HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-03-20, Page 7• mu (It tart HT 1811+11i FartiPIVEDAY ViOlt 130* orric.E, JOSEPHINE'ATelEre 0Wriat,10. tiolt prie 0.$ t .lIbichrOfers3Tta4Vtaltriti•'. ' VIMITISINC ItATE81 I.lyr. i en etio tat visa 01) 1 e4 00 ee fe'r _.... . Mi OU rtin 00 le," UO 6 ta ;to tin „ 14 Oe I .., 7. ev 0 40 a 00 . ,(400 3, 00 iii other amnia attvertieeCeihtb,440. liothine Ai ortien, anti d '.)W*' line Ickko li *Ow0 :ROM ' otices,in nonpareil ty1,13.00. 'for first itt in be, Ana nue 1.4 e,.0., •i,..letit,,ent ,1,,,e41,,..k. entice will be charged less than iii c einilvin$ OL i40st,, round,6traytd,rlitUatiOlie, , ion:. %Maimed V+ 0nt4r1, libi.eximikling 0 1, 111 Kr inwith IMO 14ms 'fur Salo. not exceeding 8 lines, . P1. month, tfoc. Vtf.r SA4441,4144 t4AU.1.131. r1.11114 N./11 IN 41.41134 44011070d 00. Y41.0$ 10' longer advertiseMents, or* ft eithib. istinente without specific difectiOns, will he,, tals forbsil atm cbm,,ui, itervitiioiii. /len, • ' iverrieolimote intiiit bo paw in ouvanee '-iii tor eentriat anNertisonients roust be in uy. .AsetInesuity neon, in order to app..1.4-• ' k R. ELI.IOTT Imo, "talon AM* penitents* LiovoNALO, Joseenuze STI0.EI.Z - • teerauto •••••• 3. Tow i.ER. M,t1 C hi., College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. t. —Coroner for County of Huron— • Tun piteareAcr " Wineham, Ont.. , A. NEURON, Imam Graituute of Toronto 4fisiversity, and . r of the soliege ot l'a)40.31.11b Ulltt OUli:eUk• 1141111 Itesidence-i-Oorner of Centre ant Pat,* Rom(11el) oc..upten b Or. Bethune. •INMIAB • • • VANSTONE, e xitalsTita.".sotteiToit, Fto.,Pito. • ...nd Company funds to loan at lowest raters ' It. 1Qconsunitsion Mo‘tgages;YoWn and !arm proven* bought and sniff... )E—Bcaver Blools?Wmon. ON'T 1. • 3, A. VOTON • RABROthlR &e., Witigham Ontario ETER :!? DIElitse4t, C, meysc a. el E. L At' LUSTERS AND SOPICITORS, Rte., tiro n*s for Bank M BanditOn,COunnOsiontirs •he, ig affidavits tor Manitoba. Farm, Town and e property bought and sold. _Roney (private a) loaned on mortgage security at 8 Per cent. 4 ey invested for private petitions, upon the bess; bgago securities without, any exponso to Cm • er. Lands for sale in Manitolm 4114 the NOIVA* 11C0—•gent'S MOIL IN Ingham. ENTIsTur.Jenemu, wuent A tt, eiVititacturing Celluloid Plate*, Vulcaffite plates of the bestitiaterisi as ehitap as they eau be got In the Donitnion. All if ork warranted. MMus extractien of teeth by the use of Eleetric- or Vegetable Vapor. lase (rl011.—1, will extract teeth for 25 cents " h. IFFICE the Beaver Block, opposite • the inswick Hotel /tn. H. Macdonald, D. S.,' DEXTIST. • FvloE, - MASON'S OLOole, Opposite,the Queen's Hotel, Wingham. Will visit'Clorrie lot and 3rd Mondays ' each month. -am linage, GENtBAL INKCIIANCE,AGENT rtsouhls, 01mAti ' EtOBEItT MISCHANCE • FIU AND MAILINE, OtteLVit, DD12A10011M, *IC▪ ENSED AUCTIONUEB, Von. TIM efturrr oiernbtrort.' ' Sated attended 'hi, agy pert Ant" Co. Charge,* SIOderute. j OEN CUlt,131fil, Wicoinal, ONT., raceseen xtreennetert reit TAR covert or H.41100N., All orders lett at the Tines office promptly at ett3 cd to. Torino reasenable. AMES- $IENDIslItSON, , inclutsgari Aumioxinsk YOtt COI/14111M B0R011 Mine*, All tfideinttended to prornialf and ofl tho Shotteo notice. Chargee Moderate and setishection Guaranteed. All necessaty arrangementts oan bo made at th Ttfsits' o11003 wisoirAtt Ost „.„110LT0)1 & HA% glee V. Le & 1)21 SURVZVOk$ AIM ,Con, *41 LISTOVIEL At* W11.1011Ali. All *Moro let at the tlitiee of ttor Iwo* &ova pro . attaatiou tit PAT tt, tomer• ! oe &twee Drivels tie e • kit zotosea oat lug la the preopota, tlie 0 I . eit fern/ Wok, Tbese stovor ettao Anttle 014141 pave plent,y ,pf fat, tu ex•niiii.t. front the skin .0"str t" vorin'Air klY ailinK Omit. le tea; eel Aga LUGS iiillrueaLing thew. "%heti lice ore on cattle their (Afoot is atom byO cauee, etaring Coal,. A iittle ell of any kind except kerosene nrakili... od over the hide lave this coat ewoOtif at the email) Owe tieetms any bee that tuay boo 'tying. A 'mooed appli. cation a few dity6 later destroy 11 those It.o,c..1 oat efter, ,e,4reviriedit StorY, liertelf, It is net neceesery to Lave eAantle, yon telt r. story ortid ray her loaded with fat, telt iu good healthy condition, floating foods must not be fed, and bran Mashes ithould be given occasionally Ian hoop her bowels open, mare that is poor, or one that is in high condition without exercise cannot be expected to pruititue a good foal, The "ant.yktort laag Breo‘ters. Torouto, March 12.—At tin,aultuti third meetine of the Dominion, flog firsiilers` A.ea.mitttion held here last oveitieg the presitteei,Joseph Feather - of Peet, gave a report of the progreee made Il itneroving rdlieketnitlitions of the induetry and 'gaga tdflut. Vat Untie 1ilh&8 ou t be iegne tralten of 'tioretttey F. W. kiiidtion reed his annual report, show., king a eetisfectory couditiou of atfaiis. bi0foilo wing olficers for the year • ,'w -re chosen. President, Joseph 11Peatiterstone, (re -0100,0(1J ; vice- president, J. Y. Ormsby ; secretary, F. J. liodeon ; auditors, lkuity Wade Fron,lr briore ; directorie I311rke shire, .4. ; Suffolk, It. ;Dorsey ; Yorks, J Green, jr ; Chester Whites, Del oland Wm. ; ; Tamwort,h, Juba, L'Amarox ; Victoria, ,,Wm. Coy. Derelittin Center. .4tnoug 14(0 'J edges are Win. MOA2thUD, Lobo, alicl little Move et thre, Ate the early wilitee twilight full around aileuttv. Bo I auewered to her pleediug; Orme, wheu 1 was very mull, With my papa and my menials, I went to melte *cell ; And %lady, pleased to see us, gave we quite a large bouquet, Which 1 carried homeward proudly, emit. hag all along tbeway. cause of there being so many deformed "Soma fidat'two .otber children, Wad Ju autt .weaii,,1174iVed foals may be attribut- whor4g,111,8(1tcgaatutolyt,4v9ieig" ty .joyoes 40 1 1 ed Le Oda, (It enurae dbe) oust xlcit neared their.etencling place. he put to extraordinary g.prk, semb as 'Twiliiipteo°01;r-111°(Msers' ttlireyll:rTeedECI '!Give pulling extressive loads, qt to i,atty efforts likely to prodpee sudden :rk's or strains, whiuli would moot *souse her to slip Inv foal, but,phe iney But 1 mooed thein without epeakieg;fleft them with their Wish clewed, Yet the ruenery of their asking luieintocl ole by eight and day. "Give us one 0 1 heart thein saying, even th wy mirthful play be kept at slow light work ny to neae „Still 1 tu„rti, because in childhood I. re - lite time of parturititio. tleven &eoliths is the set time sf AW-istatiour hut some wilt foal before 0t and some go fur a year whenttlie ad- hesive matter' (wax) appears .,en her teats, tire thou is uot far off, probably fused t0 give a Aimee; trita not make these others happy when 1 had. it in my power." 4.1iddenly I ceased my story. Tears were iu iny eieces eyes— 'rearm of teudernees end pity—while she 4olainsed a sweet surposer will se.pd 0. flower to.tuorrow to those little.eln ren ear. VII:t Etna lgoall 1111. We wish. to inform tho public (het we hive 0040 IVOQIIO USIIS In A 1 running order, and will tide Season Of e special attention to only twenty4uur or forty-eight hoer*. piold 1 tell her that their childhood had beau gnus this many a year ? and one most be ou the watch. She --harper's Zazar. ought L.0 be plat inkroomy box, and: — if the weather hi floe and warm elie will be better iii a paddock. If the mare has been regularly exercised, and apparently in health wheu in foal, little danger will atteuc; the ant of parturition. If, however, there are signs of danger, it will he Letter to have recourse 'to a well-inforwed prac. titiouer, rather then run Ale risk of injuring the data by violaut end in- juditsieus atteuipte, which are ofteu wade to relieve the T Mo. Giobon in tile Canadian Live Stuck .aiii Farm Journal for Mareh. J; hutleAge, Hyde ir ark, DairyNotet. Thoe OORCNIlenlii of ofrinisiti at the late Woodstock Dairy 0ororention was 'tiott more au' better cheese could be get freak uiilk thoroughly aired and mooted in a,purse atmosphere than by cooing.; alope. • It inay be said that whey should not Let carried home fro,in tLle fat:COOT ailk.0an8, but in many parts of Ontario that. is 'the, nommen. ipratice and will likely prevail for soin9 tlEtle 00 .00010, PltiCHIS are blamed for not washing their cans thoroughly, but many factorynien or makers clean •Ai the whey tatiks once a week I Some •' ,of them are never el ettited. As the ;dog days coins these ttuwaslied faults iheocimi. a symptAiiiin of everything ittiet"ii sour awl puteik and vile. By lin paeans lot the teuks be cleaned, pit don't forget the factory whey .tanks, of my sous are teetotalers, and are The presses of H..sard's Delryinan living ou that lot. When 1 was a Must be kept, mining night and day drunkard 1 used to swear; 1 have jud6iiig liy the way it wears out its typographical 0105110.2. About e, year Itgo it donned .11, llts W Suit and now Oumes to band in another, handsolfer -than ever. The best is noue too good :for the dairymen of America to ,teal ii evidently The GIVersfor'S 1110q49. Ito terilanthe arm packed full of the very ;latest biota from the world a dairy ,wurk, " During the past season one Con- poy or mattrees, Whip") in the mottling is again. rolled toget#er aud carried awayby him. The Japanese lie upon matting witli A farmer going into winter batten, a stiff, uncomfortable WOudeu neck matting should get Ids ten horse power I relit. thinker at work oto Akio six points: The Ohiaese use low hedsteads,often Cows, stabling, food, milk room, uten., 0 elaborately cat veilsaud supoeti.ig ouly arils and marketing, Gri a" or animism, can be quickly -serer' by the iris oT Wilentes Compound of Wild Cherry, the old relieble remedy 'toe 01y consists of a sort of large down )1rodeiii big. Whooping Cough, tlronp.Colds, I . Oxtails and other • deiettse4 of eespiratory willow or Unde @toty. Here is what he said : When I was a drunkard Gould never got my barn d oopneer:troitrining.twAoncvayien. teilvIegeonfftepr ersio,nocaon over half full. The first year I signed 1 l'boeceleVat'e' the pledge I filled Any bare ; the Beg*. to any operator who can equal the work of le Pi140% Remedy' tor catarrhis the; Best, Easiest to Doe •4 Cheapest. CUSTOM WORK in all Its 'branches, and will keep in Stock a Class of first-class eoedie.secti ac Tweeds, Flannels:, Eters, BJankets, pheetings, .tocking Yarns Sold by druggists or se4,by ma0,50c, L. T. Hazeltine, Warren.pm" (7,Vt. *40.2 &c” • (made from pure pool only) cheap fpr cash Or elt. ChantrAfOr WOOL wiNoraiac MARBLEJOR61 Customers from a distance can have,thelr rplIe hone With then) the same day, tarsiehestmarket ?rico in cash for Merchantable Wool, THE ODELL TYPE WRITE., $20wW Iftiv the ODELL TYPE WRI. TER with '28 characters, and $ 1 5 for the SINGL,E CASE ODELL, warranted to do better work than any machine made. It otunblnes simplicity with durability, speed. ease of operation, wears longer without .cost of repairs than any other machine. Has no ink ribbon o bother the operator. It is neat, sunstantial, nickel plated, perfect and adapted to all kinds of type writing. Like a printing press, it produces sharp, clean, le Ole manuscripts. Two or ten copies can eking a retrospect of ley thirteen 01 finn 14,11 0011104i Wingbam, I desire tons; hatittt4 suer my thanks to friends end the public gen molly for the libeoft petrOusge online:4 to leo ILI the past. I was also setto that 1 cm In a position *eller better induct meats them of er those requiiiee Leveling in,tho euo of Granite or Stone Monumetits. ti4AD SION ES, 'WINDOW SILLS, STONE TItIMUINtirS FOR FENCING, &c INGLIS & CO'Y., Wingham A CHANGE in the Ilarrio;z Bninct DOUBLE CASE ODELL. dliii a barn and had two Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. Speck ou e my stacks ; this year I filled wy barn Inducements to Datilore. For Pamphlet giving Indorsements, &c., address *Intl have four stacks. When 1.%Vaa ODELL TYPE. WRITER Co., druilkard I owned onlyone cow,aud 1 85 and 07 th Ate CRICAGO, ILL. think slie.triust have Lama ashamed of 0 KNFACHTEL 1 would be pleased to have those 'Introit pro. curing any articles In uty line to call and *Minim* goads, cntnpare prices and leave their ceders, so that the goods may Ins secured and prepared irly in the season. You oan select from the latest fesigns and obtain the Onest wen kmanship at the most favorable pdces blot respectfully, yowl* • • , WU. SINirrli, WInghturt, 0144 SrViOre ,to intimate to tho people of Wingham and 410i:rounding country that he has purchased titti, harness business lately carried' hv Messrs. J. J. Homuth op, and will conduct it in the tinc,dgor south,of Mr 'T A Mills' ..sto re, ille -foe She wee, red in TIM face r end ZETLIATIDI SAW MILL I now own po good cows, and three as good horses as ever looked through: a troller. When I was a druukard 11 GEOTIGE THOMSON Proprietor. trudged from place to place'on foot ; t-, now I can ride in a carriage of my own. When was a drunkard I Was Lumber of all kinds, iirstf.elass ShinAes, three hundred dollars in debt, since - signed the total ithstIneuce pledge I have paid the debt. and have puruhas-' Car Load Orders a Speotaity. ed two butdred acres of wild land,aud I have the deed iu my 'posseseion ; two . " • WOOD delivered to any part ot Winghain. PrOrders by mai promptly attended to. 011110E THOMSON, Wlelrhatli P.o DotwiLE AND STINT9,1,t WINCHAM TANNERY GLOVE WORKS. Gloves In Buck, Goat, Calf, Nappa, Saranac, Sheep " and Fur Driving' Glovett always in stock or nuale to order. —Alee few,- 1)omestic Buffaloes. Don't buy a Robe until yea see them, TAM .A.TEE:E. 1R, A full stock of 3001, French and Domestic Calf, Igo Kip Barnet's and Sole FINnUttiktrOr Shoe and names Makers, always ou hand. Orders.solicited. 1 -W. J. CHAPMAN. NOTICE. HARleEsS to the injury of my business, that I wee As I understand it has been very treely heavy or light, inadelo cirdei% •circulated around Wingham and. vininiPr --- not in the market to do custom sawing Jt full fine of or buy saw logs I wish to say I aro. in Horse Blankets, Sleigh 13ells, Whips the market to cio all the custom sawing that may be offered; also, to buy all the good sound logs thatmay be broug 9, the ZETLAND MILL. As I am not bound bY any combine, 1 am at liberty to take all kinds of either hard or soft wood and pay full value 'for them. Bring along your logs. GEO. THOMSON. • Zetland, Dec. 30th, 1890. and Cedar Posts. eetteed to be profane. The Inst year of my druukeunkss dontor's bill amounted to $8).; slime I signed the pledge I have not been called upon to expend it omit for Medicine. Beide of all Ppents. tropics men sjpep in liamm- ocks or upon mats of grass. The East Indian unrolls 1118 HO portable Char.. putetie,ut creaTery made 104 tons of .butter ; averags gross Gales per pound, .27,87 cents; average net sales, 23,09. •units or ooverlids. A peculiarity of the German bed is its shortness, besides that, it frequent upper mattress, whieh cistern. Wilcon'tt CherrY !tee Peee spreads over tile portion and usuelly •Curry condo, Brushes, etc., always on band. Repairing 'nea,tly ane promptly done The patronage of the public solicited, and satIsfac. Mon In work and material guaranteed, •baid answers the purpose of all other bed 'mewled by all wbo knoWlits =owe. in use for many yeare wed fellighly rttetti- by' ell promiueut druggiste. elotniUg cOmbined. B0041 lea:CO. . In England the old four.posted bed. The 'foalineason is 'coming, ancl , iltead is tile pride of Lite tuition ; but ;the inures must 1,e attended to if we I, the iron or brass bedstead, is fist be.. *wit strong and "healthy foals. They looming universal. The iloglisli beau , ought to have daily exercitie, 1.14, wit, I are the largest. beds in the world, 1 1 Po alt the better off if titey•have been The atullfwE' .144:"ek 01;'11)10Alls hood worked regularly. 11larea tildb aro i their bed etionorted wt fettmete, butt Vleirked eau be well fed wettont any , i , flat I' e ura r 0. KNECEETEL VVingbam, Batch 4 1390, The ovular Boolt..St.prO: S\T]INGHAM4 ONT. SCUL BDUKS 5.01100L SUPPLERS OF 4.r.4, KINDS. A COVER olvp..1 FacE with every book purelkas,ed. Jus e thing to preserve the books and keep 'them °lea*. FULL LINES OV Winclow Wall Papers and Stationery. 1 the Ciao A* paint your houses, 141 FlUBBEll t„I PAINT1 tolimaapplaw*SIR*1•••••••••••••••••• n•—••••••••••••••••••,--...—** the -- BEST in the 'WORLD, None gegnSIM finless stamued "Rubber Paint Co, ' Cleveland, 001o," We also have the bust GAIVILDIAN atai7 1,);:111131 YOU can gat kballe Soo deAlre, tplantitiet costing tree, I:a tip, , When needing anything in our line, giv,e Us W e aesp, A. ROSS. lia.gte..01,111 A 131u:sing to Every Eouschold, OLLOWAY'S AMB MT ENT These reineckee havo stood the test of fifty yeatsatzenryielcoe., and aro pronottneed the 144 ple,dichke* f: t • TII2E-LaSiILiS Vitrify the blood, correet all disorders of the LIVE& 'AVM KIONEVS • invaluable 111 41.11 complanits ineidental to females uf ugejh. ECJ 0.11sq-7.23`.v.1...M ITT Utile only reliable reinedy for .baii legs, 001k, teems, awl tild wounds. FOR 10fON08,M8, 10 TimoAts, 00110t11.), p01.13S, GOVT. EVIOATIShi, 111,10)1. I It 14WFI.T 151118 AND ALL 1flSliASCri IT Iles No Be0AL. hinsinfactortni only ..0 IS, Nov oxford. Late Wu, lAtoid &lea, Lbitiii,n. and kold by all Medicine Vendors througbout the Amin. 1,14'qinrIttfae1a eliould look to the Label ea the Boxss and pets. the address Oxieed blreet, Loudou, they ate eputioue. DOWELS. au ate rot Whitograshing and nalsondnine.uk ter 21.,1:62q 173 BT, tril4 and dein take anything else. 11* 4r V 711011SAHOS .OF BOTTLES Ca 1 CORE Fi itie theta tette% tole. I MI AN, D Iteet}. lira; hafo rot:tio the tIstiae:it'ea'aril t tne 1, 0 two Di **zoo,* life.long loveareatet zny remedy to tiAlt,DiVArX 31,:;11,01f A sTs, ik trottho. And i.ido or my risealile:ittet ve 101,144/1111* • ittjury to thow,lod ti‘ey moot he wen i Tile Ilgyptiltna had couch of a SPIEW AWAY YEARLY. "pa, tar it to kr' rame,ahoxal that peculiar shape, Hitt:tall old raob, , eiztta Whelk 1 seOurs!clo not vreo. :(.61,,,are 'bur hood foe/ the 101" '4X5f W ith L'OvW back 0041 worst eaves. aU40 o re have *died tr ‘. ite 'root. rep, etv„sx, rritittl!gli. 11.6U 44" fell of 411.1°144. 04ittS fat 1-611, IWO 3. eel eerfi