Wingham Times, 1891-05-01, Page 5O14t* We take notice of the Howlek, fret The en wee horn in and died at th flows +k, lime 1891, Ile was Norwich about the ministry of b and itt (Mee united lie : y Church, of syllirll ,n has ri ants;' constant a .al-•ovotod men t, .1' the Pnd life lfor thirty+tiv° otir dhp rted friend wail a r @tp' resider} of Howick, Ile too;o interetit in the promotion of the' of G d, was a tnainstay of the t t j0 and did not rest content until ac`st, -for a.hle and, commodious church `kt er.otld on the corner of his farm, tlje warship. of God, He was always /he preacher') friend. His home with he stopping place for the fnirlisters, and many a Weary itinerant found rest, refreshment end cordial .weloornn front` this kind hearted family. lie was. regular in his attondanee.at the means of grsue until faiths* health prevent- ed. Though deprived of the priit;; sieges of the sanctuary (1111.4 401e clos- e ing months of his earthly p > .Pl g'4 , yet he delighted to cana,'r`rione with t Christian neighbors artalr'Zriends in his house. Even when the shadow . of i death were lingering near, and lam, ) guage failed to exores;l the feelings of 1 h15 heart, . it was, a source of great spiritual enjoyment, on the Sabbath and other snitable times, to gather the • =Inhere of his family around him ,and hear them read portions of Scripture, • and sing the songs of Zinn he loved sow well. He was not atraid to die. ' Bite' feet rested firmly on the Rock of Ages.. Be feared no evil for Ood was with hire. Frequently he assured the writer and others who came to visit him, that "it was well with his soul,'.'. . The day eproceding his death he ralli- ed a little, and the family were hope-. • ful that father would tarry with them a little longer, hut ere another sun had risen "he was not, for God took him." There are left to mourn the loss of a kind and aifeeti:nate husband and father, a' widow and a large and• inter - ie esting family, nearly all of whole are le members of the Christian Church. ly May they all meet in the heavenly rm home at last. The funeral was largely a attended and an appropriate memorial ae service was, condneted13y the pastor ,, • Ht Rev, J• A'-A'l,eLaughIan , asasisted by Ren' +. e, Win Torranee, of Gorrie. a. - ke Inh .i - ,t sent ho aro now ander the 1 our stook, and in or, p•epared to snake e rhes, 'H'at% Shirts, Ct f+es, ilio., wo o$e eat attractions lig small about2 but the prlco. e bo rip- avy' very oleo herefore, of reduc- eo we nary'," bat simple suggestion bird no °oration to assert itself. Wbou Wising over the mat., ter at lnid•day. it struck me all of a. heap that L had a lecture written out on the same 1Vaelm, and text for sermon picked cub, but nay services were not required. so' that my lot forbade that I shUtild never wag my heal in a pulpit, Thus it name to pass that no one van cast up in my teeth that 1 am .a. eticket minister, as we' Scotch people say. t hoald this come under the eve of 11r /inflame. I hope that he will .accept of a layman's thanks for the prodtahle thoughts evoked by his discourse of timidity. 11,110) Cuffs, Ties .lur Prints, " I'us1 de are general; ars how so roue} texture and d Cea. ease rears nailed in frei nd ay 188 )r., 1:r art Air he is er, Mr to, 181 has lis. I in " Levi Krupp, of Formosa, an and inmate of the Bruce county jail a', ing transference to an asylum, diet me his cell from starvation, Application ins, had been' made for his admission to't, 'les, the asylum, but he died pending the the ,completion of arrangements, Every•,' ntal thing possible had been done for tai' es- comfort and all his wants' suppl'�" ern- but he steadfastly refused to either vere eat or drink. He would allow noth. in ing, not even wine or milk, to pass sgin his lips. The verdict, of the jury was that 'death was caused by lack of Shed nourishment. for Mr Watson, M P,in a recent speech tory itt Carberry, Man, showed that last' suet year 2,000,000 pounds of binder may twine was used in Manitoba. The the duty is '25 per cent, ad vat, or about and 2l cents per pound, so that • the flir- Is of mere of that Province paid $50,000 as a bonus to the hone manufacturer. n I The revenue derived by the treesuii' be from imported twine amounted to ne 't'• are to nothing. Mr Greenway express ll. Ones the belief that if the question "wets the submitted 'to them free from the )lila t de' fluences' of party politics not 10 11w.,� would ids a ' ha farm , and cent. of our Nlalitto noon vote against free trake" with the aft a 65.0�0,000 people to the south of for therm, . ' ',' .: , t will ; Wooled Words -..stall --I'm j Sorry Setts must be i(1 h't t, Elle• -Tl 'iiosltn t l matter Wht.l, one mod*, yOtt Ile is" .'&ye'r!'I�'i,gii.ttltl..'...',i,{f`wf• .. tali Bel rave. The Good Tenlptars intend boldins an open lodge on May 25th.—It is the. intention of the Good Templars to organize a lodge of Juvenile Teinplars in the village, at an early Aare. This is a move in the right dire ition and . should he; encottraged by all, especially the parents.—The baseball team of , S S No 5 purpose holding an enter- tainment in the Foresters' hall, May Sth awns, find Dress surprise to ousto- auty and excellence pan be sold at our r that our Teals are un- ess, strength and flavor. comp is :lacks, Japans, Hysons, and Gunpo �' erg, from 12% cents up. Liberal discounts to cash' buyers. • 'GORDON & McINTYRE. The Big Brown Anchor. W LITRoow. Spring, In May. Tor the Tonna, April new has come and ;;one. EOn Usdawns.the glad May morn, tPetaleth forth the robin's note II,,,Protn his rich and ruddy throat. n)U'er the hill and valley, sounds , HURON SPRING ASSIZES.. • i.+The youthful rustic's favorite song, Sings the birds among the boughs, While the youth his furrow ploughs. n the hillock skips the lamb, Vibe the boys alone the darn On the grassy banks recline, Catching fish with hook and line. Soon the bee will sing in glee, As he dim) from tree to tree, Sipping front their blossoms sweet, Honey, honey, honey iiweet. Nature soon shall clothe the field, And the earth his verdure yield, While the milkmaid's (Jong is heard, As she calls the lowing herd. W. T, F. Glenfarrow, April 28th, 1891. CQL7W YOP WIRON "I'EACUE :,,eoriCvio7a7d. \ �+!sT1OIl8,1s111.ThoPrtmary((11I,rinrt+) andJ1 nIor Paav MatricnIM, c+r (l1. class) Examivatione at tlr. OoJI't:late luatltutta.iwd Hagh Schools will be hold at (World), Clanton end Seaforth, begiusing Tues• da), 7th of July, at 8.40 a M. Senior Leaving and lienor Matrlculatlon(I. 0.) will be kwld at Clinton, beginning Tuesday, 14th July, at 1.80 p lu. Candi• dateewhowieltto write at either Seaforth or Clin' tun must notify David Robb, Jieq., 1 P Schoola, Clinton P 0, not later titan 220 }fay, stating at which of the school they intend to write; and those who desire to w, Ito at Godortoh must uotif y John E Tom, Esq, 11' Sehoola, Ooderich P 0, by the same date. No name will bo forwarded to the Depart. utont unless the foo of $5 ie owppantes the applica- tion, Ilead•ma ere of High Spools and Collegiate Institutes Nil lease send the applications and fees Of their can dates to theP $ Inspector within whose jurisdictl their sehoel is situated. Forms of ap- plicatio may bo obtained from the Inspector or the undo ,y nod. PETER ADAMSOf4. County Clerk. L'ONCLUSION OF THE BUSINESS TRANS- ACTED. (From Goderlch Star.) O'heil vs. Murdock, an action for malicious prosecution, was made a remnant to next assizes. Garrow tt Proudfoot for plaintiff;Cameron Q. C., and E L Dickinson for deft. Shane vs. Beattie, an action for Malicious prosecution, occupied near- ly the whole of Friday, thirteen wit- nessesbeing examined. After two Hours deliberation the jury returned a verdict for plff of ;1100 against deft Samuel Beattie and for $ 50 against deft Robert Beattie, and judgment was entered in favor of plff for $150 and full costs. Dale vs. St. John, en .Action for slander was made a remnant. Stretton i's. Connolly, an action on a promissory note and for board. and 1 ring, was referredby lila Lordslit p' to e clerk of the court to'."take the vi(' .'faylorLfor plff; E Champion, Q 0, for deft, 1'his ended the civil cases, and the following is the remain&er of the criminal cases : The Queen vs. il� Frederick Robinson, c who. pleaded guilty a ' y false'prt.tences. On the representa- f'tion3 made on behalf of prisoner, he Oran -released on suspended sentence, giving bonds for his future good be- havior. The Queen vs, W m Dempsey charged with rape on The rwi messes fore thel township. Brown were Samuel Barr, husband of the woman, and Dr Gunn, of Clinton, who was called in. Six witnesses were called on behalf of prisoner to testify bis good character. In summing he case His Lordship charged that was no evidence to prove a e of rape, indeed that was not for by the crown,but they relied ing au attempt ; he informed dry that they were at liberty to g . in a verdict of attempt to mit the offence, if they . believed e evidence of the husband. His barge was generally considered strongly against the prisoner, but the jury brought in a verdict of not guilty which Occasioned a good deal of sur- prise and strong comments amongst ,✓ those who heard the evidence and the ud e's charge, •E Campion, Q 0., for Morris. Mr Corbett's house had a narrow escape from being burned, one day ' recently, so we have been informed.— Miss Janet Hood has returned from a two months' sojourn at the residence of Rev Mr Tongs, •Flesherton.—R '1 Mr Godfrey preached a practidal ser mon on the marriage relationship at how to make marriage a success, Sunshine, last Sunday. Goderiob, pi11, 1001. 19-1C+, MISS A. 1 191 Wishes to intimate to the ladies of Wingham and surrounding country q^-� T �+ �Ttbat her stock of SPRING l,l MEP : tLLIi.'B .L has arrived and is now opened' cut, Tho stock is well assorted and contains all th.e fashionable styles for this year. �� A N C ' GOODP, A. large stock on hand, considtin; of Embroidery Silks, k'eathers, ors, Ribbons, Laces, Sze. In the s Iter of the Eh) ion for the Fan icling of Huro . , }geld OD the • th iviareh, 18 1. An abstract of th dotalled statem Con expenses of Pe the said election, an Telegraph and Telpho Livery accounts, Rent of halls for Meeting Printing and Advertising... Postage and paid for mono; Personal Expenses Total P'J]'ULAPu STALLIONS. ' nt of the elec. r Moodonald, u candidate at ed with the oturningOfficer t acaou 3 $ 7 04 20 75 15 00 88 50 orders ' " 22 87 20 oo $133 20 J. A, ' OTtTON, Fina lal Agent, The following well-known Stallions will travel during the season of 1891, as fol- lows GOLD, 3657. R. B. HARRIS, Proprietor. MONDAY—April 20th, will leave his own staband proceed to LoLot vely's Coron. ners; thence a west two miles; thence south to B. Saults' Hotel, Bluevale, for noon ; thence south 1% miles; thence west 21�z miles, to John Roe's, 2nd Line $torris, for night. Puns- DAY—Will to DAY—Will proceed east 3% Charles Forrest s, for los n ;the thence north north 1% miles, east 21,‘ , 1% miles, to Wm. Golley's, for night. W EbNESDAY—Will proceed north 1% miles, to R. Hamilton's Corner ; thence east, 1% miles, to Alex. Robertson's, for noon; thence north 1%. miles a� o east 2% miles; thence north 1 D. .Fisher's, for night. TauESDA Will proceed north 1% miles, to 9th Conces- sion of Howiok, thence west 2% miles, to L. Campbell's Hotel, Gorrie, for noon ; thence, by way of Wroxeter and. Lovell's Corner, to his own stable, for night. FaxnAY—Will proceed north 1% miles and west 2% miles, and north Unifies, to Thos. Hastings', for noon ; thence east 5% miles to Alex. Findlay's, for night. thou, south 1 miles and west 275 miles, t� John 'UTnderwood's, for noon ; thence west 1/ miles, south 1t miles and west to his own stabia, where morn n ill remain till following Y ED MOND,,(`1V o. 4934, Vol. 9.) WM, WELLwoors Proprietor. MONDAY—April 20th, will leave his own stable, Lot 26, Con. 11, West Wawa - nosh and, proceed south, by way of Divi sion Line, to 9th Con., then west to Jas. Stein's, for noon ; thence to Marnock ; thence north to David Robertson's, for night. TuxsDAY—Proceed east to Jas. Cochrane's, for noon ; thence east, by y of aline of Morris, to W. J. John- way ated 20th April, 1801. MANTLE DEPARTMENT. Tl:e Mantle Department contains a varied assortment of Silks, Satins, Satin Brocades, Flushes, Velvets and Mantle Cloths to choose from. Mantles made to order—Perfect Fitting and in the latest and most fashionable styles. Sfamping done to order. An inspection invited. SOLE AGENCY FOR Mather', Glove C1eane. r .. preparation for cleaning kid gloves.��i It will also remove grease or . 'stains from silk or woollen goods. Try it. Remember the place—First door north of Ed. Dinsley's jewelry store. T have much pleasure in anonnoing to the farming public that I am agent for these Celebrated Plows and other 8iricu�tural hillmontz. REPAIRS KEPT OH NAND, The 01d Stand on Victoria Street will still be HEA,DQUARTERS FOR Sewing .acbines, Organs, Washing Machines tk. and Wringers. SATURDAY—Will proceed 1 miles east, Give me a call and inspect Goods. B. Cummings, Wingham, April 17th• 1891. IP s prisoner. _ M)1 DEAR Tluus,—All down the Chrie- tian centuries, the church seemed now and again to fall into a state of lethargy. In ficotland, during the greater, part of the eighteenth century, the National oburch is quite a casein point. Within a gunshot 'f where John $uox wrestled in prayer 'for the church and country 'he loved, ad well and truly, grave clericals took part in ,private theatricals, with Adatn Smith and ))avid Home for admiring listeners. The was " Douglas; a Tragedy." written by Home, a minister of the church of ;toot}and. Seotehmen are yet to be found who admire the play, but who will hardly 'wondone then offence of a minister reading ` to ra 1 three e Of the m 11119 t. +l me t 'a% ser '� hl to vs trot under were guilty of being sa�t, I the paper, as old country folks phrase lutve to confess a lurking love for read die. �rourefear.Whentl was told on itloudaymoua- trig last that Mr AnderInn, of St Helena, read hie diacouree, I. ws.a rather pleased , than'otherwi'e. e.a regards myself, I was s.e entrant:ea whs'h listening to hie remarks atilt lite tiros rotas of the tweuty•thittl P Brie for night WEDNESDAY—Proceed by way of Jamestown, to 'Wright's Cor- ners, then east to Mr. ivtoKinney's, for noon; thence west to Wingham, calling at the Brunswick stables ; thence to S. D. Wellwood's for night. THURSDAY— Proceed north to John Hardie's, for noon ; thence west to Wm. Barber's, for night, Whiteahu chi hrto re l ox's ed t for no n of thence to his own stable, for night. SATURDAY—Proceed north to the 12th Con., to Mr. Webb's, for noon ; thence home, by way of St. Helens, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. iiair M. D. M. A., L, O. 1'. S. 0, M. 0. P. S. M., Wingham, April 3rd,, 1891. A. BQYD,: TORONTO. Jonathan.• Bushart, Listowel, says :-- "After spending all my money and prop- erty to no purpose on medical inen, for what they termed a hopeless case of con- sumption, Dr. Sinclair cured me." Mrs. Mary Furlong, Woodhouse, says: "Whenall others failed,' Dr. Sinclair cured me of fits." W. McDonald, Lakefield, says :—"Dr. Sinclair cured me of Catarrh." Geo. Rowed,Blyth, says :—"Dr. Sin- clair cured me of heart disease and drop- sy, when all others failed." Diseases of private nature brought on by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures. CONSULTATION FREE. DR. SINCLAIR will be at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, Wingham, ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 13'9 1. �(j Tosn:::z:;1, rii x �. \ , GCOURT Co. HURON, AUCTIONEER, ISSUER, OF MARRIAGE LICENSE: • COMMISSIONER IN R. 0. T. ETC., WaoxiTER, ONT. TEN POUNDS IN TWO WEEKS THINK OF IT 1 its a sl osh ProdaCer there can bo ala gneettoa but that SCOTT'S 1 Of Pure Cod liver Oil and lypophosphites Of Limo and Soda ill without a rival. lYlluny have a day the 0 o nilby 'Ante tt u 1;' 1? GOrSUMPTIOW;, • SCROFULA RROMCHI'tIS, COUGHS PAD! Gil , `' .L,A2.• .i$ mrnc Oe cine merle lettestta tiowhe.il linivittr.sehse1 virapyerr atoll Drupghta. i1.OQ. o£ it+ t cures Stallion 3oufe Bifls FOR SALE, rt Very desirable Residence, with Large Grounds 1' highly cultivated; Splendid Or.hard • nand• eouto Evergreen Iledgss;Gnod Outbuildings; Hard and Sort Water; Pleasant and'Commsndang Situation, Within three minutes walls of the town. Rare chance to seoue a fine property. FOR SEASON OF 1821. 71 you wania. nt,Show•y Bill, well Pitt together, and attractively 'flayed, on good paper or card, send your order to th,.,TIYILS Oifice, A Number of Gobd Cuts to Choose fro�l,-k� Prices reasonable, and orders b^..nail. promptly attended to. r^ , TiMES OFFICE, WlI1CC'11. Money to Loan on Notes. LR" Mfrs ALL F08M OF WASlutO O1S• 1�ASLli. AS �a BeautLfy Your Nomas I. Note Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES. Moloy advanced on at Mortgages d o at 8 per hent.r. with privilege of paying otes and accounts collected. nOBT. ItXeINDOO. Orme,—Tlcaver Block. Wingham, Ont. D.1.2. GORDON. ,L .i ,. •LINE, ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. CHEAP EXCURSIONS to EUROPE. Fortnightly sailinaa, frora Portland or Halifax, TO Derry or Liverpool., CABIN RATES; $4tD,$5bntid'$OO,Siufile; $89, ORO�'i'` and 8110 Return, ncStaterooms.rdnv to locatton of Irl :" 001 CRRIED INTERN EDIATE, Outward $.'ooS ; Prepaid MO. Steerage at lowest rates. Accommodations nnsurpassed. Apply to 1I. Jr, A. ALLAN, Montreal, or HENRY DAVIS, \VIN:GHAM,. e c ltl stand, tvht;re,,lie has a large and JAS. H. FRIEND, i!'WW.Wgy. Silyerwage Late of Hamilton and Paris, HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAN1EN Qtadf as TALPAINTER, PAPER HANGER, FRESCOER, &C. Ow11 iti prier), and Would take this opportunityofinforming the citizen ld�h ilia Stutz. of Wingham and surrounding country that havinl'LO had large experience in city work. he is prepared t, doAlacasttning,ital4ominingand Wall Papering itenr�asv..crs�s the latest approved styles of plain and decora,ttrt work. Churches, Halls or other public or private buildings Frescoed in beautiful Colors and Design*' at moderate rates. HERE VIE ARE AGAIN! CEO. PHIPPEN Is now prepared to do all kinds of l'JOUSE, SIGN, AND. CRNA-� AtEN't'AL PA INTING, PAP1+?,Il IiANGIN 0,'<ALSOMTN INC, GLAZING, GRAINING, LANDSCAPE ANI) SCENIC PAINTIN t), , c. 1..:. All Work done with Neatness and flespatehr PRICES MODERATE. will be please 1 to a Specialty Graining in Walnut, Oak, Bird's Eye Ma- ple,.arc., a Specialty. lc pl. All orders entrusted to my care done with neatness' and despatch. ....— Orders left at Mr. Ross' Bookstore will reeetve� prompt attention; JAS. H. FRIEND. Wingham, April 3rd. stet a intra• v ever iloeial am 111 '� d r close lire Atve4 t aT t hnu t 1? Satisfaction gua „ I zt tln,r alt inetitttce. 1E1i +l . �j '� 1 SPRING 1391. MSS. E. MURPHY Has just received of and dy opened bout a large Spring and Summer. 111ts, Bonnets, Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Qat:, Also Baby Christening Robes. MAN TLE DLP A.1tTllll N T contain% all the latest material 01 Ililke, Satins,. tiro - melts, Fringes, Gimps end lfantts Vieth. Mantles made in the Most Fashionable' styles, and at !Mats remit the taken. • a t ed to s.11.tt .,m80,41+004 so as to .sit all •par- eitascre. A call soli Sted. i ntaerrlottat,'ptT.nwR'arcpair.bop.ariltteetyti R..takenescr.shIn.r+sltaatetat lj00t8, prompt Ateidien:• X .{,� IrEieA ',�1w+, �u,LUrp'1ly, ,. a • CPe . •'• Y.la en'`'... h'ltrg.ar., oast stat, 4,04, Wvr4tAgvat. Mason's Block. M !' S. JOHN W T� —Manufadtnr, of I10II.DIND MATERIA all kinds, —such as SASH, DOOR B L FiiAME•, Etc. ,u. NDS,.. Sooting, Siding, etc:, reused to order on th ihortott nonce. feetS 106 o'IN et try over 1 We trace n Lnrntttr Su oar yarn, nrrd can 53131 hay 8eraooe at If et all kirld9 1 A oat solicit$. 3 rvsow, Banee • I'M W.fi�,i..A , J,i140. • • • ' , 5 f,.