Wingham Times, 1891-04-03, Page 2t
4 Pr
'r• :Ale • I 4e,
a. t
s-, - -
ee the eskie4. yetere
het eeteil to Me
telkit ati foe
Ovary • "
e e feta ening the shore
teleeeee perfect abet% and ilokitieK mote.
cothiug t'iso 6040 1-1kvo tweed him to 1doparted this vale of Ware. Wall, slipper) Into the seat In tow sit
get, so neer one of the &ea. He st"Pe .that's got- to he dreadful eommon now. ! Corbett, She was middle angel, k
a a. the aterent h has been dead 11 igl CM' I her dreee had All the, mioteingloo, et .4. A
•ped up to her a eat YP pt lily a
Ott inquii y : Thie ever Homed 1 Lieteen months, and 1 liain't be. ! iieteen. eh
No, sir, replied 4 very sweve voice ; gee to think of a secoed pardnen Lovely child I elle exolaineed„ inane- no:
kid oxProseiVe Woo t'Yt'S ttott ifioloco miler retentive to- me lately, , tied The baby beget] to equizzle up its ;Desist'
end Curlew !mew . that the speaker Though Inquire Hudson, he. hail been uetinaly.
hair. • . the equiv. is left so lielpletie and one keret, and flouriela its heels and fiatsa
f Ye took the seat, neee the boy arew fortimt with them eix children of boa Dear ete, how far wttrd it is 1 Row
ithe bundle the bad been PartjahY tbrd I dent know. I hope the Lord old ie it, WO niquireit the spinster foe
resting on the cushion into her leP, will ebow me my dote', and give wt such elio wait.
Better lot me put your handle up strength to take the equire for better ' I don't know, growled Oorban.
on the raok t suggested Aix ,Corbau. or for worse, if it's right and best 1 Been a widower long, sir 1 queried
- The lady opened her eyes with in- I don't never want to shirk my &sty, the lady,
a am eceteat .
Thetaweed, iteliguant amazement, whipped off a, infirm, Wben did your Bret husband No, I've nerr had a wife i
sebs of wreak
eeer). eisablea gray, . layer of flannel tem the packege, paid clie, rearm.? • Bless me I cried the lady; then
Deitt out of welt tete the sea,
ror them to stay dieplayed to the eyea of our bachelor Parkerbsurg 1 erreomed the eon.
Would be to °herbal grief and pail 'feiend, the red, puffy (ace of a neoeo- doctor. Stop tivc; mantes for refresh -
1 meld ea. nattet uot, 'no! egeiu.
eyed belly ,1 . meats ! °liana° fer Wallingford, Ale -
'Thee none of life Muzz's little 1tweety wager chili- sterdatn, and Myrtle Itidge 1
1am content er
b Inc, 1 he exclaimed in the dialeet' The wernan with the hal7 arose
Lived ceer with selfenante throb and thrill;
No more to me which is perfectly intelligible to ail
Win former soya, er book. or toy babydom, Muzzer won't la the
Pill the measure of my fey. naughty man put the 'ittle !auntie,
To live all of to -day; lumpy baby on the rack, aliterit y . exactly. My poor 'lane departed this
lett cilonteat
iLtid when I dreterk The baby streak out meneeingly can a assist you any w9 I 1 life last May, I got the handsomest
Let forme revel in the light .71 mac ate
quickly. A thrill of soy \volt tbrouelt
Mr. Oorban. Ile thought she was at
her journey'e He, too, row) with
th o pro
token 1 will, tpl itTli to
eve ormatablik readv to
of him the motawit we
Anil pee dearly far thie)
rinea Oorban, now fairly infarieted;
Yea, sir 1 take the law onryou th
moment we get anywhere wher
there is any law 1 Call ine a rimed,
indeed I
dust at that moment the !there -
signal to down brakes wended ; and
she's runaway aud left yon 1 Dear 1 a few minutes there was a slight
dear 1 bow could she leave such a nice soma, and the train came to a sudden
man, and such a dear, darling, little step. , e
lathy 1 Everybody rushed ont to ascertain
What's theel inquired a middle- the difficulty, real it' was found Mott
aged P-"Ittema° war by, who was the wheel of the engine bRa broken,
evidently a little deaf, your wife gene- and the Icoomotive was partially ore
mid left you, sir ? just my case, sir, the track.
That hope had seen -gallantly grave tone that money could buy.
with its fat fists he the' thre°ti°° °f Le asked
Deyon,i the preeeet, awl afar ,
Mr Oorbaneand gave utterance to a There en atigel on it, with all her
'A, steadfast, eweetly beetening star. Malin 'one! I will lust trouble Yoe
uet cop wins spread an this Latin aesenptton
to bald Lehi while I go and
of coffee. I breakfasted early, and -afkluires her cat in peace. Tho
need something warm, Bo careful gravestoue maker said that it would
he a good epigram ; and I consented
efeshe was fend of a eat.
Ey this time the baby began, -to cry
lustily and the whole car sympathized
the female pesseegers.
It's got the cholery mollies said
yell of triumph. '
a,* I ton eau:teat
. ''' . FOr ilig A upon the heart Mr. Corlean broke into a old persa
Anil whau, at last, ilt stillest night PirultonIIe had . never been so treat
a Gee ',ever oreep I , ., . .
I, sleep to sleep,
A. birthday coulee to me iu truth;
Tim gift it brine youth.
0 —Vemelve,
--BS. alaNT'S BAST,
Mr. Effery Oorbau Wee an exceed-
ittgly aervotee man. He (tame hottest.
411 ly by it, for his mother was ueevous
• 4. beitirelial.
. Mr Oorbau wee a bachelor of forty-
-- r five, reinarireedy Weil-pre:served and
li.: baby before In all his life—and and hold his heed ; ho is subject to
it baby and a woman, too 1 It was the croup.
And before Oorban could utter one
almost too much for him,
He had a strong mind to stand the woad by way of refueal, ehe had put
remaindereif the way, or until some- the baby in his arms and was rushing
body vacated a soot; bet his knee orf with the crowd, a
geve au extra twinge, and decided hint Our unfortunate hero felt himself tbo old Indy previously 'petitioned.
to try and endure the terrible state of gowitig bot and cold al tenet ,e y.Ile
,1. 1 - It'll die for sartin if eomething Maul;
thinffo. • • - had eereed two year e with' eredit in acme -1
He got a paper from his pocket aod the war and been in a eeore of battles,
essayed to read 3 but the baby - had bat, through.''t all, he had never ex-
rather line looking. Ile bad 11, EmtlY launched out in one of those baby perieueed such a sinkteg t o
ettwarc, a florid complexion, and bead refrains, whieb is like music in the stomach as eittnenver lain now,
tiark-brown hair, witielt any man ears of all mothers, and the cooing Most of the passengers left the cars,
might live been OZeueed for feeling
weed of,
Mr ()urban was very well oft Ile
had uever kept house., perhaps because mination to petition the next Oen-
he kilter that elderly haultelera mid 1 gress for women with babies to be
widowers were generally fated te marry I kept in a car by themselves.
fleeir housekeepers ; arid -Mr Corbett 1 At the Rest stopping place he was
'regarded marriage and the gairows as on the look oet for a seat, and to Ms
So eoufused our bachelor hero that he
mild' take no sense of hie paper, so
he pocketed it wetu trio savage deter,
'abut en a
Women and babies he considered a
very unnecessary part 0.. ereation,
The mystery of thbeving been
allowed an eeistenee he could never
`solve. fie (weld not help regerdiug
their creatiott as a grave mistene some -
joy diseoverecrthe gentlenaaa in the
next seat making preparations to leave;
but before he was fairly out of his
eeat, an old lady in a green shawl and
a poke bouneehad edged into it, and
cut off all Mr. Cerhen's hopes.
Of course she/tinned around and
began ea talk to the baby.
en 1 How old is it,
- the
and. Oorbaa would have done likewise
but be feared he might lose sight of
the baby's mother alai the train would
start' without him,
So, in agony of te
Oleg dreadful should hi.
r lest some.
there na the bolding` the baby at
arm's length, ,ia fixing Lis frantie
gaze on ra,docer through whioh bis
cteliyerer won* come.
All aboard I nailed the stentorian
voice of a new oonductor--eud the
people rushed in. But the passengers
were, Most of them, new ones, for
there was a junction at Perkereburg ;
and,, worst' of all, the betby's mother
was not among them 1
jin bell rang,the cars were moving;
thei neer was abut with a bang, and
train was ofx. ,
an waxed desperate, /
, there 1 he called to' the eon.
Stop 1 this trent caait go on;
oman mefm Iwltdd 1 She
of cot& t Stop 1 I
tit, Bit'
the matelot:tor.
ei mind. V,uch
ly. She'll come
hall grow crazy
shall 1 do with
you five dole
—ye, fifty
and let me
'Die 1 You don't think so ? cried
Deer trial said the thin facer) lady,
what an inhuman women ,itte tnothey
wee 1
Take it, my gond lady, do 1 cried
Oorbau, iirmploringly. l'it give yot„1 a
hundred ilotlars to take it.
What is this row about ? said a
sharp -nosed little men, with a news-
paper in his hand. . A obild, is it 1
Vali back, gentlemen ; and - let me
look•at it. If it should prove to be
the one.'
-Howl Whet do you mon? quer-
ied a dozen voicea at once. •
It is 1 It is 1 it can be no other!
exclaimed the ehareenesed Irmo, excit-
edly. flow strange- that 1 nhOlf id
01101100 upon it I Listen to thiseeentles
men, and he read from the paper in
his haud the notice;
Stoleu—sappoeed to have been
stolen from it carriage in . Central
Park, on the morning of the 18th
inst., a male child aboutnine months
old. Said child has blue eyes, and
rather dark hair ; end ee a remarkably
forward and interesting clad, Any
person who will return hitn” to bis
afflicted parents,• at No.— —rorty-
uititlf Street, or give imforination that
wiplead kte hia recovery, shall receive
a reward 6f tliree hundred dollars.
Lows at:isnot.
Wall, I never 1 exclaimed the old
lady. It must bathe very same baby!
This child bae got bine eyes, sad dark
heir, aud 'pears reniarkably forer'd 1
Yes, Ma'am unquestionably the
very sante, remarked the sharp -nosed
than, confidently ; consider it my
duty to take possession.
Oh take it, do 1 stied Corbnii, aka, Mr. Smithers' face had grown vary
poriti,tv ; 41.,,e' you floaared loug. Then it is not Mr, Leeie llos..
dotlera to get it elf my bands 1
No doubt .you would, my mon;
bat I Ain't took in that way. Itily
itame is Smithers—Peter '15inithere,
sci; and 1 live in Albany, I'm te
Magistrate, sir ; aud I arresb you for
ildstealiere II)InateibLor, two Months' aftei baby's
tell you atO
I dit steal
CT for cup of collee-- I most heartily boo your pardon,
trouble y Ou rsel f to repeat that sir, said Me. Slathers' addressing Mr.
n. 1 eaaeastaaa lime onse Oorban, iI, 1 -didn't thick
Mr, Stnithers,' promptly. --Y't1
there ally plaee on the 1inrl your own business, air, said
s tanoat wou)cl he safer Mr. Oorban, ehortly ; and continue
minding it for the rest of your life
ailirisitoni;eara teeponat that's my advice, sir. lir. Corbaii
job!, ehtio,n o or 01;
neiesaild Mr. f.linithetei wIdeitra Ill1010, got very friendlet
and:••1 vtoe
and Mrs, fire4, 'for that was thn
ready to go on ; and Mr. Corban took
fenaliar by the time the train Wail
all have feelings- of the text lost by her Bide With a
>iltnts, for tile parents !trelbiee of delight now.
nate bale 44 106.1_ rsks K(eng & tetktOK.144
n to the
es you
No one was injured ; hot it wnail
occupy some time to get things so that
the licit. train could run ; and, in the
men ntitne, Mr. °oilman thought with
rapture, he meld make hie eseepe.
He formed the plan of dropping the
unfortunate baby and fleeing to the
wends. In the bustle said confusion
it 'could only- be aecouaplished. -But
he bad rSekoned without his host. Mr.
Smithers was right at his elbow. Ils
had no notion of allowing that tempt,-
ing reward to slip through his fiogere
and a couple of other gentlemen kept
guard with him. Aird there stood
poor Oorban, holdieg the whimpering
baby, and expostulating, s NIT earl neeand
blusteriug in a way that merle all the
ladies decade that he was a monster—
and they gave him and the baby a
wide berth.
Suddenly the whistle of the neat
train from Parkersburg was heard. A.
bright, hope sprang 'up in -Oorban's
breast, it was 'Towable the baby's
mother might he en/board.
He rushed forward, but Mr. Smith.
ers seized his arm and held him back,
Be quiet, sire! said he. Demember
you are uuder arrest 1 ' '
The 'train' had beep warned of the
detection of the first express,ancl erre
to a halt at a little distanze behinct;
and, the moment it did so, the door of
one 'of the carriages vas burst open,
and out leaped the baby's. mother. ,
4„ cry of joy C$010 from Oorban ;
and tith One bound he burst the grasP
of 114. Smithers upon las artn, and
rneltdd 'toward tier.
CO.! my baby 1 "my precious baby 1
screamed she,snetehtng the child fron
Oorbaa. My da-rling 1 My little ane
gel darling! ancishe fell to kissing if
in a way that set all the ladies round
about to pulling out their handker.
chiefs, and exelaiming, Did you evet
God bless you') 'cried Corbel.), en:,
thusitasticalty, 1 never was so glimi
see any mortal being before 1
Oh, you dear, delightful mane;
cried she, shaehig hands with bine
am so 010011 obliged to you foetaking
dreadful hot.
coe's chlid 1 And ib has not been stole
ea 1 he asked debinuely.
1 should rather think not, repfiel
the mother indienantly. It is my,
child. sir. All I have 14t of the -dear
husband Who gave up his /Me at Cold
Ten, rly,,pillow the he
Ifeecielb4 are puleele
EWA flees,
weary wayfarer is
¥ars dull of hearing, lips
The totteUe it WA uneutage has
Veto; that were weary toe resting
An earthly sojourner is deucl.
Pause, thou, aa we come to the e
Whence a soul life forever has
,9pealt softly, tread lightly, where
Enwraps ttId embraces our der
Then told the heed gently, prase
effetely ;
And teueorty pillow thp,bead ;
Last wrd,A lave bedu el?eken,
ettUM aiveh,
Ana hoe tenet* waved to our
malt amp ON l'NF, Itt
s claw:molt is sruage WHILE]
otraa mtus TIES,
grit a queer regeest frot
daotor for at peen the other de
prominent (aldeago railroad
the ainuthern corridor yestent
aelced for it pries to oite poit
Young Indy wlenn he desigi
Miss---; and from there to
for the seam young lady as M
his own lime, 1 inquired
was, and when I received the e
tion thcm. pasees. lie
his reveilar ruh; -and did net
lay oil' for a lay, even- the
to he inerried. Ho had 1,14 I,
nicely famished, in Obicage,
young lady was to meet him
station where her parents live(
A minister was to board t
there aleo and they ware to be
On board the train, Eeerytliii
off all Aube ane they were mai
tinrcileg to the programme. 2
troulne was that the Fi Uri flat
was ft little loner thee be e
end be lied to suspend operatic
couple of minutes for his train 1
station, They are now qui(
fag in Chicago and have etpret
home. The train gang ferule
witnesses to tbe ceretneny
together it wee ae ideal railrott
wedding. Several presouts
eftiV$a by the yeung coeple
passenger:, took tfti a pnree, tide
gave to the bride,—frat. Logia
Abeteu %to Mot 55- Aro you chslurbei
sod broken of your rest by a slekehlid
crylme with pain of Cutting Teeth ? If $
O1IC0 mai get A bottler of '4 Urn, Winslow'v
ayrup” for Children Teethintt. IN value b
able. It will relime the poor little
immediately. Depend ttpon it, mothers; 1
mistake about it It cures Ilytentety end
tegulatrs the dtemarit mid:Rowels, cares e
softens tho Gums, reduttes Inflammation.
Fto and energy to the whole system. "1
• leow's Seething iseette" for children t.
pleasant to the. taste and is the reseriptiot
the oldest and best female physmians and
' the United Mates, end is for sale by all
throutritutd, i,he world. ?dee twenty -41y,
bottle. lie sure Anil flak for "Mrtn,
Soon:alio sraup .suri f.n.krt no other kind
scinoweat :teem:titer.
Tho thinnest and at the sant
one of ths toughest leathers tie
a frog- ek in.
The Japanese administer the
by outting the witneee' tinge
taking blood so seal' the sweare
In the xnetter of sleep, Del
Feanklin eau). sir; hours for a v
ieven for a 'nee and eight for s
e A. tiewing well from which a
tittrt'I'l it of cold sir consteatly
is the latest curioeity near Greer
A Georgia editor has twenty
ehildren, lire positively refuse,
aert an ad vete isement that it b
`girl is wauted.
The oyster is one of the elt
e'reatinets o I earth. The force
t:ti to open - sit oyator is more
IMO times its Own weight.
\ An Atchisen, Xs, mart Buri
i`eeent case of sielcuese itt bis 1
p,tia selector 44.41or giving th'e
-oh-ie and Inc elnia$7 for taking
ThP really long -named soeiet)
lie found in Gertueny. It is tht
men Society of *Volunteer Doote
Ntirns for Care of the Wounds
War. °
By way of diversion a dieting'
}testae of Lender' get‘e a dialler
iietnbi'r of baehelors, with
$11kfteeti he 'Mid tretvan fa to wft
.*tretitor dinferot iitoi