HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-04-10, Page 6y a,
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1rf UD&' , A.1?1l llz 10, 1891.
16 was April, blossoming spring,
'Whey buried me, when the birds did Bing;
lxttt'th, nit olrimn,v wedging e r h.
They b.i,uked my bed with a blank, damp
Tinder the tltannp and. under the mould,,
I kennsd my breasts wore oiammy ann
Butter ':.0kizxsi.
Allow your oows to get nothing but
the purest "water, and its much of it
as they can drink at least'twice a day.
'Tut milk from our common Oarlat~iaa
cows when !;rasa -fed contains fi7 per.
cent„ water, kind .if the writer is 'im-
pure the impurity ,goon straight into
the milk. If a now drinks a. 100 U.
impure water 86 percent. of the im-
ptritiee of that water will he found
Never flaw your Q.
in t]aa Milk. . e a
to drink water yott would net drink
yourself. We will take it for granted I lease described how butter can be
Out €rem the, red beams, slanting. and
X keuued my epee s were• sauIren aria
was a dream,
I was w dreanh,,and the world
gats yet I keened all things that seem.
I was a dream, and the. world was a dream,
Bet you cannot bury a rad sunbeam.
Far though in, tke. wadergtaee!a doe+?!.'
]: lay all silent and stark Bpd) white,
Vet over my head' I seemed to know..
The murmurous moods of wind and snow,
The snows that wasted, the winds that
The rays that slanted, the clouds that
The water -ghosts up from lakes below,
Anda the little flower -souls iu earth that
'Cruder earth, in. the ,;rave's Rtark night,
felt the the stars and the moou's pale light.
thiokUetsia of cloth, twee the Bluth
well down round the tinge and cover i;tutted
With the following, mixture t I lt1 salt,
2 oz white sugar, 1 oz of 'saltpetre ,,
two; the the mixture w th belling
water, allow it to cool before Son use
it, then spread it over the top cf your
teuet, This will b':Qotfle hard awl
n tl h
o t r e
b - 1 ihv 1
of st b u
o ec
v Y i fed y
air -tight. Ida a .f1 . r, Au 'animal will porizlx f
fflillc.roant large enough .to hold all on one load of food, no matter how cote
the butter you Mahe in the Brien ; contorted or nutritious it may be, an
ea soon a3 a tenet is fills d, put it there is no ported food for all chasm of
into the :box and cover with coarse stock, except by affording a mixed rte,
salt to keep• it from, that air. Although t In making good butter, the true
tto1 t the best food to 'keep
Corn u a fattening grain., ttnd la de1
p e ' f , t r"""y'
6eit•nt to material to prndrl oe done end ,' t #. i I 1 iatts
muscle, and consequently
a not
• g !fauna's
S Potassium-.
for Vftthil!Z erowin ,
1'd',' la ]:i'i. 3f1tIDStO In oltel l l G,
Oat' Itt shnulcl not only bo ted regular- --AT Tint -
ovary n,oinixzg, but ulloitt ]Into etuno:37:0743:01i:4::410.,4,
gfi l tSirft 'rltgltthour every morning, and the feedingirl"Ax.durink,thaclayandeveningshouldhe
Markedbythesahuoregulnrlty, rya ar,Inaiivaftttq.
TER 1hiNORATESi' . "''-
rAnu Ua fair, I
ou $iii uo l lu Vt yB tell
ass " uu 4n bo Is us U1 1;i MC i vo 4 dQ
JU u UU 31 i, t elll 1,: . tun I h 4Lsnu#is
forhrstivattttt r,and Se. purll4wlot tac.l;tauGacyUenis
imertaoo' c, lu4:, for' first la
point is t?e eo
Orel uotii+cs, in neuparell tl1
a4.rtton,audit.p•i'hnwturnauheui •uyuoutiusurtkK
the cow in the best condition, end not to vo Iocul Actor.,,ttill,bu ubarf;cd ks+, .thbn ;rno
fiend out the least cont that the cow can i and Bee neo tsmis fibr4n,u a N llg d, ng ter,eeray ctltnludt'xfae.
bo kept alive on. Clover is' the beet lazy nwrtj,ltuu yi pct in u
Douses r d
I felt the winds of ocean and laud
That whispered the blossoms soft and
that the man has dolls his 'part, that
le, Le has got tbe right breed of cattle
and has. fed and watered them. proper.
comes the women's art,'
.ext oo.m p
1 N
and, first, the milking which arrow's
lie done with ciean hands. The cow's
udder should be ei,lbur washed. or
brushed orf clean, before commencing
to milk, and the milking should be
done into tin pails, Strain as soon as
possible after Milking, into Dans eight
inches in diaineter and twenty inches
deep. Add enough waren water to
bring it up to 900 Fall and place it in
ice-cold water suff}oiently cold to bring
it down to 40 ° Fab. In the summer
the cream will all be at the top iu
twelve hours, while in winter it
require twentyfoUr hours, Skim
with a tin sup, Put the cream into
a crock or tin cau, and keep tt below
s511 ° Fah until you, have enough cream
to churn. Twelve hours before you
have enough Bream to churn, take half
a gallon of cream, heat it to 60 0 , and
keep it. in a w.urtu place to ripen ;
wan ale the cream you iuteud, to
churn, to: 60 then add half a gallon
of ripened, r,Ct'anl, stir thoroughly, and
put on the cover until it i3 ripe enoltt;h
for churnnhg,. which ,should be in less
Wail twenty-four boars, aChurn. as
soon. as the cream is slightly acid.
lev,erallow it to rise above 62 0-, if
your erema has been tflken.off without
any, tuillain it, add one quavt of.witter
before Gltutuing,, If yo, r eerea'u re•
quires ahigher tempera, re<thaii 62 °
raise it- by adding !tot veer. Have
1 una
one yard of best cheese cloth, r
hem in each end of it, then run a
wooden rod through, hang it in the
Churn and strain the cream through it.
If the customers desire the butter
without coloring,. give it to them so
but if they desire it' colored, then use
Though they had buried the dark and
My eoul with the season's seethed to grow,
I was a bride is my sickness sore,
]C was a bride Aline months and more.
Prom throes of pain they buried me low,
For death had finished a mother's woe.
But under the sod, in the grays's dread
1; dreamed' of my baby in glimmer and
I dreamed of my babe, and 1 honed that.
his rest
Was broken.in,wailingson my dead breast..
I dreamed that a rose -leaf hared did cling:
. Oh. you cement bury a mother iu spring..
When the winds. are soft and, the blossoms
are red
tihe could not sleep in her cold eartli-,bed.
' F dreamed et my babe for a day and a
And then 1 rose in my gravel olothes
1 rose like a flower from my damp, earth -
kepi, 1' do not reoouamed' keeping it.
In conclusion, let um say women
would tied it a great deal easier to
keep milk dishtas oleate by using g a
Mettle iihsteltcl of a °lotto ---Jos Yuill
in the Canadian Live Stook and
To the world: of sorrowing overhead.
Men would have called me a thing of
But dreams of my babe made me rosy and
T. felt my breasts swell under my shroud ;
No lhtare shone white, na winds were loud;
Bat i stole toe past the graveyard wall,
J'•or tae'gdice my baby seemed to.cal]
.A.nd'1 keuhed mea wise, though, my, lips
' were dumb;
Idusk, baby,hush, fer mother ie come,
passed the streets to my husband's home;,
The chamber stairs in a dream I clomp;
1, heard the .sound: of each sleeper's breath,
Yaight soaves that break, on the shores of;
death. "
I;listened a space at my chamber, doors
Thou stole like a moon ray oyer its floor.,
acv I I l 1 lno_ 1
Farm Jouanal for March.
There's a patent mediotne which
is not a patent medicine-paradoxivaI
as that may sound. It's a discovery 1
the yuldern, discover of u,edical science!
It's the medicine for yon—tired, run-
down, exhausted,, nerve wasted men
and women ; for you sufferers from
diseases of skin or scalp, liver or icings
-its chance is with every one, its•
season alwa.ys,because it aims to purity
the fdnntaixl of life—the blood—upon
- A888
c diseases 1
it such iota u
medicine is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi -
eel Discovery. The makers :of it have
enough confidence in it to sen iii ort
trial. That is—you can get `it from
your druggist, and if it doesn't do
what it's claimed to do, you can get
your money back, erery,ceazt of it.
That's what its makers oall taping
the risk of their words.
for mt
Gentleness with: all stock should be
the rule of the farm, Abusing . dumb
creatures is not only inhuman, but im-
politic:. Horses and, oows bave memories
as well as their humanmasters, and re-
ward' good ogre by good service.
The roots of a tree, as a rule, have
twice as great a spread esti? its branches..
It is well to,rotnember tbia'when manur-
ing them, and also to remember that it
is the outside or endsroots theft got the
greater pant of the• nourishment taken
to the tree.
Tiny, little, sugar-coated granules,
are what Dan. Pierre's Pleasant Pete
ets are. The best Liver . Pills ever
invented ; active, yet mild in oper-
ation cure sick and bilious Lead -
aches. One,a, dose.
There can be uo cast-iron rule laid
drown for, the temperature at which to
churn. It dependsa good. 'deal on
the temperature of the 'room you.
churn in, andthe time of •year, and
the churn you use. Li summer we
churn at from 52 ° to 60'°,.inwinter.
from $$ ° to 64,0 Chortling should,
My babe was asleep on a etrauger's arae; b done in from minutes to an hour.
'40 baby, my baby, the grave hs so warm, e
,Though dark and so deep, far mother is When the particles of butter are the
there! . . size of,a.graie. of wheat or even snsailer•
O.eome witirine trona the pain and caret draw off/the butter,alitlr,, and sets its
„() come with the from the anguish of 1 pass through a fits• strainer to, catub
earth, .
Wherethe bedisbanked with *blossoming any fine particles of butter that would:
It is very easy,
But experience brings pain x, ,
And you find it ono of life's
neatest ills.
to try and
erenbs Brag;
Throw the sweeping; of the hay -loft,
and the ohaff from the wheat, in the
poultry house, so as to induce the hour
to work and search in the litter. Whorl
given an opportunity to exercise, by
6 8
. t•v, i°l la m
O'; a #.
the bona y
901a g',
than when kept in a state of inactivity,
Now is the time for farmers to thor-
oughly whitewash stables, chicken
poops and .all outbuildings, repair gates,
!clean up ;.the yard about the house and
make preparations for a good vegetable
garden. They should also, attend to
the drainage so that there shall be no
•stagnant water about the house to pro•
(duce malaria. The practice, only too
'common, :of= allowing cows to drink
;stagnant water is the cause of tainted
milk and is often productive of fever.
It would be well also to prepare for
planting a few shade trees, thus adds
ing beauty, comfort and value to the
uNN at.o.
A.pamphlet of information and ab-
straotof the laws, showing How to
Obtain Patents. Caveats, Trade
Maris, Copyrights, cont free.
Ldar«.ItlUNN .It CO.
361 Broadway,
New York.
otherwise escape. Then put toe ping
',Virhere the pillow IS soft and the restis iu and put. two •pails of cold water into
And iiidther will croon yon A. elntaber- the churn ; then pet on the. cover and
•,long., churn for a Iioinute, draw. olt the
r. slutnber•song that will, charm your, water, and retreat the water .process
To a sleep that never in earth, song lies! egttin; then'put in two pails of cold,
''Che loves4 „Beth your being: can spare, water Witha pound sof . salt churn a
Ant never the kra1'e, for mother is there." ;little longer and draw, orf` the pickle.
1 net't'ed him soft to my throbbipg.breast ' ' ; Of Galt, use 1 oz to every pound, of
And stole me bank to niy long, long, rest. bttttHr; put on the cover and, tarn
Ana here 'Che with him under the stars,
1yead to earth, its pence and its wars ;; until the butter, is forrlitld into rolls,
eas 40 its laatee, itehopes,and its harms, . by which time the butter, and salt will
twig ata he oradlee tip Soft in my arms. bg,perfeetly'Inixnd.. Lift the butter
nal heavren way open its. ahimtPring, into a tub with a wooden, ladle and
And saints make rough; en pearly floors, let it remain eight hours. The hand,
'rid hell nt y yawn to its infinite sea, should never be allowed to toast the
rte they never can take nay baby from me. butter. To prepare the tenet or
` :l er so uhueh it part of *a woul be Lath tub for keeping the butter its, fill it
grown for animals, that aro shedding their
' Rbt God doth. know of it high, on his, with fresh buttermilk, est it stand for coats, and also for fbtlrls that are re'e'f,
• i:hrobe, twelve hours,elnpsy out the hatter-
AO - here1 lie with tum tender the, aTl.ik; n. d 'wash with. salt. ;ing their foltthp s.
. %Bat nuli-wiltde rob 'tifrougb the billowy lasing, a brash. Fill tile tenet Dottbfelelked eggs invariably end!.
•• hones, with boiling pickle, and let it date tl;tat the lleiiaflro out of condition
1t'1 the night airs that steal from the •
stand for tvro1i+e• laijera ;.,Beene writlt —100 fat. ID selesting eggp.far hattsh.
rrtd1t i rites,ur►lfrTrxtil.
went pease to my tatty se4l.res, coarse Halt, aced tined tvitt cold water. " ing, Bee that they arra
VINfrioill 'comPla €, 4s rlatea,'put in half at ship of salt and tvotl
• 1 tablespoon ties white sugar, and cover
hear *ill kelt*fi trill *lib' . with 'a eletki ; it is then ready Jrlr th
s, LOJ
,a4 r for Sale, not oxecetling S liboe,
for Met m ., nu
onthe. Vet suus,.gut nt menti t
$a At , (Whored to
,'hero mine will b
Special rates for lunger udverttseinents, or. or
'wager periods.
Advertlaeinente without,peYiUc directions, will boo
inserted tili torted and eimmed aueordingly. Twerp.
sitory advertisutrtcute 2141Abt be paid in ahauce
Uh.4nges fpr contract udtcr,;4ssontonte must be ;in
the WHO n+ Wednesdal no in order to appi:,4i
that walk R. mower
Pnermwrox AwU P4NLWli•ttit
The Undersigned ',aro prepared to pay
_ s
The Spring assizes will open in
Goderieh on Monday, 13th instant,
Justice Falconbridge presiding, and
W Lount, Q 0, conducting tbe cruwn
Gates. The criminal calendar, is of an
unusually serious alharaeter, including
the foilowiog eases : Donald M51(in-
non, murder- and attempt at suicide ;
Fred Robinson, forgery of promissory
nates Rnd.a mortgage -..—Ave charges ;
Jobe Heffernan, against whotn a true'
bill for stealigqg cattle wags found, in
1887 and who will also have to ant.
ower for steeping from, custody a Win
Dempsey, rape.
wants of Wettenset ,
Linseed meal is oi:e, of the hest 'foods
Wanomno, •
Highest Cash Prices
For all kinds of (Mod Sound
Delivered at their Mill Yard in Wingham,
Also for
Basswood Heading Bolts
By the Cord.
`' Y B. TOW .E11.111,D.n.61.,
Member College Physician and Surgeons, Ontario.,
-Comm for 4entity of Iluron--
Once at "Tns PnnnMACT" Wtngbam; 4nt4,
Yt. . A. b1ELi)1UJ61,
. honor Orad nate of Toronto University, And
Member of tite College of lrhysieians and burgeons of:
Office and 1io5ideaco--OornerofCentre and Patrick.
Streets, forn,ertyoceepird by Dr. iiothuno..
WanriAa • - • Ox?
Done at Lowest Paying Prices, and
All kinds of Dreesed and Undressed
Private anti C?anpany funds to loan at lowest rapes
intcreet. No counuissloa chanted. Dlortgat,es, tows:
and .'arra prupe1ta bought and sold.
OFFICE_SeaverBlock WINoutui car
Cocstantly on hand.
Also Sltinglee.Lath, Strives, Bartels, Cedar Posts,
Wood, &c. Cog and get prices: Mill adjeiaing O.
T. M., on Stutter St.
W4ngham, Ont.
Ns/Ingham Ontario
j 'I [••'BY.ER €, DICKINSON,
H. W. C. MEYER Q., P. I. E. L DickiNOON, S.A.
Rekord for Bonk of Hamilton. Commissioners for
taking affidavits for Manitoba. Farm, Town and
Village property bought and sold, Money (pr& eta
funds) loaned on tnortgage security at 51 per cent.
MWtey Invested for private persona, upon the best
mortgage securities without any expense to the
lender. Lauds for sale in Manitoba and the Nola. '
Oi8co-Kent's Block,'. inghatn.
Vulcanite plates of the beetinataorylrl
tui cheap es they can bo get in tJio .
Dominion. All work warranted,.
Painless extraction of teeth .by the use of Mueslis- •
ity, or Vegetable Vapor.
Tuna Noitoe.-I will extract teeth for 26 conte+
OFFICE : In the Beaver 'Block, opposite Um
Brunswick Hotel.
Is manufacturing Celluloid FI
1,meas ni N et HAo4a
bovine ppurpbased the•Cttetot» Business of MCeets
McCortniek k Co, wielr to intimate that they hove
opened out in the shop two doors south 'AT A Mille
atofe. Wintrhaet.
Boots and .Shoes made to order from -the hest''
Stock, on short notice. Repairing neatly and
promptiv dote. -
The patronage of the pubite aolielted, and all work
sfr. l lt, W *quo* 6f Nita
It is skid eggs inert 1ta preserv«d fresh
Meese t (irn,lN & 13 KOWA,
B T Pa
Josephine Street - - . - - Wing$tn, Ont,
.f. A..1,I
.18-41itt, , w, Scerr,
Mount Ports,, I a Lietowel.
Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D.. $.r,
Opposite the Queen's Hotel, Wingham..
Will visit Gorrie l.st and 3rd Mender',
of ea'c'h month.
wtFgtual, ,O:cfSI•ftt0 i
to 01314112 CUNNINGHAM,
Doposits lteeeived and Interest
Money Advan:oed to k"armers and
Busntiesa, IV,ten.,
On long or abort time, ern endorsed notes
or oollaterat security. Sale notes bought
at,e.fa]r vitlutttion, oney remitted to all
parts of Canada at reasonable charges.
Special .Attention Given to Col.
looting Aeennritai and Notes.
jfp, DOAN. J*.., WiNOnt1,
Saks etteededr in any part of the Co. 41wr,6eA.
j0,11N CUI.I.Itu i, WINGIIAtf, ONT..
LICENSED AuorZONselt eon 11E116, cotltf2Y tri'
All orders left at the Tikes office protr,$ly at i tsf;
ed to. Terme reasonable,
L10NN0ItO 'AtioneftItn PON COIINTI},a hdlidd; Rlr ,
Mmes, 71►
All isles attended to promptly and on. the SIBittea
t}Irargea !federate and Satietantion'4ua tsetss 1.
all tuutiosary arr4ngomente can be mad, 44tt it4.
Tose' Ohm
.13A0100lt se tea' iurtA ay.
# l5. 1,4sua ,tents kit ,.Ctyft 11006160„,,
I,Is1'oW1aGi, Axis N' ,NaHAfI.
All etdrrwtettattal alto of tktTiN**
Aft'llts tit Cowers the ,a,tet* W Babtck. ---.- m►
by Imply plaoi(.r there Oen reeks In a ds,, i 1r 1PAtF.OtrtOlt, '
Cl pi'adc arra Wein Ono t'te. !i toe t+ 1 1 to fir +'t }
Watt Ira', a Oats to
' . ' , *S
setts promptxt%h n
Two of >ad--a,q
/ie passccl dtt the 4iO4
to olio seat o 'Fd cal
wearing aweed tr is hat,J
halted and alit down, and
ganger timeght it a fanny,
11,0 01011, 1>at/h a. widower,
fortnight together, A.t 1t
the widowers also thought
if after a bit h itErned and
You win de
Son res die •1't
Loft f
So did rniue.
atcnnonuoal. t
So was Tina.
,didn't ill
Sri it did me. Couldn't
for half a day. have a
So did 1. Counted thi
giesand waggons. Got
,up yit
.Na, •
Neither have I, Deatl
Bad" thing, ain't it 1
Yea. .
But we mnet make
We ettnnot help the dead
trot your eye on 1i 500011,
NO, sir 1 was the`indip
How long's your wife
A. year.
The other, picked up 1
the floor vacated his se
,started for the car ;them!
Stranger,. I thought
,a kind, but I diskiver ti
Su my figgers. One of
`itruth, and the other is I
OM' it Good day
Poultry Brats
T%OW AND *fine 'I
There are always son
are waiting for semetbl
Hardly anything be
poultry business can to
who is really waiting
;ambitious in the right
;something does tura te
ranks fire not yet full.'
at who exerciser; props
is making something,
other huainessee, 16 ren
,capacity to turn it
cosh. The market is
plied with either fowl
now the ()bailees in th
•encouragingly in favor
ltl the poultry bush
then, there are such v
in, this line, a' few woI
begin may not be amt
The proper time to
fall or winter. It is t
selection of fowls is
^various reasons, T wI
one to start with fov
gggs. It is not 'buyil
bug, as it were—one
buys. Do not infer
.ever, that I reflect
those Advertising egg
But ,►x you do start
member it must be
strain that will profit
good peruer.ta a of
one would wish to li
1'hen having decided
quarters with the be
to comfort for the
for seine journal, an
s 1;
there is always
learn Then selool
birds, but let me Bal
with too wily vatic'
the most failures cat
I Would say, by no!
anything but thorn
Mine is to rear fowls'
ielkittg breeds slid
Leghorus are undo]
of ;which there ail
White, Black and
1gtoing t'heir4wa
,het fowls with a li1
dare the oldest,
breads Can be s
Oxley, mid.1 think
is Use rymoettit'