HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-04-10, Page 5r o Alcor ppopositiom,; [agree it, St liau Tweed,, latest Sty 1q„+ 11iip guru-, ougbb pram Ls oh ecce, for. ugaiuk a;,iring Hate P• Cor they are.. nice ord. are, ROW 1 1.,50c. per Ib. • eoxxvyneer upty pu:g, e$11 •dlesB 'variety`, ten anywbore,., smolt to cash 'GIL�TY Ilerieg was Kiss 1Jaelle..• r<ex of, I►ir J 'win, of coil., tie ceremony Strongi`nali, the marriage. the number u to a bounti' e usual- good;' When the y batie;'iie:a, the. ariune plays,. with = iustru- • The esteem led couple are amply e•xem-' and beau tat ✓ the many.. Lewin left lit :w bottle, fol. es of ail fur act Prosperity.. ovt•d ia.ttr tht+, 1 irritcges 'And,. l thti'gi> luau i'd,. nes Thu ow. --Mt Joh4 ed to his bad urisy. ' , if re destroyers lot el laud ' Mr auiidan; adjou• started in the , 'al 19otel, it' is 3 furance, aiicl ay, Before dies es barely esoap- dders from 'the ling roofs, and ing in the hotel losing every - a also lost all ten or' more aro minus all ,suranee as far otel ; WVltterloo,,, Iding, $1500 on ins, $3,500 • oil salt o oto anies P + mpauy ; Robert a ,stern, onl buil& OFF ow. g a, few taffy .making season'? °turned from lt. Preseree your ie able to answer 'dirin the 'ta'kltig ugh, 141oDaug+ali• ar making very ti; hating placed large furnace ter . geantities .of an than by the iteg coinitlailoed last year. Thi , so early an tip. prove earlier fit d ' spring of lost y, of the 13 line, acl „ by his Sou t for M,anitai'btt, 'rlllhot, of Wing= l'going to extend is, with a team vf'•;•. flip itm,i ler fills... b l'ripi his calii tt , 'luiy erld iiiis"fesshi i w�itt''f/' r ; I ani o Is 4."' lat,1 tie halve B4almitt ltridtf« 48.aw444 thtk n°*1,1 nrboo4 at present, It sp., 4,1 n tlalrrlox o>r clax;s, cAx'rral, t by laglneer, and if necessary, to have peace that tiler° liar been a second plias and specifications for renewal of edition of the grippe; iwsued this sea,. 59. pities a>ln, bans .was a va 1, bridge prepared and. presented at next son,- 'Sugar Making Can't be called a wilderaaoss, the khat log Banes beim, meeting-�Qggrieili The fol *niceties this spring, »lead wheat ie uttered iu 1842 by Ool; Julio \V ,our..,.. `lowing pathtnaaters, ware anpointad,, getting severely tried: by the constant freezing and thawing of the last two e+huro. The next year lin built the first dant across; the (irrand Inver, ypou which the present city is sit+ cared, and in therfollos ing year, 44, ''•.., 'l,e was drown iii sr the scatte of hie u Work. ” tie) of was located l•ru , being : tr ill entirely of wood, rst Lttpiisnt gra rttu5 in 46, a;td in 8.' it was burned co the mound 1ii> '66 :'" the first railretad was: pat through from 0 wooso. •,In '79 the (xrand Trunk of Canada at hold of what was'thett the Port faxen Arid Lake •Micliig:tu. road "and; was. made into what is now, the. "Chicago and Grand Trtluk,''•t11e niton line from Canada to Chicago. The first factory was guilt in '48 and the. first fouudry in'49,audin Feb '69 tee city was iuourporltted with a pope ntion .,of x,085. It now'has a population of • ,over 15,000 atld•ral,idty increasing. lu '73 a great fipod swept the city and .again. in '77 a great fire deatroypd four great factories, oausiug great.loyaes to the city. Since that time it has been steadily and surely ,iucreasiug and tn•day stands amine of the principal Otto in this great state, having be. tween 80 and 85 factories, employing e ge,`os;t number of men, and, the men- trot' polut almost of fust 'railroads, giving good autsunetirudatiuti;to any part of the states -or the world, at large. The popu.atinn consists of German, Polack, a few Yeeuule, 4leglislt, Cana - diens, but the majority are Atnerieans. The summer and winter of '90 seen a great boom;. in the building lice and already this spring.solue eight or nin' laouses and stores. have gone up and Lips every hand are. witnessed sigus of r r 1 - t{uiidru,,. A e,rAat rush tray be ex. Recited- this simmer to the world's fair buildings at Chicago, so the work• iegmen will H tve a .good cllailee to get work Isere. Wag's fur errpeuterka are from $2 to $2 5Q per day, mesons $3' to $4, 9 hours work, and tenders $1.51? shine time. Bad is $3 pip week, The.eity has a epieudid system of waterwork, two first stations, three engine, hose carts mid one chemical ,g e, It also has electric. railway,• electric. light and gas worlcs, Jac. ¶Qhe new gapitol building, Commenced; In '72;r corner stone laid Out. god: '73 �. and fi.r;ished in.'79, is,a wngnidint.build iitg.tien; built eietiri�ly of,,� Amherst sant3stoue and covers 111 nerve ..; greata eat height 297 .tett ; leu; th, including portico 420 feet;, width: 2j4, feet; The grounds contain 11f, acres. and are beautifully laid out. ' The U; S. authoiities have appropriated $1.00,000 ;� ,f,lr. the �erectiou of. °anther large. fede- ral building ,n Leasing this. summer. I tnight mention the State reform, Igcllool, the Michigan Agrieeltural College, the Michigan sohool for 1110. blind, The State isir.gr;ouuds,churohee, Reboots, &c., and other. places, but as. I,have taken up already too touch of your valuable time and space, 1 shall. slay in the words of Horace Greeley,r'Go, west, young lean," and with that I close, Respectfully yours,. WrxL E. Kl.NSDLu Lancia;, Minh. namely North 13oun4ary-0 slender son, P Fov►ler, R N 3u1F, D Patton, G W Curtis and A Milirr; 1st line-- Wni Martin, 0 Campbell, 1) Campbell,, A. Jackson, 0 MuGluire, J Sellars, \V J Johnston and S Ballet; 2nd lure- - Win Oasetuure, John Roe, +' Z;rwlo, J Ferranti, Geo Turvoy, Jr, A Mc. Allister, Wei Forrest and M Wilson 3rd line—T Feitiges, Win Hopper, Wnl Geddes, R Fueled, E Oliver, R Lough, Win Cochrane and Jim Mason ; 4th Iiue---J. Sterling, 'i' Anderson, \V,�1r Bryant), if as Wilkinson, J Wheel. er,• A, Spier, Wm Soeddan, \b'►u Mc, Cracken,Geo Brewer and D Onrr•ie;5tli tint' --A Il iiliday, J Cluakey, J Russel, Geo Parker, V llluNiel, 5 Live, J 5 nuinervtlte, •,7 Kickotiul1l, Jas Sharp,Al Qt rdiil and Juo l\ loon-. Ery; 6th Iiue--4' Graasley, 13 Arm- strong, \Vm 1 ohie, P Cautelon, J Douglas, D McQearrie, H Forysth and u: Walker ; 7tli Iiue=A McIuuee; Geo Skelton, Geo Pierce, E; Hughes, A Scott, Win McColl, Wm Meaner, R. Bewley anti T iSinith.;. 8th line— Jim Fraser, Jno Smith, R Laidlaw, Win Marshall, Wit Phelan, Wm Skelton, Geo Jeekeou,.. s Veer, H.; Jac:keen, J Moore. nuc 0.o 14IciC'all;l 9th Iiue—Jas smell, Jas Gibson, Jno. Scott, 0 Taylor, Jas Jackson, R, Bs Laidlaw, Jno Searle, Wm Taylor, P McArthur, Geo Grigg tend, Jas 11Ict.. Donald ; East Gravel,. Road.— A) yaps, Jas l31wivan, T!' Maunders, Jas Bulger,alld L: McDonald; "West gravel road—J:.Goliey, Wm McCrea,. T Gosinan and N Owning. 0 llc0rea; tens appuir ted Iyeuceiviewer iu ' piece,.. of Wel Clark ; R ; Ilughes was tip. pointed Poaiidkeeper•in 'place of S', Thee -ll ; •G,ea 1ohirston, Jed Ireland and Gdo Turvey..were appointed: Fenoevjewers in, Division No 6. The Council -Hien, adjourned to meet again on the. 30th May, for a; Court of Re- vision, and other bussu iss. W 0LAnx, Clerk. • Zsi"" MISS A,. BO 'D Wisbea to intimate to the Iadies (41(1/Ingham. and surrounding conntrJ?t Haat liar stalak of Z`etleziid• SPRI NG SUMMER MILLI N Y R' Safi - both School was. start.'C here Sunday last, with a very fair. attendance.— Mr and Mrs Labtsit Walters are home from, their lraneymoon..-..aliss, Elia Willis, who has been visiting at Mr Georg a Thonrson's for some time, has returned to home in sleaforth. Mr Geo Thomson is away to South ,liar arrived and is now opened out. The stools is well assorted anti River mit a business trip—Our 5a . i nontains all the fasliil,nable styles for this year. HERUIEARE GAIN! CEO. PH1PPEN Is now prepared to do all kinds of HOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNA- M l+ENTAL PA INTING, PA.PI+R, HANGIN 0, KALSOMINING,. GLAZING; GRAINING, LA.NDSCA.PE. AND SOENIO PAINTING, &c. Erst Vitawanosb On Fridley evening last, the' mem- bers of Ylcltoria Elssocitition, '1'tit- rons of tnd'ust►v,.g: v'e nn entertain. went, which'Ieflec.tedcredit on all who took part in it aoll"sastaies"the high reputation \shish ':this assuoiatie° enjoys aiuong+ foam' L'iatron,s'. "Thut'r rea4$}• aueeptance atf 'the principles of figs. tli'der gave aiageietalciable'evidence oL'th,e intellt`zeui;e_,of . the neighbor- hood ,and,tbelir, st ndy growth' proves lilac they are net growing weary in wet! doing, 'The ,Quganizer directed the „entertainmeet end.' "timid wiehed" the renderings with rf,i.ts of wit," or pathos,. as -the,, .eccasiork required. O+y►ing tothe, state, of the, weather and the roads, tits atteudtt.nce was not as large as was desired, and it ie probable that another entertainment will he given, soon;, • J O1 N iI.L1;OTT, Seu'retary. Have you, tapped2. is now the query. of the day.—Miss;'•'61.e.ry . 1iat,inbou, who kin, the hosp;`tal as,, London,,, uedergoing ,'treatment with Koch's Lymph for consumption, isrcovering. Robert •Coultis' fine flook,aof Leices- tere.:ire doing well, He has, had 19. lambs, 18 of winch ,are . living, kept IO.ewes, Mi.^ 'Coultie, as -:usual,, will' be WOO make 'a fine . exhihit of Leicester° at 13elgraxo Fall; Show. i?1r Riehard Irwin.. now gees about with416 face wreathed in smiles, sing- ing, "Qi►.1 11 is,Ulce Ib be a , daddy," e'te; since his wife presented him ,.with a boil??icing baby.; boy.—Me, Geo \V Bowser,, who:,has been working in the Michigan lu>llilier•weods returned home teat ,week, --Mr Ilugh Ross had an. aoctloir sale of faun stock and imple- ments on Friday; though the weather was rather disagreeable there was a large attendanele and some geed figures were realized•, Mr 0 lianiiltrn, of 13lyth, wioldg4I,tl>»..Yammer —11r W Porterfield, who has beeu attending Forest City . Business . Colleze, Lon. don, has returaeecl,. bouts.;=11Ir P W Saett, cones enurneretor,• is busily going his rounds•, ---Weddings, wood bees 'aitd parties have beet\ till the rage this spring G uli nee. it is with sorrow that we•.;recorti the deatll;oy"Mrs :1';v3 l'tukeil, whichsad event took place itet Friday morning .Tice esteem in whish :firs 1'aokell was field las ritenilrllfirt d by the larKef prooeeqiun of sorrowing friends, and, neighbors 'who followed her remains . to th. Wipghtttu Cemetery on Sunday',. The bercgved.fatli►ily have the heart, - felt syui silly of elle eo mmntaity its 1. Morris. 1sir.Cbarlee Wilkinson.Tetunned.. to• 'Montana last. week.—J J, D•owuy bas opearuenced the'fiwe business , again. y- i'he Morris cou.licil intend to repair the fiudmiu bridge lbil coming s,.ul user-'=M.1rs A Skegert, who happened; with arl accident seine time ago, is re, eapvering.--Miss 03rrie Haslam went Co Detroit to work,atl;'irter trade,—Mr AV Hopper iuteUds. ,to split his barn Oita coining suip,ilmr,—M,r Jalues' Bradley is recovering fyo;n his severe. ittnese.--Dfr Willitu'l , Cenery has re. turned from., tire; b�tchigan lumber woods and is atre. ens visiting at ltir G Parker's . _William„Z.usael has xi'lurued to hid situittipnt }al .Detroit.- 1,ir &tines Watson„ post..uiaeter at kliiusltute, ;las rece)jivtd the contract of carrying the mail between Belgrave and Sunshine since, the . Bushfield klfiee bas closed ups, The salary paid, $60, The council met, tit the conned ream, Morris, Math 33th, 1$91, pur- siteirnt to tUljoullrtueft, ,Metubers a•11 lti'esaut, . The itl:eve in the chair. Minutes of last neetiug read and paslad. The following Recounts were ordered to be paid, namely, 1) Baoui- niervllle, wood to Murphy, .$3; Jus latesser, removing- ioe, $5.50 ; Misses �,xltoi"ci, charity, $1d.; J11o` Mooney, rkttiiSBion Qf del -€RLr, $i ; Ste 1iurrie, •,, fepairin( eeraper and rekatr'ing Clark's 11'rl.Age'r $6.50'; d', Sellit ; , u,vt 1R 10.! All Work done with Neatness and Despatch. PRICES MODERATE Satisfae: instancee FANOY OD SI, A large stock on band, consisting' of Embroidery Silks, Feathters, Ie'low. era,. Ribbons, Laces, &o, MAITTL1 DEPARTMENT. T1.o Mantle Department contains a varied assortment of Silks, Satins, Satin Brocades, Flushes, Velvets and Mantle (J1 tbs to choose from. Mantles made to order—.Perfect Fitting and in the latest and most fashionable styles, Stamping done to .order. An inspection invited. SOLE AGENCY FOR Mather' Glove Cleaner, ;,N, preparation for cleaning kid gloves. It will also remove grease stains from silk or woollen goods, Try it, Remember the place—First door north of Ed. Dinsley'sjewelry store. Wingham, April 3rd, 1891. A. B O YD'• JOSEPH COWAN,. J on guaranteed in every 4.111ZZIEN, P TIONIitCanna 9•rtz Div. COURT HVIISQN, AUCTIONEER, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE, tICENsI^. Orders ft at J. D, Long's repair shop will receive prompt o,upt ttention. Gao. Phippen. 1 SPRING ISO I. . E.M P Has just recei +ed and opened out a large. stockof very stylish Spring and Summer ii.StailLohooze. IiIs ,; PPR SEasovoriser. ' Flat,, Bonnets, t,'eatiiers, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, It you want a Neat ..bow • bill well put together, &e. Also -Baby phristeniug kiobes. •. - anti tarsr;tiv ii-�^ diepl'nyed, Tin goad paper or card,• • sand your ordu} to,tlhe, 1+M11 C Office. • THE MANTLE DEPARTMENT • Aurn er of Good Cuts to Choose oontnins all the latest motorial of Silks, Satins, Bro. *OM. ouie8, Pringcs, Gimpy and Mantle Cloth. .. Mantles made in then Jst Fashionable Styles, and Prices reasonable, and orders by mail promptly at,pricas bosun the times. attended to, Hovimrbought at tett' close prices I am determin• TIKES OFFICE,, I GHA . ed to sail at • sim.11 ndvauce, so us to suit all pur- (Masers, A call,olrcitud. Ears taken as cash in exaham;e for goods. ]Ytiss E. Murphy, Wingham, April Srd, 1891. Opposite Qttuon's Rotel. Beautifyaur Homes JAS. H. FRIEND) Late of Hamilton and Paris, HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMEN- TAL PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, • FRESCOER, &C. Would take this opportunity Of informing the Citizens of wing1am and surrounding oonntry that hexing had large experience in.eit,• work, he is prepared to do AlabnstIoing, Ifalsomining and. Wail Paperlog In the latest approved styleo.;pf plain and decorative work.. Churches. Halls or other. public) or private buiidi`ntrs Frescoed in 1eanAiol..do ora and ,Designs at metieratu rates..,,, • Graining in Wallkait,Oak;..Bird'B'Eye;Ma- ple, &,c.,' a Spemialty. Ail orders ontruste;l to myeare Bono with neatness and desptltoh. Orders left at lit,: ,Ro9a' •Bookstore will . receive protnt/t attention. ,, JA S. g.. FIt1EIQ13. Witt atn,Apri,Srd. 18 ; P Scott, repairing seraper,7& eta; their, a'i tt'otic'u;-- .WQOJ ' bees • are the *reed, roar .of. rainier, $10, ut'rier :oft the thy. lttr 7 iVieintyt ..by 0;A. Howe, seconded by ;t3 beats 01e.,r4410d Bits;1ar, llAv u gr,t 44 to;ikli"" P,,Il Iter be ilast1in to 'cords,.iitar* 0r•lasiCe't; In ono d'ay-, elk rl i0 ISA res% ' t.f' . * : s • ...'.at .+1 CHR011it'00111GB NOW. For tt you. de not' it may becemo ton, btimptire. , Pot .Conintnt )tlO' , Horefultr, Gi, term 1)Rf,titfy and irttstiitil.i)iseases, thorn IS nothing like Of Pine Cott Liv'eri• 011 and Y E.• H SPl'tlr't M PtyP f`ik ,cbt Sulci ^uvt esti,tti I ; is a moat tui palatable 441411k,, Far batter than other to cslted itulil<itrtun1Y, j lr 'troudertul titan produoor. SCOTT'S XlVit'LSIO-` - to pat op in ri eiritrtott corer es•ii ,oe.• •Satre sad t toi tl+e fro$ ,I+. Sokt ill u nearorr ui a os, art„; ratio .• **TT k 1l6Kitrs.lettrtiili#it W.1.1111., or. M▪ •• M JELLY AND JAM, ALL E:INDS, at the "ECLIPSE.” JOAN KER.. (otttlIBSIoNER IN H. Cr rr.. Ere,,, WRoxerext, oar. • FOR SALE, AVery desirable Residency, with Large grounita tt gushily cultivated ; Splendid Orohnrd ; Band. HOMO Evergreen'Hedges;Gooti Outbuildings; Bard and Sort Water; Pleasant and. Com.n;.udut;r Situation. lvithin three minutes wtilir of ^the town, Rare chance to secure a 8118 property. ETTLERS' TRAIN.S. • WILt:i.EAVE, ON FEBRUARY. 24th,. %89I AT 9.OQ• P.M. AND EVERY, TUESDAY,THEREAFTCR, DURING•MARGH.,AND APRIL WITH COLONIST SLEEPER ATTACHED do H N\,'% #T ROl1- MAN'1 TO B -Aryl D, M, ooanoii. ALLAN LINE ROYAL ItIAIL STEAMSHIPS. CHEAP EXCURSIONS 'CO EUROPE. Fycnl htiy Sailing's from Portland or Halifax, To. Derry or Liverpool. CABIN ' IRAvss, $51, $53 ni $¢0, Sint.le , •yris0,.y Jti and 5115 Saturn, according, to 10 atio,t ut Staterooms. ' • " NO CATTLLI1. CAR„RIEht INTERN 1;LOATE, Outward e28.; Prepaid 4£0. Steerage at lowest rates. Aeodinmodatiens nns•irressod,. Apply to. 11.11 A..ALLO.N, M, nt'eat, or • 'H.l1iti 1tY DAY'S. WrratI ASI. EOPLIE'S UL ARTIES TO British Columbia WASHINGTON Oregon and California Leave Toronto 11 p.m. on Fridays,: alt under t 7PIt iL 3 • 1831 IAlt�AY1., 1 i > (1s 1 Rumania Tunas TOYA1tOouV RWITHOUT.CIRBICIr For Berths and ail information. sole to nearest 01'.R•. Agent, NMI Ail ,PLACING Mitt ob —. danuluuterer of— CANADIAN_ NORTH.WtST. IBUILOING It3ATERIAIBI itls,, t or patrnh�, klllenlei. StgCk r; ;Co al-,` <,Itcr.`i. .a,ll;'hd d r3rh d v E',i ,t rt; rr `P(avir,;, 1 cranln.l.1 t.n'l ' S t1;$ 1l, rj1) U Gi It 'i, ' {�� tr 1. l ',i a.. ; ..:.. 1.. '.. N lit 1 +L '.Et d,♦ x It 'i , li, t C.. ri We V.,;i11,eNt 'rcrtitortes•anra 13,111811 • , ,luuibia, appy to any C. t'. Il., Agent. I "`" I Floating, Statng, sic., rtt,trltedd to erdst irtt Vic.. ,�it nay to '-.. on,I1 Cala. /copes.. (j ak tity*ruvr.i.e` ; . •' r •' r e • �D 1 seen l.tt i lA s;lcalre Dim 1t>ri %ill 0 04/1{ j :.. _j ;✓ t.to-lr;r•inrt`tr +1tr.�..•�''-,n M.rp.l I3,£.t1•it 1:t A�'�,, P► . 'YIJr'wt"!itjc",M� etw1, ,rill Rut eb 1 Molloy ,savos o -S :qn liortragin at ever r•elt.•eitit 1• htlais'etparlag n' 0143113 o arty yaw. 'Ito***14„urlt .,tar. u0sus 4olootiA, .y., s - • - It, t.e., r+ttilrti336+r+ ta`,,11 1. tl 't7:.w- East rt $lou i, Ni . w!d40c .•.yk'+.'' t •