HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-04-17, Page 8ItAo; •
ati times'
money in, am-
p of awl to all
o halts or other
people, but a one
win bear inspection and
ill any hottest iu town.
' WAS Clothing, Spring
Lod dark pattcrns, 'aoye'
jitney Suits, )3o70'
Fa' Soft and • Tlard Hata
petollowibg as especially"
ass Geode, Silks, Velvets,
ts, Laos and tmbroiderYi
oda, Lace Curtaine, Lad
Spring Underwear,Gloves,
ft Rad Slipperit and Silk
loidies.—All the newest
ig8 in Gold and Silver, the
city; Gloves ill, Kid, Silk,
than; Hose la Cashmere,
e and Fancy. Shirts, Col -
Great dieplay of EngUeb
Bate. Mer.021 :Spring Suit -
binge and Pautings3rpady-
-4,Pair dealing and honest
Yours truly,
hi, H. MCits1000.
,..ef Detro'it, was call-.
*trce. 41 last 'week..
Cc, 1VIr The;
ieg Ltliepast
ter, ,triends
e week; „Mr
,were visitweek.:i
in town'this
• tbe
„this week, 04
am, of London,'
Et.merican Lifo.
was in town• on
ellaClendimfaing has
Mid the• snairner.,
d is 'visiting hei
tthe :en saFre
ndon..34!D 0it
Ingham; has gone
in Parlrhill. and
Coed, of TiOnsail, was
N Tilt, of
text a the Covenant
Was in town
Obt Cunningham, of
on Friday last. Air,
to Wends in and
on Friday last,
eet, aunty Organixer,
stay erayesWinghain to-
ain'a week's visit to
end Lambton county.
,'of rangeville„ Was
/las bit the-,
• • _
Clare more 6461.11," ,i1
1-1110 hrittaited 0
And Alit*
And gave it to the gut
Per years the sitat r4 held goga
ItawAt tAo oter 1, strain,
Ata ,IPP0,-the fi of all our rage,
Would %hernial se to mink again;
Dot elttue to hint, comma to ali, 4
The tough vi de hi th.0 homeward eat,
H're to this wort be bade farewell,
• Le lammed to •ye 'Ike christlaa fano,
And gave by hie* Wig
Gambol trophies the hall of fame
•He to the world di nobly give
Some good to alio that he didlive.
`71\9., • , , • ,,"
.( \
\ \
o plant Rarest flo ra on the tetanal
That raps'tlie at ist'e ineumerina clay*
o never. tiever. r let
Such worth from emery petal awaY,
ekrld Place lOve's lau la o'er hit/breast,
F4r worth anatrut lies there street.
•• Only $ Ceuta.
The Rum !of 12 ce ts in etampa sent.. to
the Stabiston ub :Montreal,
the oublistieemof the °minima Illustrat,
ed, will secure c stamp e copy of that jpor-
nal, which has lately been SO Inn011 int -
proved, and which its icterprising
erB are endeavouring to introduce .info
every house ii& claim a. Itis the only
high•clapilllustrated eddy publiehei, in
the Dominion.,:and no • ins are epared to
make it' more worthy o the problem a the
hone pirate, ev ry setinple copy is
rules ana ptrtieut
itiou now going ou,
and which. auy new au scriber may enter.
The r rizeangregate a er 33,030 iu value.
'Bargee, for Rale;
Vorreale, a .gp6d, young team of work-
ing horses.-- pply to ' t
iddlenart & Som.
., • • ' Widgicam, Ont,
--- The April -n'acha cmof 'The Canadian
Live Stock.and
by The SD Sryant.
Toronto), is pra
frontispiece ioec
Southdown 'ebee
for- the putpos froiii the. *lock of A
Murrieta, nsq; W Eng ewa.
graiing of the grin .fllydesdele Stallion
jO giv well asportraits
R jt he president of • the
tlistriinion Sheer!) eoclone!Aesoiciation, and
Mr the -preeident of the
Qnsian 4NYa Aseociation. , The
illipcgt,of the let • rovincial istaktion show
le -given et !nil le eh: and the several
on the eare's .breeding horeis,
,cgdetie ltuel swine, esp' oielly appropriate to
;the peacoat, should b read by all formare.
sent out it:eil'Olft wit
lars of the prize asimp
ra. 'will
tiers of
pad -
and 'June '1st,
of vain° for each'
"Reviver is one of
eely illustrated
the Competi'.
2 coralueted in
Having placed .4 SISW'Miii in connection with our Vomitus* ricturi,
tU tiny all kinds of Hard 001 Sort Timber,. And will inky the 11.4itest, •Pricea for th'
Any oeports tothe contrary.
In the first instance -we manufacture all our own Lumber into Furnitn
refuse for fuel, giving us the advantage in ,eveyy respect, • •
We have advertised for 2,000,000.1tiet ot Lop .and we. intend •
- So call upon. us and see What we will do for you
And patronize the parties who inereased the prices for you.
OD nexcans. 13 FEET,
00... $6 50
Soft Bin
77 .... 8$ 0000
talascbkw 0A0 Sal 1. ,
. .. 7 60.‘„,, 8 00
• Notwithstanding tl,e report that wear not buyin"g. 7L06g0s, we ar'e"still b8u:ing' ali classes of Logs
Beech"... • • . .. •••• f4.••••• • ... be .. 6 60 •11 , 7 00
onr list, as above, and will do so all through the season. But we do not offer you 25 cents extra, to iudcu
you to bring your Logs from other We deal straight • ,
Rush along:your Logs and we will endeavor to satisfy customers.
Mane, .
Ate that W
t )040111%
anti use all
have them,
Witionnm, Apr11, 16, 1801
Corrected by. P. Deans, Produce Dealer.
Flour per 100,110, • ' 4 2 76 to 2 75
Fall Wheat,per,bushel, • .1 03 to • 1 OS
Spring •• • • 1 03 to 1 ea
Oats, * • ' ' BO to •• 60
Barley 60 to 50
„ 76 to 70
14 to It
1450 14
12 to 12
1 26 to 150
0 00 ta 850
• 5 00 tp .5.28
journal (published Butt'er,Anh
58 illsy,Street, • de Roue,
pied by, a fine pair of
ly iltuatrated. •Thai sasciPpeOrdeTci,
;ray per ton,
csecd 11031
, speciallyphotographed
• •
..t-Vilecre you ever t sea An •extjActorm—a
Storempear coin; wheu you eipected the
9p13 Nave would ash the , good ,hip te,
11 you'e r passed. through Boob
au eiperieuce you a remember the relief
felt*hen You realize .you , "were near a
lifersayleg stetiou wi • its corps of heroes,
end yen will be glad q knowsa more of the
life 61.those-obre.v watebire by the Bele;
ond"eveu a umlaut) d stay-at.k4me, will be
luteeeted in Ole nelentnaly illustrated
'cirtiele on sOnr Life baying` Service" in
the ',24ety. number • of 1 emorest's Family
5Ligaz;ne. I?rom th same eomprehensive
SOtti0e3 you may also aiu somevp,ry inter-
eicting; informatin about she Isthmus
States, Ceutral Ain rico (finely illpstrated);.
"Signs of Cheroot tu the Face ; Tfow to
Sena 'Them" (also lustrated) will actable
'Op reo judge 'more- treaty of human
nature; culd,tbe excel pt'paper on eeDel.
[carte and the Dels rtean 2hileiophy."
with a portrait of t ph iloeopher, will
answer that oft -rep ted oleiction, "Who
is Delsarte, and wit t is his philosophy?"
glide there are bri itt stories, and 'an-
imation an: all live. • toe, aud almost no
end of illnetrationo 'Over '200), and
.splecedia article for e. ur Gir1s,, and the
other department?, et initial. are beimming
over with good th i 's; and,. altogether,
WS is an exceptional good.'number of
that alwityl,good iffy Magazine, pub&
lisped at 32 a year, W Jennings Ileinos
rest, 15 4est lath S „New...Tork.
Tito sa Zany env •
PREZ TraP.--The tRiece04 of our loot Word.
56dino couteat, just closed, encourages us 1
to offer another free trip Ammo the world,
or itt, ettellegtliVeleut to the person, neriding
in the largest listof words,'" spelt the same
• •
Will leaveliverptiol on June 15th,
1891, by Steamer
• Skipping at principal ports in the
Mediterranean and Red Seas,
•Indian Ocean,
China, Japan and Canada
Forpamphlets and full Information apply te
Dietriet Passenger Agent,
11 Ring Street, West, - • TORONTO.
of Spring Goods just
TTI,, St
0113.4 J
Ad -dist,ributedin all the different cleparttneats fur the inspeCtion of:
'.• the general public..
The greatest care has been taken to select all the Latest Nov-
eiti.es,,inthis line, and in. order to do so we 'have made .our selectious.
trtia;14441.:,the best marketi knownin tile country..
431zun and Figured MoliairS and Lustros, ffenriettas, Casinnerea
and Ciape Cloths, and a great niany other goods in this line which
makes the most complete stock of Dressods in town, Fancy DreS:4
Goode,ip Figured Checks, §tripes and Plaids. All we a,t,k is for every' .
lady' ,.te,iiispect our Monserims Stock of Dress Goods before 111 obs.
ing spring robes, . .
• •We lead •the trade in Prints, Muslins and Flouncinas. The
Largest Stock, the; 'Latest Patterns, the Greatest Range, the New est
Designs and the Cheapest Store to buy yoor Prints
Do not fail to have, a lock through our mammoth stock of Prints,
Sateens, Muslins and Embroideries' baiore making your selectiune-for
•• the spring and summer,
Dissolution of Partnership
Ladies, our stock of General Dry Goods is complete in every
Notice is hereby given that the Part-
nership heretofore subsisting between
the undersigned as Ratdware Merchants,
under the name of Irks. A, CLINE & Co.,
at the Town of Wingltam, was dissolved.
by =Anal cOneeent on the 12th day of
Match, A. D. 1891. All accounts due to
the late firm be paid to Jas. A. Cline,
who will carry on the business at the old
stand and by wheal all obligations of
the Iate firm will be paid.
Dated this 2/th March, A. D. 1891.
• Witness, Its, A. Crimp,
• J. A.Mowrost. • Jima Numattro,
Ttefering to above, wish to return my
thanke "or past favors, and trust that by
viol% attention to the wants of my eue-
tomere td tuba a • continuance of the
forward and backwarlis, ouch as "Pep,"
In'un'er with.'.Bob," "liaunah." Tins contest closes
(ray. Any Hay 15, Three daily prigbu fot the three
little work. largest lists received. Contest •ih open to
n cost}, the atosbo, tvervone sending ten words
„ will get a prize. Nearly, 1200 won prizes
in our reoecit omitted. • hales and sikniilis
Uref4r1 paper 13 cents, together pith a large Mast
laniela• Life trated eatalogice. Addritics liell'e Atagag,
gine, Otitis, Odt-
Oh, WhMt ()ankh.
Will you heed the warning? The signal
footsteps perhaps of the mire approach of that more
torcible disease Coccaumption, Ask your.
to 'selves if you can afford for t.be cadre of
by I saving 59a.to nut the risk' and do nothing
for it. We know fame experience that
e. Shiloh's Care will ouie;•your cough. It
re never Una
ate '
fiC e f.
81600A14,'-1tt Wirecharo. thelleth hat*, the wife
ofJr. Indson elnelait,of op.
. Mart —In RBA Waw i , pp .the lith hat, the
witeof Mr John leillot get a
!dor( ;, crierJrie 44 10.160.
if W 1I ,
liostIll On the %f4 Iilt,.
core, i ag. get resigeepe he b ps taI5. by the .W, me
Nettreet, Mr DMA Mid s, lit..°' i'l 4.44 N41 •
of Mr USS8 tilvasst,
• 6 4 ; i..11•
' `14,Ittre:ltiot "4;1"
"1.' 7 ehiri. . harp hitt
iit41 '4
' r :
. lit
Jas. A. Cline.
they were grown on the farms of Messrs. John Barber, Wm. Plait)*
P. S.—Past due accounts must be set
tled at once.
depnitruent ; Lace Curtains, Curtain Net, Art• Muslins and Carpet
any Variety of Pattery. Please give us a call; our • prices are, always
Gentlemen, If you want a toned Bat in style and price, we
have, all.the Novelties in this line, if you want a Nobby- Tie or Co Ur
or a Fine Suit, give us a call. We make Suits to order as low as $
' and up to any price you want to go. Please give us a call before put- •
1 chasing your Spring Suit., 'No trouble to showGoods. '
• Bed. Clover, Alsike, Mammoth, White Bok-hara and Alfelf
Fancy Grasses for permanent pasture, Timothy and Orchard Gress
1:1315Ce 'icelected my Red Clover with great care this season, as 1 visited
the farm! where every bag was grown, and if I found -that a, farmer isa
the neighborhood did not have A clean farin,I passed him by..
Consequently you can rely on the purity of the Seedfl
and others raund Wingham, and all the Seeds have heeplpurchased itt
this country. The prices will always be the lowestkCall. and get
witheetelatimate to the people of Win hem and
wtithei to state that he !settling flret-olass mate of vlehtlty, that he tas commenced the ittoherlag
'The Weald Of this Great MORI/ CUM Is
Withoet se parallel in the kistory of ritediclitei
MI druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos.
hive guartintee, &test that no other cure can sac -
t tid That it may becomi known,
the Propmetors cit enocreouit expense, RN
tat kiwis &slew hrpvIce MIAMI else la Whighant. Ilindnell again, and hes opened ont the Old Steed.
A few deers North Of the Drumm -Lek Rouse.
106 per ;
always on nand.
LANZ 1046.per lb.
In the United States Canada. • 1,f you have „Au • , Atal other Mime erareortion, tome icicle* 5414
I, it Cough, Sore Throat, or 13retalitts, use it, foe sa tiommicret ph
it cure you. If your child hes the Criyam, ""-1 •'...nsivSsesotoulsvi mho Yer4iesini.
or'Whooping nth25 itinatroly, and relief
riana •every home
' Dottie Preeinto eve
is se you eta stag'
ft. mft your .A1*141movrneStit d.litored to ell peetaet overawe, Meecodedivered to Ie rt a the taws, .=
Pike In (14.1
01.)14: the t th0 Agrek
.21ter reerefteesed pottitereglocted,
; Stitlf,
on hand leg moo. SAUSAGES, etc., always en
4" .•
, "•
.10 1k 4 ,
'• Zt.'" .4. es. =
Por the he
Dealing an
Are good h
nice our 9f
Have yo
yet this sp
All Woolf
ter 'ones fo
Also late
"T'elt fiats.
in hats as
)3ut we
Gents' Pail
• including
'Ties Glov
'We are pre
crown of 3
toot, and
Come az
4 THE 131.-.1A1
—The ft
with many
—Gall at
the Lauren
F (*eget
- 1)r i
for °trews
dufios. -, 2
r Fr
or Tanen tc
•graph ape/
' —14 you
„go to W
Weler. ne
- nut.,12
Poit S/La
ly actual.Aci
to snit pun
ply early t
•lilt A.
• ttlong the F.
this ,week.
the old one
leave Wing
via W G.&
• end 3.4Q p
Good conn,
. de -We lee
decided to
boa dispose
• that villap
• A: real.
11$ —Gordo;
bala.uce of
if you wan
spring goof
—A gent
gave the T
ed 58 that
looking be'
• —P•er 11
Petits' fur
of the old
stere and
—The Si
0. grand Er
' an the 23rd
will bo offt
• meat that
spore, and
too Pend ‘0,
&widen ti
• Wrapped
Held hv th
• "Itles.4ows
, thy
Wailer th
• tif I
eh*. 'Ads