Wingham Times, 1891-04-17, Page 3A it h *tying ane am • Syrup " 'able. i hnrnediat raboakea- rood/ace the • oh and 13 Across the Ovule, red wog 1 etne and energy to the whole t loop's Soothing Syrup ` fo pleasant to the taste and is the the oldest and beat female pby tha Gutted States, end as for throughout `Me world. Price t bottle. lie sore and ask for SUU'rw U )rote+' nt+d take no rad rat Vdaaatta's Govt The following is a lis governtrs of Canada for dred years and the dote 1,7ointruent, Sir John 61.41'4 Slnooe, 1 Sir Robert Shore Miles, x801. Sir'Peter Hunter, 1802. Sir•lohta Craig, 1807. Lord :Franois Gore, 1807. Sir•tixoorge Provost, k812. Sir George Drummond, 1813, Lord Francis Gore, (second titnt4. 1815. Duke of Richmond, 1818. Si't Peregrine Itiuitland,1822. Sir John Colborne, 1829. 'Sir Francis Bond head, 1889, Sir George Arthur, 1888. Lord Durham, 1833, Ctlar'es Poutett Thompson, Lord Sydeuhatn, 1830. Sir Charles Begot, 1841. rS`ir'Charles Metcalf, 184$, Earl Cathear 145. Lord Eli Sir Edelen alker 'Head, '1855. Viscount 1.lonck,.1804. Sir John Young, ,808. Lord Dntferin,1872, Marquis of Lorne, 1880. Lord Lansdott ne, '.1 881. Lord Stanley, I880. this Ines been betted Tali+ lit'=hell =t: sea A di :tnkftrd modesty, the, xlsail of wealt t;.eason. Ile tavete and rl the hoggar's,,c trouble a l liildrt'n'a sir lois (M11.8118.11 leutr'tre d volatile of tea to the 'ng (gorge' 111: is annoyance of of ottillty, the e tllidtrootioll of brewer's rtge4t,thti le house benhfectur, aniou,the constable e his wife's woe, his' his neighbor's scoff, W a14JP'i :K„` isn't lifes purple and hotel, dear, That inakaa it best worth, Living, t always the very oofttlitlstOtte, Axe *clearest and beat worth givlug, Tile hetvrt that beats the truest time With the muwia of ereatimu. Ie happier fax than his whose will Carl make or urns It nation, The little sunny gleams that prove Our darts oloud's hopeful lining, Axe brighter, dear, than if we had Walked alws.vs is the shining, ' t do not think God loves UN Peas, Or frowus an. UR harestfter,. Ilaeause we cover tip a sigh With siugle•laeartect laughter. an to ue ,he nz4 Women ora Preachers. 'oan remember well that it seemed', Oen after women had conquered their place in medicine, that the twin pro. Cessions of law ranch, divinity would still remain closed to'' them. Yet the p'reacher's desk had .been °eonsianall ' iobcupied by thea from the foundations up of the colonies. Anne Ifutchinsol almost revolutiotrizell the 'New E11 . land churches ; . Mary fisher ani ne, Anne Austin tangb4publioly the doc- 'trines of Friends, Barbara Heck wlia ran galled the real founder of .Anreriran it Ii Methodist Methndistrl, as the English rods sect bad been largely, established by rib. 'Susanna Wesley anc'.the.Countess of was Huntingdon. Cabe liiz College sent did out, soine.forty yetdra age, its first epob woman graduate i.u4tbeology, but hart ived ,tb ly just printed lies name as ouch for boat the first tone in. its triennia'catalogue ;, aid her ordination.,in 1853 was the first bestowed en any American of her sex. There seem 'las yet to be nib tru'atworthy etatlKics as to'the, wlxole�►- nuthber of women 'Ministers in this mutt- country. The Satiety of Friends bas aboht 350, the Urtii'ersalist .R'e'gister foi 1889 contains the names of 85, the Congregational Year Boole 5, and the 'Unit'arian Theolog oat Sehool at Mead- ville leas had 16'women as. pupils. The Disciples of Christ have 43 woe men preachers. The Free will Bap. tiste, the ?rinlitivd Methcsilists, and theilerotestant1lethodists have also ordained women► ou a entail scale, and the institution of de;tconesees.s is being revived among the latter denconfinite value i tlone, To illustrate Law the clerical sup- ! fat! :twee of a tV.trillltn natty be regarded as he iri her opal faniily,'tlle Rev Ada, 0 untry, .Bowles gives the following diialogtte, ;tat ttr perhaps from her own nursery. The lithe l,lugiatel' Lka•vin;; tinruauneed i lter intention Or trtelldtug llntlltfnta tic els whenever r .I 1.lioitld be ofd ', •= 1 •i` V' tif,et ",irtltt,r•r etotltl ' °Ar ilif:f :,, ".,a1•1 40 tI4f+ es1ue, 1 •', •iac,ittrlii' at, link P , k• , .r: ( it ••rV1lig, yet t r. •,yrrt • Yen .a. out 0011 - Il he after it of erica, 4 10 Claippiaris, Thoiiigmk tint to is no friend to the Work t,au, Art • .far ab•..ttiraPLY lnaltt is. aoneot ed, 1b giver, °ocuupaLion to fi,wer teen than any ot:rer business in, proportion to itscapitrtl, For example the animal output of #t brewery kstt-, nutted at .,000,000 employe but 0830 okra, while an iron cat+ works of the same capital requires 4;840 laborers, The great .cause of social crime is drink, The great cause of poverty is drink. When I hear of a family le•okeu up and ask the cause—drink. If 1 go to the gallows anct ask its v'tc- titn the cause, the answer ---drink.. Then I ask myself in p •rfeot wonder•, iuent why do not men pot a stop to this thing Our legislators will come together and puss every measure neces- sary to the welftkre af• the people, and ;tet pass laws sanbts to sale of tignor through talions.-•t..tft'rohbisltop Ireland.] yonnir. old, or middle agent,, who Awl themselves l4Nryoula. Week Or exhaust - following who are brokce down trona moon or overwork, resulting in many of the All MOH, following symptoms : Mental depres- skin., premature old age, lobe of i. vitality, los of Illenrcrry, inta dreams, ailllilefaa of bight, palpitation of the heart, emitieloll, heli of energy, pain in the kidneys, hendeke, pimples on the face or body, itching or mailer sensation about the setsttult:, waisting of the organs. di«noses, specks before the eyes, twitehing of the muscles, eyelids and: elsewhere, bashfulness; drspoeits in the urine, toes of Will power, teaderneee of tlae scalp and spinel weak and flabby r4;;utsie'ltte, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing,, Iola of voice, desire for solitude, excite. Wiley of temper, sunken eyes ,silt. rcundad with LRAR>1N CzroLti, oily looking skin,: etc., are sill symptoms. of nervotasdelality that lea to inanity and dead .useless cures. lite spring_ or vital power leaving lost its tension every futzctiotz wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance way be permanentely cured. Send yuut' address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. A.ddz'Ha3 M. T. LUDAN, 50 Front St. E., 'Toronto, Ont: Books sent free sealed, .Heart disease, the symptoms of which 'are faint spells,• purple lips,. numbness, ' palpitation, skip. beats,,; not duslles, rush of blood to the head,' dull pain ,re, the heart with heats strong;, Kip and irregular, the seemd There is no heart SG poor but given If it but will, it treasure :Richer than any king may own, Greater than time can measure: No life A .0 e'er be boor tillstootd,. Or craving some net¢ lblrasitig. That hath and larilrleth fairy mold. Love's graoious self possessing. Love seundeth depths that none rnayreaou With any oonrrnnu plummet, it leadeth up to heights beyond This work.a•daq life's suramin. I., little tender, human lone, ;rust at the right time given, 'Goes far•ttr Mahe this sad old earth Seem like a piece of:1ienven. --.Fiefl'o t Ave P'redli a 1 t t 7 t 0 According to a. cable dispatch In the fllapers of last week, the English House of Lords has almost as large a proper, tion oftlrink shoal owners as even the New York Legislature. The new Blue• hook, so the dispatch reads, discloses the fact 152 Peers of the realm are ; the owners of places in .which into,aicating dl'ink is sold. The number of drink, shops owned by these peers is'• 1,539. The Haig headed by the Bari of Derby, who the Blue•book shows, is the owner of 72 druking places. Next comes the Dukes of Bedford, with 48 to hie credit, Then comes the Duke of Devonshire with 48, followed by the Earl of Cawlon with 39, the Duke of Rutland with 37e the Earl of Dudley with 35, the Duke of Northuxnberiantl with 31 and the Duke of Portland with 32, Included in this list is the Pt Ren Richard Lewis,D D, bishop of Llandafff who, the Blue -book shows, is the own- Fr of two such places: "La Grippe" or luiiuenza can be qutokly cured by the use of Wilson's Compound of wild Cherry, the old reliable remedy for Broirchttis, WhocpiuiiCough, Croup; Colds, Coughs ata other diseases of respiratory 11(Btern• Wilson's Wild Cherry has been in,tese for many yeara and is highly recotn• n tided by all who know its virtues: Sold all prominent druggists. Hume w'ithoat a Motligr, The room's in disorder, The cat's on the _table, The flower -stand upset, and the mischief topay; And Johnny is screaming As loud as he's able, For nothing goes right when uu coma's away. What a scene of disoefnfort and con• festal' home won'dbe if mamma did net return.. if your wife is slowly breekine ctrwn, from a combination of heart bean quickerthanthe first, pain dufnestie cares and • females disorders, about the breast bane etc.,can make it your tiret Izusines.s to restore ht+r laeatth, Dr Pique's Favorite 1're' positively be cured.. No cure, no pay. without peer as a remedy Send for hook„ Address M. V. ecriptiou is wi L fax feeble and debilitated women, and rUI30N, 50 Front `Street East, is the Only medicine fur the cissa of Toronto, Out, r14aledies known as female diseases which is sold under a positive guarantee from the manufacturers that it will give satisfaction, or the money will be refu•uded. It ie a.pasitive cure for the EA,BITESS TiratitrA fl bas on band It laige stook .of W.)R$R 1zLAN$L+TS, CURItY0011114, 13.IWSlI ra, H1PS, WR DES TALLIES eta, Whadlt will be sold at ;bottom -prises, 11A111,1Nr , double or sblgW, maids "to tit* a eltortnotice, .end satfwfaoutiow vuaranteerrL Ther for egva ostial mod ten, et Lev o W er er bo Prompt Contleatio;;i Complete.. Fl1t9T 51111' OP A. LOCOMOTIVE Timpno 1 Tun 81' CLAM 0. B. Tune TABA.t!{. Trains arrive and depart as follows : GRATING - - Mutt •INO 6:80 a. 10 ...........For Tcrotxto ..,, . 5:35 a, mostaon1i1'•laateld case of womb trollies2 20 e• m " 2:20 p.m les. 20 p.m For Teearvater . ' 5:20 . 1.6:30 p. au 10:30 G Rs.:A. ':17, TZZDN K R'7a Fiumara Pervere,tty. A. C. STiATIJna1 , AOANT, WI,\OIIASr. litnv long have young waeltllaill•.. Throegh loketa to rill' pohits America -••North. tFeat, Pantile Coastr eta., vin the shortest and till.. R'A enll, ewllolted. ' QttaAT'r OA'—Opposite the Dank of Hamilton. IltrATX141Mir ,Afkll;?.'l;at, ugOrEmn eb.•tth, 180O.' And laV lata trifle to be triewls and many c Tootle meat Wingbam Bahl. flat n, 114 P, 4141APISAbl. ISSUER O8 MARRI4Q L10EN$1$ >!CQTART PUBLIC, CONVEYAeYUEtt, Arc. OYNioz--" Bi;;" .Bookstore, il1PL1 Y, Q.l"T. Money to Loan on Farrar Sonority at Low Rates qt Interest, Ngoommlasiun nharged. J. C4ot VETERINARY" TIonarary Graduate of gotta Illeo Aradnate of bootiatry $ Tomato treat A...11 Disco es of In the latestsclontl6o mauve Calls promptly attended. to Ramal l l,Callers by night will to FOR THE; BEST VAT . ITIRED CLOTH GG TO STEW HATS,,, nlur and Miss Peckinpaegh been en- gaged. ed. For abouttlye years. Fond of eneli other Been sweethearts from • childhood. In good eirplirnata.nces ? The on,ly.children of wealthy par- ents. Health' gQgdii Both sound as a &Alec. Then,wily don't they marry'l. Why, theolcl folks have got . it down in their wills that they're to marry; there's $20,000 in the bank that they'll get.. whenever they, do 1 the plans are drawn for the house they're to live in, and the Swackhatu- mer and Peckiil;paaigh farms join. There hasn't bean any opposition` That's all. popular routes. 1045age oheokod through to destination, Lowest freight rates to alt points, *TIME'. TABLE. LtCAVn. W0N01tAn. At AWN AT WPN01LAN.. 0:30 a.m.Toronto,Gluoiph,Palmerton, &u. 3:80.p..m, 11:10 c. •, 10:111 " 3:40 pan. " " Clinton, " 7:25 Palmuraton 01ixed, 10:15 0:45 :ran London, &0 11:00 " 3:40 p.m. 7:4,5 p.m. 11:10 u m........ Kincardine, &o .. _ 6:30 a.m. 3:80p.m " : 11:10 " 10.10 " 0:00 n.Tn "La Grimpe Is simply epidemic Tnfltlenza; Wilson's WildCherry%wiil euro it safely and quickly: Get thet{`;eiun)e, in white ,wrappers onlyv and use, ii, `as :directed forruiiueuza. Some itTe,trla. )ever whip a child when it is in it 'tantrum. Playing with cats will give children ringworms. 'Remove 'egg ''stains from table .silver by rubbing with salt. Apple peelings thrown on the stove will.pe,rfume the roolan. An extensive nut, and fruit diet will: cure children of the fidgets. A bag sof (Alarcon' ;:hung up in the cistern will purify the water, A fruit diet will clear the complex., ion and make you more loving and kind. A weaksolution of oxalio acid will remove rust and fruit stains from linen. Never drink water that Lae been standing u coveted ovelr.nilht. h' a room. 'SAILNrA, Ont, April 9, -The first lo- comotive to pass through the , Grand Trunk Railway tunnel tinder t + St' Clair River here .did go this evening, Making the rim from the Canadian to the United States side and then re- turning, leaving a flat car attached to it, The run bai:k from the tTriited States side wos at the rate of fifteen miles an hour. The track was in first class shape, and everything worked smoothly and satisfactorily. On the locomotive were 111'r llobsou, deign= en* gineer; Mt Whalen, mechanical superintendent ; Mr 131aiklock, assist. Silt Mechanical super:utendent; Mr Percy, assistant to the general man- ager, and tt representative of the press; There was a ia'r'ge crowd on, hand to seg the first engine ootr n eoce the trip throngh the .tunnel, and whip•* ties bleve lfroln till gutters. 4u the United States side the cheering frost ata enormous crowd and the screaming ta,>; *Mottos welcomed the party. oen will be wit beride tbk brook .141k 14+ ' ,x, NIUSIO. CAPS, . S IIs S; • - COLLARS, CUFF.3, • Cheap for KASH. WEBSTEIR,S ISaTauOTIoN8 ON PIAN() AND onOAN, ALSO db&68 IN ITARS(ONY, Por particulare regarding terms, etc, please doll at my home, const Yc ,ricin and Patrick sheets: FLORILLA SPARLING. DAvis . S OFFERING --ON--.•r AT VERY LOW''R.ATES. SME Y. OFFICE—OPPOSITE THE, NIARKE1 . 1$00tnAM 0Olonait 4T,r: 1888 Has remos;ed to.E.'I+.'Garstor's cid stand, whore he hay al nicely assorted stock of Prooerty.ior sale hi Bplmoree The undersigned offers for sale a desirable pro petty in the village of Delmore, cousiotitur of a good dwelling hoose, office, stable and driving shed, with ono acre and a.half of land in connection. Splendid garden, with all sorts of fruit trees. Will be sold at a bargain. For particulars, apply to ' FILlyl)ERICIi Coot, $shoo, e. )341\TX OF iiiii XL T©X .f ...7,7-i rl- e..a• =3 A. 31GG ,' Capital, $1,000,000. Rest, 4$450,0007 President-JOItx 5TUAlop Vice•Presidout"-A. L:'t, AMSAY4 lees Pftor eon, CNA9.. 61111M IY, •C4u0 Ilo&on, A. T Woon, 4, Il• LH (Toronto). Cashier -4, rIJILNtDUL:.. &aeSr1R s Rank Wits,10 to Saturdays, 10 to Y. Deposits of Si. and 'upwards received and tutm'ust. allowed. • , • Speatnl Deposita also reoeiied at current rats of interest. D afte do groat Brrtatn aria thq Vaned States bougbt•attdsold q . 1. ML`4•]�ft iyIC�irNl� 4 * ola� Which he is•selling away down in price, and will be 11 have. you call andtake.a took through his Stock. Repairing a c Eck: All Work warranted and done , promptly,; • Ed. Dinnsle v, T Ii '?� 1 r JiaasT. Sol zct... - toceslsors to It 14 Robinson; manufacture LAA+'' D. O PLOWS, GANG: Ilesciiptiviin stings ;. i . •ire a MU and ora zi, ;'t t lta�ntzi ltriLGENT$ F'el`t, 11'11.., W'11111L40,-, sol ' , N1 ANk), s�3ILERS, Cli S '.4 TONY, 1N ' S AND ' , e '• 1i nr qi4o# ,40 Ti DTfZt kMtNret' By, Mr nutria use U) 'usealdi s atini to sit tioW bad _Otto VflO t t have a�yooltive remedy *if til• Ibo'li * ` x dr sive b.� penestt+eltl�, 0 . 0.1 It