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Wingham Times, 1891-04-10, Page 2
ing. am tilt1t$ e• ., nC l *Aid Mr, Moppet, . E01 responded Nauoy.- lir. Moppet: was coming fitfrotu the geedete,„opeth, . Nancy, with plump Wlate arms bared tothe elbow, was wke litng the' breakfast dishes is a deep pan of hot soapsuds. 1r. Moppet was a hard featured elderly man,. with whitish -Lillie eyes, a straggly fringe of whites beard be- peeth his square ohin, anda bald uranium, Tlauey was fresh colrred andbright eyed, with silk tendrils, of auburn hair drooping over her freck- led forehead and a certain dimple • perpetually playing at hide and seek on her Wt cheek, ..-The two corks.. pletely realized 'Shakespeare's ideal of :(grabbed Age and Youth. I'ln agoing to - town, said Mr. Moppet. You won't need toboil any pot victuals for dinner. Waste .crakes want; A cup of yesterday's pork and ;greens,. -that'll be all you peed. Yes. father, acquiesced Nancy. Why ou` of course ! She was thinking of something else , y t r answer—no 1 ,all the while. Thea take my a And talkie' about eggs, added Mr.' And without waiting for the return} tyou maytake four dozen up of her baslaet she hurried away, her Moppet, ohee)gs blessing, her breath corning to Peach farm. Mrs. Wixon wants plenty on. 'em to make cake for her sluick and fast. nieces patty.Better go' early blp Tather'tI beawful mad,she thought, y but I'd rather die than marry that 1 morning, Nancy colored scarlet ender the man 1 Webst r Wixon stood a minute auburn, rings of hair., ()an't 1 send "em up .by little Bill gaging after her in crestfallen silence; Becker, . father? said' she. Webster tben he Went 'back to apple harvest... $ in with nn ominous expression on his; Wixon will be there, and—aid, I don't' g p ;like 'Webster Wixon,with his red nose lips. end his comments. The Madder she gets the prettier Mr. Moppet frowned. she looks, thought he. Well, well, Nancy, said he, don't be a fool. I time Win show. Brother Moppet says eau ase through ye like ye was a -pane she shall be my wife,and that ought to reglees. Webster Wixonis a well to count for considerable. do man, with money nett. at Interest. Moppet aro* leisurely to Horn ,and you'd oughter tie tickled to death Hill, drove an excellent bargain for a o ornamented `wand stove,afterOat tiles took a notion toy tr, his;hly ornate But, father— having successfully interviewed every Not another word, grumbled Mr;. hardivare dealer in towel, and set forth Moppet. I know jest •exactly :what's „to; ret.nrn wills) it in his waggon at eommng. It e 'that foolish nonsense .duck. about Absaldni Parker, that 1 . loped ,lira a warm day for the time o'year, you'd eat over long ago, "Abialow hain't no property. "and ain't like to have none,,as dno daughter of mine ain't going to marry .your Grand - lather' Aikns' hired man, ' not if now it. He paused with this multiplicity of double negatives, ' Nancy set her small white pearl teeth 'together ; ]ler and trouble and wheel wear and horse,. .,eyes flashed' with hazel .fire. It was I Mesh foto eonsideratiou,. 1 guess I a true case of love versus t tOiiey. won't airy nothin' about the odd five Take them; eggs straight up to dollars. Business is business. .It's a' Peach farm, reiterated Mr. Moppet, proper,' pretty pattern too -thistle ;shaking his forefinger at f1'jauCy, an'' leaves end acorns. I'd litre the seine' ,don't argury the point 'no' •further. Ion your father, and I know what's hest for you I; slut• ron're going rihgt past the Wixon's door. � 'o, o, Y ain't either, I'm going th+ Born Hill road, ' I'ye been appointed try the supply committee to buy an stir tight wood stove for :the etnireh, lie added with some complacency. ,'1'he old one's'. rusted clear • out, so t.11ere's danger o' fire every time it's •Ailed, and brethren have subac shed ewnntydollen for a new cne—leaet- wayt, a Second hand one, if it'tr jest es good and a trifle cheaper. Pro to i,leie my own jud;,ineut about that, ,And he went to the barn to harness pp,'leaving 117aticy ready to cry, Int, elle said to herself, as sine All was dark and quiet there save flung: the disir`watee out at the back•, the out r'ea lig:, t tiro burue.l in old oor, I wouldn't merry Weheter Wix..' 141r. Atkins' bedroom. if there 'wasn't any other man is rid. ,And if J t4an't have Alb. 1'll live and die atr old maid. Mara. Wixan'snieoe's party. Webster Wixon, a, fist, tniddle•aged ,g to gather on die uorth side Nenay oatne up. welcome her,. !Mies' Nancy, said he. Aa Wizening 1astfli#er,'1 sea.. Il.ere's, year'eggs, &peke Nanoy, curtly.' Set down a spell, won't ye? sim- pered Mr. Wixon, ' I'm in a hurry, said N'auiy. But Nancy— My name is Miss Moppet, air 1 .I've got something vary particular to say to you, Nancy, tirged the widd!o-aged uuitpr,. l t'il have to• keep, said Nancy. leve got to get right home,. Can't 1 waltz with you a piece ? l'd rather gti alone, she persisted. Nancy—Mies Moppet --•I must speak 1 blurted out the old 'bachelor..', I love you better'n all the world! 1 want to'makyouMrs, Webster Wix• on'! There,' ;bat's what 1 had on my mind 1 An your good, Ohrietain father, he sal'e's it would suit him. exactly', andel- Nanoy wh sled around and faced ie. ie of father you'rea-court- e.• .. kruthelorWit the Qoteibei' , t of rho, bouae'+ He muade hast& t sed reariti her eager s Is it for ing ? said s of skilfully to lift the old stove out of its pet4ian0e, place in the outer shed into his wag. gen. Elder Mea9itten was not gaite Rothe died with the bargain. The church brethren,, too, would have preferred e new stove, aonsideripg the eeottey be bad. neem;. but 3rother 1lopwas a »ran in authority, and they pet were ' pocket. Six ain't t � • . rp � in with the fast them teme. he said. coin gilled to acquiesce tris thefts. Count t;l Nutley Wife delighted h acquisitiup for the best room. Mr Moppet started at Absalom •Ub, isn't it pretty? said she, Parker as teladdin might have started Yes, npdded Mr. Moppet, rubbing at the Genii, his hands; it'll sort o' dress the root How—Where le -he muttered. for your weddint. Absalom pestle, low chuckle.. My Wedding; ?i Kush t said he. pont speak loud. Jest se. 1'v arranged matters I Seen the old rnan hide 'em there, with Webster iron, and-- like a human gnapie as he was. 1 ' Nancy burst+uto tears, end ran out knowed it wagµ►t safe, so 1 quietly of the 'room, k a took 'em out, tarter he'd had that last Air. Muppe glared balefully at stroke, and Joked 'em in his black her. trunk u garret. And you may thank ` She shall marry him 1. muttered he me they wasn't all burned in the or she shah be no darter o' wheel 1 first fire youElighted in that identical won't bp set at defianceby--. Why, stove I • holloa, Absaltpxt Parker, what brings. You know about that stove ? said you here? 4e, with a gasp. Mr, Atkiusis took wuss this after, It wasn't likely no such conjuring noon, eaid Ab aloin, standing at the Gould go on(about Mr. Atkin's place doorway, like rustic Appolo. Wants and me not'Iknpw it, said Parker, dry. to see ye --right off. it was a i5-'atlurday afternoon. As Mr. Moppet.drove by the church door he saw the leapt of wood being deliver. ed .for the fits$ fire of the season. Jest in time 1 said' he to himself. There's a frosty feel in the air. Grandfather Atkins lay auiopg his pillows, like a,wr►nkled old ghost. John, said int, all I've got in the world is yours,. but I think I'd ought to tell you where I've hid it, since the bank robbery',eve such a •spare. Certainly, tsertainly I said his sone in-law with eager eyea, like those of a bird of prey. I've hid it away— John MopAet placed his ear close to the palid lip$.. Six five.hyndred..dollar bills., Ye8,yes _•gooat ' `olded u in an old number of the ern'Ht 1l azet te- An old. `number of the Born. Hill Gazette understand I repeated t i 1 Oren th th frairs. of the world witse eio R illE ain't abort li,ency. Absalom: answered with a smile, Ate .about Mr, Atkinar money, Mr. Moppet gave a start, Oh, you needn't jump eo, matured Absalom It's all safe. kis took a flat parcel oatof his Moppet. In the old gaspedthe e wouldn't be yours, John stove out in the sbed 1 cl man, 1 lttiowed nobody kely to look there 1 It's ioppeet—every cent of it. said'br•, and it's easier trave)linr after And mind y'u, don't spend it on no dark. It ain't a bad day's work, chine extravagance i to thgi point. .1 beat Brotherexceeding- domePiper John Mop et utteredere d ate eccee i n - dowripretty well on the price, and it's ;Iy bitter cry s • he. remembered the worts' a dollar'n a half to cart the lighted matchtho had put to the cruor- thingshome Aver these bumpy roads, pled old aper in the ''stove, to make. pr P they 'lowed twenty dollars for it, and sure of a drat. it, was pt t up I got it for 'fifteen. Takla' my tiine in the nortl, w st corner of the church —the roar of tile blaze throngb the lengths of Rusrfign iron pipe. In his excetleet mans •eweut be had contriv- ed to over rea h .himself. Ile went piste and stat all .the evening in a s rt of stupor, with head fashion in my best room, end—with a in Itis hands.. long Whistle- Why r;liouldn't I Nancy,, bus have it t There's that second hand tasks. watche stove (I,a'ther Atikns took for a debt surprise. 1 from. So on Grubb. f It's jest stendiu' 1 didn't kno Y ' i wood shed. Gran'ther rtlst►n tawny in Ins ,asst oo t of Gran they A I'll fetch it }home to'+morrow apt{ black Sie times five is thirty—six time five it up, and let Elder Meaohan suppose is thirty, mused Mt•. Moppet, rocking I got a bargain froze Home body;. and to and fro. Sf* five-hundred.dollar l'il slave the aloe stew stove for my- bills 1 Throe self, and nobody'lt be Bone the wiser, and all gone up now that Gra'ther Atkins is confined ur wind, and m to his hed with ereepin' paralysis and Absalom Parker's up in the wood lots, ehoppin' down trees for winter fire. wood. It's a good idt'tt. l'nr glad I happened to think of it. He drew rein opposite'the, Atkiria 1141080, ly. • The at oonsequenc iron, I pass the church folksiil get flick of it bi#fore a great while. Mr Moppet drew a long breath. When thiy do, said he, 1411 make tem a presets of a bran new ops. And Absalom-' Yes, Mr Moppet! You won't say nothing to nobedy 1 No, said Absalom, I ain't one of ..the'.' talking sort. lve wasn't of no great though, except foe old d about her household Lotti with hazel eyes of he thought so much kins, pondered she. At that ifleiztierd moment, hall he but known it, . Abselon, Parker—the old man`s general.: factotum '-.. 'gas I did lint ted,. be readily cwt use, The pretii gun et us, and,. owluging, itermine, laughed end • said t, Look out, there '1 1 do a good deist of shooting arognd here (seemingly taking in the. war going on), but don't know whether 1, t anybody. S40It handling th gun •th interee ent a 001. ' president ' he thought Ont gorerunten istould do if it was adopted, and quiclidy•• followed this q,nee ion with the rewttrk r Weft, I guess i1 will be with you as it wee with the; Irishman nud the sbeep'e head', Then Mr. Lincoln told a: story which ran',;thus : An Irishman had er sheep's head hind was dressing it fob hie dinner.. At a moment when he was not looking,a fellow slipped around the corner and ceptured the prize, anti the Irishman, seeing him disappear with the sheep's head,oried out: Nivea ntoind, it will do you no good=, . have the resate here for cooking it, This was rather a pointed story for the company. The president kindly promised diet . he would ge out shortly with. Ool,Scote to test the merits of the gun, and wa parted from the grand, noble than, feeling that he hada kind, friendly heart, and that his soul was weighed. down with auxiety as to the results of the tnighty•contlict then going on, be- tween the north and soutb. Alas:4 he -never lived to try the gun. fiat along, but itsteer en the gun ie it I t jocosely painted the. - thousand -•dollars— e}nnulrly in ops breath as done it 1 I ehallgo crazy. 1 shall ,ese my mind. Three_-•thou•-•-sand••-*•dossers l It's a judgment on Yee. rye been a miser. able sinner, trndi cheated the church. I've tampered w tit my own conscience. Six time five is" bitty 1 flit; itvewllun- dred•dol lar bilis Oh, Lerd, there ain't no eal'cntatin' Oat a tiij i'etlrle sinner be toilette Keretttl!tit Soott:.v Liaxx 1 very::es es thnuglr fedi, at, 6L'eltt . e iwhich! 'lrculdsl: arra w 1, that ah �F enables you to tli he hien in one a roKiwngt lsirurtati ao b* 1d its a lnnfwte "Wel t lteott replied, I And Absalom.;: Yes, Since attache Ir Moppet. 'you and Nancy really are :to each other -- We're just that, Mr. Moppet. I don' see no objection to you're getting married this fall, said Mr Moppet, with an.effort, You may tell Nancy that she. has my consent ? . Nancy ;cried a shower of:. happy tears whentiebselour told her the good new R. ve , imparted to her the But .hen el+ i p. story of the stove. As he himself had remark . , , he was not one of the r '.Sa Saturday Night. 'n ut talking s y Aur to,e t5.—Ara yon disturbed at night and broken of your test by a siekohild suffering an crying, with pain of putting Teeth? If so send at once Midget a battle! of '' Mrs. tl'ineloW's soothing Syrup" for Children teething. Its value is !neat;ui- sntrora • • �a the or little t c•,11,w,e to 0 ai,l© It � p imuiediately. Depend upon it, mothers; therwis uo p mistake about it It euros bysentcry and lltarrr,wu, ref/Mete5the Stomach and 1iowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, redness hdiamu,ation. and glees Stria and energy to t1 c, whole system. Mrs. in- loow's Soothing 'Syrup" for children teethiug is pleasant to the caste and is the prescription of ono of the oldest and best female physicians and name in the United States, and is for sale by all .druggists throughout the.worler: :rico twenty-five omits a bottle. Se sure awl ask for "Mita. W,ns.oWs SooTa,ters 8raru+ .nd tape no other rind TO McT,B "no, Grippe" or iu ueuza eau De eituokly cured by the use of ilsou's Cornpotindhof Wild Cherry, the olds reliable rein4,tty Bronchitis, Whoopiuil, Cough, Croul+,0ol 1a. Coughs and other diseases of respiratory systellm. Wilson's Wild Cherry has bees iu use for rnauy years and is highly recons, wended by all who sow tea virtues, $g14 by all pro,niuent dr igrgists. The last education sport contains an abstract showing the cmlmperative state and preg,ess of education in Ontarib from 1879 to 1889, The school populatiop increased from 494e, 424 to 616,028. The main cans of tbis increase is the change of the maximum school age from 164 to ' 21;, lip to 1884, w len the change was r steadily ta, he i o ul population made, the ss p p - following year it rose 582,147, and since . eased by 83,000.. The Ublte and eBeiaart! !t One; rave Lincoln Story. 1 Washington Star. About th ee months previous to his death Presi4leut Lincolp was .visited by Ool. Suott, of Kentucky :and Mar ahal Lamon, a000mpanied by Robert W. Fenwick, of the firm of Mason, Fenwick & leewrence, attorneys for Col. Scott.: On this occasion Ool, Scott carr'.ied a fine specimen of a t waa ofwhich l,roeah-loadtlx•, gun, , h } as the invon sir atld patentee. The trig on entering the door of the private oface of Ir: e. Liucolt} at the 'White Xlouse wefts addressed lay the presideltt frorp his item with a hsarty welcome end one o[ theins with the words Hello! Scott ; how are you ? What have' you got there ,Spott replied t That patent gun 1 las talking to you about some time declined ; in th from 471,287 t then it has icor number of P Schools, High S"c:hools and collegiate irietitutea;'Normal and Model School's in operation has in the sane period .� ..• and k► to� the from ,evil 6..315 9 7 p f t' t f attendance at I these institntioiis to, ether has aro n frorn less than half gether 911111on to 58 8261. The salaries of Public and Sep rate School teacher! in 1879 were 2,072,822; in 1889, $,554,845, an increase of nearly half a million dollars. A still greater in- crease is shown in the amount `paid for Public and; Separate School build* hies and other°,expenses, which .was $760,262 iu 16fi 9 and $1,014,680 in 1889, In routi numbers the tot expenditure on ' uhltc and uopera Seboola has inc 'eased in ten, years from $2,838,000 to $4,200,000 and the tdtal expenditure on these and institutions o a, ed i tl a s. itutioils f 1 : r user on n 4 $3,493,000 to $5,145,000. The ata, tistios show theft women are pushing their way into the profession et the expense of mei i ; the number of women teaobere etas grown from 8,443 to 5,198, while tile number of meta teachers- has declined from 8,153 to 2,774 ; so that at the present rate of progress the Sterner sex will soon be out-ugmbered by two to one, Owing to the unprecedented detnitind for 1 Y , ,` 1t sato n tso s tall la s rt bars lanced 'err n dir p ,i, � Y t noun rice, Messrs au � Soo r p h s 11ticG: sal d , fortunately made 5, contract before tkr advauee for a very elpusidereb,�g quantity. and are thud euebled .to offer tT5ir patrons this season s deeided ,,advantstge ii, prim the quality being eupettor to' too ever pre. vioualy imported. (, a40. Weill keaid Livaoln with 4 twinkle in his eye, I should think you would of ourself -•-a full blooded I blodd Y tiling to beat a Yankee.. mum, and thereupon 21r. addled the beautiful piece Ily and interestedly, aeti> g 1e missed An important at. nd he inquired of Ool I've Gaet 1 , f s Au the ritdliiite hen clock struck 9, Abeelum Perkin' cruets in, bringing with hiul it rni;of fresh, frosty wind. u'%e'nlirg, atlear0, ti•iid he, Ion. sort dear 1 obi dear! why need there hanging over the :garden gate of hie it :eking rep the sautobers. Suppose. 1 Bat u so ru>teh lrolable in the trarld, ne•q pins,'. talking; to ncrstty Nancy }toid irk,: to be oue of aln; 1311 I d A•isd more than one +aianrond hright f among the purple d+,hlua and r1niireu like to speak afoword tee yon 9rsst,. rp.'fe'e'll amprig the nagwe tbiit i 1'r. astern. if it is *bout, fancy, it altl't no nee ..l�r: trier li�tlnit'irmilct for Apd it Was tie a•+eay teat for a urea slid Xr; 14fo -r^.. ek .K+f►. ,4• _. .. .. '.. ""i> . •••,i. .:.. 'v4 "yam MJ ',.,r' i* .M_... 1lnre, my deatfellow, I live yea hack the $6 Which you wero so good txs tidlni,rl Rift. t qh, se X did. i bad eutirly foil of * about is. Thedenor, "Why dj you not tell unit that before, • TEMi R4N COLUMN. QONDUQTsn 11t: Trip 'r. W. 0. V. V. ScriNTIFIC TEMPERANCE, xTirtt ox'rile suttauCv'of s0ln,^:rjrict xrtMPlar '•. Z8STROo'FtoN. "*•. The 4106 by blas Of klr♦.yzt SIb, assure the children ofOd Temperance instruction 11 our public sthoois? If so, let us cobsider what is beret to lie done. We.depend upon County Presidents to appoint Oouuty • Simerintendents of this departumut, w}ter,, net alreariy'appoiuted, to carry eat the following suggestions 1s0. S" cure an interview with the public school; Inspector of your pity, &runty oe riding, and eudeavor to en. 7het his co operation in our work. From ' hits a list of the teachers and their addresses may be procured as a means to further operations. end. Make it a point to call upon every teacher within reach, and in arise of athere, write them, calling their attention to the regulation re, quiring'1'emperance to be taught and !earnestly requesting their compliance.. 3rd. Do not forget to utilize, 48 . far as possible, the Teacher's fustitute held once as year, or oftener, in every inspectorate, and give fullest encour- agemeutto those teachers svh. are 'faithfully striving to discharge their eifditties in Chid respect, 40, Keep p the subject of temper - once instruction emper-•once,instruction alive in your commu- nity by making it a frequent sut,ject of conversation, and e$pacially by eommu,iieatl0us to the local press. 'rhe follow'►,ng statement of the ;Min. litter of Education tiiieht be intended.;. -.The same obligation rests up,.ee the teacher to teach temperatete and hy• giene as auy other subject on the pro. gramme. 5th, Ask theministers of your district to aidyou i c u each i a, way ' as they may thank best, either itt the 'pulpit or darin their pastoral rel v1Itations. Will you. kindly make an effort to tke ttain the opinion of inspectors and teachers in reference to.the authorized text -books, and be prepared to report lit 'September. tlow let us work for the advance- ment of this department during the p'resent year. As mothers we have a right to insist upon the teaching of temperance, aceording to regulation. Met itbe ne t, ted tithe at lttotlgl ti int least a protest from. the . temperance women... Hoping our ot►r next report may show great progress, 1 am faithfully y: ours, Outs G D PL9.T'S, Provincial Supt. Piston, Febrintry, 1891. Various Expressions far Long Distanoos.. - • The measures of long distances have varied widely at different tinges dud with different nations, to say siothing of the comparisons, used iu different sections of: our country. For netnece The Jaws said, from Dan to Boer• heba. The Persians say, from Medina to **5005. The English say, fruit Land's End. to John O'Groat'ss. ;The (lanadiatue say,from the lak es t3 the ,earth pole. The Yankee says, kern Maine to 'TSUI& TheS'outherner says, from. Florida to Aleake. The Sucker and Hoosier sal, from trite great lakes to the gulf, The South American says, from the Isthmus tri the }Mtn, In Louisiana they say, front 1r"eew eirleaus to Pu itt b ti i rs rg. In Oaliforulai the common tares - Oa res -11 t is, from A.ltvil!e to iitdot Mob. t1has beers issued x anxiou8 to 4110 through ',La Grippe" ;fiitoply„ : dumb jeflutosa 3 Wilso'n'i V a T. .11410i JO rattily sa•tily suit . •l ettly. vitt fell era bei, hit tori ref neo OKI ett run hu (ha th heti fes ed her' me s u: allyl get, fops we, for ,na tine etc 1151 rhes haI! (lits 1111 eel Arcl thy atl use g ill agfl tial tie he 1s it Dal 'int Inc thel likl surd ant cons sto as the int, No pleJ1 '.l lie} hag ash'' the .11! art bee, anfll 11 girl mol derl. len a net rY: