HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-04-24, Page 7anifint - s 1' i Is31 EVERY 10ItIDA 9101MIN --AT Aldi.•- ME$ OFFlC , JOSEPHINE: Srpuu, r WINGHAM, ONTARIO. raoriptionprtoe, v �yopr.inadvanelyr _ vnaii!rm iaTE$ ` t apaceI 1 Yr. T I 0 era. 18 mo, I Co' An,i 880 00 T 836 00 870 2 ss 00 rtor'r _ 20 12 00 0 _7 _ 00_ 00500 20 00 12 00 6 00 fioh600 3Do 2 00 1 .cal and other casual advtrtisernehts, Sc.per huff fret insertion, and 31. per live ;or ouch subrequent •low, oat noticea,,in nonpareil type, 10o. for first 1» on, and So. per line for each subsequent inserticri ocal notice will be ptiarged'less than 26o vertise u tcu s of L b t, M troyed Situations.,Business Chances !!anted, not exteed101;Binos >arch, SI per flonth .uses and Farms for Salo, not exceeding 8 lice*„ r fast Iponth',50e, per subsequent month oso tly adhered to rola] for triosrates lbioastger ani ertibep a its, ern rr ,r periods. rot ttwithout kccnKlin b ted illforbid,anItaed accordingly., TRW.. udvet•tisenuauts .east be paid in immure mires for contract milertisenients• mustbe in fine uy Wednesday noon, in ordoa'to appear reek R. ELLIOTT PROI'Ru10 oR ANn HDatufLBR\ tuts MACDONALD, JOSEPHINE STitEET, tutu, . Bi TOWL3. , MJ.tC.6I., ONTARIO. ,O r College Physicians and. SurgeonsOntarigi, -Coroner for County of Huron - t "'Tins P0AR41A0r " 11 highatn, Ont; A, MELDIIUSI, 'otter Graduate of Toronto University, pert of the College of Physicians and burgeons cfn audgtesidenue-Corner of Centre and Patrick.. formerlyocoutiietf by Dr. Bethune. risme - . Oxy, 0AN STONE, iA1ta1STER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Eta .nd Company funds to loan at lowest rates No coniniissiou charged. Mortgages, town) sed farm proper'► bought and sold. -,..Seaver Block Wsxou.la, ONT J. A. MORTON RARIIISTEA,tc., wingham Ontario , It .ry Dfolili.soN, WMEYsio Q. C, I E. L. DICKINSON, B. & 'ERS .A,N D SOLICITORS, 'Efe.,' Etc., 3e r hunk. of Hamilton,. Commissioners, for s admits for Manitoba. Farren, Town ati•di open;% bought and sold, Stoney (prirater net. emiaort Ago socuilte at 61 per cent;, e 'tc,1 far -ae persons, upon the burnt securities ....1'.1.(440 any exueu@e to then ands ter ., i,; in Manitoba and the North. Ingham. 001 ',.. 8. J1311011E, W1No1IAe1, Ie manufacturing Celluloid 'Plates,, valoanite lates of the best ae,clnsap as they canbe got eriath et m Dpminion. All work warranted, ' eatraetiny.obteeth by the use of Electric.. tabu Vapor. mill. extract .teeth for 25 cant;, In the Beaver Block, opposite that Hotel • Macdonald, L. D. DENTIST, - - MASON'S BLOCK„ site the Queen's Hotel, Kingham. lit Gerrie let and 3rd Mondays; onth., 0111E, VERALINSURANCE AGENT exotoue. ShNNINGilia t, INSURANCE FIR&ANI) MARINE, GUELPH. Ja., wl44on.o f, IUCTIONEER FOR .THE COUNTY, OK HURON, led in, any part of the Co. Charge, iERIE, ,r1NOnA1, tIYT,, ReTIoN0an Yon east comity ,01 HOBOS. at the Talars o1Bce,protnptljr At end reasonable. 131800N, . floss.)%, roe Comma 1telieti 4aa 1)auoa n,lod to 1romptly and on the.ilhortt•r ° erate;Arid,Batistsetllaa Guaranteed arrangements otos be male at ti;,j err ... 3LtON * minions 1nftRvltTeas aka ,enrnf. ra„ 'oWEI. sits Winona*. '141111 c es Iltf tlak ttu. win' re-., ;reti ii, va Lennox 0011134,1040 1li.idatt 1.44 .1.rckAak0. 411 vh 1W tater $Onittire'e YtevorM lilflltly. Theflight. light, re used, Th [lowing kenos of intermit eren ought to be a tiny tap gathered from elle report of the Minis- or kerosene, both\of, eel ter of Agriculture fur 1898,,juet issued the air, A darkenril foo at Ottawa Nature' puts out her qhl The total importation of live. stock • the curtain of darks g' i�n to tine Dominion was ins %hover:.- With good babite, ph ivh (Lie, 1,396 head ; sheep, 30,551 i nal, and a detrrmiu 011 swine, 1,824 ; mules, 8. ; horses,1,634, with anody nes tsket n , P 1 No infectious disease was discovered at quarantine in any of the imported Mock, The exports to the United Kingdom of cattle. 122,182 liaed,were largely in excess of any previous year. as the foli'owing table shows : Qattle. Sheep. 1882... ................35,378 72,005 1883 55,625 114,35Q 1t:. 1884 .... 61, 43 1885 69,158 ' 6738,,534197 1886.,. 64,595 94,297 1887 , 64.621 35,•}73 1888 60,828 86,167 1886 .. 85.053 58,983 1!90 122,182 48,780 The large shipments of store cattle are regretted. Prof 111 Eaehrall attri• butes the detention on suspicion of disease of two 'of three cargoes last 'eurnmer to tine fact Chet they included some mach cows near calving and soave with calves,, these animals being more liable to contract pneumonia and brona ohiai affections. He also refers to the need of more stock yards at or near Montreal. The total imports and ex• ports of horses last year were 16,550, valued at $1,946,073 ; of cattle, 81,. 454, valued at $16,949,417 ; of sheep, 315,931, valued at 31,274,348. 4l.e archives branch has made a be- ginning t the work chives i tory of T1 . s ipmert of phosphate reached 27,062 tons, against 27,718 the previous year. Great Britain took 21,539 tons and Germany and We Un, ted States the remainder. 'From the results of the experiments it is believed by the Deputy Minister that in average seasons a large quanti- iity of two.rowed barley eau be produced in the better "barley districts of On. tario of such quality its will command Satisfactory prices in Great Britain. During the year 2,428 patents were granted, more than half of them to residents of the United States, The e yright branch registered 688 copy.. rights. The total number of immigrant *lie f4 , not gas. 'c devitalize. e the best, and draws a purpose, and ellen, not 00 deal) Won from itis shyest lair 00 watci,over the rest - ices pillow, opying the ar- to the his o. .1! Say,llaid a Alan to tt butcher of whom he had purchased 1` daily supply oftneat, that last piece of ah"I bought of you must have been fro enough to veto. Was it tough ? inquired meat. Tough! Well, I should sat was. I could hardly out it. Oh, is that all ? Well you tight to have heard another man kicl,,g a day or two ago. He bought a pie that he said was so tough he could; get his fork in the gravy. The art of Macy -Gatti. P. T. Bantam. Don't drink ; don't be alke your business; don't mistake your dation, select the right location ; avoldebt; persevere; whatever you do,doitb all your might ; depend upon yown personal exertions ; use the beeools; don't scatter your powers ; be 4atein- atic ; read the newspapere ; bell• •„ of outside operations; don't endors ith- . out good. security ; f►dvertlstngour business; be polite and kind tgour customers be charitable ; dour tell what you are going to do; anire• serve your integrity. steer old e man of The first census o ^1868 God tie populatio In 1671 the population of 1884 the first regular ceusu shuwiug Lower Canada 625, Canada 458,688. In 1851 the figur 890,261. for Lower Canada, 952,004 fo per Canada. Nova Scotia 276,851, Ne Brunswick 173,800. In 1861 the 'figures were : Upper Canada, 1,111,576 ; Lower Canada, 1,396,091; Nova Scotia, 330,857; New Brunswick, 262,047 ; Prince Edward Island, 80,857 ; British Columbia,` 3,024. In 1881 the figures were: Quebec, 1,369,027; Ontario, 1,923,228 ; Nova Scotia, 440.572 ; New Bruuswiok, 321,233; Prince :Edward bland, 100,891; British Columbia, 49,469; Manitoba, 65,954: and Northwest Terri.. tories, 56,446. These were the last official figures with the exception of Manitoba, where the census was taken in 1886, show- ing a population of 108,640. n Death of as allot) ftltittater, The Rev Thomas Macpherson deed at Stratford on Sunday last, aged 80 yedre and 6 mouths, He was the founder of Reox Presbyterian church there, and, remained its pastor for tt8. years. Dennis - ea. was born in the county of Antrim, Ire• land, in 1810. He was Of Highland origin, hie grandfather hawing bonne from Boot. land, In 1849 he was ono of the six olio., siouaries sept to Canada, and soon after his arrival was asked to organize a church in Stratford, This he succeded in doing, and it prospered greatly Under him. Not only was he beloved and respected by his congregation, but his brethren in theis ministry recognised his ability and worth, and in 1814, after filling inany positions of trust in connection with the Church, be was called to the highest honor in the power of the Presbyterian Church of Canada to bestow -the Moder. atorsbip c# the General Assembly. In. 1877 he resigned his charge, us he was be - corning old and the labors were too arduous. He is survived by three sons and one daughter. Rev. H. H, Macpherson, of Hall, fax, formerly of Naesagaweya, and Messrs. G. G. and A. J. Macpdersou and Miss Amy Macpherson, of Stratford. Mrs. Macpher- son died on the 6th of ,September last. Many Canadians are seriously asking themselves the questions: What plass of horses shall we breed 2 Across "the lines" the carne question crops up, and in the Stockman IYIr. W. W. Stevens answers it as follows: "The common scrub, grade or all-purpose horse will go a begging, 'tis true, but prices are bound to be remuuera. tivo in the special lines of draft, coach, saddle and ligbt.haruess horses, When- ever a farmer can produce a horse for the market which will sell from 5300 to. 5900 on his merits at four years old there is good big money iu breeding that kind. As to breeding draft stook it seems to me that the country ie pretty well supplied now, and that the West, with their cheap id rich lands, eau produce enough to 1st Ern Wools Mili1 '°�`�6e'"6 MARBLE WORS f we wish to intone the p01 'bet we have thee, Wooler) 141113 In A 1 running order, and will this 'soon Rive special attention to CUSTOM WORK in all its bravaaer, iind will keep In stock a class of stet -alias goods, such as Tweeds, Flannels, Etoffs, Blankets, • SheetingS,• Stocking Yarns, &c,, &c., (made from pure wool only) cheap for cash or ex• change for wool. Customers from a distance can have their rolls home with them the same day. Ri!ltighest market price in cash for Merchantable Woof. INGL•I•S & 00'Y., Winch= .A., CHANCE in the. Earnoss BuiEss 0 OHAS. KNECHTEL Wishes to intimate to the people of Kingham and surrounding country that he has purchased the harness business lately carried on by Messrs. J. J. Ilonntth k Son, and a ill conduct it in the building, elle 'door ,month of Mr T A Mills' store. DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS heavy or light, made to order, A full 'line of se Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Whips Currycombs, " Brushes, etc., always on hand. cpairing neatly an promptly done be patronage of the public solicited, and satisfao• nin work and material guaranteed, It is a significant fact tliat the economic rivals in 1890 was 170,921, of whom • value of abstinence from intoxicants is 33,51.8 were passengore for the United coming to be more and 'more generally States and 75,067 stated their intens recognized byths employers of labor. It is announced that the employees of the Florence Iron Works, near Bordentowu N. J., were recently notified that ems hereafter they totally abstain from e` use e . ce re• pony the elves into tion of remaining in Cauadawa decrease 'from the previous year of 16.588 sett- lers. fn origin, of the 21,165 arrivals at the Port of Quebec there were 11. - of intoxicating liquors tboy will 564 English, 1,170 Irish, 2,094 Scotch charged. Itis also stated that and 4,787 Seaudanaviane. off 8,000 oeiving thin notice from the col employee have organized the • Steerage passengers landed)Ilt Quebec a temperance society. A dr'iking laborer 7,629 were designated as )adlt orers. The is not only lees efficient, btlAle is likely, total number of persons ',);filo went into where special skill y( Manitaba and the Nort isL,�plaeed at 18,917, agai Obvious year. , The children sent ant from The year's expenditure was $127,308. The per o the settlere last year was $187 in 1888. .1$ t0",r is re lid, frequently west in 1890 ' to cause serious damn t 26,809 the were 1,457 at Britain. r wigPl Good Suggestions for •D A wviter, . a,1idfgtly, f a pro turn of rnind,tells a c nteniporary how easily 'the wakeful' yspnptie can be o his employer. -(National Temper,lce Advocate. ,,•.�sws Items. 4ir Stanley, on his departure' from ''sr',yk for England, took with „"000, as compensation for the Of, t It i slivered by him. .e. 2160 ed� '` hanly, 0 E, has been ap. ,�". insulting engineer ° to the f4 4' j44p>3nt of Railways and Oaneis. It is understood that the smuggling of Chinese from Canadton into American made to slip off into t e hind of dreams. i territory is at present the subject of dip. ret, says ; ' lomatio correspondence between the Imp. perial and United Staten Governments. The dyspeptic, o warps, eats a I light stepper, may reEnrt to the lose of At the Belleville Assizes Closter W i 1 iourex, the forger, who pleaded guilty to a towel, wet with tepid. water, and four indictments, was sentenced to ten tovered with a dry cloth, the whole !years in penitentiary on each count, the thein applied to the.ptl of the stemarh. , sentences to run couourrently. 11%fore the sufferer• kit nows it she will l Captain Me&ny, of Montreal, a float intoleittiow lufl, such is+the ,dlsstinguisbed graduate of Kingston sympathy between he organs of di- Military Oolleg.., died from African r'gestion and the brain. awing to the fever on Thursday as he was about to position of the stervillii a light' sleep. leave Africa for England on 'hick lar ought to sleep on the rigot sitie .j lekve. instead of the left, nellttie on tie bacieZ If there it a tendency to cold feet,, a, Obs What a conga. Lien wooled blanket ltiay line the Will 'enticed 'the Witthingt Theeigtiaf The mIlitiea tif' the ale tipproeeh of that more lower Half& of the 11th. 140.2)88; terrible 'liss0*e Crtltattmpttou. oak your Ought t tint tit b'fl gtailtly timid, a ptl(ti., Pelves if you eau ttd%rd .. iclt the riake of 1404* Whet reventtr'tree eitenla.ionl '�tvt► oWWe kfull ttte thlk 4p t1oee hint prevent* , !er Ni. 'WV_ kurntw fratrr >yxperienoe that a>>t.„ 1clalaltiltl' tyta! ou allow ler all ' °" wilt cw'a year corm) e. lit of sh fo abl be the see ata an dou pro Col an pin Co Go C. KNECHTEL chain, March 4 1800. aklar A retr0apoct of pay thirteen or fourteen are business hi Wing/mini f desire most heartily bre oder ny thanks to friendsmw and the pOb1it pen erallY for the liberal patron*ge extended to ma 10 the poet, 1 may, also state that I ate in a position to offer, better lnduatmehts than ever to these requiting - Anything Anything in the like of Granite or Stone Monuments, HEADSTONE'S, WINDOW SILLS, STONII TitIldfifN0S 1003.YENCINO, Ota I would bo pleased to have thosetioeireu pro= curing any articles In my Ilse tos all and cuanahnel goods, compare prices and leave their eide'v, so that the goods may be secured and prepared o•,rly in th season. You can select from the latest lesigi,a and obtain the finest wet kmansbip at the moat favorable prices. Most reepectfplly, your* WM. SMYTH, wingbam,. Ont, WINCHAM TANNERY -and- GLOVE ndGLOVE WORKS. .moves in Buck, Goat, Calf, Nappa, Saranac, Sheep and Fur Driving Gloves always in stock or made to order, Also a few Domestic Buffaloes, Don't buy a Robe until you see theta. A full stock of 1iid, French and Dohtestic Calf, and Kip 'Harness and Sole FI2DINOs For Shoe and Harness Makers, always on hand. Orders solicited. W. J. CHAPMAN. titotieucto sC TAMER$ Apamphlet of Information andab- stract of the laws,showing How to Obtain Patents, Caveats. Trade Marls, Copyrights, rent /res. Address MUNN At 00. -361 Broadway.- New roadway.New York. all Paper! For the spring trade we have received a large stock from the est Canadian and American Manufacturerse Bold by druggists or sena by ma11, boo, R T. Mareltlne, Warren. Pa., U, B. A. Our assortment is the finest we 6`1431 yet shown and we belibre have a stock to suit everybody. We have taken special paint .to ect Patterr. s that are suitable, and the effects from the litateh Iio - rs are really excellent. SHADES,WINDOW THE ODEL TYPE WRITER son win bur the ODELL TYPE WRI- ,6010 TER with 78 characters, and $ t 6 for the SINGLE CASE ODELL. warranted to do better work than any machine made. It combines simplicity with durability, speed, ease of operation, wears longer without cost of repairs than any other machine: Inas no itik ribbon o bother the operator. It is neat, substantial, nickel, plated, perfect and adapted to all kinds of typo writing. Like a printing press, it produces sharp, Mean, legible manuscripts. Two or ten copies can be made at one writing. Any intelligent person can becoanoanoperator in two day's. We offer $1 ,000 to any operator who can equal the work of the DOUBLE CASE ODELL. Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. Special ndueements to Dealers. For Pamphlet gluing Indorsements, .20., address ODELL TYPE WRITER 'Co., 85 and 87 601 Are CRICAGO, ILL. ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, rirst.class Shingle's, and Cedar Posts. . Gar Load Orders a Specialty. W,blil 'delivered to ally IAA Of 1fJinlnarrar ,. i • 4' Cline q'lia'1'.ptrs3lptly attended tri. A large stock on hand to select from, and will be sold at the low.. est possible prices. Call and see our stock and et prices. No trouble to show goods. A. IU)': Winghani, April 3rd, 1891. •hs. The Popular Bookstore. A Blessing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT The , and are pronbuncedi the beetjMedicines"err e. 1113E PL.LZnS Purify the tilbod„correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND BOWELS Ah .rel invaluable in an complaints incidental t0 female! of all ages. Is the only reliable remedy or or bed legs, soros ulcer!,: and old wounds. rt01D iRo7Qamli3. 1f,( to, 'THRROATS,' COUGHS, 001 , GOUT, I1,E121 AT18M, OLAIIULA1n 8WELLI.1bG8 ANb ALL KIMDISEASES IT HAS NO EQUA Manufactured Only et 78, NOW Oxford, ..ate 53*, Milord 8troti, London, And sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world, O Purhasers allould lock to the Label on the. Bevis and Potts, if the address Oxford Street, Loudon, they ate spurious, SAE FI' irk 1 /IAN AD . ea ft Alki THOUSANDS _ Y 113A'MLISS WEN AWAY YMAilY, 0. ! . I hal .1440.w; r, a•