HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-04-24, Page 4- 77-7-
CHEMIST. .1.. •
1ST. leach day, 80 one person, by e, very
Ishort stile', may get Acquainted with
•h a of that inetrument. Last
t that plane, and ,Inere
dant Bell to eaperintend "Ba
milk teat" will be'ltiad eeveral titaes
the institn(iou. • They are meth:010d it
is the best plan that could be adopted
to assist olieeeemakere way o
improved methods,. The bcock
opp. Brunswick House,
Wiugham, — Ont
FRID .A.PRII, 24, 1891..
Tat first division in the Ontario
Legislature gave the Government a
ulajority of 21, Mr Campbell, Equal
Righter, not voting.
Mn. Wm. Watt, jr, B A, ex -editor
seaeon the greet bulk a early cheese
were very deficient, but it can be inie
inensely improved: The wheel opened
on the 26rd hest, ana will continue
open. fin at least seven mouths, free of
. • et en'.
when. omens diqe efter he was told leelat least each their poop roe-
lawyet. Manning, of Oltritcm, that be
Mom Goderich Star.)
„ . might get Into trottbte. 'az the ivhole
Tine court wee olliewia tx°"'"m" et the proceedinge were irregular and
on tonclay of last week before His ie A
InkIA *OM to tlie reqUirMenta of
Lordship Mr Justice Falconbridge, tbe law. Thereupon be ordered the
W "'Mat' 9 0. appearing '° CO"' ratettoe of Wingham and paid hauls the
duct the Crown bireinese, follow. $5 floe to raeatitye so as to even up. all.
ing were sworn in ae the grand jury :
Mathew Deno, jury reeuraea verdiet for one dot lee
lulufltlidlr' nil hour's deliberation the
Jareee Ateheson, Morris ; Thomas
Beatty, Goderieli ;
Howiek ; Thos J Gibson, Wroxeter ; Red the Leeds ep d
Joseph liandersou, McKillop ; Robert that judgment he entered, for plff. tor 1 toinev, for teL eourteoae aseletanee
; William Lane, Ashfield
1C".'rk1 that sum ,and full mane of suit, Lomat, I mid u`dvice,
; .Q 0, nod A H Ball for plif.; Cameron, All of whiidi is respectfully eubtitite.
Hamilton, Turnberry ;
Q 0, and Seott for deft.
Jacksen vs, Home and Middlesex
Fire ins. Co. An action on an lawn--
anCE) po' ioy J dame n t was entered
in tonna of consent Grow, (1. 0,
for plff ; Holt fer deft.
McLean vs, Vidal et al. An action
au agreement and for an account.
Referred by consent to the Master in
Oninmery to report. Holt for Rift
The Grand Jury returned a "true
bin" against Donald McKinnon, fOr
morcler ; William Dempsey for rape ;
Frederick Johnston for two charges of
forgery and one of false pretences
and against john Hefferman for cattle
stealing:and escape from custody. On
Wednesday all the prisoners 'were
brought into court. By advice of his.
counsel, mr Garrow, the prisoner
Robinson pleaded guilty, but all the
others pleaded not guilty.
The trial of Donald McKinnon for
murder lasted all day. Public inter-
est in this case was increased by the
fact that the prisoner, after hearing
that the grand jury had returned a
true bill, 'again attempted suicide by
stabbing himself with a piece of wire,
which he had picked up around the
jail. When Jailer Dickson's attention
was drawn to him he found that Mc-
Kinnon had made three attempts •to
pierce himself in -the neighborhood of
the heart, and the wire was imbedded
quite a piece iu the third wound. "
chare. The poor quality of the
cheese affected the price for tbe
season, but if cheesetualters avail
theoaselves of the advantages of the
school there is no doubt but the
quality of the cheese will be very
much improved.
of the Brantford Expositor, has been
•appointed Sheriff of Brant county in,
succession to the late Wm J Surf.
a is said that en eiansination of
the fruit trees in the neighborhood of
Grimsby was made this week, and the
• prospects are bright for. an unprece-
dented crop of the various kinds of.
Tait this year.
THE nominations for Algoma took
IS:ace on Saturday D F Burke,
of Pert Arthur, secured the Reform
nomipation and G P Islacdonnell the
Conitivative. Hon John Carling
else was nominated by. the Conserve-
tires, but withdrew.
Tat Manufacturers'. Association of -
Ontario met in Toronto, last week,
ilia pieced themselves on record as
strongly opposed to unrestricted reci-
procity. The Members of that -mese-
elation do not want to be compelled
to compete on fair terms with those
Cngaged he the same line of business
in the United States.
et:teeniest Banner : Eggs were quo -
tel in Detroit on•Saturday at 13 cents;
date; 5 cents.; price ia Chatham, 8
cents. There is no mistaking the
ineauing of the. figura The Cana-.
dian fanner's wife who bought 12ia lbs
of sugar in Chatham on Saturday gave
12i dozen eggs for it. The American
going to Detroit market the same day
got:351.1bs for the same number of
eggs. What a blessing the N. L is
to the farmer, to be sure 1
sentenee. , wider.
exit. Tlei Other two feat
We examined every portion of ' aa
jail and fucited the barna clean and in`
good ordera We also extimined all the
prisoners alto their treetrneut by the.
j:eilleirsataniasigia vv".4i:Iiibt;Iiilettir'istr7tidtaiatlak :5
the food pri videci for them,
We thaiiik the crown oourisel, MrYrk'
Loi lit Rua 1r Lewie, the crown ate
Me Campbell, P S I, inspected the
several depertinents of our sabot last
week. --Mr ()Arse, living north of the
villageeis lyirg seriously ill with ia-
flitinmatiop of thelangs.—Ploughing
in,full blest in.anca around the village,
andifthe favorable weather continues,
seedtrigwill awn, seems,
as the seying.ien that our, watenworks
and electric.; light ay.stem. is "run
fronehand teemputh." Wood is only
carted down, is required. No doubt
tbe village.fathers are.practising econ-
'oiny.—Mr Ailein McKenzie has secur-
ed a situation as clerk in Me Brink's
hardware item Success to you,
Adam. e.-.13ifilding, operations have
cominetioid.in the village, but we an-
ticipateate.jboom in this line this sea.
son..--0,iia to the neglect of the
Trustemenilion Church, by. °enema
of the congregation, ine not deeding
over the property to the united con-
gregation.s; the union service, which
was to be preached. next Sabbath, has
been poStponed.—The I 0 0 F intend
hallos; to social in their hall this (Eri-
day) evening, Members and friends
admitted. Nei doubt a good time will
be spent as usual.—The entertainment
given in the hall last Monday evening
by the O'Bonyon Jubilee Singers, was
a treat in every partioular. The Rev
Mr O'Banynn preached in the Method:
it 'church on Sahbatb evening. Some
Were surprised when told by the speak
er that the first literary peoductieni
was delivered into the hands of an
African, and that the first great sciene
tie work was that of an African.
Of course Mapes and Euclid are meant.
The die, goods store gutted by lire a
month or so ago, still remains as an
advertisement to the thrift, and pro-
gressiveness of the village. It is an the value of the land in 'dispute wee •the time, and he telt it to be his auty
eyesore to all, and its turrets, towere something less $50. His Lord- towithdraw the case from the, jury,
i over our venerable post offiee, e'en. I ship reserved.judgenente. and direct them to return a verdict ..of
not guilty. Tais was acc)rdinely
Neil MeLaughltn, brussels ; ee
Richardson,. ;Brussels ; Joseph Smelt,.
zere Wawanesh ; Patrick Troy,
Goderielr, James Boyd, Stanley; Peter
Hawthorne, Hullett ; J B Hodgins,
Stephen ; Rif:Anted Jewel I, Colborne ;
Patrick Keating,Howielt; Joseph
Morrie, Colborne; Peter Derchirt,
Hay ; Gaunt, Wawanosh ;
James Peace* Goderich ; John
Rutherford, Turnberry ; Albert Tur
ner, Tueseestnith ; John Griffin, 'Ash-
field, being chosen as foreman.
In addressing the Grand Jury His
Lordship expressed regret that the
criminal calendar,while uot very large,
contained several cases of the higheet
magnitude, including 9. Ohargf' of mule
der, one of rape, forgery, larceny, aud
false pretenses. These crimee he
defined very (nearly, and the duties of
the Grand Jury in considering the
charge which 'would be submitted to
them. Their, duties would also in-.
elude an inspection of any' building
sustained in whole or in pars by the
publie funds. •
' The civil (Wender consisted of 15
cases, fi,ve of. which were nonejury
oases. .
Hanna vs. Aitcheson, an action to
determine the boundaries of land in
McKillop. Mr• Cameron for the plff.,
asked to postpone the trial on the
ground of the absence. of a witness'
in Nebraska, but upon. the objectior
of Mr Garrow for the defence His
Lordship decided to dispense with the
jury and hear the case himself as' far
as he could;
Bryce,vs Louttit el al, was an action:
for damage to. lands, defts' being,
Townships of Turnberry and Culross:
By 'consent of tlie. parties His Lord
ship referred the questions herein for
enquiry and report to Judge Toms, as
special referee. Garrew & Proudfoot
for Of., Cameron. &Jiolt and B. P
O'Counor for delta.
Andrews vs Pugsley, was two as -
tions on promissory notes, and by con•
sent judgment was given for OIL for
$765 and $735 respectively. Mr
STEM the general election there
have been nine contests—eight for
the !legislature and one for the.ffonse
Cotninons—and in each case a
/4bertit has been, the victor. The
four byeselections in Prince Edward
Island have resulted. in, the downefall
a the. Tory Government. Every
Province in the Dominion, except
British Columbia, is therefore ruled
by a Liberal Administration. Thee
entlook for Liberalism. all along the
line is indeed btight. •
creased attention is being. paid to the
joeN Guoviii, Foreman.
April 10th, 189.1.
••••••••••••.0.0•00.0T* •
Mr T II Rolls haspurchased the.
Arlington hotel and expects to' take
possession of it shortly. The price.
paid for it was $5,500.—The; i'tink
and Park Clomp:n:13'1e affairs „ are 10
fairly good shape. The peesS' pmt.'s
receipts were $43-8.25 and the dleburee-
merits $430 43 whion included a pay,
ment of $16$ of interest on -mortgagee
—The 11 T of T Council in town toe -40
tend holding .111 entertainment in the'
town hall on. the 30th inst: 13es1dea,
a programme of vocal and instruineetai
music, Rev F E Nugent, of Mitchell,
will deliver an address en Temperance'
--The Ontario Express and Transper-
talion Company, a company recently
orgeeized, has opened an office in town,
with, Mr Wm (Diane aa agent.—Mr•
Wn3 Godfrey, lately Grand Truuk
aeent at Southampton, has been tip -
pointed to 1111 the vacancy caused by
the death of the late agent, Mr An-
drew Little.—The town POOUOil haa
entered into a centred with Mesers,
Moyer at, Oo to operate the water.!
works fur five years, at the rate of
000 per annum. The pump e are to
.be braced in a fireproof Vailding" an'
40 :noun& of pressure is to he kept Qt7+
• hy ra t —It is TELEOrta Gliac the
Holt for plff., R 0 Hays for deft.
McKenzie vs. Quinne was an action
to deterinine the boundaries of land in
the Township of Ashfield. This case,
which arose out.of a dispute as to a
line fence lasted all Tuesday.although
When the witnesses. for the prose.
cutler:- had been examined,Inr Garrow; , the Puteliase of the minor the ]TatIu.-
for the defence, objected to the 'tarok- 'Central hotel* on wlaieb 'to erect al..,
sion of the ante-mortem statement of bunk building —Not ninth progress
Kris MeKinnon, and after hearing this 1 being made in getting • tip the joint
arguments of cannsel, 1 -lis Lordship stock company to put up it;new face.'
took the matter into consideratiou orya
an dcadjourned the court until 7.30:
Bank of ilanvIton are negotiatingfor
Wlien the court reassembled His East v'q aw aio.o
Lordship, addressing the jury, said Mr R Leishman had a barn raising.
the only evidence on winch they could on .. Wednesday.—Mr E Livingston,
be naked to .convict the prisoner was has been shipping a large quantity of'
the taying declaration of Airs rl.c.Kitie lumber from Beherrave stetion, during'
n n This he hadadmitted with some the past few weeks;—Sugar trek nig is
doubt, hut now felt that he would over and seeding is now the order of
not be justified, in sskiug them to the day.—Mr Joe Stonebnuse
find verdict of guilty. Even if he staff are busy building alr 1' Scott's • '
allowed the jury te consider this state barn wall. They 110'O several ilirge
rneut it would have to..be so guarded contracts for this season —Mr J Clegg
with reservations as to leave no • rootn bought a large numher of lambs ittea00—
but to lind a verdict of not guilty, He this localityelast week, for \villein fp
doubted if the deceased realized her paid goodptices.
uation and what she was saying ar,
ceals some of the beauties ot the late
ter.—Mr Thurtell is -laid up with a
sore knee, occasioned by holding the
Beatty vs. Holmes:es. An action for
libel brought against the publisher of
the Clinton New Era, for' the publi-
lire hose on it for a long timeduring icatioh of a letter purporting to give
the recent fire,—Mr John Forpyth's an account of a trial before Josiah B
knee is on the mend, Sccord, 3 P, at Varna, in October
1 last, in whjeli plff, Beatty was-cbarged
Lower Winghata. with. indecent exposure, abusive len-
The mud seems to have had all the *lege and assault on one 1VIes., Lewis
juice squeezed outeof it noa and the Weigand. The evidence showed that
streets are very pleasant for pedes- the magistrate tried the whole of the
trian. • Mr Jacobs, of Prince Edward charges.on one information, and -fined
County,. was visiting at Mir Wm Beattee$5 and cost, but the chief
Cruickshank's le.at week. --Jennie Carr question at issue now was whgther he
of Lower Towne is very low at present announced that he imposed the, fine
with scarlet fever? This is the first for one or all the alleged offences.
ease in this locality, and while every His own evidence, while not very posi-
laidy wishes the, sufferer:a speedy re- ,tie, was that he publicly announced
covery, yet they,. are afraid 1 of. the the fine to be for the charge of assault
'spread. of the disease.--e-Mrs.. Elforct, only, and that he dismissed the.other
who was reported able.to be around charges, and this was in some measure
agahnhas taken a relapses 'her recovery
at present is very doubtful—Mr Me -
Dwain has..moved from his former
place of residence to the 'house nearest
the corner on Goose Averine.—Mr
Thos Netterfield, who bad hie finger
hurt severely by Ii` saw in Britton St
PEssant's milt, ie again able to be at
Ir is gratifying to know that' in.
valuable work done by the.Meclumics'
Institutes in Ontario. While we •had
139 of these institutes in 1887, we
had 159 in 1888, 179 in 1889, and 215
• in 1890, an increase in their. number
during the knit parliarnerit of 76 or
5t Per omit. The amounts granted 116e,
, these instittttes WOre, during those. , eaeleeee„,e
years, ES folleves.e 1887, $26,107 e tie nit
air J. ilpg succeeded • in captor-.
$813252, 'rile amounts paid to vapor. day. for Ins heavy draught stallion. -
1486, $29,890 ; 1880, $81,4284 1890, ing Beet prite in Teeswater, 'last rile
' ;II with
anntirited teaehere duririg' last Pare, Mrilthgli (eilliee is serious y .
fitment W. ,, $ 4. 1,
1887 8 iNs . 1888 Ma aria __ . t
and inflammation.The fare
ee,,A. liters are jubiletit over lie appearance
$58,200 ; '4-889,f $6°,8.6 i "-Quu, I of the fall wheat,'whieh has unproved
$8'2,105. .. , e, „,,, • . wonderfully dueing the last week.
dir• ectors of- the*: `.,neesCeet• Mr 'Irving 3deloort has started his
mill .0.11a is rushing out tile Welber.—
' Mier:lens* Aesociation . having. eons Iv he:Patrons entrona of Industry are the whole
' . iddiaed it of ,tlie greatest inOrteenne;cri5tist itow. . Tlifle.his . a probability
* ta'"ittia' ist int ati1tftirther imp, „. ... . . tmtti
Eking- E
toeing tliii .0,i organizing an ems 11,
*&4,°11„Ociaeot line farmers a IA? ..
ctalvt041114441.tii0"1 el"t!littEl*Olgthldtiklg 0E11E610 er Weighing
wrofitael 104 eglookankt defog tit, matte. geery So WI with
lensing thee
.01.1....e...te taatitten Strittford and ,ileein seeditie Or
On the charge of attempt at suicide
the prisoner pleaded guilty, and His lin,'druggist ; Don Vice-Prestelent„
Lordship sentenced him to four• D Sanderson, hardware merchant ;
months in the common jail. President, W Doig, jeweller ; Vice -
President, nos Nash, editor Vidette ;.' .
Li the Queen vs Hefferman, for es-
caping from the custody of a constable,SecretaryL McDermitt ; Treasurer,
the prisoner pleaded guilty: When ,
W beig- ; Captain, Win Torrance, jr...,.
the charge of'oatile stealing watecalled Managing Committee, Wrri Torrance,/
l4r Lount, for the Crown, stated that N Mer:411gl'iin and 'John 1"- Kahle.
Prospects are good for a team fit to
as. the chief witness, James Reith who
thecompete with the best of them. Would • - --
Owned the cattle in question, had kit
country; he would diet no evidence like to hear from.. imiehboring to sns..
-Open fOr challenge from this date.
in the ease, and His Lordshitadirected
the jury to return a verdict of not
FOOT BALL.—A monster meeting •
was held here on Tueschty evening last:
fur the purpose of organizing afeat
ball elnb. The following ()hitters were'.
elected : Hon President, N McLaugb-
guilty. Hefferman was then sentenced
to two weeks in jail for breaking away Mondarwes a model spring,day,—
Item the constable, and the court ad-. Sugar making has come and gone,but
joureect until 9.Volock next moroing. we leave had.very few taffy pulls,—
The following is the grand: jury pre- Clear away all the old rubbish and
refuse, and time prevent the germs of ' '
any disease bona lurking therein,— 4,
The Fall wheat in this part looks fresh A ,
and green and hopes of a fine crop
are entertained by, all, providing the
rnst and other causes have bidden tie
"good-bye." We only hope the reality
may prove as favorable as the prospects
entertained Miss Findlay, of
Hfavvick, was visiting Miss Belle
Wylie, last weelt.—Eli Bolt, 'while
out shooting, last week, reoeived a
few grains of shot in his face. The
only serious result was the fright and
the loss of blood.— Owing min ee
but t 0 sentiment :
so orted by plff witnesses;
deft's,- witnesses agreed throughout
that the magisteate saidnothing:about
the charges separately, ', lent that he
"fined Beatty $5 and costs, arid, that
he thought that this would beeatis-,
factory to all parties." judged ' by
the evidenee here the J's court was
a sort of a free -and easy affair, Beatty
calling one of the lawyers a sephead
ed without any objection by the eourt,
tile: gleneral order of the cotirt sentenee. Three are insane, and have
being . anything, hot dignified. The all been reported, and areoiow await
leder in the New Ela said.,BeattY was ing tennaval to the asylniti. OHO is
fined for indecent exposureetind.beece charged with murder, one with for,
the suit for libel. Kditor Holmre-
es assault with intent at
fused to give the name of the corres. :14e.„174 cma'witir
one watle hirceny—thesse four
pondent, but 'allowed Beatty, et. some :rat'''.
Were awaiting trial. The three ferealee
one for him, to publish a denial of the were all committed/AS vegrantse—ages I We hope will soon be -well agiuti.---Geo4e.
report given, but this did rot satisfy fiftyeseven., eeventy.theeti and eighty- ' Musgrove was around last week taking
The CUM hero lasted all of Wednesday, mle. °"e a them' Mm*Y •ra.'13', le the` census and the women, by ammo!
Beatty -,who finally brought tine tuition.
fill,YR • ,luOite ;le -right direetion eproter-
ThO jurors for our lady, the Queen
beg leave to present that they have ex-
amined the ;hal, and bind' the fellow,
ing .prisoners: At preaent there are
sixteen prisoners in jail; thirteen males
and three fomeles. Ot the males, font
are vagrants' the youngest. is sixty.
two and the Oldest 10 eiglaty.two.years
of *age ; all of there are totally unfit to
earn a liable.. They' are all under
to las the face,. John Gemmill
been -confined to the a 4000 for some,
titnee Ile 5a,now oh, the mend, and ,
week minded Ana totally unfit to take ibg the long endlq tedione gneetionscf
and the find hour of Thursday, Mtn
care Of herself. she has no friends a almolt had their henseif taken aWay.
gallon Thet veue.eable 3 P far es we know, She is note under
20 witnesees being examined alto*
evidenee„tesiitied that for a eeouter in )11t *mt.."'" "ix "1""1314 s"):1 It' makes
chiliviarwgietebeite;Itte 11:igvaatzenvingoati ile awl
1 tottphiezi
ralesid1440! woos iridlotoalgoepolito e wiz her: wt
let its .revoralathliti.rseitt.
•-04.4,0,000 --.11:41604g2.00
1"3. - 441,4,04...As ts.se*t.t444410.14t.,111!!!_i Mail death el I h
Busy termer% work away,
sa Leo its in your power, • .
Sow the grein, you'll leap the pttn..
WI:Lel:few ?MI eat the flour,
Busy fermate, pltaigh tieelield,'
Arid.'sovek the geed Wigle *Wee e.
Aied then the earth,le yeti men yield.
' Ottlea'aettleatittaa-a44,444... . e.
,7 vex
S jrie
eve al
i•ng o
in t