HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-04-10, Page 4WILLIAMS,
Q .. Brunswick
Wn ,
ham - - ' Ont
anm, nx CS
, 1 _
FAIDA'L, APRIL 10, 1891.
*et meeting was held ou Saturday
Morning, Sod lilt Kh lei' per* Sir
Poster left. for Washington in, the
the afternoonto he present et. the
Cletiferemoe on Monday with Seoratitv,Y
Blaine. Whets they arrived in Wash,
ingtun they were told that the cttne
ferenoe had bean poatpatied on the
request of the 1'resideut,who wished
to attend the meeting, Altpistere
Thompson and Coster have returned
to Ottawa and Sir Charles Tupper
fur England Presiden
Tnz Australian colonies are arraug-
ing to enter into a Confederation after
the model *of the Dominion. The
name adopted is'oThe Commonwealth
of Australia,"
THE Dominion Government. have
decided not to veto the Manitoba
School Act, Sir John Thompson, Mine
Tater of Justice, holding that the ag-
parties can secure redress by
t;tipealing to the courts,
Tug trouble • between the United
States and Italy over the New Orleans
a"Oair appears `to have blown over, the
Italian Government receding from the
tenable position taken by it. The
law of the state of Louisiana will, deal
with the leaders of the mob.
A nese-keen from Winnipeg states
that .Attorney..General Martin, of the
Manitoba Legislature, . has resigned
hits portfolio itt the Greenway Govern-
ment, his resignation to take effect at
tine end of the present session. Re
will still retain his seat in the Legis-
lature, and only retires on account of
restsiire•of his private. business. Mr,
Clifford Siftou, of Brendan, is' spoken
of as his probable successor.''
Lotmo:r ,is askingthe Gntario
Govorninentt to erect, a Normal School
in .that .city.. A delegation, waited on
the• goveratient last week, andpointed
out that there are only two Normal
achoola in the province, one inToron-
to azid the,Otlaer in Ottawa,; and that
of the 233. pupils attending those
sClaosals last year, 167;wee° from points
west of Toronto. London is •t7,plene
lsituatedfor a• Normal Beboo1,
and their application should be favor-
alily.considered 'by, theGovernment.
rTti>r:Newfoundland Government • is
greatly incensed. at, Canada for inter -
g . .
trine aben'they were negotiating a
reciprocity treaty with the : United
Stites', and will not allow ' Canadian
fishermen to purchase bait frt-'r . the
people of ttiat province, but aro ens
forcing the law with its utmost harsh-
iiess agtciust the Canadian fishermen,
Went Wawtt>atotsl •
• The Council met on Saturday, ..
lllaro'h 28th. Members all preheat,
Minutes of. last meeting were read
and approved. The treasurer's state -
Punt for February showed• balance
and receipts at $102.61, and eltpett-
diture $93..77, leaving $8.84 on fiend
-Report filed, A list of those wish.
ieg, to be assessed as Separate School
euppottere Was read and tilled by
the clerk. 111pved by Mr Bailie,
seconded by. hit Gibson, that ' $10
be, granted towards the support
u leaves on a tour to Celiforttta I of Mrs cetog--Carried. #Bove,.
and the Southern States, and. will net, ,Ali,., Bailie, seconded by Mr Todd
a.' a
• 1
signed, return to Washington until June, , so that as tt: largely .f,,
n f a conference loe:ing bas been presented; to tl;e council,
tiie'queatto o
to freer trade relations with the United asking for a readjustment Of, tile poll,
States maybe 'colesiciered indefiintely iitg,subdivisious, app ue, the, law. re,
postponed. quires suet), to be made, ax. the next
Government do. got meeting of die council a re°distributiou
Tania Ontario Get in t , o '
intend amending the law in regard to of polling subdiviaions be made -Oar•
lieease fees as asked for by our Town riect The Reeve reported that the
Council and several other Councils in ,Kinloss oountsit refrasedTt of to t ke ola ny,
the Provinee. The Provincial Treas.. action regarding Win
urer, in, referring to the resolutions said claim having already beets settled.
passed bythe several municipalities, Moved by Mr Bowers, seconded by Mr
remind tl el'fouse that Bailie, that upon the -report of, the
said : Let pee rent i Reeve respecting the tnvtestigatioe of.
in the absence of municipal by laws P o
increasing thein in the total statutory the matter . in connection with Mir
fees to be collected for retail licenses 'Timms' claim on the N Boundary, it
their .o .ultimo was found that the land in question
for , $2602, or $200 tof towns,
sP was arbitrated upon and paid for,
than, or $,x.00 ; fort n , $150;
for incorporated villages, $120, and for ,tnd as information is on band show -
townships, pa.' Municipal councils ing that no .claim is teuable, this
by -taws and without 'council take no ferthbr action in the
taLdt however, of theby o add to matter -Carried. The Reeves also
felting a vote•elootors,
statutory lees° .a maximum reported having met the Asbf nld
these Y
0 : in .cities,: $120 in Reeves respecting the claim of
tt wnS, a d$7 Q, • , Mullin far damages. dope to his stage,.
towns, and $1A:0;in.inoor or,ytad .vjt and agreed, that. ilia muuioipalitiFs,
1sages an.dttownsbifist ,Q1 the 29,tinuno accident.
t'tte which have gent to the resoe were not .responsible otireeb on
icipa a s • • The re ort was received, ' Cts tieoti
lotions of complaint to which I; Have b rePort
•sit b y laws' pf. Messrs Bailie atic1. anvil; the
referrAcl, only four have pa ed y
g this maxitnutn amount; six :road wor4t,,on the Scoutog and, Avese s
exacting divisions undone last year, was ordered,
of anew have not availed themselves' to be put on this . year's lists.. The
of the right to pass;, the thy -law, and ,
t •ematnin''.nitaeteeri; have by their following were appointed fenceviewera:
the -.Jiro Plunl ett, A. Ai1oCsbe, Jos,Sa
b}=lawss:aclded various ta,,nounts, all of
ra :aid then tne'J ort eof• J iilcLeaii ,` W Sunken, A Pentland,
them 'considerably mid an ,ineron,
then) much under .;ttiis Inaxiinura. All G Smith, JeThompi ,,, W C i
of the revenue acerutng', tinder these J, B Rutherford, 1., Murray and. J
liy lasi>iK, we most remember,
einber, reverts Gordon. Poundkeepers:-Ii Wood!'
to t .. ,
he ali,ties . These 29 pe- land, J W Jackman,: P. ' Medanti,• 3
titigoind enentei .alittt s if '::tkiev' were Black, 'C Alexander,E Baine, 3:0amp•
to pass ;t'
b" ,laws exacting''this 'ruazi- ball and: •d • Archer. pathmtisters :-
cine add to their 11'- A Mullwain, J (Irwin, It f utledge;
Muni increase w J \Virniilt L Lawler, A Pentland, J
Douse receipts in the ufkh;;ate •? in a ,
single 'ear the large saui•'of; $12,7e0. '2 Campbell, I3 iltooreland,' A Kirk,. A
g y'u 'to take advantage of •tici)abe, S Johustou, A. Flutter, They neglect r•
tgli law passed tor AWN, T,Nicholson, u E Sanderson, J
the rspclprovisions of, t Redmond, W Young, P McCann, W
theirs special bariefitya nd y.et, ttiey c•im . ' W
t tt P>;o•inZe u iprpprtutes. tnitll, FV •Andrews, 3Plunkett,
t itsfli# .tfa. H Taylor, A. Itobiiisen, J.
' u t Bl1al't.of a°tevt,in.e Ledely, Y
tri"itself an,ultJ •s .•;Y,,. _,
:niunici alit lua. Woods,,A.' Pentland, 0 DurniPF, •A
imm licenses. ger Iic art i i y Campbell, bell J l Jgr,es, 3
dimpose slit! larger license fees, in ad- 4a p , Ferguson,g
P these already, alluded to, by 'I+bompaon, G Smyth, A. McAllister,
t to i Plowman, J Redmond,,, P.. McGuire,
the assent of the electors to
a byelaw subtnitted-to, them for that P O'Connor, J Gliatuuey, `S Stewart, Y The extra fee obs J Edwards, T. Wbite, T, tI B
taecial purpose. W Sturdy,P telas =ow P Welsh, J
twined by means of such by-laws is b ,
the Province Foreheu, W, -Brophy, S , Alton, Ei
shared. equally between and the muJ.` municipality,' Rutherford, jr, ,.11,?►neryille, G
Henry, E Alerting A McDonald, B
eat`h of 13: `T. ttsarnum. Durrett 'r J::;.ItMirage, J Far -
n Sanders,
BiunoSPOne Cone-, April 7. -The at iter J .Berborirt; W; Wellwood,E 'Rains,
great sl otliinali, B T Barntum, died at T Smothers, WA ,,Wilson, Pe Q ren-
6.22 o'clock tbis'eitening; in the pres- bell, E Gaunt, J Gordon, ' ' W 'L`hoiai
ence'of his grief stricken family. Dur-
'rulrADorr. • Irperml F
T a follasatng tiy`.tlib vta,nditag of the xtupextal p'aaer
pupils of 1 S No.'6, `f nnrulinoar y., for'tli !
wnntb of iCl>tr4h, 'lt ltd b 1 t' bk°
s can c,i - not be prao lea . ,
ciliated from the weakly exauiivat;ipuii AP give every person wrxu dasiros it, a
held during the month.
The itautes
are in .order of Merit :• 5th class -'O good Suit of ,11:1;1 Wool Canadian Tweed,.
Cowden 4tla clese--B Mitchell, M.
made do to order in the very Latest Styles
Wade ll1• Johnston, A Jobnaton,
Hardie, O.Wadt., J tlotxtuth, W Hoot
tithe 3rea sur -A Rotnutb, A Mitchell,
Wbeelane, li fltiwutb,1413tabkwell,
A Porter, FeCowdeu, is Johnston, R
Johnston, 1;' Wade, S .Johnston, 1
:daaepbell. 0,rd Jr -•A' Co.vdra, Al
ytarlt,I. 1Tonmtlt,T Kelly. 2ndeiless-'-
',p Stark., L t4litetiell, L AleCoruaack,
tAtL Aiclfiunan, S„Nic,Iiittttou, „Ito
-F'McCure)aolt, L Lowry, W plitcheil
Part 11--A Alitehell, ?Vt 0owden, :1 .
Johnston, N 13lucl;well, W Porter,
J W Settesox, T'eaaher•
As a result et the Promotion Exam
ination, held in the Couctty of Duron
oe t arota •25th,• and 26th, the
following.. promotions were made
in S S .No 5, Turuberry ; From V
class to VI,claeB__Nuruber of #narks
required to pass 500 : David Weir,
6G8 ; John Gtlntonr, 630, Fr•out
Part I toPart Ii-=Duvia JWeir,Frtd
1rlliott, Teua Wallace, Gassie I1aet-
Triutn'tinge and Worku unship guaran-,
teed,for only$19,• . oughlx prao-,
t ...
it may not be
u't nibs this ofi\irxce, for.
tired to you againt.,
niton our New Spring Hats y,
F u,
the axe.
e for ••i please, l Y
p ,
cell,t ,
If tx
right in style,iquality and price and are,
going off very fast.
TEA. l TEA 11 n.t$,. ! l l
Our Teas at 2i5o,, Sac. and. C,Oo. per ib.
are unequalled. A. teial• will eonvinee.
iugB Alexander l-1tggins.
`vbite they ailow United states fisher
inert to purchase'bait without let or
hindrance. `What the Newfoundland
Government hope to gain by such ac-
tion itis not•easy to perceive.
Atecoitni vu to official figures the
nu mbst.of,immigrant.arrivitls in.1890
was 178,921, of whom 33,518 were
passeugets fs the United. States and
75,067 stated their intention of re-
' mainitig itt Canada, a deoreuse from
the. previous' year of 16,533 `settlers.
Io origin, of the 21,165 arrivals at the
port of Quebec there Were 11,564
1;u hsh,1.17p Irisin, ,2,094 Scotch find
4 ' Y ivandtiaaviaus. Of 3,000 steer,
eget paseangers landed Tit Quebec `7,62b
As the birds ret:trn from, the sunny
Routh,se the tide of eutigratiou setb
in fur the North M'est. James ,11'eel-
airs left on. Tuesday of last weet:i$ for
Manitoba, attetidei,by the beet w it
of his friends -•-Matter Ernest Back-
well arrived in. Brituduu: a few days
ago, baving'speut omit plsiusuut y
on the way with friends in A'Ituneapoe
lis aunt, Litchfield, Iliuu.-Mr Geo
Barrett Boirtea iiti Tuesday,the 7tb,lorr
ehjcwe 1Yee utitistee, l3 0, to try his,
-f:irtn, 4 i the "Rliy:tl City. Mrs
'Barrett•stays'f >r the :present, at her
father's. -Mrs Eli Elliotate s gone to
Hamilton ou aucour+t'of . the (teeth of
one of her relatives there, -The far.
sare getting readyfee sp, iug wot'tc.
roar 4 ,
The snow; isabuut all gone., and the
croak of: the' fr ,gt l heard iii the
into Ali Barnutne illness, which began.
2,l;weeks ego•last Fticl'mey,, there were
frequent fluctuations ui,his condition,,:
front, each of which he ralliedealtheugh
in each instance with sligllitly. lowered
vitality. The' change for the'worse
which occurred last night,. 'however,
was so much Mote pronountea `than
the previous•attaeks that it 'convinced
the pliysietans their patient bad not
Many more hours. to twit Ait r , the
attack. which *came upoie . him,; ,shortly
before midnight, Mr 13lirnum suffered
much pain Ile, teethed. to realize
thut'l e conte nAt 1iyo ibueb longer
and spoke "ot the approaching end
with calmness, M'rs• Barnutn remain-
ed at her husband's bed•+ide through,
out the night. In alternate spells sof
dozing and ,in conversation, ' wlueh
showed bis brain to be gas ever, Mr
Barnum passed. the. hours until about
4 o'clock this morning, when: he passed.
Into 'a condition of stupor. 'thin)
matters went On till 16 o clock this
inoruing. `Ile war; again aroused, and
his mental faculties appeared brighter,
than at any time during the leveret
hours previous. Mr Barnum w,rs
mower ,ITtriiigham,,
(intendud for l atissue.!
On Monday ,evening .of lest week.
a very pleasant tune Wae,s;;tent Pt t1te,
any one that this not an empty punt,
Yes, we. have diem in, endless variote,
and of the very beet Quality,
Our prices cannot betbeaten anyvvliore,.,
We allow a liberal discount to cash
. GORDON & Ii f• TY
for this ' frit itdly gathering was
*tbti urarriage of Miss Et:aio_.
Ritchie, youngest dau ;!,tar ,of, Air J
Eitchte, to ;ilr. Robert lt•sviu, of cone
cession 9, Aedili old,' The ceremony
was performed by Rev Dr Stroup:lute,
of Lueltnow,. After the, marriage,
ceremony, the gut sts to the itu.uher
,f. about eighty, sat down to a bounti•
ful repeat provided in the usual good.; -11
When the ,,
stela of all each feabts. u n h
inner mats had been fully batinfied, the
guests . indulged in' vurium; ploys,•
which wei'eiutet•spereed' will,. inatru
rmental duete atereuttee. • The • esteeiu
in *Well the a wly wedded couple are
held itt this eeeetiou was autply' exam
plilied by the nutucrous and beautiful•
prt:secte presented he the malty
friends. Mr arid Mrs Irwin left Tit.
res deuur of Me A1;t:llwaiu,, 'where .a the morning for theta. new ltuuze, fol.,
number v#;,yA' t;•ii s, i i bt'iNd, and towed by the good 'wishes of ail fur ,
"beat tjrne .to. t;ii,s cli ins. Of their future huppi►tess autl prosperity.
course every. coo. we/4, 1'9ut•,n ez►'!y•- -Mr 1Vi11iartt Irwin Moved tette the.,
ti i lt•of,.di same avas "'tick oil, village. '•last volee:••-;,.111strri,cges
Anises t V ., ,, , rt #untie =oY` . €, .
T'ursday: evt-ntug at the,, r s e wood bees teem to be alt the,gtrarotkira,,
43r Santa"' Loekria..g!',`-1sre hslirve Here atpreeent ;nlrJa,nesTliontpsoti,
that two LowerT`Gwit `ctrtize,ta' have sr, still Continues very law;-MtJuli.i
ittldteci'to the other p ecag`nt furniture,
Barclay,lots been oonlined to' his bo
of their house, that necessary aut; for. }loran data with pleurisy,
musical pieee otiilesl the organ Lei,',,. •
take eitiw' ls'' tinct the long, t L1stoWe1
others u,
summer'eVenings ill .sett Short when; 't On Tnesday morning, fire destroyed er
liatetitu io the, riutiin:; u4 tes of tli the Grand., Central hotel end - Mr ..
difieret.t inatrutue►tts;=-Ilk A G Mc;. Robert Alartin'$ buck building adjoin•
Donald, seems to'Le °the lade's ' friend,• ing, with contents. It started in tltii
of this town, as he is busy every day ;basement of. the antral ;Notal, it' is
Lringiin someone .it. tearing. mdchiue supposed, from the wood furauce, and
of maybelidera -,
in 'order thtit their hard w was: under such headway. bet:tre die.
Made easy. Last 'reek he sold - five covert' that the "intimates. barely esoap-
ed, wan of them by ladders frotn'the
yi , roofa, and
svjndutvs-stud the adjoiniva, ro s,
many of the girls working in the betel
in, their night,: clothing, losing'every-
tliing, Many boarders also lost all
their clothing. Some ten or inore
ciimutercial,. travelers, are minus alt
their sampler,¢. The insuranoe as far
as known •is: On the hotel : Waterloo:,,
Muluiil,.$5,0Q0 on'bui?ding, $500 on
billiard tables ;. Citizens, $3,500 • on
contents ; $7,000 by .roan companies,
uotknown itt what company ; Robert A
Martin, $2,000 in Western; on, build
e , gun', t
Webb, J McPherson, R Purdon, seisingtuavttinee and one organ. lips
WC W ,
A Emerson, 3 Laidlaw, P Callahan, is good.worli, when we consider he
D Mcmillan, r 9
+ Jur, W 3 McQuillan, has been selling m this way, now for
A. Anderson, jr,G Greer, 3 Archer, J hearty, a year. -1' it` are glad to see
Inglis, A. Webb, J . Forster, W Thorn, that Atre J qs lti tterfield,., who was
jr, )=I Zi• , a
iutoul J P Brown, 3 Mote, hedfast few veeke ago with inflame
I! s uish S S,tothers, 3 Whyard, Dr ►nation, is now aide to ` be around
T A•, q r who has -been
Ouse. ' f1'au efl'a,d"Aurn:ecl..tp_. meet as again,-Mrs. Elford,
+% Ma 26ih.' sick this last three veteks with inflame.
t'Ra Court of 1i,evtbion y '
E..1t. 'Mir,rrad'::Clerk. rnation, is Slowly : recovering. -Some
__ :of the youngsters of this • p)ace look
Teesawater,.. tick this week,, The general cause is
' 'ber Ieft the villat+e for ;hey ale too Many eggs on.£aster,"•
Quite ;a.Etup'i
were designated . as ,,laborers. 'Jibe fully oonsoious,'althougb his nearly
total nurtiber of , peteons who went
ititoltlanitalut and the Northwest 'in
1890 is, placed at ,13,817,' against'
2809' the previous year. There were
1,407' children sent out from Great
.Iirjtaiu.. The years eitpstnditure on
immigration was $10,90.9"„ 'the per
e+apita goat of the settler lot 'year was
$1 *epilog ~ 187.to 18$99,
sT *aisketlir amities Tuppre was
IlYttett6g.toti, and Sir Julian Patiu-
atatttta Minister at; t ashit
met gr Chitties frail inttaeiterview
reroute 11a1ine at vire' Ijoited
a u • :e tetootgomery died sours years
colt P ,, ASer
were lestitten s y ear! Bol ye i 6n
their EeB,ter vaoatiou.--The Public
School ltpard'hoe advertised for a 5th
teacher Duties- to begin May let.--
• . The following is the report for some
,f;, the classes' in Lower Town School:
Atli sen. 'Mi rks' 'obtainable, 160-
TheZ.O:.O 1: pro ose, :hiding a recep- l Hebb Cat►ipbell, 139 ; Flbrettce Green,
tion in their,rootnet towards the end of 125 ; Amelia Netterfield, 106..4th
the month, -Mr Midford has removed jou.-marks obtainable .158:7Etntna
' where Mrs Midford .has ,I; etterfteld,, 1`16';' Joh 11111, 12..,.
tO 'Toronto,
veeared a position in the illethodiet 'Rachel bey, 09 ; Mary Mcil.wain; 79.
Book , oou,s.-Mrs Million spent her std sen -merits obtainable 18L Mitt.
Easter holidays visiting friends inpie Liulclater, 156'; Lizzie King, 148;
l fncar, t .-.--Mr A G Morrision spent Alfie King, .l '0 ''Frank fail, 130,
ditt e
Vacation visiting hie timely friends Mary Liuklater,,„ 1 "l ,,' Luee King,
hie vase, i t Y
iii around. Newry, , near Listowel:-• 194; lane' 1 (tru'tV5, 1E1 .,; 'Lotto) 'Mae
rind: „ Y
`Toronto, is spending a few Donald, 121; ,Thos Urabatti,` 120.4
ass under the parental roof. 'We Bella Morriaon, 72. Jun 3rd marks
uiide.rstsnd be has an extensive prate obtainable, 248 --John Currie, .,I0 ;
tteeS in the Queen City. -The union Norval Morrison, 197; Eva Halstead,
Services declaring the union of the 172•;; Eddie Groves, 171 ; Ne lie
two Pre b :teriatt Churches, will he 11eekett,'11 .i Jessie McDwain, eI09.
preacliiicmarks 'obtainable 251 •-- ohst y' n April the 19th, by one of 2nd.-
the members, :of the Presbytery. Carr, 207 ; EEor t Cir i0, 156 ; Lester
The above is attpit_ should bet. It is Adams, l;50 ; t ellira Martin, 139; Jas
something prepoaterotiaa . tltn ideA. of Lockridge, 1311; Mattel 1als14d, 111;
, ceswater #avid : two e , i 1.14; Lathe 'Welsh
;shausted. powers made it impossible
for`him' to talk: At 3 30 p. to Mr
13eruute sank into a comatose condi-
tion, and did. not anaiti,, become corp
erous. - Whinx, the ens' nine its was
l,sacaful and apparentiy.paiiiteta.'
iklt Robt 1t,l.onttfannery, wile lived
Lear title plane`. was found'
dead 'IN
his boa on Monday'moriiing lastY bo
members of his fatnil y, Mr. 'Mont-
gomery was one of the first settler iu
Site part acid' was highly respeutedetfat
all who know him. lie leaves_ a
rnuen e rt, tato wee ,d .40,r large y, mostly grown up,
Whet about having a few tally
pulls doting the;;sugar•Yualr ug season'1 .
--John Geummill,ltas returned from a
trip• to Michigan.---Pretervts your
patience so you may, ,bri able to antswer
all the questions; regarding the- 'taking
el the ceirsus.-• -It r ,li uglt, MoDoug+tli.
has one into the sugar making very ,
extensively this season; hating placed
a fine` evaporator in a large furnatre
he can now make Larger gpantities -of
sugar be much less time than by the
method.•- Plougl►'ing cotnsnenred .
here ou the 7th April,last year. This ,
spring has not put bee° Baily an ap-
peurause, yet it utay, prove earlier ni:d '
plcasautur than the, aprrng rof deet
p 1 t Pi sl ytt•riata t3tauhiy Watdota y e Sal xp• `'
3Sout"regationsee e• •Sincerely ,hope 88 ; Ottytrts.. 'r1 meson, ti9 ; , Autiee,
that peace and. good will will 'a uiwate .l?atterson, #8 ; Nellie Gr.thatn,. 21,. IITr Cobert Lraden,, of the 13 lint,
''t t tiaiderable d a. ., fir. J:l.titrLuir', Teuebe'. Xtowick, a}ceoinpanied„ by iiia Solt
the ttuo +ti u,ents.o•.Gg ,1;ohut is about to store fpr Manitu$tt,
(Suasiotiltas been going ou of late re 13'eYfaet, Where, itli Mr E1 , 'falbot, of Wltig-
ehttrig• the .triose of ruiltaitig Ste .. s Ilam, ar3 Gr!r>eter, he going to extend
electric light. Sonar, place it in the .1110.0$1.11".-01141 of , those happy! h ) ` t rfttioita with a texteam tri .•.
dei h orlioo 01 $000, while others aretnr' whicia t,hrrrt,oterize ante help tofirming l ,
it h dMists ,ttt i atlipr tr lltsTint for Hitt.
make it' about ' Ciro' , thing is bretvir'.i utu,,ottrrSy ` f is . {Y , i f tui ill t tV rinlin t,lre`st
ti tit aft row, e • .
(st Light' (Icnu , •aJ4+e't, "er otrt,tetea w tee,.•Yv`es 'r. a , aka 17a _ti
liw, t£atriat u flay of to en,at halo old fsl it A
tiff# (3ura^ts l •'rti t'lh+•+',; . ,rrrer-tT at rlae >Cr niclaruatt of . „qtr j '' l
xanatirl, it Of fiai ern as wppt titat y Vol t?, r i
'trlpll , ► > I It > l t „ e vi 1
., „• / , Ya. " 02. 't} viols S i'tp al ,q t
. '`. .riv. ... ..
certain, t
leot, the ,b :
gQ yeah ago, Lams g Was a 1
wildurueee, tho first log house 1,e
treated' lit 1,842 by Cul; Juhu W 1
elvers). The next yaai' be built
first dant across, the Grand RI
tweet which the present city is.
uated, and in the rfutlaw Tui; year,
'e., rhe was drown t' et' the scene ei
n wai k. iia t of was loo
ra bit i t e.
Ir a i 1.Yn t outir l
wood. . rat Legislet t » met in
facie, in S . it was burned the t,rn
Lt '66 : the first railroad was:
through from 0 xusee, '',In '79
read trunk of Canada tt bolt
rx .
inkoew'At iaatl- iis
snuowt, ontdlea nd'"Gt hwioaast.
iwhat was'then the Port tarot)
Grand Truuk,`'•the main line
Oanade to Chicago. The first fat
watt built in tt$ and the. firet fou
in 4J,and in Feb '59 the city
luourporntdd with a pope alio
15;0$5. It now 'lags a pupulatio
• over, 15,000 and rapidly he:mesipi
"75 a great. flood swept the pity
ettegato in '77 a great lire deatroYed
great factories, eausiug great, lost
the city. bine» that time it has
steadily and surely ,increasing
tp•day stands as one of the pri►
elute; in this great state, having
;ween 30 and. $5 factories, erupt
e great manlier of teen, end, the
tral point almost of futir Tails
giving good aego nttnudation;to'ate
of the ateatietor the world, at
The popu.ation consists of (tee
Polack, a few P{renuh, Eugtish, i
diens, bat the Majority are Amer
Tim summer and winter of '90 n
great booty: in the building liar
already this springsoane eight o
houses and stores titeve gone u);
uttevery hand are, witnessed sig
b,uildntg. A great rush• tray b
"tooted this sytnnter to the v
filer buildings at Chicago, so the
ingmen will hive a gond chalice
Wotk here. Wu gf,e fur eerpeett
fro'n $2 to $2 5Q,per day, tires"
to $4, 9 hours wnrk, and tenders
seitue tithe, Beatd is $3 par
The city lies tt, epleudid eyst,
waterwurk, two fire stations,
those carts and one chenneat e
It also has electric,. railwayr,- e
light and gas wors, Jac.' The
capitol building, cotnmenceal.'u
Omer stens laid Oqt 2nd; '7,
fir,jshed iu.'79, itr,a,wagnifieent
in .bein, Built entirely oft.. A
saudstonte and e•ivers 1i acres,:;
est height 297 feet ; leuith, inc
portico 420 feet ;•. width; 2j J
The grounds contain 11.}; acre
are beautifully laid out. The
authorities have appropriated; t1
for the erection of., another large
rat building ;n Lensing this, su
1 insight mention the State,
school, the Michigan Agrie
)allege, the tilichigatr school ft
blind, The. State fa,r.growuds,chl
schools,. &c., and other. places, 1
1,ttave taken up ,already too int
your valuable time and space,
silty, in the words of Horace Greet
West, young than," and with
triose. Respectfully yours,
Niro, R. Kier
Lansing, Minh. .
Air. Charles Wtlkinson retues
Montana last week. -J J Dow.
oomrnenced the litne business
.--The Morris cou,lieil intend tc
the. Bothnia bridge the coming
mer -'=-Mrs A Stewort, who bo
with, an accident, some time ag
covering. --Miss Carrie I3aslau
to Detroit to work,a.t,;l'ter tree
W Hopper htteuds..to s,ptit bi
this coining sutp,itt,trt-Mr.
Bradley is recovering feoln hie
i1mess.,--Mr Willittio„ ()tottery
turned' from the Michigan
+'oode and is at.'preemie visi'
Mr G Parker's.--Wi,li,;ttu,,1.nnt
ri'turued to his situatiptt,n;ile
Mr James Watson„ post,tiia
Sunshine, Itas received the coi
cairrying the mail between
and Snoul ►tie since, the . 1
t;ttice has closed up,, The salt
ie $60.
The commit met, tit; tlte,
relent, Morris, biarah 33th, 1$
tgttout to adjouinmen t, Metol
44, l i'eseut. The Itteeve itt th,
Minutes of taut meeting rt
pegged. The following acoout
Waged to be paid, namely, l
prerville, wood to Murphy,
/Uglier, removing iot', $5,50;
oxford, ebarity, $10; Jiro.
rsuiitieibn of d4 iaz, y$l 1. it••tepalring seraperand repar't14
heidge, $8.50 J'.Sell:tl,s, eZ
: !!'8 ; P Scott, repairing serape
to ertrettcli Hato .6tf J.'tilw
Vrdby 0.4t aowe, subonc
aJ,'tocter tt