HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-04-10, Page 171T
`„11. • 41),
re, and use all ti,f.
Eo have them
clashes of Logs
its extra, taiudcu
the inspection
the Latest Nov4
Ale ourselections
e tt as, Csbnierea
a this line which
)Wfl Faey Dress
ve ask is for every'
s before parches
Fletincinv. The
,ange, the Newest,
loth stock of Prints,
your selections for
;ompletb in every
nS and Carpets in
prices are al wayn
71e atul pries, We
iobby Tie or Collar
ler a!3 low as $9,7$
a, call before pur-
ds. "
bare. and Alfelf
orchard •Grass
,eason, as 1 visite (t
id that a fanner in
I him by.
of the Seeds,
time, Wm. Pickles
been purchased in.
ist. Call and• get
. .
he •people .ot Wiraduan
,otriewarol rho hauberk*
opouul out. fa rheum attigdi
r f101.13V.
c* Per
13) 10c. pr1b
Torrionforair leirl***50,
pound. • ,
alWayS Oft irttilitlf,
**my phi *fib. tewk.
• fl MO; lf
Den% Forg Our
Now Dress Goods, New Prints, New
11.1uslins, New ifitabroideri s, New Glove,
New Hosiery, New Bibb(' it, New Laces,
New Cottons, New Shir age, New Cot -
tone cies, New Tickle e my Towelinge,
.Now Table Linens, (3w Curtains, New
- Cretans, Now Carpets,New Floor Oil
;Cloths, New Suiting,New Rats, New
:irts Collars
Shoes: and Ti.. Boots and
New Rubbers, au. t 114 all do
not forget our 35o. Tea.
and get aFashion Sheet.
Specialinducements to cash, buyers,
— Go. and hear at at the Town l!tall,ou
fitonday evening rt: ,.
—Mr Mt Adam has, gone to, Manitoba
,to try his fortune . ' He left on Tuesday
last oe the 0 F It xcursion,
• —Oestere—Rove, stewed or fried, et Xas
MOICelvie's Star restaurant,
—The regular meg of the Public
School Board will b4,h1 in the Council
Chhniber, oh, Tuesd evening next,
Er,te C. St ng, well and favor-
ably known in two, ill take part in the
*concertgivqnby, Mir ,Tas. H. Friend, silk
Monday evenitiginext
• —Fon S,—A. Frei Confeetionaryond
'0-rocery Bubniis. Satisfactory reasiins
giyen for selling. Apply to
Jots Been, Box 194, Wtogitarii.
...4,ffis bmingsie, arrived safely at
1%OBT 0 R
, Direct linporter.
gun BeAif April 8rd 1891
. • rj
—;The finest cream o'andie's at It Hill's
•'`at 80 cents per lb.
—Mr HD L e.Whc was in Dr Towleen
c. 'drag store foretime,las gone to De-,
itroit to take a.' itue.tion.
-:-Cash for good Rutter and Eggs at R.
' Graham's Market Grocery,
'Mr T T Wit sou and Taps Bona F
Watson, his dam hter, left on MOnday for
'the Northalest, r OP B. •
Apple s liananaS; the fret
1.0g tbe Aeasoik, t Jos MoKelvie's Star res-
Spring show will be
held on Wedn• ext, %Stir instant, on
thatiticulta ttuds,"contirieneing at
3 o'n,
.A041,‘.1l at
flee' bottir slid see
,flitt'Latiran c' I s."°1.0. Bole in,feNt'sblee
F Otiter left fiiwo. • ••• •
-The LudIrttot it;tete/ is now Itrin.ted
on & no#0athp1ie power press, whioti
'greatly irapreves tS appearance Bre.
)317ans has been a ding to his plan:tale%
in the wfty of risir pe) Wo are pleased
to see tfjese iLifa talons Of 'prOsiierity
• -on the'Ort of the .
—T,ItiAnly Brat class Fruit ;I:rid Confer;
tiona,0-,abro fn town whereyou. can Ot.
Pine Apoles, Bananas; Bittser., Oranges,
Lemons, Maple Syrup is at It
--Mr John Erato
residsrice an the P •
tht.littd from thrl-•,-'
last year. The- he
immediately West• '
'aul facing Alm
frame, veneered Wi
Intends °mobil
piisrty'whieh he pile-
(rtiitteal octet
'A . -will be situated
-;the English. Chiltr@l
rel)lt will he '`e,
voor watch et (*look need's repairinif,
:go to W H Wallebe, .imtchntaker and
jeweler. not door to poat office.
01#11 junior ehiye. of. the Whightga
Ctioket Club psi ganittd_. last week
and practice will e Mere as soon as
ho„Seaton, will id' it. 0 Bell is the
tar' -treasurer and CArita,
r Martin A GJiffin and H 0 non
compose the comnlittee Minagem• niat
--Thelatest enable tillt:4NeW York
Ginger Me.at Tas Mol4. '&8 Star restaur-
ant. • '„'”"
--The plritilit o ho Public School
• ave orgaiijsed •1 arOese eluh, ,to be
.)htiown as the VO.n att. Public School
Laorogse Club, th ofileers elected are:
Wra Friend, capfain; reinehoison,
treasurer, Gebige aerie, eeuretary)They
'expeet to maker record botore tho sea.
son closen,
• Fon nenvenieut;
ly situated, fine view of the town. Terme
to Snit purchaser, 'Will be Bela Cheap. Ap-
ply early to D. M. Gorinos,
—Ameetirlfrof tjio conimaithomerators
for the East Ridi g of this county Was
held at the Brun hotel* on TuesidaY.
Mr Chaiubcrlaii, of Blyth, the coni.
,misairor,, eeen't,and wasthorough
ly satisfied witt the work performed by
the onuntoatcJr8, and how, the work of
enumeration will proceed until &ma!!
--Ari erijoysili101*
'ed at the 'matting
1 ado IOGT
" earsIlltsibraith
v 16 W Ittethes
Mine ;vie
Miebor apf Botts
*slay eitelifug irst.
/natal orate* by
intern and Ivrt*
her destination in 'Ka loops, B. C., on
the 20i4 ult., and was fiotp the worse Of
the jdlirney. This w4 bi'good lieWs id
lier many friendsin tjvh.
jos. ineaod 4Ilamily he re-
ternecl from Detroit Alava moved into,
the'hense on Centr 4teet vacated., by
them last fall)1V1r.Ris Mit retiretied Some
Weeks ail), and purab 'd the prefierty,
from 1)/fr.liark Cassels
—'For first-class tailoring 'and dear'
gents' furniihinge, "ify. 'Webster & Co.
Ifemember the plactsOnlY two doors north
of the old stand an between Reis'
store and Halsted eSoott's bank.
—The Mitchelle ntered upon
its thirty-second ta week, The.
Advocrae has alvrays beeait 'newepaper#
the fullest sense q=thater nd Mesita
Davis Bros., Wittvitirtedi s ..control,
tells, he .el -
!Ogle Conti/1'4e' prosPerf thlitgh, its
politics are bacl.
, --Mrs H Conlin,late of 77alkerton,Wishes
tit intimate to the people of Wingluan.that
sheie prepared to oftijhite as purse wher.e,
'h,dr ilevices fii,e rep:it Oa. sia9uct
posite Chighe,invi Dr,
Transilar C ''bepf the metho-
dist Church held the bit meetiog Jn
ToroUto last week. Th '‘Ottly'changes
Noting Guelph Confers ce are that Itey
Wm Herrulge has 6eu4 transferred to the
Toronto Conference an the Bet'? Dr
limbs has been trap4 rred !tom the Bay
of QuiVie Confereti.c to the Guelph
Co of irence.
ittsm, T. melte. alsofiEStp it MI:0%104AItAiniere
, ,
j r,
/4,i1Cirtftr,,LRAt 'QV,
y, fie, 41-,\WV6i Enrik";
just' .rived at it Hill's, a freib stock
of canoe, Aitods t peas, corn, tortatoes.
salmottoardines, khsea. haddies, bon:-
detiabd coffeeoito, to sold cheap.
Thos Agnew h.s disr.9ed of his
livery businees to Mr It
took 'possession on S
tinde6tand that Id Ago
prespecting rip throu
tho Xorthviest uring
suited with the coney
frotn town , We will be'
as lie ban alwa
interest in the town, in
-,-Rosanxiat WAttieft„Four, gentler!tien
Or ladies can be accommodated with first
Clabi; board and rooms. Residence '064-
ite Central School.
art T nrittut;wbo
turday last. We
intends making
Li Manitoba and
is summer and if
he will remove
orry to hiiie Mr
e taken a gieat
hits been geed
—Mr. U. Din ley is 'reoovering from
aft attack of pm •ey.
—Census Thau • erators rergwon and
Youhill eperk! ming 'their duties in
its that a lot of
reeeived'at the Me
they Will be ready
It a few 4'a7s.
w bongs have been,
heniofahetitute, and
r the use pf member*
-Dont Wear poor boots at Ole season
of the year, for you will be sure to stiffer
for it but get a pair of high cut seaitless
sol id. kip boots. 8eld by Genesis & Mau.
Tree at the price charged by other houses
for common goods,
—We understand Iht MaiiiandLodge,
I 0 0 F, intends (seta rating the anniver-
eery of the Order, solrin time this mind),
• but do not know the
'Particulars will be
—A gentleman
;Chatham, was, in
:trying tonecure th
ZThe final curling tch of the atm. -
Son was played on Tues y between
ho old players and the' reen handsOor,
in crieltet parlance, the 'Colts," which'
resulted in favor of the atter by three
shots, , The &lore was a follows: •
Orm Prisskas. Vivo PLAYEas".
M Mel)oriald, • Bev .W Hughell.
John, Inglis, E L iekineolt,
S Kent, • id' itGloy,
J &elands skip--i3.WP rson,skip-16'.
—Gtir4oui, McIntyre selling the
bal;tnce of their winter st ,k et a great
reduction. Be sure and in, eat their stoek
if you want anything In • ritdr or early
Spring goods
—Mr 3(is Frierdli c nert, on Mon-
day evening atuti, -prom es to bo the
tivent of the season, B side our well
kathina local talent, Miss ate 0 Strong,
of Mount b'orest, ofie of niario's
ID g &Trend's, (Ind Mr las sat, the funny
Man, who captures all b arts, wherever
lie appears, have been'oe tared for this
oeoaaion. We ,Would vied all who
wish to lit and grow p at," to secure
their etate at once At Di aleyi Jewelry
store; and thus avoid the ab. Remem-
ber the date—Monday eveningi
—Black, * im...-Settirdray- *gilt
ttt $11tovi
-111 i's.0094 elect
—Rev t* a irateo
meeting Of the WOO
Union at namiltot,
--The Mayor and
today te lOblr after
for the stage of the
—Let those who felt
Preserve a ri
And 'he Will 'alio
• e -Mr Jae Fax, Of
Provincial reputatio
comic. siuger, wiltta
teinment the
evening next, '
—Horse• men Et
and get prices baro
bills printed. A. large
xaot date. Further 'cullandtaawell fla
vin text week.
• is attending •the•
rn Congregationid
•ts week,
eve go to Listowel
Oilery and °ortolan
ew town 11011,
the deadly foe
pPer lip,
a to glow,
y dovitt the grip,
toned 'Fourier, from
wn on Wednesday,
contraet of furnish-
emote, who bits a
Pi huntiorist and
part in •ale enter.
hall, on Monday
exaMino Our cuts
etting their route
took of Gard board
pet, suibable fdr
that chtss worlv. •
—Regular meeting ',Court Maitland,
No 2,5, Canadian Order f 'Foresters, will
be held to..eight. A. fu attendance is ro-
bueiness will be
tor oratlidera.
burling eeason,
ng last. There
after the pad
est hid been.
ow hours were
with speeches,
enencay and ni daine, Ite,, tor the_ . quested, as important
'Btage of the new to;n hall. •
- 147°46116 before the 'Go'
—We tomtit have money, and partial
reeeiv g notice feora us in reference to
;peat lik"kii4etints had botteeget a hustle
on, 'd•de Gass CO,
—As t Wind,iip of th'
the townelgb had a stip
:trotted, On-Tuesde'Y OVe
Wlegbaln• fair attendance a
'" • , • • • .wAs
--The firemen are ompIekta arrep8e- giiiids Provided by the
'moots for the eget) tien f Q140 A liberally phrtaliei. of, a
Birthday in town in a *riff4t,,Oya-P
ner. The oelebrato held on
Monday, the '25th *14 ,•f Wang
on Setiday.
—Tenders- haVe be for' ela.
rothal'of tile Old tow hall, 'and eleo.the
9re ball and hose wer. The weigh
scales will also b removed, to a
eonvenient place on t pound lot. W
all these buildings re rerno
market spare will be roper
—Mies19cDougall la us to, Itticitatato
spent in a imolai manneA
ongs hte:
• —Mr. ItobtA4, of the
been taking a trip throug
aid Western, Stiles fqr
his health, rethrhed on
He enjoyed his.trip very
glad to be home again.
04*s a coupleof days
aff*Ihat boeutAti there r
--,J1114r.eeriutorsot the est
Moeuev Will offer for sii •, by pithlic
eat, who has
the Southern
e benefit of
aturday last,
ueliAtut Was
e was in NOW
afore the sad
te of the late
le Jetties of Winghern and v n at - 114 • •
_ euctiou,•ou b.ato ay, the let last, at the cf
site tail opened aurekx
est anliSh *nett Bent ; rent. swic;Ir Iran Wingbant,1, tfin'brit.
lately occupied by the T vvn 014rX,t, Drees,' tenses and•lok and park, lot. i in Lower
and Mantle .•iiiartfa.,1. the'llt.titetreq,le, .Wingbarn. Sale at o oleo Terms—
Also, little boys' cloatir orte`r,
-(third of purchaili inoney down, and
'20 daYs Pe er Deana,
Tv1itat'.C.P-414 efioneer
Remember the place;
—On Saturday lts
wife of Mr. George H
for Mr:T. L. jobb, di
She had beentrouble
ease for someerears,li
housework,ege fell fr.
Itte• was tittin„ an
&tidied], aid nrrived
not deemed necessa
—The ‘Vomen'n
Society imeorinectie
chbreh holden "At,!
i4nage, onTuesday
a fair attendanCe,
enjoy 'themselves!.
of a late Missiona
gave-Miliddrees, be
• graintho'canginted
• modal Mtge, &c.
—We are vgeaged t
gersollkietirthetth 1
&heti; in that tow.
Ih great seCcess.
• Riving aii account of
in St ,tame' church,
must have felt very
the results Of• Baste
were -the oongregati
•eery large, bet t
Communion service
dred rod the coil
School fund was ab
ing his Alert rest
• gentleman he she
liberal 'tiptrit in eh
preyed himself
Chris tan I/Anteter.
Mr 11 R Talbot,
G the mercantile 1.,
upwarcla of fltteea y
cheson,who works • • •
d veiy , suddenly. Miss Tufts, of Belgrave, f rtherly Of,
Clinton. and A. T.Davis'tEsq., o tioniden,
d with heart tile-
*hik,Naoing.,14,1. were, married in the former 'Place on
a chair.oe which Monday;11 The' . bride °('',1s 15. -cntingbr
was 4,„a, ,before attired in corn colored satin an Marslieil
tea roses. Mr. Davis is Well own. -it
ittitest was •
Winglieni and much esteem d ,by his
°iota missionary. many friends in London, ha ing filled
with the Methodist ' . - er
the responsible position of eepatela
erne , at the Par for the G. T. R. there for a limber of
vening. Titers *as )...-
'ad ,flu appeared to —On Sunaily Morning last, a guest at
re. Kyle; the WidoW the Queen's hotel,iorgetting i e day of the
'in British Colunibia, • week, arose 'before eik o'clock and went to
wee which the the Si R station to take th 6.89 train.
• %cal and Instrn:. • The train hot arriving as be expected, be
learn front the In-
, .
in't7=3 H oorhouseei
haVe been crowned
The Chroniele, after
the Easter servioes
ays 't 19r hloorlionse
littleit gratified over
-tiiiinlaSe. Not only
both services
e •'attendance at *loth
Were over one htin.
Otien •for t1)6 Sunday
t forty 'dollars. Dttrk
nen here, the Rev
is not only most
titian work, hitt has
oioitgli and `earnest
hollith been engaged
islite&s in town `for
ark tet for Manitoba
'on Tuesday. at nteuds embarldbg iu
• fanning on t latile scale st Popialpoint,
,wniob is eitnated bout .16' in ilea free)
Winnipeg and AO w les from 'Portage la
trairie. bass. go farm there? 14`e
Itobt Bradee, of #e' ale; Nevelt SloS with,
Mr TalboWirid they liteed working .he
karm shares this y They took with
'them. a ear load of ettler'e effeets. •
albot's faintly int le joining him in
Manitoba Alertly, bu are at present visit.
ing friendLondon There were tinge
a number at the T It station (noting
• i'gicrhyo" thIlir Tel b. ie many friends
in Viughttin Wieh bi
in the est., Mr Job
Serbt Turub
a 114salt suds:gess
yt went with Mx
Gin; wtiti r
returned te the hotel agai and waited
for a tithe; Nihon be again 'ourneyed to
no tinin .or
vain •started
down toWn
ei as to When.
*as bola that
her "cheap"
'chaffing" he
the station, Still there wa
stir about the etation.e.od
for the Queen's. Ou the we,
•bre. Made ineuiries at a bo
the train would be aotwii, tan
it was. Sunday. He 11•t
over the affair, IWO taOls to
received goiValatiirealy.
The Undersigne4ii prepared to receive
tenders up ta udrit of Saturday, 10th inst,
for the retnoval of the old Town Hall from
tts present position to a lot on Bdward
street, The lowest or any tender not
necessarily aecepted. Full particulars
may be o1 shied frock
W F Buoceriisinente, Sec.
• Verso ate.
Miss Minnie Fasse=t is visiting fritds
in Shelburne, till. weak .Mr Atla'M
What'll/of Listow 1, was in tewn on
TuesdAY*Mr 0 Cozens, of Grey
township, 4:toli the" trus ttfkicitay
on TuesclaY°. He •e of tie census
etiotneratera for thot' nniship in which
he lives, and was re hi eorinection with
tQhtleacer,:,,tirsd?,einti:1 :'!ti,Abasit°innles" t'orliptittoe
Toronto, On Tit6gidaY *vetting...Mr J W
Sanderson, of the Art of Sanderson &
Miller, of Wroxeter, g vo the TrUkla
frieridly,ball on Tuesd y. .Me A. // tired.
it the St Thomas ournal', fias been
in town the past week • letting his par-
ents..rdr :f 1.1 Van, ,..e, fListon/el,
stoat a couple af 1a in town, this
votek..Mrs D Man
tia Undo&
• -
rroinotto• slaranninetion.
The followleg p, the result! of the pro-
ro4tion. examinati held iu the Publie.
soboot feet prior t the Baster holidaya:
isrem 8th to 7th. pt, (part I le
Eve Gracey,.Charlie Wighttaith4
Hoffeartn, Prank Mite ell, Lizzie Barba -b.'.
Lennie A,ridereca,Mli Sutherland, Walla
Kline, Willie Sadie Arlie Bill, Zlery
fieett, Jennie Moltin) y, Annie Bond, Bob.
hie Elliott, Stewart uttea, Getty
Johnnie.Kennedy, illie Coutts, ,Cant.
Brewo, Mend Robin n.
'Front 7th to 6th,-- hey Sheridau, Mag»
gie limma 1' ttersen, May Patter
son,' Lizzie • Robina n, Charlie Moore.
WztieAitkua, Willi Field, 14,taggin
uedY, ,Tessie Mittikell Lena .Alleu, Plika
Carientore. • ,
From 6tit to 5th di 4, (second 3r tr
second irr),--George Ire rid, idarmie Tibbt,
41adys Bell, Fred Rush Willie MeDouald,
-Maudie VVelse, Arthi nuttou, Lawrie
Iteynolds, Willie Br. ; ley, Lena, Shaw,
Scott Gordon, Artb r Angue* btaggle
gernsyn, Dottie Rio ee, Ada Roderus,
Vrank McGuire, Meg '13 Efelfdeihont Edie
Elliott, Rena Moore, sante Sills, olive
From part II to secion book, (in eth
dept—Glady's litscocke, John Peaditze,
Bertie Ross, Gracie Ale. tin, Etta ;Barr,
George Klipg,' Ethel Bra , Josie Stewart,
Lorne jerome; Harry • Efeesion; Fergna•
Reenter, Willie Lamou
Eaittie Elliott, W-gh
Watebn,Fanny Sol
Bdio'Barber, •
Frontab to 4th dep
*Bata Cargill
tfranes. Stella Co
Charlie d'obrultie
r Bollard,
son, Vida Iliscoblia,•"'
(Second •to thirk'
Frankie Clegg,
A:sgiece °yet., Jimmy eRinlay, Joseph
Darnel Couov , Charlie Deane,
Lottie Currie, Milton McMullen,. Emily
sobb, ,linitity" Ceram lags, Daisy' 'Bond,
nolfielhews tIi1ton G itharn,lhornatlaief,
Anere.se-Graleaesix 14_
From second te'eerd r eteond ip 541
dept.)—Annie Bades, ark Fosfite.Mortio
Morton, Ella Binsm n, Maggie Bisbee,
epn&fliU, Willie rr, Eusuice Hutton,
Maggie Collins. Bert McClyinant, John
PattersonBert Chapinu,Cameron Maack,
Willie Monk,Minnie ss, Martha BegleT,
Janet Watsao,Milton eenteri Sam Stualf, • .
Maiid `Carr, Maggie 0 utts, Susie linriba, • •
Robbie Aikene,'A.lice Minnie Me -
From Brd to 2nd dopt ; (third .to i'outtli,
roadar).--A Chisholm, R McTavish, 11
Friend, G B Williams, Pocock, 8 Mannel,
D Mollauue, llarailtrin,
Clarke, M Davis.
Front 4th to Brd dep .,(Brdjr to 3rd sr). -
Charlie Ross, Cassie N Ish, George 4t,ilea,
Miriam Gregory, Er e A.guew, dbartie
Barber, Ratio Kennet y,. Bos'Sie
Martha.Ceeemore, Liz le MoMullen,Fercy
Jessie Gray, ollitr,Etzotti MolE",:,
Patterson.; llert tedi t,Peter tmans,Lor,
Aredwin, Bditli Mar owe.
Froth 5th to 6th el.,=9,--Alberb lifactione4
Lottie MaKenz =, buianBennedy,
Walbarci, Fife, A:ttul Stewart. (Four
kinpils in this °lase di not attend the oz-
Teat e*atairtatliM I fourth class . -Eddie
�tllerNellie Bell Elia Deans Moroi°
Gray, INTorioaDinrile , May Suider, Addie
Anderson, Harvey trathdee, Ida Kerr,'
Herb Wightnaan. to Macdonald, Ge..) •
.Etitena, Pit moo, Wieuie Jack«,
• son, Boils (iutnbaing em Meyer, Luoinn
Watson, Herb Scott, 0 erie Fisher, Bella/
Johnston; Ella jehnet u,lAerott Gordon.
0450 in old.
rt is iuot yet too ia to Gliterthe 1)311113 •
ion• Illustroted prize °repetition in which
eft the end of the eur eta six months prizeit
to the volae of over 3,000 will be distrib-
uted. The first pri is 050 in gold and
the list includes a Re ntztoan piano, 13011, .1
• Xaro mid Cornwall gans, gold watches
and other valuabl artielse-100 In all.
rbe smallest is you a ut 43. The °mope-
tition (loneliest in lind ng in current' num
hers of the journal to answers to thirt,/
tvi$ Auestiotie, six of which are publi,
tieeli month, For role dopy tt
Particulars ilend 12c nts in stampt
publishers, tbp Sabi tort
Oil, 'maul* Oo*gb, • A
*ill y641;1104 Vie warning? The a ot's
tiSrharm of e inlet approaelt Q that
terrible dieehee Conoutbptiota /Sok v
skives if yon cab filiSerd for this ask*
tisvin4 3O.,vo tnj firif flak' Wel 'do tr
fer 01. W9 k frfim ptparl8ne