeinro: e. BANK. OF H.. ILTONsi Capital, $1,000,000. Rest, $450,000,, President -,Ione 1ITUART. Vice•rredident-A. os AMSAYy DIRECTORS Ions Pnec'oa, 011As. 01413NrtY, 0N0 nowt, A. V Wo0o, A, li' Lea (Toronto). Cashier—r. TORI.1101.1.. Swtiags stank haute, 10 to 81 Saturdays, 10 to 1. Deposits 4e V1 and upwards received and interest allowed. Speoitttt bapostts also received at current rates of intorest. Drafts on, /heat Britain and the United States bought end sold 1. I, WTL1',STN, AOInax,• ,111.11Y.ZI%• & l;tlCTi1,1SON, S ,ieiToats. kinbl FLOUF blas on tarsi & large) stock ce HORSE t- Iisernsi!'i'>i,.. SUlittlf0OUR4,i airs, xItGN$y Vt floorz i lets, Wheel type be wee at houses per . liARN:rE$s, double r �ttngle, made to ardor short node*, and sattafactitlon eweentsed, Th W 4 ZAJ .next ism so for toil Ubeli4 epw,Ies 1e,, serOMjyyeataprier to tee esscueriina. eerie( Inoddelled Obi Loft. tan: of kfunprifon�,} *verbalism' w e clear ' Prompt Zig vat e SUCOVIrs 'A call ealleitod. SECT 0P-0PPOelta the r:atnkgt rialatitOta, leftt.TTSSif AM$IS>;It, tannin, Feb.. itth. 160A. T„iP, MiAPhiakr, ISSUER op :alum E i.toutsSIG9, Nl'I Ars: P J5ILIo, OQN%'EYANCEtt critics--.,•U1gr' Bookstore, ,to , RIPLL1t, eNT, Money to Loan on Farm Security at Low Rake of interest. filo commission in ni ssion .ohatged. And by close pereenal. trope to he again taxi. red 1004414 soil many new oaten. Yours Moat resp wi n,rhamt 15111. Ilea'la. 1apm. J. GQLL VETERINARY S''.. IionorarpGraduateof enteric .Also Graduate of Dentistry Soh, roved to treat all i)iaewtde or 1) nthe latest scientific: manner, Calls promptly attended tn. 0 10wo's O,ao ±t%,Callera by night wilt Lind hutu POR THS :.43I' VAL:. -IN---r ORDERED OLO1HIN 06 '.CO HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, C`.Y, F;3, Cheap for KA.S1T. WEB S T E:..1d' S PI Et Has removed to E. F. GAtster's cid stand, whei'e,;he hal a large`arilQ, nicely assorted stock of Watches, Ciecks, Ievrellery, Silverware and Which he is selling away down in price, and will he pleased nto have yon, call andtake a look through.his Stook. Repairing a Sp dally arAll work warranted and done p ttinptly. i-+ cl.. Dinsle fir, - Mason's B.00,. -•Suceessorato it 1st B,obinson, tntnufactureretabt : . MOWERS, LAND ROLLERS, PLOWS, GANG PLOWS) S, &o8 .. . Castings of Ever inlron.a1414s& M and aorteral Repairs.. Promptly Attontivdter da a'a'.,, 1t I to m. • ` INES AyN. J 10),ILlt"1` S,- C$ ` aO UJ i rI'� .