Wingham Times, 1891-04-03, Page 3w 1i4 t.h er :tale arty and ght (113(1 :alit hitt ten, off' mld .hat the vit'h the the ;ili)11 Beta Mr, 1't l irG� era; rept ;oo4 ring and the hyla tIqb son's ,fly's rah- ack. ober the ;ride ; or of )pen,. len ; anti aby 1 front san• lig it natal lkee: , PIl •• 81'14 nali._a I. I. akin 1 got` vas sP' vary I Bus' stele la/Ajar! s toy, a dear, Gond baby's Rrdan, ig Mr. think r, Shia IltittUt" life ;urban ia+ tl;ti 'iendl, in Wad rl INA a trip tonal y.pr Toni, rly,•hillow the he th`.tt are patois 41i„ lttlexx, A weary wayfarer is Pilars dull of bearing, lips lest{, Tha tongue it hist message has. at4b1••. ],'rat that were weary are resting ful•ever•-- .t1n earthly sojourner is deed.. Pause,thee, alt we dome to the end of the journey, Whenee a soul life forever has fl't1 t Speak softly, tread lightly, whore I.ufi"nite Presence 1buwra4kis and embraces aur dead: `Chen fold the hand gently, press the eyes closely ; And tenderly pillow the,head Last wtu' ip have been epokeu, tact Ines- ,taiiss Alyea, ••. AH4 last adieus waved to our dead, oy: e eyed close« yea that are rd voice„ MAFS;tit£tl Oa PRE ROA.lu. k CONDUCTOR IS SPLICED WIUILn RATTLING ovi!;It run TIES, ant a speer req'lest from a wars* t tactor fur a pass the other d ty, sant a Xirgiitinont ehieego railroad rnv11 in the Snethetre corridor ynster'l:'iv, lief asked for a piles to One poiflt for a young lady willill he designated it'd ,Miss« --, Arid from there t,, Chic. o for the 5710)0 young lady es Mrs his ower name, 1 iugt,�ired how• this vas, and when I rtaeoived the expl•tita tion /allowed the passes. Inc w:ts'oit bis rt'gulae runt; end did not c.are:'t't lay of for a slay, even diary l th 'wits t+) he married. Ho head his laorua ail itie ly frlrntlbnd. in Ohicag /, and the young billy was to sheet hint at. the - tt►tion where her parents lived. ` A minister was- to -board the train there also and they were to he married on board the train. •verytbing !went off all right ane they stere -married -se tie rdiii ; to the programme. The only troub's was that the w arriane service was a little loner than he expecte• and be bttd to suspend operations for cellule of minutes for his train to nuke e station, They are now quietly' lir.. fog in Chicago and have&preltty little "tome. :rite train gong fnrui;+Llerl ties witnesses to the cereu1')ny and al_ tirgether it was att ideal railroad allitn`s wedding. Several presents were re-, ceived by tlut-y*ung couple and the passengers took up a puree, which they gave to the bride, --St. Luis Cr`lobj.'' Democrat, - t au by' gttntlemcu attired, as toot - young. wen, �► Il you. olid, or rlliddra le a. ed, who gid A Mind Aran who plays upon An thetraeelves nervous, week or exhaust* accordion is pertanubulattinq the streets ed, who are brol>ou down Treat excess of Windsor, Enfritantl. Isis affliction or ovf xtvork, resulting iu 111.7.ny of :the attracted: the attention of the Queen fullowirtg synljltolpls . blr lltttl tlel:rr3a- moil, lrneulature old ` ag who gave him a gratuity. fie 1111w vitality, less of memory, bad dreams, bears upon iris breast fl plranard with (14111108s of sight« palpitation of the ttlf' inscription; ":iiiintltom ilsEl�nirua; heart, (llxtissioq,iack of energy, pain tton tsgiet�ad' lay 11+r i11tafesty, Lite the face in the 'ori body, orulpeeular Qukeen.° p sensation about the Stirotuit:, watsthig of the organs, dizziness, specks before Ilowtok. the ryes, twitohiny, of ti,e ingsclas,: The council met til the township Ny(tllcls and 'els° yi ere, t)as1lt'u nesS, deposits in the ser tie, lo.,tt of will boli, Gerrie, Alarah 18ib, 1891, per. .unfit, tra adloilri,natertt. x�lcit1x11ers all powr,wtericornes of the scalp an prtes«'ot. The I1eev.e in ilia ilhllirt' to sleep, k and flabby 'std ile p blinutt's of lila last tsiCNGiu � p• fiailure to be rested by sleep t, approved. constipation, dullness of 1narju. i,n1bss Moved by' 11l i• irritiiattl, seconded by of voice, desire for solitude,. excite- 11r I+"rr+:usoll,.thitt the fallowing taxes biljfy of tf'rttper, dnukeu eyes sur- bfi ierl'ritred ; 11rO Shaver, GO eta ; roniid'd whit LEADEN CIRCI,I, arty Mrs Orrell, 1tr 25; Mr looking Rhin etc.,ere ,, polnrUjr, t'1.50 ; sirs Itarnsrly, i 1.25 ; M1;1rs James, $1 GU, and It Boas, collector, receive a debenture tor the same ; also $2.00 for dog, tax nt,uollf+uttt•1—{laeriect, Au'ditor's' R••l,urt read 't1uved by Mr Nay, second, ti by Mr' Graham, that it, he fit -towel' ;ttktl 200 copies printed in pamphlet fa'uut--Chrried. Moved by Mr t'ttlrini"ten, sy,oncled by Mr Ferguson, his„ the Auditors audit the becks up to Haase 'of receiving toast— Carred. Moved, by 111;r. Ferguson, seconded by tits Nay, taut thi. conned ari.jonrn to meet ou the ;a$th iji-,t , ,tt nits: o'clock p l'12, ill the salve place—•@;.it••rit'ci, 11'ai. Onsite Clerk. dt Ward to Gruiataiers;l Dou'1 be a;trun)bielr. Sorno pctQpl'e con- trive tO stet hold or the pricltiy side of everything, to run against all the .shorts ourr,or,i tared disagreeable things. Half the strength spent in: growling would often set ' tbin•gs.ri;;ht, You may as well Stake up t1 your ratted, to begin 5vitb, that no tr1)0 ever u • found the world quite an ha would like it; but you are to take your part of the trouble boar It bravely. "You will be sure to d AbvtoR TO hln'rn :N. Aro you dr•srurbed at night and broke., of your test iry a alokoh11a suffering and rryiu,t with pain of Cutting Teeth) If so send at once laud get a bottle of '4 Srs. t5'iuslow'rr soothing iwrup" for Children Teething. lis value Is peal sal. aide. It will relio'o tae poor little suiforar Immediately, Depend upmi 11, mothers; there is: no imstaka about it, It cares Open tory and Uiarrluxa, simulates the Stomach and.l;owols, cures Wind€16.;Re, ,<',oltons the, Goma, redeem Inflammation, and. gIV4S .too iota energy tO alto whole system. "Mrs. 5fiin- toow's Soothing tayrup" for children tscthing is pleasant to the taste and is the ppresoription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in . the 'United State.,, and is for sale by all druggists throughout ohe world, .rico twenty-five coati .-a hallo. iia sure and ask for "blas. 1v1NSLoWs $aa'71ania' Smut. ..n.1 take no other kind Somownat Yeoultar. The thinnest and at the slime time one of the t.oughost leathers tanned is' frog•ekin. The Japanese administer the oath by gutting the witness' finger and taking blood to seal -the swearer. In the rn-.ttilr of sleep, Benjamin. ..Franklin said taxi; hones for a woman,. seven fol' a mean and eight for a fool, ip A. flowing wall front which a strong current of cont air constantly gushes is the latest curiosity clear Greensburg, A (xeorgia editor has twe>nty-seven children, lie positively refuses to in - Wert an adver'isenlenL that a boy' Ur 'Wirt is wanted. - Tbe oyster is one of the s trongeat ei etitrll'et' 01 earth. Tile force reglair- ( t to open an oyster is tl►oro than '1',1/00 dimes its OV,'tt .weight. An Atchisryn, Xs, matt during a a'r=omit Cato of sickness at his house, paid a;doctor $41or giving th'o arson eine and his child $i 'for taking it. ri ht. really lung -named society is to, be found hi Germany. it is the Ger- man Society of'Volnnteer»ootorsand ' l•nrses kr °are of the Wounded in Nair. X3y wry of tliitreion a distinguis14ae! hostrt.+ls of London .gage a.' dinner to a liragaiikts'r of bachelors, with .ladies *Wlil far'rinai(1 Survanta to waft on c � *ketitest dinner it t pooted.; of nervous debility that led to , laanity and dead useless Beres. I'be spying or vital power having lost its tension every function wanes 1n consequence. Thoue wild through abuse committed in ignorance may he perananeutely cured. rend your address for book on all diseases peculiar to .main. Address M, T. L.UBAN, 50 Front St. E,, Toronto, Orit, looks -slant free sealed, ileart disease, the symptoms of 5vizich, are faint spells, purple bps, nun%1'110as, itlilpitl,tion, ship heats,. not flushes, rush ,o'i"a Blood to the head, dell pain in the ltea'st' with beats strong, rapid and irregular; 111e secind heart !teat (picker than the first, pain about the breast hone, etc„ oan positively be cured. No cure, aro pay. Semi • for book. Address M. V. 14113ON, 5Q Front Street East Tann to, Ont. f MATT�PftI APLER1 aunj s8 MAKER, has on hands large stook of tloftsE BEMs" res, CtritltVenkia;, .RRti3lIF.�, "� trips, Tit ORS y AL16$S etp, whioh win bs eatd at bottom prices. FLOURIN ,r, IIARNNEES, double or eInglo, rnado'to order on short notice, and aatiefeaution guaranteed. 4 'A can oolicited, op..•.opposite the Bank of Ilamilion. MATTIfE1y Al1lltLEItt panful), Feb. Etli, 1390, 1, (.I14P1;tAN, 'The widens! sed slab tm tens for the literal ppatiently*, gtaea ccceralyearii prior to Pb, humodkoldrrtis aring tho s,st see moddelledlthe ltime till r.o the turn of 1•Ianearfan Roper Proeg►r, .r Neve5yeeaa t+uw ri,e better a ever before We vitae Prompt Dispatch, QUALITY f ECONDI pO 11011 I S1�CTIQl.`T, And by Olga personal ettentian to Chi hope to be again fav,.red with a. enol b friends and many new ones, 7010a most respeothiliv, Wingham shit. Oct '9, 1x90. 13UT'OK4 IdARRIA013 LICENSES, ,NOTARY PUSS°, oal''y4YANCEht, Erg, Aare-.." nig" Bookstore, RIPLEY, Osx Abney to Loan on Forst. Security at 1:Ow Rates of Interest. No commisbiwi,abarged. k ei, GO rL l'' "� VETERiNARY SURGEON. Ronornry Graduate of Ontario Vetiirinary Oollegs, Also Graduate of i' .,rtistry School, Torun 11a Pre, pared to trent all Diseases of a1onre$tjt,tte Arfrorde jn(a1 promptly •ttctiticade5manto. ! • t . e Ince Arid 1Mlrmarr«, lane's Ot,n S•rnvy, t5'foytimr tize.Callers by right will Olaf hire itt the oitlee. IS$l1ER ok THE BEST L DBRED CLOT , Go TO U. P. R. T.IXIOTABLL.IIAT Trains arrive and depart as 1011014. i 'manse - Aat4tvrNQt, 1 30 lion r .: .. ....For Toronto ......0:35 o. to k 22:230 p. In ' .. •. For Teeswwater „,......2:27.1 pan ' - 10:a0 C-Mu.A_. L'J D T RZT 3 .R722' A. O. STR ATTMEE, AGINT, Wt*AHAtl. l:t4va burdens lend uponyou that bolas Through Whets to all points in America—North. it „to West, P u,l0. toast; etc., via the shortest and all other F+iMt�tile,uuleas you area shirker your. t freight rates to all points. ',.je Crilatinr.U1;tes.LoiItastrage checked through, to .)elf ; but don't grumble. If the work needs - doing, and yon e1411 do. it, 1 Overrtl,nd bout - 1.16 -01. other who ought to ;nava doue it and didn't. !i.'ho:Ie workers who fill up the gaps and smooth tiwaythe rough spots,aud finish up the jobs that othertir leave undone —they are the. true pesew•maker5, and worth a whole regiment, of growlers. V.CSs:3r ss COLLAI S, Words with a ring --1 pronounce you man -fail wife. There • are 110 tramps in China. Tramps object -to c:liopstioks. In old times a staong arm was tie- uessary to the dictator ; but just now 'tie finds short -hand fiat more iwporr. tent. The latest is a soap trust to regalate prions. Makers complain that the artiele•i.s solddirtcheap. • "La Grippe" or intineusis can be gnickly aired hy•the ono of Wilt oti/s Cotilpouud of Mild Cherry, the old' reliable remedy for Bronc bi tis„ W beeping Qeugh, (;roup,Colde, Gotighu audl;nthez? diseases of respiratory system, Wilson's Wilt},. Cherry has beau in 11x0 for ninny years a pet is highly room.. )needed by ail who k1ow iks virtues, b3o1d byall prominent druggiets. The file° of the returns, said the chairmnan, of a meeting,' shows sitty- seven ayes' and no uoe"s.. What a queer looking face that must bet re. marked an old hsdy in tine back row. Ali I said the fortuna•teller, peering; pito the eyes of the young nlan,'X see nothing but trouble ahead of you.•-. biokeringe,gottrrols and enmities. And Sere enough, t1ie Next week the •yoiin nun signed a year's contract to sing in as etturell !lair, Tommy, said his paptt,why lilts you rather lie a pitcher With a eatcller, lldcatI5O, papa, it iS 3U0rf blessed to, give that' to receive., . That was not bad rldviee given by an oltt negro : • ' Fact.; an sax Whine, a mule bofo, but a raskil'n:O hart;, he don't got no safe side. ----TIME TAI3Lt. Ta or w- 1Pt\nii.iat, - - AlratvE AT )v1Nnrl4Li: u 0.a.to.To(m,to:oublph,PalmeFbton,&a..$:30p.m, l " " 10:10 " 330 t,.nt. a Clinton 7:25 , Palmerston, dlixed 10.15 mro, 0,45 min London, etc. ,.,.,...11:00 „ u 40 p.tu. 7:44 p.m. 11:10S 30, pan .....,.., Kincardine, &o ,. _..„ 0:$0 a.m.. loyapa 11:10 " ti:50 pant M - I. I -fes, SHIRTS,. CUFFS, .7 baa CUA• �i Sg Cheap for KEa AT. wire Tint 1 MISS - NELLO Moll:AR ; RADUATE and Gobi Medallist of Whitbe Co11eze, l.,71 Paoli of Air. Edward Fisher and Mr, J, 5','F 1larrisou. Plana, Organ, Voice Culture and Bar - moor. Rooms in Beaver Block, Wingham, , "tJSIO., 1ssTauaiToh9 ON Plasm AND COWAN`, ALSO MAAS IN lionlro3y. For particulars rcgrrcling terms, eto, please caliat' my home, corner 1'r .,cis 71n3Patrick streets FLOIe1'Llak SEAD,L1N(i, TiS, -MISSES WATSON. 11 STso4n liarittrCT14 tugr1onycn on Piano, Organ and Violin, At. Residence sin .comer Josephine and atria Streets. prooarty Tor S e, e4 a6Intoto . The undersigned afters for sale a desirable pro Percy in the village of Reimers, consisting of a rrn.Ha dAdilinghonsa,,ontod, stable and driving51)ed, with one acre and a'hali of land in connection. Splendid garden, with all sort,i et fruit trees, •5vt1i be sold .rt a bargain. Fur particular.*, nerdy to FREclil1tclf 00033,, Deltas; 0. BANK Ox' t H MXIA QTY, :Capitol, $1;000,000. peatX50,000. President -ions cit+ler. Viawkrasident-=A. (31 AASAS'.:! iiI$tiT,Ott)Irt'� Jonas PtaMOroit, °hers, faraway, entri. ettratt', A. T 1voOb, 4. a' Latt (Toronto).. Casi.iot_. J.'ru'1nn2u1,r.. Sav4»Its n3tate& haare, to to $; Saturday*, to to 1 1 e1p.*eiisof $1 analupwards re -Naval and intotes& 8.11 dd. iSpOoiia1 ibljo$1t3 al'o roeeived• at, current c oe of interont. 1) nftst an t)7tor,& r Rain and tiro Untied states trdtrirht and gold W.JLLSSQIi, ,nkat ar. lt'tvb tenures♦.. iTas removed to EA " i'stet nicelyassorted stook of Watches, tc es, act ar'res,' Citi : Which is sicil n awav do have you call andtake a 1oolr thro v�Ik work warranted si d don Ed:'1 Y —Sueeeesers to it IN WEE y O J Cat!figs litzo. try i1v!'+.lt or ls5