HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-04-17, Page 6therlirrkiKtlit
sot Rise id aha sit freeNtit
Pam ibursai
ones and the spring Work
Alttlongh it is often absolutely u
emery fol: the far goer to tax hie horses;.
A a g Cray t(t ,lis utmost iu the sprtii ag tirue, n
,,.se'a. little careful management will, iu the
t i caaAa, lessen the ill. empts
eta selections wind majority y
e twat, aided by a that may result from the hardships to
lain and dt+ve1etp i whirl) they are subjected, Farm horses
lamed from, idle ess
mint breeds. have axe abruptly p t
w 'sties to meetIinti) lung. days' Werk on soft gro inti
t rl
o fancies of manvrllile et(ptlsed.tn vatyinn clizrlattic con,
but Courant by ditions, OO :day. a scorching sun,
plaricfeedium lleuualwith its relaxing effects,, followed by
ideal .wee defilree,1 a fall of temperature of forty to fifty
lowf thera'•tiees that fclegreex or possibly a cold rain, These
p Riot extremes are 411 trying to the animal
that dashe pursued
} u rlv the change from
• ! economy, lfah tic rat,
will be pursued to et.ori n y, Z
I standard onrl one to another, and being experienced
s f.)r the deity. Iter l while horses are undergoing the debili-
is @oitsidereel as J tetieee proeeee of ,suede ing.ttte, coat and
beef it • a . i , erf41rn1il+.g hard work, it Is. not to be
keep the onitas fat as J', ,
vetoes and therefore' wondered .at that they frequently show
twuu fur that, annual to Yery merked evidenee of hard times,
to fleet ; brit if feeding ' even . alr.brylxthey .are not iu4
cit eeit�te:l..for work, Most people
Sea, we want. our calvest their horses looking, well,
cows to tura their food : iikta to see he
ie.refore it has been de- i and recognize that when they do, they
.s erience Oat in rear- are +usually capable of standing hard
P I work find perfirniug it with ease to
airy purposes the oi,,jP�t • y and comfort to the driive,•sa.
themselves al
i b
m lie
Syet mane, metre an effort to melte them
torous, `srovetlt .and a
withstand the vigorous. It .does not . take long to
,iso on, to wet a horse into low flesh, but it takee
,:mttftsed bythe depletion ' -•
'b- heavy milking. Ee.l a long time to get him looking wells.
ss in the calf is to be leggin andif there is aely chance of
when mature the ten. Ibis being put in the'iarket, a poor
Ottlrnthe f
ood into fat. !condition usurtliy lessens., the Miceedit, will availabl z for kiln. Everything con-.
tad, undetfee g
t, iy040- feeetie,es siaered,:it is a bad plan to let horses
oat And; r,B , MliOtee ibliteet1 G'lit irm YOU
pot ,rattle tbit
rare in Iteenoenaeli
pn.eet Iltenw in •ery walk of life ,-- in-
utine ennutin;l rvotn end in the fly:tors,
friends: toeujtly. themselves to ihtlr f k>t the ref.peetatble club' room as evil b
.own way there would be tower stun.►b- in the grog shop.,
o asp
t -Y: i$4
very Mush greater Glum, tbo t rag Iced"
to gain ono 1
That if, wornen would allow their
ling hlocks•in life?: Are they 1.•ltlring under the incr.-11i
That if the gills all avec 'tile world ' bltl ea awful (ielnsi'tti that they cont-
were'to :form eoejetiO6 of one sash mit no great sin When they entertain ei l.i
d bolus t 'u ) temil..Lts `t
committee azl en $rte t) i k , to , J ,, t„}
i• t� e"etary aria tretourer, rotor Hill when their impurity •Is Tress -4i t�µgrter { re
f 'H illy words, t , 111 Lu, n1 anal. ut rc, Ci?
n •: c
slderatth-aotfotl8tlte s•acial flrnGtlQllq, wilen tlllryby a laugh CUnntenaztep fat'Iirstuwt,Ct4uu,.",u.lc.
hers amt.
and love the great aim, that the whole, are the impurity 4 others ; ewe notices, w teeee
and t'11gOt11, i, aoroon, atni Ua•. per Jae 3U
world would be sweeter and purer for tab t ►lay Fl Par brethren, it is to be l Akett e:e utaalw
rnl obi,
it ? faun cue soc'ety where you are, feared thee ton w n v couhcieuces halve i aim ranonpt eneil,om chance,> .
and S$$ cVi10.t.11 great success It will be, i been lolled to sleep by the Cunning de houses for inst. nti F',, aniol,tr Mt
glee of the ale�'3l, 'Tiluae ttttud ,illi L. whist
19pvt:lal rates for loafer
being her own president all (or give ex13C'aRalnrh o • a G ht•utt, 1 C :• 1
t d k t iunaen.t Cortaillit;Ila tl e • think
tied, tt they escape tumuli ! kaeat: ,,so"
a9 as .'t' ,,u
@e ants d Ono int 1, n
melte i i d l the carrel oy coni ' the form ,)f a 1')112 or. a Duct, car ,1 _
Holstetu neeeders Aesoetattaa..
The Holstein• 13reedt're', Association
held a special meeting en Guelph, fast,
week., There were present ;— A. .0.
Hitllmen, New D1p dee, :president t:
illessrs D E Smith, Olsurchville ; T'
Stewart, Parkhill ; Win Shank, Sher'
wood ; R S Stevenson, Ancestor A
Eennedy, Ayr Dr Suhring. Sebring-
ville; Elias Peunebecker,elleepeler ;.
H Studer, Seabright; J. Ali' Patten,.
Paris; H L. Boss, Georgetown, atnd, H
Boller,, Cassel. Tae objeut of the
meeting, was to make arrangeruellts
to start a herd book. The con rnittel,
appointed to melte final, arrafvgettlee ys
with 1'r Wade, Toronep, to this enol,
reported that it was found on ittvesti-
getion that it weeld he better for the
association to oonduet the registration
and publish their own herd book. . Mr
Smith V1,as .'appointed secretary -trea-
surer Erna was instructed to do all the expressed ; For know ye that no un-
worlc•relatin;.to transfers, registry exp
tion, etc. ft wile decided that . the `clean parson hath any inheritance in
rllerl}erehip fee Le $5 for entrance and . the kingdom of Christ and God.
$l a eer afterwards,• ,that registra-
tionof bull and heifer calves be Vic
eachfor inefnbers, a and $l .50 for non,
members, and that trt,,,gsf ,ta be 215c
etreoopPd in the animal ru:l down if it is at all avoidable.
„<f at t d vigorous action Tall;? Gare of the horses that have
boli anal.y he assimilated been teaming ail winter and have been o milk bywell, cared for in every_ way; they will
a semi-star.„
go through tite sewing work vtitiluut,
llectlmA stunted and than
/0, scrub, no matter if•it is any appreeiable lois of flesh, on "-
count of the vigorous - state of the
F Vote, for instance, a -steer s stern that good feeding ai)tl regular
,t, p,,orly reared it will y
to Liberal feeding or ul+ilte work, produces. This. should teach
the lesson that every effort should be r .i asT FATHER SAYS TSEaE IS: NO
min reset nn the salve feed lade to get farrli horses 1lardetled up f
vt oroos
made µICE itiOltE COi,IM1thN Al' ONG raft. Ir
. li
t t I
SD 1.1
vr'$ b4004l4
rat• to ha-nl +Ill
tt a *Monar
eters 1q m<,
cab 4 ' and lust•., a,
ria, Niro* Wind Coate•,
inrintlon and Rahea,
tent, "Airy W1S.
admit teething i
*'tipttott of one o
Mk and nur.:ea in
Lx aft druggists
lardy -five vont, a
11R15. Wu:shown
,r kind
The first ineredeetin.n to Sin for 11nugarparlods.
1 AC1ruCcistutentsi+rGlfi;4itapt6li
.,Arany a one has. lkiej1•, the, lister lug laic geiitdvotl!ss<tt ilk 'tw.•ut Ue ph(• wan
lentil pleasure to the double mnaniug 'S:h:q'igeq ler ue,.aracttuitc,taciuenta
tbu OUII, ty Wvunvat ray: ,Loon, le on1el
word tittered ; perhaps by a compau- teettwek 1t iiL1.10Tm
ion, or w)tile in the company of others, eiteeetev'oe ANA Puts,
ire. was then put on trial, not by the "'., --. . _: ... .
evil alone, -hot by the ono also wile
uttered it. But the blush of niedr:sty JOSE«I'UU'NE mama;
which rose instinctively to his cheek lti•at:ouxx. - °sTa p,
f the various
le lust thin•
thee %alit). Y
from. a pule heart was. by an effort
suppressed through human respect, 11. TOWLLlt.1s.D.C.AY.,
Out told
and the voice of
et)tlSCWI2ee t tut biotnLogColloie I?hy'siciaus and Surgeons, Outariq' .
11,111 to administer a, r(iliuke ill the . —Coroner for County of liuroe,—
i i t of eaten or nbeedon bis cone` Oatceftt!'TanRPl,AsmAey" .. Winghaiu, Qnty ,
zany at once, was huslaed into' sale ,
and the lea neon of itnpurity from that,
moment took possessiuia.
Take warning, then, any dear breth-
ren, from the words of Si an , 1 _
never cotlntenancc;,by a laugh or any
other way any offeltce against holy
purity, in whatsoever form it may .be
�. R. A• A11iLDR!J1f,
honor Gti21Uata of Toronto University, Snit
Menbor of the college of i'hyaitiane and humorist o4•,
Qiitt:cane IaeFilletleD CornerofCentre acid i?atticl�: ,
atroets, formerly occupied by ►)r. i$athuue:
wtnen.tr Ot",':
ilei bsen see. i 1 „ i b giving them as alilach exerelse gel THE pi%ESIN7`:,I3AY.
Relieve it is just the y 1 time rior•to:the
1 pus ible for
borne p
test We know for a -fact that tis only wlteli Fines pertinent to our oWn time;
e -brads ,r grades i sttLrtinn, o sE1dfu,4,. I i
'they are sufl'iciently exercised that are the words of St Paul, addressed
they eon wish. safety be feed freely i nineteen centuries ago to the OInistains
enough to get them into a vigorous of Ephesus: But all uncleanness, let
,11 oi"abrtet
internal state, so that they can stank. work. it not, be so much as named amen.;
c„1 iiy a $ * e ►;
�houltl be to' Flesh that as laid on without, exercise ou as ilPcumeth saii,ts.
vanishes rapidly when, a horse is put l lr or know ye this and llndeestund: that
@Veig iti t• hein no uncleanperson bath inheritance in
pee digestive nr }into the sprits"; work, and has in no .
l tray benefitted him; . If some of the the kingdom of OLrist and of God,
(iwvolnp and prfldttea,•, ,y There is no vice, my brethren, more
rde'rs, that when growth outlay ieecessaey to nut on this flesh
were made in giving regular exercise, a common anion; men at the present
the perfect levelopnleot day`in all cheeses of society, from
seen ertatile our cows to he would eon? oiitef his work looking
and feeling better. Too Much stress the professional rnnn,to the day labor
rs of assimilation and er, among the rich and the poor,` the
a.oeount in the mono- oaunot bb:laid upon the importance of
proper exercise to horses in promoting Old: and the young, than that of ob-
of milli, r scene and imtnodeatit ponversati013 ,
conditioll.--Dr. Greetasitte tilt. the Carta-, A�ori the betted educatea�, this
dfan Ltra. tact and Tarns Jaurftal PI I Vii.
paisowof,ttnpurity is ,c,lotbed • in,, lan•
gunge ivllieh serves to veil its disgust•.
aid fen Ever Thinll+: log nudity, and thus the more secierely
Tied a kind word pet out at inter- to insinuate itself and to deceive the
ack an enortrious percentage Unwary ; while among the less educat-
es, brings"h
of love and appreciation ? , ed it is oftener expressed in words
That though a 'ovine, thongbt may that reveal its horrid 1ltlltness and
not seem to be appreciated,. it has yet �shoek common decency.
Listen to the couversattion of almost
made ypu better and bralver becaufie of ;•
it 1 any cllane3.gathering of young silent.
rad you will soon hear ie double
meaning joke, the attempt of some one
to be witty whish serves as much to.
regal Oxon,
erg. How can
The Vrdersigned are prepared to pay
i ; eSt ash ,Prices
For Alilrinds of Good.rourad
eailf of g.tnfl breeding,
gybe Xie f,ile,tb ,airy,
an AB},
wasot .
at o ',''U
n 'will be
letting the
1t drop
nonssredattheir ''Jlif},Y, i1nW1 i m..
Also for
Basswood Heading Bolts
By the Cord.
i.l,,1 pit Etc:, Flo
Private ,,nd,Coanpan •! 'to ,loa oat lowestrraabe
antorcat. No eomte':ulUu chanted,. d
aka!arm property bought and sold.
0FFIOE• Beaver Bleck Menorah OAT
Done at Lowost'Paying Prices, and ,
Ali kfhdsof Propsed and Undressed .f
• L TT M � E R
Constantly+ on hand.
Also. Shingles, Lath, Staves, Bartels, Cedar festa,
Wood,;'Arc. Call and getprices. 1101 adjoining 0,
T. it' ,,, 9n Sbuter St.
than: ' Tllat,tlte tittle acts of kindness a d
i'Vhen i thoughtfulness day by day'., are really
about , greater than_one •imtuellss aot~Of good.
^7, in :,less shown onete a year '1'...
or a. That to he always polite to the
r'or people at home is not only mote lady -
el is lifts, but more reflood urian having
acre lompai,fttf manners $
be . That to learn, to talk pleasantly
ito abotlt nothing in particular is a great'
.o art, and prevents you saying things
you may regret ` , -
That to, judge anybody by t'leir
personal appearance stanips you its;
tot only ignorant, but vulgar t .
That to talk, and taI t, and talk
bout yourself gild your belongings is
ry tiresoltIS to Ow people who'lifatellt
That to be witty (?) ;at the expense
of somebody alae is posttFve nruelty
• matey timeaf 1
nr Tieat pr-rtonalitite* are net tel ways in.
ersttAiI 'i rttery'fatt'est 0ffensaiva1
•!'' . , whip 8.. r .....04.‘.•avt a . ,
one of
this ootl,.�I.r,
the new
ted thein 'r
bibitt. t1is
. wleh a, flying
h w-eline Itoad
er► taek of to
tide hope she
.tbe caro of
re have 'liei
l on 1 among
et1'7n1 fur 1 a
It -OA ITO mot84
vdtst o k, tor
Irl e1 attre
expose tbe,shallowness of his pate as
the corruption and rotteungs of hit
miserable heart.
I3ol;i toripture.saysthat, flub of
the heart the mouth spealretla. 13ow
true this is ! But if one were to use
this criterion in jutl{;'i.13g'the thoughts
that fill •' the Hearts of runny amongst
us, hoe debased and pitiable must be,
their condition 1
And Zloty stooping it is, nyy (3001.10i' collateral eteutity, Safe notes bought
at g. fair va ]emirtf. Oncy renuttea to all
brethren, to meet a young Man whose i,Arta of Canadaat. reasouatbio charges.
poet ial ,Attotion Given to Col.
IVIcLowa & Son,
W(ngham Ontario,
MEy1 .$ DICKthSON,
H. W. C. MEYER Cl. C. 1 E, L. DI0OI1SON, B A.
• 'a o„a:rs
u.nn si
Bank to
faetili1 for
tarda, niridavita for Diat,atona. Fara,, Torn nada
Village property bought and, told Money' (ptir' '
fuu.aa) loaned on tnottga>.r. eecnrity et 61 per cent.
Mnnoy lareeted for private Persons, upon the beet.
mortgage aeCnrltieF without
any expense to tile'
funder. Laude for :;alts in Manitoba and the North.'
office—Kent's Stook, Winl;bam.
DENTISTRY.— S. JER.OME, Wtn(an8tt,
tnanufaeturing,cellnlotd Plates,
Vulcanite Oath or the bestmatorkil
Dominion. 88 tilb,Ail work eau wagot
Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Eleotrits-
ity or Vegetable Vapor.
TAirs No'rtct.•--1 wi11 eatraet teeth for 26 cents
oaeh,osite tits
OFFICE In the Beaver Block, Opp
Brunswick Hotel
Mot eweevk I3AuoS
Ravine' purchased the Custom Business of Messrs
McCormick & Co, wish to tiitiutate that they have
opened out in the strop two doors south of T A 311118
store, lvittgham.
Boots and Shoes made to Order from the Best,
Stook, on short notice. 'Repairing neatly and
promptly One, and all Work
The patronage of the public )laofted,
parented. McLltJO HLIN & IIAUG11
Wm. H. Macdon1ld, L. D. 6:t ,
losaptine Street Winghalll, Ont.
Opposite thq Queen's Hotel, wtngham.
Will visit Gerrie let and Srd Mondavi, ,
of each month. '
.1. A, IIAternn, 1. w, Seers,
Mount irerest. I,fatovitl,
wi:ia)nli, •QirAgte ..
Deposits. Received and Interest
lidortey Advane d. to Farmers said
Business IMLsn,
0a long br abort tilos, on endorsed ttotea
dress rind manner at Opt :gave Avt-,
dance of respectability and good,
breeding, but who when an immtedeet,
1eottttg Aanounts and Notes.
allusion Is. made or an impure rite in it ►atata' it»k
tferwd, is the first tis shout, with £541l* ax`eattuiatta.
FIRE AND 1iAlt1,71„
laughter I Sixth a one *wall dpseti1,w
Oftra 1lrurnMFratfll 8a. to
to 11'. 1t. tw-
ed by ,roar' Illexettd Lord as a whited. ! w •dt ' 31.
0 xT7 lr
squlobte,1"alt l 191t6,rSheel.
8i8.!;..11* , r 4,11';‘fw
r j DEAN* JR„ V'L\el}AAi,
Sales attended in anyypart of the Co, Charger
Moderate. '
011,N C17ItTtIJC, Wxsouats, Vsr•,
xActusED AUCTtRicri t Teat 'rut, Cou1eri( Ak
All orders left at the Tins office promptly at end
ed to:;. Teens reasoii1tble,,
y A*Si:a3 lIENDESSuld,
L1015s8103 Auc'rrosswtc BRionl:ct" 001perlttrc 1tnsort AM
Ail sales attehtled to promptly and on the Sheila,
Moderate rand Satisfaction Guaranteed.
All necessary arrangements eau be made wt th
W me:
P, L. & 'jj'. t HUAI/ ICOM AAA ,CIVIL. Fa titaal*SRA,,
T.ISTow•Itt Axe WING1MM. .
Alt orders ltft It tate 0e10 he Tutai watsot
081va fit n t,t „ta,,,r nn M y ak
IlAlwt t' ea, ICeatraa! lite )air t Coal, teari It a'
Wla,lkin't, tiles
C}at te
Wilton iu erariodr th
,DItd r'Llt hear t
oVivre the stains of
l)o'1•'hoU oleo
he ouiClt° 1 i�
In temptation,
Do thou ,tett
'Cute ghee we gi e
Lord, reoallt 1
In•tltcworldwe ,t
111tx'cgri v.
Mtany atrItivitotla; oI
To deeeive r
Trustittl, in T'
We mu• • ..V
'9. guide
The 159,IV,'it1On
It.rs not general
'anyone whiles to
'tile Salvation Aro
'the following eat
'flyer 'been a backed
how long, and wh;
1f so, why? H,ovv,
'awing ? What for
f sq, giva name
,,'person. How lei
gaged ? W hat •ie
I'1,ow long emelt,
if iebt enrolled at
son 'aapplie:l foe
whts°n does the psi
L .) •you underataf
be.allowed to neat
after your appoir
:and do you engaj
if you are not ec
yourself to abstt
the ktud during
.least twelve met
‘pointinrnt as ft
',)trifler 1 Do you
to cotuluonde, nc
'menet), or break
`'sort, without. '
'divisional officer
Your intention tc
:yhurselt never
r>rlarria;e with.
Boat of the Army
Mrs. f3rolvll,
lied live trunks.
station, some to,
`•old darky. Iter')
and the'oltl -zna,
when be drove
Mre, J3rowe
Why, F'Iatniltoi,
ItJ t's. Browi
'you'll take cold
'mettle pretty bi
Mee. Brown
something •; tel
through, Ham
Rubs the be
this mouth.
14irs, Brown
two'graitl gin
lttike them us.'
;I avell
'When the .4c
alluuor said
"Prisoner, ee
e removed the gc
'Cogswell etatut
tweuty,fave col
'carde:tiling atti
across the wa.y,
"Well, sltudi
!ill ingratiatilij
to get along iu
"After whi
sterrilq, "your
laces for the a;
the other IISIF
your new ewe
"Dose hair
;mid the defer
"And yeatet
eonsuttiug tf i
;tee tee:no tugtht
ssattr+ in placing
"Does bong
18 AN