HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-04-17, Page 7;ING• Lttap seud there Is no ne Is local 14. tw's buottking le kuktrat.r *IT and OlartNos, NINAW1it Colic, inlit1011, uiittinsti, num "1r. Wiii- Adroit teething i isetiption of one ot nix and nur.,es in b411 druggist* entptiva oente MRS. 1141;81,01ra or alud f the various ye last hon. theft; • o e Ale in wtnentk in ordeITr nor. OD NOMA • ONX,,tittp it Surgeons, Ontario, . Huron— . vkinghsiu, onto onto University, ikne/ inane and nurs.ons rof 'Centre mid Patkiek Dr, 1,intlnikke. 0$7. gte. Xto a. loan at lowest ratet, zed,•Mortgages, town unlit and sold. atm, Ow TON Ontario L. DiototisoN, 13 A. AWNS, Mc., Etc., So on, Commissioners Sot Farm, Torn and Money (privat. *eclat,' at t per cent, perso»S, upon the best. it any expense to the', te.nitobit end the Noon,: iltatu• .OE, Witten mkt, turingCellulold att oi the bestniaterigl they am be got in tRa All work warreetittd. th by the uta of Blentrin- xaot teeth for 25 cents ✓ Block, opposite JAI* D. S:r 7!-q• MASON'S BLOCK. , a Hotel, Wingham. at and Srd Alondayn,., INAPICE AGENT 0.kiraato NU, CLANCE LIANINE, ;N.M. Bit EON vie ,,e0rxr kr,Tyttrt of the Co, DliArgo ittvon truss cautery O' Ult0a. inits (Mice promptly at ona Yon 'Co*NTits Tarnow mot istwole promptly and on the Sheens Satisfaction Guaranteed, mama eau be Matte at th: OSA' 11.9VXINE snag itch stint ratiuntintm. 4 .Alp WINDHAM. office et '5110 ittagi ,erei Xlitton Crarrr, irr*t PT M4,11, Pk 7 antaAtti,. • a`:.• , • r io Neit rather, Welkin, alas Ge beside When in P. Do Th hed.r From the stains ot Do Thou °lee iir 'mid the quieletan IJc the rooks, .Do Theo ate theta; In temptation, ttl, grief, Do thou pea them. u te Thee we ra athem up, Lord, reeeiv • them LAW* world wenew must be Matas to gri ve y striving of , euri toroug To deceive iem; Tr atafttl, n T heeds of love ' We mo ve thorn, Alt soUtOb*IA*, , goidle thane uot witot of ant w of Thy W theta Y* 'Thee, ',haute T.11. Saavat36n 4 'X1 and riage• • that when; 'anyone wishes to become an ()Meer in 'the Salvation Artny he has toatnswer 'the following cateehistn ; Iitiare you 'eveestieen e beekslidee, and if so, for how long, and why 1 Are you iit debt7 If so, why.? Row tnueli1 How long l'owing ? What for 1 Are you courting? l f so, ova name and address of the :person. How long have you been ex - aged? What.iti the . person's age ? Now long P111'0'1611 as a soldier? (or if nbt enrolled at all). 14as the per- son 'appliei foe the work'? If not whein does the person intend doing BO Do .you understand that you may not be allowed to marry .until three years :atm; your appointment as ea officer, iand do you engag t ide by this 1 _ide 'If you are not oclurtit Neil pledge yourself to abstain from gything of the kind daring trebling, and for rtt Attest twelve months after your. Eip- 'pointinent as 11 COtataSgj011ed held ()alder 1 Do you pledge yourse f never to continence, nor to allow to coin- ' menet), or break off anything of the 'Sort, without first informing your 'divieional officer, or headquarters, elf, your intention to do so 1 Do you pledge '. "yourself never to marry itnyone— marriage with ',whom would take •you 4oac of the rnay altog,ether 1 ..0*11.4+....it 11 a alliatO A 2:alves Something. lirs. Brown, living in the country, had fit'e trunke.earried up from the 'station, some ten miles away, by an 'old darky. The•day Was very rainy and the old luau was Soaked through when he drove tip to the hou-se. MO. Brown (with syinpathy)-- Why, Hamilton, "yet most be wet I Hatuiltoli (Ohive'ring ) — Ye'es, '115e'eni. Ur& Brown—Aren't you afraid; .'ynou'll take cold, Hamilton ? 4'44 ,65:1N1 Or.) 13111i q hale! ver dem a .0 4' •hi &ii ratier 'Vise It >al,' age ry almost." ',Alia la eights," wentau flU night, it erpeere. yea platted $e the fighteeo trauspereuey oetwatiohig ItAlViirtinUilietit of your waree. New, that 'is Meet improper and reprehenoilile. "Det'o rtglit, tihu'Itge,"sal4 Mr. Solomon. , deliehtea. "Ditch luta nee if you blows. Speak Intuit on cl es noompnper yellers gen Itelirveypootir,'em4.8.ud he ratified beuignautly upon tiet aGreitt heaven% I" tbowlerea the cnart, e.e frightened idea. struck biu.Is it possible youhave the audacity to use the maeliitterY of thin (wort Ali au aavertising doage r "Dot's it, shodge." exelaireed the cheap John, rubbing b3 halide exultingly. al more it dee gettiplaint ruyself.---Sart .fireeeiael Po4t. The Story of A 7.itte, 13aby. Toddlokins, Baby May. May. Mamie. Mame. 41iss May. Mies Mamie, Mis Mamie MoSinythe. Mrs, ;Yalta Johnson, neo aoStnythe. )Ira. .10111)i). • Mrs. ;T1Qnniti Johnson. • Mrs. Ittery Johnson, Mary Johnson. Mary. Mary the Terror. Crazy Mary. Cell 44, A Icoliolie Ward. No. 4,018, Middle Lap* Trench 1.8.- -N., Y. Evening Sue. t• wooI bala, eta fl c% to overlap slig y t adjoining peitres, 'The golidiug thou gently pressed with eetton.svool. The surplus got having been swept off with a silk handker- chief, a coo of shellac varnish is given, Two layers' of gold•leaf is bettor than one. Fur this the hist layer ie treated •svt1 gold size, The sante procesalurty he applied to the gilding of any wood sorf4ces. MIA El OflI 01‘144101.14 bra, light and elegantly•shaped ehoir that mayitave lain negleoted abouthouse, may be completely metamorphosed,.aid once again figures aa • an adornment to pat ler or drawing -room. tfea jQ LI Teacher—Now each of you boys -give a sentence, and tomtit into the impera- tive form. Michael ; The horse draws the cart. Teacher I There, put that hi the the imperative. ; (Plano git4. Have you ever heard Fagley tell any of his true bear stories ? I've'heard him tell stories, lint I should ell theui by another name. What? Barely true stories. • Mr. Grump: I can't see, my dear, what good that border of fur does you around the hem of your skirt. Mrs. Giurap: Why, it shows that I can afford it, Watts—Wonder why they always call a. loomitotive shel Potts—Maybe it is on account of the horrible noise it Makes when it tries to whistle, For Inlinenza or "La Gripre" Wilson's Compound Syrup of 'Wild Cherry is a sure and safe remedy. There is no better medi- cine for the erne of Influenia. Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds,Croup and kindred diseases,. Get the gelatine in white wrappers. 411. IntereOing'Atizro: Here is It table prepared with great care by a.gentleman : • Lauguttp,e 1790. 1890. English......21•000,000 125,000,000 Fteech......31,500,000 60,000,000 Garman. —80,000,000 70,000,000 Baisele .... 81,000,0110 70.000,000 Spanish..... 26,000.000 40,000,000 I talian......16,000.000 80,000-;000 :eortagilese. 8,v00,000 13,000,000 Hamilten—Ye-yes, ma'am ; rime. 'tnetiz pretty bad, ma'am. Mrs. Brown—Don't ,you ever take setnetlting when you get soaked through, Ittunilton 1 •f4amilton •(eagerly) —Ye es — Aube the back of his band across MOH th. Mrs: Brown --Well, here aro four 'two,grain quinine pills, Hamiltoul, ',take them us t owl, as yea get borne. • Oollapse HainiltUa.—Iiarper's We wish Ins inform the 11.01,14 the,4 Wu. Iowa timer Wooing )41414 in 1 runtuog order, und **LB this U4$111 tau *pound attention to CUSTOM WORK In all ite branches, and will keep in stock eine* of lintIrclaws goods, SWUM Tweets, Flannels, Ntoffal Blankets, Sheetings, etooking Yams, 840.1 (made from pure wool eni,N) cheap for rash cilantro tor wool, Custotrkers froth s diiitenee can have their rolls home with them Vicomte day, gsrilighest market, price in cash for lferchantable Wool. 198,500„000 898,000,000 Now note the per cede ; 595 per sent ; •Freuelr, 60 ; German, 238 ; ilussisu 2&;' Spanish • 154 ; Italian, 187 ; Portugaese 163 ; average total increase, 244 pr ceut ; English Mt* tit 00'Y„ Wingharn A Gt,11 ANOE lutha tarnot: First inan--"W hat a' proud mom Jenkins is ! Lok how high he holds his head ! Second 'he isn't prood.'4 but he's gat a mustaA plaster ort his chest and the fumes from it tickle his 1).00 • A Spiritualist asks: Did you ever go into a dark room where you could see nothing aria yet 4e1 that there was 'something there?' Yes, frequently, and 'the something • unfortunately chanced to be a rocking chair. • Det yiru know the vain° of an oath 1 oehed the Judge of the old darkey who was to be the next winless. Yes, sah, I does. 'One of dese Yeah laWrelis done gib inc forth dollars fob to swear to waft, Dot's de value 'of an oath, CRAB. INECHTFAL nifor 5* the pea. 1 unky WIC * butter induce tut). thing in tills ontalii,10 or et•S DBION ES, INDOW FOR 1,140 I would be pleased to We 'curing 14*y articles in nay lice 'goods, compare prions and lacy he goods. mat be (moored and season. -You otin iloWet flu= t ' obtain. the Joest wok k worship a4 vrieski. Meet respectfully, 'aa , WD07.4. WINCII.AM T GLOVS WO TT*, Wlthes to intimate to the people of Winghtun and surrounding eountry that be hue purchased Orders selleited: - the harness business lately castled. . building one door south of Mr T lams. W. J. CITAI on by Uossrs...T. Hoinoth Ps Son, and will conduct W in the 1 store. Man is only au atom in the realize,. tion of the great cosmic plan, but he does not feel so at all when his new boots (persist in squeaking as he walks down the broad aisle a Tittle late to language • in 1800, of 163,500,000 his pew in church. 1 12 80 per cent; itt 1890, of 398,006,- • 1000, 31.40 per cent. • V•tirniture reanuariathrere organize. The annual meeting of the Ontario Furniture Manufacturers' Asseciatien was beta Tuesday, 31st nit, at the 'O'Neill House, Woodstock. Ttere N is II fair atteudanceof manufeeturers, 41040. Aciverazing as all When the dofendaut took the stend Atte ateuor said: "Prisoner, .you are charged withhaving rerrioved the goblet from the hand of the • -Cgswell etatue, and substituting a pair of twenty,five cents suspenders With a pls., 'card calling attention to your establishment across the way." "Well, shudge," replied the,offender with An ingratiating smile, "ot eoiree I vents to got along in pessness." Ai ter Which," toetinuad tho court, stagily, "you substituted 0, dot of neck- laceor the euspenders and Attached to the other hand& let �f bills referring to /oar new stook ot gum ,shoes and hair oil," "Dose hair ti1 is fuetrete, rt lloor," • aid the defendant, 11 "And yeterday," continued the court, 0Ougulting tiff indictment, "yon obstructed the tboroughtare atraoceatea airalltballee ,by planing a °Qat And vita hat 'en the “Doge bht,g hate it A* M'foa v• the balk of the province being iepre, 'kilted. The objects of the A'ssocia- 'tion are rautuol help and mutual pro- 'tection. The work of orgitatzinp, iitich'aa atesociatidu has been going on ler some time ittid was completed Tuesday when b. constitution Was adopted. Tile T011owing were eldeted :Officers ;XLDowling, Sudeten, Pr'esi 'dent ; cio•O !Burr, Guelph, VicelnAl. dent; Geo MeLagan, Stretford, Secretary ; D Einechtel, Hanover; Treasurer. The next meeting will be ?held in Stratford, ,i;enotte In Vitiation." 11'1* At" mit. Awitki w4a ••••••1•1•••••...4 THE' BEST COUGH 11,7E00!. FOLD B7, VIUGOESTS EV3E77711E10, "El&r, atlierAt,, THE ODEL TYPE WRITER OloVes in Suck, Gloat. Calf, Nap • and Far Driving Gloves 0.11,Va made to order .1•••••••••••.1 few Domestic Bi I)on'ti buy to Bobe ant A fall stook ot Kid, French an, Kip Harness and Sole FINIAriOn Makers, always on hand. DOUBLE .A.ND SINGLE HARNES• S heavy or light, made to order, A hill line of tome Blankets, Sielith Bella, Whips , • CutrjObuibs, ;imams, ete., always on hand. Repairininoatly ane promptly done The patronage of the public, solicited, and stitisfae• tiepin work and Material guaranteed, C. KNECHTEL Winghom, March 4 180, Orin N‘' ill buy the ODELL TYPE WR1. 47.4. 4.4 TER with 78 characters, and $ for the SINGLE' CASE ODLL, warranta to do better work Unto any machine mde. It combines simplicity with durability, speed, bane of operation, wears longer without cost of repairs than any ether machine. lies no ink ribbon o bother the 6Perator. It is. nat, substantial, nick°, plated, polled and adapted ic all kinds Of type writing. Like tt printing prek, it produces sharp, clean, legiblo manuscripts. TWO or ten copies can be made at one writing. Any intelilnent person con becetne an otidrator in two days. We offer$1 ,0D0 to any operator who can equal the work of the 0011131.E CASE ODELL. Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. Special • nclucementa to Dealers Wursoilded frames Of, painting rar pat nphiet giving, Indorsements, dna, address are dull in appearance, owing simply ODELL TYPE WRITER Co., to ingrained chid; or have von tor.,, 85 and 875th Ase CIIICAC40, ILL. left the gold intct, they may be re- ZETLAND SAW MILL .cortact to brillanee by applying a wehlt --, with a cotton wool' balls, and then GEORGE THOMSO, Proprietor. iolution of salts of tartar in water nished b injudous -vapors that hv'e tpringing the sarriice with cold Weter. For the spring trade we have received a large st Best Canadian and American. Ma Our assortment is the finest we have yet shown We have a stock to suit everybody. We h.ave taken s select Patterrs that are suitable, and the effects from clirs are really excellent. JIN A large Stock Oil band to select fro est possible prices. Oall and see our at tO show goode, Wingbati April rd, 1891. essweiainauoraMiningm —.— A 131esing to Every 11 OLLOWAY'S PILLS M These remecies have stolid the test of fifty years ettperience, ifainily ue. riraTM 1.3-r; Purify the bleen,1,1 correct all dirorilt.* of the L1VSR. :Te, invaluable in all complaints ineltlaid if re-guilding is necessary, this At80 Lumber of all kinds, cab be overtaken with very little rirstielass Shingles, trintble. After rabbing else earface of the frame With ftne•sand-paper, a ' and Cedar Posts. coat of abet* yarhish (shellati tliiss ' s TiIIi (:).311'T IS the only reliable rohicely S'.+ a„ THROATS, Doiiinifte volelt4., • Ii;""u ,*"‘ DISMAtibiti IT HAS NO e:". rt. and told by all Medicine Venn« .a tit ,- i.rurhasers sb11 o, , oxfota. trmA Lneltiri, solved Itt 0601101) is to be applied with Car tad Orders a Specialty. followed by a ot of japan- ner'i gold Mt, When the silo lies liecOnie tackS,--- that its, receives bltt t, impression from tm$ figet,- 114414%4 'skit Wbb deliverse sair part et Wingbin. 'tar orliviitetal itOisi,tiy ottts;&S ta. , ItliSitut re *Ito ',mu 4,2 the,. fl";'w ' • Wor eth , :61 for tr,t, 44, 7 aa"