HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-05-01, Page 91, the
40 aewi.
d and
acomma d
n u�i(liar�e
of slaves, e
our• mayors, alder*.
and mekos tired{'{
Se, //
es filen siuggitil, stn.
twenty titres mare
lTieligdpn lute plume Of
,ektei criminals, paupers
altars a
messy P
1 6,1111 ott3Ot
vartily al3(•
\V btakey wit
tuna indole
Whiskey h
geegeries tb
W liisltey
firf invee
tw tiManaeers -are- becoming
, more uter'e8tece. to promote temper
spice Luong their employees; not so
11nue from philau thropie as from
eon° To considerations. A rule of
the Oeiiadian Pacific Railway reads :
4',1`he use of intoxioating liquors will
be followed' by immediate dis►itissal
froni:the', company, and preference
Will be given to employes who abstain
. ry,
t the use of the same. altogether."
1113 general snperieteodent of the
eastern division says.: 4'I consider
that the nuly guarautee of safety tor
railway companies ire to have this rule
atria y enforced." TheClucago, Bur
lingtou and Quincy railroad has re-
eelltly issued a strtngeltt order against
iuceruperance amour; all its employees,
aud. espi'cially among station -agents,.
traitttnettened telegraph.eperittors. The
umplcyeaare warned to keep away
front saloons if they: desire to remain
in the employ of the ccni-pany, and
discharge for a second offense of
drunkeeness is made obligatory. The
airelessne-es and incompetency }vhIoir�
o of alcohollzed brains, resulting
,Ilraletplacedeiswiteheeesua destructive
e4llisiotls, have in the past taught
L'ailway ofnicials many costly lessons,
Audit): many cases travelers have
been Heedlessly saorifieed and canoed.
needless suffering by drinking railway
Anrici TO hio'ruows.-Aro you disturbed at night
alhd bt•uken of your rust by a sielcchild suffering and
crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? 11 so send at
grace mid got a bottle of t Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
:syrup" for.Uhildren Teething. Its value is ineak:M.
nide. It will rolino the poor little suifer.tr
-Iintnediately. Depend upon It, mothers; there is no
.mistake about it. 1t oases ilysenriry and Diarrhea,
regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic,
softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives
stile and energy to the whole system "Jtlrs. tYin
loow's Soothing Syrup " ' for children teething is
pleasant' to the taste and is the prescription of one of
the oldest and best female - physicians and nttr.os in
the u'nited States, and ie for sale by all druggists
throughout the world. Price twenty -leve cents a
l9tt10., Be sure end ask for "Mae; w1N$LOWs
e'etLue ,SYRUP .nil fake no other ;dad
4n Essay on Llan. .
le that is born of woman' Is small.
es and few is a hill. ;13e rises
day and flourishes like a ragweed
tomorrow, or the'next .day, the
dertaker hath him. Tile goetlf forth
the morning warbling hke a 'lark
'd is k,locked out in oue round and
wo seconds.
In the midst of life he is in debt,and
the tax colt ctor pursuetb• him where-.
ever he goeth. The banister of life is
foil of splinters, and he siidbtli down
with considerable rapidity.,lie walk -
Oh forth in the bright sunlight to ab -
Serb ozone aud neetetle thtebitnk tel -
ter with a sight draft for $357'.
He eouleth-holne at eventide and
rneeteth the wheelbarrow in his •path.
It riseth up and' stinted' hiin to the
earth, and falleth upon him, and',run-
etetit one of its legs into his ear.
In the gentle spring tieurehe putteth
!is sunnier clothes, and a 'blizf'ard
'keel hfttl far front houie and iilletth
liitn 111111 rheultiatisin. In the
,winter be putteLh ou winter
trousers, ate0, a wasp that abiileth ex.
emergent. Ile staitet1t dos ir into the
ceil'ar with au oleander and goath back'.
Sifted, pod toile ol'eituder +concha"It after
1tirli rind 'eiteeth epee biui.
He buyet'it a `watch dog, tied what'
a tkottlehowe Vii* elle belt isle'
3'. ...,1 .,. ... ,.I . I 4:4 .,. • Y, . .
w'atoin dog tr"eth liittesnd sittetb near
Rim until rosy morn. ibt geed) to the
horse trot teed liettetli hie monoy on.
the brown mare, sod the bay geltiiug
with the blaze face winuotli,
Idtt n►arrieth a red headed heiress
with a wart on her now, and the next
day the parent aucestok tooth undt'r
witb a fee, arrest and gieat liabilities,
and coinetli Morrie to live with his hes
loved sonein.law,---W(aittz ()aunty
Owingi to the unitre ceaented demand for
plate,i;lass it "has advanced considerably in
pro e, :llottsrs McCausland tG Soil,Tort,uto,
fortunately nude a contract before the
advance for a very considerable quantity,
anci.are thus enabled to offer their patrons
this season a decidedadvantage in price,
the quality being superior to any ever pre-
viously imported.
Row I Feed Sheep to Obtain the lwroiitest
To attain the greatest gain of weight
in mutton sheeep in the shortest space
of time, experience has taught us that
better results are obtained by having
the lambs come during the first Or
second week in April, for at tl'rat time
of the year the weather is warner than
earties in the season. Should' the
season be baekwsrd and grass tong hecoining, we feed a )mixture of chopped
oats, bran, and a little oil weal, iu the
pens twine a day, in the proportions of
Ib oat chop, lb bran, and i" lb oil
meal to each ewe, takiug care to keep
the lambs waren, so that they will
not get stunted. When the grass gets
good and fresh, *e take off the grain,
but as soon as there is a shortage in
the pasture, we commence feeding
ground oats, bran, and oil meal again
to the lambs, in the proportions of
ib ground oats, a lb bran, -. lb oil meal
to euoh lamb, iucreasitig the amount
ets the lambs grow older. Before
weaning time the lambs should have
learned to at well, and they will oat
in that case experience any set book
when separated frons, their mothers,
provided they brave constant access to
plenty of good water. to October,
'when frosty nights arrive, the lambs
should be given a grin ration night
tied worning, and in 'November they
should be housed, and get clover hay
and rootsin addition to the grain.—J'
Rutherford in the Canadian Live Stock
and Farm',iotirual fol. April.
"Lit Grippe" or Itilineuza can be quickly
cured by the use of Wilsou's Compound of
Wild Cherry, the old reliable retnedy for
13rouchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup,Uolds,
Coughs and other diseases of respiratory
system. Wilsou's Wild Cherlgy has been
in use for many years and is highly recom-
mended by all who know its virtues. Sold
by all prowiueut druggists.
Allan McLean, brother of 14 Z. 'Y.
MeLeau of the Seaforth Expositor,
some years ago went to Colorado and
engaged in ranching in order to ward
off tlih threatenings of consumption
for a considerable titue his heefth;seemee
to improve, and he purchased a paper
there and gave his attention to it, but
the old trouble cave on again and
with the addition of a severe 'attack of
grip has laid himlow, but .not before
he had gone -back ilii'° rauellin ;. It
Its said that the chances of recovery are
egaiust him.
No seed needs such frequent change
Eng as the potato. If planted on the
same farm year after year they soon
tun out and will bear only small, ins
ferior tubers. Careful selection of
smooth, perfect potatoes every year
for seed, and'changing every few years,
will: finprove' huth the quality ailed the
quantity, •Tliie scarcity of potatoes
and densequent high prices will tend
to make early crops high next season.
Fanners should take hedd and profit
Per Inttttenza or "La Gr►pre" Wilson's
Compound Syrup of Wild Merry is tt sure
and safe remedy. 'There is no bettsr meth -
tine for the oure of Influenza, Bronohitis,
Coughs, (�alds,(;roup and kilidred'dtaeases.
Grab the g+iiliittie in white wrappers.
Alt Mee.
young. old, or middle ages, who rfind
thetnst,lves nervous, week or t•xbauelte
oe1, who are broken .down from eetmee
or overwork, resulting in many of the
foil() wing symptoms`: Mental depres-
sion, premature aid age, lose of
vitality, lose of memory, bad dreume,
dimness a r4igbt, palpitation of the
heart, emission, leek of eixergy, p;iiu
in thf, kidneys, headakn, piiuple8 el
the face or body, itching or pecular
sensation about the scrotum, waisting
of the Orgfuis, d►szmees, specks before
the eyes, twitching of tine muscles,
eyelids' and elsewhere, baslifuiuees,
depositsie the urine, loss of will
power, tennerues of the scalp and
spine, weak and flabby nnseles, desire
to steep, failure to berestedby sleep,
Constipation, dullness of hearing, loss
of voice,desi`R'e for solitude, excite-
bility of tearer, sunken eyes sur.
rounded with LEADEN =L OLE, Oily
looking skin, etc.; are all symptoms
of nervous debility that led to inanity
and dead useless cures. I'lle spring
or vital polder having lost its tension
every fliiiotion wanes in consequence.
Those, who through abuse committed
in iguoranoe may be perwaneutely
cured. rend your address for book
on all diseases pe!ouluut to man..
Addrtees ;1i. 1', LUB'N, 50' Front St.
E., Toronto, Ont. Books emit free
Reeled. Heart disease; the eymt3tonis
of'rwhicli are faint spells, purple lips;
numbness, palpitation; slip heats,
not 'flushes, rush of blood to the bead,;
dull pain in' the heart with beat's.
strong, rapid and irregular, the secs nd
heart heat .quicker than the first, path
about the breast bone, ete., can
positively be tinned. No cure, no pay.
Send for book. Address M. V.
LUS'ON, 50 frons Street 'East,'
Toronto, Ont,
• U. 1'. it'. TI11L TABLE,
Trains arrive ani depart as follows;
5:30 u, tu..,.., ...,Ibr Tor'outo..........5:35 a. m
2:20 p. to " 2:20 p.m
22:2000 , t m ''• •• For Tecswater,..... 2:20
p. 10.30
A: 0, STRATIHmno, Aiini;, Wurotra i.
Through ioltets to all paiWet, tcitllie Coast,, etc., vas the shortest nAmerica—drail'
popular routes. Iiaggaife °hocked through to
destination. Lowest freight' rates to all points.
0:30 aan.TorOpto,Guelph,Pahneratou, &o. 8:30 p.tn,
.11:10 " " " it10:10 "
3:40 p.m. " Clinton, '
7:25 " ,... , Palnri,rston, AFixed ... 10:15 a.m.
0:45 p.m ....' London, &o 11:00 "
8:40m. p,
11:10 a.m........•lllnoardine; &o 0:80 a.m..
3890 p.ni 66
11:10 "
10.70 " (1:50 p,nr
For particulars regarding terms, etc, please call at
my home, corner Nr ,nuis and Patrick stouts.
. et- 0
Pronerity ror Sale' in Belmore.
The under`yigned offers for sale a desirable pro
party in the village of Delmore, consisting of's good
d,volling; house, office, stable and driving shed, with
one acre end a•half of land in connection. Splendid
garden, with all sorts Of fruit tress. Will be sold
ut a bargain. L'ot particulars, apply to
FRSI)BrtICK C0011,
• news). e.
t7y" Z N & E-= A. •1VS
Capital, $1,000',000. Fest, $1'50,000;
President --Jolie $TOOAWr.
Vtce•rreeident—A.. GA ANSAY.p
food; t' o r0a, CIIAe: GURNEY, doo :ltOActt, A, 'T
woon, A. 13. Lam (Toronto).
Cashier—,L rmt:Vef/LL.
Savings Barnk hot'trs,10 to 8 ; Saturdays, 10 to
1. Deposits of 31 and upwards received and interest
Spatial Deposita' also received at current
rates of interest.
d/: aftg on Great liritatii and the United Sorties
bought and sold
B. WILLSOle, Aatnsi-
112LY1IR & :DICS.INI ()N9
a 'I'TUE 111i t!Ie''tf
Please Wort: your 46adarstbat I haus a pod** toms for this above •tr t
leasee fly it* thusly ass ti, nottatila of hopelsse eased ha tahatet pe aneittly tured.
i glad 'Gs semi two bottles of rev remedy trtttit to any of you' reader* mite parvo ;• ,
1 IbtI :the rrtli send ins esti" Euprees.it Prodi oifl:•e Addrrssk'epettldi'
NV* 1 rll
./.111Aonsten;,+, It large Nisei; cis
flORSt ft tNItiiys,
Tit res
W (oh will be sold at bottom prieel,
trAlthmx.SS, double or single, matte 'to order on.
short notice, and eatisfatnttog Cttaraateed.
407-( tall switched,
OP— apposite tile; ank of Hamilton,
nrnatn, Fob, 118, 1090«
OPPIoz—" $Ig" •ItoOkttn1'e,
Atone". to Lien on Fano Security at Low Rates of
!uteri:tat. No 0Otnnrlssiutt charged.
#Lea „ c,tt.•Ier tbtir bet thank
for tit, • .i.d 1:': t .• evil., to cut Orra% dnrilt%
ee,t,rr;l r i,t!, t IA bl ir, , .:1 star tni11 by itt
rendi.,a1 n I•i•,t• t ,: we hove re•
rltO,id€-, t d rl t• t„tt 11 .' ,f, [ i�' . •:, 1'r1 ni 4;1'
torn of 1, n ttriu,t 1 . !1: i i 1 l Iii g. We bn
neve 1,u t • „t 1'. h,ttt, O4,11t0•1'444 chap
evert„ r.d,. 1, a, 0.:r
Prompt Diuptl,tci:,
Pair Ret trno,
QuaLeT , faJi(.QNIs'r'ONOMI; IN'1.1,1I i
And by oho, I1Gr anal Otten4 .,n to the business
hope to be t,'dn rut red with a trial by all ofd
friends and ,L.tnu I1*0 oats.
Penni most respectfully,
Wingharn itlu..Ont'39, 11+4H,
Flonorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Collage;
Alto (3(ttdtta$ of flentistrySeheol, Term ,is pre.
pared to treat all Inseasoaof Domesticate Animals
In the latest scientific manner,
Calls promptly attended to. Office and 3nfirmary,.
Rwn's Ou.i Sr&au, %Yingbam,
W.Callers by night will find him at the Wilco.
H .L 1.3'x' CAPS, SHIRTS,
Cheap'for .ASE
AT—. --
K�� ���', f rr) p��p`'tJ
•t i
l �i
Has removed to E. F. Gerster's c Id stand, where,he has a large and
nicely assorted stock of
atglteg, Gigeltga N@ ei . y , Br e ese sad
Spot -4,04g,
' Which he is selling away down in price, and will he please. to
'Have you calreeudtake a looks through his Stool.
Repairing a Spec ijt1ty
i 'J" A11 work want:anted and done 'promptly.
Ed. Ii :sie ,
- Mason's Block.
7,tl �tA
—Successors to M Robinson, manutacturbrere of=
, PLOWS,' 0,4NG PLOWS, 8cc.
Castings a Eveq DE;Suiption in iron and Brass,
mu and .Gonoral Repairt Prempar
Ad; e& to
Mthrl s F"Olt 'i ; WH 1'kEt A'y'S' i0,140131.4TCRA
piNt8Ali l IJA)1L1i,I M, 01.H2t fACTUltV ENUIN S A.Nbsi
It3UIL1 R$ ANI) 8UP'Pb1)
I. ,141, TT,� W- Al ..* . 'y " ' 41:1 ,*,,,011: q' 0....lsW q\. 8011.4.t„
l ,