HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-04-03, Page 6Li a,
1 A
»ea1itor Dredrtagd.
ofbe readers -of' the riliasia:-
askka/ly a drainage the lot-
', • SO sdrantages cited by an op
a should cans° him to halt Ile
ketween two opinions r
Reclaims waste, vret !and:
2. itrotects against the weather.
11,emoYse water from the surface.
11.. Removes surplus from. under 'the
14.1. *N411,0%4.40 hvidaew from the fields,
70. t,:ivev. drv. etilid urth of the bows of fkei 114,6741, okititimeg it if Ausaible.
71, Makes he snel. healthier. and ocarcely more thim °tie fourth ; halanae it up wee 4 DitjUtieDukt
.111uhos fuSn /waif/n*4r. the dtve ln the year. It frequentfood Mt it,
liedunee mataria anddentate` billa. IY Mow8 °14° ti3/L5 gClad Inn"I'Yea
74. r.upi 0, larger por rent, nu the
mokiey thu auy other investment althirt
reach of Om farmer.
a,,crfkp every year.
, 714 Makes, farming a certainty.
77. 'Malin u. entukuunity more wealthy.
78. the fat met's, felony to
Ika•ve a nine home, ed neou, culture and
79. makes hn noire contented.
U143SAW/ are Deli tra lized by
the bad influences nE the street
autl sometimes of hotep 01 u tbe opinion ot the Journal of Cow.
Canada the e,ystem of free tallteation of course, if there arta DR eilloineya
T /ammo et the ifetelMO.
Th. home,o
of fin-) near !aura ill
the 11,110/s+, /here is ground- for the mote. linve 110 liroPlaeet ne ateenn:'
ef :.et in tho United Stetes and pipes, no eaun
lttiyet mei 40 n(4� ; 11434,
hes been a preventive•of crime. there will be •no chimney sw
weak pqopitee morning test,. liven()
t30. voiers in 4 Paw aro, le actioultate,1 143
. a i tigiug it, the sate 1
t.ab, this humming in the head 1
O. Romovee any excees et weter. /Limiting, biennia, otaf/Ing, ms,aping,
It! Leaves no wet places. Wit tering ryes and throat it-raaping..,
nealtil impair( (I sod comfort deck,
Ek' °au work earlier in the sPring, catto-th in me head are relieved and cured awful lie4 out of him,. 1:.et Soineona
t• Inoressee acreage by giving pos.. T1111 wou d that .1 were dead I
ttbsettort of the *hole farm. Wilt4 $04 et so watk catarrhal
auFA ft Plains Ein.1194
sea Oaptaik4 who was going
Albehy .to gee bis friends, came out
with Ws on the trait and tk Otkiikkgc,
Voroher, w /JO first diseerned has prea-
en00, RON° the boys the
followed it up by saying
trotibles, when the Worst cases of chtouio If we Ivoolt lin4lIt we eau 8131"
• illow.'at' osee • purifies: the f •
0',•F • Can Vork sooner after rains. 1.4 t•lio eietkosing and Waling proper.
10.• All parts of fieicl ate ready t,0 title of Dr. Sage's' ,Qatarth liernedy, ohout sharks ge set..
11. Can plant aeveral days earlier in
1Z Seeds sprout quicker and more
13, With good seed, replanting not
14. Crops grow. mere steadily and
16, Can cultivate regniarly
Gentlemen, I never sai'< a whale in
nay life, he replied. Vila ve been al
sea for twenty-six years, bUt 1 never
L.ultwation as ousier,, and hence e seill'ide et anY kind , "6 Well, 3°11 Ilave seen serPeWs
happened to see a Whale.
reported to lakve Ekttenchicl college for !am $eas 2
20.. Protects against drought. an average of six years, 0843 • 0! them' Never saw one there.
• e t by retrieving the
cause of offense heals the sore and itilitun-
ed passages, end perfects g, Iauttag One,
Utrackaton 444 Ckikeith
L1 the report my compulsory educia%
that recentiy laid before the Zegisla-
Four of U crowded bia) keto
p en CS,
smoking .14
compertment, and when We
had become slightly te(4 the
ingairy wee made ;
Captain; you have doebtless seen
sue are some iuteresting fage some very large whales ? How Jong
and education. It is stated in one
year there were received" into the
Eastern Peni ten Nary' et' Per, n VI V4.4 ia
487 oonviots, . Qf these 82 had never
shelving tt:e relation between' e'rinie vvould you soy the largest was ?.
6. Retinues less power 4esi labor ,)to
Prepare soil.
17. No turning in the mud.
18, No shorter or point rovvs,
21. Pesrves a more equal degree
/Ablator° in the soil during the SeaS0
21. Wainas th
23, Warms the Iower•portion of.
24. qualizes the teinperature of
soil during the season of growth.
LeroSeeS damage from early
fumn frosts,
X Lengthens the time tor crops
• ripen.
27. Can harvest •orops earlier,
better condition.
28. Lengthens the season both
ends. •
29. Deepens the soil,
SO. Makes subsoiling unnecessary.
31. Prevents falling and blowing
down of crops, because roots grow deep•
32. Qives deeper ground for th
38, Admits a ciroulationof air through
the soil.
34. Alaltes the soil nacilow and porous.
35. Mellows •sti.Z clay.
36. Tile ta)rous soil freezes deeper and
thaws earlier, and becomes more raertOW,
St.'. It lessens the sealging of38. tile sup-
OR baying attenthatfur ten aim! another But you t.eliSt have seen some extra
et seven years •,',' seven are a ',id to iarge sikarlth 'I
the httve atten.ted at Puhlie High School Gentlemen, 1 bnpe you will believe
rho ' '
for an aVerage of a little over two Me I
lve were -said to,l) tV b 1 ••
educated at private schools for 00
average time of seven' years, and a
quartet 390 had attended Public
Sehoels, 169 of thena d
ual, nil, Oita other forms of f
appear allogattit"r h
I ,
IS. quarter 41, go ,,, i Ik Ott L tin.
("nu ilnat l' (1° 7 00 I tlei
. „ -
It Ma °UM
—4t• e
StIbt$041410.4110:100,$43kor $.04.3.,,..tt‘tavoi3460,
},10.1siNi.: RAZES;
1717.1.4 -1- (' !
limit c4 k'"I se)
that already. it is supplanting. tines, 1-nott ;Mk'
rtv: 1,'1191Qt insert4h.ttlan:
factories. Gas has became so
e, 1fl
L'f-srIj,i0 101 L.443, UJV.C(1
(weal.) sornelignatititheoireteei Li:sew:say .itt.
1i.lkit:is:;/).)111),ii!xlitij6:1:t..,tritIlie:11t,/ tApliiNee tkdet:Ss
01.113 ti,bt4), •
Me net irely by gus at 4 inere.noinina. Thew woe mil 61,111.t/rtiviirkic?till"t1 •
) 141 na 4.,D3041411(3 4: ow. pc . 41/4" •
expense. It ie a welt known feet 17110 tousimporAr for Jougor attvortioente%tto, or!ti
gat; thrork riff no smoke, Floot, or dirt, ,. unionist tilt turbid and vinu,we heankuing13. Una
•Asivertis9nsonts without sm.ville directions, wiii .
The Itt a brazier with ehanica eit,sr iekscusweei,teinns).: he p4.e3 113 1.1.
,....•14413'q/13 t ' tCK ttttt 144111031A 111(111t. 1.141)
Oat week
toe oilhe wediosstay noOn, in older 10 Apiot,o;
wed 04os. placed several
jets beneath, 'Clio ginnei 80011 boonon.
heated sulliiatently to thoroughly atarni
a room 10 feet by 80 foot in size. 1.`his
design does aWay with the kkoeessIty
for a ellitnney, since there is no lam I •
the Yeutdation May he lied at t
window. The beat may be raised
'lowered 1)," simPly regulating the llo
of gas, .1.11e colored glass givos ti
,appeatanee of fire ; there aro hlao
piecen to represent tioal,"re(1 chunks fo
flames, yollo with wititeglass for whit
goat, lilue•elass for Woo 'Harm' j*
ft. 1,1,1,101T
Iknotuttnion Postmust"..
.1)14, isiA0OuNALO,
49Sgt1111,4; grubn.,
he 4110444 ••
UT 13, TOWLER, Isi,D.041„
Member OW/ego ithystelano and Surgeons, Ontario,"
i... --Coroner for County of ilitron--
(stile° et "Too Paaasscr P - wiagasok, Out
P DR. . A.
ono/ ‘rarlunte of :Toronto UniversitY., and
.lbelnbee of *IQ ‘oliuge of kb;,oivissus and stitscons of
a Oateo a; al liesidonim.-Cornor of Contra and Patti* t
streota, tornion,1 00.,,,pite by Or. lAstbune.
• \vomitus - - - -
i......,,,_.,-. 4,........,......,........µ......"...,............,...,......,.......,no.a, -••••
TSAI-tit/SITU, $ortorroit, Etc.. „Etc
Private:41s 001)1113W .f018110 to lean It 3014 0141 rotoo;
interest, No <mm111,1851,0 ehaseed. Alos.,;:.,./,eo, 1,),,,, -
and !arm proport bought and sem.
OPFXCE—Deatror }Rook kvra.natan, Owe
..-...--„....-- ..,__......._
es 'for all the 3 °ma colors of tit
te. ypu that I never 'sew
14 to ail except an an manarium,
But you have been wrecked 2
Ever hive a mutiny 1 •
Laing to No.
1311 the grammar grade, the avef•age one
at leaving school being fourteen, and
the average time they remained ut
I gehool being got down at five years,
Out of 071, convicts ).•eeeived at the
Western Penitentiary of Pennsylvania
• 79 end , 1880,
only three ate Set flown by tit •• • u y any way ?
autnorktitas as p‘vesessing what tbej 1',4"sotry for gentjetvert, v
call a 'superior edueatiou, The two sairy, but the fact is 1 am only a pla
!recePennsylvania penitentiaries iu 1.87 eifery-dity sailor, andliny mother ke
ived 72f.1 prisoners., of whom 114 ira take a VOW %Viola lint IV'ellt
1 were wholly illiterate ; 1,880 there 0448 that 1 would always speak
were '722 oonviets, of whom•151 Werd truth, Here ere some good Mc
wholly ittiterale ; in two years tl cigars for you, but 1414!or lying;'1 ca
mete j;$21. convicts, with 26,3 Miter- .do it --not
es. Thu t
f the crime rt the State is committed' 2ointe rtwmers:
eturing the -years of 18
, Fire at sea ?
Meet with,: a pirate
Tidal vvav'e'l
No. -•
What seri oealcitilor
s is found that one-sixth
y its illiterate citizen.), althoughthe If undeveloped eggs are laid the
.iiterates are only one.thirtietu of, the tell the story of over stiMittaiio
hole popolutlin. There were %Ise These are very apt to follow the. re
74, eativicts w130.0001(1 barely reed or , r'
rite-atid had received no education
yond that point. The document
in which theyfigures are talcen is
&dished by tiveBureau•of Education
Washington, and it is- there stated
t the reports of twenty other States
w a similar experience to that of
nap vania.With this, testimony
following canal ttaiOtig reaale•
•even about sea serpents.
use ot cayenne pepper o,r'iera(l
of the concentrated egg foods.
'Wood ashes (.44tebenelikai t
Sheep AS to swine. l'hey expel worm
) That about Orke sixth of all the
e the conntry is committed by
is wholly illiterate.
That about one third of it is
itl.ed by •ilersous, practically
the proporciOn of11
ft great 48 among; those who
een instructed in' the elements
oniumn 6ehool edutiat on or be-
e fainti'4'00n3erits the Globe,
3e,7 time satisfactory Ammer
and improve the general health. As
• a rule, •however, good food and care
are haer thttil psic for the flok.
Oats excek
Star clay soils dre benefited by the
arum, vention alreadY dis
eitig tile present fuels for' fitroaces
aod wok ranges, and glass' doing akylly
th•Itky and shah' disttgroenh30
jeots last 8811081 k di i ng -wood, eto,
113 amply epidemic Istfinonzu ; Wprnt's
Wi id Cherry will care it safely an,igoickly,
Got the gets uisso. in white verarpers only,
aaJd use it au directed for loiluenza.
An:quaint of ilatormation and ab-
stract of the laws, clawing Raw to
Obtain Patent, Caveats, Trace
Mark, CopYriulits, sent fret.
addren MUNN & 00.
301 Bra/Wks/or.
?tow limit.
Ard,Arrutur 4 neven
/lathe pure/lased the Custom linsiness of ?tons
illecornuok tt Co, wish to intimate that they lesec
opened out in the simp two doors south of T A Isillis
store, Winaltam.
Y stoX;sOrietirens'al:. tQn`grar;eirresar 117t
:. -----7"------ ,
0 anaratited.
1) h°10 ptlaib'ztaelin of tim PUbli0 so/kited,' and allYWoelk0
.1.X C) .1"•Z.. 3:11
Ii. r)AVIS
application of limellnd potash every.
Y8301'. 8unia land should be turned
over late in the fall' of early ie the
spring so as to attest the frost to pub,
verize it, l'boroegli ci i
benefit:ha; re nage h alc)
raldhag one pint Die boiling water 1— —141
to pan oT .11 a SOOD as it °PrIGE-43°°aSI.r 114E
. Cittitle8 bik0 cream to rise as well wt""cIt 4". '1884
illit,erate about, ten i minteess
. •
I• ra weather. Much
of the freebie of oreac'llot rising wen
Comes hem setting the milk in to
cold a plac.
In Western Kana'se 14133; fel ID'S
are twine tli
on the market hy
harao that .toe systiou of free cattle nien are planning les re.-establisti
mortgage of reclosure that certain'
ettueation actually Iwolneteti reaching there, 0» 4 Ltgo soak., either
not give tbut system due by port:base el..rent—Perm and Wne,
its work in diminishing If yen dn't know where to bah/
TO get at the truth 'we/should that trilionra,nkreecl it oil the newly, , , .,,,,, shn.34,,,4 ,,,10 rm.,,d. 4 3 71
.1)0 are alleged to Lave receiv.. citify the ptmrest field
Le history of all those eti‘ seeded land. The eld rule to enriela WIPL,0"„741,;;,11-$;;;;:i;,' iatt );:t.el bk:a: Tlit
xte4,..se- Wen, - A
parts of Canada at reasokrahle ()eins.
at a fair valuatio» eney to to all
Winglitun Ontario
• –
rs,„ r
1H. C. MR O. C. 1 E. L. Orogtroort a A.
licitors for think of ,n Clnulissienh's for
atudosats for Atammtsa Forte, Touts and
Vinsite propertx bouldst and sold. lkl000. (privte
awe) tossed so mortgage seemity per cent.
Money Ins obted fur ntirato persons, upon iho 8414
mortgage seouritieS without, 40..s .xtebso tt.,e
Amour. Lauds for sale in Manitoba mai the North.
Ottico--Ii.'ent'sr Block Ingham.
DIMISTAI'V.";—.It $. JEROCalt, Wznenag,
-,,,r /o manufacturing Ceentold Plates,
,,osk,";( Vulcanite plated af tilt bozituuttrari..I "
, rts uhergi E:3 trloy out ba 1rot in the
- Domino Al work warranted,
lainieso eotsuction of teeth by the sem of Electri-
by or VoTetsuie Vapor,
Taira Nualca....1 will extraot teeth goy Pi nnhtn
Brunsoick Hotel
OPRCE : 30 tho 'Beaver Moog, oppooito the
kL Macdonald L. D. S
Opposite tho gates's noisk, i1141410,
Will visit Garth It'aild 33d Mondays
of each month.
•GENERAL, 1'z/sin:tartar; AGENT
DEAN, ,Ist,„ •wniteam,
SaleS attended in $ay pstt et tisi Co. Olioro.
GUN CLTRItnes, WINt1114.14,
azoasium Autzerestosa von Ins CODNTZ er
od 30, TOrms wawa/kale.
MI ar:10%ton at Ow Vona +ASO PronlWe At end
Lions ummaisa Moir Cowman bong
itdea attouted to iromptly oral On the Sitsertoso
Ilargos Moderate and EtatisfeetIon Ouurantatd.
sf) ntitry arrangements tab be kande th "
AIL D. 1.• EvicriArou AND entk4 Vinianani, ""'
e chool etluatiOn. In ou. It t»alces a medium- crop on
not a, good
00I, persistent trunts, iktid T1 unit feed poor fodder is.
it weulci be . Aund that much land. We better get a lig one •
eedingly itrogniAr attend. *033 hem acres,
of ootratazit rehellum I so igeminini that seine AN nu fy),, u
01001 ilik.thori tre. And VVItet slut,' be done it it is too woo
pik rkre wilier the mfre for bedding 2 or 11 3 hey havn notiaing
het. tire SA :.101titti,r, ' ohly , e}se: 1111.ukt$'11;14tit Its.iv;:,It -1,4114"
. ; ;,, , . r , •,„1 , . , : ..., , / .)4
• -.;........ ..,...... . '
•', •
••" ''''"rv`
Spada ..ktteretiOlt GiVen to' Ca -
looting Accounts and Notes
.,..,..... tliioarsi.AKD alKosAvr.
$;4414.1. tu tlusads- l'ho*brobants` 114 ''''s.' -' ': '' 1 8"rti"
Ait order. Jett if t the nfilos al 48s Timis wth Als.
et thine 41‘ ..... ..............„.............-„.................
, .12,11110.4
eas ilo.sw--krA s In. a rs. ,
I Nkomo. rff 14tersn Inrrom.,Is'asse Al
' ' ' ' t,„,
''.. 5 " 3 , t ,„! .,,,. terw‘ {. *Pae
etl n
“ .1 k A , 4
'. '
.4.. c , ',.. , ,r ,..i. . . • ;'- k
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u. f s , .1 ,
., ' s
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