HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-04-24, Page 5at least scuta ie their ptosp ant. Thal other two females sentence. We examined every portion.of jail and found the same clean and in - good order. We also examined alt the prisoners ,aif to their treatment by the. jailer and his assistants, note). all wr+re' well satisen t with their treatment, wlid the food provided for them, rt, We titan c the crown counsel, klse" este 1 Lount, and ItIr 1i wits, the dawn atm 1torten", for tieir ooltrteoes allsifedtenee , I mid advice. , subm t - All of which is. respectfully ted' a John GrIFFIn, Foreman. April 16th, 1891.. 1, n n ae it of 3; ;le in re Ler he !or 3r,• ;he Lug a by ire, the ,ion Listowel, Mr T II Roils has. purchased the. Arlington hotel and Papeete, to take pusstseion of it shortly. The price. paid for it was $5,500.—nes Rime and Park Cotrtpauy'a3 affairs . are iu fairly good shape. The pass' year's receipts were $438.25 and the dislturee- meets $436 43 which included a pay, went of $164 of interest ont'nortgage. —The R T of T Council in town in4 tend bolding an entertainment iu tile' town hall on the 30th inst: Bes'de a programme of vocal and instruuieiitat musics, Rev F E Nugent, of Macho -41e will deliver en address on Temperance. .-The Ontario Espress and Transpor- talion Oompany, a company recently orgapized, has opened an office:tin towel, with' Mr Wm Climie as agent. -141r• Wm Godfrey, lately Grand Trunk agent at Southampton, has been ap- pointed' to 1111 the vacancy caused liy' the death of the late agent, Mr An- drew Little.—The town council hats entered .into a contract with Messrs. Moyer t$d Co to operate the water.' works fur five years, at the rate of to $$00' per annueu . The pumps are to of be placed in a fireproof building'. an' pressure 41) pomade of is to be kept QK+ ltydrents, —lc is rumored that the ase. ],lank of Hamilton are negotiating for uw,' ; the "purchase of the sitetof the Grand> alis- Central hotel. on whit>b 'to .greet t. t of bunk building -Not loath progress hie the I feeing elude iu getting ' up the joint ship. stain Oe His Said ,uulcl wee K BOMB, weld n to ,fhe state laded rootn ,. He her paid good prices. 1 duty . Gorrie• jury, id 'of liuely uicide 1 His four for es- stable, When .called d that ix; who sad left idence, [hooted of not ►tensed ig away art ad-, orcin;, ry pre- e Queen rave exe s folio We !le1O are en ;reales les, font s sixty• wo.years r unfit to Jl under and have W awaits. One is vith for - intent at less, four 'e females stock company to put up as Lew fac-'• torye East eVawarlosli.• Mr 11 L•i>;iltnan .had a barn raising • on ..Wednesday.-•r-ilir l; Liviviteatl• has been shipping a large gnantity , of lumber trottr I3elgrave stele'', cluririt;' the past few weeks;—Sugar malting is over and seeding ie now the order of. the day. -air Joe: Stonel.lnuse and staff are busy building Mr P Sconce • barn wall. They have several large contracts for this season —Mr J (ilegc, bought a large numnPr of lambs in -" r. this loealit;felast week, for w•llloh;• FooT BALL.—A monster meeting' was held here on Tuesday evening last: fur the purposie of organizing a foot' ball club. The following oiiieers were" elected : Ilon President, -N McLaugh- lin, druggist ; Don Vice -President, D Sanderson, hardware merchant ; President, W Doig, jeweller ; Vice- President, nos Nash, editor Vidette;.' • Secretary, 1:, McDermitt; Treasurer, W Doig Captain, Win Torrance, Jr.; Managing Committee, Wm Torrance,„ N aleLeugelin and John M Keine, Prospects are good for a team fit to compete with the best Of them. Would • like to hear.from• iteiehboring tov+ns.' ,.Opera fair challenge from this date. -10 } al> nfarrowt' Mondareves a model spring day,'—• • Sugar making has conte and gone,h'tlt we have had.very few taffy pulls.— Clear away all the old rubbish and refuse, and thus prevent the germs of ' any disease ftrotn lurking therein, -- The Fall wheat in this part looks fresh ,A, and green and hopes of a fine 'crop are entertained by, alit; providing the rust and other causes have bidden us "good-bye." We only hope the reality ' may prove as favorable as the prospects entertained 1'. --Miss Findlay, of Ii¢wick, was visiting Miss Bella Wylie, last.. week.—L+'li holt, while out shooting; last weak, received a few grains of shot in his face. The only serious result wee the fright and the loss of blood.-- Owing to cryptpe- las f►i the face, . John 'Gemltiill jxlils been -confined to the t 40 for some- time. lle snow ore the mend, and nts age; 1 we lege will con lens 11 0 ;a' l, — Ge ac , the eentios and the women, lay 1111111% at c .illi 9 1r' Jit 0 , 1" U i c it 4 theoil and tedious )us in l q bei; almoot had their senses' taken i3Wity. Busy tanners, work away, ita ower r over l ill i. 1n pp flow the gran you'll roa ' the idle Whet:Wet you duet the flour. 1 Duey foment, pit,u e fi h ekeld, A reeve the geed WI* *t *tame a Id eighty>. Musgrove 'WKS 0,1'00nd last Wed{ taping 1:'ad'• t take is Y , it to friends a ow tinder it takes 1 n111110,4. ori;, of .re. net only others twit sinal lrhllllt, Anti hen the tsar, tat ; a1: may yiatlal I I'or the no ..two weelrs we will make '' vexy interesting for all persons who revive Boots or Shoos of dile desorip- tio,i. In addition to our unusually heavy Siting Stock, we'aooepted lately on very be opting terms, a shipment of choice goods sent here by mistake ; therefore, we are now ander the necessity of reduc- ing our stook, and he order to do so we are prepared to make extraordinary eats in prices.. In Hats, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Gloves, &o,, we offer great attractions. Nothing small about them but the prioe, Oar Prints, Aluslins, Lawns, and Dress Goods are generally a surprise to custo- mers how so much beauty and excellence in texture and design can be sold at our prices. 05' Please remelnber that our Teas'areun- equalled in freshness, strength andflavor. They comprise Blacks, Japans, Hysons, end Gunpowders, from 12ee:cents up. Liberal dlscotints to cash' buyers. =cotton Pcgties s, No fewer than 21 petitions wore filed at Osgood"c Matt, Toronto, on Tuesday, against candidates. ant members -elect is the recent Federal contest. Fourteen of these were) against Liberal :limiters and defeated Liberal candidates. and seven agairtat Conecrvative members and defeated Conservative candidates, • A number of petitions are also reported from floor Provinces. up to Tuesday night the following petitions have been entered : Against Liberals. Against Conservatives. East Bruce, Glengarry,. Kent, North Bruce, North Waterloo, South Norfolk North York, , East Elgin (oross),East Middlesex, S Victoria (orpss),Peel (cross petition), North Victoria, Helton, Fast York, East Elgin, South Perth, Kt is on, Peel, , London, South Victoria, East Hastings, North York (cross), Prescott, Lisgar, West York (cross).Richelieu, -- Three Rivers, Total 14 Rimouski, Quebec West, Shelburne, Antigonish, Piotou. GORDON & IViGINTYRE. The Big Brown Anchor. gams. At the first meeting- of Pride of 'Kerrie Association,Prttrons of Indna try, en Thursday eveningspf last week, 22 new members were added to the het, making a total of 83' charter. Members. Tbis association promises to become very iufluential,e0n Friday evening, an aNsgcithtietywas organized. tt.No 6 school house, west . of Sun- . •lihiu'8. F J Bennest, We Huron Ore ganiz'er, will deliver a lecture. at the salve school. house on Thursday evens Kt, 30th Inst, and close the charter. 20 I taro much pleastlrc In anostneIng to the tarrnintr public that 1100 agent for these Celebrated flows and alter A rio ! ur l I plem tso REPAID.; KEPT ON HAND. The Oht.Stand on Victoria Street will still be HEADQUARTERS F01t Sewitg Machines, Organs, Washing Machines and Wringers. Give me a call and h,sp3ot Goode. MISS ,A►.. BOYD Wishes to intimate to the ladies of Win ham arra surrounding country that her stock of .SPR/NG LSUMMER MILLINERY has arrived and is now opened out. The stock is well assorted and contains all the fashionable styles for this year. 10, Cuuiinns1 Windham, April.)7th 1891. a West Kirton Mumma. The West Huron License Commis- sioners met iti Clinton on'Wednesclay, last week, and granted the fullowing licenses ; CLINToN-lsaac Rat tenbury,Samuel Pike, Charles Milne, Charles Spooner, John. Shaeffer, Lack Kennedy, Thos Bell ; J W niter' liquor store. GODEBICH-G B Cox, J. 0 Martin, J Miller, Wee Craig, Geo Swarts, Jas McCanghie; W L Horton, shop license. Wm Babb, Walter Shannon, Ed Peacock, left over until 22nd. Beera--•1tobert Mtins, John ,Mason, 'Jonathan'Enii h, Jell,n Kelly. ' • CoLBoi em.la.Yran111 IdloDonagh, Wm Lashana. Andrew 11''l:aAalistet+ Henry Martin. Thos Crew's waS left over. WING13Abi—Alf lstoe, ] erdinand Kortnan, John Martin, Hattie Con. over, John Dingley", Alex Orr. PISHFIELD--w.tv ' Flanagan,. • Jas 'McDonald, Jos .Mailough. Richard DeLong, Win • Glazier, Juuganuon, left over. ifeeramee—S Bell., Jacob Kuntz. W WAwAN0EH---John Lougheed. +' WtwAlvo8Ii--W' 11'i Champion. Luckno ne. The following is the' list of prizes - awarded at the spring show, held re- cently dere lest imported heavy draught--lst Thos Agar, "Ulenappin" ; 2nd, Stotli• ors & Andprst)u, "Groyeshire Oak," ;. ;'rd, A ItloKenzie, "Lochnagar," ; 4th D Clark, "Olivet?' Ottuadien heavy draught or Percher. en ---1st, `t' Todrl, "Mack," 2nd,. A Mc-. Cabe, "Earl Scott 8rd, .1-' Martin, "Oliver Cromwell" ;. 4th, R• Ianliltou; ".Oakland Chief." :Road and Carriage, 2 years old— 1st, 1 EtVi.,,"Cleveland.'' p` Road and carriage—Lata Taylor &i Biddy, "Melbourne" ; 2nd,' L Doyle, "Royal Caledonian Chief"; 3rd, It• Ellis,. "Kentucky Danger." Imparted heavy . draught, 3 year. old. -1st, J Caesar, "Merry Dance" 2nd, J Caesar, "Master Waller." Court Sherwood, Canadian Order giving of Foresters, intendst; g a grand entertainment on the 30th inst, in the totvn hall. High Chief Ranger Towe, of London, will give an Court officers and. other• High L will be present and take part. A splendid programme of vocal and instrumental music, readings, -reci. tations, &c,. is being prepared; -tat Jre oine_ ?' .1 r M. D. M. A., L, C. P. S. 0, M, C. P. S. M., THE SCOTTISH SPECIALIST TORONTO. Specialist for the treatment of all Chronic Diseases, Private Diseases, Diseases of the Brain and Nerve, Diseases a 'the Heart andLungs,. And Diseiisesof Tre `alted suoenccessfully. Jonathan Bushart, ' Listowel, says :••= "Aftet spending all my money and prop- erty tome).: purpose on medical then, for what they termed a hopeless cas e of'con- sumption, Dr. Sinclair cured m Mrs. Mary Furlong, Woodhotise, says:' "When all others failed, Die Sinclair cured me of fits." ' • W. McDonald, Lakefield, segs:—"Dr:. Sinclair cured me of Catarrh?'' Geo. Rowed,Blyth, says 'tDt'.. Sin- clair cured me of heart disease andrdrop- eyi when all others failed." Diseases of private nature brought, on by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures:' CONSULTATION FREE.' DR. SINCLAIR will be at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, Winghani, - 0.N FANCY GOODS, A. large shook on hand, consisting of Embroidery Silks, Feathers, Flow- ers, Ribbons, Laces, .e. MANTLE DEPARTMENT. TLe IVlantle Department contailnsa varied assortment of Silks, Satins, Satin Brocades, Flushes, Velvets and A•lantle. Cloths to choose from, Mantles made to order—Perfect Fittirlg: and in the latest and most fashionable styles. Stamping done to order. ' An inspection invited. SOLE AGENCY FOR Mather's Glove Cleaner) A preparation for cleaning kid gloves. It will also remove grease,pr stains froth silk or woollen. goods. Try it. - • Retneinber the place—First door north of Ed. Dinsley's jewelry store. Winghanl. April 3rd, 18$1'. The' Provincial Report concerning the worlting of'the Liemise Act shows that the total number a licenses in operation in the county: in 1890 was— Beet Huron, 2tl:; Smith, 39 ; West, 41.. In the South there were 5 shop licenses: and inethe 1•VNst 8. The li- cense fees were divided as follows: The Province received•fronr the East, $1300.9'2 ; South, $3889.71; West, $8846.03 ; and the natruicipalitias as follows : town, Huron—Goderich, $864 84 ; 1Vawaaosh, East, $i'n1i,10'; Wawanesh, WWltiest, $7.2 60 ; linnet, $64.82 ; Winglaina$850,40 ; Clinton, $845 78; ; Ashfieid,$165,92 ; Colborne, 0 Blyth,1 .—' eta 1 $,'189.28 ; $214,82. —Total, East Huron—Grey, $182 2 9 4, . Mc- Killop, $71.56 ; Hullet, L,ist part, $81.80 ; Morris, $47:,71; 1lhwick, $166.98; Turnberry,$23.86 ; Brussels, $269 84 ; Wroxeter, $127.70.1 --Total, $921.25. South Htiron--Exeter, • i 68.72 ; Seeforla $9.30.18 ; Goderieh township, Biuevale. Rev Geo Leech,, of Brooklin, Ont,: W tIESDAY; APR 25,.:1 891 Money to Loan on Notes. Note Discounted ,AE s: T REASO1 ABLE A. 13 D. oSEPH COWAN, .. t ria nR 9TII Div. CounT Co. Htntdrr; 1. • AUCTIONEER, ' • .ITSSUEEt OF MARRIAGE LICENSE' 9oatanssroNza IN H.0 J, ETe., WI49XETER, . ONT. FOR SALE, Verydeslrable Residence, with Large Grounds highly cultivated ; Splendid Orchard ; Hand- some Evergreen uod;;es;Good outbuildings; hard and Soft water ; Pleasant and Comet tu'img Situation, tWithin throe ,uinnEos walk of the town. state chance to secure a Rue property. n..1iz. Gonhoete' ALL' AN LINE CHEAP MAIL STEAMSHIPS. C 1E P EXCU7dS gtONS to WOE. a E. rortai„htly sailings from • Portland or Halifax, Money advanced on Mortgages at 6 per nt. with privilege of paying at the end o any Y Notes and accounts collected. Mr James keech;.of Gorrie,• and ivlr $81.84: Piav(ieid, $1161:76 ; Stephen, Edward Leech,• spent Sunday. • with $829,06 ; U•shoreo, $127:86 ; play, $225 56 ; Tuckeremith,$t00,84>e Stan - their bretb`er, Mr Joseph Le cell ; t first mentioned gentleman is in poor health and thinks of superrnnuatiug next Conference. --Tho Rev StSellery, Ill D, of Brussels. preached the annual Educational sermon last Sunday evening in the Methodist church, to a• *my appreciative audieuce. I)ev Mr Parke, of Listowel, spent a day in town this week, the guest of Mr Time. reins. It was:he who tied the nuptial lenot for then.—On Sunday morning last; there was. a new arrival in; the. family of Mr John I)itnent, Jr, in the person of a young son ; and' so that ,with births and renlovele to . the vile Inge, our population• is growing rapid'- ty.—elle latest project ott die is a'bar.,• her glop, r'1 to item in last imp, unddr" this )leading, in, eefsrence to a dispute bee tween Mr ijlauey, the contractor" of eiliesetlhe new ,i"Vicithodist Church, and the budding core onittAe, was not intended to convey the impression that the building aotl)lntittee wire dealing K ley, *154.14.—Total, $2484 42. I1OBT. 133cIND00, omnia,—Beaver Block. Wlneham, Ont. }IEEE lNE ARE G1N! The Londoreeity council has decided to apply for power from the Local Legislature to horrowv $2;000;000;t1:us providing for the cionsolidation of the city debt. The scttetne will effect a saving of $35,000 to the city. CO. I P Is, now prepared to do all kende of HOUSE, SIGN, AND' ORNA- MENTAL ' YEI>. N G FA 11'11+ N1.AL PA INTI , G• , IHANGING, ICALSO MIN I ; GLAZING, GRAINING, LANDSCAPE ANQD SCENIC ) iNTING, &c. • ll. Work done with Neatness and Despatch. PRIGS MODDRATE. Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. Orders lett at 3. D, Long's repair shop will receive prompt attention.• At Exeter, .April '19th about 2 o'clock a m fire was discovered in the store and dwelling owned and occupied by Mr `Thos Dearing, and by ,the time the engines arrived the tire had burst through the roof; but, the engines playing on it won put' it out.The. buitdheg'was completely, gutted sand'. contents destroyed: Loss about $500; partially insured. COBtheErection of a Building at Winghani, Ont., , for the Bank of lrfiatnilton will be rooeived by the tindor- 'nodtil es„ '`un sig > Wednesday; '2' t .April: .. •a goon 'ri.a the. 16th A 1 t Thursday, ,tirr and after Thu y, p i Geo. Phippeita. s I took tools Sick, I TOOK Vein Homes a To Derry or Liverpool. CABIN BATES, $1O,$50 and 960, Single ; ".SO, as"So. and 5110 Return, according t0 3oca tion of Staterooms. •. NO CATTLE C.'9.£;.a"T.IED' INTE1ts1 FOLATE, Outward S2,15; Prepaid 533. Steerage at lowest rates. Accommodations unsurpassed., Apply to 11. & A. Af,L3N, Montreal, or HENRY DAVIS, W;rGnAB3. JAS. H. FRIEND,. lato of Hamilton and,Paria, SIGN HOUSE, . ,iaiV e)5 rdl ORIV;RIifiEiV•• TAL PAINTi4; PAPER HANGZll2,' FFESCOER, &C. Would take this opportunity of informing the citizens that having of winh+l,ant and surrounding country g had large experience in city work, he is prepared to do Alauastinmg, Kalsominingand Wall Papering in the latest approved styles of plain and decorative work. Churches, Halls or other public or private' buildings Frescoed in beautiful Colors and Designs at moderate rates. .. Graining in1Walc utt,SOpaek,iBird's Eye Ma- ple, , y. REstnat 1 take y ideals, : 1 take 3' gest,. AND I AIYt VIGOROUS ENotrGt£,TO 1AKe ANYTHING I CAN LAX MY IIANDS ON; !i pilnsphfiesofLll`nlaand iitl2' UT WILT x Rt 'Gill#Atllitld'tt4jl:ltit6itl i1 /,ll T1IN G Nw lu 0 ma UP,'AND i5 ' / tisl ll $ totting int tt rn7. vox Sctytt's bt' Oil cls tblE 0 fP Pure C Cod > ,iV f' 1. with air ]Elataeyl The item as a,ry aitV' . Lia. 'fir d t e a t1 a r m bee In t s s a atlon 1 a elite Y ' r e t►n and e ItUk.rt d >ir Y Katie Ttlaas.j•, amilton,atrrW)ugham,.f1r at{ RIl , V ,, r: ONLY CIiRt O MSC 3aA. it► ..Ni' , mom.. 1* , elle otlioe of the A tcliitect. Ltint Olt n.. 'POUND A DAY. I t,e lowest or: any fonder will dot s tij9 sA9 B. 1L'Y AS I DO sittat." it be accepted. • usar necessarily M 1N14 , tilonaill. w,. can tU ' ate Veen gazetted Lle WO 8.314..iteren- Battalion. i.ef. 'tf chin- . titers, in pities of 1.isutenati't‘ Oonniui ettooei nsn,, whit.. retired ' retaining • D. B. DIM, s iyiraUniAletiln is pelt i,p13111510 get 0100 0634 **torero. suis et ail Druggists "t A.rchlteot, lt,sc.w.v.ll t>' i.taw. ' i',g i a do 14t%WYE) Nel'r't ode. • 4%1,,4 ,411. •- • r• T All orders entrusted to my care done with neatness and despatch. Orders left at Mr. Bess' Bookstore will receive prompt attention. JAS. 13. FRIEND. Wingham, April Srd. SPERM 111E1. ■ E. R if Y 1 PLEI ea ONE 1WAYY . TO ..; ;Tibia British WASHINGTON Oregon and Cali r orni Leave Toronto 11 p.m. on Fridays, as under: 1891 MAY 1. — 1891 RUNNIHA THROuaH TO VANODUVER WITHOUr GSM' For Berths and alt informatfore apply to nearest O.P.B. Agent. Iles ju rceeived and opened out a large stock of very tityiish - Spring and Summer I .a's as' i . . -' t IIats, 11ate ttlAleo Baby Ohriettiniug ltobes.s' t' T%t NAITTLE rEEDA. tTTi ift, eontnins all the latest material ut Silks, Santis, Diaz. =Ws Fringes, s• Gimps and Cloth. !NOAH PLN1HC 1i11 WATT • --Sfan•itaottirer• of - •• • BUILDING MATERIAL of a.11 Moil —eutb asp- )ASIi' "DDO'it.5 it E I A'. 114.k+,'rir., 1:1 tae. • ,.j .Fkforiyk;,,Siititig, ate.,,areesed• to d,ttifhtlfa litahtlsa'nti:tde in thotea•.it 1 adiltoturble.Styles.'5 , a,'shottpAt butts.. at' •.et toga the tineas. d: p ,' , •44i t la 3 t try tr I mar drttin e r k tsti5 feet ' 'WNW; over 1060 W el ice u.' Naylor bought et t cry Mose pr ;eq 31 n• rod to bell at :t 3013t1 adVaaou, no ab to Balt 411par: T, an our 'il:tric 'and era»Spa, , ter t ehaecte' . A Dell eel tattad. 1 geode. ' +► r i 1a ttirtt ib A dei b i mk ba tt it tt ns a u Murphy, yy les i A' w k n(t w*, filth ;ltd, it9i,, 'eyelet 6wn+; 9'h 11+;1e1' 441110114444 i* 85Aededl<tattR Eiritthda NC