Wingham Times, 1891-04-24, Page 8p -7
Vzl I-
''t WT _D�
]a Grey; bwa,
Albert ""Woes *bR Rou"o", morril. ? I '' 1. . -
L 0 G
we(COO aurP00"o at All 00"''tho carrtwm. 204, 090 UllitleY'd "Alttitlilud,"
a TAVY's
,UAt j�Kkg t0i� 40, 1064 01000Y i4' UU- Ses'forth; . Y
1=1W Aswdmots, ri'mw of 1444 for 411 Shalorth; 3rd, 'Nlit 2 .010 of
NQ —000 . 11
without preferervtx* tLjW or otht,,r flJyth.Aoo4at*r
%ou'a segfoTth, Shiva dorso --David. day, wm to miolorA ttio people, but I
low pri , ne that, will boar i4wpect!04 Uv44Ei_DAlhlLm_ lot, T4,bu OutrieA, 00ing" placed a sw 'Mill Olin 8Qtj,',1'W* bill' Flimituto F 4*4ry, �io bog to)
crxui Buy LQV.t;e M town, e, -not W itlistRwId ing!
tveywido 244,Aogoa will b Soft 11�cbqri.,�n 'iillraY 010- fliglle$t PriOds bil, tile, sAill
Boye" 1�eady Made Qlothin4l., �$Priug buy All kifids of Bard and 1�i n
La,mout"Ev '!!Jeri XoDuff", Gray.
Suit* in light, and dark patteras, UOPt'a; lobo
gaf Deports to the c0ntl'Ary,
line cuoviQt find &J.00y Boys, 101- JUVOKA Hatailwa, SIM In tile first instance we r own, Luillbeir iAt14,QrZ1hurQ,4n4- 1360 411 00
Gsuivt, p4lififitatur6 p otir
iter Cape,' Boys! sot Bad Hard " data r0ftis'e for fuel, giving us the &dvalattk9e 1P every �e Vp.
*011, assorted. dV tof Logs and weintond,to IlWb them
uventioatre011owiuo as, especially Free to. 44dieq, We have, a ertised for 12,000j0Q0
ery lady reader of this paper sending We, Will do fdi,you
attractive. Dres.4 Ooodsskiill0i; VQIvQt$, NYC 0411 U -9103a 0 W,
%tion aherAddreiiaolla post*!. Cava will
copy of The Ladies
receive A free CO
particulars. 04
oiggs, Gar Bid, NeWRP%par"CQEvtsJIdVg full part
1W.'and Gouts' Q4d9zwear,Ql the old fashioned A4uglish Xxize Compett. ill 5V RR
Hoi. , , -18 Oven I Over 6000.00 it) .prizes . will he' LOOK, R RRIO VA�
Ior� Slippers and S41g, Vop.
I ie�ljo increased tl')'e"p'6 �. foi- yon,
Umbrellas, g;y4AwAyb0weeu now vaid �uue lst,, And patronize'the VA4 , Cps
with opeoial O�Jty,prize% of vOue., for each ODI? 14811( =0." 13 rzrT,..
-Owest locality, Thq4L%dies Newspaper is one of uiporWit'ib L*Uos�—All the il Elia
...r,,.,,@ 6 50
Press Th . Inv's ' in. Gold Aud:tiilver,,tU geeb aid most profusely Illustrated Soft
o 41�ie, lar
f'y;blisapiona ii1 Oa lads, and the Competl%lU.7 DO ......... 8 00
very Iaiaiat novelty Qlovep in laid, wi�� tion offered by t Conducted ill
there is to be 7 60-�fo 8 00
Lista and Cotton Hoge in Caoh%eieifs iftiotly fAir and honorable manner with -
Lisle and Cotton. to Basbivocia . ........ 8 00
. 0#��olvs or locality. Any , _1 ......... 7 00--o .......... 8 00
QeAts? White and Fancy 'Wrtis Col, ago can secure,% goo&Jorize by a little work�' .........................
X i cheap piesentfi will be given, It costo Beech .......... A..o ........... ........... ....... 7 00
law and Ties: Qris
at display of English L
)ou, nothing for full hifotmation and tt.e report that We areot buyind Logs, We are still buying all classes of Logs 1DJM
aTi,(1 American Hate. 24eals Spring Suit- stitaple Copy if you send sitrQvicb, Address- Notwith'standing
ings, Overceatings. and Pautings ready The Ladies Newspaper Co, I Call4dw.-Life do so all tbl'011�1'11 t season. But we do not offer you 25 cents eXtrg, to lAdcU
our i
nr list, as above, And will
for your inspection. Building, Tdrouto, Ontario, you to bring your Logs from other mill leal straiglit,
Our motto- "Fair dealing and honest,
Iia spVtUR Show; ,
The annual spring show of the E sat Rush along Your LP9S anewe will endeavor to satisfy MstoMer%
Yours truly, WawapQslx Agricultural Society was
a Thursday last, , horses the U `EEN & CO3
M. fl. MCJJJ0Q01 held o L"HRIST, M9
prizes were 4Warded as follows:
Aged heavy draught, Ist, E Olivees W__ TNGFIAM
AI "Ayrshire Stamp"; 2nd, W Wellwood!s
go C� �aiil-' — NWA
"Edmond"; lid,,
Tames Darlby's 16,Prin6a 0;--
Yidtor." Heavy dr4ught,,three years A'Ud WI1JGHA1)1 XAVRETS.
WIN011ANI-Arolil"23, 1891
11 (#Young,
4, 1601. Corrected by P, Duane, Produca Deal m
'5 to 2 70
FRIDAY, APRIL 2 14' Cninmings' '�Orphau Boy." In Flour Voi; ioo 19.4, 2 7
under Toddls Mack" ; 2vid,
Fall Whealpoil bilehel, 105 to 105
rriage class ---list, %r Le-yVe 1 05 to 1 06
0. 50 to
olbo-urn;;� 'and J A Ki no
J. 00AL NEW -SL Kin "Royal 60 to , ryo t
Barky, T
chlef,�'; An 1) 75 to 7(5
14 to 14.
gu 8,1? - utt"
Best Horse, any age class, do 14 to 14- Goods j tist I arrived alp
ho has beenvisi - gg. P 'do n 12 to 12 of Spring
Mr. FreX"J,3. Y "gw, EIA d �r,.,d, 1 25 to I 6Q:
1 several :talnp." p P'sea to. 51,00 to 6 50
and A7rshireS
ia WingliamHo, 5 00 to 625
BdrT,,,jlstR Corley's "Baron Knight-'
at week, to
other$; plades, returnod' hirir�
or, yy. florla plinvo -T,
former Home, ia�Calgai much pleased Ator-F., , ,
tip his visit, He thinks � I , , 134t bull, any age' or class, Baron
Ying-hain is a
of Knightly." I tilo different denartments f J
118y, D
class tovn.....�
the general public,
Listowel was in town on Tuesday 14a
is ell
U,"r. win. Reggers, 69 Londoa, goaaral master of human destinies am, 1,
�e on my footsteps.
Fkwiie, love aadfortuL
104011t,01 thakasonio buttal Asimrfluoel Q n RD S S GOODS-
zpq .-a couple of
Co4auy, London, spent. -a, Cities und ftelds I walk. I penetrate V
gr6a est care has been takellto-soleot, -411 the Latest wo
Cita !'a to, N�n thlai` WeOk,.. Mr. John. WRt- D,sU,t, aild seas remote, And passing by
•40s. in-41li.4, line, and ill order to do s6 wo'have 1114D our geld ?.tto 1114'
of Ligt�wol, was a ttansiont- sitar govel and inari avid.palaeo, soon or late
Son, It unlilddeu once a every gate. -y.
yo all all �he best markets known in the. counti
-.1dr. win.
iti town on If sie�pigg wake; if feasting rise before
pbell";,1�'f Blyth, gave tfie Tim'
.1 1 turn Q,.WAY ; it is the dour of fate. BLA.CK and L I iies, ffenriettas,,,,
.(11y Call on Nonday. .. Rm Mr. And tbasa who follow, me reach every state
Pli%iti and Figured Robairs Us
-ra, aud conquer ever os
&Ve death hut t ljose who doubt or hesi.; ie 0 wbich
iNtortOR deal - ,this ten k.
yrs of �V4�a4rdine, waa a visitor in town for d is 'Alk;
S ,and dial. Cloths, and a gileat inarjy otber.�goo a, in i
a abort tirrid, .9n Saturaday .. Messrs. . tide, n F, �a i i re, i
irkakes tile l.n,),;t.Cotnplf3te stpek'ot'Dress Grobds in. t v cy grey,
Win. k. G)
N, A Condemned to failure, pehury And woe, stripes and PlW8'. All w a,� k is for. every
bust-, •Seek me in vain, and uselessly iniptore, "GQ0ds in Figured Olwvksy' c
I answer not, atid, I rotpra no more. $tocl�-. Of Tess Goods before pdc�as-'
Aess doy_ K1.6.4ai. j4dy,.to inspect OW'r 0
-visit on ITges
Saii ,ran- in be
g r'sp�irig,.Tobes.,
'I iam on,
last, fbir
on But fail not in thia rel;peiai,
cisco, for an extended visit, to',a , sister' .8size ize every opportunity tq,travel
whil lives there _*r. Walter. Coats was • Over -tha. Chicago, INiliffank,00 A 60 1? 0- 1133 1 N T PRINT
jrl'ToTonto)en,huaineiisy this .-wo,6k..., Mrs Railway. r+
D. Sills, spqnt a few days in' Seliforth. Xew$,It e ad the trade it -The
i .,
'41sq'imr 3;61a460;A6ft t44'weqk.,,,N-Ir.•
'Stock, tl a6efst PatteT -60 G'T f t '11 . th; Newetit
HarriAton, celebrates the, !�56 of Lardest ie ns, ea ea, al a0go,
'iobkiinibar.A visiteon
-tl1j3 Ojjeap6s�, Store to bay, yo�dr Print
May. $850 is t6 be given W prizei Deatgns.�afid.
t6dA'daa' business C. Dallas e throwth our rn4fn
, Y, 9 for horse raQitig.. f U �a i ' ' look inoth. stock of Prints
-1 was-visitink in.,Blyth' this week—grg. ,not. 0 to a
ins. an'd;f '. bkoiderks ee
'Mr Fra E" before waking yo.ur sel tions fo'
Prank (lase, o! Soaforth. 'is so
-Vanatteri of Goderich, is viliting r
tives in. toWa tl�io *eiec.. X -a but the
I senotial ill as to hid friends
r. Win. Brant
for the summer.7,Xr4 .,Brant intends if pit
,ra, slight ho os for his recovery.
lettoriThuraday for i)1anistoe1cbh0y1i._
Some time V i iday night burglars Ales.."Our Stock 'a '�P�eral DiGoods, :is, cor�plete in every.
time, 1prolie.into the lioinsr3 of Afr Goo A V the Part., depart _;.Qurtain Nd Art litilins �n� - darpet$, i;x
iisiting.frieudaln "Haffili fqr,a given that t -
0, Vn sHardwareMerobatits,
DJ�F4". A�u_ McLei:id, situated hear the. mal -6C6 ting between any Vari
beforejoining, r.�4Bfarit. o " , of PattZ
of Clinton, Was. in town ol.*- Exeter, Ont, and stole $8and a VVEitch. t
derson, We& .1 1
�1' g , ' jlivn� Air MuLieod slqt in the room.. of JAs. A. CLyx:P & Co.,,' 7 %
nesday—Mr.Lewis anh an Of
at the Town of Wipgham, •was dissolved
tl PrIcei a
was on weanbs�lay..Mias
over, A new postal regulatiou fixt-0 th e by mutual consent tbii '12th. day of Gen 0 13, if you Want--a'0offeqCJ4ftb in a le:
to March, A. D. 189L 1 , counts due to •have ties in thi% line, 'If �611"Wanb a ob Tie i6i collar"
-.',,)Raillie,otAslifieldpaidWingbamfr friends TatP 61' POStAgO apers mailed 411 tile b�i It
p the late firm willbe paid to Jas. A. Cline,
Gordon bi the !Gvited gill Zr er,as Inw" as
o visit, last week-Afts D M fromithe office of
Zr n whowilloarry on the a Fine 80t,, i a a' call: A tilts to
vieir�l�g relative::in Liatowel 9 14-' publicstioti at 8 chits a pound,iusLead7L11`10
n Id Vien �Jd itid whom all 9blioutiogg of and up to a rice i, want to go. Plttmse 0 11 ),)OWO
firm will
of I cent as formerly. h be paid. tin, s� 11
the ate rm chasing y V 1�1 14IN a le. t .41,
It 824t March, A. D. 1801.
Nota 'Irgue" Joul )i>x . At0.%oodToronto
e flail, _o am
Witness,-XAs, A. Ctip
TUGS -I -Py, ill the ca.,e re Jeffries and J. A. uTox. TO33Xq XT;ELWPs. ID RN
-Is it an another fak011 is a question the London IV(-st,.E It Oam- GAI :A U4 DES
$rieudi of the Dominion Illustrated have Refering to abov6, I wish 1:6,'Ibturp my Alsitc
freqvien -i with regard to the Yi�1:19�11toolldony nadved to quash a local . :114� Clover e, Afawl o1chara, and, MAW
eve thanks for past favorii, and trust that by
close attention to the wants of my 6-68- F arlo' ';sses f6r1pe
prize competit . !on inaugurated b the pulb. optioil. by-law, or' the village. W W y Cir rnianerit pas III, nil. Urchai�d Oras's
y Ifitzgerald (London') A110'$ve(I t01n(3r13't0 merit a contitiviatioe of 'the I llAv4-'se]ect(;d,wyAUd Clover with g "ason, 49 1 visited
lialvera of that ,TL urnAl for the Current six
the fariliv wbere, 0,very baty %vas otowz
la%srsvitboosts. same, ns that a fii;Tra&� i k
,Ynontbs. Tb&&i)lbfb;Eifs'have themselves Tim 41earlled chief justice gaye judg-�
giveu the best ituswer to that by publighind Jas. Mille. the neighborhood did not r1ave a, lean, )Aq,. hi in. bx.
Itnent quashii)g the taw� lio hits P. 8-�-Papt clue accounto =168t be set+, v
the list JDf PtIZ68, There e 100. ligaregm. 'Jar Colisequen eail r -1 t )-e
tfillf ill Value 'over 02,0('0. Thefirst ia . .1 n ill-- 6 , Fiekl�
other cases similar to this under VO4 at•01100.
i will give Ilia written
cotksltjeratlovl� ant Iltbey wero.g,rovvil. oft tb� fari�lq 'o SrA, -a 11 Ali b
S�it,14 in, Kot4 xnil the: nervallei4t, is -Vmlivea,at. and others r6iftitt Wingbani,'and all k46 &�' a'' have b n VW,ehal�6d� 'tri;
_jUdgaiplic svid rea�ons therofor in
"'all and gqt�
tliobe,eaiipil durint, t *efek. ".1lis coutitty. be it !vitt! IoNvest
Toavvial the an.- .00.,Prasellt -1
i r• tit uunlberei of the ILOHIS
qq, .e4 to thirty-rog qnoqtiolls, sink of Which SH
It! .,Its In sitatylpil, the publishers tthe
1%ft wife
,A V i ;f;I
on t
s. i toll Litho and.rkab CojA)1(.ntts&9,, will of tree p, w HIIA
-toi copy withdull particulars, X lnl,ordo il, '4ilth Insi, folowool'of T
It j, . gm SHOP.
D Wfifift011 4 a
J t Ltsudesbomugh m the 1460 loat, The go
11, J cffvey G T R agant; A fson.
WIN 'iuw
'"'watiolial spring Show' the 'Batt, n MuLw0ei an the 20th hibtikot9the wife URL. LT -o' FIFAo *1 "'
I r4td to the fleork MAU AU ilial
't r M JAI)bIlt, jr, U.Son"
d�sX r W"b, Ic "tiv
V4, IftbistO MAtO that 110 it-9t.11INX -04,0104 b1*410 Of lie blip
oi. .1 , thcAVJlevjf I.
Of tltig Great C ct" A alit kinds Eta low in ptloo as miyoue else to w1u,.11pla. 1,-Ard haft orates! out III the OldobAlld,
oitho , tit ix parollel itil thd history otth of the I tutiewl* iiallaq,
%"14Arge qeutsAors owtho 1701 Inst'it, tlia w! 4 t.
ot'llit John LlvW,4-toW:, All druggistsisireouthorized to sell iton. a. Pos-
ft.tlid lr400rtei id 6 " 'it* atutth'sitno other daft tan suc.
tiov!!, e"p;iiall[y. 1 1' heavy gustim
Uy s;W. That It ;QLL 100 per ILibltr
000fu may become known, ESH BEEF, PO K and LAMB'SITS A
I I I the,Lpt6prvatovia, at $E11'enornionit e
fitto 411c4ilL41 i x1x#_1n Wbilrb�wvl, ov tho 14fh4vi*t, Vita, Xpense, are
.150h, Aaakliter ot Vraviels Ano X1,1"beth risthr3gitut OV -
*IwAYA oil hand.
I t %ftls Free into every home,
ted, te
and camao, if.yon ha-ic Ayidother, XeAu lri,pr� r0c. P
meow _1�0 liervi A wwnt 4eil " fir� a
Turnherrud the Ifth, -Insk, me W tal
tftivy, son.01 Xf Uh kloy, Vgod; J# yiiiio #wd a-C&EIglE, SON Th *kl
6 t, -or btft a, U0 it; ibr
it V1111 Za 11. " it Y'Z thild him ibe Qou IAUSADES,
Y "J'yethire r, Atid" I
X =_1 In-tatit WP*4%1 4 .11 r rid rid 4
0 arm. 4 in cod h vaditpr, 06
& thit foo -h t.—
.V 4c, ku
it, VIE t%A4 tnoafn A'dNybr#A tro Afvrlil, t4* -,o, V"*
priEve df
ask -tin P.
iltrass ir,
-we aro
such A
by 1
owes, &Q., &Q. In fact,
a -rig you out, train the
til to the sole of your
it done.
It 0 BT.. 0 kA,
Direct Importer.
RZ Bvm% April 240, 1891.
—To'day is' rboic Day..
The latest and best dkink—Xew Fork
omm6nooa to-dayA
r 111304
tie town c4n*l
iiiLk aiuway evaul- l;
it ab Alen ons' Boort store and sea
I the Laurance spectEL016.. Dole Agetiz op;#,§
Dr 1#tnolr�ir v ittid. Vibgra in. ptofe
ei46aIly.PA '4 edn aday,
/'--Go to A. H. Carr's, for good, 1i4%
z017I;Er qu rtp.& W
et tile`
4tF6dUb ;adh held of
saut(uy next.
r watctk or clock needs repairing
'go to.:1v H. -
Waliaoe� w4tolimaker alic
rjqweler, ileixp door to post,,Offloe.
"Mr, {durcloolz Vsily.,Angaged h
moving ��ik �iuAeq-f�-nqw 10
the 0 t11
-:-mut 1 0, •1 Lil iia , rlana% the firei
of the ivea;jtA%a ffolivivielki St"'rat),
—1tev Charles -V sh, of Torouto,.,ai
eyop'jolmb, pteache i in the, ALethodis,
ohdroh'oa Sunday.w.eldug last, to 9, 1*ig,
Folit 84Za—kpleagaint home convenient
view of tilio town. Ternii
dultpurchtbser.. Will be sold Cheap., #P
pl oarly to D. U. GOODON
—The high wind )u, 4vil"sy blew dowi
be storm,stityok Sou)
saw mill, The. ste rk, ivas pretty �adl
I loliged;
&I-ilice lot of "baby cart . iages at
ilkl,r(Lurvviture Store. Also two sewin
U it,1. in.good running order, for hal
The Rev 10ha 143, 0, M A, peetiolve,
flits funeral 0egavon o the late Birs Johi
are, on ounday In ning last. The dis
ryouee eloquent one.
- a , 113V , at, `hove money, and pal
receiving noiico' from US in referellqt
past.due rt tbounts hud better got s, bust!
Jas A CLUO, & Co,
--Die Olodl(e,% GaZ?wau paper publishe
III AValkerton, is :lublishillgilblack lit
,Bigliteen subscribers names, with th
amounts ill arrears •f each, varying frol
V%to to 616, Appear ;d in a recent issue.
it trains for Toronto and eai
leave Mligham A 6,30 0, in and 11J0 a I
via W G & B Division, and at 0.46:a v
I and 3,40 p ol. via, Clinton.acrd . Givelp)
Good connections by all. tralus%
i : �Tho Case of thoAcia
Xtijowleags Asilobilijoll, against a lari
�,hppgij'of thateadf-ig men of 15ramosi
wheit ii, contrsct fo; weviberabip. of ti
&Kivaoiatioij was do, ided against, that ai
socil%tionilvid in wit ch a new tP161 WE
applied for, has bee I dismissed.
elJoffigall .laegtia to intimate
the h4d;(I.lf Witiotittl ailld vioill1tv tbi
%ho lean apelied adresn and m4tivio.- makill
X64t% Bloc% to root,
lu*ly , led bahh" Towu U14ark, Droi
itraatle M 'it) five lAtobb utyll
VA'410thtlig UfAdO to) V1`d1A
kime, 44*t U Wook.