HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-04-17, Page 5R Y e and he Isrr echool, then. we wane* file ki St,Cti011 and tans 'e belong to. tho Apnitf3and tinid opening the' etings, lint not fie said the k of ells-iv/log rnngme "a the ro heir nteetin;;S,; lin. the "Patrons" t n the other,;, t:t some length` is had "Anythiing to' :.1 '` there would be not Without a"tit" and look after It. Be idieulhd *nil soand.a- but stili he thought said that at the til ne' around, he thought nsured for nothing School, but he baa one of the agents m that it made no teetings ware held ii' is a respectable one, • said that'he had )oyle, of the linker, nd he said that meet+ 'ere t� lie specified or responsible for the as finally moved and e PatYbns have the' is curried by 8 of 'ii is then moved and L47,430,100 be opened foie' • rled by 11 roaaorit}): flE 'WHO WAS THERE. elmOre. a meeting With stip:PEag' of business,. -•U l ' chant, haviug.puronas;" es old stand, intends' a hardware. business ts' parents moved intd' —John Latnonhv met it one flay last. week. -- ended Mr Robertson's tt Friday: -••-Mr Graham ).ad of ptstntbes: -front' t week, --Chris' Breed' one his visit in Toronto. Morrie. y evening, F J Bennet,• 'luroti, delivered an ad-" line• and organized n tion of Patrons of 1n- called Sunshine. ‘arcs' older, •President ; ' Bro' k, Secretary. • -The Or� work in Morris and )acts- to hold a Trade ussels at an early date. i11club oftiSNo'5 in -g the t concert on l 8 t h o n the Foresters' hall itr g000d programme is d and a Food' time -May Admission 10, cents;•— tat, Thomas, second son of tt, met with, an aocidelelt' will be laid, up for• some and another boy. Were* ball, he slipped :rind the' pped on his leg and broke tat one inch above the', association of Patrons of s organized on Monday Marie's school house. ' The tcera were duly elected, s•rie, Presidtint ; Bro W,m President ; Bro Samuel retail; Die James Spier, l i+a Wm Stat!, Minerva; Lissom, )bn eter ;' Bro Guide; Bro Robt Nichol, Phis associatictt is called fights, and meets ort rriday' t person passing the' resi- t, Mina Lawry rice lest Wed.. rtsoon would have noticed' r and bustle around it, and en privileged to look inside,• discovered a merry coin, young and old assembled tooasion of their gathering' ing to witness the marriage twrenee's eldest daughter, ter Basil Coitus, of the title' est Wasvanosh. R3✓' ,?di' erformed the'ceretntlny to' no °tion of all aoerned; after young couple received the+ ;tions of their many friends, 1 e the TrMIte heartily joins hi sato itt long,lutppyr atrd.prow, eitte through •tlife.-Coilltlrt nutty ereotita4 a wottdel)aitt ,00 .11 with 0 aehdal•.IDS . 04,14 be it *rent. t },trettkettt � iii g Trim teed, for only ridable, (lontletud It may not Have yo ,IT aot "call rig; t in t*rrg • snip At has at 25c,',Ve. and iQc. per lbs are unequalled. A trial will convince any one that this not ,an empty puff, BOOTS! BOOTS!! Yes, we have them in endless variety, and of the very best quality. Our prioes cannot be beaten anywhere. We allow a liberal •discount to cash* customers. • GORDON .& McINTYRR i+t, ri Tian Tsvecd,. Latest Style, ship Kumar- , `%s thoroughly prae- n't miss this, ohanoe, for offered to you again. en our New Spring Flats? zrly, please, for they are quality and price did are est, BA!! Tta.111 • tY b,}r iter W Bitlediobron, of , who in vlgaraiva terms outlined the true pulpit and preacher, hie uafaeian. MS need of courage and uaabatl ng integrity, the one great desideratum. being tree 404 unhampered utterance of icyal trutbs,and a hrealtiug of the shackles; of erode end confessions, extrilliug'ill 'this eouneotien the freedoms of tbe Cougregatienal order.. iteport*from oburebes Were then heard, after whteh Hosie Mission work watt die cussed, chiefly with reference to the North West Held. '.i'bie disbusetoti, wets opened by Rev.G T Carr, et.Lundon, Revq E Bolton, of Paris, then read a paper on "How to be a pastor," beinga critique of Bev Thos Cuyler's book ori this isubject, eliciting discussion of far as time permit- ted, to the afternoon, three papers were read, brietlp discussed, principally upon points raised by them. The putters wore, ••Congregationalism audit's ilfissiou," by Rev WI' Clarke, of Guelph, '"rhe olaime' of the Sunday School upon the church," by Mr Henry Teigh, of Brantford,. and "The Christatp. Endeavor Society," by Bev I J'Stlwaason, of 'Woodstock, These papers. will be reproduced iu the Canadian hide• pendent and Golden Rnle,one or tbe other. Iu the evening,* imolai tea wag bald id the veatry of .the churoji, wit* amplejdstioe was dune to tootbsorne cookery, and a bevy of fair ybung darntt:ls,who litted'aboutin the capacity of waitresses,' gave to every uuwarriea member bf the company a strong desire to revisit Eamilton because of its many 'Marina. At 8 o'clock, the company assembled in tate main auditor, iu m where addrebses were made by Rev W I Watson, Wingbam; on "Mow shall we best interest our young. people in the work$l' Rev Boa Aylward,. Londe n; on "The position and pu•tpose•of a,,Obristidn ohur. h"; Rev 1 J Swanson, ou"Endeavor Work," and Rev Dr Burps (Methodist) who in amost liarliyvein congratulated the !item bers of the association on••;the occasion of their gatherings.°d pressed.bame upon them T'LZURT ?LV5I 1••••••••••.• 1 baro much p earura inpa otng to the tamely publio the I am agent tar theso Ocisbrated 1'lawvauid other Me$tnug of Congregattonehata la t'The Ambitious City.." The sun had hardly commenced taking obeervations in and around Winghamwhen. two travellers, grip Sack in hand, entered Ehb Otatiou and 'booked for the city of : , darnivals, soap and )ootchmen,via ( T R; • of their journey little need be said, mom- . uencing.it as ,e ) � with very small paste board oo.... `i°to the good will of conductors, they reached the fact that as,i'body`•they had not,iived Hamilton, they were still smaller owing in vain, neither was their tribisiou.thded. to a propensity,thatthisolass of men have After votes of thanks to the ..o.oir, for ex- oi trptinohiug everything almost that oelleut mueie, the ladies fot•their kind en" 'tertaininent, etc, etc, the association 'was dismissed, to meet in: W ingham in the month of October next. where we•hgpo Ue mretipgs will be 'enthusiastic,.•, inspiring and helpful, and leave behind them, in - finances further reaching than : the bounds busses, etc, were pressed upon their notice,, of timeand of more value ,thou: pen, can . hat remembersug the leltest. great find se state.—Com' "Sudbury," the place of niokles was 'their "" f goal aud eoouthsy were safely<depositedfu ' East Wawano1sIn Wishes to intimate to the ladies of �r�C'ic► fD that her otos ;�g�cu��r�: i�ple�ents • REPAIRS KEPT ON HAND. Tho Old Stand co victoria Strout will still be HEADQUARTERS VA, Sevragg Macbin.es,, Organs, Washing Pilachi and s ringers. (live mea pall and. spcct Goode, Br Cummhigs1 tn, April 17th 1891. .they .handle.. Atvarious points. ou ,the road, fresh accessions were made, to the sina beginnings, until when the terminus was reached, a respectable number, both in size and. appearance, burst upon the admiring gaze of the Hamiltoniane. Cabs, •1Iafr lr1i: 15. M. A.; ft C. P. 8. 0., M, C, P. $. THE SCOTTISH SPECIALIST, TORONTO; .SPRING SUMMER has arrived and is now opened out. The, s contains all the fashionable styles IVANCIY GOO...- & large stook on, band, consisting of Embroidery Si elle, Ribbons, Lase!., &o. MANTLE DE .PA .TM. TLe Mantle Department contains a varied as. Satins, Satin Brocades, Plusbes, Velvets and Mantle i6.•ta.street,oar, Where the usual •, !Jr ;Tenl3one'tisa' pohdeed.; lipt ,. •turning honest men intb•roguss Were seen '864 aoncessioti 8, conteinieg •'about ^.and, propitiated. Away we 'went right 133steres, froth Mr E { .i�r Griaeti !for:, mitrrily' clergy to right of you, clergy to *6,000. Mr Boneis one :ol• V ttiVan loft of you, clergy in front of you, rattled osh's most .successful .. 'fa! niers;•' and and blundered," while layman stalwail;t 'crow owns 400 acres en b1 , ,-Ddr Jas and strong joiued in the melee with tam Agnew has steereda situatti0n . in lila., timorous.acoeut. This city is certainly Thinning' •tty,goods Store, Belgrave, &solid oily—a praotieal comment upon, —m•r. John Robertson feft,on Tuesday. utility—giving idioations from the first of on a proapet5'ting tour to tlanitoba. • *wise administrative rule, aud a &moo - from. Mantles made to order ]Perfect Fitting and WA fashionable styles. t Stamping done to order, .&u ip SOLE AU]NCY FOR Mat er's 'Glove Olen,' 11. preparation for cleaning kid gloves, it will also re stains from silk or woollen goods. Try it, S�limo►alieti forthe treatment of all O1I O fo Diseases, Private Diseases, Diseases of the Brain :and Nerve, Diseases of theHeartandLungs, Ad& Dia'ases of Women positively Treated e'uoeesefully. • Remember the plate—Fri'et..dooi: iiorth of Ed, Di store: Winktair, .April Srd, 1891. A Jonathan Bushed, Lit t&weli says :-- "After spending all my Weft and prop-, erty to' no purpose on medical anent for what they tend a hopeless oas0of con- sumption, Dr. Simnel* cured ti Mrs, Mary.Ftrrrlong, Woodlyeust,. says!, "When all otlye'cs failed, l r Sinclair cured me of fits." W.,McDonald,.Lakefield'f• says nl is Sinclair cured me of Catarrh," Geo. Rowed,Blyth, ' says —"Dr. Sing, clair cured me of heart disease and drop- sy when all others failed." Diseases of-pritiate nature brought on by folly Dr. Stuoleitr certainly cures. • CONSULTATION FREE. DR. SINCLAI.R iJill be at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, Wingham, 01.4" . 21�1 1891. pppp '• Afil{L 2 .N QAY ••Mone . td . Loan' on Notes. Notes ' Discounted AT REASONABLE•. • RATES. ' Money advoncad on Mortgagee at 6 per cent, with privilege of paying at the end o any year. -Notes aud accounts collected. • ROBT. MCINDOO.. OPItcs,—Bcaver Block. Wihaham. Ont. tial management Its first &epewranee, Tnrnbern � • 11 ERE ARE AG^I I from' the confines of the depot, until the Mr •Jattles shark ham . ?deposed of • business centres are reaohed,is disappoint• .inn, a seeming lack of taste aud ornamen ration prevailiug; yet, when we consider. the evils of enormous taxation, . and the too frequent lavish expenditure of public Moneys, we do not feel like condemning this saving policy. Our thoughts would fly. despite our efforts to hold back the fancy,to another Hamilton, where we used • to wander in days gone by; where Cora` '• Lynn, with her ,foaming eaters* and jdashing *pray and eddying eurrente, gave tie a natural picture of the beautiful tab - ries manufactured within the city in the various forms of lacework. At last we drew up near the corner of Hugh end Can - imp streets, aud went off in search of a , 'diatom house officer., Not"that we re- • ; ttuired our baggage examined for contra - Vend geode, but to find a resting spot and a borne for the brief stay iv Hamilton, We were- soon. bifletted and testing the tebder aspects of lake . shore cattle. Our meetings were to begin at 8 p tn,and prompt to the inin'trte the genial pastor ofHarnil Hamil- ton Congregational church, Rev John Morton, tool! the eliair to preside over" a devotional meeting, lie struck a key uote that quivered with melody and our hearts xacoauized ttse,toueh of a master band. Vile were brought lowly aud Wheel up again, and thus we spent a 'profitable half hour. A business meeting followed, and then came the reading of a spicy paper, d " entitleOur mds ethoand how to mend them," by Itev *las Webb, of Garatrata. The time was not forthdotniug for d1s01,e- cion, which all regretted exceedingly: se a r'breezy time would have cheered us, to>1oh• in upon the many excellent points, In the evening, our shah nen, Rev 0:B :Wil• hams, of Guelph, pave, us a magnideout ;aiddrees,hie theme being, "Sand aspects of th . churob'o ... reta,tlons - and dutiea, *bowl*it*•aids, its its' ultimata tetngnestI,,inereaeing our *enthusiasm and dilating *tithe glories of achievement for llfett�' At • the close ` of • the address -a rR rib ffitm wise want hold. at 'kith IT*te 41sliang. b'ethtr'au 1 epeted, his household effects and -id gloms to Washington Territory to • try, his car. tune there. We wish. hint .prosperity. —Mr John Porter has moved into Vilinghanl, ocodpying• the late resi• —Mr'Ge Armour Mr deuce of Wni Ammo o Blackwell left eh Wednesday, the 15th Inst, for Brandon, Mauitoba.— A large white bird,supposed:to be an^: eagle,has been seen in,thi's vicinity.-- Ploughing'is the general order of the del among the fernier& now. Tbe•annual meeting. of the Ontario i _. i Royal. inR Club was held in„ Toronto on I Eo . PHIPPEN 1s now prepared to do all kinds of 'TOUSE, SIGN, AND • ORNA- MENTAL PAINTING, PA PER HHINGING,K:ALSOMINING, GLAZING, GRAINING,' LANDSCAPE AAND SCENIC - PAIN TING, , z c. A11 Work •done with branch of the Royal Caledonian Curl i Neatness and Des. Tuesday last, the President, 1)r, Boucher, of Peterboro, in the chair: The auditors presented their report, showing the receipts for ;ibe..year to be. $1,148 and expenditure:* 96i; ' The assets Of branches were stated to bit $500 hiss than the liabilities; rind it was decided to ask clubs' to obn'tribute an amount gio ent to wipe this out. A motion to discontinhe allocation of district medals and to award a silver medal to emir olid!'' thing a group championship in the primary competi- tion foil tbd Ontario Tankard • Was ildepted. A. motion that ems win, ning Caledonian medals should stand 1 ). out ter two years instead of one,; as at 1 I CTosEPH COWAN, 111)1111EM:i Treach ,J1 CaEns Qxzr rimv. goon I AIICTIONE 188UFh'tt of MARBL . Costultieronnn in H, 04 WnoaErEE, ; , - • FOR 8/1 Very. dgsirabl0 Rcardence, wil L hi,rhly'11cuitivatad ; Birlendid some Evorgrsl•n^ os;Oood Outb Sort Water; Pleas,* a,lil.t%+� within 'three minutes walk -et chance to,oeure a ttno property. ALLAN' I ROYAL MAI1, STEL CHEAP EXCURSIONSI r.• .,.. P'ortnitrbtty eailiny;s l alhoou��Bils:.. . Portland or Ha YOB SEASON OF 1bvi •':,r '• To Derry or L It you want /Teat,ShowyBill, wollit, it,tpfrether, and attractively (Replayed,'on good naperwor card,. send your order to he T111E9 Otliee• . A Number of Good Outs to Ohoose PRICES O]DERA 1 E. from. Prices reasonable, and orders by twatl 'promptly' attended to. d ,A• TIMES OFFICE, MON t Sailitsita,otion guaranteed .fin every instance.. DeautiY�ur H�nes JAS. .I�. FRIEND, CABIN RATES, $40, $eoand $60, ; ;gild ;4110 netcorenaHouttog Staterooms. ISO' GATT= or*.:3.i INTER,I M ATE, Outward • Steers at low ,apply -16i. da A. ALT. HEN R'ir fate of Hamilton and Paris,. HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMEN- TAL. leiiUNTER, PAPER HANGS FRE'.SCOER; d&C.:3 Would take this opportunity of ihfo'r1 ifgtheoitizens of wiugham and surrounding country 'that hating bad largeexpertence in ottv•work, he le prepared to do Alaoastining, Iialsomininlr and Wall Papering in the. latest approved styles of plain and decorative work'. Churches,Balls or other* public or private buildings Frescoed in beautiful Colors and Designs at Moderate rates., • Graining in' Wol'nat, Oak, Bird'a,13yb t pie, &c., a Specialty': hoed -ere entrusted to my care done with neatness an dediratch. - l Orders left at lir. Noss' Bookstore will re'c it plrotSptattention. • > JAS. H FRIEND. ,Wieghatn, April 3rd. O, fere lett at' D, Long's repair shop will reeette piroiupt attention. 'Geo. Pb.ippen. 1 scorns. present, was adopted. TEN. DER'S /21.11111111111111111"1.1"3"111.1 ) Olt the Oration of a Building at : ; DOES , C', "Willghant Out, for the Bank of webs .. ie received by the under, 3 Wednesday, 29th ;A. l�1I5 signed, , ed, test it Plans and op ecitications may be • seen 1, on end after Thursday, 16th April, at.tbe ' , Bank of Hamilton, et Wingham,, or at the o lee of the Areliitect. `i , The loweot et Orly tendon will .not neasearily be weep—toil • � rs1.1�..�7I�8, { ktv • r. A.ohitect,.� • Tot'ols,•ikr: �n itl. >t ��' 4 ***goo. • P>11iatalit e $ MiIh Ile sure lot! get the germine in Salmon i enlor vrra : sold by all I)ruggia�s, et .5'tk • end Lou. 5C Tx & novms., lldkvIle. MILUNER? SPINO 189 I, EOPL9E 11 POP ONE Thm WAY, sirs British 061 RiiittltSQ Tt For B kPL MISS. MURPHY Hsssiust received and opened out a large stock of very stylish Spring and Suznrcter fats, fattestareareamer/I, flowers, lowers, Iii bb at ts, Laces. kir. Alec Baby Christening Itches. fe8E MAlivrxi E D PATE t!lMli''. T contain' all the theest material at Silks, 13atimar,tlir sada), Fritiase, Gimps bnd Xisr.tle t'teth. ' 1latsslae *nada in thsinnst roahlociblq Stytos,.a etpripts.to suit the thhea •. Basile baugstt at tee, clout" prices! toasts -hal tt- ...sotto to watt :d . atn.atkKdv.ivae, s UV o *AO pt'. '] Chews. x Oil i�oli.`itdti,, x ', , llit taken t i ooh in axr)ntwte 1o3 San Alas 1113 :X - s t► nitts,11. Airi'$011, , upi>9 t