HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-04-24, Page 1..z
h,u l e Fietori,
rest Pridesfor tt:
rumber into l ui'nt.t
miff we intend
will do char you
he prices for you.
a, 13 war,
r1,.,,,,1...t 50
..., 8 00 'r
,,,:,,1,..,• >3 00
I,-..,,.1„•1..• 8 00
ate tlw t '
nisi : itta4anditig
and use all tlist
have tbern
,,, 8 00
7 00
a+e are still buynsr all classes of Logs oa.
do not offer you 25 centsextra, to iudcu
tvor to satisfy customers.
Goods justf41
recent departments got the inspection of;.
general public.. '
been taken to select all the Latest Nov-
ai: to do so we have ;made :our selections.
)wn'ln.the country„
hairs. and Lustros, ffenriettas, Cashmere%
t tiffany other goods in this line which
Cc of )re5s`eiudqin town,
ries and Plaids. All we a'k is for every,
us Stock of Dress Goods before purckias. •
rs, PRINTS..
' tg . dinso and.F
inner; s. The
n Prints, Mul
alert's,the Greatest Range, the New, est
tore to buy your Prints
lock through our manimoth'stock of Prints.
Ideriea'' beia re making your belectiuns4t
ieneial i)ry Goods is complete in ever
Curtain Net, Art•`Muslin; and Carpets in
lase give us `a, call; our • prices area always
it a Correct 11 at in style and price, we
line, If you Want a Nobby Tie or Co al'
Suits to order , .
We utake e as low as �• 4 .
it to go. Please give us a. call before pur- '
No trouble to show,Ooods. •
Mammoth, White Bokbara and Alfelf
'tit pasture, Timothy. and Orchard Grays
ger with great care this season, as 1 visited.
was grown, and if I found'•that a, farmer j*
fi 1
Lye a: clean farm, .I. passed him by.
can rely on the purity of the Seeds, s
nus of Messrs. John Barber, Wm. P.iokles
, and all the Seeds have been4pui'cbased %:t<
will always be the lowest; all and get
T. A .Lr.L It ••
GED. 811A10
wieheetoietltnate to the people of Winghteu Lea
* meats of %ieleity, that he has commenced the Rinehart/it
Wieehatn. Matinees again, tine hie opened out re the )1d Steed,
a tew eves North et the tirune'W3ok Reuse.
STEPAL10e. per 11• a
Ulla 1001.per b�
pp Aradether Xteats In propottien, setae seWeets3tt
Ea &Q Icor pUtrrrd, ,
SMVSAGJ 8, &o., alwayas en Una..
f th.lo,ria Meats dleliveied to le ,at ea the roam,
rsetik 1>t
• b eltar
OL. XX, 7 -NO. 17
For the buyer is good for the Feller, viz. ;
.31iable Goods, Reasonable Prices, Fair
Dealing and Courteous; Treatment, These
Are good for both you and rue. They are
like our 98e, Boots ; they will wear well.
Have you looked through our Tweeds
et this spring? They will interest you,
All Wool :quits made to order for $9, bet-
ter ones for $10 and Best for $15.
Also latest style es quality le and best uali in
`Felt Hats. We never had such' a trade
in hats as now. Wonder why 1
But we have other things besides Hats.
Gents' Furnishings of every description,
including a full range of Shirts, Collars,
'Tioe, Gloves, Braces, arse,, &o. In facto.
we are prepared to rig you out from the
e•.rown of your head to the sole of your
:foot, and do it well,
Come and have it clone.
rak'eta.. ,, ••tea. -
WIN GIfAM ONT., FRIDAY, . APRIL 24, 18,91,
e lateat and best driek--Neve York
er Althea Jas MoiCelvie's Star reetaur
-Quite a number
the town atteuderl t
Clinton, ou Tuesday
—The Clinton Net
Agnew, Dental Stud
leaves next week to
—We mutt have . money,. and parties
receiving notioe'from us in 'reference to
past due accounts had better get a bustle
on. ' Jas A Came & Co,
--Considerable q utities of potatoes are
being 'purchased ereaboute just inset.
Sixty cents per bus lis being paid. They
are being shipped, t Chicago. and other
f'tte young people of
to bao1ielorfe hall at.
bra says: 1lfr Robt
at witb G 1L Cook,
Imo positive iu Whig,
—Miss Jennie Ca+
a Feresters'�enterta
Friday evening, A�
Gracey will give a co
Foresters' concert io
day evening next.
sill will take part in
meat in' Clinton, on
ay ist, and. Mr. $
�tpie of reedinge at a
nokp,ew, oil Thurs-
-Pine Apples and Bananas, the first
of the season, at Jas Met{elvie's. Star res.
" eat- teureuti.:
Direct importer.
THE Ba.Art, April 24th, 1891.
—.The first proxit\o will be Arbor Day;
--Oysters—Raw, stewed or fried, arias.
tLb1 elvie's Star restaurant.
—Sacker iishi is a favorite pastime
with lnauyjust n •
—Cell atAlex Ross' book store and see
the Laurance spectacle. Sole agent since.
L F Gereter lett. tcwo.
= Dr Macdon 1d leaves on Saturday
o Ottawa,to ass me hisParliamentary
,f tt
as, r la ik Kel nod 'leitr uFridaylast
FY . o
ee ort to seo a a aituwtio as tele,
Toon o n
graph operator.
—Iii ..your :watch or clock needs repairing,
.,goy to W H Wallace, watchmaker and
' vel r. 'text door to post � e t s
4 .—•A number of tai tr. have been engaged
' tri
'the Jose hive ' t
er ea r h dirtsties the
1 �
g _P.
'st f vil` e. A ood` obis being to da done.
p 3 l g
Foe Sai,tss =,3 pleasant home convenient-
. ly
onvenient-..iy sitlia,sd, fine view of 'the town., Terme-
;to snit purchaser. Wilt be sold cheap. :Ap-
ply early to D; M. Goanopta
Mr A Bee has; ad a Dew walk made
rlioug the south aid' of the,(�ueen's hotel,
this: week. .It.isa eat improvemebt on;
the old one.,
—G T It trains for. Toronto. and: east
leave Wingham at 6.30 e, m and 11.10 a m
via W G& B. Diviaiou,, and at 6.45 a m
and 8.40 p m, via. Clinton and Guelph.
Good connections: by all trains.
. de -We learn that.D Sloan, of Myth; has
decided to remove t Toronto shortly, and
luta disposed of his autiful .residence iu
that village to Mr H otor Buie,. ;pt .Mont..
—•Gordou & McIntyre are selling the
balance of their winter stook at a great
�roduotioe. 13e sure andinspeet their stook
if you want anything in winter or early
spriug goods
�•—A gentleman Frain w o has travelled quite
extensively during he past ten days, who
gave the Times a c 11 the otherday,inforrn•
' ed us that he neve saw the fall wheat
looking better tha it does this year,
—p'or first-class tailoring and cheap
Petits' furnishings, try Webster & Da
lb: member the place, only two doors north.
.ef the old stand acid between Ross' book-
' alter° and Halsted & Soott'a bank.
—The Seaforth emeu intend holding
a grand firemen's t ornament in that town
'' on the 23rd' and 14 i of Juno next. $850
will bo offered,iu p 'zea. Laoh fire depart
rneskt that takes a and of twelve men or
more, and take pe. iu the' parade With.
the band will reedy fr25.
.rw«tiw' tom tliy Umber, 0, piing, in
,� �aplondor
Gladden the earth,''ittr thy wooing'eaten,
tiler t
Wrapped in thy gte filed proacuee we lite
held by the spell of
. '• ° s and vales
a ow t
11I d
with a earl it t
thy amanita
Richer thy woof.I ht
Wrought by the bre
thy 'magical Auger'..•
lvith th oautt s are
tali, add the thrill 'of
ti evened 'Ot ient looms,
, of thy balms and
mals ti}t�I saki eherto
tit; rY o(eat
Oh ea 'lin tvittra atallr th
—Mr Telford,, of Tai
district, paid. Winghat
dr A. Mau oilioial vis;,
last. Dr DeWitt Ma
and Mr Win Rogers, o
the lodge a visit,
—The contract of• rt
hall to a lot opposite l
barracks, was let on
M G Murdooh, of Lo
975. It is expected tl
commenced this week
�a D I) G Sr, of this
Lodge No 284, A F
on `Tuesday evening.
ton, of Kincardine
Loudon, also paid
moving the old. town
he Salvation Army
tturday last, to Mr
lou, for :,the aura of
at the' Work will be
—Mrs R Conlin,late of Walkertorl,wia,hes
to intimate to the people of Winglaatn that
she is prepared to officiate as nurse where
her services are required. , li'esidenoe op•
,posite Chisholin's Drug Store. '
—A contemporary of Ma. that Samson
was the first niau to vettise,,,::dde . took
two solid. columns t demon titrate his
str n t
h and sever • thousand e
"tumbled" to the s mem at .onoe.K Re
brought down'the ho. so..
=`5;e uu er band m li ent r .. rap-
s a o pm ay• p
per will be tendered L' John Kerr, at,Mr
Jas TcKe]vfe s rest r tonight, n S a t h .b 'a
n , s ,,,Y
nrimber of hismai iends in town,
Kerr expects to rem' :ve to l ohden'' neat
Week :'
BAnaAry Countxiin.-Saturibey night
Fancy Dress Goode 6c, Ladies Fine Shoes
$150;dob lot of Sbawls,Geves and Hosiery
Linen ictrd. Siik Handkerchiefs. Gents all
wool Overcoats for. 84.76, Gents Tie 12e at
• M. 11. MClevee's.
a -T a band score of
Horne"has been ren
1+•actory Band. The
been presented to alt
and our national anth
ed from the Atlantic
"My Own Canadian
ived by the Bell's
complete score has
he bands in Canada,
rm"will now be play
o the Pacific.
—"An old Sopoy," u last week's Leek-
now Sentinel, dispute the right of the
Wingbam base ball cl b to assume the name
"Sepcy," Why our iase ball club adopted
the name "Sepoy," .e it a not aware, but
we feel sore it was i et to "steal" it from
Luokuow, whose cl s • of different kinds
have for years born that title.
—Do not wear poor boots at this seaaion
of the year for you will be sure to suffer
for ib but get a pair of high cut seamless
solid kip boots. Sold by tonnes; & Marta
rine at the price charged by ether houses
for oommbp goods.
—The subscriber,
to the Town )#all is
pectfully solicit the
hers of the Meoha.
standing rule thai
returned the last da
sow that the removal
mrninont, would regia
attention of the mein.
ics Institute to the
all books must be
a of April,
W. Lrrnoow,
Flatlet' GolvCcttkenatto oar, Cavite;,
Wr1'tOryAai.--W, Il. Watson, Pester. Ser-
vices each Sunday at 11 a. in. and 7 p. m.
Sabbath School at close of Morning Ser-
vice. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday
at' 1,30' la. u7. Seats free, Straegers wel-
gotio. Sulrieet next Sabbath morning,
"Why do wo hang back t" To young
�??nople. "Matto tto work." treeing, "Joan
tam, the SCottisb. ftelormor."•
-Aspeeial rnissi naryr''mooting' is.rtti-
gouaccd to he hold i St.Pnul's olturclr art
Wednesday evening nest, tvliieli.• will lie
esiedthe Ria o of Al tna Right
addrgc byt
P $Q , d
Rev �•, llullirrrtxr, D I1 'nils service ie frail'
but u eolleetion in ti of mission's vain be,
take`s up durlug the venting. Ths1 s1 ul+
Hake ie one if the eat 'untied., preaplitira'
and leotnrers in Ain riot and apriwalttirg ate
he iutenda to On the object of teitetteers'to
WS life, ma t ttf"iir�'i
Messrs •C Lloyd
car load of doors
+-The ' Salvation
nearing completion,
go t o£ paint,
�t?r Jolla Forster'
ing the old council oh
tow ,
Upwards of thirt
were shipped from
works, during the pa
-Rev Jas Ferguson
ducted the services of
in town, last Sabbath,
Rev Mr Scott.
--Ma Thos Agnew
North West and wil
next week. He will
ing business, if be
able location.
Sons shipped
Winnipeg, 1
rmy barracks are
ed are receiving a
's ecgaged sa move
ber and the hose
car loads 'of salt
ie Wingham salt
t month..
of Zondesboro,con-
te Methodist church
in the absence. o
itencis visiting the
leave . for Calgary
'gage in the lumber -
can secures suit-
-Miss McDougall begs to intimate to
the ladies of Wingbam and vicinity that
she bas opened adress and mantle gnakii;g
establishment in Kent's Block iti �fiooms
lately occupied by the Town Clerk.-Dreas
and mantle making iu the latest style.
Also, little boys' clothing made to order.
Remember the place, Kent's Block.,
—Mr Thos McCraol
years been employed
furniture factory, left
Lansing, Michigan,
work there at his trai
sn,who has for some
in air Thos Bell's
on Wednesday for
xpecting to secure
—The annual Meth dist conference, for
the Guelph Distr�ist.r ets in Berlin' the
first week in June. T iere will be over
three hundred dales es, ministers and
laymen, present, and t e seryioes will con -
thine about a week.
—Messrs Beattie B s have purchased
Messrs Roe and Ma in's 'busses, and
now `have control of the business in'.
town,. Only one 'b u is run to'the
static no '
ns �,
—Mies f' R ht' IFAS .Av will i
,� c2 i ,i� w t give• ,lessons
i Plaina
a d Floury Needlework,
>; o e raised
s, or
flat,: and has soared. rooms opposite the
Post Office, where she will ..be pleased to
have the ladies of Wirrgharn and vicinity.
call and inspect work and get terms of
=Mr Geo McKenz e u'
rebased from
u hie fAs
M c s o old • on Wednes-
nW nes
dafifteen'la d
y, acres of,near the ceme-
tery, seouring the sem ,at;a falai figure.
Rev E W -Hn hes s -ren received a lett
g e er.
from the rector of the nglioan "church. in
Kan'iloops, B 0, dated pril 10th, in which
itis stilted that Miss Bi iugsley is not im-
proving'in health, and t at the en& may
be looked for soon.
—Some people think
stamp' attached to a 'pie
will go through the mail
card, This is a mist
charged to any person r
the form referred to.
that re one cent
e of •card• board
in lieu of a. post-
e, as 4 cents is
ooiving a note in
—At the regular meet a of Court Mait..
land;C 0 F, to' he h Id to -night, the
consideration of the Noti 'es of Motion will
be continued, and the 031 ars for the en-
suing tertn will be eleote , A full attend.,
ance. of members, is requ rated.
--hast week, in giving
tracts from the repor
Publics Scheel Inspector,
Dug sohooI and its teache
sentence referring to Mr
principal of the school,
"Mr Mosgrove's methods
quite satisfactory, his nee
history and bookkeeping
--Cn Sunday next,
Mattlaud Ledge, 7 0
brethren, will celebrate
uumber of ex
of Mr D.Itabb,
in reference to
, the following
1. 11 Musgrove,
as overlooked
of teaching are
hods of teaching
ug piir'tteelarly
e members of
F, and visiting.
he 72nd anuiver-
tiding divine sere
ureh at 3.30 p m•
t the ledge rnom
pliant Order of
—The Bank of II
to open a branch in
time, and it is state
of this agency will
We congratulate Mr
• into; have decided
ucknow, in a Short
thatMr J OBrown,
= appointed' agent,
Brown on his pro-
—The annual' inc
Hamilton And Loud
'count. 10 the Presby
being held at Lon
Archibald McLean,
ator, Rey H MoQu
at ,�, e> meeting.
ing of the synod of
i, the second Jiigateet
rias denomination, le
on this week, 'Bev
f Blyth,ie tbe'Modar.
rrie is in attendance
—Mr t1. W Robb, •
prise, it is reported,.
Walkerton Trim:Rea
published the Mite
number of years, is
plant to Lorne,a vill
where he willestabli
him success.
—Don't forget the
held by the "Willing
Band, in the Wingba••
Friday evening, May
profitable evening is
attend, Meeting to
Collection at the do
f the ChesleT Rnt r-
has purchased the
Mr Colwell, who
ell Advert,atr for a
oving hie printing
e in Elgin county,
• a paper. We wish
•en meeting to be
Gleaners" Mission
Baptist church, on
t. A pleasant and
oneieed to all wbo
eminence. et - 7.30.
r, Proceeds 4.e be
used for the extension
—On Tuesday aft
girl about six years o
John Monek, fell i
Josephine street, ne
She was immediatel
donald's office, sober:
gained oouseiousness,
ho me.
WHO LE NO, .1004
Town Co cit. ,
/thea Towu Council
enitlglast. T'resant,'
eve Aldi Fume, and
A' special meeting o
was held "ou Friday
—Mayor Clegg, It
Couuoillors Agnew Hill, Holmes, Ander-
son, Lemmex, Gr ftin, Sperling, Smyth,
Dawson, McLean, Hotnuthr The Mayor
stated that the vies ing had been called tos
con i
er the e
leasing o; the two unit; rooms
on ground floor of the town hall, to the
Mechanics' Inetitute; •'e'consideration of
a communication Prot, Messrs Gilchrist,
Green & Go, re Elect, o Light; the clues -
of securing seenery 1 'r the new town hall,
and other business. The clerk read the
lease between •the Corporation and: the:
Meobanios' Institu•:, The lease is for a
term ef five years f • m January 1st, 1801,
at a yearly rental of ' 65.' It was moved by
C N Griffin, seconded • y R (1 Sparling,that
the draft of lease just real between the
Town of Wingham and the Mechanics Iu
stitute be approved— . tried. By-law No
187, 1891, confirming • e lease, was then
read three times. M.ved by A Dawson,
seconded by 'W $m
187, 1893, as read,
and nays were call
of B2fssfou work, atoo3. as follows a 3'
Dawson, Agnew, Hil
moon lasta ii t ;Smytu, Griliiu-8. Nt
age, daughter nr' you, gem=•th,Zn,
a fainting fit on carried and By-Lawetmexl•a
the Stone Block.
taken to Dr Mace.
she some after re -
and was removed to
•Berea for sale by
late Wm Mooney,
, disposed, or. Mr
sed h six -aero park
with, one acre of
'eon, for $90 ;. 1VI>
• loss; . tWo. , acres of
G and , anl,.' Grit
• 1. Alt ihm.the.�'y p rop-
ver Wingham.‘ Mr
Peter Deans wielded the hammer..
th, that By-law No
e passed. The • yeas
d for, and the vote
s—Meesrs McKenzie,
Sperling, McLean,
•s—Messrs Ander•.
clones -4. Motion
sed. A corsmuo.•.
Dation wee` read boil : Messrs 0atehr;ez,
Greeu d: Co, in refere ce to the ,rlecteit
light, stating that'tla., could pot males-.
take to run the'town ighte leek than a,.a
nights per unarm,': d asking that they,. e.
allowed to determiuthe nights on whinn
the lights tihould not ,e lit. fair W Oreeu
addressed the r;ouneil • t length, stades,
that they were willing to enter lute r.,::
agreement with the Co nea an the terra
stated in their ornate :catim:..Coasici.3r-
able.diseueeiw, ensue wheia it was: ti oed
.h o. , '
Sr.o n•
g '�� Ii;e_ �ie,sxio aiefl:bY G•:,'�,,�xrt ,.,
Mit the Mayor and. C
Fir. he au
sr o 6ontract with Me rs CiloirintGrra
•8i Co for .lighting the st be, couuoil char...
ber ordinal, ab 20 on per light ; trio
streets for 300 rights; t hall Sud';scuff. ;il
chamber when,. requir d. Moxsai by. a.
Dawson, seconded by Holinesxrra ixmonc,:
ntieut,tliatthe aommu' icatien freed Meas:i
G llcliriaf 'Green & (7• re el c ' e tile. light, tit b3
nail oyer until next regular meeting far
further. consideration Oa the: j'eas ;Still ,
naye being taken, t 1 re' voted iii al
amendrnenb - Me15
sars aweon, il;,ntrw,
Sperling, McLean, Le .• ex,'Holmes,
derson--7 Against— : esars nfoKeuiie,;'
Hoinu:th; Hill, Smyth, eriffin-5.•:'Aineti;a-
ment carried. The • otiou_ was lost on
the same division r ersecie The ;Mayor
reported that he an the Reeve had gone
to Listowel to insp et some scenery which
that town had for a le. After looking over
the scenery, the decided that ''it.'
would not do for our h Il. A oommun',toit:
tion was read from M Albert 'Trate, ef
Chatham, iu reference to painting scenery
for the stage of the ne town hall. Moyed
by ADemon, second d by, Wm Smyth,
that we advertise in e_ Empire and Olok
fur a'set of hall c stains'. Moved by '3'
'Agnew; seconded by i Hill,thattil4 M.tJ c"4.,.,•
Reeve' and Couue lora Dafilat ft dire.
Homuth, be a oointni eo to pre Ode a drov
curtain and scenery 1 r the towu'litall,rvith
power to not •Xotion oat and amoi die
carried. A deputat'•n from the 1stzErazti,
School Board, conai ting of Massreis' hoe
Bell and D M Gord n, addressed
cil, asking that a p uk eide ,aU.. b6 :li=ly
down on Patrick en- et from 3O thine to
1'rauole street and 'on Johi street froze
fosephine street t Francis street 1ui.•H
along Frauds stree, from «john street .0
Patrick street. Mr J Gracey ate° urat:i
the neeessity of pu lug dowu the wa:lia':i
y A Dawaon,soceuet
t the request of the
School hoard be vere
ommittee, and that
t rneetiugg, -Carrie i.
A11 the property
the executors of the.
on Saturday last, w
Robt Molndoo purch
lot for $170 ;, Mr M
land with house the
John Cameron, of K'
land with hisok f
and lot" f,
erty is located fa L
--On the evening e
instant, a little dau.
Flanagan, aged about
tipped the tea pot o
a ,
soatdru, her terribly
back.' 'Medical aid
avail, and death elite
little sufferer on Su.
and Mr t• lanagan.h:
pithy of the cora
affliction. The rem
Lnndnu ori Tuesday
—The Bev Dr 'Se
D, of Dunkirk, Ne
two !actuates in the
in refutation of th
modern Scepticism.
April 30th, he will
"Secularist;,: a Fell
ure" ;. and, op Fri
"Prayer ,: Its Relat
Law, and 11lodere
visited Wingbam s
we feel sure he will
come, He oomea
of the Ladies' Miss.
,First Congregatioua
lir; (Pa) News spea
Dr Sexton was th -
Thursday, the 160
liter of Mr Frank;
ix years,accidentaily.
n tier the e ]lot tea.
• tt the shoulders and
ep roctir
ed but of no
= to the relief of "the
day nightlast. .Mr
ve tbelieartfelt eyes
unity iu their sad.
MS were interred at
on, MA,LLI,]h
!orfs, will deliver
wn I.1a11, Wiughain,
various phases of
n Thursday evening,
take for his eubjeot,
•, a Fallacy and a ail-
ay evening, May 1st,
on to Science, Natural:
bought." Dr Seaton'
eral years ago, and
:oeive a hearty welts
nudes the auspices'
ary Society of the
hurchr ThePrank-
thus of Dr 'Sexton :
leading, light at the
all who
Y, and
eased byhis eloquence,
po'ver. He has the
e most abstruse truths.
enSSive' mind handles
blems, his sparkli irg
over every thought.
Id•wide reputation as
lieis the author of
t religious and pIlile-
heard him ware im p
logic and oratorical
ability to simplify ti
Whilst his compre
the mot diflieult pr
Style throws a char
Di. Sexton has a wo
asetentifio lecturer.
ah,out twenty differei
,sophism! works, and i known in Europe as
cue of 1 the strongest tampions of rs-
dainty 'fu this Ceutu y. Moneta& themes
aa the Fallacy of Sci •titins `infidelity, he
itatniapproachable... a treats the tubjeot
fs5. standpoint, meet-,
it and. upon
slaty o e r er y a .. Chris-.
for. llfuved
•vies in the Methodist c by J A,1teLean, tit
The brethren will meet Committee from th
at 8 n'r:iodk, The Irl feared to the street
Oitdfellowe had its beg t eine in the City el feel*1 t b t
Baltimore, in iY e Stir: a of Maryland,: -Xt
oot'drne» oed with a. r re! nbetship of tp,
1819,and'tlio growth of the Soelet'y:has
been'pheinbrieetial. I luta 'biota lodglea ;tui'
every Stat? et alai'"tl tori, eyefy•i rdvittcti
in ohs grai1d Detrain
argil nt,noat oyety„,
eetrntry�'itt” tile' wn t' t,''ntuiibering Iii. A11,
'd"vref 634;000,reetnbri e, h ir" Dciirinibe ask ie
ritiwibetiti '1 i nttdrs''wiilsr ' 1
a ,�,ae � yeti, tt
paid'oet fee oliof Sang t1M psst:c erfrl:
Drnalr;g thelY r' 1 .fe t',ts e' )'tend tl
tiro!'•brdeni fot''rt of tlia:Yee tantts-4
7903,10,4v, lana d, r.,•eg •,period
10110 trft Decoltitive + Ist, I bellow
ueibtsf ° , `l, ' : 54, atom
allsith he ham threeit
o a euro y scieri r t. oy report a our
jng the sceptic iu his; Council then adjour
'Ws. tom ground.
',.+,• ,. • sprees ter Same.
''$" Ii'orYiale, a good, young toom of work
gees. A 1 io pn y':hiotrAtr & Sorg.
.4u er
,V4 urY barn
r Ont.
'1J ;scat.,
Ob, fiat nCon tah
,er heel 1L ewrithing
of the were 'approaeh'of Haat more
diaeaee Cbu1thrptten. As e:Yeet
ou can afford for the 'sacker of
rata the riot 'mai de nothiug
taortY feoai extwrieuee thM i
, This vs at •y One'
Faint Tn. te.--eThe seceeas of our last Morin.
fluffing contest, juat closed, euoetiragee
to offer another free trip AaoUsr, ilrittarr' ..1,
or iia ease equivaleutto the pea -
in the {outset list of wade apt tit
forward andbaokwaedw, isticir as "VV."
'•3;eb," "Ylaenalia'" Tont' eenteet closes
May 15, Three daily prises tot airs; Ma.*
lar;. -eat lista received. Cont'ours Is.„epee tr
the womb. Bver%oue IA g rein eft006.1-,,,,
will get a prize. '.1s earl . l2 xo . rat
in our reboot eonbest. �1 a
paper 14 oPew-t .*iter
toted eatelett e. ejcir•ead'