Wingham Times, 1891-05-01, Page 6C. E. WIWAM 8,
Area -
0n?. Brunswick House,
Wingham, _ - Ont
Oriiatar4,1ingOR EMS
FRIDAY', MAY 1, 1891.
milliinie striae •187B. re There prate
combined excess of ilaaanta' cede'. there
penditure of $3,590,000, though i 1'
were ten companies with the reverser
The regular meeting of the council
of the township of Turnbeirry was held: l,shipped last week.- blue° tl)o hist
in kiaulte'.Iiae, .tlluevale, on Mooday,;week a great activity has been dis-
Qeite a numlier in the village m'y
be so M either upported `00 crntoltes
or'leanftlg tin a tett,.. in consequence)
of a sere lel;.-•- 'lttton, Treeett 1 Oo
•are very liesy these days supe y, .la
(orders for bed.tratwrs and extensioe
tables, a ear load of the former hemp+,
THE mails. from Canada to the
leuited Kingdom are now carried via
New York.
OaU T. VON Maurice, the great Ger•,
Welt general, paid the debt of nature,
last week, iii his 91st year.
•• Armee SEVENTY protests have now
belle filed against members -elect for
the Federal Parliament,• amongst the
number being M. C. Cameron. of West
Huron and Jas. Grieve, of North
How. C. C. CoLair has resigned his
must in the Cabinet, and his resignation
has been accepted. It is announced that
flir John Maod9nald will ..discharge
the duties of President of the Ooune
cit. in the meantime, and a .successor
will not be appointed for some time.
IT is officially announced that Hon
John Carling has been called to the
Senate, and that he will still .retain•
:the portfolio of Minister of Agricul-
,ture. Ie ee also said tint his stay in
:the Senate will uotbe.of ,long.. dura-
tion. As soon as a seat oan be 'found
for him, he will return to the �Com-
rn one.
Tai, first session of the present.
` '- oinrnioti Parliament' was .opeeerion,
Wednesday last. The most of the day;
eves occupied in "sweating in" the.
members, otter which Mr Peter White,.
M P, 'tor North Renfrew, was unani
melt iyeeleeted Speaker. 'The Speech
from the Throne was read on Thursday
afternoon, and will he given in full •.in-
our next issue.
April 27th, Members all. present,
The Reeve in the chair. The minutes.
of last meeting were read, appruved
and signed. ` Tee Reeve reported that
he had to go to Goderioh since last
meeting, re Bryce suit, A deputation
aonsistiug of Messrs Green, Netterfield
and others, tvttended the council meet•
ing and urged upon' the council the
necessity of rebuilding the bridge
known as ;Graham's bridge. Moved
by Mr Diment,seoonde4 by Mr Harris,
that the Deputy Reeve attend the
next meeting of the Wingitam. Town
Oouncii and ascertain their views in
respect to .granting aid toward build..
ing Graham's bridge. and report to
this council at next meeting -Carried. board have nen to a dth Mess
Moved by ,Mr Diment, seconded by intourtan to public school. --The presbyters
will meet in Zion church on May the
5th, to finally settle the basis of union
between the two congregations. Un-•
ion services have, already been held
sod it is pleasing to Beeall the seats
oceupied to thtir seating capacity,
than to notice a scattered oongrega-
tion.-Mr Fowler turned sod on Mon
day for his new brick store, which he
intends erecting alongside his tailor
shop. ,
played in some pelts of the village, ir.
' 10.vv^it lt+
The 05)11 1.1 met in 'Brotbri's hotel,
t ordwicli,. Murch 31at,1891, pursuant
to adjournment. Members all present
The Reeve in the chair. Minutes
lest meeting read and app
Moved; by Mr Ferguson, seconded by
Mr Nay, that the additionei audit
trade on account of the death of the
late treasurer he adopted and Mr Per•
kins receive $5 and Mr Repiestell re-
eeit e $0 for their serviette on the same
-Carried, Leiter read from W S
Walsh, Beq. Mayor of Orangeville,
containing; petition for signature,
memorializing the Dominion Govern-
ment for a grant from them on 'ioeount
of bonus given. to the Toronto, Grey,.
and Brume Railway, and to appoint a
delegate to wait on the same. Moved
by Mr Graham, seconded by Mr
Johnston, that the memorial by sign.
ed and forwarded to Mr Walsh and
that the Reeve be eppointeii delegate
for this municipality --Carried. Four
applicattons for the othee of township
treasurer read. Moved by Mr John
ston, seconder) by Mr 1?ergnson. 'that
the application of Mr Jae Perkins be
aeeerrted, by him giving eotisfaci ory
security as mentioned in application,
and that the Reeve and Clerk see to
the execution of bonds and lay them
before the council at its next meeting
-Carried, By law 'No 2 read and
passed. Account;; passed -P Hepin�
stall, $14,for•audtting for 1891 ;e J
Perkins, $13, for auditing for 1890
and additional audit, in` 1891 ; Ralph
Young, $3, for wood .for Mrs Meller*
mit. Moved by' Mr. Johnston,second-
ed by Mr Nay, that. the council do
new adjourn to meet in Brow►'a:hotel,
Fordwich, on the third Wednesday in
April -Carried.
Wu. Datta, Clerk.
David. Sanderson, of the 4th eon.
has a cow which gave rirth a few days
ago to a calf with two heads, one on
each end, six legs,. in three pairs, and
two tails. The tails are attached to
the side of the body jest' about the
two centre legs. This is one of the
strangest cases ever reported in the
cleaning tee yards and planting trees.
There is much need• of it, some yards
being a'reileetiou on the village• -•Thu
boys intend. forming .a.laoroeee club in.
the village, There is good material to
select from and a club could be formed
that would do credit to the place. -
Mr Brill le getting his batter factory
in shape for the seasons work. -Dr
Stewart and Mr John McLean are the
'two councillors elented to fill the va-
cancy caused by D'tessre Little and,
Fowler's resignations. -Two loads of
OdrifeUows left the village last Sun-
day, one going to Weigher') and the
other to Walkerton, --• The school
air Cruickshank, that a .bylaw .be
passed appointing the following rate-
payers pathinasters. for the current
year. In Road Division - . •
No 1, G Bremner, No2, M Kennedy,
3, Wm Clark, 4, Andrew flied,
5, John Little, 6, John McI ingon,
7, Wm Baird, 8,Heery'Godkiu,
9, James Weir, 10, 'Rich. "Wallace,
11, Robert Muir, 12, Odin Eadie,
13, Rich Porter, 14, Robt Agar,
15, John Holmes, 16, H Ahrabaw,
17,Jno Fortune, sr,18, Tnos Hastings,
19, Jno Robertsou,20, 1? Carruthers,
L1, Peter Deans, 22, Alex Kelly,
28 Ohas lecnnuth, 24, David Gemmill,
William Fleming Burgess, aged 11
years, son of Mr John Burgess, of the
25, Elijah Higgins,26, Peter' Campbell, village, diad on Friday last, of inflam
27, John Powell, 28, Elam Vanstone, i malice of the lungs; and was buried
21, W m Eglestou, 30,Henry Hawkins, I on Monday. The funeral was a very
3L•, John elu scove,82,DonaldStewart, large one, and everyone was foil of
383 Peter WuEwen,34, R Hamilton, sympathy with the bereaved family.-
'85, Gideon Parks, 36, John 'MoBwen, Next Sunday, Conductor bnider will
37, Jellies Hyslop, 88, Peter' Scott, preach in the Methodist church,
39, Jas Nicholson,40, Andrew Gray, rorning az►d;eveni�tthod 10.80 and
41, Duncan King, 42, Win Smith;7 o'clock. In tee evening, by special
43, John Aiweixt,. 44, Thos Jenkins,, request, he will deliver his "railroad
Amos Tipling, 46, John Black, ..., Sermon." He will also. preach at
47, Wm Wright, 48, Joseph Yeo, Ebenezer at 2.40, -Mrs 'Rev) Wall -
49, Geo Moffatt. 50, Geo Walker, Agin is spending part. of the week in.
51, Wm elerkley, 52, Robe McIntosh, win is ch at Jaer,,parPntal ho.'me.-Mr
53, W m Gemmel, , '54, David Linton, , Stevens, of Chili9,; has moved to the
55, Robt Miller, 56, David aLofiatt, village and will carry on waggon
57, `l' Netterfield,'58, Johnalinsleyld making,'eto. ,.fle•is,well. spot Znt' of,
rfie citizen. --
i 1 e
69, D Halstead, 60;• Wm Netts + both as a tredesinao .and a
61.,A Swindtehurat, 62, J,osepli Kerr. An aunt of 'Mt Johii Burgess died last
Bylaw rend three tirties' and .passed, Saturday in.. Briiesels.--Georl;o Bun,
The following ae peids • were passed gess has been;tari:tty low with inflame
and ordered to Ore paid James ltlessar, nation'also, but is on the mend. -
$5.50, work on Morris boundary ; A •Willie ;Duff ntet•with. a •bad accident
Anderson, 50e, work on Morris beeit- on Friday, Ili cutting the end off a
dart'; Gen Meson; $1.15, stationery,; small bloats with the slab saw, it tip
Wm McPherson, 87, expenses re pea tip and drew hie hand on to the
Bryce suit; Geo Burgess, 500, expenses saw, cutting three of •hie angers so
re Bryce snit Ed Armstrong, $7, badly that theyliad to' be. amputated.
charity; Win Anderson, $7, charity, close to the•hand;.: The hand is doing
as 'well as can be expected. -Mr ` Ed-
ward Leech` took bis departure for the
North West, ouTuesday. He intends
to visit his • son and daughter at
Chicago, on the way. • Ho goes to
Fort McLeod. -Mrs Samuel $lack
has been confined to her bed for some
time and is a great sufferer.
We taka
notice nfthe
Howlett, fro
The ep
wsB 'turnip
ancedied at th
llowiek, .elero
1891, ale rva
Nnrwioh about
the rninistry of It
and et onve united
Church, of sable
the end
our de
and i
lot abl
ei' cte
baa rutaR,,
voted metate`et+
life For thirty,6 ,H
p ted friend was w r tat
of Howit)lc, He too"We
t in the promotion of the
d. was a mainstay of the ne
d not rest. content until a c t
e and commodious eburoh i,
d on the corner of his farin iee,
tt a worship of God, He was always
the prnaeher's friend. Eris home war
he stopping pious for the ministers,.
and many a weary itinerant found rent,
refreshment and eordinl wel„otne from
this kind hearted family. He was,
regular in bit attendance at this means
of graue until failing bealtb prevent+
ed. Thnugh deprived of the prize
ileges of the sanctuary durintkthe clos-
ing months of his earthly p +"`
yet he delighted to caitirnutie with 4
Christian neighbors aril 'rieuds in bite
home. • Even when the shadow . of
death were lingering neer, laid` Jan.
guage failed to exorest the feelings of
his heart, • it was, a source . of great
spiritual enjoyment, on the Sabbath
and other suitable times, to gatherthe
meinhere of hie family around hila and
hear them read portions of Scripture,
and sing the songs of Zion he loved so
well. He was not atraid to die. ' Bit'
feet rested firmly on the Rook of Ages.
Be feared no evil for God was with
hien. Frequently he assured the
writer and others who came to visit
him, that "itwas well with his soul."
The day epreceding his loath he ralli-
ed a little, and the family were hope ::
ful that father would tarry with them'
a little longer, tiut ere another sun had
risen "he war not, for God took him."
There are left to mourn the hiss of a
hind and atfectienate husband and
father, a widowand a large and inter-
esting family., nearly all of whoin aro
members of rhe Christian Ohurch.
'May they all meet in the heavenly
home at last. The funeral was largely'
attended, and an appropriate memorial
service was •.conductee by the .pastor,,
assistedb Rep •.
Rev.J A D'�cLau„hlan, Y
Wm Torrance, of Gorrie.
The Good Teleplays intend' holding
an open lodge on May 25th. -It is the..;;
intention of the Good Templars to
organize a lodge of Juvenile Templars
in the village, at an early bare. This
is a move in the right direction and
should be; encouraged by all, especially'
the parents.-Tbe baseball team of
S S No 5 purpose holding an enter.
tainmeut in the Foresters' hall, May
Mr Corbett's house had a narrow
escape from being burned, one day
recently, so we have been informed.-
Miss Janet Hood has returned from a
two months' sojourn at the residence
of Rev Mr Tonge, Flesherton.-R
Mr Godfrey preached a practical ser
mon on the marriage relationship at
how to make marriage a success,
Sunshine, last Sunday.
ler Tue Outiirio.' , 'the Ri
other day, Mr Fraser, Commissioner Di
of Public Narks, in moving 'a resp-
lution to provide for a further exuendie
chard ahrigley, $8, charity; -Wm
uncap, $4, charity.Mtived by Mr
M li that council do now adjourn to meet
went, seconded by r Arris,
as a Court of Revision on Tuesday,
ture of $150,000 in connection ' with •May 260, in Saults hall, Bluevale, at
_. °t a new Parliament'b.uildiugs, assured.10•o'clock a m -Carried.
• Joao Btress, Clerk.
this Assembly that the buildings would I ee
The following is the standing' of S
be completed for the sum of $1,250,- S No. -6, Turnberry; for the' month of
000. At the rate at which the struc-
ture is building, it is .expected that
the work under contract will. be come
plated before the end of the 'season, •
Fourth class -S Mitchell, K Hardie,
that the depnrtmeuts will ocanpy the WI Johnston. 'Third, sr T+Blackwell,
eat wing before the .close of next' E Wade, E Cowden, .J FyLe,.A Mite
year and that the Legislature will meet ohell, E Whselans, M Bryce, A. Por-
dft ter, W=Oampbeil, A. teemed), S John -
April. et .is calculated. from the
weekly' esa6iinetions •held•-dtiiiiig the
month; the twines • are in order of
merit : Fifth class= Celina ' bowden.
in the: Haut buildings session after dote W Jenkins, H Homuth. Third
next. class jr-L.Homuth; T Kelly, A Cow
Tr s austract of i nsiness...dnne by den, W Jenkins. Second sr -B Me•
the i�uincetitiolianCormick, E Mitchell,- R Lowery, E
tes of „Canada Johnston, F Fyfe, W Mitchell, M
1"''a year has been issued by tile. ' McKinnou; S 'McKinnon, F Mettler -
Department 'of , Finanpe. The fire nick. J Foston, 13 hater. Second
preineems receive•1 totalled $5041,e ,jr_M Howden, "H Joheston, N Bla.
628, an increase of a gaarter of a well, A Mitchell, W Porter, 1 Wade.
e' J . W . Stueeett• Teacher;.
million over 1$89. The Royal, as h r Peter I ioLaren, of the Blue,+
urinal,. leads with $552,728, followed vale road, has let the contract for a
by the Western with ,$355,190, the new residence which be will erect
Liverpool, London d; Glebe $279,594, this year, Mesars•timith, 'Mitfoolm 1St
Oorisrnercial ,LTbfon ' $318,697, NorthGibson, of Brussels, hitve,, undertaken
Queen,?62 . the whole•oonteact:-eMr Geo Pariahs
beittsh 383f8,247, elye, $ has also let the contract of building a
4)35,. the Laneare $268,229. Of . new brick ,•resfctenee •r Me :i>;,orteph;
the total of $, 5, 1141,62£3 the British Push will do lite stone and'.brieltwerk
Fail wheat is looking well. -All the
operations of the farm, inclulling the
sowing of cereals, are being rapidly,
proceeded with render • favorable sire
oumstanees:=Mrs John Piper is on a
visit to bel parents in lelichigen.-The
Monthly prayer Meeting helden. Mount
Nebo church, last Tuesday :evening,
was well attended. -rhe Glenar,nan
singing society ie expected to take
part in a concert at Bebnore, on Fri-
day evening, first.
;Fishing for suckers is the pastime
of most of the Boys here. -Mrs Elford,
rho has been so Beverly effected by a
second. attack of inflammation,is again
very slowly recovering. ---We are glad
to be able to report that Jas Carr is
able to be out Wain, Wafter a severe
admit of scarlet fever. although he is
yet. very weak-�•Qn.Saturday last, we
believe some of Lower Town folks re-
ceived a visit. from Mrs Thee Link-,later,who was ` Be-: ;very low but a
month ago that' everybody thought'
her recovery itilpoieihle. Although
she is very weak' yet, still she is fast
cent albeit received $0,071,452, . the and pl:l,stering,.} and-Messrs:.Smith,
a I%L &Coln dC Gtb6bn, » 'the earpei)t t
LrXnadiatx $i,n19:$83 and the Amari• work. - . `
'elle $84526.292- The losses paid by
• ' Btith
s fire cottfpvniea reached $8,205,876,.
Mr and Mrs Fred Thomson and
family took a trip to Walton Saturday
last and returned on Tuesday. -Mies
Smith, of Turnberry, and Miss Taylor,
Kincardine, were visiting at' Mr
Jas Wilson's, last week. -Mr Robert
and Miss Lille Taylor celebrated their
birthday by having a dance in the
house in which Mr Jas Patterson is
living. -Mr Porter, census taker,
visited this vicinity this week. ---Mr
Tenant, lumber merchant, of Toronto,
was up to Mr Geo Thomson's on btisi
nesse last ,week.
ich was 54.84 :per cent* of the f 1 ` intends
vermiform; received, "aitainst 51.47 per
cent. ityl1880. The grote,smount , of
'fire: ruts tak¢n during the year '"was
$3.107,463; it digiti;deer nine from the
revitiutt t+tetr, ''Ilia crit otic rf; life
tntfru�,, to fnrre int. Cai+atie iq�ik24.};+,
of which' '$4(),"f89,$7t •'.Was
1.880s 4 teeerr?tttil nf` telt
ere rt'''e ,fit R+e ' l : ..l,;txtit* et N:. y►
Inspeotiag Cheese Factories.
The following circular letter has
•been•addressed by the Dairy Commis;
sioner'to a score' of cheese factories in
as many eittriets in Ontario • and
Quebec ;
"DEAR Site -It has occurred to me
that it would be of particular advance
ago to the patrons of cheese factories,
as well 'as to the manufacturers, if the
Superintendents of the Experimental
Dairy stations -which are to be es-
tablished by'the Dominion . Goeern-
gaining strength and- we hope that in i went in the several provinces -were
a short time she will he es well as ever
she was.. -Mrs Jno Currie, who lives
on the boundary near here, is now far.
spent with consumption, and the end
is soon expected.,
Glet farrovt.
May, Balmy, Balmy May 1 yTo-say.
is Arbor Jay, and. should be observed
by all. In deeorating their farw8 by
planting: shade and ornamental trees.
-Herb Henning. 15 around` buying
lambs. Ile is paying'the highest prides
and his former neighbors can do ono
1)etter�:than by' setting to . bitn,-OnO
night•latit week, some evil -dispose lima be invited to' tinsel orb of lite
Dr,' Fer6i>>ion of.•Sea ort t, persons broke' the handles of a plow null
tendo tta, If. you think it ane
opening oftt hero: in Thin Slown',s old. belonging to R t Anderson,. A few su able a tttieetinir of 'the Thinning and
on the lt)tltttnBt «-Our tnPro alts grains of Act intheirh his willed for the alts and
sent to visit different factories in
central situations before they begin
their special work of experimentation,
Each superintendent will be; furnished
with a Babcock milk -tester ; 'and. for
two days or more, at each •factory
which he visits; . he will iUBttutrt
cheese -makers tend ;others who may
attend -upon these occasions in the
use of milk -testing; instruments and
also in the,,tnost approved methods of
making clients of`f`ine,quality:
"If it will be convettient•to you
will select your factory as ore to be
visited and Lo which those who. are
connected with neighboring factories
Levi Krupp, of Formosa, an i',
inmate of the Bruce county jail tie
ing transference to an asylum, dieto
his cell from starvation. Applicatiat
had been'made for his admission to
the asylum, but he died pending the
completion of arrangements, Every.,,?
thing possible had been done for l r
comfort and all hispA,
but he steadfastly refused to either
eat or drink. He would. allow nett).
'1 t
o pass
or milk, ing,n
of even
wino p
hilips. The verdict of the Jury was
that'death was caused by' leak of
Mr Watson, M P,in a recent speech
at Carberry, Man, showed that lash
year 2,000,000 pounds of binder
twine was used in Manitoba. The
duty is 25 per cent, ad val, or about,
21 cents per pound, so that • the far.,
niers of that Province paid $50,000
as a bonus to the !tonne manufacturer.
The revenue derived by the trertsuty
from imported twine awotinted to n'e 1/1l
to nothing. Mr Greenway, express,
the belief that if the question "weer
huhmitted to them free from the lid:
fluences of patty polities not 10 p.a
cent. of oar 1VJanttobtaarrng,s would
.. .l ' heels would i
stand . � ,: ' . •... . '..... :. thers may ovote easiest free traits'' with. ,:Hitt
,. ' in .•u thein v : b .an' n emeeleet lesson to them t>
and bngs, Chose days putt g p I fe +s son a )•'�+.flit' .. iif one of the derir, wh>,n A 05 00,A00 people' to the sontb of
owpr>yga.:to keep the sun's rays from 1'fnr their ntiscliref;-lC Ar,)e~ to tap 01it)ha d, Ur)u.•t�` it ton n% ritetlrr�r#e fee irisin. r.
,. c•'' n ii)lar 'favorable weather, sredihtr i. uriiitr,,s'e, Innate a tie twig,,, tint . Sends lir . i i to,
rrty� ttae feet -geed a" idl' to tins biline f"r, lntrg.;tl+rt sting arty Adult+'rir'titt)r or milk will: Meowed tynrd+.'~ 11141§4--' tnit #'!n'%
atratinnePr, ti, 1'fiarntlt . tee r p y -.4 ..- .. , .. . . , t yon VOW be i,►gi)i�w, H+a•�tt t1o�Mlii'1
tns,ructton froth lir, 8l»an r•o ills rse i - eedrrut` ishan) ire stilt heli nee tiet>t`�e }ie elven,
p � . �iJ•"Aar's!t t� 'f2l+HM#'r'gnit, l nrrtttAr Whet; one zli�reP"!; J+d+� ire
• ii ..k.itw.i.Ex».. t t 4.•i,
ofilirdwr till¢{ i(tAlieir ;diel`` household
uidl t sill then »i,re tmilf flaws" i to }rr•+duul1t$ iY ., o - •
r. a ;�. - ,:. x,.,�Js: "� - i - 1Sdrrrt'y.•.11trtttltItlrK'riirrr',t; etre*. tetee.v�ile--a;iee.
eileet+�nlXt i',lteilyl yy ddtv,. 'ee +•,J. ,• ,. tinnAitt�fnl `i�rtYi)s7,'t, •'� • :t FA tier