Wingham Times, 1891-04-17, Page 1•
timafe tntlnk fttf
aaxxie, n\ftwithet e fig
ldture, and ti re ',all tt,e
id to Lave t '3,er
ease: es see vece'Lkir16-07-T2
7 1151rr 1\Mi mils) i , 1'' ., l r 140 ?`off l3 /7,..p74 f 4 I i, aiU,�J 0r Oi r�3 1
41 (l 0 f ',1..A v:" ,,,1 01 ri.i.I10 )'n -41-V. Rug' r' 4;[.'_- F!t, , c(>—,„,-,-.4 � ry-�
-FIAT14 ale 11,-,ouotth i)f g1-4",-10.117-.41,,,' iGnyt�i ����1hy Y � s e� f 1 Uv� ,
r ,'G'�1}+° 1;+ry 1 LQoi s-4 "ajL, X` °JIII)).1ub"Y:a 'jo ,.,�yi ` ice ll t ' I`.')( t i ( t U Y;j}�i}' t �r 1 J fv';ci b 1 "t S J. ' e ' urn 1. "`r;
!w7 tzltp :yej4 i( qi, r �C�u i ��� i� � ft 1,0, �tt i rt 1 � Y� + �' r C.b kk J 1 R+ � '
(44(.;) (Pl)iry ,',)"n CP''fl �� � vylf¢ 1' 03 z.'^aYrr uY y�l� l v1 } � %, a Y ^ k �f ' d� k•Mr1 Ji I
X11 "alassee of ogs
cents ea;tra, to intleu,
r thistomers.
Pe fnrtaet ia»6e:.
receiving native front'
past dUe accounts hydtbe
Jae IL
Direet Importer,
tHE BEAR., April 17th, 1891."
'or the inspeotion
all the f4ate,st_ NoVf..
in this whieli
toWn. Fancy Dress
11 we ask is for everrij.
ad Flouncings. The
Range, the Nesvest
)rnoth stock of Prints;
;. your ,selections for
complete in every
lslins and Carpets
r prices are aiWays
style *and price. .we
Nobby Tie or Collar
order as low as $9.*Th
is a call before put. -
--The finest e
ise 30 cents per lb.
—The Rev Ja
duct the services
sin Sunday next,
Ferguson. will eou-
f the Methodist china
t the usual hours.
s -Cash for good 13e*tter and Eggs at D.
A, Graham's Market Gtocery.
--Areetis is at p esent the Morningstar
end shiseetwith .degree of steady brit,
e • --Call at Ake Ross' book etore and see
the Laurttnce speetacle, Sole ogees Since.
—Local bee epers have lost quite a
Jaber or. it iv ok bees fluting %%past
Winter, (tensed' init. by want of food,
lifelee. mixt deer to post office. ,
the contract of re Oviug the ,hose tower
and firemen's hal He will commence
operations nekt onday. fle is to re.
-:-Just arrived et ft, Hill's, a fresh stock
of canned goods ; peas, corn, tomatoes,
densed coffee, 4-e, to be Bold cheap.
, --The old lock
to its new locatio
four teams h
"will be used for a
nshlre,and was moved
on Thursda9It took
Islas to draw it.. It
en house hi the fu-
—wile latest awl beat drink --New York
—Mayor Clegg a
visitedListowel on
11 After looking it ov
xxot suit the stage i
and Orchard Chasis
8 soason, MI visite d.
'and that a fatinsit.ill
sed him by.
by tA. the Seeds,.
3arber, Wm, Pickles
beert- purchased in
west. Qat' and get
1.105 °pc/m.1 hitt in Mut uld
tV1.00. per
proPorbion, tons ins row ,so tr.
per ewers
riday last to inspect
town has for sale.
, it was rloided
t the scenery would
the new hall, .
—The may first cartes Fruit +old Contee
tionary Store in town where you can get
Pine Apples, Bananas, Bitter Oranges,
Lemons, Maple Byre') &c., in at 11,
—Bever before in
ham, were there so
Mill yards of the to
Mills are now bein
capacity, Messrs
sawing maple bloc
the history of Whig -
any Saw logs in the
n. All three of the
un at' their fullest
for the old country
ly situated, tine view of the town. Terme
fie Nutt purohaeer. Will be sold cheap. Ap.
_ ply eirtly to D. M. Gextems
Spring house c ening has set in with
vigor. Down COM the stoee-pipes, and
' matt of the house ight in the eyee, and
mattes him wish e was laid away in
• -peace under the daisies and daffodils,
Abate the stoV intrucloth not and the
Wear/ ate at r comes the carpets,
Allot irith a ha kerchief tied around
law ktett4tietsr nation in her eye which
theist! tehusibandglad that
00 kti
ef'$Posooe to
gets ttiubale
I E &Co,
By advertisemen. in another column,
it will be seen that dei<b are eked for
the erotism of then }.0 betiding for the
Bankof Hamilton i *Coin. The build-
ing, when Complete Mie the finest in
,ap Com&fir
along the
pi auks, near Messrs
i�tur,S #aRsant's •hair facto* y, for the
accommodation of (, oso`gentlenten.
—.For •9ret-ciao tailoring aqd cheap
Rgents* furnishriatgs, try Webster & Co,
emembat` the place, only two doora north
of .the old • etand and between Ross' book{
store and Halsted & Scott's bank.
—The Texas is in
"Historic Report o
published by John
Wrzeonsti.--W. Wateene"Peetor See- population of Mo
Wes each Sunday at- 11 es and 7 in; 301
Sabbath School at cloete of Morning Sort;
wedneway, to intimate to the people et Wingbern that
Hee is prepered to officiate as Mime where
at 7.30 p, in. Seats free, Strang0r0 wel- her services are required. Reidaeuce 00.,'
come. Subject next Sabbath merrning, posite Claielielm'aDrug Store.
"Missionary sermon.", To young ea 1
"Lessone from an arrow., Evening, "A
glance at .our Home, Pields and Pros.
pects." Collections on 'behalf of -Home
receipt of a copy of
Census of Montreal,"
-love% The volume
relation ofvalue. The
treat is placed at 211, -
7 26
8 41 82 77' 50
287 207 444 857
The princip: aleo reported the remults
of the promo. on 'cxamine,tioutl, reeeutiv
held, which • re'publiened in lest issue of
the Thais, he' report of David ltebb,.
Esq, County tweeter, on the state of the
school, was r d. It was moved *VI M
Gordon, secoq, ed lty E C Olarkeett4 the
report be recce .. ,and considered elauite by,
clause—Carried Moved by Geo Patty.
piece, seconded •y E 4 Clarke, *Oak the
clauses of the uspoctor's report referring
to the girls' water closet, board • wiatke
from back, or to water closets, !eyed/oft
up the gro d at the front gate, the black.
'board, six soh globes and the rattling of.
windows, •e referred to flea- Management
Committer to deal with -r -(carried. Moved;
by•D M Go on, sceouded by T A,braliam,
that the B.. rd appoint they following
members, viz: Dres'rc Bell,MMMorton,Clarke,
and Gordon, a. committee to°wait upon
the Council • urge uponthem the neces-
sity of buil ng plank sidewalks on d`oh f
and Patric streets from Josephine_ street,
to, Franci-. street and along Francis( street
trona Jo . n to Patrick street --Carried;,
Droved.: •, Wm; Moore, seconded by T
Abraba ,that the Management Committee.
be reques" -d to make .estimate of hiock-
paving the_ alk 'front ,1 rancis street to ool',b '' ante, and reporif- thee salts
to:the. Boer —Carried. The -questidta ,sof
couttatung t e services : 'ot Mr rW Sacitt
as, musieet - struotor ate the ' school, 'was..
then taken p, when it was moved by
Pettypiece", seconded"by E 0 Clarke'
the natter o usical instruction
over Until uet meeting, and the
Scott coutiu„ teaching , until fait :er
notice, .ard t at Mr Gordon be added to
the commi ee: on music.-Cerried, Rev
E W Hugbc addressed the Board, asking
—Gordon & McIntyre are 'gelling the
balance of their whiter etc,* at a great
redection: Be sure sod inspeet their stook
spring goods
---.51r Geo liotche
Suddenly, a short ti
ed that a story was
Yihr/Fip wife died
e ago, having learn -
circulation to the
'her eleatht'Whelleti% 61'000a -14s
the dory.. There I not .re
foundation for the report. .MraBlittrie
Wee the , 'firsts lady Celled in after Mrs
Hoteheson's death,. d did everything
"Shaeould ender the reanastances. Mrs
At the Wiled her dea
—Mies' McDougall betel to intimate to
th,e !adipose/ Wieglicon and vicinity that
she hair opened a ()retie sett man tle making
establishment in Kent's Block iu rooms
lately occapied by the Town (nark. 'Drew"
and mantle triaking in the hstest, style.
alee, little boys' clething tuade to order.
Remember the place, Kent's .
—The " Willing Gleaners' " Mission
Band, in contectati
ing on Friday eve
Miss Stovel, of M
present, with her v
(sent by her sister
there), which she w
explain the use and
programme will be
of the foreign count
work is being done,
by young ladies in
are cordially invite
be taken at the d
mission work. M
ranty Dress Goods 6e, Ladies Pine shoes
01.50..Tob lot of $hawls,Goves and Bow ery
Linea and Silk Handkerchief:4. Gents all
wool Overcoats for $4.76, Gents Tie 12,:i at
—The concert giv n in the Town Hall
Mooday evening ast, under the direct -
tion of Mr Jan II I lend of thie town
was one of the bes ever given in 'Wing -
ham. 'The weathe was all that `could
be desired, bnt th entertainment VMS
only fairly well tended. The comic
set3ge of Mr j'aft x, of Toronto, and
solos by ?dim Kat 0 Strong, of Mount
retest, wore of co roe the loading fea.,
tures of the even g's programme, both
being heartily en red on each appear-
ance. Too much annot be said of the
manner its which ihe rest of the pro.
gramme was eat
(Watt, each even
the andienee,whil
The program Ma
about le, o'cloe
nonalter et young
—MISS Ienaie Car
entertainment at B
Citing a couple of pie
very highly other pe
elle will be warmly,
ri with the Winglituaa
hold fm opetimeet-
nge May 1st, when
unt Forest, will be
'liable and interest-.
iosities from India.
ho is a missionary
1 exhibit and will
meaning of the ellf-
, an entertaining
given, coneistiogleof
ations, &e. Several
ill be represented
ational costume. All
A. collectimi will
for the benefit of
4a Out by our local
being well received by
Word were moored.
as brought to a olosa
by singing rGed 'trete
ill assisted in an
esels, last week, re-
s, The Post speaks
formance, and says
loomed back again
to Brussels.
—Do not wear poor boots at this seaeon
of the year for you will be sure to suffer
fot it but get a patr of high cut eeemleee
solid kip boots. Sold by Claimer' & Kohl -
Vries at the price charged by other houses
for eommon goods. '
—Mr John Kerr, of the °Eclipse res-
is businesete
''erreureast. business' tend tOnd00,'
and will remove there the course of
a couple of weeks,
—Mary. Carr, Wife of r John Carr, of
this town, after , an Iness. of several
weeks, passed away on riday night or
last week, in•her 55th y ar. The deceas-
ed had not been well f sorne time, but
the imnaediate cause o death was 'ery-
sipelas. The deceased ;mint ao amiable
circle of. friends. 'Sh leaves a family _Of
grown up children d her partuer in,
life, who have the ey pathy of the en-
tire connaunity .in eir bereavement.
The remains were in ed in the Wiag.
ham ometery, on M day last, and were
followed te their last resting place , by a
large oneourse of ple.
—G T R trains fol. Toronto and eaat
and 3,40 p m, via Chinon and Geelph.
Good conections by all trains.
—On Wednesday ev ,ing, what might
have been a fatal "Mei ent happened to
WIn Miller, son of Mr s Miller, of this
town. After tea, Vviltia and his brother
Peter were fettling. w' a revolver at
their home, when Peter fired the reyol-
it went off agaia, the b 11 enteiertg Wil -
rating the skin
two inchee, Medi -
at once marl the
e revolver was at
ouglat the bullet
breech, inetead of
were three chain.
ere were only two
is not deep, and
ot, be off work only
11 struek the hackle
eh broke its force,
nail's life was saved,
r Miller's hand was
1 having grazed One
tiara's lett breast, pea
just below the nipple
ward course. tor abee
cal aid was secur
cla mei and it is
that mtered the you
havo come from th
the muzzle, ther
here emptied and
the young man will
a few days. The b
of his suspender, ev
and thus the you
no doubt, Mr Pet
also injured, the b
of his ringers,
The audersigoett
for the removal of
i es preterits pointiot
street, The lowe
1.00essarily weep
clangs 0
not produces
some time
So Alm
order,' aikeipli
quite outlet
Itoe;ae. This so
third, 'taste.,
Klee Reynolds,
,talting up the
showed °avant
to be well fitted
add that order
ppwer are. qui
tien ; awl that Ek
. In Miss eargilt"
junior seeorni ail
„the other. rooms
sing eatistactrt
order and cheat '
'. 4‘teturd,tittes et/
repo ,in that itelsool
have too rnany., Taal
it ioliiiirN
'Gray's methea of In meting
etpry satisfactory, .S. ilea*
'ea and taw n,g po
satisfactory. The Eiterasetv
itu the lowest *cora here we
The pupils seerata eY, Int
one her equal. tf lostlettet,I,
pailgleff LA 441 "444 7t*°,4'
her charge ie ve oflitteth
fully there is het ore Vs
its keit of tb4th
die wise systein
offerieg the in
teachers to tea
e prepared to relative
t old Towu Hall from
to a lot on ifalward
or auy tender net
Yl. partiteulare
We make the llowieg extructs from
the report of Da Robe, Bert, Inspector
ot Publie School le refereuce to the school
and its teachers :
1 visited tip ache° in September of last
year, and on Attach ,24 and 31. and April
caretaking well do he teems were eleitu,
evaten and comfort 1 . The ventilation
appears to he Very cca extent in the
priecipet's room, iu vet 'ell the air become's
dietniesites. cannot t compliment the
found iu the biteemen The grounds are
tontsle tied well kept. few &wets iihota
be Set out, espeoially es ettitable for the
1, are eertently creaitable the people of
I or inure osnivestientbuildi tor the purport*
eilta tet fauna in any tow &vet else
Tat Tama, P110144 Offii
3, baud 'walk t
The Wing
On the Ifort'
and some goo
'The judges
Agnew, Geo
Allan Spier's "Ba
Peter Fowler's "Mo
2nd. Sweepsto
Pride." Any other
wood's Irdersfork)
Ourrie's (Arab
"Swatted:1F *I'
Omit& N14411.