HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-04-03, Page 40 PitettaPA few person* axe i4vare
Li A M 91 the feet that next year is a year of
very signifleant oelebretione, It is th3
- AND -
*Are lin.re
25th anniversary of Cunadian Oen.
federetion, the 50th annivereary, of
the establishment of responsible
goverunient in the country, the 1000
anniversary of the eonvocation et the
first Parliaments of Upper and Lower
Ganarla, the 250th anniversary of the
founding of the discovery of .4,1110404
by Columbus.
Tra Wh)leattle Grocers' Guild have
opg. Brunsmok House, boycotted 111r James Ltunhers,a whale-
shaexil out sale grocer of Toronto, bemuse he will
not joie their combination and come
adtrigljain 01-11.Me$
• se
FRU)A1, APRIL 3, 1891,
Irr has been decided to protest the
lection of Mr W H Hutchina,. , 1?
in. North Middlesex.,
under its regulations. Uc claims that
he sells goods to the trade at lower
prices than the members of the guild
and for this he is boyeotted, All the
retail grocers in, Toronto are in oppo-
sition tu the guild, The guild are
trying to compel the sugar refiners to
refuse selling sugar to Mr Lumber,
and for that purpose sent a deputation
'Ito Montreal last week. Ana all this
is the result of the trade policy,.of the
Rom= WArsox has been °M-
. ‘esetielly declared pleated for Marquette,
, s Manitoba, by a majority of 12.
The nomination fur the Dominion
• Government for Algerna will he. held
oe the 18th of April and the election
en the 10th of May next.
Bent, GRAmvu,E, Liberal leader
in the English House ut Lords, died
on Monday last, and his place has
„home taken by Lord Rosebery.
ATTonNEV..GERtnit, 1‘10WAT has in
• troduced a bill into the Legislature
extending to the staff officers of the
,Salve.tion Army the right to solemnize
Tim Oanaaian Pacific has gained
. entrauee into New York city, over
the reads controlled by elle Vauder-
e bike. It is thought -that this connecs •
tin will be of vast bene6t to the 0 P.
-"" Garr:PT McRecume. the Ile.
fern) candidate to the Legislature was
''14-6.ted aeclitnetion in South Grey
':"•••!4 en Wednesday, to fill the vacancy
'eausea by the death of the late II
-BAR 'R DE Pair.A., Italian minister at
tigton, hes presented letters •'of
1, owing to the New Orleansl
country, whioli builds up combinea.
The Italian Government have with
drawn B:ron Fava,tbeItallariconsul
t at Washington, on account,. of the
massacre of Italia,ns ia Nev. Orleans,
a short time ago. The Italien Gov-
ernment has demanded .of the United
States Government assurances thet
those engaged the tragedy at N,ew
Orleans should be punished. The
United States Government say that a
this deemed is utterly, untenable, as t
the Government coulda not give a in
pledge in advance for the result of a 0
trial, but that a searchiug investig R
tionswould Impede into the affair. P
Pins was not satiaactory to the Ital-
ian Government, hence the withdraw-
al of Baron de Fava.
TAB census taking will begin on the es
6th hist. On that day about 4,00
enameators will stall on `their work
all over Caresaft, with the otject of as-
certaining with the 'iltinost •pessibie
; I w
accuracy in the varicus territorial
divisions of the country, the papilla- j
tion and olaseificatien theeeof, as re 1'i
gards age, sex, social condition edit- D
e • -
ekes, e imatien, lace, oceel Lion and R
otherwise; see the house'e and other A
b. . . .
tn. Ines inhabttated,m,itninhabtted,' B
• la
imolpsA, edneetional, chraitabie ancl
, D
er institutions;, the nnocoupted •L
d the occupied land and preduoe,
and resources of the agricultural,, W.
mg,*mining, mechenical, lumbeze de
reanufecturing, trading and ether
lustries. The object of securing all
infermation is to furnish an„ ape
ximately correct idea of the. poptt-
on and resources of the country
its relative position, ainoeig the
ions. It is ale° to afford our le -
eters a basis upon which they can
slate with accuracy.
ge ittevantion in Women's Dross -
11 American Ladies Dare Adopt ate
Peestnytertan ettaineme.
A Meeting of the House Mi
CoMmitteet of the Preeby terian Ot
of Oanada (Weeterit isection). was
Torento, on the 2Eleh March,
ROY Br Oneliratm, convener, oceu
the .hair, with Rev .1).r VVarden
Oslerk0Iaiui for angnientation
passed to tite amount of $12,1586,
for home miesione to. the enema
$20,876, for work done fir the
aix menthe. The convener repo
that the Free Church of Scotland
seub$and l(iu
53,0P000x:Oesbtoyttelitei,ahoonannericeist f
The number of applicants for n
°ion work is very large, and is in
sass of the fields to be stipplied,
exteesion of the home misSion w
in the Northwest, awl esPeoiallY
British Columbia, is very marked,
the former there are now over 4
preaching stations, and in the -letter
seine eigla solf-sestaining congregas
tions end over 60 stations, 0xemts
arm:muting to over $7,000 were, made
vtoeitBr.ritish Oolurphia for the ensuing
statetneut. regarding., the present
condition of the fends was submitted,
which showed that at the end of April
there would in all likeliheod tie a did -
sit of $4,800 in home missions and
about $1,000 in augmentation. A
resolution was pass'ed earnestly aepeal
ing to the Presbyteries te adept means
to secure largely increased contribu-
tions frourthe congregations within,
their bawds on behalf of these funds.
Messrs Gilray, Ferries, Fletcher and
Ratcliffe were appointed , draft a
scheme for the distributiOneof minis
tors and submit it to meeting of the
committee at Kingston in June next
the.epening of the general assents
ly. The grants to home missions
otalleff$45,000, and those to wig-
ented congregations reached $27e
00. 'here were applications from
bout 500 missionaries desiring ap-
ointments, about BOO of whom were
The orange order,
Bebe . &moon Bsseeetesoar.- Aliwate
nrot publie same' etsfenelnation of
hied! No 0, Turneeret, W45 461 OfL trittlY A.
The of sag week, ft began at 10 09010.4s I
pied and continued till after four o'elock. el give
, There wee a large mintier of viiiltore .0,004
were front the, :potion tfretient and &eel
ems . the following teachers, who helped lit !rah er in the very Latest Style,
le, but our it*
who desires it, a
a Wool Clanutlian Tweeds,
r.t ei.,,e, :,....,Alebkret. Vraser, Davidson, i
At . the exeminetiou of the different meniega and Workmanship guaran-
dee Bartley; Geunuill
ik,td 'tie liigh standard et proilelently tO tioa'bio.
en,f1 Roberteten.ltsed, tor ouly M, is theroughise pref.--
amt. whit+ the pupils have attained weal ,
Ire,. amply alomplifiati bv she way ju , Gentlemen, don t miss this obauce, for
whieb • they anewere'd the several it may not be offered to you again.
ese geestione flaked them The onucluet I
ex0 of the impits, .their answering mid thei Iiteve you seen our New Spring Hats?
elle neat manner in, winch the school Was If not call early, plea -e, for they are,
ore ateterated, all reflPeted.great credit on right in style, quality and price ard ,are ,
in the pupils as well as on their teacher,
in wi‘lerre Yi4iritx.:r1s1.PerS0ci with, i eoltatioes,
The different Imams going off very fest,
readings and dialogues by the pupila
of the sehool, addreasee the differ.
. by
ttSTRN ozmArtio Maim
Sr. ThoMAS, March 25. -The fok
lowing grand officers of the L. 0, L.
ere appointed for the ensuing yeer
illiain Nicholson, Ilamiltnn, A G
awes L ,Eiughes, Toronto, Sen D
MLeckhart, Juu
M ; E;F d arice; Toronto, GI. '1'
Birmingham, Toronto, G ;
ailie, Toronto, G trustee ; QPallin
ilanclale, G D of C Rev0W Wale
rampton, chap: district G Chap-
under eoLee-eeereen and otherwise
TBA.1! T.F44%.
Or Teas at 2131 3/u. and 50e., per
mit teachers porpung„ air Green, and are urtequallea. A trial will convince
others, and rneuelt organ waste by
Aires Oliurehill. any one that this not an empty puff.
Sep's rtionieg.-e-jebn Campbell, of
Seaforth, Oollegiatef,listitute, spent
Raker holidays tinder the parental
roof.--,Gsedee MeRay, of Wellesley,
is visiting friends here,.-Alian Nichol-
son' has returned froni a trip 't
Michigan. Allan seems well pleased °meows.
with the ceinitry,„Mi' John:Gem:Hill -
Yes, we ,l,ative them ia males* variety,
and of the very best quality.
Our prices cannot be beaten anywhere.
We. allow a liberal discount to cash.
has &one to ALchigan to examine the GORDON & IVICINTYRg. .
nature tied climate or the country, --___-,=---e.b-mo----.--e-,--...
with the isiew of seolinq •fbere,-Mr get 250 spit' of the tuinetes of 180a, .,
fat'Aichion, where Le intends making itbstraet,a18,, By
.114(1fiew4Y aid
fllilY IPU lrtst week w th Anclitors' itePt'l t and Treasurer's
Law's Nos 3, 4, 5 and
Ws future home, -School report for 0, 1891, prieted for distributioo ,
the month of Morel) in S 8 No 9, amongst the r ttepityers Debentures
Turnherry : Fifth class, maxitnum . were signed
marks 625 Jamas Powell, 868; A ti al a I,,y. - - in favaur of Wat Oates
as U'reasurer, 1890, $75 ;
McDougall, 824. Fourth'eleses-max, lido journeys, eennnisoons, poste
430, DArcy, TreaeY. 32;,. l:Imuro, and stationel, (to, 1890, t49 82 U.:,
11"1340 ' 303 ; Tom Bremner, 233 ;
Wm, Campbell, 275 , Jane Weir, 275 ; ' solved, that the rl II
_ounc now n.ljourli .
till Saturday, 23rd May next, t•heit to 0
Jas Wylie, 264; Minnie Higgins, 219 I meet as a Court of Revision and sp-•
Clase III -max. 240. Nellie Wilson. , peal.
171; Jas MacTeerrie, 165 ; Jessie!
Higgins, 150; Merle Gemmill, 158 ; Hugh Ross sold hs fine tarns, eons
P Poterenexisen, Clerk,
Andrew Gemini' I, 152 ; Leusie
gins, 125 ; Eliza Higgins, 10Secend
Hig- tabling 240 acres to Mr. Marshall, of
Morris, for the sum uf $1)000 -Mrs,
Ceraes--max. 210. Senile:1, TresoYf W McGowan has res,eivea the sad inn
18; Maud lliggios, 145; Robert telligence that her sister, .51ra D Ms -
Weir 86 ; Wm Higgins, 12,49 ; Frana Gowan, of Rapid oeyt is in the hoepi.
1 t
•W41. Al-roter
feu in the elm
ions inao thI4
toyed by Ki
vrhat all apple:al
lad -10tfore
R id-11(sti...egtes
Seed 1B applosit
Iiiktisfitotory, fqr
aud Seeretary sh
t ems ep
Litt e -That ow
its arrears hefting
for ether reaso
are not eoll(otab
instructed to wri
(emouuting to $
Oerried. Kirk
the Secretary not
No, 1426,1447,
that uttlese their
Treasurer before
April next,. proce
fo enforee peyote
\Yarned that theft
void until said er
seed, • Little -R
Of Messrs 111a
auditors for 1890
Mr Stewart, for
Teat this Board
meet again in 'Tee
the Imo Settled/
o'clock p in -Orr
Powell, 113; Jas 0.enem , 105; Ltd at Vi innipeg, suffering with a can -
Jessie Metioistilct. 100. Pitrt cer ; she 11:sci one retnoted a eliort
max. 150. Geo Gen-nmil, 14p : Clara dine aeo,
Vanstone, 90 e Powuil, 81 ;
Effie ;Li iggins, 74. ' •„
. W. T.-XA111121,, x..4.0117101{,
F J Benrieet centinuet to meet ..t.
IlasteetiTaWase.csie. good success., in Uri's township, Ile
The council met at COL1110/1 Room,added two more as,sooLtrions of Cie
Patrons of Industry to the list lest
week. On Friday evening, a strong
ancl influential association with 24
members, was organized at the Unioa
School }louse on the Delmore Gravel
road. Bro George • Fortune, J
President, and Piro Win Gowen], see
retary. Bros T Shearer and Wm
Montgomery, from Orange Hill, were
present and. assisted in the works
This association ie celled "Rapti
Union.” On Tuesday evening,another
promising association was organized
at Goff's School BMW', to be known
as the The Pride of Howiek," Bro.
Elias Spinks, President and Bro Joins
ltIcLaughlin, Secretary. The oegan.
izer delivered an address at Wallace's
School House on Thursday evening,
where he will organize as soon as he
returns from Grey. flowick will
shortly boast of having an Assochation
in every sehool section .
ze March 21th 1891, pursuant to adjoinet;
Members all pi eseat, Mins
The foilowing Pathinnsrers, Pow*
Path masters -Henry L Sturdy, John
Henry Thiel, John Hoare, • Thos
T Pteffer, John Tempi, Robt G Mce
Gomm, Jas Parker, John Bently,
utes of hibt ineetiu„,a read and signed.
keepers and Vence Viewers 'Were ap.•
pointed for the current year, viz)
Brown, Robb Johnston, Sr, Walter
MeGtwart, Wm Ross, Thos Itoss,
Alex Dingwall, Andrew W Slottn;Wre,
Helps, Joseph Jackson Mertes Vin-
cent, Sampson Carter, John N Camp-
bell, Thep Nlitchell, John H McOlin,
ton, Thos H Taylor, John Williams,
Jas Rath Jas Nethery, Ww Hoolihan,
Jas T Bell, Gebrge •Fothergill, Jas
Scott., Alfred Carr, David Cook, Wm
Rath, Sr, Wm Nethery, Richard Cor-
ley, John Campbell, It McCummins,
Walter Scott, David Scott,Wni Grigg,
Arch Robertson, Jas Wightman, Win
Bone Jahn Bone, David Taylor, J
WigIitpatue, Peter King, Patrick Gib.
bons,jr, henry Deaner], Esaitis Pear -
ll, Daniel Wheeler, John Salter, Jas
Cochrane, John Menzies, George Dale
game Andrew Simpson, Jonathan
Pattison, Jas • Shiell, John Shiell,
John Loutit, John Elliott, Jr, Wtte
Anderson" Robb Currie, Sr, Wm J
Gerrie, be, Wilson,john Leggat,,Tolle
Gilleapie ThosDevidaoteWtn rumen,
Wtn STAlierland, Barth O'Connor.
Peter Leaver, Win Alartin, Patrick
Gibbolis, Sr, Juhn Stein, John Bee-
croft, oseph Reddy, Jas
Richard Sr,,Chateney, Sr, John jefferson;
and Charles. Armstrong.
in, Rev E Petty, Toronto ;
Gaseadden, Forest ; Rev Wm Me
onnagh, Strathroy ; Rev Wm
owe, Warclsville ; Rev John Morgan
illsdale j Rev X. a Harris, Brookline
ikliam Lee, Toronto, 1) G seeretaryi
pity G lecturers, A. A Alines
Hagersville ; Oapt W 11 Cooper,
Toronto ; J W Winter, Orillia
auditors, Oapt Jos Thompson, Perth,
00 M; T C McEvoy, Ontario, 0 M.
• Robert Birmineham, grand secre-
tary, in his report states that 1,883
members have been initiated during
the year, 875 admitted by certificate
and 180 reinstated. Loss by death,
149 ,, expelled, 67. Eighteen lodges
have been organized during the year
and four lodges reorganized + In
Toronto the lodges have grown so
rapidly .that a new district -lodge .had
be added.
Trie report of the sscretary of thei
ange Mutual 13enefit Society siva
2 new metnbers have been arlded
ing the year, and 245 applications
now underoonsideratioe, Making
otal of. 1,057, Twelve assessments
re made and fourteen death claims
d, Since the sOciety has been in
stence $87,000 has been paid to
ows and orphans. 'There was paid
each benefits last year $14,452.84,
receipts of the society for the
r amounted to $18,711,79, and
ae is a balance on band of $3033.
E Olarice`e, grand treastirer,
ort shows that the total receipts
last year from all Sources, fueled -
nig halftime cerried forward, wete
nettrly,$21,000, or about $7,000 more
than the previous year ; disbursed
(hiring the year, $16,890 67, includieg
$14,300 for death endowments at.d
$760 80 for management expenses of
the Orange Mutual Benefit Seciety,
The total balani on hand, afthr the
tient of alt current riecouete nd
:his of grand secretary attd nd
urer, for the year, is $3,91' 40,
Hews: Balinese the credit g and
0 for ordinary fondle $88' .94 ;
;es et credit nt endue .neet fund
13 Set2,97I 21 ;1.:410,nest a. 'ea! t
imgereent fond 0 M 8 $.
receipts for dnes were $1:i764•44),
y 0100 mere than iti the I?
e predict that the „great change in to
hieningef the clothes which are to or
rti women tine Coming season is 81
est Weii,dayful victory- :of the
century -if feshion leaders can he are
dto, adopt it, a,td appear just once „
lie so arrayed,
will !MIA their breath itt wonder at em
arveloos change it makes in lovely erxi
• "Vacs; of 'the fair six can help wid
eautiful in those glove-Atting cos. ie d
"says a writer in a recent number The
Naw Item Jaini",11118 TOMIG LAMM'
Zan. "This magazine is the thei
ne in Europe or America which
specialty of giving those inclined rep
nese an unrivallta
ed slimness," said Her lloyal
, the Princees of Wales. Madam
ordered from the Parin house
coat costumes, the designs o
pear in the April -number of this
Bazar -and itt thismaazin
erg,lecti is greatly fattelinsted, with
site gem, centime No, 4, iu 'the
ather. It is expictea thatiEhe sales
oder for en exact counterparttrey
lioitfront of which will be fu• as in
titpluebead alemonde, lodg
e win be worth a king's ransoin., Inthip
Itor Campton, of laueltnow, 0"ito,1
Turnoffs, fo ncepi o Poet- T4,0
ffutinoial &pertinent of tfae nesse
trvernrr oat
. • • ..0.« .••,),•;:„11 •
Poundkeepers-Thos Hoare,George,
Qahm, George Sowier, John, Bone,
jas Olow, Jas Stein,
Jas Owing and ha Cochrane.
Fence Viewerw-Alfeed Carr, John
51cDoriell, George Fothergill, john'
T Currie, John Menzies and Sansnel
MeDurney, Sr. •
Application was roadeby the Tees.
tees of 'anion E /lo ./ East and
West Wawanosh, 8 8 No 8 mid 8 8 thought perhaps the a ^heel might
Ns) 11, for loans till next fall of $1.0.t °moll fire or souse othor poll ry thing,
Mr p Itter4An, seconIad Me Aeseee troubled theixi 0 .• Mr fl
l'he half -yearly business meeting
of the Chriatiati Endeaver, for the.
,election of officers,. was htild at Mr
John Pelton on the evening of Friday
the 20th inst, Te Endeavor has
moved its place of meeting from Mr
Richard Walters' house to the house
previously occupied by Mr F Thomson.
-Mrs T Jackson AleKillop, was
visiting in the neisillibothoocl during
last week. -Misses Oavanagh, of '
Elmira Ella Willis, of Seafortb, and
Miss 8 'Wallter,of Litcknow, were visit-
ing at Mr Geo '1:boluson*s during Om
Easter holidays -There was a meet.
ing held -during last week, for the pur-
pose re.organizieg our Sabbath
Sehoof,. which was closed a year ago •
lest 12els of January, the trustees
having given the •Sabbath School
workstensermiseioe to enter the soltool.
I think it is pretty nearly time they
were thinking of what they have 'does
and of trying to repair it: Just to
thiek of a Sabbath &hotel being turn,
ea out by one or two trasteeff who
$15 and 00, respedtively, filuved by tlowerero 1 gOeltir4 Os • oonsoierloot
son. th a ,1)...001, -,,st uf the trasti0e0 Id' "ron414. huo l'othanke'd alild r *nor')"
with -c irj: Amtp..,,t ,,,f \i 4,b1Y0114P SV st 411.1 turd Igo itp,hrs
Tri.telinirer, , for oki 114 tianani . NV 6
tit In tt
h, 0,„ei, of• 00 bearred rn.ittlib,yr, who ,afattis fro=
, .
• r,A1, ?sn' .09), r _ (eve s.,,ie„seis
• As Mr and Mrs
their way to ohm.
horse in going ove
g'itVe it sudden epri
Seddon out over
and severely Wel.
. 0 Wilkinson, win)
ter nutter the pure
te Montana on ',Mt
Leen engeged for
formean on bridge
(1 tu,tl ill 115111
Col legiate iutit
tster , vacation
Jrvitte's face is 1%
s i!ice..Wraileaday
became the father
gir1,---Tbere are w
of weddings in 11
ealars 1 der, -Mr 1
feyn, h4L purchased
1 ,t 22, coueession
of $2;500. Mr E
trious man awl wi
inany impi."01,exnen
The annual rnfasi
will be held next, 8
°diet church. The
it -the everting at
(lotion New Era of
<LI tile following
c,necial interest to ti
plaee Mr Henry
um:Tort tend, rented
• Rluevale, acrd will n
charge of the sinue
oldest residents, a at
• man, and we are sot
•'nom oar midst -.--M
of this picker-, will ta
the cheese factory at
the 1st of May ne
will be in charge of
• a maker af 'Previne
The pastor of the Xe
in extra good humor
little.stranger came
on Tuesday.
On T nreday event
welcomed J Bei
of Patrons of Industr
his firtit visit .to tlt-t
forming an asetatiatio
f.41eittels' Sated House
members' teem °Oleo
«Star." Bro Thos- pay
Deo 'rhos Calder, Vie
Bre. -Cornell its Biworu
Oer village is grOwi
Lt present, there be
famities entered witlth
week, A goodly uuuat
people of thia vicinity
',the residence of Mr
ou Friday evening Ian
itemeel Vett with da
• songs,'ske..
The 'est HilrOn Li
SIBlierli W01 moot at th
spector Paisley, .on We
15, fur the purpose of
See fur the current yea
Among the Western
mem who passed the .e
McGill CoLege, moti4
titled in write M 11, -()
respeotive names,.
abon; A' A
Alboame) tvnl ir
* •