Wingham Times, 1891-04-03, Page 1Don't Forget Our New mesh Goode, New Pring, New .I emus, New. Embrolcleriee, New Gloves, New Hosiery, New Ribbons, (.;fol' NowTab a Lir, erois,�New Curtains, Now (retone, New Carpets, .New Floor Oil i:lothe, New tanitin e, New Hats, New Shirts,lew Boote and '4hQe , Now Rubbr, Ties, of all do not forget our 35o. Tea. ' Call and got a Fashion Sheet, Special inducements to cash buyers, Logs Oti o incleu • 11GT3T. oRIi,. Direct Iuipoz•tery Talo Bniku, April 3rd 1891. AM .etion o et 140Y- eiaetiops !a811n)erete le which icy 7°)rr'sl for every `purcbas. igs, The Newest cif Prints, lotions for in every .)ial'pe-t-s i •t re al wayss 1)t'tce, We 0 u)' Co11.I t' w as $9.!d )fere p1,ir- DSS id Alfalfa xrd giros, . - S .� Visitijd farlllel' lir Seeds, as nl. Pickles, trohased in it and get ,�L1«,1i& SHQPti 'i Wingp�biealt rya the li>xtahrrhgc lut'teuld er�ird, k ilouarn per ib. list'son as low �,�„„,,yy�r --Dick, the babt1 "town again. )000eTltcsre is eaitsld at pt esent,;a ooiasi log from tv.etlld Marbles, n0t ropes, house clew slush, iso, are Mil able sickness in'town " ruble number suffer. oir la grippe, milIinery, skipping ing, spring overcoats, the order of the .clay. ---The fanest cream dandies at 11 I.Iili': at 30 ciente per lb, - Tlie ysou fol leaning up back yards snot alleyslias a> ri d, and immediate at - i outien should be gi en to all places where iltlz has ubounaulat d during the winter. --Mr.L .0 Clark has removed Isis tailor. in;; establishme, into. the stargi.lately occupied by:Me Reid, 'where its will }lave more ace tnanodation: tc Dalry ou his et;tensive tr --Call at Alex Ross'. book atore and see the Laurance spectacle. holo ...gent since .Ia. . %into !eft t0wae,: .. . -kir J T ISI tclz li, who at 'one time printed a paper ' a this town, ,recently started a newsy) e iu Ridgetowo, but the venture did' tic,t; 'ove profitable and the paper' has been ilia outiuued. --.-If your watcher olook needs repairing, t;�) to W 11 Wallace, watchmaker and j'ewciee, next dear to post office. �14ss Murphy returned •: on Monday frim a: Visit to ze Loudon wholesale h rt§:i i W,13}r3 3133 %stet t.. splendid stook.. of leery goods, ,o. She also 'paid her 'e u' cf ttae 'a: taurarat. Fr WT,11 vim Sabbat vice, 04°,e t 7,30 Pp. come, Subs "Ie l�t�li To nom Goo ra Iuvittat c T �. Wit' u , clew Pastor. 11 a. m. and 7 zed, asp of Mort) — F'every Wednesday Stl'angere wet - bath morning v °; islii'rrpi tQ r trixe,, 4.,tgi 1e ri' a.ad be, tzd for Ie uitag istrnieY, en i . Wf'ngha<m at he Queen's Ho nu I''riday, Apri J De,ly ft co, their berms a for soiling, ase there 1,auy time —The Stratford Stet,aft� existeuoe, has ceased to Mitehell Adaardrsr boa haucle of the sheriff. Bot Mitchell had mart newep, could euppoito and those now be 'able to make.'1 ltl• esers Butlox aed Clolwej1 pathy of the Trine$ in #heli nese trouble, V k1, eturned this m : trleo pee ° iew yqr... a kori,garyrl 1 4 ip d& r' fin41,118er po e e !gadelfish Weeterp4atat .a befpre he where he wi i+nneabe; while in the yo44, and helots stems, 1 �d been . ii/7t]i, axi iociets t!Ittis bkriva out, After a oho 'delay, the *ginger aneveptiecl !rt . fix it, the tarda pro- oeetl l an1;Ba aver if nothing had baps. peraed. --Foxe isFrtait, Cnnfeetlonary a Grocery witness. Batisfaotory reason given for selling. Apply to —As tutu lost . eels the Spring shells rrfll belle! a on the It The show' will be held , the ass> al Grounds, jsrruatnenoi. at 1 o od particulars een be leitiri : • free; h bave been ieme,rd: at!d c r .9tdatede /Tans Baan, Box 184, Winglzana. few' e,onth's The Potter fur , being lot 88, in the rue, and th eth oo>aoeesion`.of urnberry, was sold by seed into the &iaotioti,ru»der the ower of rnortgago, by 1 Stratford and eteit Deane, uito Duvet, on Tuesday last, era i th Ae, Of he Poplar store, has justitrecel :, an iriiancvn8i,a o'f wall papezel gad w , ow s atest designs. Read , in n another ehlui'en. an they at the 11run,wiok tel,. The farm can - remaining will decent living. have the syzf- hour of bust- -For first -oleos tailoring and cheap guts' farrtiehin e, try 'Webster a Co,. Remember the place, Duly two doors north of the old sterid' acid between Lose' book. stor ' nd Halsted & Scott's bank. -` - Messrs Geo d Wellington ,Afartie have u:tovesl into t • new building next to the 13n -worker. 11 l, which has been fitted till for thetra, lkir C 11f Griffin ishaviug::tile building va ated by them fltted„ np as a store for " mj The fron has been torn out and th Mug raised. A. new trout will be Fut in, stone fouue datiou put under the lauildin and it will bo otherwise greatly improve Mr Griffin expects to move ipto it licfor the let of fust e.r erd . .-b ta'ii� . fI a i..'i'i =a �'r..l-cr f 'canned goocls a peso, i-o,•ir tofmttoce, ;salmon, sardines, lobsters, Iz,aridies, con - deuced coffee, &u, to be sold cheap, —Mr Johul,e lie,of Winn cg,llzt�,n,itobaf wan in towzi this week visit fig hie parents. Ire is over ou is business t p, and spent some time in New York t,y, along with Mr Thos Ben, of this town. Ifs intends visiting a number of the fu alters mauu fecturing establishments iu uteric before lre•'returns home, to sdaure stook as he beepsalargo irholesaleand etailfuruttui' stablishirteet in Wuiuipe Mr Lesli6 peaks very hopefully of th . prospects rif Manitoba and the WeCt, air . thiults any R' z arson of i3nesgy, .with a late capi tel, hould an `well there. Co,inn>,tes VC/asextee-+'our gentienxeu r ladles can bo accommodated with first' isss board and rooms. .liamid'daoe oppos- relatives a visi-t'vl ile iu the city. e -:Clio latest and best think -,-Na York , 'Clinger.Ale,at Jas iSToli.elvie'ti Star rest*Gur. s --T'he hnree fairh 'of last week brought o eif.bore , and there c nt. y sit es d bene en Thursday tit quite a number ere several bu er press But few iz saes changed bands, the offered„ by the buyers not being considered btgh5eno =II by the ea leis. • —Cash for good ,Butter and l+ggs &t 1L. • `A, ham's Market Grocery.. fir 9 r Bid re cued his stook from Own on Wednesd to Goderieli.� We understaud Mr list `rftends taking situs. 'Von es cutter in al 'ge tailoring establish - 'itions in Citsveland, hio, 1 it 110d made hnany friends aluria his short residence fila town, wlzo will: rug t bis departure, '1i'nuSAta.—„vitamiinthome convenient. , '1y bi'tuated, fine view of the town, Terms 'tn sw.t't purohesor. 'Will be sold cheap. ,&p - ply early to 7).,111. Goatau;r. —Rev Di: Craewfo d, pastor of the Ban. tilt church, intend givfng a - series of 'Sunday evening leo urea, eomu snetng ou ” s"gelidity evening next' wheu hz `Ieetere will specially for you g. men, do iiae fol ing Sabbath oval the of special benefit to youura ladies. = 111r Turnbull, the cash' r of the hank of'i-1•amiltou, and the aro itiect of the new bank, building, were in town ou Friday, lest, ma ing arrangeme 'ts ;.for the new building. We undeptten that the con. tract Nal be lot at no Stant date and that`tlze eoutraator Wil be expected to mien: of 108 aures, Mr Geo, Thomson, Morels considers The Deacon farm, lot 81, is the loth wauosh. ooiiteiniu sale et the same ti drawn from sale. seas purch'asecl b atland, for 11,880 le timber on the .fare, 'ng the the ,poufll• half-oi. ipoeseibn of East We.. 100 acre's, offered for le and place, vies veitli- --Mrs 11 Conlin,latoof ViWalkerton,wiehes to intimate to the people of 4G'izdgltisyrsi: that she is prepared to ofaciuta as ntZi *her her services are required, Residence op, polite Chisholm's Drug Store. —On Saturday •last the o1:1 town° ball as sold to ;11r Alex .r sown, representieig a, uuteboc of the m inhers of Anchor of Hope Lod e,1 0 G . ; of, tide town, for sad, 'T all �Ici el to. a, lot int, mrdiatel�fioei : ba ei'rSa1vation Army barracks, on J iwar txeet, end it will be•. fitted up for the tae . of the, mmrertumo ledgecoekodoreesb we Warn bust the 1 .t ouiz assume by a number oi't wieo'plo who havrt formed themselves iota a compety to b ttnowu as the "Wit- liatirretnpe;runceIle! Coznpany," .r, T T Whitson Tris eldest daughter, summer iu the ?Tort Calgary and the tat expect to leave on T Watson will devote musio,besidee rebirth ell 'as organist in on Mie e she goes. nd lyse, ... tend spaz west, the f r in Begin, esday ns or time to te'hasbo c'. rather amneiu tory is toll of .t+ young boy wlio works, : n =the Union Fee tory. Oa liroucaay alarm g last,wbon to take a chew of tobaca,,be observed be thought to a stria; iu the rang, „• tobacco, and on pulling o it, to his hist -1 prise he, found be lead a nouse by the ,. It ie hs,rdlyto. bo .est ec 4 the tr, :1st, will aj-U tae a user of oho r sed, -'-The ourlingne ,son -;s trot close on Good P lsy,by l:l y. atl ene,t"cli beth*:, .,, t A:,- ` chile for et'E1, itver cup a for this year, At the eitd if the dame -90 3+ fisc, wig un,itl>ir:end Xeu is .ri uk t following is ends --the were t l heti to be played to decide wif eipg by, cue Shot. i tthre*kora; .FJ A. M3itebelt . . F Paterson, :Rant, skip.: -17 - FancyaDress Onnds l.,w, rnAte ~1, diedrdlsi3rt.Sil night t1.SQ..Fob lot of Slzawlt,GoveRiitzc1'iI'ie v Linen and Silk trate ralohifl .3 ' Cents mil wool Overcoats for ;14,70, Grouts Tie Xvc at M. 11. McB:coo'n:. meeting of a 11 nibs of tBoc 1' 1'Loefr ,; x ested in base ball rola. held ort ' d,'hurea e.veniug, 26th ult, to to ma club ar. ' of er-arran;lsmonfs, Tice . offi eleot'el for tbci soasen, as' fol:' blue 'eve, president' Bobt.: presi nt; Jolie Locke:'dge; J hfoLe secretary ; `. titer; Fk t :Arlene. managing co'ny)nitte load the club tbd''' tonal in the to no season Wliy ; able to'take a h- clubs of the stir, not he a good til: posed of the +but Imoknon, Wrox furnieb ail tate material, and i`eknove: the ham, for 14e muffing on the .,,..The ulE1 foot alley' 'way North Wee and the building Saturday uow owned by Dir 00,N G(i9%n on'tbesouth 'vyingly),, side, so 15 its said. ing fro .._Gordon dr Mciiitv're are 'selling the St? int' hareem) of their winter etogk et a great Nor reelection. Be sirs - aspect their stook the if you want arty' fu winter or early t - epriug goods frame building at preset site, , Tlaerewill be a toes between the new buildiut --Tow that the cinemas re being abon • to be taken,sotkie ftiforma 'on about it in not be amiss, The, war • will oomtne fn on April title, The et, istinwi :;year; on that date. For that05, a bi ' on April 7th, Will not be include record: This alto will pply Ani one dying eft the 7 or 8 eeaunieroter nulling on t,- record,sd as d ell Pith= 441/31*00 the'foliote1ngz'-. o'&tt}a�pt4spp, miles envie% 0t1 lru nif merle, carte *IresiX and Duvet, trdte 1vui0t yew r jjbefit 100 —The only grid oboe Fenit end Cnursd- ,tilonary store in town Whore you cal .get tie Apples, 1Bao,`. ans .3Bittsr; 'Oranges, Gts, Maple Syrup deo., is at 15 l;Cti,i,'e. take the folio 'lug from the .44 ranodofl stwe,k: Aoaseofforgery t&4,Iie tersedriug to, o hare Miring the silk, It appea that some time age g man from L keist haus David note for ns, . latch Irvin lilted u. fr.rged the r'me of Asir flinibie t irloadek, tit :trlma)trke lana cents rspose of 11.. vrtleild i!e dfitl�ilFlt s eel'sZit smT. e �il " }lei has, r � 1iCi:ept eta esk for to new 4,1]ar?c1;1' 1ixLaeetav meeting bad \\•1115014 osis^