Wingham Times, 1891-04-03, Page 7,a its logien tiled per le hire sone or Lofl'Ia OYlz8 nalii7V,5+Et:TB OP' i eiterown, event. r Cr1r- ed of Q neg potful of her boarders.' col o'r , sa4 he led ;glia. Brent to the aitariand set up a home of Iiia own with a wife aud ,baby, Go to hi' i now, and, litter one,' word *gelato women and habits, and you evou.id tet shown to the door without. ceremony. eiLr,ItitldVatrino All• s: O. I Sano I-.. in) j e1g de ;a. ce I , ut, f t+n{ pg. •eta _ , OO,t' ti bineht •;.1,t . per lioei nefaivaeliaubeequeer true'skapierfor x lnaert In t alta than ,,,e 1, Sot al, at,, dituat,ona., not exceeding 0 line, lot execeding 8 !Wee, suantnt month t, ,,.esu to • t ertr,ernettts, ore t i iticctirections, will brit i tteuvtuiugt,}. Tran, paid in iurnance. tei.mwn:i ntuat oto Tia; , to order to appear a i1T tDTOK AND P4ucr6ui ON?AliiR Surgeons, t7Marla,,°: of Muton--• Winghani, opt,' tto UniverTsity, and. all& and burgeons, of • Gontre and Patricks 1lutlmne. 9sr tt; Eta. 10 gin at lowest rites' 11') 4;ai;O8, town. t and Rola. . iiia faire ]icantoon 111 A. Etc., Etc., fio nandsidonfiin for ram, ani and Stone t• (private at o pea cent, :, upon - the heat esiet,au to ti.8 aana the „aortal Vindl Al, itmlluloid Platec, tin nc.t nllttursa%' It be got in the it varminittt. n 114e of Electric• tl. for 25 +oehte opposite the i,... F.D. w,t sl'SBLOCK, rd Mondays n.1 COUNTS en. Charger COurlaix co/ wooly at oW.. atitnite)t n thti 34ortett unrantetd. made of tit Oat sae reel' Iiia O.vire; to the nanny/Rented demand for plAte,niion it tins adlvttuoed, oouKiraern.bly in price. Unwire )ticflani ln,nl oft Son ,Torun to, fortunately illWit) y. con Groot before the wivanae for ati very.c,lnnirlgr,tble gllttutity, And are thus enoblud to crider their patrons tris season ,w decided advantage in price, 'the tit/nifty being superior to any ever pre. viously imported. It was Napoleon. It was dark, and down a. retired 'Street, in Paris a man rode alone on. horse. back,' Suddenly the horse step- ped as if frightened. Then a Man rose front the pave merit in the middle of the sweet and jumped to one side with a try. Tho rider was angry and tate Claimed ; Are you drunk, man, that you lie about in the middle 'of a dark street to got yourself run neer You might better lend a poor fellow a hautx than scold in that way, ex Oliaimnd the other. 1 had 800 frakna in gold in this hag,carrtng. it to pay bill for nay master, and the hag has broken and it is all lost over the street. 'If you have soma matches they will tlo rue• more good than your curses, It's no easy task to final money on a night like this, said the rider, dis- mounting. I have no matches said 'the rider but perhaps I can help you, 'Rave ve you any of the pieces left 4 Only one left, replied the unfortunate fellow with a sob, Give it to me, said the other. The poor man I1lstitated, bot the stranger repeated the words in a tone "of authority, and the .last coin was handed to 11irl1. The stranger whistled and a great 'Spanish mastiff' stood.'beekle hint. File held the noi'1 to the dog's nose, and leanitoz to ttao rough pavement said : Find thew. The deg sniffed the gold piece anti' be. gan the search. One, two, three, he began bringing it1 the coins nmol dripping theta into Ine master's hand, white the poor ser vant stoc'tl iiy in silent wonder. Thirteen tittles he returned with a 10 franc piece, Then after a- long search, he came back empty, with a .grunt that been ed to say there fire no more. We are locking one piece, said the ranger. -. Are yon sane there we ,just 300 francs 1 Suro as cau be, sir, the servant re- plied. Then look in the bag again. There must be one teff there, Tha tnau looked hurl sure enough aontid the lest gold piece still there. ,Ota, sir,lte exolatitnecl se the stranger sprang irito his s'lddle, you are my dee liverA,', Tell ifleyour name thaitmy .mister may know who has done suol! a Service. 1 have tionn'uotbing', said the strati - ger. Tell your master that t:lo one who helped you was a very good and inter. ligent dog by tlaenatlio nfJoie„ It was some yetrrs aftcrwaarde,when I"rance had some tronhloas tines and • the royal family tva no more, that tllastor was telling the. incident to a party cf fricouds, one of whom hatl been n;ulp'oyod in the palace. Jeh 1 hie «o by e,olaiiued. There Hever vas but 000 clog of th;At tithe tins the!'o clever was a more remark', able and faithful dog than Ire. Ile always arnonipanied his in totter wheel he went it1 diegoi>so ftbotlt the city. Who wile Ilse master i they all *aced. he rep3"7 was brief: The thoperuri g ate' WS 1raiwt'1 daettO to the afore, hotrod cod evil and amts a Mr. .Blank, .of the State cava m your n'+ma as a prominent rc,eidnrat of thrit neighborhood. Our hoot=s is pub lisldug county histories of illillcis, Every subscriber at f25has a full paged portrait and two pages of read- ing matter. 1 shell take only lave in this. city, ails you being the meet prominent .residents have coiled upon you first. Well, sir, in just twelve minuteshe had old Blank's .order for book, and 00 paid down as a guarantee that he would take it. fie had hit him in his weak spl?t and our money felt into hie pocket with a thud which could he heard clear across the hotel offiioe. Louis Cyr, who at straight out Woh 1It lifting without Welts iIs Un- doubtedly the strongest nun livittg,wus horn in St ,lean, Quehee, and wan fop. s,•tims polioetnila irl flit• St Conegonde district of Montreal, He was 17 'years of art when he di3o'1vered that he was pcsseseed of great strength Ho happened to be out ' alkilig one r• e^ clay when he °ropy' acro+ss a wagon load of bricks stook iTi the mud, Ifs weighed at that time 240 pounds, Cyr got under the cart and lifted it on solid ground. From that rnotuertt Ile went around lifuirl; nearly everything ori which be could get a good hold. Cyr ie now 27 years of age, weighs 318 pont* and stands b fret 117 inches in height. lie expects to hoe comp stronger in the next ten years, He has yellow curly hair, which hangs -down to his shoulderaa. He comes naturally by his marvelous strength. His mother was a powerful woman, who considered the carrying of a barrel of flour up two (lights of stairs a mere trifle. She weighed: l5 pounds, Ilia father tipped the soalPS' at 220 pounds, hut was not gifted with any remail;'- able weight lifting ahility. He hoe several brothers who are only oi'dinttry men in the matter of strength, The remarkable thing about Cdr's. performances' is that he uses -no liars nese, 111 New York city, 'Deo. 20, 1833, Wm B Oartis wade a harness lift of 3,239 pounds, At Berthier, vitae, On iada, Qet 1, 1888, Oyr with- out harness, raisrcl 3,6$6 pounds of pig iron, He confidently expects to lift 4,500 pounds, before he retires. For two years Cyr has ahstained from the use of •hoiiur and tobacco. This, he says, has iuoreasecl his. lifting. ability 700 pounds. He eats five or six pounds. of meat a day and pays duubte board. Cry'nlast a,pd great- est lift was 8,903 pounds. At a reeeot; exhibition iv'1n';lay Oyr in Lewiston, Me, he pictced up a bare rel ofoflour•with.caitfa.lat4 and—put it; on his shoulder as if it were Ia bundle of cotton battiog■. With one tinter 'he raised two great dun. 11 belie with a titan weighing 160 pnuuds upon thorn' the total weight being 516- pounds. He liftedthe'bells and tlie'inan about two feet frnib the floor with the fore-. ifngrr of his right hand only,. He '•juggled n 36 -pound cannon ball as if it wero rubber His great feat of the evening was in hoisting by his famous upward back lift a platform weighing. 262 pounds, upon which stood twenty 111111, whose o•tn;tined weight with of the ia'at'forni, Was 3,790 pounds. Ile.ftleo did au etltaihbrist net with Mrs (yr, in which Iia belaneeu her clinging to a ladder, supported on his Chill. titin snail, Soot. One evenin4 four or Live drurutuers and agents who had been working Quincy, •LI., to no purpose were clic. elt8Si rig their' ill luck in the office of they hotel when one4 observed .'here's an old chap down here in a hardware store who in ekes nee tired, This is about the ;fifteenth time ,CVO tried for an order, and it's no go. Cid chap with a big mase on hien ? (period one of tate others. 'Yes. Ordered lee out of doors, confound hint. And hh told ate, said a third, that, he never bought o`f an agent, trusted fl gtrang'r, or got caught on any mail's game, That's old Blank to a dot,put in' the Refs e's as'`sharp eshe is stingy, Considerable niore was uai4 in the Ratio strain,but by and by a intro Who had registered from Chicago put in J3oys,its 1111 in ttndairstiltidinghuma'u nature. Bet you 50 even tip that 1 eau got $10Witt di<him int fifteen niin- utefi,"h id tIiiat without value received orsi'gnit;g my nen1C to a pftper. ring Ifitlmoney +vete (mallet', it:1441tl+ wi b.. • 'oar intlileexa nr ',La Gripre" Wilson's C111410lind Syrup of Wild Cherry is a eure and safe remedy. There ie no leafy tnecli_ cine forthe pure of Iniittenza,',Flronehitis, Coughs, Colds,Croup and kindred diseases. { Get the genuine in white wrappers. i • o i ^aIIb1SlI td$11 tlI11k see as alas dfilaia3YJ I10f1at0 1.$31 3l1 i • :THE j� �4 OD L TYPE- , P n. ' !Y R I �� R . will PO the ODELL TYPE WRl- TER with T charactors, and $15 for the SirNC,LE. CASA O©ELL, warranted to do better work than any machine grade. It combines stn,pliolty with durability, speed, eaao, of operation, wears longer without ootatof repairs than any other machine. Tina no ink ribbon o bother the operator, It 18 neat, substantial, niakei plated, ,perfect and adapted to all Kansa of ty'ttc writing, Lilce a printing press; it'produces sharp, clean, legible manuscripts, Two :ur- ten copies can be made at one writing. Any intelligent person can become an 4iperator In two days, We offerty ,000 to any opoiator who can e,,ual the work of the DOUBLr CASE ODELL. lfallnhle 'Agents and Salesmen wanted. Special nducementa to Dealers. For Pamphlet giving Tndnrpam1nte, Art., address ODELL tr' rPE AVRITEit 80 and A'! 0th 41",e oiticauto m. ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE Tlialfinit Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts:: Gar Load orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any part o Wiughain. rla-orders by mai promptly attended to, 011011011 THOMSON, Whighan..p.o • is the time to paint your Mousse, and t1„ -We naawt1ihOWoenMMAIN A. 1to Infosea runingoi, DwUlt cwasatt airs rpoehtl attention to CUSTOM WORE tat ell ata branehoa,and will keep in etoak n. aloes of aretso:ar gouda, *nch as Tweeds, Flannels, Etokl's, Blankets, Rheetings, ptOcking urns, &e,, &c., (4tatle Frei. Infra wool only) cheap for cash er ex• c'", change for weer, Customorh ;from a distance can have their rolls Home with thcbl"the soma day, frirliighost marketprice in, coal. for Merchantable Wool, INGL'M d% c o'Y., winsham RUEfI Y PA11T1 —is the— in the WORLD, Iiioyne genuine unless stained "Robber Paint Co, Cleveland, Otifo,t, We aleohavc the boat • ca s 1 o0 $fl get any shade ;rant acetic, iii quantities ousting front 10 rents up, + t Por Whitewashing and ilalsotntnint;, ask Or ,q".„ 4i 9 end don't tabs anything else. ho � Al` Glint) at G(fir o :“At,DI'Apt1a"i ;IOC [ANTh,WI held tn ' w M CHANGE 111. t1lb. ono A (�-„..�..01y T E y wishes 10 inth„^te to tho peppio et wingbam and surrounding eountry'tkiathehas purchased the harness Multi+ lately cnrr1ad on by Ussery. J, 3, tiemuth skins a'riltetxx, Iry tuichteec to rider DV Pm 'roily for wine 1 the pact. l may also aitsArt bettor litdueeauea9 ouythiutr-lo the 11'a4.o Granitic o' SJi2 ;pi IMADl OVJA , WINDD W, ldTO_ > Ii Ail FOOmin, would be placed to have thoep coring any articles in my lion to, itoodd, cnwparu ptiooe andleavelitei the .goods Inst be coourced. and pre Season. Ton can sweet from the obtain the driest woi kananebip at t ha Po/t. piece. Most respectfully, yours u4x WM. .SKYt , 1thai1, Wit. W1'4GHAM TAtN iGLOVE WORK$. Cloves In Burly, Coat, Oaif, lrappa, Saranac, �°lras and Par Driving Gloves always in stock oe -. made to order. —Also afew'— ---T Domestic Buffaloes, Don't buy a Itobe until you see them. A full stook of 10d, French and Domestic Calf, end Kip Hermes and Sole FINDINGS ,Ir rShooandllaritosx Makers, Risme on band. Orders solicited, Son, and will conduct ft`in yea i y 9 ` J J. V,L.Jl-- MAN building one door south of 31r T Igi110' atom, DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNEsAf As T understand it has been very freely eiroulated around Wingltatn and vicinity heavy or light, made to order, to the injury of my business, that 1 waf3 not in the market to do custom sawing A full lino of or bus saw logs, I wish to say 1 am in: ing IIorse loatlurr,Counbsloixh Bens,Whipwhips . that maybe of%red, market to do all to so to buy ale oustora l the C r Brushes, etc„ i good ethanol logs tha.tmaybe brought to always on hand, rho 7FT ,AN1)'MILL. Repairing Iiontly and promptly done ASlamnotbqundby'any. ;coolbine, T Tim Ijlt . S. T. a patrnnaxe o4tMe publte.srtli'citod, and satlstao $.nl at.libertT"Wtake all It:ulds,, of tlinthei- tion in work and material gttatanteed, > -'•" . beard or soft wood and pa - .11 value' kr C. KNECH'X'EL thei. Bring along your Cx+'0 N1 wtnghrnn, march 4 1800, �ot)sand. Deo. 3f1th,18 SON..' r. Ve 4iesemeeeeemisetseiirieieemosier ovular ookSI ore WE G A M, ON T. OF ALL .T IMS. 1�) le A COVER CC°V]N,F.REltt;, with every 4 the thing ttopresto-oe thre books` find. .ep ti�,izret. t • TULL LINES Wheel needing anything in our t,'ttt4 ttS' e A Pleasing to Every HOLLOWAY'S et These reinecies have stood the teat of fifty years egpSritfnes, And are purity tea blood); cored e1ldisorders ob j1Vl+iit„ f'fa1tACtt, T invaluable In all eon ht03 itrold Wt6u1 to faatlatao Titxrdi tit the only reliable remodr' for baale le sores 'altosRua 01st TIi11OAT8, winos, r:oi.AS, Go T, 1ttr4- 3'lArt13L Ili Ilil�etis IT IL' S NO' 11t 1 Ai.. rilanu.altnrori nlrly Nt 18, Nott' u Iartls add sold by all 1ediohnrVendetta throu;ihinit baso ttorlal 1e'Puthasers eheuld look to itis Label tauthe Boxes Oxford Street, ;outlet!, they aro tp r. }faits. . ' ll�th, its.¢�rotetii 4�ii� h 1' M. Lpawpa r tr>,lliigti • atCki Worst 'cases,Ik boA VIA o'kit rr tritco fora troy tree 1a : a f+'1 -r, Post Office. I onm yen favi:I. 11!” 1 teas•• kV.