Wingham Times, 1891-05-08, Page 2•
lit S
tha,.t.0 std
wra'a 1404
utthu '
rail red hood;
west etlfaee
traaaut'aea Ogee,
wsexy rano.
auei heat Igoe
dwelt frown Mg height,
vises a4we,.uwt7 410ht,
;Klass sae .bright,
"a' tiara ;
uu,xeau'iug flight
u sfioa n.
met' our youtbfu' days,
to a:.i,et Jayvee poets,
er the ufsatbehy braes,
ant our luwnlss,
d nonny clues,
G sad abauks.
ye eoreeuged till dark
wt#' gtaee' sank,
Ka, 'a wax hf:arthtu;' war's,
ut taws
ape watt* set a. mark
hnia' thee e ►sea.
.e tor the bumbee'a bike,
y thew eve tt,urtat iyhti,
u oor seen they'd nearly etike,
air spousal ase bodtea;
arra' feeht by sante fall dike
;W,i' .carte deddles.
ere thee enseahned.veil care,
kresets %v :'.1: Ulsk tither,
sae scuvol for, preoepta rare,
u'trirl the boots;
ou tlia tormeus emir
days bring b ark a shade u' pain,
tonna they'll ewer come back again.
'le nlouy a yout'hfu' crony's laytu'
Arneth the clod,
tin' to joie the glad refrain
In praise o' God,
ti we'll sing Auld taoatia's praise,
Rte buwee an.t whiu-Th`ad braes,
e tttnas tbt,:e to Scotia's lase,.
et ileac deidide,
denta's $o4a aye raise
'heir' country's pride.
'ere)' sorry for yoe,
neral Ohre, 'coin-
aelappets. of her
sat before the
nd §ocne doe
on to suit roti, .%dun it is quite
vssirle for uas,to help you. The
1 has so Many claims on his
vo u see. An tl, really, when n e
late; to think of it,you are vias a sort
t► ped or fourth coo sin.
ztoy Phelpe looked at the fair
p, elegantly dressed matron with
atnazenwnt. She hod wine
ite the t:ity int the most perfect conti-
tenot=That hers (lore voii�id help her,
engem-perhaps even offer her a
ct•.t;e in the Fifth. Avenue emission
inti settle- opportunity to. eerie her
d should offer itst.lf.
Bat ebe said, what ecu to giro ?
ter me 1 said. Mrs Gerrie what ii;
y strange question! I ahosild think
meet letveaexeittn.yeureiitiod as
hat b ;.ate you left home.
t as wise Hien as I am now,
by,. with flahnithg cheeks .'ts she
to depart, reminded involute-
telly of the old -parable of thew Priest
the Invite,
k yon had better go
in Hollow ? sent Mrs
- Dew't you ties
r don't l said Ruby; sad she
plasty without another' weld,
me *stead have flied sooner glom tett
,r. eiore. that the had not enough
...,ey t t'tt foe* retuith ticket to llueh
,iT. Ft t'itbw,
rut 'U7tti i'lntt
f Aft Straftgli,
now dark sloe ' grey
t+utpty feeltin; at he
plate ecolding a girl arrest the i r.
You proruattt:tl tc ix easettttr.ameht, atte r
ainld, fltsteeleper,yeeelyt tlitewn en* ewer }.
goal I let hie i e thew whet .111x1 to do ;
01r1 jiteit a+ta deasy d,bNason, tool Get
tuarrit+ap i;htfeed 1 a you was going to
gat retorted why didn't yen say so at
Mid title diatribe was only ended by
the elirupt I k.uboing oat:ot the store
of the young woman whole she was
Ruby Piedra had listened intently
to Chit little layepiay,
She was a g.tri of soma decision and
rrigitt.tlity. Her hind was made up
pit epee,
ehsullot I do?',said she. You need
a helper. I want work, 1 Will email'
for low wages math I have learned
your ways, I am wiiliug and active.
4Vtll you try mei
But, gaspr d Mrs Ely,—for that was
her naute—you ate u lady 1
I ale a- woman who wants work,
said Ruby, I think could suit you
if you would allow me.a trial. '
Ely will aa' it aintet businese, said
the baker's. wife. But I do treed
help dreadful, anti I never yet was
mistook in people's faces, •es, you
may csouae for a trial week, anyhow,
Call ine Ruby, eaid the girl. M3'
name is Rubio% Phelps.
And thatnight she slept under the
humble roof of fa Sixth Aveuue bakery
At the end of the week Mrs Ely
declared that she never had a helper
that .suited her like Robina Phelps,
The ,girl was . quiet end efficient.
She: saw everything, and• Was prepared
for every: emergency. But she had
been iu ber new place only three
months when good Itir Ely, died. .
The widow wept and wrung het
Oh, Clear, oh, dear 1 she cried, what
is to become, of mese -The children all
babies, and not "a cent of insurance on
,filly's lire 1 'We're as good as beggars !
What shall I --do I
Go on with the business,te be sure,
said ;i,ulsy,.
'Mrs. Ely atoppr:& wbilthpernng, and
'stared at thespeaker.
But I ton Only ra woman, said she.
I couldn't run the business.
• Then let tete do it, fetid Ruby. I
know that I could gcionjest as Mr..
Ely was. doing. He was talking about
r:ularginn tlio restenrant, We eels Id
serve twenty tables 'as well as ten.
We eofild leave creams, and ices,. and.
chocolate :aa -well 'as tea and rolls.
There is Efnile,the new Freneh baker,
'cttti`•get up anything, aiixt little Kate
makes delicious tarts and pates. We.
may as well be a fashionable pl,ice as
as mere bakery. Aird t.ien, you know
we can charge accordingly. All that
wewaht is to get our names 'up.
And Ruby l.'helps' prediction prdved
true. When two or threeyears had
elapsed the establishmentof Mne.
Elie liubiui, as they determined to
olii'isten it; had become fatnoas! They
had removed to one of the wide side
streets, engaged is plate glass heated
otter, with a marble floor, and elegant
frescoed walls; their gilded tabled were
attended by colored waiters,; d a per
filmed fountain. played its the centre,
acid trspical flowers ""bloomed .in the
1 Window. 'The public, easily caught
by a little outside glitter, readily fell
'itfto the path so rkilftully opened. to
,rhemn---:end nobody's . elttertaittinent
I was complete uulese the btalgnet was
purveyed by Slime Elie i:;,ulthui, ,ltuliy
I Phelps had a way of iletioratiag tabes
whielf was entirely her owls—air orld,.
tot know where to gtw, eteglftn,l lx>bthod of caateeelg---u stout
followed the current o of gastroaiotnic seeretsl which eine
Wad when ellet:tttaxe to a • choose to import to to but'—but they
leektyry, ehe itpi+ht•tl the .pleased t he, t,tstuopolitatt taste of New
tae - York. She was the lr'itdtsr now, the
bixlg to cat since capitalise, ntitl nwok little M,lrit. Ely
srealf. I cannot was horse motto reeletlessly in her
track, a.dtuirhrfg and loyal to the lest,
.tare tile?`+, We' a degree.. ,
tel t.h eroveree . 1 don't lamer both :tie've donna h.
the .areae l'tie *ores, said the widow. Chet f Lst,k
„AV a «II .Mari h, ! seeipa ann. i like' sayla 1. It
iflrt: W WCC . •µla's, tr ,91..,
ad, tt�i t
eup of tea, Wesitit ?
* * >ti * *
1 don't kttow of any1 ody, said old
Mr. Ghltbins, that Ilan ntuney to put
out at interest, aside Crone the regular
professionals you know, except the
titin ofd Etie Itubiui. You Might try
Elie Rubin' 1 eaehoerl Mfrs, General
Gore; Why, those are, the people who
set the table for Site when I had my
last fancy rnateenettide beli,and charged
so shockingly, too 1 But then,. &hiy
always do thongs so elegeotly at Ruh,-
inite And you think they could lead
me 'volley! I moat have it somewhere
--if the general finds out' that I've
pawned my diatllonds,1 4 think he'll
murder itie ; oh, of course 111 go ttaete
—at once I
The room. et the back of the salmi
was dark at the beet of tinges,• ---which
was natural xiliotlgh,opening, as it did,.
upon a blind wall,_an4 Mrs. Gore
toldher tale, withoutevetrhaving had,
a good look at the'face of the stately
lady in garnet silk. It was a too,.ot"t
:rep eated story=e*traveganoe, ganibi
ing,in a,ladyfike way,money'borrowed.
jewels pint in pawn, until now it aeons -
ed to poor Mrs, Gore as if the entire
finaioial world was opening beneath
her feet=opening to swallow her uu l
Mute. Rubin Beard her through.
Then she stryck tv silver• hard'bell
sharply. Mrs. Gore started..'
Dear me 1 cried she. What is that
I rang, said Marie. Rubiui colrnlya:
for lights,.
A servant glided noiselessly iu,light-
ed a cluster of chandeliers, • and as
noiselessly departed. Mute Ruleiui
toolted quietly at Mrs. Gore's note pale
1, see, said sate, that you remember
It's -it must be ---Ruby Phelps --my
cousin P„uby,frorn M.ushroona Ballow!
gasped the portly matron.
Exactly, said Ruby. Well, 'it seems,
that the tables are turned 'atl last, You,.
Mrs. Goret,are irt,•want, I am the
moneyed persi;tt. Well, i shall do
exactly as you did L fine=seed you
civilly about your businese.
You won't lend me the money?
Not if it were .to keep: you from.
There was nothing of the lona suffer-
ing and angelic aiout Ruby Phelps.
Sbe bad been -cruelly hurt and wouud
ed when her city cousin had sent her
about her business. The opportunity
to retaliate had presented itself at last,
and Ruby had not been stow to take ad-
vantage of it.
But, cried Mrs. Gore, I shall be
Possibly I Mme. Bubini shrugged
her shoulders. But 1 do not know
that it matters to tae.
111ra Gore went intti hysterics. Mme
Iitubini rang the hall for :t woman to
bring intulphor and volitale to her re-
lief, and calmly reentered he cash
When Mrs. Gore went sorrowfully
home, thinking what title was best to
tell her husband, she fouud that the
old general had token the steamer to
Oub:a,' leaving only an apologetic letter
for Isis wife. Debts at Garde, dieas-
trous speculations --any imbiber of
excuses were put forsee rd. But all
that Mrs,Gore knew lean; that she was
left penniless and ttislf aced to face the
It might have been a Nemesis! Who
One mortting when. Spring was to
A worn to a p"pt's wnwwg--
,all twitted in dehcaG: grays and grecs
Mims Beige and I went aabtug,
I int my rough and humble elothes,
WW1 wy twee t.t tbe eutorttine'a mercy;
She with ter bat tipped down to her nose,
Ansi her nose tipped vino versa.
I had my rod, my reel wad wv hooks,
And a liattaper for luncheon recesses;
She with her bait and comely looks,.
And the seine of her golden ureases.
Se we rat dove in the shade au dyke,.
Where the wbhte pond lilies tseGsr,
Atfd 1 went to fishing like tfuaxut tiltl Ike,
And she tike berms Dater.
All day I lay its the light of her eye,.sr'*e"
Alai dreamily wombed and waited
But the fish were omit)] ng and wouldn't rise,
And the baiter ttloue was baited.
So when the time for dt+ tartureQ'.iirte.
My bee was ata tett .at w tlntittder ;
But Bessie bad neatly bookeraleetgahret--
A hundred and eighty pounder.
About Breathing Night
EXTRA,c FIbOGI A z;ECi•U111;BY 7, 11. XXL.
LQQfI, bt.
B., o , 'fa>; AATi:T,ai.
The queetiou inay+ 'wt;ll be asked,
haveWe any other air to breathe at
uiaht than night air. t If the'out-of-
door air is saturated with moisture,
doer i& the air within doors contain
the same 4: It is (sertattily healthier to,
breathe night air which is purer than
to breathe tbe air of a room which' has
been shot up until the small quantity
of night air which it contains is
thoroughly coiitaniineted by being
breathed over and over again. A New
Yorkdoctor some time ago had .a
horror of night air, and he term-
mended that the deers and :whtdosss
of the house, especially of sleeping
rooms, be opened wide during the day
until they were filled witbeood,bettlthy
day air, and Hien closd. At night
the eccupanta were to slip in as quiuk-
ly es possible that none of• the deadly die, '11 you ?
night air shottld find entrance, Be No,, said the young niother,
claimed that a tied -room aontainine, after one eupretue pang of peel nos
one thousand cubic feet of air -:--a roots mamma won't be afraid 1
ten feet- square=-eouti fined oxygen Jus' shut your eyes in 'e dark;
rayl to
the most
et with;
his city wiwi
little child
the pre . ' ine of thenaitelvest.
A. few wee .o the young wife and
mother woe stricken dawn to die. It
was so sudden, so dreadful„ when the
.grave family physician called ilirm.
together in the parlor, and intimated
to theta the truth.—there was no help.
Then came the zfurstion ai Stag
them, who would tell her, Not the
doctor 1 It would. be :true! to let the
man of science go to their .dear one on.
such an errand Net the aged mother
who was to he left childless and alone.
Not the young husband who watt
walking the floor with oleecbed handle
Not ---there was one other,and at.tbis
moment he looked up from the book
he had been playing with, tinifoticed
by thew all, and asked gravely,
Is wanhm'a dein to die ?
Then, without waiting for an one
ewer, he sped front the room and • up-
stairs as fast as his tittle feet would
carry blue Friends andneighbors,
were watching by the rich woman.
+Ilei wonderuigly noticed the pale
face of the child as he climbed on Hitt
bed` and !Aid his small hand. on ,hip
another's pillow.
Mlamnaa, !te asked, in 'meet eareek•
ing tones; is yon 'fraid to die?
The mother "looked at hjnn with
swift intelligence. Perhaps she hada
been thinking of this.
Who—told---yuu—•Charlie 1
asked faintly,
Doctor, me papa, an' gramma-el
everybody, he whispered, Mammas,.
dt ar,''ittle mamma won't be 'field to
enough for one persoli forty nights or
forty persons one night, since sixteen
cubit feet of oxygen is ali that a per..
son cap consul*" in that period af'
time.. The mathematics look very
coublusive, but the figures lie becausu up his little hand.
the theory upoti•which they are based 11 u,s h ! My mamma ricin' to sleep.
is false. It is not that we donsuwel Her won't Wake up here any more !
se large an autount ill oitygeit that Aud so it proved. TliOre was .no
heert.rending farewell, no agonyelf
tutrting ; for when the young to ether
awoke she had passed beyond, and; as
the air'contaminates 'so much air. baby Charlie said,—
mamma teep hold my hand—an'
when you open 'ebt, mamma, it'll bol
all, light there. • e
When the family gathered awe--
stricken at the bedside, Chttrlte held
makes:the necessity for .4 generous
supply of .fresh air, '.blit that the ini
purities winch we throw off through
Por every cubic inch of fresh sir whhth
we take, in, we exhale debits inch, of
the rankest poison—enough to con-
'taminate three `cubic fee€ 01 air. Wild Cherry willoureitsafely and quictkly,
Counting the number of inhalations Get the germinate white wrappere ouly,
and use iG as directed for Iufiueuza.
at twenty per minute, we spoil then
It was all light there.
"La Grimm"
Is sitnpiy epidemio Influenza; Wilson's
sixty cubic' feet of stir every minute. Who, Was. the wool.?
du this basis, the thousand euhic feet Boston atorfitd.
of 'air which the New Yorlc doctor Talking about Apritlrools' ciayjoltes;
thought sufficient for tforty nights said one of a group Of byIstanders, i'e-
Wouldbe good only for at out seventeen minds me of an incident that happen.
minutes, if the room vee perfectly ed to me $Dane years striae on the first.
incl'ised, Fortunately for those who of April. 1 was walking alung the•.
street when I noticed directly in €tont.
of me a large, nintth warn pocketbook.
The minute 1 caw it I came to the
conclusion that it was. some rise tisv-
rte boy's trick to date's an unsuspecting
passerby, so 1 hung round near it for
several minutes hoping to share in the
enjoytnent'of the Ole. Several pee-
eons saw it, but, lhasscad by without
paying any attention to it. At length
dile man, cane *►longi saw it, and stop -
Its vain I weep, in vain I pray, ' ed to pick it up, but remembering;
What power ])eath's cruet baud oats tatty hirnself suddenl gases the aouketboolti
Sweetheart. Sweetheart 1 y' u" 1
Why, nothing but Dr, t'ierce's I'avnrite a kick which sent ft flying into a nutter.
approximate this shut in plan Alia walls
of our houses are more or less porous,
and there are few windows so perfectly
encased that they do not admit ;tolife
fresh air constantly. Reported by
Bolen L..Manning.
leas Leveret Lamont.
Your fai;a is like a drooping flower)
Sweetheart 1
I sea you fading, hour by hour,
Sweetheart 1
Y'bur rounded outlines waste away,
Prescription. It Imparts 'strength try the
knew ? failing system, (luras eremitic troubles, iced
While Ruby, Sitting int the end of for debilitated anti feeble women general.
the lotw,brilliaiitiy lighted salon where
endless rows of chetah -lb -re seemed to
repeat themselves in sheets of mirror,
fold the crowd of eyelike enti"tnin was
beginnitn to' now in, thought to berg
1d tiles hutl lint } aitc'lk itt
kindness tome thee.Yeti!".
vt' laid dosvla ithy'.
Aststxre•dly, it w
If yen want t
Or, awroni,-
ly. is unegnalled. It dispels, melancholy
attd nervousness, and builds. up both flesh
and strength. Guaranteed to give satlsfao
Ginty in every case, or phoney paid for it
While. wiping up the floor before
the carp t down, sptittkls it
'1e damp; this
tl for
Then iti was, though I can't flay' why,
that I was seized with a great desire
to pick up; the old wallet • .and opetn ire
oven 'r° I should be the victim of the'
jolts'; so; waltzing Up to where it lay,
1 elicited it up and put it in My pocket
to carry 'home.
Well, geutlemen, lhi' cnntinned,whal
clo you ttt;'p.hse nim old wallet cantittn•
ed ?
A roll of, geld one.
Five hundred defiart i vent as
1 ith was in 1t''l asked it Seined re.
erred;. ettinatt but
Per, fano he t
i', Maki •
t'trii crti let*
Thr* I?etunrobt n1
epreed t,t Great
conteer, fur the gnu
teeetitty gams its i
!Sino Journal of .j
Ston to the fact Sind
It aueo used by rails
ober railway tint
when use,i togethe
41 008 color*blind,
seiously to themissl
have paeeed eatisfs
Mons upon enfeeble
their ability to die
color signals.
An exchange,
liquor tratl'le, quo*
ass believing, with
elite. whiskey is go
eorrefpondent qu
(tau it be possible,
"(zuthrie, enthus{
wthrker that he we
• Yea, be said just
which it evidently,,i
liquor advocate tri
quote it exactly, hi
like d this I Wlfislce;
its place—its pit
things that. are de
to preserve a. dead
in whiskey ; but it
a live nhauf'put wb
The Ciartsti in Cu
dou).says• It is
Oat the I,tlue Rib.
its. origin its Anler'i
tlle'case. It was
Waleeee td :en etni
'the Cll'u`ch of Rug
credit of having ate
which has don
througtsout all \V,
speaking countries,
the Roe i1Cr I.loycl,
‘3,7r Ettyn,' bad be
'tunong the drunker
l,Eltn,the: mean
large number of bit
prose his sincerity
to wear a little pie(
teed a Beall army i
In the course of tii
these left Wales fon
with thefts the tiny
idea •was soon takes
out by our Ameriet
movement rapidly
tlhe states. Suhseq
way into England'f
they world.
The logic of the a
porters of the lique
queer. things. Her
'ample, a large Iiqui
refusing to einploy
This is evidently a
intended tri work aall
did, what would be,
'trade i! And this so
Considers it an insu
• ivhee it is said that
demuraslizi e, to boll
egaip, there are th;
with righteous Ind
saloon keeper prop°,
then insa ietliatte
who speak In terms
emaciation of the re
but tegse mote piers
to sigunig a liquor
alien for sotue other
iaf throwing their vc
Nuance iii favor of t
the liquor traffic in
indeed, easy to wer1
poor' ronin -cursed. Al
poor rutn'cttrsed A
aa clititity shots
Rev (7 $.alle,epeali
lite Atlanto, Georgia,
told Linn this terribl
UM ashamed to tel
ltellf.:cte en wy ,ental
:lett tarl;rtotrt to what
the fog of habit
tamily thud b • 11
tie -telt'
•Atty deaf