Wingham Times, 1891-05-01, Page 3.1 :•. tqj Slrl� to , c. porn, rrlett ia:eneetate uu tr , 10o. for lira `storm ntleht n6rit 411/4!.Yn• 1tra•'ui1,its- U4 4h,Utru IP,, . b. , not cxecu(ihtg s li t',att?utent n,oith • adbhrau t•i ail artiaumente, or wile direction% will tat uccotuiiai,iy, 1'r paid Ill solauce aldtrsA outs grunt ye on, in order to ab,pt 41.1)11' PralicrUa AND PUlltnisu 1., and Sur;, ions, Ontario;• ity of llurou , Wingbmu, Oil`., pronto University,; and 'swaths toil pnraroape of er °f ecntrt,. and •)s r A^ s • it: notion:0, Olve 3T01t, kto., Etc'. to Loan nt lowest rata* stied. Movtgabee, .then" anent and sum. ftTON :1t Ontario • 'l.. Dicvu'sou. 6.'P:.' 'ITOI18, str Ltc., tun. .iuml tr3Sinna1• ar'. wtrtr"�a�, ilnd d soft.`." Moneyi t1,rt,•ald eeiurity at i;( per cent.. persons, upon the beet" ort w:y expense to the. Yianitoba ane the ]orbit gliartu v tiOMx, 1linolhm, during Calk/101d 1'lcites Imes of the hentniatertua' they can be got in the"., All work warranted nth by the use of ]:.south 1l. tract teeth for 26 cents'` it Block,, Opposite .the :1 inald, L. 1), S. UST. MASON'S 131,0CiC •'' s ]Betel, Wingha . 3teand 3rd 1VIo !LANCE AGE Mi ,ASCE 'MAIiI.`1E, LPFT. mauling er a, plough and and hags and g i,,. a swear and bluster "" your only son e end he met in; the ear r selected one ; ,t'lcio It as well switoll off the traelct! r_ is lord of pelf, dos, it's more than likely ou know holy"'tis yourself, not hoagie a. citizen, im bo blank or white, man who doesn't know enough • ipher, read or write. nnot change the roostor'a strut, make the layers crow, gh you may honestly believe would be better so. cannot make a parson the stage-struck Retneo lad; if you ever do succeed, • u'll wish you never had. re is only one thing meaner,, rid ^that's too ave to see. ra sof.-ir neighbour's Iffnisheil with D. B all these things, rid more beside, We may expect to bear, • Until the numbskull kills us, And the Romeo says the prayer, v.atated the wf.ole country noun About, wash ng on, the bridge awl th roirdbed and piaying the mleellier gee rally, Soon the mine and the rive stopped simultaneously, And the rive has not been found since. It appeared to become ashamed of itself for doing do touch hat m, andhas apparently sleek away in disgust and edrrow, 1 is entirely gone, Atno point thea it cross, the railroad, as it would belve to do were it eta ,lei in existence in some laftve course, The railroad company, rtartierto secure water for its station t 'Whitewater, has been obliged to i ila a pipe line away up to the )tintain1'at considerable expense.. All last surnmer,during the Hottest, r eat weather, the river ran placidly I r--rn fact, it had never e er failed anti a r r • That Settles It. I was alone on the, back veranda of ,a Georgia betel when f heard the cook wtao was cutting nieat right below me, vtxl'l.ltu,,•l1oy, and as the )titter arrived told asked what was wanted, this cook eekle. • 10nan' let her fodder see it ? No. Doan' let her madder see itii No. Dean' let her brudder Jim see it? No. Yo' spook ;around dar till nobody .Ase you. What's in de note ? asked Julius. Ye' nebber mind dat. 1)at's my bizness. Yo' joss go long an' doan' atop an rte way. Axin' Mary Ann to chin marry ye ? quizzed the boy. I What ye' talliin' bout I Bay, i.'ll r zz 1 fveswed yo' it yo''get too stnart, Wall; 1 wanted to dun tole ye sumo thin', answered Julius. Yo' dean know. imam. Yea, I do. Whltt yo' );now 3 T dun Heed Sam Flowers and Mary nu �i'ill'i'ams glttin' mar'd at 10 "chick die mawnin' by elder Corm stnck i. Shoo I It's den true. Yo' seed all dat ? 5 trtin. An' she's -dun to'te'd to Sam 'I r share, at settles it. Gin me back Dat was a preposition to dun aflili•te her affexuns to signed fur de term of her , but if she's hue de con- e pick up wid slob rt nigger am Flowers 1 withdraws de an' lays de subjick on de table. ou Cit tat odder ham out of de Ouse and doan' be all day neider l rear, 'ft iron THE cceneerf LitON. part of the Co. Cher*e4 VINGiLtit, ern: tart cou.Irt er Ms office promptly at rid." 09 CtlirliTtrs Hlilt0ri /Me to*. emptly and on the Skittles ' 3dtistnctton CANAL iibts can be evade ore• two Asti aoivit, ins& alp WHAMS. ,face of tmie Tiara Mil tea 4`hetiltt Yar(6iNt CR• Ilan or Beast Gain equal relief from pain by the use of Cilark's Lightning Liniment. The ewelloel, joints from a sprain or founder are Fahey, 1 and cured at once by its u4o. .Every. fuer of ri, horse should keep e. bottle of is great retnedy in his stable. ' Every usiileriatiou of economy and humanity nigest this ready relief. Price fifty pts; sold by druggists, Clark Chemical , Tdrofito and N,ew Fork, n Loot ,jiver. Los Ang slag iloraicl. he Southern I'a,crfie railroad come has lost a river, and in cense. nee has it bridge whose occupation Whitewater' river has flowed he Sierra. mountains neroas the of the region just this side of f)allne ss long ten you cnn re- er. The.ht,atioriof whitevvater crated where ttie ,titter, .rentals iltrav slat was suppliisi with front its eurrent. tag the' last homey mine the etre rose ifr its might Tlnfi t1*' a after its.jag of this winter. Now t forms one of the mysteries of that lnysteriorls region, the Colorado river exert, and perhaps is flowing by the egleg mine, and possibly ripling be- ide the treasure laden Spanish galleon wWeb lies somewherein that region uried in sand. d I' a b • This good storyabout tbo venerable lint beloved Dr, Andrew p. Peabody, of Harvard University, who has just peele- o .c1 his 80th birthday, is told by the. Bose On.Herald : "One summer day, having ome into I3oston from Cambridge, and alighted from the car at Bowdon Square e turned a sharp corner and collided with an elderly man, who standing with is hat off, wiping the perspiration from is forehead, and who held his hat in pelt .a way as to give the appearance of begging. Dr. Peabody, seeing the hat ropped a quarter into it with his ens - ()glary kind remark. Dr. Oliver Wen- dell Holmes, who was holding the hat, ut the money in his pocket, solemnly thanked his old friend, the giver and assed on. 0. c b h t p p • ,li. Fruit Testing Sehelxie.. Lately a cotnntittee appointed by the Ontario Fruit Growers' Assooia, tion waited upon the Minister of Aga ricu}ture to lay before°him the great importance of an experimental plot, situated somewhere in the great trait growing distriat•of'Southern Ontario. Tlie Experinmerital Farm at Ottawa is too frir north to' test any butthe hardy, varieties, and the model farm at tluelphtiis not well adapted for fruit culture, and they therefore advocated such a station, .,The object would be the testing of new vaieties of fruits; so that the public might be warned against. any that are frauds,,and also the teaching of the best methods of cultivation, dealing witli insects, ete. It was thought that a lot twenty-five acres in extent would he large enough 'to accomplish the purpose, the first outlay for whieh, including buildings find stock, need not exceed- $10,000 The annual expenditure would he nearly met after a few years by the sale of the fruit; Before and after Marriage : Before we' were married, said she,- his dis.. plays of affection werepositively overdone. And nowt, They are very rare. It is a good plan to have the space under the kitchen sink boxed in, es. peoially if servants are employed todo the housework. .A •sink closet .' is pretty sure to degenerate into a catch all the dirty clothes and snob other rubbish which the servant is too lazy or thoughtless to dispose of, If used as a receptacle: for pots and kettles it is certain to be allowed to become foul with dirt, and, like Aunt Ohloo's closet, get a clarin' out only at long intervals, if at all. Such hidden placea under the sink are liable to become damp through leakage ..or slopping over, and not only increases the tine cleanliness, bet adds much to the dam ger. For these uncleeril,y Spats are hotbeds for the growth and dispersion of disease geniis,and strould,therefore net be tolerated for sanitary masons, In fact, ovary orad: and etnrner in the kitchen should lee above snspicinn. The cookirtg utensils ought to lire putt where they' ill be at'once Con'Venhhnt and open. to elle air. and light. The r7 wllt+le kjtefiep and all its acreseory departments, pantri.ee, el,eets. etce. should be flooded with light, tend so gr. ranged that they can be thoroughly ventilated. With these tw?:'aide and frequent cleaning, the kitchen will he as iiweet ani wholesome a room as any in the house—as it ought to be. There wott)dn;tbe u people in the world if stop: clirnhixlg hills. before then, Bore's, a• remarkable case,. The; other day. a waggon maker who bad been dumb for years picked up a hub: and spoke. many tired men would they gee to A Live.. Commissioner, Uncle Silas Drown is very much grati- fied over ilia election to the office of School Commissioner in the town of S-..-_-. Ere asserted that when lie assumed ttie duties of his position be intended to go into it for all it was wortb,and make his influence felt. So no one was surprised at the first meeting of the new Board to ;land him iu a pugnacious mood. I've heeru lots o' complaintts about the laces, of eddication about these parts, he said, rising to his feet. Now there ain't no excuse for this here state of. afftairs. Thsre's plenty of eddication in the, world. M ire'n enbugli to go round, and our kids have got ter have it. So I move, sir Chair man, that this committee find, out jest how many boys 'n' gals there are iu town, 'A' then get enough of eddication to supply 'e'er all, whatever it costs, I'd like to know what we'd be of we hadn't got our full share of it. Give the kids a .chance. It is a pleasure to announce that Uncle iii las's remarks were reoei vet with applause and that the kids got quite as much edu. Dation as most of them could stand. This Province last year licensed 2,992 taverns, 445 shops, 27 wholesale liquor dealers, and enough extra sellers to make iu all 8,909. Stranger—what aro your. rates? Hotel Clerk—Seven dollars a day,. sir. Stranger—If I come I shall want a roots ou the parlor floor: Clerk—That will be $1 extra. Stranger —I shall also want a fire in my room, Clerk—One dollar more. Stranger—And a bath. Olerk—One dollar additional, sir. - Stranger- (thoughtfully) — glow much wilt you charge•to let me leave the hotel just.its I am? Cozening Iditn.—Professor : Brid- get, who were talking to in the kitchen just now ? Bridget : Meself, eorr.. Professor But it wasn'tyour voice ;. it 'was baritone. Bridget : Bnggin' your pardon, sorr,it was Burry Mullis ;an, me cousin, you heard ; so 1'II not d ]save ye. at :t to THE GEST COUGH EIEDICINE. SOLA 8Y DRU GISTB EEyVylvp,x Y. Nit • 1'09 THE ODEL .. TYPE WRITER. eonwill buy the. ODELL TYPE WFII- 3EY TER with 78 characters, and $15 for the SINGLE CASE ODELL, warranted to do better woes than a'ay machine male. h oombines simplicity with Qi rability, spend, ease Of operation, wears' longer without cost of repairs than any other machine. Has no ink ribbon o bother the operator. It is neat, substantial, niaice,: plated, perfect and adapted to all kinds of type writing; Like a printing press, it produces sharp, clean, legible manuscripts. Two or ten dopies can be made at one writing. Any intelligent person can become an operator in two days. We otter$1 ,000 to any operator who can mina] the work of the DOUBLE CASE ODELL. Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. Special nducements to bdatlors. Fol Pamphtetgiving indorsements, *0., address ODELL TYPE "WRITER Co., 85 and 876th Are CHICAGO, ILL, ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSC , ProprI tor. Luthber of all kinds, Ilirst-c1asi Shingles, Wilt &rail¶Cn Mil• ivo lash to inform the public that fro have these Woolen Mills In A 1 running *Worn anti will .this acasten tato apodal attention to cuarcnvi WORK in all its branches, and will keep in stork a class otttrat'clasa pods, such us Tweeds, Flannels, Wolfs, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking. Yarns, &c., (made front pure wool only) °beep for cash or.ex-. ohango for wool, WINCOUIVI \MU V(ORKS I eking a retrospect et my thirteen ne fourteen ars blrbiness in Wingham, I rieslre most vder wy thanks to my friends and the pubite gen orally for trio liberal patronage extended to me in the past. 1 may also state that 1 em in a position to offer better inthaecments .than. ever tothose retluitintr anything in the line of Granite or stone 11Mont rx euts, til' ,ADSq.(31tiES, avlNI)Q\V STONE TItIAININUs FOIL Ft:NC.1W, &c • 1 would be pleased to have thosea:lestrou pro- curing any Articles in my line tot all and exeoiine tee goodsin a,i bare e secured and prepared orders, 3ntthe reason. You San select from the latoat resigns and obtain the driest wo, kmansbip at the west favorable ]trines. most respectfully, yeas _ went. SMY'rz., Cuntomera from s distance can have their rolls 11 inghant, Ont` hone with them the salve day. d' highest market price in cash for Merchantable Wool. INGJ,YS CQ'Y,, Wingham A CHANCE ar.assI [1; 0 CHAS, KNECXTE 1 Wishes to intimate to the people of Wingham and surrounding country that he has purchased the harness business lately carried Oil by Messrs. J. J. ilomuth k San, and will o(induet it in the building nuc ,door south of Bir T. A Mills' store. DOUBLE ANDSINGLE rr•AI NES' heavy or light, made to order. A frill lino of Horse Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Whips Curry combs, Brushes, etc., always on hand. ltepair•ing neatly gnu promptly done The patronage of the public solicited, and satisfac' tioniti work and material guaranteed, C. KNEOHPEL iyinuham, March 4 1800, • WINGHAM TANNERY ' -^•--.and---^.. • GLOVE ,WORKS. Glom in Thick: Coat, Calf, Nappa, S.trannn, Sheep ' and Fur ])riving Gloves always .in stook or made to order. Also a few Domestic • Buffaloes. Don't buy a Robe until you see then. DM' T+_iP, A full stock of Kid, French and Domestic Calf, and Rip Ilarness and Sole FINDINea For Shoe audliarnc'ss Makers, always on hand. Orders solicited. W. J. CHAPMA? . Apamphlet of Information and ab- street of the laws, showing Row to Obtain Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, Copyrights, sent free. Address MUNN & CO. 361 Broadway. 4q New York. For the spring trade we have received a large stock from tame Best Canadian and Acrcafl � s Our assortment is the finest we have yet shown and we believe we have a stock to suit everybody. We have taken •special pains to select Patterrs that are suitable, and the eltects from the Match Bor- ders are, really excellent. HO II flp Li A large stock on hand to select from, and will he sold at the low.: est possible prices. ()all and see our stock and ;yet prices. .No trouble to show goods, 4. Win. barn, April fird, 1891. Alt The Popular Bookstore. A BleEsing to Every Household. AOLLOWATS PILLS MOy � : These ren)eoies have stood the tent of fifty yearn axial:once, and aro pronounced, the bcit n octicines'for t"arntly use. Parity the .]]sail,'] etreArt ail (Nord of the tivE:TI, S1'OMf$Clr, raises c /oily 110ty • els hn ,•rte lnr(tluabe, in tdi etnaula'nts incidental to females of all `�''.i•:a Q.nME rte' Te the only rel}tibio remedy tar had ]res, sorra, ulcera, and ofd tenoni4 lir. T tn?10iT1 TR s'ri Tintei'ra, vetem8, rol.'tis, ('cit!;, Ici't:c'lltTi8M, (hL=7iilT.1k ,4°41•11.T.i\\(„r ANI, AI.I, sial Drtoit,l'ii:* 1'r tuts N() nro.t/tl, 81ant'betnred on!y et 78, Now Osfvrd. late 11.3, 'Mord lsttcet, Lot,catint and sold by MI MtcIHine Ver,,lorotbrou;,ia'ut tuomord d. I,s Parhaser. Oxford Street. lemic to for l:.ehwl otr the Ile% v tt,4 Pew., tate,t.in, they arc SYi'.I r)oi18. and, Oedar Posts ..:,�........, ... ».�.: . r .�,... .:. ;.,......�.«... , Car load Orders a Specialty. 'W00t delivered to any part oil 'inghare 1 elf`0vr eas br'inat proror •h *nettled to • e n u:, »s Po, I. `.r 'a yd kw ,�9a , •, �a'A`t' ae,' !ti' tt Sen 0%. y r ;,n fw Fi, r4. , , If the address 'IA rjrl rr�3'�gqM Twi• pnCLd��++ppt$�gql!7L31iA.LY1 (zilili l'; Ant v 1t'EARLYw ,a .pit I � ,• ►;tnrtb 1 ilo tint I L' tint 1liatort :]wits seorl) t nee, r aerate: a ire ,tatetly to Curt til ',a{•1r,;it •'t„rt tow dgf`tL4,i�,'•.1tare. a'v 'e �Yitrrr', r'&ari'ttsf;, "l <. t, t i F v;:I caro VII I Al••rettt retia i .1 eiseeme Aeeea c.., t.,A $i 1141 -±..,:,at e' a?lett:`,; SGSiiMIti 1MFi6 , `• ° z.A -tree-t,„ .tf •t0• rhe t Or a time, and