HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-01-21, Page 3• . Snowmobile Races were a popular feature of the Brussels Polar Daize celebrations. Above, the starter gives the Green flag and they're off. In the lower pitture, two machines charge to the checkered flag in a close finish. • (Staff Photo) • 41. • • ,0 -CHECK US FOR ATTRACTIVE < / PRICES ON ILIZE DELIVERED SPECIAL PRICES ON 8 - 32 - 16 6.24-24 16 16 1.6 111•••••••••ft SEAFORTH FARMERS, Phone 5200770 • Settfortl; N E W ARE HERE! THESE CERTIFIED I, -USED CA MUST GO . 1965 Chev. Belaire Sedan,' AT h 775.00 1965 Chev. Belaire Sedan, STD 675.00 1967 Plymouth Fury 11 (8) Sedan, AT • 1475.00 1970 Chevelle Sedan, AT & R, 9,000 miles 2,775.00 1967 Rambler Rebel Sedan, ,AT 1,150.00 1965 Mercury (8) Sedan, AT. R PB PS 975.00 1966 Chev. Sedan, AT 675.00 1968 Chev. Belaire (8) Sedan, AT R 1,775.00 1964 Valiant Coach, STD 295.00 1970 Chev. Pick-up R Demo (low mileage), 2,375:00. No Rea,spnable •Offer Will Be Refused J67767 J70154 J68744_ ..... _ J68391 J68380 J67916 P68622' J67235 18823E P4 527-1750 SEAFORtH Lot Open Eveningi to 9 p.m. , FOOD MARKET* SCHNEIDER'S SPECIALS. For This Week Fresh Country SAUSAGE Sweet Pickled CCITTAGE ROLLS lb* 590 2-lb. box $1.59: Family Pack Hamburg PATTIES ° lb. 590 MITH's *PERIOR) SPECIALS FOR Thursday - Friday - Seturday Clover Leaf Pink SALMON, lge 15 %-oz. tin Heinz Cooked SPAGETTI Del Monte Fancy PEAS White Swan Toilet TISSUE, 2-roll pkg. Kleenex Facial TISSUE • • • . • • t. • • • • t • • 3 lge. pkgs. 880 MARGARINE . .1 • Minnett's Best Choice Quality TOMATOES atelli Ready-cut MACARONI Aylmer Tomato CATSUP At. William's Assorted JAMS Swan Liquid DETERGENT .. 3 1-1b. printg 880 3 28-oz. tins 880 2 2-lb. pkgs._81fitt: 4 11-oz. bottles 880, 4 9-oz:jars 880 2 24-oz. bottles 880 88 6 14-oz. tins 880 5 14-oz. tins 88 250 elimar Pure Fresh • • FROZEN FOOD FEATURE Libby's French Gut GREEN BEANS Shashine Slim Cut FRENCH FRIES 2 pkgs. 490 2 2-lb. bags a* PRODUCE Sunkist - Site 113 ORANGES • doz. 790 U.S. No. 1 --- Large She HEAD LETTUCE ,ea. 330 McIntosh or Spy APPLES ( 3 !hs. 3S0 FOR ADIAIONAt. SPECIALS SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY, -who also led in prayer. Min- utes were read by the secretary Mrs. George McCall. The Roll -Call was ansered by 11 members and there were 4 visitors pres- ent. Mrs. K. McDonald closed the devotion period with prayer. • • .Mrs. Don McDonald was in charge of the business portion. Grace, was sung and lunch served by Mrs. •Hae Houston, Mrs. Jan Van Vliet, Jr. and the hostess. ,...• 17TH AND BOUNDARY UNIT-- Mrs. Cliff Ritchie was hostess for the 17th and Boundary Unit. January meeting Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Ross Bennett was in charge of the devotional period opening with reading a Scripture lesson. Mrs. Martin Baan gave the Topic on "Creat- ing". The collection was received ' and dedicated. ' Standing at the Harold Smalldon as pianist. Min- . Portal" was sung, with Mrs. U.C.W. utes were read by the secre- tary, Mrs. J. Bos followed by The January meeting of the the Roll Call with 13 ladies "Present. 'The February: meeting 8th and 16th Unit of the U.C.W. of Duff's United Church, Wal- ton was held ' at the home of Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull in Brus- sels on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Ken McDonald opened the meeting with the Call to Worship. A new Hymn "Women of God Arise" was sung and Mrs. K. McDonald read the Scripture The congregation of Duff's from Psalm 46, followed by a poem entitled tip,raise,,Ilim,"„, y eWaltcirtwiliirlald The 'rOpic "Why • a) U.TC.W,.???,,. thU n6ite6dpn.ti Cahlur meeting etifig on Mon beginning with a Pot taken from the clip sheet- Was ,evening given by Mrs. Alvin McDonald Luck Supper at 7 p.m. Correspondent Mrs. Allan McCall Mrs. Mac Sholdice and Mrs. Murray Smith are the convenors on Historical Research and•Cur- rent Events for the, Walton W.L meeting at the community centre in the form of a Pot Luck sup- per. Institute -members are to bring the first course and the lunch committe will look after the dessert. The Briissels -Lions Club's first Polar Daize celebrations which were held last week end, featured everything from racing with chamber pots to an outdoor beef -barbecue in twenty degree weather. Friday's program featured curling and the selection of a' carnival queen. Linda Wilson of Brussels was named Queen and Gail Traviss of Walton first run- •ner-up. The chamber pots entered into the picture on Saturday and pro- vided the highlight of the three day event. Mounted, on skis, will be held at the home of Mrs. M. Bean with Mrs. Har- vey Craig and Mrs. J. Bos In charge when members will work at a quilt. • Lunch was served by "Mrs. Ross Bennett, Mrs. M. Bean and the hostess. Pa% to the Ontario Polod, Roads. Association $15-.00.; the Ontario AesOciation of Rur4 Municipal, hies' 0,15.00 and Ontario Farm Drainage Association $15.00., - That Brussels Medical- , Dental Centre be given a grant in the amount of $150;00. - That the Salvation Army be given a grant in the amount of $50.00 and St. John Ambul- ance be 'given a grant in the amount of $15.00. - Appnoved accounts included; General $2,582,98 and Roads and Bridges $2,396.78. Council approired by-laws providing for borrowing $180,000 for general purposes and $100,000 for municipal drainage from the Canadian Imperial Bank oi COm- merce at Brussels. 010Lp.sTINNIssE Life tr7 Health and Acnklent. 'Registered Retirenlent.'Pehsions, tocome, tax Dadtict1I4,140•10.0. Retirement Annuities itePrOsentin$ • .Surr-Life •Afis4rance, Comflany of Canada ,‘ TEL.EPIHONE 5274/410' :" 117 G0DERIcH Ft, EAST SEAFPRM • Correspondent • Miss Mary McIlwain The C. P. euchre which was to be • held on Friday evening was cancelled but will be held on January 29th. Brenda Scott, Joan Thompson, Linda Anderson Donna Buc'h- anan, Bonnie and Karen Shepard ' all attended the 4-H Achievement Day held in Clinton on Saturday. Sunday visitors • with Mrs. Irene Grlmoldby were Mr. and Mrs. John ,Marin of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamont and Larry of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. John Jewitt, Carol Ann, Judy, Danny and Billy, Mr. and Mrs'. Jim Preszcator, Billy and Debbie, Mrs. Ella Jewitt and boys all spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jewitt of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crozier, Briaill"Paul, Kevin and Lori of I,4stowel were Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs.George McIlWain, Mary and•Santira. Mrs., Art McMichael and Rhanda of Goderich visited on Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mis. Ken Thornphon and Man. aroAnd Mrs, Nelson Mc- Clure,Bryan and Clayton 'of McKilop spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, Betty, Jim, Sharon and Bob. Mr. Jim Medd of Glen Huron ••• Smiles a. . 'small boy: "i'm afraid -of going to the h&spital, mother.I'll is be brave-and take my medicine, bit I'm not goin g to let them palm off a"baby On me like they did On you. ('want a pup.'" in alarm '0100k.1a a small &i- vied used to Wake people Who "have no children, AN I .141? CLEARA#C E Outstanding. Values on Many Items in the -`- Store! - 1 % 20% DI SCO.0NT Look For Our HALF PRICE DISPLAYS During Our January Clearance Sale on' - 'ALL SEASONABLE LINES Larone's ROOKS AND STAl'IONIERY. STORE The Felindly;" Store in Senforth - "the frlendly-town" UP AND OVER • -A feature • of, the snowmobile-obstacle course 'used in Sunday's races at Brussels was a ten foot hill of snow whiCh the vehicles .had to climb. Here a machine crests the hill in.cone of the feature. races. • The event was held in conjunction with the Brussels Polar Daize last week end. . (Staff Photo)' NEWS OF CONSTANCE spent Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.Jack Medd, Dave and Kerri. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sanders and Jennifer of Brussels visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Marris Bos •and Steven and Mr. and Mrs. John Wammes, Ed., JOhn and Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ftiehl, Kim, Shelley and Jackie of Huron Park, Mr. and Mrs.Robert ShaddiCk of Londesboro were Sat- urday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley and family. Mr. Jacob Bakker of Monkton, Miss Connie Waters of Stratford visited one evening recently with Mr. ' and Mrs. 'John Hoggart, Larry and Connie. '-preA'ent street 11ghtiti.1,_ Walton will be replaced, by a complete new installation el 175 watt mercury vapor..units. Deeision to improve the enis+ ting installation was takf at the inaugural meeting pt f:eY ToWnihip Council at Ethel last week when council instructed Clerk Edyth M: Cardiff • to ad- vise Ontario 1Iydro to proceed with the wprk. Oaths ' df Office'• Were taken before Clerk Edyth Ree0e Charles Thomas wel- comed the two new members Of council, Roy Williamson and Clifford Bray. The following resolutions ,were passed: - That the following council- lors be responsible to report on: Planning, Roy Williamson; Pro- perty, George Wesenberg; Drain- age, Donald Martin; Roadsi"Olif- ford Bray. - That the salary of the Reeve be set at $600.00 and the_, Coun- cillors salary be set at $5007.00 Annually for the two-year term. - That the salary of the Clerk- Treasurer, Tax Collector 'and Welfare Officer be increased by $1,000. for the two-year term. - That George Wesenberg be Trench Inspector. That Reeve Charles Thomas be appointed representative to the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority for the years 1971 and 1972. - That the resignation Of George Pearson on the 'Mount Pleasant Cemetery Board be accepted. - That Clifford Dunbar and ' Alex Pearson be appointed as members of the Mount Pleas- ant Cemetery Board for a three "Fr News of WALTON year term and Cecil Ra.ynard be .appointed as ineinber of.ile Mount -Pleasant Cemetery Beard ;IV a one year term to, complete Ge-orge Pearson's term. - That Clifford Bra' and RoY Williamson be appointed to the Cranbrook Community Centre Board. • - That Donald Martin and• Roy Williamson be appointed to thel Brussels, Morris• and Grey Rer creational -,committee fo, r. 'Rile years 1971 and 1972. ' - Th'at feaceviewers and poundkeepers be: FencovieWers- Norman Hoover, Ross Stephen- holm, Clifford Dunbar and. Murray Bray..: Pounditiepers - Norman Pfeifer, Elmer Collis, Russell Bradshaw, Scott Mc- Lean and Alvin McDonald. - That membership fees be ' Income Tax Returns Prepared for Businesses, . Farmers and Individuals. REASONABLE RATES: Annual terms only File your returns early, and avoid the last minute rush. • RONNENBERG INSURANCE AGENCY PHONE MONKTON 347.2241, Monday to Satuiday BRUSSELS 887.6663, Tuesdays and Fridays only the "thunder mugs" were raced by two man teams. Each took turns manning the' • drivers seat" while the other provided motive power. along one of the villages streets. ' - • The men's class was won by Wayne Lowe and Itoss Joanne King and Mary Ten Pas were victorious. in the ladies event. A colorful parade was held on Saturday afternoon followed by cross country skiing and snow- shoeing in a heavy snowfall. A moccasin dance was held on the ice of the arena in the evening. Sunday. featured snowmobile races all day at tlie-fairgrounds. Winners in the various events were: . Obstacle course, up to 12' years: Paul Cockwell, John ' ,Richmond, and Julie McCall; 12-: to 16 years; Bruce Knight, Hick Sominer and Ken Dalton; 16 to, 18 yeare: Donald Dalton, Kelly Dalton, and William Einp- hey; 18 years ancrup: Berwin Carter, Calvin Matheson, and Gordon Glazier. Open race, 18 horsepower and up:" Calvin Matheson ' Harry Clements, and Harold Leddy; Powder puff race: Debbie McCall, Donna Bauer, and Gwen Bernard. Five-lap race, 16 and under: John Wayne McDonald, Paul cockwell, David Thomas;•• grand prix, five laps: Calvin Matheson, Neil McDonald. Modified class, flve laps: Harry Clements. Cross. country: Mervin and Donn Bauer, Wayne and Grace Lowe. Oldest driver: Charles Thomas,Reeve of Grey Township, who aso won the reeves' race with Reeve Jack mcCutcheon of Brussels placing second. •-• The week end concluded with a feast of beef and beans cooked over an outdoor barbecue. Walton Girl Aids Polar Daize Event SA