HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-04-24, Page 6'01111gpAlit (TM FIII r AJr} APRIL 241 !$91! V401t)/11><t:81, Ott a lto Yattng• 811letlee" w4nn. BEtNettea'a LAST' QO ntereoN TO Tut; PREss. do not like to sow the seed auspiciott in the minds of parentsa their ehi.,lren, but there are thous and thousand,' of parents who tin who ktrow that their eh'ildrea never Ret Citi ,tet theit tongue is like bonded bow, They tlliuk their child- ren never drink ; but there is not a fashionable saloon within a Haile of their heave, that the boys are not fa- miliar with, They think their chilo4 ren never do unvirtuous things, and yet they reek' with unvirtue. There are many young men when they return to their father'e houses are enpposed to. have been making visits to this or that persona it is a mere guise, The praiitice of allowing children go. oat at night to find their own co isaelions and their own places of amuse. mments, may leave one in twenty u scathed. and without danger, but thihk that nineteen out of twenty >f down wounded or destroyed. And there is' one thing ' that, should more itnperative than another, it that your children shall be at hoe at eight; or that, if they are abron you shall' be abroad with them. Th may. be things that It is beet that y4 should do for yoult children, thou+ you would not do. them for yourSPlve hot they ought not to.goanywhere night; to see the sights, or to tat pleasure, unless you can go with the until they grow to man's estate . an their habita are formed. Anduothin is more certain than, that to grant' th child. liberty to go outside of the pa rental roof, and its. restraints in th ;tlattnesa. i?f night is bad, and that co•o tiestAallp,' Do not suppose thetas child is hue only when he is broken down. I hay. quite a .taste in china cups and sucl things. 1 like a beatitifu'1 cup,, and Have noticed that when the handl sett kneeked off from a etl:p of- mine that cup is spoiled for me. Wien ,look .at `it afterwards I never see ' th beauty, but. always see the br�oli;ei Handle. If I have a beautiful fnirror, and it is crocked, it way 'answer &!j ' ithe purposes that l want a mirror for to reveal my beauty, but nevertheless , it is spoiled for Ivy eye. There ie e that crack, and when t look into • th• glass I never see myself half sot, mute as l see the crack. Its perfection is i 'one. In the matter of beauty h q Rpeckk or a blemish is more than all' l a,esides,. and takes away the pleasure .iif all besides. And it does not re- ufre that a child should be broke,, t own to be made useless by his ex• .i�.osure to temptation. I aver that here are many things which no man i" n learn wi•hout .being damaged by tete all his life. .long. "There are any thonrbte. which ought never to d' a pasuave through a man's brain. As an eel, if he were to wriggle oss your carpet,. would lea.), slime which no brush tout.; et oft so there are teeny things is tt no permit can know and ever' over from the knowled;;o r,f here are meny Motions of,. •&atr,t go asoiund with hidden, p ctup% books, under the lapels of th4rle s, showing .them to tha young, .glazing, lustrous, llidtsoua, inter Lente :represouted, Hj;ic11 once to septi is to rt nl:entlber, c ah stty theee fhintts, when soul« ;Mad not,,because 1 am known, %rid bf ribierty end a friend NTfit- s of hot i of allowing chiIoren to ,;'t at flight 11 , . ands [into t e strt`ets, if ill ottlt s , r,r, if an ink, the coerltry, allowing children to and their companions at night,. and their pleasures at night, away kora. parental iraspeetiott. If k wanted to make the destruction of a child sure, I Would give him unwatebed liberty after dark. You cannot do a thine that wilt be so nearly a gn'irantre of i ehild'a darns nation as to let hind: have the liberty of the streflta at nights. 1 do not believe in bringing up the young to know life, as it is said. I should just as soon think of bringing up a obild by cutting some of the cords of his body and lacerating his nerves and scarring and tattooing him and milking an Iodiau of hie outright as an elenalen,t of ,beauty, as I should think of developing his manhood by hringing hilt up to. see life --.to see its abomniahie _ln *tie •';% tt... »t lettn;",: ..; .!I tr eet Thea ter the: ±ire a 'L lit t°rlq= atioluir.ol 1'° .6a1 h'4ttlrtl P epee, gauge hi A. , , to prospect Dais ....of et :tete', trier, than, that him, to be4 know hew to .deal writh, Color- s adrati. ing has been, roibt erratio, in nuanV results. meal%) high and red,: whereas :tits' tally a outlet: for rtueh ill motes contracted every year, The boring in most bates show at decided • deterioration, W would strongly urge upon fatitoryniei, the necessity en their part of making this point a particular study; a vain able article like cheese is at leas good package. A welleeasoned wo made to fat the'cheeee morn accurst is desirable. This complaint is es cially. applioarle to sections east. Toronto. Also, there re the Serio matter of weights. Moat of the le houses here have been ttieki (this season; a teat in this fuattt Immediately on arrival averages las been taken, and the disurep,t.r ey ari ilia. totally impossible to cower held. Our cbeeeteuakers ti►ill know fro 1118 8tateu►eub Whitt tilt; Britre1 t,uye expect tit; them. r,° ee disceir-it l;ed eon! finds life itself but :a 11:isttthEt. Tle •rel is ane,:h,•r ,• :'. , e ,t, :. ir.•'n, i But the Creator has lwplented the ;et/tough partial,, !t3 .Li «t-tlt' r' wee sial i . itik seed of help, the souiwe, of .hope, r'£ snpteww unpuvtvLee. urtrlrtsslw, it- the int'ans to unten le the fateful skein in each heart. The saving cit-, paoity of learning from mistakes is t;iv;,'n to even the humblest Tilt it are hidden , tld lerpowers n ow f growth , wh' l 1 hunsold 6 c in direct proposition to the constancy with which we use this capacity. What a hopeful fact it is to know, that daily, hourly, we pan balance ung iutentiyns and our acs ageinst Jur mistakes, and tllad out the Zack weight I What a joy it is to know that our kale possesses the wapiti power of he. coining strorfger with each act of self to Ik cture, t ? utitrdi,tns, ark to parents chiefly. I refer tr° .te. practice, to m. n- it er to oil sly pe of as ad- ng er. ve 5- e- ta re• weighing, Hud that our own perception 't of balafroej rows many fuser, and that t the 'wei htte and atrieties, rued the powers ofonr nature grow daily better fitted to our skilled use! A farnous,jeurnalist and pbilsopher once replied to a critic who had ferret. ed oat an undeniable blunder, Yes, I know it's a mistake, and I made it, but I always make new' mistakes ! 1; is depressing to make the salve lois. stake repeatedly, but when we try to I learn from: post blunders, repented rd mistakes beoom.e•fewen, and we soon' le begin to feel that optimistic courage which is the, outoonse of conscious but new mistakes. A German aphorist expresses this idea of , development from our blunders a little differently, but with the same courageous, hopeful spirit : ]very one errs, but he is the fool who loses himself in his mistakes. Wo ►nay..never live one day free :,from blunders, but if we lose not our perception of what we have said, or do not become bewildered in the maze of our motives, or astray in the re'• salt of our deeds,, ate ll.ave no needto be cast down. Wizen we can find ourselves "amid the debris. .whish our mistakes have pulled down and over us, we know ' we are growing, • and typifying each tirne that, spiritual resurreetion,whieh is the hope of hu- manit,y ; fon men can build on stepe ping -stones of their • dead selves to higher things. ria e d Ie 8 re rq d. 18, le f 0 lean' union-or--cne Lord2' ADVICE To 6fgs ER& -Are you disturbed at ingot system.. Wilson's Wild Cherry has beau and broken of your restby a sickchild suffering and ! in nae for many years and is highly .eco` n, :erying with pain of Cutting Teeth?; If so seed at I mended'. by 'once and got a,bottlanf "Mrs. Winslow's fioothin Y juen who know;tri Vlt'tne9. bold ;Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is Meal by all prominent druggists. :,vale. It will relieve. the poor, little suffordr nupediately. Depend+upon it, mothers a there is ne ihisrakeabout it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrli,ea, (%eese rnakers;,i 4:ttention,'l mutates the Stomach arid, Bowels, curds Wind Colic. softens the bums, reduces, Inflammation, and giros The Cheese Committee of`the Home tloaw'and Sooth igtSyrup," le forschildren"Mrs teethtngiisland F'Urelgn Produce LiXCIiBglr,y, of plaasant to the taste and:is the prescription of one of the oldest and best fotnide physicians and nur.es in 11000tl, , t'•i1g„ has iced a cirCOlar the United States, and is tor sale by all druggists heat the world. (rice'twenty-five cents.a containing tisllelg suggestions for the Be sure and ask for "Mts. Wfxsiowd 'bettermerlt,oftliade'tt►th Canada SYRUP ..od take no other kind a that, is of special importance to G,iltario "La Grippe" or Iufinteuza can be quickly cured by the use of Wilsou't Competrad of Wild (wherry, the old reliable remedy for Bronchitis, Wlroopiug Cough, Croup,CJoldk, Coughs and other diseases of respiratory • throne bottle. SooTii Th :tee m it hat w blue g ,-lista •those i.. nit W %;;f tilt years pessiul ,ncreas i111f, lila `front t ;snow, ;takes o lt•s.nes tnistak 'are Cor ity's el :first on ,Ramat ne is r'°pPitted over the consumers have an article foisted and over again, Prom the tmlornent ;on thein, sthiclt,cte when hurngnity begins to think frurl . udt sten tt lasting pipe,. Oe in reason, Its blunders ,1 their tnindat against foreign. :cheese, Whilst on the. subject, We :may point out that it is tllo exception 'for nit English: elaeeseenaker to let go uant,il the cheese are, as they terra it, resdy, Of cottrtle ate weather and 'ttsstur,stxw, producing a greater or flessi•r quantity and q'rality of milk, is 'an itrspo►•rrtllt fetter, which 'peact•c,th. ,.in d tort, atli ipetiol, otkeese►Xteiltn+`k. mistakes: foetotyMi n, ‘V bile congratularin e frequency with which' the avert. ;the Canadian makers of cheese on t ortal makes mistakes is so' great •advance nsade during the last ftftee hen tee moralist has all ilin'.xears, the committee assert that the lasses he can see but little else. ;have arrived at a stationary peiriod, if kes loom up at every tarn. From, ;they. have not actually: entered on a early days when we coinfnittedl retrograde movement. ' dere is the e 1 nigh immortal blunder of+ indietwent: g out of bed wrong, to the latest The season's (I890) make hits, as te life, be they ever so lone',the rule, shown tight, hard, curd, and a. let tees mistake after mistake, dryness which has in soine cases ere- ing it number, and,self increas.ated a suspicion of skiwming. Also, ie . the clilldrefl's snowballs made appears to importers, that throughout he soft,, adhesive spring -time this season nearly all, factories have Mistakes of judgwent, mis', marked their Malde unripe;, whilst we• f ignorance, tnistakes of care•.• cannot exonerate shippers from all s, mistakes of affection,, and, ;blame in taking an unoucedi article,, es of selfishness, each attd, all, ;still the facterymen. are primarily nt Ittittuallyknoclsitig, at human-.'faailt,as,,though a tempora rt azul even the wt . , ,a-. , ... p r x� advun.� itO °ae full bo gained by selling au e and their a,i.other j 11. the 'extra ar+ . Dfr mis$oito qN tlty on at raising market, 1r he. n re. ',rebuke young who would firtha !legit). tr). given 'Oaks. I~ do not brjtietrtr ir►.tt5el�' tapped. r back is bots poor mortal h,.ndi' s. boldos in a pp d. A Ivan inherits his tentienel g` -y slid',, •to make mistakes es surety as be ill.. truer.►. .A4d 1 believe that the berets the visual angle, final another a "man kr'epe: to the laar>it o$ 1 the btrlilpier ha .vtill %rt, and tui law. ' Therefore tiring on., the ettis,thrugS.ldoil the lijde the men aT+ tot ire pr eritei eo eh reel tat angle,, another col:tributes Malt !,toed yet ar,Otlllr the ago atilt thee hamper. d :Lott botllje 'anti':., etee a :qtr Toone it , • • Owing to. the uoprocee:ented demand for pluto,gtass it has advanced, coui4iderably in, .price. Meilen) McCaasland,,4t Son ,Torvnto, Fortunately Made n.. contract before the advance for a very considerable quantity, and are thus enabled to offer their patrons this season a decided advantage in price, the quality being superior to airy ever pre. viously imported. The cessation of the Dominion mail contraot with the Allan. Rine is likely to injure Halifax as a winter port. The Power Bros have been offered $35 by a Toronto . Museum for the knife with wbieb Kane killed his wife at Belleville, At a tweeting of the Huron Medical Association a. resolution ' was adopted opposing the action of the Medical Council in asking for legislation boo in. creasethe annul !lem LOGS, OE wleimmuni the Ci he edersigned' are prepared to• pay Highest Gash Prices For all ?finds of Wood- Sound HARD AND SOFT WOOD LOGS r Delivered at their Mill VI, fin Windham. Also for 13asswooci Heading Bolts By the Cord, CUSTOM SAWING. Done at Lowest Paying Prices, and SATISFA011O1q GUARANTEED. Al1`kibdg of Dressed and Undressed Constantly on hand.. Mao Shingles, Lath, Staves Barrels, Cedar Potts, Wood, &o. Call and get prices. Mill adjoining' G. T. It., oh Shuter St. • McLean & Son, ell/awn EVER 1''1iIHA ' Mpttiv)I7 —AT licit TIME$ °FFM (' JoS PH►Ng "al ME1114 WINGH,QIVI, ONTARIO. ambscripttonsrloe, 'xeor.loa fivewtirl VERTISING RATES: n•Si!actl 1 -117. I 44aim 1 k No (— e uC '` OnoHalf .. Q ;inn ir00 00 $86 00 1320 a --re 00 85 00. 20 00 12 W 600. Quarter '4 20 00 12 00 7 0 0 4 00. one U t t_ oh I 600 h 00 2 A o x Otr Local and other casuaiadvertiyentehts, Sc. per Ant for first insertion, and 8c. peelibe)oreachsubsequent Insertion,. Lain. notices,, lo nonpareil type, 10o. for firet to sertion, and 6o. pea lino far each subsequent insortkn Ne local uotleo will be charged less than 20e Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations, and Business Chances U anted, not exceeding S lines nonpareil, 51 per Inanth lioness and F:Prnis for Sale, not exceeding 8 knee„ el, for that inoutit,60e, per subsequent month Those l he laeeied eSp alrtsfor Magerdvrtsmnts, or! sr longer puniods. nretilad ccdil..,will inserted l fo adzi(Merged aougnas •eitouy udyertisemauta must be paid in tumours) Changes for contract ad$ ertisatuents• must be in the office by Wudnesdu3 noon, in order to appear that week R, ELLIOTT •.'_� PROMIXxeR AN)1>dU6yray,t/h i T ►R, AIMCVONALA ..•-._••.•. -- JOSEPHINE STREET, WIA.'80WLER. M.D.C.A., Member College Physicians and, Surgeons, Ontario. -Coronor liar County of Huron - Office at "Tait Pneilateor " - 11 fmghatn, Oafs. DR. A. MLLD.RTIST, rfeleeof udesnMembegoats; Ps Toronto bu ono Ontario. Office audtesidenes-CornorofCer,tro and Patrick, streets, formerly °coupled by Dr. 1tetlluhe. • Wm:Quest - R VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Ete., Eta Private .nd Company funds to loan at lowotst WE* interest, No cmmmilaslon charged. Mortgages, towns and farm property bought and sold. OF1''ICEr.1Sc•averBlock Wixenes.Ofir J. A. MORTON RARIUSTEAL&p., Wingh_nm Ontario . i1/1 RYER .h I3rOxu.i;pN, H. W. C. Mevetr 0, C.1 E. L. DIOKINaON, B. Ai. BARRISTERS.A,ND SOLICITORS, 'Efo.,';Etc., Libi Ii :tors for Bunk of Hamilton,• Commissioners, tor taking affidavit.* for Manitoba, Sarin, Town' shill Village property bought and sold, Honey (privates funds) to ,ne4i ou inert :ego seem ity at 01, per Genu„ Money in ,' tot) WI' r ,'e persons, upon the boder mortgage securities :• 1•,.ho t any ex, eo5e to the, lender. La,ds tar ,. Iw au Manitoba and the North- west. Office—$est w1.1, .. 'Ingham. D."I,NTISTft 1 8..15250ME, WINOS Ia,, llll to manufacturing Celluloid P)a1es , Valeauite plates of the bostinaterinli sachem, as they can be gati,I the Dominion. MI work warranted. Painless extraotin,p of• teeth by the use pr E1cct ic-. ity or t.egotebk. Vey,or. TARO N(T,ek,-'.I. n iS. extract teeth for, 26 cents. eat h. OFFICE; In bite Beaver` Block, opposite ,he; Brunswick Hotel th�sra•�r Wm. ft. Macdonald, L.: D. S., 33ENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S 8I OC,K Opposite the Queen's Hotel, Wingbam, Will visit Gerrie 1st and 3rd Mondays; of each month., VVillgliata, Ont. J0KN RITCIIIE, GENERAL ,INSURANCE AGENT WrN8W1$, • Osvialu0, BOOTAND SHOE SHOP. .' • MOL,twoxu,,n & HAM( 1Tavin4 purchased the Custom Business of Messrs McCormick &Co, wish to intimate that they have opened out In the shop two doors south of T A Mills store, Wiugham. BStock,sondshortanotice, t pairhifrom eaks. sndk promptly done. a The patronage of the public salicited, and all work guaranted. liicLAIIC HLIN & ELi7GH HALSTED & SCOTT LAN" RS:, losephlile Street - - _ - WinghamN Ohf, .1. A. IIAr,ereD, Mount'?orett, Depoaite. Received ",Lr . flowed. • W. Score , L1etoWet. and Interest Money Aeivanoed to Fanners and Business bleu, On long or short time, on endorsed Cotes or collateral security. tale notes bought at'a her kir, /t&t1rbbney tern".tied to ,all parte of Ceitade at reaaonable charges. Special Attention Given to Colts looting Accounts and, Notes, *goats, to Cnida. -'rhe isreroha ttde Bank •t: Canada. VON* 'l(ourr= 'reIs,g 0, ' li•1to ,,n..,. .}': 1, 1 -1 OBEitT bTi lR51 G11A6tt ` ��1 INSURANCE FIRS.AND MARINE'; GUELPH. PDEAN, ea., Wixanatt, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR .TBH CgtlNTW ON 11UItON . Sales attended hr. any part 0f the Co. Cbargei Moderate. JOEN Ctirtwx, Wnsenaai, °sr,, Lr0EN11SD exerroNarta on elite colslirY Jar 11171toti. A1l,orderd left at. the. Timm ofltoetpromptly at end ed to, Tonne rSleotlgble, JAMES HENPIIS1Sobl, ImatsiBSD At,Crloflaex, res Conipriad hefts* 4MnRoott All eared otteri,iad to Itromptly shd on the:Shettee ° Notice. Charger 3toderatoand.,Satidfaotibm l`,ittaraideort All necessary ar±Apgoiu0nte tee be suede et tl'• Tnies' ofltee , Wn,ws le Ovt' sotto; the U'AWxto P. L. D., L Pt,&VEToha Aka .Clore. LISTOWEL A?u WINGSAlt. All ardert,teft at ome4 pit Rho wok` Ili.., tecta invitee ettentlo, ...Y.. .. ,.t�.....4w ►ti Y'It7EEliol'l, , Rewire er 'Ctaasni Throes Cando, . Y �:il'ir��11>k *Pat;t,roiii,e);N, Sj tr ,... ,.,,,, ,45 tzrtor ; tial Th lowing item gathered from the re ter of Agriculture lo at Ottawa ;,-- The total import lata the Dominion Mtle,. 1,390 head ; '»wine, 1,824 ; mules, No Infectious disease quarantine in any Aback, The export Kingdom of cattle. 1 largely in excess of n asthe following tubi Oa 1882......,. ....... 8 1888 5 1884 .010.0 - 61 "" 1885 0 1886 ..64 1887 6 1888 ......, . ,6 ..• ..8 O..... ... ,. ».120 The large shpmet are regretted.. Prof butes t'he detentio disease of two 'of 'summer to the fact t come milch cows usa with calves, these at liable to contract pne ciliai affections. Fr greed of more etoc Montreal. The tote ports s1 horses last valued at $1,946,07 454, valued at $6,94 1315,931, valued at 41le.arclli ves bran i;inniin i t the work chives i tory of T1s rpm reached 27,062 toi the previous year. 21,539 toes and Ger ted States the remai 'From the results o it is believed by the that in average ,seaso ityof two -rowed barl in the better 'Nbarie tario of such quality satiefnctory prices i During the year 2 granted, more tha r 'dents of the ea t i U eo>glyright branch re rights. The total number rivals in 1890 was 33,518 were passeng States and 75,067 tion of remaining .in -from the previous ye lers. fn origin, of tl at the Port of Quebe 56.4 English, 1,170 l and 4,787 Seandan • attlerage passengers 7,629 were designate total number of pers Manitaba and the isi�p,laced at 13,917, prri?vions year. , T1 children sent ont fro The year's expendtlu was $127.30$13 The the settlers last year $137 in 1888. Good suggestions. A wt'iterl it idea turn of wind,tells a c easily 'the wakeful' made to Bhp off into t, nit says : The dyspeptic, b light Supper, mayre a towel, wet with covered while dry c then applied to the }afore the sttfferet. l float •intoow sympathy between "gestion and the brain position of the stave. Cr ought to sleep instead of the left, nl If there it a tender WI', woolen blanks lower third of tri'- ioeglst sot tit Ise gr t4oss whkb proven Amid